# Load configure.prf from qtbase first load(configure) load(functions) defineTest(runConfigure) { webengine_successfully_configured: return(true) linux:contains(QT_CONFIG,no-pkg-config) { skipBuild("pkg-config is required") return(false) } # Ignore the cached config tests results in case they were not successful CONFIG += recheck #Override the config.tests path QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR = $$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/tools/qmake/config.tests CONFIG_TESTS = $$files($$QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR/*.pro, true) log("Running configure tests$${EOL}") for(test, CONFIG_TESTS) { test = $$basename(test) test ~= s/\\.pro$// qtCompileTest($$test) } # libcap-dev package doesn't ship .pc files on Ubuntu. linux:!config_libcap:skipBuild("libcap appears to be missing") contains(QT_CONFIG, xcb) { for(package, $$list("libdrm xcomposite xi xrandr")) { !packagesExist($$package):skipBuild("Unmet dependency: $$package") } } isEmpty(skipBuildReason):cache(CONFIG, add, $$list(webengine_successfully_configured)) }