/* * Copyright (C) 2003 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (kde@carewolf.com) * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007 Nicholas Shanks * Copyright (C) 2008 Eric Seidel * Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/) * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "CSSParser.h" #include "CSSAnimationTriggerScrollValue.h" #include "CSSAspectRatioValue.h" #include "CSSBasicShapes.h" #include "CSSBorderImage.h" #include "CSSCanvasValue.h" #include "CSSContentDistributionValue.h" #include "CSSCrossfadeValue.h" #include "CSSCursorImageValue.h" #include "CSSCustomPropertyValue.h" #include "CSSFilterImageValue.h" #include "CSSFontFaceRule.h" #include "CSSFontFaceSrcValue.h" #include "CSSFontFeatureValue.h" #include "CSSFontValue.h" #include "CSSFunctionValue.h" #include "CSSGradientValue.h" #include "CSSImageValue.h" #include "CSSInheritedValue.h" #include "CSSInitialValue.h" #include "CSSKeyframeRule.h" #include "CSSKeyframesRule.h" #include "CSSLineBoxContainValue.h" #include "CSSMediaRule.h" #include "CSSNamedImageValue.h" #include "CSSPageRule.h" #include "CSSPrimitiveValue.h" #include "CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h" #include "CSSPropertySourceData.h" #include "CSSReflectValue.h" #include "CSSRevertValue.h" #include "CSSSelector.h" #include "CSSShadowValue.h" #include "CSSStyleSheet.h" #include "CSSTimingFunctionValue.h" #include "CSSUnicodeRangeValue.h" #include "CSSUnsetValue.h" #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "CSSValueList.h" #include "CSSValuePool.h" #include "CSSVariableDependentValue.h" #include "Counter.h" #include "Document.h" #include "FloatConversion.h" #include "GridCoordinate.h" #include "HTMLParserIdioms.h" #include "HashTools.h" #include "MediaList.h" #include "MediaQueryExp.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PageConsoleClient.h" #include "Pair.h" #include "Rect.h" #include "RenderTheme.h" #include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h" #include "SVGParserUtilities.h" #include "SVGPathByteStream.h" #include "SVGPathUtilities.h" #include "SelectorChecker.h" #include "SelectorCheckerTestFunctions.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "StyleProperties.h" #include "StylePropertyShorthand.h" #include "StyleRule.h" #include "StyleRuleImport.h" #include "StyleSheetContents.h" #include "TextEncoding.h" #include "WebKitCSSFilterValue.h" #include "WebKitCSSRegionRule.h" #include "WebKitCSSTransformValue.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE(CSS_GRID_LAYOUT) #include "CSSGridLineNamesValue.h" #include "CSSGridTemplateAreasValue.h" #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_SET) #include "CSSImageSetValue.h" #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_SCROLL_SNAP) #include "LengthRepeat.h" #endif #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) #include "DashboardRegion.h" #endif #define YYDEBUG 0 #if YYDEBUG > 0 extern int cssyydebug; #endif extern int cssyyparse(WebCore::CSSParser*); using namespace WTF; namespace { enum PropertyType { PropertyExplicit, PropertyImplicit }; class ImplicitScope { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(ImplicitScope); public: ImplicitScope(WebCore::CSSParser& parser, PropertyType propertyType) : m_parser(parser) { m_parser.m_implicitShorthand = propertyType == PropertyImplicit; } ~ImplicitScope() { m_parser.m_implicitShorthand = false; } private: WebCore::CSSParser& m_parser; }; } // namespace namespace WebCore { static const unsigned INVALID_NUM_PARSED_PROPERTIES = UINT_MAX; static const double MAX_SCALE = 1000000; template bool equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(const CSSParserValue& value, const char (&lowercaseLetters)[length]) { ASSERT(value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT || value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); return equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.string, lowercaseLetters); } static bool hasPrefix(const char* string, unsigned length, const char* prefix) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (!prefix[i]) return true; if (string[i] != prefix[i]) return false; } return false; } template static Ref createPrimitiveValuePair(Args&&... args) { return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(Pair::create(std::forward(args)...)); } class AnimationParseContext { public: AnimationParseContext() : m_animationPropertyKeywordAllowed(true) , m_firstAnimationCommitted(false) , m_hasSeenAnimationPropertyKeyword(false) { } void commitFirstAnimation() { m_firstAnimationCommitted = true; } bool hasCommittedFirstAnimation() const { return m_firstAnimationCommitted; } void commitAnimationPropertyKeyword() { m_animationPropertyKeywordAllowed = false; } bool animationPropertyKeywordAllowed() const { return m_animationPropertyKeywordAllowed; } bool hasSeenAnimationPropertyKeyword() const { return m_hasSeenAnimationPropertyKeyword; } void sawAnimationPropertyKeyword() { m_hasSeenAnimationPropertyKeyword = true; } private: bool m_animationPropertyKeywordAllowed; bool m_firstAnimationCommitted; bool m_hasSeenAnimationPropertyKeyword; }; const CSSParserContext& strictCSSParserContext() { static NeverDestroyed strictContext(CSSStrictMode); return strictContext; } CSSParserContext::CSSParserContext(CSSParserMode mode, const URL& baseURL) : baseURL(baseURL) , mode(mode) , isHTMLDocument(false) , isCSSRegionsEnabled(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssRegionsEnabled()) , isCSSCompositingEnabled(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssCompositingEnabled()) , needsSiteSpecificQuirks(false) , enforcesCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode(true) , useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior(false) { #if PLATFORM(IOS) // FIXME: Force the site specific quirk below to work on iOS. Investigating other site specific quirks // to see if we can enable the preference all together is to be handled by: // Investigate Enabling Site Specific Quirks in MobileSafari and UIWebView needsSiteSpecificQuirks = true; #endif } CSSParserContext::CSSParserContext(Document& document, const URL& baseURL, const String& charset) : baseURL(baseURL.isNull() ? document.baseURL() : baseURL) , charset(charset) , mode(document.inQuirksMode() ? CSSQuirksMode : CSSStrictMode) , isHTMLDocument(document.isHTMLDocument()) , isCSSRegionsEnabled(document.cssRegionsEnabled()) , isCSSCompositingEnabled(document.cssCompositingEnabled()) , needsSiteSpecificQuirks(document.settings() ? document.settings()->needsSiteSpecificQuirks() : false) , enforcesCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode(!document.settings() || document.settings()->enforceCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode()) , useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior(document.settings() ? document.settings()->useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior() : false) { #if PLATFORM(IOS) // FIXME: Force the site specific quirk below to work on iOS. Investigating other site specific quirks // to see if we can enable the preference all together is to be handled by: // Investigate Enabling Site Specific Quirks in MobileSafari and UIWebView needsSiteSpecificQuirks = true; #endif } bool operator==(const CSSParserContext& a, const CSSParserContext& b) { return a.baseURL == b.baseURL && a.charset == b.charset && a.mode == b.mode && a.isHTMLDocument == b.isHTMLDocument && a.isCSSRegionsEnabled == b.isCSSRegionsEnabled && a.isCSSCompositingEnabled == b.isCSSCompositingEnabled && a.needsSiteSpecificQuirks == b.needsSiteSpecificQuirks && a.enforcesCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode == b.enforcesCSSMIMETypeInNoQuirksMode && a.useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior == b.useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior; } CSSParser::CSSParser(const CSSParserContext& context) : m_context(context) , m_important(false) , m_id(CSSPropertyInvalid) , m_styleSheet(nullptr) , m_supportsCondition(false) , m_selectorListForParseSelector(nullptr) , m_numParsedPropertiesBeforeMarginBox(INVALID_NUM_PARSED_PROPERTIES) , m_inParseShorthand(0) , m_currentShorthand(CSSPropertyInvalid) , m_implicitShorthand(false) , m_hadSyntacticallyValidCSSRule(false) , m_logErrors(false) , m_ignoreErrorsInDeclaration(false) , m_defaultNamespace(starAtom) , m_parsedTextPrefixLength(0) , m_nestedSelectorLevel(0) , m_propertyRange(UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX) , m_ruleSourceDataResult(nullptr) , m_parsingMode(NormalMode) , m_is8BitSource(false) , m_currentCharacter8(nullptr) , m_currentCharacter16(nullptr) , m_length(0) , m_token(0) , m_lineNumber(0) , m_tokenStartLineNumber(0) , m_tokenStartColumnNumber(0) , m_lastSelectorLineNumber(0) , m_columnOffsetForLine(0) , m_sheetStartLineNumber(0) , m_sheetStartColumnNumber(0) , m_allowImportRules(true) , m_allowNamespaceDeclarations(true) #if ENABLE(CSS_DEVICE_ADAPTATION) , m_inViewport(false) #endif { #if YYDEBUG > 0 cssyydebug = 1; #endif m_tokenStart.ptr8 = nullptr; } CSSParser::~CSSParser() { clearProperties(); } template ALWAYS_INLINE static void convertToASCIILowercaseInPlace(CharacterType* characters, unsigned length) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) characters[i] = toASCIILower(characters[i]); } void CSSParserString::convertToASCIILowercaseInPlace() { if (is8Bit()) WebCore::convertToASCIILowercaseInPlace(characters8(), length()); else WebCore::convertToASCIILowercaseInPlace(characters16(), length()); } void CSSParser::setupParser(const char* prefix, unsigned prefixLength, StringView string, const char* suffix, unsigned suffixLength) { m_parsedTextPrefixLength = prefixLength; unsigned stringLength = string.length(); unsigned length = stringLength + m_parsedTextPrefixLength + suffixLength + 1; m_length = length; if (!stringLength || string.is8Bit()) { m_dataStart8 = std::make_unique(length); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_parsedTextPrefixLength; ++i) m_dataStart8[i] = prefix[i]; if (stringLength) memcpy(m_dataStart8.get() + m_parsedTextPrefixLength, string.characters8(), stringLength * sizeof(LChar)); unsigned start = m_parsedTextPrefixLength + stringLength; unsigned end = start + suffixLength; for (unsigned i = start; i < end; i++) m_dataStart8[i] = suffix[i - start]; m_dataStart8[length - 1] = '\0'; m_is8BitSource = true; m_currentCharacter8 = m_dataStart8.get(); m_currentCharacter16 = nullptr; setTokenStart(m_currentCharacter8); m_lexFunc = &CSSParser::realLex; return; } m_dataStart16 = std::make_unique(length); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_parsedTextPrefixLength; ++i) m_dataStart16[i] = prefix[i]; ASSERT(stringLength); memcpy(m_dataStart16.get() + m_parsedTextPrefixLength, string.characters16(), stringLength * sizeof(UChar)); unsigned start = m_parsedTextPrefixLength + stringLength; unsigned end = start + suffixLength; for (unsigned i = start; i < end; i++) m_dataStart16[i] = suffix[i - start]; m_dataStart16[length - 1] = '\0'; m_is8BitSource = false; m_currentCharacter8 = nullptr; m_currentCharacter16 = m_dataStart16.get(); setTokenStart(m_currentCharacter16); m_lexFunc = &CSSParser::realLex; } void CSSParser::parseSheet(StyleSheetContents* sheet, const String& string, const TextPosition& textPosition, RuleSourceDataList* ruleSourceDataResult, bool logErrors) { setStyleSheet(sheet); m_defaultNamespace = starAtom; // Reset the default namespace. if (ruleSourceDataResult) m_currentRuleDataStack = std::make_unique(); m_ruleSourceDataResult = ruleSourceDataResult; m_logErrors = logErrors && sheet->singleOwnerDocument() && !sheet->baseURL().isEmpty() && sheet->singleOwnerDocument()->page(); m_ignoreErrorsInDeclaration = false; m_sheetStartLineNumber = textPosition.m_line.zeroBasedInt(); m_sheetStartColumnNumber = textPosition.m_column.zeroBasedInt(); m_lineNumber = m_sheetStartLineNumber; m_columnOffsetForLine = 0; setupParser("", string, ""); cssyyparse(this); sheet->shrinkToFit(); m_currentRuleDataStack.reset(); m_ruleSourceDataResult = nullptr; m_rule = nullptr; m_ignoreErrorsInDeclaration = false; m_logErrors = false; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseRule(StyleSheetContents* sheet, const String& string) { setStyleSheet(sheet); m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false; setupParser("@-webkit-rule{", string, "} "); cssyyparse(this); return m_rule; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseKeyframeRule(StyleSheetContents* sheet, const String& string) { setStyleSheet(sheet); setupParser("@-webkit-keyframe-rule{ ", string, "} "); cssyyparse(this); return m_keyframe; } bool CSSParser::parseSupportsCondition(const String& string) { m_supportsCondition = false; // can't use { because tokenizer state switches from supports to initial state when it sees { token. // instead insert one " " (which is WHITESPACE in CSSGrammar.y) setupParser("@-webkit-supports-condition ", string, "} "); cssyyparse(this); return m_supportsCondition; } static inline bool isColorPropertyID(CSSPropertyID propertyId) { switch (propertyId) { case CSSPropertyColor: case CSSPropertyBackgroundColor: case CSSPropertyBorderBottomColor: case CSSPropertyBorderLeftColor: case CSSPropertyBorderRightColor: case CSSPropertyBorderTopColor: case CSSPropertyOutlineColor: case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughColor: case CSSPropertyTextOverlineColor: case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartColor: case CSSPropertyColumnRuleColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor: return true; default: return false; } } bool CSSParser::isValidSystemColorValue(CSSValueID valueID) { return valueID >= CSSValueAqua && valueID <= CSSValueAppleSystemYellow; } static bool validPrimitiveValueColor(CSSValueID valueID, bool strict = false) { return (valueID == CSSValueWebkitText || valueID == CSSValueCurrentcolor || valueID == CSSValueMenu || CSSParser::isValidSystemColorValue(valueID) || valueID == CSSValueAlpha || (valueID >= CSSValueWebkitFocusRingColor && valueID < CSSValueWebkitText && !strict)); } static CSSParser::ParseResult parseColorValue(MutableStyleProperties* declaration, CSSPropertyID propertyId, const String& string, bool important, CSSParserMode cssParserMode) { ASSERT(!string.isEmpty()); bool strict = isStrictParserMode(cssParserMode); if (!isColorPropertyID(propertyId)) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; CSSParserString cssString; cssString.init(string); CSSValueID valueID = cssValueKeywordID(cssString); if (validPrimitiveValueColor(valueID, strict)) { RefPtr value = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(valueID); return declaration->addParsedProperty(CSSProperty(propertyId, value.release(), important)) ? CSSParser::ParseResult::Changed : CSSParser::ParseResult::Unchanged; } RGBA32 color; if (!CSSParser::fastParseColor(color, string, strict && string[0] != '#')) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; RefPtr value = CSSValuePool::singleton().createColorValue(color); return declaration->addParsedProperty(CSSProperty(propertyId, value.release(), important)) ? CSSParser::ParseResult::Changed : CSSParser::ParseResult::Unchanged; } static inline bool isSimpleLengthPropertyID(CSSPropertyID propertyId, bool& acceptsNegativeNumbers) { switch (propertyId) { case CSSPropertyFontSize: case CSSPropertyHeight: case CSSPropertyWidth: case CSSPropertyMinHeight: case CSSPropertyMinWidth: case CSSPropertyPaddingBottom: case CSSPropertyPaddingLeft: case CSSPropertyPaddingRight: case CSSPropertyPaddingTop: case CSSPropertyWebkitLogicalWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitLogicalHeight: case CSSPropertyWebkitMinLogicalWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitMinLogicalHeight: case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingAfter: case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingEnd: case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingStart: #if ENABLE(CSS_GRID_LAYOUT) case CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnGap: case CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowGap: #endif acceptsNegativeNumbers = false; return true; #if ENABLE(CSS_SHAPES) case CSSPropertyWebkitShapeMargin: acceptsNegativeNumbers = false; return RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssShapesEnabled(); #endif case CSSPropertyBottom: case CSSPropertyCx: case CSSPropertyCy: case CSSPropertyLeft: case CSSPropertyMarginBottom: case CSSPropertyMarginLeft: case CSSPropertyMarginRight: case CSSPropertyMarginTop: case CSSPropertyR: case CSSPropertyRx: case CSSPropertyRy: case CSSPropertyRight: case CSSPropertyTop: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginAfter: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginEnd: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginStart: case CSSPropertyX: case CSSPropertyY: acceptsNegativeNumbers = true; return true; default: return false; } } template static inline bool parseSimpleLength(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned& length, CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes& unit, double& number) { if (length > 2 && (characters[length - 2] | 0x20) == 'p' && (characters[length - 1] | 0x20) == 'x') { length -= 2; unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX; } else if (length > 1 && characters[length - 1] == '%') { length -= 1; unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE; } // We rely on charactersToDouble for validation as well. The function // will set "ok" to "false" if the entire passed-in character range does // not represent a double. bool ok; number = charactersToDouble(characters, length, &ok); return ok; } static CSSParser::ParseResult parseSimpleLengthValue(MutableStyleProperties* declaration, CSSPropertyID propertyId, const String& string, bool important, CSSParserMode cssParserMode) { ASSERT(!string.isEmpty()); bool acceptsNegativeNumbers; if (!isSimpleLengthPropertyID(propertyId, acceptsNegativeNumbers)) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; unsigned length = string.length(); double number; CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER; if (string.is8Bit()) { if (!parseSimpleLength(string.characters8(), length, unit, number)) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; } else { if (!parseSimpleLength(string.characters16(), length, unit, number)) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; } if (unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) { if (number && isStrictParserMode(cssParserMode)) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX; } if (number < 0 && !acceptsNegativeNumbers) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; if (std::isinf(number)) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; RefPtr value = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(number, unit); return declaration->addParsedProperty(CSSProperty(propertyId, value.release(), important)) ? CSSParser::ParseResult::Changed : CSSParser::ParseResult::Unchanged; } static inline bool isValidKeywordPropertyAndValue(CSSPropertyID propertyId, int valueID, const CSSParserContext& parserContext, StyleSheetContents* styleSheetContents) { if (!valueID) return false; switch (propertyId) { case CSSPropertyBorderCollapse: // collapse | separate | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueCollapse || valueID == CSSValueSeparate) return true; break; case CSSPropertyBorderTopStyle: // | inherit case CSSPropertyBorderRightStyle: // Defined as: none | hidden | dotted | dashed | case CSSPropertyBorderBottomStyle: // solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset case CSSPropertyBorderLeftStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartStyle: case CSSPropertyColumnRuleStyle: if (valueID >= CSSValueNone && valueID <= CSSValueDouble) return true; break; case CSSPropertyBoxSizing: if (valueID == CSSValueBorderBox || valueID == CSSValueContentBox) return true; break; case CSSPropertyCaptionSide: // top | bottom | left | right | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueLeft || valueID == CSSValueRight || valueID == CSSValueTop || valueID == CSSValueBottom) return true; break; case CSSPropertyClear: // none | left | right | both | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueLeft || valueID == CSSValueRight || valueID == CSSValueBoth) return true; break; case CSSPropertyDirection: // ltr | rtl | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueLtr || valueID == CSSValueRtl) return true; break; case CSSPropertyDisplay: // inline | block | list-item | inline-block | table | // inline-table | table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | // table-column-group | table-column | table-cell | table-caption | -webkit-box | -webkit-inline-box | none | inherit // flex | -webkit-flex | inline-flex | -webkit-inline-flex | -webkit-grid | -webkit-inline-grid if ((valueID >= CSSValueInline && valueID <= CSSValueWebkitInlineFlex) || valueID == CSSValueNone) return true; #if ENABLE(CSS_GRID_LAYOUT) if (valueID == CSSValueWebkitGrid || valueID == CSSValueWebkitInlineGrid) return true; #endif break; case CSSPropertyEmptyCells: // show | hide | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueShow || valueID == CSSValueHide) return true; break; case CSSPropertyFloat: // left | right | none | center (for buggy CSS, maps to none) if (valueID == CSSValueLeft || valueID == CSSValueRight || valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueCenter) return true; break; case CSSPropertyFontStyle: // normal | italic | oblique | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueItalic || valueID == CSSValueOblique) return true; break; case CSSPropertyImageRendering: // auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | -webkit-crisp-edges | -webkit-optimize-contrast | crisp-edges | pixelated // optimizeSpeed and optimizeQuality are deprecated; a user agent must accept them as valid values but must treat them as having the same behavior as pixelated and auto respectively. if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueOptimizespeed || valueID == CSSValueOptimizequality || valueID == CSSValueWebkitCrispEdges || valueID == CSSValueWebkitOptimizeContrast || valueID == CSSValueCrispEdges || valueID == CSSValuePixelated) return true; break; case CSSPropertyListStylePosition: // inside | outside | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueInside || valueID == CSSValueOutside) return true; break; case CSSPropertyListStyleType: // See section CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_TYPE of file CSSValueKeywords.in // for the list of supported list-style-types. if ((valueID >= CSSValueDisc && valueID <= CSSValueKatakanaIroha) || valueID == CSSValueNone) return true; break; case CSSPropertyObjectFit: if (valueID == CSSValueFill || valueID == CSSValueContain || valueID == CSSValueCover || valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueScaleDown) return true; break; case CSSPropertyOutlineStyle: // ( except hidden) | auto | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueNone || (valueID >= CSSValueInset && valueID <= CSSValueDouble)) return true; break; case CSSPropertyOverflowWrap: // normal | break-word case CSSPropertyWordWrap: if (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueBreakWord) return true; break; #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) case CSSPropertyTouchAction: // auto | manipulation if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueManipulation) return true; break; #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_SCROLL_SNAP) case CSSPropertyWebkitScrollSnapType: // none | mandatory | proximity if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueMandatory || valueID == CSSValueProximity) return true; break; #endif case CSSPropertyOverflowX: // visible | hidden | scroll | auto | marquee | overlay | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueVisible || valueID == CSSValueHidden || valueID == CSSValueScroll || valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueOverlay || valueID == CSSValueWebkitMarquee) return true; break; case CSSPropertyOverflowY: // visible | hidden | scroll | auto | marquee | overlay | inherit | -webkit-paged-x | -webkit-paged-y if (valueID == CSSValueVisible || valueID == CSSValueHidden || valueID == CSSValueScroll || valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueOverlay || valueID == CSSValueWebkitMarquee || valueID == CSSValueWebkitPagedX || valueID == CSSValueWebkitPagedY) return true; break; case CSSPropertyPageBreakAfter: // auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit case CSSPropertyPageBreakBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakBefore: if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueAlways || valueID == CSSValueAvoid || valueID == CSSValueLeft || valueID == CSSValueRight) return true; break; case CSSPropertyPageBreakInside: // avoid | auto | inherit case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakInside: if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueAvoid) return true; break; case CSSPropertyPointerEvents: // none | visiblePainted | visibleFill | visibleStroke | visible | // painted | fill | stroke | auto | all | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueVisible || valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueAll || valueID == CSSValueAuto || (valueID >= CSSValueVisiblepainted && valueID <= CSSValueStroke)) return true; break; case CSSPropertyPosition: // static | relative | absolute | fixed | sticky | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueStatic || valueID == CSSValueRelative || valueID == CSSValueAbsolute || valueID == CSSValueFixed || valueID == CSSValueWebkitSticky) return true; break; case CSSPropertyResize: // none | both | horizontal | vertical | auto if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueBoth || valueID == CSSValueHorizontal || valueID == CSSValueVertical || valueID == CSSValueAuto) return true; break; case CSSPropertySpeak: // none | normal | spell-out | digits | literal-punctuation | no-punctuation | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueSpellOut || valueID == CSSValueDigits || valueID == CSSValueLiteralPunctuation || valueID == CSSValueNoPunctuation) return true; break; case CSSPropertyTableLayout: // auto | fixed | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueFixed) return true; break; case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughMode: case CSSPropertyTextOverlineMode: case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineMode: if (valueID == CSSValueContinuous || valueID == CSSValueSkipWhiteSpace) return true; break; case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughStyle: case CSSPropertyTextOverlineStyle: case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineStyle: if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueSolid || valueID == CSSValueDouble || valueID == CSSValueDashed || valueID == CSSValueDotDash || valueID == CSSValueDotDotDash || valueID == CSSValueWave) return true; break; case CSSPropertyTextOverflow: // clip | ellipsis if (valueID == CSSValueClip || valueID == CSSValueEllipsis) return true; break; case CSSPropertyTextRendering: // auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueOptimizespeed || valueID == CSSValueOptimizelegibility || valueID == CSSValueGeometricprecision) return true; break; case CSSPropertyTextTransform: // capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit if ((valueID >= CSSValueCapitalize && valueID <= CSSValueLowercase) || valueID == CSSValueNone) return true; break; case CSSPropertyVisibility: // visible | hidden | collapse | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueVisible || valueID == CSSValueHidden || valueID == CSSValueCollapse) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitAppearance: if ((valueID >= CSSValueCheckbox && valueID <= CSSValueCapsLockIndicator) || valueID == CSSValueNone) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitBackfaceVisibility: if (valueID == CSSValueVisible || valueID == CSSValueHidden) return true; break; #if ENABLE(CSS_COMPOSITING) case CSSPropertyMixBlendMode: if (parserContext.isCSSCompositingEnabled && (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueMultiply || valueID == CSSValueScreen || valueID == CSSValueOverlay || valueID == CSSValueDarken || valueID == CSSValueLighten || valueID == CSSValueColorDodge || valueID == CSSValueColorBurn || valueID == CSSValueHardLight || valueID == CSSValueSoftLight || valueID == CSSValueDifference || valueID == CSSValueExclusion || valueID == CSSValuePlusDarker || valueID == CSSValuePlusLighter)) return true; break; case CSSPropertyIsolation: if (parserContext.isCSSCompositingEnabled && (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueIsolate)) return true; break; #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderFit: if (valueID == CSSValueBorder || valueID == CSSValueLines) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxAlign: if (valueID == CSSValueStretch || valueID == CSSValueStart || valueID == CSSValueEnd || valueID == CSSValueCenter || valueID == CSSValueBaseline) return true; break; #if ENABLE(CSS_BOX_DECORATION_BREAK) case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDecorationBreak: if (valueID == CSSValueClone || valueID == CSSValueSlice) return true; break; #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDirection: if (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueReverse) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxLines: if (valueID == CSSValueSingle || valueID == CSSValueMultiple) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrient: if (valueID == CSSValueHorizontal || valueID == CSSValueVertical || valueID == CSSValueInlineAxis || valueID == CSSValueBlockAxis) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxPack: if (valueID == CSSValueStart || valueID == CSSValueEnd || valueID == CSSValueCenter || valueID == CSSValueJustify) return true; break; case CSSPropertyColumnFill: if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueBalance) return true; break; case CSSPropertyFlexDirection: if (valueID == CSSValueRow || valueID == CSSValueRowReverse || valueID == CSSValueColumn || valueID == CSSValueColumnReverse) return true; break; case CSSPropertyFlexWrap: if (valueID == CSSValueNowrap || valueID == CSSValueWrap || valueID == CSSValueWrapReverse) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitFontKerning: if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueNone) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitFontSmoothing: if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueAntialiased || valueID == CSSValueSubpixelAntialiased) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphens: if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueManual || valueID == CSSValueAuto) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitLineAlign: if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueEdges) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak: // auto | loose | normal | strict | after-white-space if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueLoose || valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueStrict || valueID == CSSValueAfterWhiteSpace) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitLineSnap: if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueBaseline || valueID == CSSValueContain) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginAfterCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBeforeCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBottomCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginTopCollapse: if (valueID == CSSValueCollapse || valueID == CSSValueSeparate || valueID == CSSValueDiscard) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeDirection: if (valueID == CSSValueForwards || valueID == CSSValueBackwards || valueID == CSSValueAhead || valueID == CSSValueReverse || valueID == CSSValueLeft || valueID == CSSValueRight || valueID == CSSValueDown || valueID == CSSValueUp || valueID == CSSValueAuto) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeStyle: if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueSlide || valueID == CSSValueScroll || valueID == CSSValueAlternate) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode: // normal | space if (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueSpace) return true; break; #if ENABLE(ACCELERATED_OVERFLOW_SCROLLING) case CSSPropertyWebkitOverflowScrolling: if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueTouch) return true; break; #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitPrintColorAdjust: if (valueID == CSSValueExact || valueID == CSSValueEconomy) return true; break; #if ENABLE(CSS_REGIONS) case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakBefore: if (parserContext.isCSSRegionsEnabled && (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueAlways || valueID == CSSValueAvoid || valueID == CSSValueLeft || valueID == CSSValueRight)) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakInside: if (parserContext.isCSSRegionsEnabled && (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueAvoid)) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionFragment: if (parserContext.isCSSRegionsEnabled && (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueBreak)) return true; break; #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitRtlOrdering: if (valueID == CSSValueLogical || valueID == CSSValueVisual) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitRubyPosition: if (valueID == CSSValueBefore || valueID == CSSValueAfter || valueID == CSSValueInterCharacter) return true; break; #if ENABLE(CSS3_TEXT) case CSSPropertyWebkitTextAlignLast: // auto | start | end | left | right | center | justify if ((valueID >= CSSValueLeft && valueID <= CSSValueJustify) || valueID == CSSValueStart || valueID == CSSValueEnd || valueID == CSSValueAuto) return true; break; #endif // CSS3_TEXT case CSSPropertyWebkitTextCombine: if (valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueHorizontal) return true; break; #if ENABLE(CSS3_TEXT) case CSSPropertyWebkitTextJustify: // auto | none | inter-word | distribute if (valueID == CSSValueInterWord || valueID == CSSValueDistribute || valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueNone) return true; break; #endif // CSS3_TEXT case CSSPropertyWebkitTextSecurity: // disc | circle | square | none | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueDisc || valueID == CSSValueCircle || valueID == CSSValueSquare || valueID == CSSValueNone) return true; break; #if ENABLE(IOS_TEXT_AUTOSIZING) case CSSPropertyWebkitTextSizeAdjust: if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueNone) return true; break; #endif case CSSPropertyTransformStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformStyle: if (valueID == CSSValueFlat || valueID == CSSValuePreserve3d) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag: // auto | none | element if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueElement) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify: // read-only | read-write if (valueID == CSSValueReadOnly || valueID == CSSValueReadWrite || valueID == CSSValueReadWritePlaintextOnly) { if (styleSheetContents) styleSheetContents->parserSetUsesStyleBasedEditability(); return true; } break; case CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect: // auto | none | text | all if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueNone || valueID == CSSValueText) return true; if (valueID == CSSValueAll) { if (styleSheetContents) styleSheetContents->parserSetUsesStyleBasedEditability(); return true; } break; case CSSPropertyWebkitWritingMode: if (valueID >= CSSValueHorizontalTb && valueID <= CSSValueHorizontalBt) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWhiteSpace: // normal | pre | nowrap | inherit if (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValuePre || valueID == CSSValuePreWrap || valueID == CSSValuePreLine || valueID == CSSValueNowrap) return true; break; case CSSPropertyWordBreak: // normal | break-all | keep-all | break-word (this is a custom extension) if (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueBreakAll || valueID == CSSValueKeepAll || valueID == CSSValueBreakWord) return true; break; #if ENABLE(CSS_TRAILING_WORD) case CSSPropertyAppleTrailingWord: // auto | -apple-partially-balanced if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueWebkitPartiallyBalanced) return true; break; #endif case CSSPropertyFontVariantPosition: // normal | sub | super if (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueSub || valueID == CSSValueSuper) return true; break; case CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps: // normal | small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps if (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueSmallCaps || valueID == CSSValueAllSmallCaps || valueID == CSSValuePetiteCaps || valueID == CSSValueAllPetiteCaps || valueID == CSSValueUnicase || valueID == CSSValueTitlingCaps) return true; break; case CSSPropertyFontVariantAlternates: // We only support the normal and historical-forms values. if (valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueHistoricalForms) return true; break; case CSSPropertyBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyBreakBefore: // auto | avoid | left | right | recto | verso | column | page | region | avoid-page | avoid-column | avoid-region if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueAvoid || valueID == CSSValueLeft || valueID == CSSValueRight || valueID == CSSValueRecto || valueID == CSSValueVerso || valueID == CSSValueColumn || valueID == CSSValuePage || valueID == CSSValueRegion || valueID == CSSValueAvoidColumn || valueID == CSSValueAvoidPage || valueID == CSSValueAvoidRegion) return true; break; case CSSPropertyBreakInside: // auto | avoid | avoid-page | avoid-column | avoid-region if (valueID == CSSValueAuto || valueID == CSSValueAvoid || valueID == CSSValueAvoidColumn || valueID == CSSValueAvoidPage || valueID == CSSValueAvoidRegion) return true; break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } #if !ENABLE(CSS_COMPOSITING) && !ENABLE(CSS_REGIONS) UNUSED_PARAM(parserContext); #endif return false; } static inline bool isKeywordPropertyID(CSSPropertyID propertyId) { switch (propertyId) { case CSSPropertyBorderBottomStyle: case CSSPropertyBorderCollapse: case CSSPropertyBorderLeftStyle: case CSSPropertyBorderRightStyle: case CSSPropertyBorderTopStyle: case CSSPropertyBoxSizing: case CSSPropertyBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyBreakBefore: case CSSPropertyBreakInside: case CSSPropertyCaptionSide: case CSSPropertyClear: case CSSPropertyDirection: case CSSPropertyDisplay: case CSSPropertyEmptyCells: case CSSPropertyFloat: case CSSPropertyFontStyle: case CSSPropertyImageRendering: case CSSPropertyListStylePosition: case CSSPropertyListStyleType: case CSSPropertyObjectFit: case CSSPropertyOutlineStyle: case CSSPropertyOverflowWrap: case CSSPropertyOverflowX: case CSSPropertyOverflowY: case CSSPropertyPageBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyPageBreakBefore: case CSSPropertyPageBreakInside: case CSSPropertyPointerEvents: case CSSPropertyPosition: case CSSPropertyResize: case CSSPropertySpeak: case CSSPropertyTableLayout: case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughMode: case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughStyle: case CSSPropertyTextOverflow: case CSSPropertyTextOverlineMode: case CSSPropertyTextOverlineStyle: case CSSPropertyTextRendering: case CSSPropertyTextTransform: case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineMode: case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineStyle: case CSSPropertyVisibility: case CSSPropertyWebkitAppearance: #if ENABLE(CSS_COMPOSITING) case CSSPropertyMixBlendMode: case CSSPropertyIsolation: #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitBackfaceVisibility: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderFit: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxAlign: #if ENABLE(CSS_BOX_DECORATION_BREAK) case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDecorationBreak: #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDirection: case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxLines: case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrient: case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxPack: case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakInside: case CSSPropertyColumnFill: case CSSPropertyColumnRuleStyle: case CSSPropertyFlexDirection: case CSSPropertyFlexWrap: case CSSPropertyWebkitFontKerning: case CSSPropertyWebkitFontSmoothing: case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphens: case CSSPropertyWebkitLineAlign: case CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak: case CSSPropertyWebkitLineSnap: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginAfterCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBeforeCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBottomCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginTopCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeDirection: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode: #if ENABLE(ACCELERATED_OVERFLOW_SCROLLING) case CSSPropertyWebkitOverflowScrolling: #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitPrintColorAdjust: #if ENABLE(CSS_REGIONS) case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakInside: case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionFragment: #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitRtlOrdering: case CSSPropertyWebkitRubyPosition: #if ENABLE(CSS3_TEXT) case CSSPropertyWebkitTextAlignLast: #endif // CSS3_TEXT case CSSPropertyWebkitTextCombine: #if ENABLE(CSS3_TEXT) case CSSPropertyWebkitTextJustify: #endif // CSS3_TEXT case CSSPropertyWebkitTextSecurity: case CSSPropertyTransformStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag: case CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify: case CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect: case CSSPropertyWebkitWritingMode: case CSSPropertyWhiteSpace: case CSSPropertyWordBreak: case CSSPropertyWordWrap: #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) case CSSPropertyTouchAction: #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_SCROLL_SNAP) case CSSPropertyWebkitScrollSnapType: #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_TRAILING_WORD) case CSSPropertyAppleTrailingWord: #endif case CSSPropertyFontVariantPosition: case CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps: case CSSPropertyFontVariantAlternates: return true; default: return false; } } static bool isUniversalKeyword(const String& string) { // These keywords can be used for all properties. return equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(string, "initial") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(string, "inherit") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(string, "unset") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(string, "revert"); } static