TEMPLATE = subdirs process.depends = core webengine.depends = core webenginewidgets.depends = core webengine webengine_plugin.subdir = webengine/plugin webengine_plugin.target = sub-webengine-plugin webengine_plugin.depends = webengine SUBDIRS += core \ process \ webengine \ webengine_plugin \ plugins # allow only desktop builds of qwebengine_convert_dict # osx does not use hunspell !contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, no_spellcheck):!osx:!cross_compile { SUBDIRS += qwebengine_convert_dict qwebengine_convert_dict.subdir = tools/qwebengine_convert_dict qwebengine_convert_dict.depends = core } isQMLTestSupportApiEnabled() { webengine_testsupport_plugin.subdir = webengine/plugin/testsupport webengine_testsupport_plugin.target = sub-webengine-testsupport-plugin webengine_testsupport_plugin.depends = webengine SUBDIRS += webengine_testsupport_plugin } # FIXME: We probably want a bit more control over config options to tweak what to build/ship or not. # Another example of where this could be necessary is to make it easy to build proprietery codecs support. !contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, no_ui_delegates) { SUBDIRS += webengine/ui \ webengine/ui2 } qtHaveModule(widgets) { SUBDIRS += webenginewidgets plugins.depends = webenginewidgets }