/*! \contentspage qtwebengine-licensing.html \group qtwebengine-licensing \title Qt WebEngine Licensing The Qt specific parts of the Qt WebEngine module are dual-licensed under Commercial and GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv3). In addition, the module contains code licensed under LGPLv2. The module includes a snapshot of Chromium. As such, users need to respect the licenses of Chromium, and third-party code included in Chromium. The arguably most restrictive license to be respected by all users is LGPLv2.1. Third party licenses included in the sources are: */ /*! \contentspage qtwebengine-licensing.html \page qtwebengine-3rdparty-chromium-global.html \ingroup qtwebengine-licensing \title Chromium License \brief BSD The Google-authored portion of Chromium is released under a BSD license: \quotefile ../../../3rdparty/chromium/LICENSE */