CSSParser::ParseResult parseKeywordValue(MutableStyleProperties* declaration, CSSPropertyID propertyId, const String& string, bool important, const CSSParserContext& parserContext, StyleSheetContents* styleSheetContents) { ASSERT(!string.isEmpty()); if (!isKeywordPropertyID(propertyId)) { if (!isUniversalKeyword(string)) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; // Don't try to parse initial/inherit/unset/revert shorthands; return an error so the caller will use the full CSS parser. if (shorthandForProperty(propertyId).length()) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; } CSSParserString cssString; cssString.init(string); CSSValueID valueID = cssValueKeywordID(cssString); if (!valueID) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; RefPtr value; if (valueID == CSSValueInherit) value = CSSValuePool::singleton().createInheritedValue(); else if (valueID == CSSValueInitial) value = CSSValuePool::singleton().createExplicitInitialValue(); else if (valueID == CSSValueUnset) value = CSSValuePool::singleton().createUnsetValue(); else if (valueID == CSSValueRevert) value = CSSValuePool::singleton().createRevertValue(); else if (isValidKeywordPropertyAndValue(propertyId, valueID, parserContext, styleSheetContents)) value = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(valueID); else return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; return declaration->addParsedProperty(CSSProperty(propertyId, value.release(), important)) ? CSSParser::ParseResult::Changed : CSSParser::ParseResult::Unchanged; } template static bool parseTransformTranslateArguments(WebKitCSSTransformValue& transformValue, CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, unsigned start, unsigned expectedCount) { auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); while (expectedCount) { size_t end = WTF::find(characters, length, expectedCount == 1 ? ')' : ',', start); if (end == notFound || (expectedCount == 1 && end != length - 1)) return false; unsigned argumentLength = end - start; CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER; double number; if (!parseSimpleLength(characters + start, argumentLength, unit, number)) return false; if (unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX && (number || unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)) return false; transformValue.append(cssValuePool.createValue(number, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX)); start = end + 1; --expectedCount; } return true; } static CSSParser::ParseResult parseTranslateTransformValue(MutableStyleProperties* properties, CSSPropertyID propertyID, const String& string, bool important) { if (propertyID != CSSPropertyTransform) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; static const unsigned shortestValidTransformStringLength = 12; static const unsigned likelyMultipartTransformStringLengthCutoff = 32; if (string.length() < shortestValidTransformStringLength || string.length() > likelyMultipartTransformStringLengthCutoff) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; if (!string.startsWith("translate", false)) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; UChar c9 = toASCIILower(string[9]); UChar c10 = toASCIILower(string[10]); WebKitCSSTransformValue::TransformOperationType transformType; unsigned expectedArgumentCount = 1; unsigned argumentStart = 11; if (c9 == 'x' && c10 == '(') transformType = WebKitCSSTransformValue::TranslateXTransformOperation; else if (c9 == 'y' && c10 == '(') transformType = WebKitCSSTransformValue::TranslateYTransformOperation; else if (c9 == 'z' && c10 == '(') transformType = WebKitCSSTransformValue::TranslateZTransformOperation; else if (c9 == '(') { transformType = WebKitCSSTransformValue::TranslateTransformOperation; expectedArgumentCount = 2; argumentStart = 10; } else if (c9 == '3' && c10 == 'd' && string[11] == '(') { transformType = WebKitCSSTransformValue::Translate3DTransformOperation; expectedArgumentCount = 3; argumentStart = 12; } else return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; RefPtr transformValue = WebKitCSSTransformValue::create(transformType); bool success; if (string.is8Bit()) success = parseTransformTranslateArguments(*transformValue, string.characters8(), string.length(), argumentStart, expectedArgumentCount); else success = parseTransformTranslateArguments(*transformValue, string.characters16(), string.length(), argumentStart, expectedArgumentCount); if (!success) return CSSParser::ParseResult::Error; RefPtr result = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); result->append(transformValue.releaseNonNull()); return properties->addParsedProperty(CSSProperty(CSSPropertyTransform, result.release(), important)) ? CSSParser::ParseResult::Changed : CSSParser::ParseResult::Unchanged; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseFontFaceValue(const AtomicString& string) { if (string.isEmpty()) return nullptr; Ref valueList = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); Vector familyNames; string.string().split(',', true, familyNames); auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); for (auto& familyName : familyNames) { String stripped = stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(familyName); if (stripped.isEmpty()) return nullptr; RefPtr value; for (auto propertyID : { CSSValueSerif, CSSValueSansSerif, CSSValueCursive, CSSValueFantasy, CSSValueMonospace, CSSValueWebkitBody }) { if (equalIgnoringASCIICase(stripped, getValueName(propertyID))) { value = cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(propertyID); break; } } if (!value) value = cssValuePool.createFontFamilyValue(stripped); valueList->append(value.releaseNonNull()); } return WTFMove(valueList); } CSSParser::ParseResult CSSParser::parseValue(MutableStyleProperties* declaration, CSSPropertyID propertyID, const String& string, bool important, CSSParserMode cssParserMode, StyleSheetContents* contextStyleSheet) { ASSERT(!string.isEmpty()); CSSParser::ParseResult result = parseSimpleLengthValue(declaration, propertyID, string, important, cssParserMode); if (result != ParseResult::Error) return result; result = parseColorValue(declaration, propertyID, string, important, cssParserMode); if (result != ParseResult::Error) return result; CSSParserContext context(cssParserMode); if (contextStyleSheet) { context = contextStyleSheet->parserContext(); context.mode = cssParserMode; } result = parseKeywordValue(declaration, propertyID, string, important, context, contextStyleSheet); if (result != ParseResult::Error) return result; result = parseTranslateTransformValue(declaration, propertyID, string, important); if (result != ParseResult::Error) return result; CSSParser parser(context); return parser.parseValue(declaration, propertyID, string, important, contextStyleSheet); } CSSParser::ParseResult CSSParser::parseCustomPropertyValue(MutableStyleProperties* declaration, const AtomicString& propertyName, const String& string, bool important, CSSParserMode cssParserMode, StyleSheetContents* contextStyleSheet) { CSSParserContext context(cssParserMode); if (contextStyleSheet) { context = contextStyleSheet->parserContext(); context.mode = cssParserMode; } CSSParser parser(context); parser.setCustomPropertyName(propertyName); return parser.parseValue(declaration, CSSPropertyCustom, string, important, contextStyleSheet); } CSSParser::ParseResult CSSParser::parseValue(MutableStyleProperties* declaration, CSSPropertyID propertyID, const String& string, bool important, StyleSheetContents* contextStyleSheet) { setStyleSheet(contextStyleSheet); setupParser("@-webkit-value{", string, "} "); m_id = propertyID; m_important = important; cssyyparse(this); m_rule = nullptr; ParseResult result = ParseResult::Error; if (!m_parsedProperties.isEmpty()) { result = declaration->addParsedProperties(m_parsedProperties) ? ParseResult::Changed : ParseResult::Unchanged; clearProperties(); } return result; } // The color will only be changed when string contains a valid CSS color, so callers // can set it to a default color and ignore the boolean result. bool CSSParser::parseColor(RGBA32& color, const String& string, bool strict) { if (string.isEmpty()) return false; // First try creating a color specified by name, rgba(), rgb() or "#" syntax. if (fastParseColor(color, string, strict)) return true; CSSParser parser(CSSStrictMode); // In case the fast-path parser didn't understand the color, try the full parser. if (!parser.parseColor(string)) return false; CSSValue& value = *parser.m_parsedProperties.first().value(); if (!is(value)) return false; CSSPrimitiveValue& primitiveValue = downcast(value); if (!primitiveValue.isRGBColor()) return false; color = primitiveValue.getRGBA32Value(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseColor(const String& string) { setupParser("@-webkit-decls{color:", string, "} "); cssyyparse(this); m_rule = nullptr; return !m_parsedProperties.isEmpty() && m_parsedProperties.first().id() == CSSPropertyColor; } bool CSSParser::parseSystemColor(RGBA32& color, const String& string, Document* document) { if (!document || !document->page()) return false; CSSParserString cssColor; cssColor.init(string); CSSValueID id = cssValueKeywordID(cssColor); if (!validPrimitiveValueColor(id)) return false; Color parsedColor = document->page()->theme().systemColor(id); if (!parsedColor.isValid()) return false; color = parsedColor.rgb(); return true; } void CSSParser::parseSelector(const String& string, CSSSelectorList& selectorList) { m_selectorListForParseSelector = &selectorList; setupParser("@-webkit-selector{", string, "}"); cssyyparse(this); m_selectorListForParseSelector = nullptr; } Ref CSSParser::parseInlineStyleDeclaration(const String& string, Element* element) { CSSParserContext context = element->document().elementSheet().contents().parserContext(); context.mode = strictToCSSParserMode(element->isHTMLElement() && !element->document().inQuirksMode()); return CSSParser(context).parseDeclaration(string, &element->document().elementSheet().contents()); } Ref CSSParser::parseDeclaration(const String& string, StyleSheetContents* contextStyleSheet) { setStyleSheet(contextStyleSheet); setupParser("@-webkit-decls{", string, "} "); cssyyparse(this); m_rule = nullptr; Ref style = createStyleProperties(); clearProperties(); return style; } bool CSSParser::parseDeclaration(MutableStyleProperties* declaration, const String& string, PassRefPtr prpRuleSourceData, StyleSheetContents* contextStyleSheet) { // Length of the "@-webkit-decls{" prefix. static const unsigned prefixLength = 15; setStyleSheet(contextStyleSheet); RefPtr ruleSourceData = prpRuleSourceData; if (ruleSourceData) { m_currentRuleDataStack = std::make_unique(); m_currentRuleDataStack->append(ruleSourceData); } setupParser("@-webkit-decls{", string, "} "); cssyyparse(this); m_rule = nullptr; bool ok = false; if (!m_parsedProperties.isEmpty()) { ok = true; declaration->addParsedProperties(m_parsedProperties); clearProperties(); } if (ruleSourceData) { ASSERT(m_currentRuleDataStack->size() == 1); ruleSourceData->ruleBodyRange.start = 0; ruleSourceData->ruleBodyRange.end = string.length(); for (size_t i = 0, size = ruleSourceData->styleSourceData->propertyData.size(); i < size; ++i) { CSSPropertySourceData& propertyData = ruleSourceData->styleSourceData->propertyData.at(i); propertyData.range.start -= prefixLength; propertyData.range.end -= prefixLength; } fixUnparsedPropertyRanges(ruleSourceData.get()); m_currentRuleDataStack.reset(); } return ok; } std::unique_ptr CSSParser::parseMediaQuery(const String& string) { if (string.isEmpty()) return nullptr; ASSERT(!m_mediaQuery); // can't use { because tokenizer state switches from mediaquery to initial state when it sees { token. // instead insert one " " (which is WHITESPACE in CSSGrammar.y) setupParser("@-webkit-mediaquery ", string, "} "); cssyyparse(this); return WTFMove(m_mediaQuery); } Vector CSSParser::parseSizesAttribute(StringView string) { Vector result; if (string.isEmpty()) return result; ASSERT(!m_sourceSizeList); setupParser("@-webkit-sizesattr ", string, "}"); cssyyparse(this); if (!m_sourceSizeList) return result; result = WTFMove(*m_sourceSizeList); m_sourceSizeList = nullptr; return result; } // FIXME(141289): The following two constructors are only needed because of a bug in MSVC 2013 (and prior). // We should remove this code as soon as a Visual Studio update that fixes this problem is released. CSSParser::SourceSize::SourceSize(CSSParser::SourceSize&& original) : expression(WTFMove(original.expression)) , length(original.length) { } CSSParser::SourceSize::SourceSize(std::unique_ptr&& origExp, RefPtr value) : expression(WTFMove(origExp)) , length(value) { } CSSParser::SourceSize CSSParser::sourceSize(std::unique_ptr&& expression, CSSParserValue& parserValue) { RefPtr value; if (isCalculation(parserValue)) { auto* args = parserValue.function->args.get(); if (args && args->size()) value = CSSCalcValue::create(parserValue.function->name, *args, CalculationRangeNonNegative); } if (!value) value = parserValue.createCSSValue(); destroy(parserValue); // FIXME: Calling the constructor explicitly here to work around an MSVC bug. // For other compilers, we did not need to define the constructors and we could use aggregate initialization syntax. return SourceSize(WTFMove(expression), WTFMove(value)); } static inline void filterProperties(bool important, const CSSParser::ParsedPropertyVector& input, Vector& output, size_t& unusedEntries, std::bitset& seenProperties, HashSet& seenCustomProperties) { // Add properties in reverse order so that highest priority definitions are reached first. Duplicate definitions can then be ignored when found. for (int i = input.