// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static QPointingDevice* s_touchDevice = nullptr; struct Page : QWebEnginePage { QStringList alerts; void javaScriptAlert(const QUrl &/*origin*/, const QString &msg) override { alerts.append(msg); } }; class TouchInputTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private Q_SLOTS: void initTestCase(); void init(); void cleanup(); private Q_SLOTS: void touchTap(); void touchTapAndHold(); void touchTapAndHoldCancelled(); void scrolling(); void pinchZoom_data(); void pinchZoom(); void complexSequence(); void buttonClickHandler(); void htmlSelectPopup(); private: Page page; QWebEngineView view; QSignalSpy loadSpy { &view, &QWebEngineView::loadFinished }; QPoint notextCenter, textCenter, inputCenter; QString activeElement() { return evaluateJavaScriptSync(view.page(), "document.activeElement.id").toString(); } void makeTouch(QWindow *w, const QPoint &p) { QTest::touchEvent(w, s_touchDevice).press(1, p); QTest::touchEvent(w, s_touchDevice).release(1, p); } void makeTouch(const QPoint &p) { makeTouch(view.windowHandle(), p); } void gestureScroll(bool down) { auto target = view.focusProxy(); QPoint p(target->width() / 2, target->height() / 4 * (down ? 3 : 1)); QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).press(1, p, target); QSignalSpy spy(view.page(), &QWebEnginePage::scrollPositionChanged); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { down ? p -= QPoint(5, 15) : p += QPoint(5, 15); QTest::qWait(100); // too fast and events are recognized as fling gesture QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).move(1, p, target); spy.wait(); } QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).release(1, p, target); } void gesturePinch(bool zoomIn, bool tapOneByOne = false) { auto target = view.focusProxy(); QPoint p(target->width() / 2, target->height() / 2); auto t1 = p - QPoint(zoomIn ? 50 : 150, 10), t2 = p + QPoint(zoomIn ? 50 : 150, 10); if (tapOneByOne) { QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).press(0, t1, target); QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).stationary(0).press(1, t2, target); } else { QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).press(0, t1, target).press(1, t2, target); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (zoomIn) { t1 -= QPoint(25, 5); t2 += QPoint(25, 5); } else { t1 += QPoint(35, 5); t2 -= QPoint(35, 5); } QTest::qWait(100); // too fast and events are recognized as fling gesture QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).move(1, t1, target).move(0, t2, target); } if (tapOneByOne) { QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).stationary(0).release(1, t2, target); QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).release(0, t1, target); } else { QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).release(0, t1, target).release(1, t2, target); } } int getScrollPosition(int *position = nullptr) { int p = evaluateJavaScriptSync(view.page(), "window.scrollY").toInt(); return position ? (*position = p) : p; } int pageScrollPosition() { // this one is updated later in page in asynchronous way return qRound(view.page()->scrollPosition().y()); } double getScaleFactor(double *scale = nullptr) { double s = evaluateJavaScriptSync(view.page(), "window.visualViewport.scale").toDouble(); return scale ? (*scale = s) : s; } }; void TouchInputTest::initTestCase() { s_touchDevice = QTest::createTouchDevice(); view.setPage(&page); view.settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::FocusOnNavigationEnabled, false); view.show(); view.resize(480, 320); QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&view)); view.setHtml("" "

The Qt Company

" "
" "
" "" "" "" "" "" "
