TEMPLATE = app # FIXME: Re-enable once we want to run tests on the CI # CONFIG += testcase CONFIG += c++11 VPATH += $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ TARGET = tst_$$TARGET # Load mobilityconfig if Qt Mobility is available load(mobilityconfig, true) contains(MOBILITY_CONFIG, multimedia) { # This define is used by tests depending on Qt Multimedia DEFINES -= WTF_USE_QT_MULTIMEDIA=0 DEFINES += WTF_USE_QT_MULTIMEDIA=1 } SOURCES += $${TARGET}.cpp INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD QT += testlib network webenginewidgets widgets macx: CONFIG -= app_bundle # This define is used by some tests to look up resources in the source tree DEFINES += TESTS_SOURCE_DIR=\\\"$$PWD/\\\"