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const CSSProperty& property = input[i]; if (property.isImportant() != important) continue; if (property.id() == CSSPropertyCustom) { if (property.value()) { const AtomicString& name = downcast(*property.value()).name(); if (seenCustomProperties.contains(name)) continue; seenCustomProperties.add(name); output[--unusedEntries] = property; } continue; } const unsigned propertyIDIndex = property.id() - firstCSSProperty; ASSERT(propertyIDIndex < seenProperties.size()); if (seenProperties[propertyIDIndex]) continue; seenProperties.set(propertyIDIndex); output[--unusedEntries] = property; } } Ref CSSParser::createStyleProperties() { std::bitset seenProperties; size_t unusedEntries = m_parsedProperties.size(); Vector results(unusedEntries); // Important properties have higher priority, so add them first. Duplicate definitions can then be ignored when found. HashSet seenCustomProperties; filterProperties(true, m_parsedProperties, results, unusedEntries, seenProperties, seenCustomProperties); filterProperties(false, m_parsedProperties, results, unusedEntries, seenProperties, seenCustomProperties); if (unusedEntries) results.remove(0, unusedEntries); return ImmutableStyleProperties::create(results.data(), results.size(), m_context.mode); } void CSSParser::addPropertyWithPrefixingVariant(CSSPropertyID propId, PassRefPtr value, bool important, bool implicit) { RefPtr val = value.get(); addProperty(propId, value, important, implicit); CSSPropertyID prefixingVariant = prefixingVariantForPropertyId(propId); if (prefixingVariant == propId) return; if (m_currentShorthand) { // We can't use ShorthandScope here as we can already be inside one (e.g we are parsing CSSTransition). m_currentShorthand = prefixingVariantForPropertyId(m_currentShorthand); addProperty(prefixingVariant, val.release(), important, implicit); m_currentShorthand = prefixingVariantForPropertyId(m_currentShorthand); } else addProperty(prefixingVariant, val.release(), important, implicit); } void CSSParser::addProperty(CSSPropertyID propId, PassRefPtr value, bool important, bool implicit) { // This property doesn't belong to a shorthand or is a CSS variable (which will be resolved later). if (!m_currentShorthand) { m_parsedProperties.append(CSSProperty(propId, value, important, false, CSSPropertyInvalid, m_implicitShorthand || implicit)); return; } Vector shorthands = matchingShorthandsForLonghand(propId); if (shorthands.size() == 1) m_parsedProperties.append(CSSProperty(propId, value, important, true, CSSPropertyInvalid, m_implicitShorthand || implicit)); else m_parsedProperties.append(CSSProperty(propId, value, important, true, indexOfShorthandForLonghand(m_currentShorthand, shorthands), m_implicitShorthand || implicit)); } void CSSParser::rollbackLastProperties(int num) { ASSERT(num >= 0); ASSERT(m_parsedProperties.size() >= static_cast(num)); m_parsedProperties.shrink(m_parsedProperties.size() - num); } void CSSParser::clearProperties() { m_parsedProperties.clear(); m_numParsedPropertiesBeforeMarginBox = INVALID_NUM_PARSED_PROPERTIES; } URL CSSParser::completeURL(const CSSParserContext& context, const String& url) { if (url.isNull()) return URL(); if (context.charset.isEmpty()) return URL(context.baseURL, url); return URL(context.baseURL, url, context.charset); } URL CSSParser::completeURL(const String& url) const { return completeURL(m_context, url); } bool CSSParser::validateCalculationUnit(ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation, Units unitFlags) { bool mustBeNonNegative = unitFlags & FNonNeg; RefPtr calculation; if (valueWithCalculation.calculation()) { // The calculation value was already parsed so we reuse it. However, we may need to update its range. calculation = valueWithCalculation.calculation(); calculation->setPermittedValueRange(mustBeNonNegative ? CalculationRangeNonNegative : CalculationRangeAll); } else { valueWithCalculation.setCalculation(parseCalculation(valueWithCalculation, mustBeNonNegative ? CalculationRangeNonNegative : CalculationRangeAll)); calculation = valueWithCalculation.calculation(); if (!calculation) return false; } bool isValid = false; switch (calculation->category()) { case CalcNumber: isValid = (unitFlags & FNumber); if (!isValid && (unitFlags & FInteger) && calculation->isInt()) isValid = true; if (!isValid && (unitFlags & FPositiveInteger) && calculation->isInt() && calculation->isPositive()) isValid = true; break; case CalcLength: isValid = (unitFlags & FLength); break; case CalcPercent: isValid = (unitFlags & FPercent); break; case CalcPercentLength: isValid = (unitFlags & FPercent) && (unitFlags & FLength); break; case CalcPercentNumber: isValid = (unitFlags & FPercent) && (unitFlags & FNumber); break; case CalcAngle: isValid = (unitFlags & FAngle); break; case CalcTime: isValid = (unitFlags & FTime); break; case CalcFrequency: isValid = (unitFlags & FFrequency); break; case CalcOther: break; } return isValid; } inline bool CSSParser::shouldAcceptUnitLessValues(CSSParserValue& value, Units unitFlags, CSSParserMode cssParserMode) { // Qirks mode and svg presentation attributes accept unit less values. return (unitFlags & (FLength | FAngle | FTime)) && (!value.fValue || cssParserMode == CSSQuirksMode || cssParserMode == SVGAttributeMode); } bool CSSParser::validateUnit(ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation, Units unitFlags, CSSParserMode cssParserMode) { if (isCalculation(valueWithCalculation)) return validateCalculationUnit(valueWithCalculation, unitFlags); bool b = false; switch (valueWithCalculation.value().unit) { case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER: b = (unitFlags & FNumber); if (!b && shouldAcceptUnitLessValues(valueWithCalculation, unitFlags, cssParserMode)) { valueWithCalculation.value().unit = (unitFlags & FLength) ? CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX : ((unitFlags & FAngle) ? CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG : CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_MS); b = true; } if (!b && (unitFlags & FInteger) && valueWithCalculation.value().isInt) b = true; if (!b && (unitFlags & FPositiveInteger) && valueWithCalculation.value().isInt && valueWithCalculation.value().fValue > 0) b = true; break; case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE: b = (unitFlags & FPercent); break; case CSSParserValue::Q_EMS: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_EMS: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_REMS: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_CHS: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_EXS: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_CM: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_MM: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IN: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PT: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PC: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VW: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VH: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VMIN: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VMAX: b = (unitFlags & FLength); break; case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_MS: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S: b = (unitFlags & FTime); break; case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_RAD: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_GRAD: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_TURN: b = (unitFlags & FAngle); break; #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_RESOLUTION) || ENABLE(RESOLUTION_MEDIA_QUERY) case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DPPX: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DPI: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DPCM: b = (unitFlags & FResolution); break; #endif case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_HZ: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_KHZ: case CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DIMENSION: default: break; } if (b && unitFlags & FNonNeg && valueWithCalculation.value().fValue < 0) b = false; if (b && std::isinf(valueWithCalculation.value().fValue)) b = false; return b; } inline Ref CSSParser::createPrimitiveNumericValue(ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation) { if (valueWithCalculation.calculation()) return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(valueWithCalculation.calculation()); CSSParserValue& value = valueWithCalculation; #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_RESOLUTION) || ENABLE(RESOLUTION_MEDIA_QUERY) ASSERT((value.unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER && value.unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_KHZ) || (value.unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_TURN && value.unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_CHS) || (value.unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VW && value.unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VMAX) || (value.unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DPPX && value.unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DPCM)); #else ASSERT((value.unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER && value.unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_KHZ) || (value.unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_TURN && value.unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_CHS) || (value.unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VW && value.unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VMAX)); #endif return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(value.fValue, static_cast(value.unit)); } inline Ref CSSParser::createPrimitiveStringValue(CSSParserValue& value) { ASSERT(value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING || value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(value.string, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); } static inline bool isComma(CSSParserValue* value) { return value && value->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && value->iValue == ','; } static inline bool isForwardSlashOperator(CSSParserValue& value) { return value.unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && value.iValue == '/'; } bool CSSParser::isValidSize(ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation) { int id = valueWithCalculation.value().id; if (id == CSSValueIntrinsic || id == CSSValueMinIntrinsic || id == CSSValueWebkitMinContent || id == CSSValueWebkitMaxContent || id == CSSValueWebkitFillAvailable || id == CSSValueWebkitFitContent) return true; return !id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg); } inline RefPtr CSSParser::parseValidPrimitive(CSSValueID identifier, ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation) { if (identifier) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(identifier); if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) return createPrimitiveStringValue(valueWithCalculation); if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER && valueWithCalculation.value().unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_KHZ) return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_TURN && valueWithCalculation.value().unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_CHS) return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VW && valueWithCalculation.value().unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_VMAX) return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_RESOLUTION) || ENABLE(RESOLUTION_MEDIA_QUERY) if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit >= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DPPX && valueWithCalculation.value().unit <= CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DPCM) return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); #endif if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit >= CSSParserValue::Q_EMS) return CSSPrimitiveValue::createAllowingMarginQuirk(valueWithCalculation.value().fValue, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_EMS); if (valueWithCalculation.calculation()) return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(valueWithCalculation.calculation()); return nullptr; } void CSSParser::addExpandedPropertyForValue(CSSPropertyID propId, PassRefPtr prpValue, bool important) { const StylePropertyShorthand& shorthand = shorthandForProperty(propId); unsigned shorthandLength = shorthand.length(); if (!shorthandLength) { addProperty(propId, prpValue, important); return; } RefPtr value = prpValue; ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); const CSSPropertyID* longhands = shorthand.properties(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < shorthandLength; ++i) addProperty(longhands[i], value, important); } RefPtr CSSParser::parseVariableDependentValue(CSSPropertyID propID, const CSSVariableDependentValue& dependentValue, const CustomPropertyValueMap& customProperties) { m_valueList.reset(new CSSParserValueList()); if (!dependentValue.valueList()->buildParserValueListSubstitutingVariables(m_valueList.get(), customProperties)) return nullptr; bool parsed = parseValue(dependentValue.propertyID(), false); if (!parsed) return nullptr; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_parsedProperties.size(); ++i) { if (m_parsedProperties[i].id() == propID) return m_parsedProperties[i].value(); } return nullptr; } bool CSSParser::parseValue(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { if (!m_valueList || !m_valueList->current()) return false; ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); CSSValueID id = valueWithCalculation.value().id; if (propId == CSSPropertyCustom) return parseCustomPropertyDeclaration(important, id); if (m_valueList->containsVariables()) { RefPtr valueList = CSSValueList::createFromParserValueList(*m_valueList); addExpandedPropertyForValue(propId, CSSVariableDependentValue::create(valueList, propId), important); return true; } auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); unsigned num = inShorthand() ? 