" ""); QVERIFY(loadSpy.wait() && loadSpy.first().first().toBool()); notextCenter = elementCenter(view.page(), "notext"); textCenter = elementCenter(view.page(), "text"); inputCenter = elementCenter(view.page(), "input"); } void TouchInputTest::init() { QCOMPARE(activeElement(), QString()); } void TouchInputTest::cleanup() { evaluateJavaScriptSync(view.page(), "if (document.activeElement) document.activeElement.blur()"); evaluateJavaScriptSync(view.page(), "window.scrollTo(0, 0)"); QTRY_COMPARE(getScrollPosition(), 0); QTRY_COMPARE(pageScrollPosition(), 0); page.alerts.clear(); } void TouchInputTest::touchTap() { auto singleTap = [target = view.focusProxy()] (const QPoint& tapCoords) -> void { QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).press(1, tapCoords, target); QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).stationary(1); QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).release(1, tapCoords, target); }; // Single tap on text doesn't trigger a selection singleTap(textCenter); QTRY_COMPARE(activeElement(), QString()); QTRY_VERIFY(!view.hasSelection()); // Single tap inside the input field focuses it without selecting the text singleTap(inputCenter); QTRY_COMPARE(activeElement(), QStringLiteral("input")); QTRY_VERIFY(!view.hasSelection()); // Single tap on the div clears the input field focus singleTap(notextCenter); QTRY_COMPARE(activeElement(), QString()); // Double tap on text still doesn't trigger a selection singleTap(textCenter); singleTap(textCenter); QTRY_COMPARE(activeElement(), QString()); QTRY_VERIFY(!view.hasSelection()); // Double tap inside the input field focuses it and selects the word under it singleTap(inputCenter); singleTap(inputCenter); QTRY_COMPARE(activeElement(), QStringLiteral("input")); QTRY_COMPARE(view.selectedText(), QStringLiteral("Company2")); // Double tap outside the input field behaves like a single tap: clears its focus and selection singleTap(notextCenter); singleTap(notextCenter); QTRY_COMPARE(activeElement(), QString()); QTRY_VERIFY(!view.hasSelection()); } void TouchInputTest::touchTapAndHold() { auto tapAndHold = [target = view.focusProxy()] (const QPoint& tapCoords) -> void { QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).press(1, tapCoords, target); QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).stationary(1); QTest::qWait(1000); QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).release(1, tapCoords, target); }; // Tap-and-hold on text selects the word under it tapAndHold(textCenter); QTRY_COMPARE(activeElement(), QString()); QTRY_COMPARE(view.selectedText(), QStringLiteral("Company")); // Tap-and-hold inside the input field focuses it and selects the word under it tapAndHold(inputCenter); QTRY_COMPARE(activeElement(), QStringLiteral("input")); QTRY_COMPARE(view.selectedText(), QStringLiteral("Company2")); // Only test the page context menu on Windows, as Linux doesn't handle context menus consistently // and other non-desktop platforms like Android may not even support context menus at all #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) // Tap-and-hold clears the text selection and shows the page's context menu QVERIFY(QApplication::activePopupWidget() == nullptr); tapAndHold(notextCenter); QTRY_COMPARE(activeElement(), QString()); QTRY_VERIFY(!view.hasSelection()); QTRY_VERIFY(QApplication::activePopupWidget() != nullptr); QApplication::activePopupWidget()->close(); QVERIFY(QApplication::activePopupWidget() == nullptr); #endif } void TouchInputTest::touchTapAndHoldCancelled() { auto cancelledTapAndHold = [target = view.focusProxy()] (const QPoint& tapCoords) -> void { QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).press(1, tapCoords, target); QTest::touchEvent(target, s_touchDevice).stationary(1); QTest::qWait(1000); QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchCancelEvent(target->windowHandle(), s_touchDevice); }; // A cancelled tap-and-hold should cancel text selection, but currently doesn't cancelledTapAndHold(textCenter); QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Incorrect Chromium selection behavior when cancelling tap-and-hold on text", Continue); QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(!view.hasSelection(), 100); // A cancelled tap-and-hold should cancel input field focusing and selection, but currently doesn't cancelledTapAndHold(inputCenter); QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Incorrect Chromium selection behavior when cancelling tap-and-hold on input field", Continue); QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(evaluateJavaScriptSync(view.page(), "document.activeElement.id").toString().isEmpty(), 100); QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Incorrect Chromium focus behavior when cancelling tap-and-hold on input field", Continue); QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(!view.hasSelection(), 100); // Only test the page context menu on Windows, as Linux doesn't handle context menus consistently // and other non-desktop platforms like Android may not even support context menus at all #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) // A cancelled tap-and-hold cancels the context menu QVERIFY(QApplication::activePopupWidget() == nullptr); cancelledTapAndHold(notextCenter); QVERIFY(QApplication::activePopupWidget() == nullptr); #endif } void TouchInputTest::scrolling() { int p = getScrollPosition(); QCOMPARE(p, 0); // scroll a bit down... for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { gestureScroll(/* down = */true); int positionBefore = p; QTRY_VERIFY2(getScrollPosition(&p) > positionBefore, qPrintable(QString("i: %1, position: %2 -> %3").arg(i).arg(positionBefore).arg(p))); } // ... and then scroll page again but in opposite direction for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { gestureScroll(/* down = */false); int positionBefore = p; QTRY_VERIFY2(getScrollPosition(&p) < positionBefore, qPrintable(QString("i: %1, position: %2 -> %3").arg(i).arg(positionBefore).arg(p))); } QTRY_COMPARE(getScrollPosition(), 0); } void TouchInputTest::pinchZoom_data() { QTest::addColumn("tapOneByOne"); QTest::addRow("sequential") << true; QTest::addRow("simultaneous") << false; } void TouchInputTest::pinchZoom() { QFETCH(bool, tapOneByOne); double scale = getScaleFactor(); QCOMPARE(scale, 1.0); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { gesturePinch(/* zoomIn = */true, tapOneByOne); QTRY_VERIFY2(getScaleFactor(&scale) > 1.5, qPrintable(QString("i: %1, scale: %2").arg(i).arg(scale))); gesturePinch(/* zoomIn = */false, tapOneByOne); QTRY_COMPARE(getScaleFactor(&scale), 1.0); } } void TouchInputTest::complexSequence() { auto t = view.focusProxy(); QPoint pc(view.width() / 2, view.height() / 2), p1 = pc - QPoint(50, 25), p2 = pc + QPoint(50, 25); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { QTest::touchEvent(t, s_touchDevice).press(42, p1, t); QTest::qWait(50); QTest::touchEvent(t, s_touchDevice).stationary(42).press(24, p2, t); QTest::qWait(50); QTest::touchEvent(t, s_touchDevice).release(42, p1, t).release(24, p2, t); // for additional variablity add zooming in on even steps and zooming out on odd steps // MEMO scroll position will always be 0 while viewport scale factor > 1.0, so do zoom in after scroll bool zoomIn = i % 2 == 0; if (!zoomIn) { gesturePinch(false); QTRY_COMPARE(getScaleFactor(), 1.0); } int p = getScrollPosition(), positionBefore = p; gestureScroll(true); QTRY_VERIFY2_WITH_TIMEOUT(getScrollPosition(&p) > positionBefore, qPrintable(QString("i: %1, position: %2 -> %3").arg(i).arg(positionBefore).arg(p)), 1000); if (zoomIn) { double s = getScaleFactor(), scaleBefore = s; gesturePinch(true); QTRY_VERIFY2(getScaleFactor(&s) > scaleBefore, qPrintable(QString("i: %1, scale: %2").arg(i).arg(s))); } } } void TouchInputTest::buttonClickHandler() { auto buttonCenter = elementGeometry(view.page(), "btn").center(); makeTouch(buttonCenter); QTRY_VERIFY(!page.alerts.isEmpty()); QCOMPARE(page.alerts.first(), "button clicked!"); QCOMPARE(page.alerts.size(), 1); QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Shouldn't trigger twice due to synthesized mouse events for touch", Continue); QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(page.alerts.size() == 2, 500); } void TouchInputTest::htmlSelectPopup() { auto selectRect = elementGeometry(view.page(), "select"); makeTouch(selectRect.center()); QTRY_VERIFY(QApplication::activePopupWidget()); QCOMPARE(activeElement(), QStringLiteral("select")); auto popup = QApplication::activePopupWidget(); makeTouch(popup->windowHandle(), QPoint(popup->width() / 2, popup->height() / 2)); QTRY_VERIFY(!QApplication::activePopupWidget()); QTRY_VERIFY(!page.alerts.isEmpty()); QCOMPARE(page.alerts.first(), "option changed to: O2"); QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Shouldn't trigger twice due to synthesized mouse events for touch", Continue); QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(page.alerts.size() == 2, 500); } QTEST_MAIN(TouchInputTest) #include "tst_touchinput.moc"