1 : m_valueList->size(); if (id == CSSValueInherit) { if (num != 1) return false; addExpandedPropertyForValue(propId, cssValuePool.createInheritedValue(), important); return true; } else if (id == CSSValueInitial) { if (num != 1) return false; addExpandedPropertyForValue(propId, cssValuePool.createExplicitInitialValue(), important); return true; } else if (id == CSSValueUnset) { if (num != 1) return false; addExpandedPropertyForValue(propId, cssValuePool.createUnsetValue(), important); return true; } else if (id == CSSValueRevert) { if (num != 1) return false; addExpandedPropertyForValue(propId, cssValuePool.createRevertValue(), important); return true; } if (propId == CSSPropertyAll) return false; // "all" doesn't allow you to specify anything other than inherit/initial/unset. if (isKeywordPropertyID(propId)) { if (!isValidKeywordPropertyAndValue(propId, id, m_context, m_styleSheet)) return false; if (m_valueList->next() && !inShorthand()) return false; addProperty(propId, cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(id), important); return true; } #if ENABLE(CSS_DEVICE_ADAPTATION) if (inViewport()) return parseViewportProperty(propId, important); #endif bool validPrimitive = false; RefPtr parsedValue; switch (propId) { case CSSPropertySize: // {1,2} | auto | [ || [ portrait | landscape] ] return parseSize(propId, important); case CSSPropertyQuotes: // [ ]+ | none | inherit if (id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else return parseQuotes(propId, important); break; case CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi: // normal | embed | bidi-override | isolate | isolate-override | plaintext | inherit if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueEmbed || id == CSSValueBidiOverride || id == CSSValueWebkitIsolate || id == CSSValueWebkitIsolateOverride || id == CSSValueWebkitPlaintext) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyContent: // [ | | | attr(X) | open-quote | // close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote ]+ | inherit return parseContent(propId, important); case CSSPropertyAlt: // [ | attr(X) ] return parseAlt(propId, important); case CSSPropertyClip: // | auto | inherit if (id == CSSValueAuto) validPrimitive = true; else if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSParserValue::Function) return parseClipShape(propId, important); break; /* Start of supported CSS properties with validation. This is needed for parseShorthand to work * correctly and allows optimization in WebCore::applyRule(..) */ case CSSPropertyOverflow: { ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); if (num != 1 || !parseValue(CSSPropertyOverflowY, important)) return false; RefPtr overflowXValue; // FIXME: -webkit-paged-x or -webkit-paged-y only apply to overflow-y. If this value has been // set using the shorthand, then for now overflow-x will default to auto, but once we implement // pagination controls, it should default to hidden. If the overflow-y value is anything but // paged-x or paged-y, then overflow-x and overflow-y should have the same value. if (id == CSSValueWebkitPagedX || id == CSSValueWebkitPagedY) overflowXValue = cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); else overflowXValue = m_parsedProperties.last().value(); addProperty(CSSPropertyOverflowX, overflowXValue.release(), important); return true; } case CSSPropertyTextAlign: // left | right | center | justify | -webkit-left | -webkit-right | -webkit-center | -webkit-match-parent // | start | end | inherit | -webkit-auto (converted to start) // NOTE: is not supported. if ((id >= CSSValueWebkitAuto && id <= CSSValueWebkitMatchParent) || id == CSSValueStart || id == CSSValueEnd) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyFontWeight: { // normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit if (m_valueList->size() != 1) return false; return parseFontWeight(important); } case CSSPropertyFontSynthesis: // none | [ weight || style ] return parseFontSynthesis(important); case CSSPropertyBorderSpacing: { if (num == 1) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyBorderSpacing); if (!parseValue(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing, important)) return false; CSSValue* value = m_parsedProperties.last().value(); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing, value, important); return true; } else if (num == 2) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyBorderSpacing); if (!parseValue(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing, important) || !parseValue(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing, important)) return false; return true; } return false; } case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing: validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg); break; case CSSPropertyOutlineColor: // | invert | inherit // Outline color has "invert" as additional keyword. // Also, we want to allow the special focus color even in strict parsing mode. if (id == CSSValueInvert || id == CSSValueWebkitFocusRingColor) { validPrimitive = true; break; } FALLTHROUGH; case CSSPropertyBackgroundColor: // | inherit case CSSPropertyBorderTopColor: // | inherit case CSSPropertyBorderRightColor: case CSSPropertyBorderBottomColor: case CSSPropertyBorderLeftColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterColor: case CSSPropertyColor: // | inherit case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughColor: // CSS3 text decoration colors case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineColor: case CSSPropertyTextOverlineColor: case CSSPropertyColumnRuleColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor: if (id == CSSValueWebkitText) validPrimitive = true; // Always allow this, even when strict parsing is on, // since we use this in our UA sheets. else if (id == CSSValueCurrentcolor) validPrimitive = true; else if (isValidSystemColorValue(id) || id == CSSValueMenu || (id >= CSSValueWebkitFocusRingColor && id < CSSValueWebkitText && inQuirksMode())) { validPrimitive = true; } else { parsedValue = parseColor(); if (parsedValue) m_valueList->next(); } break; case CSSPropertyCursor: { // Grammar defined by CSS3 UI and modified by CSS4 images: // [ [ [ ]?,]* // [ auto | crosshair | default | pointer | progress | move | e-resize | ne-resize | // nw-resize | n-resize | se-resize | sw-resize | s-resize | w-resize | ew-resize | // ns-resize | nesw-resize | nwse-resize | col-resize | row-resize | text | wait | help | // vertical-text | cell | context-menu | alias | copy | no-drop | not-allowed | // zoom-in | zoom-out | all-scroll | -webkit-grab | -webkit-grabbing | -webkit-zoom-in | // -webkit-zoom-out ] ] | inherit RefPtr list; CSSParserValue* value = &valueWithCalculation.value(); while (value) { RefPtr image; if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) { String uri = value->string; if (!uri.isNull()) image = CSSImageValue::create(completeURL(uri)); #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_SET) && ENABLE(MOUSE_CURSOR_SCALE) } else if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Function && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "-webkit-image-set(")) { image = parseImageSet(); if (!image) break; #endif } else break; Vector coords; value = m_valueList->next(); while (value && value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) { coords.append(int(value->fValue)); value = m_valueList->next(); } bool hasHotSpot = false; IntPoint hotSpot(-1, -1); int nrcoords = coords.size(); if (nrcoords > 0 && nrcoords != 2) return false; if (nrcoords == 2) { hasHotSpot = true; hotSpot = IntPoint(coords[0], coords[1]); } if (!list) list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); if (image) list->append(CSSCursorImageValue::create(image.releaseNonNull(), hasHotSpot, hotSpot)); if ((inStrictMode() && !value) || (value && !(value->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && value->iValue == ','))) return false; value = m_valueList->next(); // comma } if (list) { if (!value) { // no value after url list (MSIE 5 compatibility) if (list->length() != 1) return false; } else if (inQuirksMode() && value->id == CSSValueHand) // MSIE 5 compatibility :/ list->append(cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(CSSValuePointer)); else if ((value->id >= CSSValueAuto && value->id <= CSSValueWebkitZoomOut) || value->id == CSSValueCopy || value->id == CSSValueNone) list->append(cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(value->id)); m_valueList->next(); parsedValue = list.release(); break; } else if (value) { id = value->id; if (inQuirksMode() && value->id == CSSValueHand) { // MSIE 5 compatibility :/ id = CSSValuePointer; validPrimitive = true; } else if ((value->id >= CSSValueAuto && value->id <= CSSValueWebkitZoomOut) || value->id == CSSValueCopy || value->id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; } else { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } break; } #if ENABLE(CURSOR_VISIBILITY) case CSSPropertyWebkitCursorVisibility: if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueAutoHide) validPrimitive = true; break; #endif case CSSPropertyBackgroundAttachment: case CSSPropertyBackgroundBlendMode: case CSSPropertyBackgroundClip: case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundClip: case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundComposite: case CSSPropertyBackgroundImage: case CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin: case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundOrigin: case CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition: case CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionX: case CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionY: case CSSPropertyBackgroundSize: case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundSize: case CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat: case CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeatX: case CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeatY: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskComposite: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskImage: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionX: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionY: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSize: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSourceType: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeatX: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeatY: { RefPtr val1; RefPtr val2; CSSPropertyID propId1, propId2; bool result = false; if (parseFillProperty(propId, propId1, propId2, val1, val2)) { std::unique_ptr shorthandScope; if (propId == CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition || propId == CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat || propId == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition || propId == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat) { shorthandScope = std::make_unique(this, propId); } addProperty(propId1, val1.release(), important); if (val2) addProperty(propId2, val2.release(), important); result = true; } m_implicitShorthand = false; return result; } case CSSPropertyListStyleImage: // | none | inherit case CSSPropertyBorderImageSource: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageSource: if (id == CSSValueNone) { parsedValue = cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); m_valueList->next(); } else if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) { parsedValue = CSSImageValue::create(completeURL(valueWithCalculation.value().string)); m_valueList->next(); } else if (isGeneratedImageValue(valueWithCalculation)) { if (parseGeneratedImage(*m_valueList, parsedValue)) m_valueList->next(); else return false; } #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_SET) else if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSParserValue::Function && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(valueWithCalculation.value().function->name, "-webkit-image-set(")) { parsedValue = parseImageSet(); if (!parsedValue) return false; m_valueList->next(); } #endif break; case CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeWidth: case CSSPropertyOutlineWidth: // | inherit case CSSPropertyBorderTopWidth: //// | inherit case CSSPropertyBorderRightWidth: // Which is defined as case CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth: // thin | medium | thick | case CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterWidth: case CSSPropertyColumnRuleWidth: if (id == CSSValueThin || id == CSSValueMedium || id == CSSValueThick) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg); break; case CSSPropertyLetterSpacing: // normal | | inherit if (id == CSSValueNormal) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength); break; case CSSPropertyWordSpacing: // normal | | | inherit if (id == CSSValueNormal) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent); break; case CSSPropertyTextIndent: parsedValue = parseTextIndent(); break; case CSSPropertyPaddingTop: //// | inherit case CSSPropertyPaddingRight: // Which is defined as case CSSPropertyPaddingBottom: // | case CSSPropertyPaddingLeft: //// case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingStart: case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingEnd: case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingAfter: validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg)); break; case CSSPropertyMaxWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaxLogicalWidth: case CSSPropertyMaxHeight: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaxLogicalHeight: validPrimitive = (id == CSSValueNone || isValidSize(valueWithCalculation)); break; case CSSPropertyMinWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitMinLogicalWidth: case CSSPropertyMinHeight: case CSSPropertyWebkitMinLogicalHeight: validPrimitive = id == CSSValueAuto || isValidSize(valueWithCalculation); break; case CSSPropertyWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitLogicalWidth: case CSSPropertyHeight: case CSSPropertyWebkitLogicalHeight: validPrimitive = (id == CSSValueAuto || isValidSize(valueWithCalculation)); break; case CSSPropertyFontSize: return parseFontSize(important); case CSSPropertyVerticalAlign: // baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom | // | | inherit if (id >= CSSValueBaseline && id <= CSSValueWebkitBaselineMiddle) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)); break; case CSSPropertyBottom: // | | auto | inherit case CSSPropertyLeft: // | | auto | inherit case CSSPropertyRight: // | | auto | inherit case CSSPropertyTop: // | | auto | inherit case CSSPropertyMarginTop: //// | inherit case CSSPropertyMarginRight: // Which is defined as case CSSPropertyMarginBottom: // | | auto | inherit case CSSPropertyMarginLeft: //// case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginStart: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginEnd: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginAfter: if (id == CSSValueAuto) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)); break; case CSSPropertyZIndex: // auto | | inherit if (id == CSSValueAuto) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger, CSSQuirksMode)); break; case CSSPropertyOrphans: // | inherit | auto (We've added support for auto for backwards compatibility) case CSSPropertyWidows: // | inherit | auto (Ditto) if (id == CSSValueAuto) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FPositiveInteger, CSSQuirksMode)); break; case CSSPropertyLineHeight: return parseLineHeight(important); case CSSPropertyCounterIncrement: // [ ? ]+ | none | inherit if (id != CSSValueNone) return parseCounter(propId, 1, important); validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyCounterReset: // [ ? ]+ | none | inherit if (id != CSSValueNone) return parseCounter(propId, 0, important); validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyFontFamily: // [[ | ],]* [ | ] | inherit { parsedValue = parseFontFamily(); break; } case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecoration: // [ || || ] | inherit return parseShorthand(CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecoration, webkitTextDecorationShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyTextDecoration: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationsInEffect: case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationLine: // none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | inherit return parseTextDecoration(propId, important); case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationStyle: // solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy if (id == CSSValueSolid || id == CSSValueDouble || id == CSSValueDotted || id == CSSValueDashed || id == CSSValueWavy) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationSkip: // none | [ objects || spaces || ink || edges || box-decoration ] return parseTextDecorationSkip(important); case CSSPropertyWebkitTextUnderlinePosition: // auto | alphabetic | under return parseTextUnderlinePosition(important); case CSSPropertyZoom: // normal | reset | document | | | inherit if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueReset || id == CSSValueDocument) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber | FPercent | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode)); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitTextZoom: // normal | reset if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueReset) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertySrc: // Only used within @font-face and @-webkit-filter, so cannot use inherit | initial or be !important. This is a list of urls or local references. return parseFontFaceSrc(); case CSSPropertyUnicodeRange: return parseFontFaceUnicodeRange(); /* CSS3 properties */ case CSSPropertyBorderImage: { RefPtr result; return parseBorderImage(propId, result, important); } case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderImage: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImage: { RefPtr result; if (parseBorderImage(propId, result)) { addProperty(propId, result, important); return true; } break; } case CSSPropertyBorderImageOutset: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageOutset: { RefPtr result; if (parseBorderImageOutset(result)) { addProperty(propId, result, important); return true; } break; } case CSSPropertyBorderImageRepeat: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageRepeat: { RefPtr result; if (parseBorderImageRepeat(result)) { addProperty(propId, result, important); return true; } break; } case CSSPropertyBorderImageSlice: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageSlice: { RefPtr result; if (parseBorderImageSlice(propId, result)) { addProperty(propId, result, important); return true; } break; } case CSSPropertyBorderImageWidth: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImageWidth: { RefPtr result; if (parseBorderImageWidth(result)) { addProperty(propId, result, important); return true; } break; } case CSSPropertyBorderTopRightRadius: case CSSPropertyBorderTopLeftRadius: case CSSPropertyBorderBottomLeftRadius: case CSSPropertyBorderBottomRightRadius: { if (num != 1 && num != 2) return false; validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg); if (!validPrimitive) return false; RefPtr parsedValue1 = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); RefPtr parsedValue2; if (num == 2) { ValueWithCalculation nextValueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->next()); validPrimitive = validateUnit(nextValueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg); if (!validPrimitive) return false; parsedValue2 = createPrimitiveNumericValue(nextValueWithCalculation); } else parsedValue2 = parsedValue1; addProperty(propId, createPrimitiveValuePair(parsedValue1.release(), parsedValue2.release()), important); return true; } case CSSPropertyTabSize: validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger | FNonNeg); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitAspectRatio: return parseAspectRatio(important); case CSSPropertyBorderRadius: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderRadius: return parseBorderRadius(propId, important); case CSSPropertyOutlineOffset: validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength); break; case CSSPropertyTextShadow: // CSS2 property, dropped in CSS2.1, back in CSS3, so treat as CSS3 case CSSPropertyBoxShadow: case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow: if (id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else { RefPtr shadowValueList = parseShadow(*m_valueList, propId); if (shadowValueList) { addProperty(propId, shadowValueList.release(), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } return false; } break; case CSSPropertyWebkitInitialLetter: { if (id == CSSValueNormal) validPrimitive = true; else { if (num != 1 && num != 2) return false; validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FPositiveInteger); if (!validPrimitive) return false; RefPtr height = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); RefPtr position; if (num == 2) { ValueWithCalculation nextValueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->next()); validPrimitive = validateUnit(nextValueWithCalculation, FPositiveInteger); if (!validPrimitive) return false; position = createPrimitiveNumericValue(nextValueWithCalculation); } else position = height; addProperty(propId, createPrimitiveValuePair(position.release(), height.release()), important); return true; } break; } case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxReflect: if (id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else return parseReflect(propId, important); break; case CSSPropertyOpacity: validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxFlex: validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxFlexGroup: validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrdinalGroup: validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode) && valueWithCalculation.value().fValue; break; case CSSPropertyFilter: #if ENABLE(FILTERS_LEVEL_2) case CSSPropertyWebkitBackdropFilter: #endif if (id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else { RefPtr currValue; if (!parseFilter(*m_valueList, currValue)) return false; addProperty(propId, currValue, important); return true; } break; #if ENABLE(CSS_COMPOSITING) case CSSPropertyMixBlendMode: if (cssCompositingEnabled()) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyIsolation: if (cssCompositingEnabled()) validPrimitive = true; break; #endif case CSSPropertyFlex: { ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); if (id == CSSValueNone) { addProperty(CSSPropertyFlexGrow, cssValuePool.createValue(0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyFlexShrink, cssValuePool.createValue(0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyFlexBasis, cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto), important); return true; } return parseFlex(*m_valueList, important); } case CSSPropertyFlexBasis: // FIXME: Support intrinsic dimensions too. if (id == CSSValueAuto) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg)); break; case CSSPropertyFlexGrow: case CSSPropertyFlexShrink: validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber | FNonNeg); break; case CSSPropertyOrder: if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger, CSSStrictMode)) { // We restrict the smallest value to int min + 2 because we use int min and int min + 1 as special values in a hash set. double result = std::max(std::numeric_limits::min() + 2, parsedDouble(valueWithCalculation)); parsedValue = cssValuePool.createValue(result, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); m_valueList->next(); } break; case CSSPropertyWebkitMarquee: return parseShorthand(propId, webkitMarqueeShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeIncrement: if (id == CSSValueSmall || id == CSSValueLarge || id == CSSValueMedium) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeRepetition: if (id == CSSValueInfinite) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger | FNonNeg); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeSpeed: if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueSlow || id == CSSValueFast) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FTime | FInteger | FNonNeg); break; #if ENABLE(CSS_REGIONS) case CSSPropertyWebkitFlowInto: if (!cssRegionsEnabled()) return false; return parseFlowThread(propId, important); case CSSPropertyWebkitFlowFrom: if (!cssRegionsEnabled()) return false; return parseRegionThread(propId, important); #endif case CSSPropertyTransform: if (id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else { RefPtr transformValue = parseTransform(); if (transformValue) { addProperty(propId, transformValue.release(), important); return true; } return false; } break; case CSSPropertyTransformOrigin: case CSSPropertyTransformOriginX: case CSSPropertyTransformOriginY: case CSSPropertyTransformOriginZ: { RefPtr val1; RefPtr val2; RefPtr val3; CSSPropertyID propId1, propId2, propId3; if (parseTransformOrigin(propId, propId1, propId2, propId3, val1, val2, val3)) { addProperty(propId1, val1.release(), important); if (val2) addProperty(propId2, val2.release(), important); if (val3) addProperty(propId3, val3.release(), important); return true; } return false; } case CSSPropertyPerspective: if (id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else { // Accepting valueless numbers is a quirk of the -webkit prefixed version of the property. if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber | FLength | FNonNeg)) { RefPtr val = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); if (val) { addProperty(propId, val.release(), important); return true; } return false; } } break; case CSSPropertyPerspectiveOrigin: case CSSPropertyPerspectiveOriginX: case CSSPropertyPerspectiveOriginY: { RefPtr val1; RefPtr val2; CSSPropertyID propId1, propId2; if (parsePerspectiveOrigin(propId, propId1, propId2, val1, val2)) { addProperty(propId1, val1.release(), important); if (val2) addProperty(propId2, val2.release(), important); return true; } return false; } case CSSPropertyAnimationDelay: case CSSPropertyAnimationDirection: case CSSPropertyAnimationDuration: case CSSPropertyAnimationFillMode: case CSSPropertyAnimationName: case CSSPropertyAnimationPlayState: case CSSPropertyAnimationIterationCount: case CSSPropertyAnimationTimingFunction: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDelay: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDirection: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDuration: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationFillMode: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationName: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationPlayState: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationIterationCount: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationTimingFunction: #if ENABLE(CSS_ANIMATIONS_LEVEL_2) case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationTrigger: #endif case CSSPropertyTransitionDelay: case CSSPropertyTransitionDuration: case CSSPropertyTransitionTimingFunction: case CSSPropertyTransitionProperty: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDelay: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDuration: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionTimingFunction: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionProperty: { RefPtr val; AnimationParseContext context; if (parseAnimationProperty(propId, val, context)) { addPropertyWithPrefixingVariant(propId, val.release(), important); return true; } return false; } case CSSPropertyJustifyContent: parsedValue = parseContentDistributionOverflowPosition(); break; case CSSPropertyJustifySelf: return parseItemPositionOverflowPosition(propId, important); case CSSPropertyJustifyItems: if (parseLegacyPosition(propId, important)) return true; m_valueList->setCurrentIndex(0); return parseItemPositionOverflowPosition(propId, important); #if ENABLE(CSS_GRID_LAYOUT) case CSSPropertyWebkitGridAutoColumns: case CSSPropertyWebkitGridAutoRows: parsedValue = parseGridTrackSize(*m_valueList); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateColumns: case CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateRows: parsedValue = parseGridTrackList(); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnStart: case CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnEnd: case CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowStart: case CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowEnd: parsedValue = parseGridPosition(); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnGap: case CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowGap: validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitGridGap: return parseGridGapShorthand(important); case CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumn: case CSSPropertyWebkitGridRow: { return parseGridItemPositionShorthand(propId, important); } case CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplate: return parseGridTemplateShorthand(important); case CSSPropertyWebkitGrid: return parseGridShorthand(important); case CSSPropertyWebkitGridArea: return parseGridAreaShorthand(important); case CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateAreas: parsedValue = parseGridTemplateAreas(); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitGridAutoFlow: parsedValue = parseGridAutoFlow(*m_valueList); break; #endif /* ENABLE(CSS_GRID_LAYOUT) */ case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginCollapse: { if (num == 1) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyWebkitMarginCollapse); if (!parseValue(webkitMarginCollapseShorthand().properties()[0], important)) return false; CSSValue* value = m_parsedProperties.last().value(); addProperty(webkitMarginCollapseShorthand().properties()[1], value, important); return true; } else if (num == 2) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyWebkitMarginCollapse); if (!parseValue(webkitMarginCollapseShorthand().properties()[0], important) || !parseValue(webkitMarginCollapseShorthand().properties()[1], important)) return false; return true; } return false; } case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughWidth: case CSSPropertyTextOverlineWidth: case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineWidth: if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueThin || id == CSSValueMedium || id == CSSValueThick) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = !id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber | FLength | FPercent); break; case CSSPropertyColumnCount: parsedValue = parseColumnCount(); break; case CSSPropertyColumnGap: // normal | if (id == CSSValueNormal) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnAxis: if (id == CSSValueHorizontal || id == CSSValueVertical || id == CSSValueAuto) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyColumnProgression: if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueReverse) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyColumnSpan: // none | all | 1 (will be dropped in the unprefixed property) if (id == CSSValueAll || id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber | FNonNeg) && parsedDouble(valueWithCalculation) == 1) { addProperty(CSSPropertyColumnSpan, cssValuePool.createValue(1, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER), important); return true; } break; case CSSPropertyColumnWidth: // auto | parsedValue = parseColumnWidth(); break; case CSSPropertyObjectPosition: { RefPtr val1; RefPtr val2; parseFillPosition(*m_valueList, val1, val2); if (val1) { addProperty(CSSPropertyObjectPosition, createPrimitiveValuePair(val1.release(), val2.release()), important); return true; } return false; } // End of CSS3 properties case CSSPropertyWillChange: // auto | [scroll-position | contents | ]# if (id == CSSValueAuto) validPrimitive = true; else return parseWillChange(important); break; // Apple specific properties. These will never be standardized and are purely to // support custom WebKit-based Apple applications. case CSSPropertyWebkitLineClamp: // When specifying number of lines, don't allow 0 as a valid value // When specifying either type of unit, require non-negative integers validPrimitive = (!id && (valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE || valueWithCalculation.value().fValue) && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger | FPercent | FNonNeg, CSSQuirksMode)); break; #if ENABLE(IOS_TEXT_AUTOSIZING) case CSSPropertyWebkitTextSizeAdjust: if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else { // FIXME: Handle multilength case where we allow relative units. validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FPercent | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode)); } break; #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitFontSizeDelta: // validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateCharacter: if (id == CSSValueAuto || valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateLimitBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateLimitAfter: if (id == CSSValueAuto || validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode)) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphenateLimitLines: if (id == CSSValueNoLimit || validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode)) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyWebkitLineGrid: if (id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { String lineGridValue = String(valueWithCalculation.value().string); if (!lineGridValue.isEmpty()) { addProperty(propId, cssValuePool.createValue(lineGridValue, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING), important); return true; } } break; case CSSPropertyWebkitLocale: if (id == CSSValueAuto || valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) validPrimitive = true; break; #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) case CSSPropertyWebkitDashboardRegion: // | if (valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSParserValue::Function || id == CSSValueNone) return parseDashboardRegions(propId, important); break; #endif #if PLATFORM(IOS) case CSSPropertyWebkitTouchCallout: if (id == CSSValueDefault || id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; break; #endif #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) case CSSPropertyWebkitTapHighlightColor: if (isValidSystemColorValue(id) || id == CSSValueMenu || (id >= CSSValueWebkitFocusRingColor && id < CSSValueWebkitText && inQuirksMode())) { validPrimitive = true; } else { parsedValue = parseColor(); if (parsedValue) m_valueList->next(); } break; #endif // End Apple-specific properties /* shorthand properties */ case CSSPropertyBackground: { // Position must come before color in this array because a plain old "0" is a legal color // in quirks mode but it's usually the X coordinate of a position. const CSSPropertyID properties[] = { CSSPropertyBackgroundImage, CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat, CSSPropertyBackgroundAttachment, CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition, CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin, CSSPropertyBackgroundClip, CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, CSSPropertyBackgroundSize }; return parseFillShorthand(propId, properties, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(properties), important); } case CSSPropertyWebkitMask: { const CSSPropertyID properties[] = { CSSPropertyWebkitMaskImage, CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSourceType, CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat, CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition, CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin, CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip, CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSize }; return parseFillShorthand(propId, properties, WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(properties), important); } case CSSPropertyBorder: // [ 'border-width' || 'border-style' || ] | inherit { if (parseShorthand(propId, borderAbridgedShorthand(), important)) { // The CSS3 Borders and Backgrounds specification says that border also resets border-image. It's as // though a value of none was specified for the image. addExpandedPropertyForValue(CSSPropertyBorderImage, cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue(), important); return true; } return false; } case CSSPropertyBorderTop: // [ 'border-top-width' || 'border-style' || ] | inherit return parseShorthand(propId, borderTopShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyBorderRight: // [ 'border-right-width' || 'border-style' || ] | inherit return parseShorthand(propId, borderRightShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyBorderBottom: // [ 'border-bottom-width' || 'border-style' || ] | inherit return parseShorthand(propId, borderBottomShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyBorderLeft: // [ 'border-left-width' || 'border-style' || ] | inherit return parseShorthand(propId, borderLeftShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStart: return parseShorthand(propId, webkitBorderStartShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEnd: return parseShorthand(propId, webkitBorderEndShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBefore: return parseShorthand(propId, webkitBorderBeforeShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfter: return parseShorthand(propId, webkitBorderAfterShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyOutline: // [ 'outline-color' || 'outline-style' || 'outline-width' ] | inherit return parseShorthand(propId, outlineShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyBorderColor: // {1,4} | inherit return parse4Values(propId, borderColorShorthand().properties(), important); case CSSPropertyBorderWidth: // {1,4} | inherit return parse4Values(propId, borderWidthShorthand().properties(), important); case CSSPropertyBorderStyle: // {1,4} | inherit return parse4Values(propId, borderStyleShorthand().properties(), important); case CSSPropertyMargin: // {1,4} | inherit return parse4Values(propId, marginShorthand().properties(), important); case CSSPropertyPadding: // {1,4} | inherit return parse4Values(propId, paddingShorthand().properties(), important); case CSSPropertyFlexFlow: return parseShorthand(propId, flexFlowShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyFont: // [ [ 'font-style' || 'font-variant' || 'font-weight' ]? 'font-size' [ / 'line-height' ]? // 'font-family' ] | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar | inherit if (num == 1 && id >= CSSValueCaption && id <= CSSValueStatusBar) { parseSystemFont(important); return true; } return parseFont(important); case CSSPropertyListStyle: return parseShorthand(propId, listStyleShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyColumns: return parseColumnsShorthand(important); case CSSPropertyColumnRule: return parseShorthand(propId, columnRuleShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyWebkitTextStroke: return parseShorthand(propId, webkitTextStrokeShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyAnimation: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimation: return parseAnimationShorthand(propId, important); case CSSPropertyTransition: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransition: return parseTransitionShorthand(propId, important); case CSSPropertyInvalid: return false; case CSSPropertyPage: return parsePage(propId, important); case CSSPropertyFontStretch: case CSSPropertyTextLineThrough: case CSSPropertyTextOverline: case CSSPropertyTextUnderline: return false; // CSS Text Layout Module Level 3: Vertical writing support case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasis: return parseShorthand(propId, webkitTextEmphasisShorthand(), important); case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisStyle: return parseTextEmphasisStyle(important); case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisPosition: return parseTextEmphasisPosition(important); case CSSPropertyWebkitTextOrientation: if (id == CSSValueSideways || id == CSSValueSidewaysRight || id == CSSValueVerticalRight || id == CSSValueMixed || id == CSSValueUpright) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyHangingPunctuation: return parseHangingPunctuation(important); case CSSPropertyWebkitLineBoxContain: if (id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else return parseLineBoxContain(important); break; case CSSPropertyFontFeatureSettings: if (id == CSSValueNormal) validPrimitive = true; else return parseFontFeatureSettings(important); break; case CSSPropertyFontVariantLigatures: if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueNone) validPrimitive = true; else return parseFontVariantLigatures(important, true, false); break; case CSSPropertyFontVariantNumeric: if (id == CSSValueNormal) validPrimitive = true; else return parseFontVariantNumeric(important, true, false); break; case CSSPropertyFontVariantEastAsian: if (id == CSSValueNormal) validPrimitive = true; else return parseFontVariantEastAsian(important, true, false); break; case CSSPropertyFontVariant: if (id == CSSValueNormal) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyFontVariant); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantLigatures, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantPosition, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantNumeric, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantAlternates, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantEastAsian, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); return true; } if (id == CSSValueNone) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyFontVariant); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantLigatures, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important, true); return true; } return parseFontVariant(important); case CSSPropertyWebkitClipPath: parsedValue = parseClipPath(); break; #if ENABLE(CSS_SHAPES) case CSSPropertyWebkitShapeOutside: parsedValue = parseShapeProperty(propId); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitShapeMargin: validPrimitive = (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssShapesEnabled() && !id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg)); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitShapeImageThreshold: validPrimitive = (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssShapesEnabled() && !id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber)); break; #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_ORIENTATION) case CSSPropertyImageOrientation: validPrimitive = !id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FAngle); break; #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_RESOLUTION) case CSSPropertyImageResolution: parsedValue = parseImageResolution(); break; #endif case CSSPropertyAlignContent: parsedValue = parseContentDistributionOverflowPosition(); break; case CSSPropertyAlignSelf: return parseItemPositionOverflowPosition(propId, important); case CSSPropertyAlignItems: return parseItemPositionOverflowPosition(propId, important); case CSSPropertyBorderBottomStyle: case CSSPropertyBorderCollapse: case CSSPropertyBorderLeftStyle: case CSSPropertyBorderRightStyle: case CSSPropertyBorderTopStyle: case CSSPropertyBoxSizing: case CSSPropertyBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyBreakBefore: case CSSPropertyBreakInside: case CSSPropertyCaptionSide: case CSSPropertyClear: case CSSPropertyDirection: case CSSPropertyDisplay: case CSSPropertyEmptyCells: case CSSPropertyFloat: case CSSPropertyFontStyle: case CSSPropertyImageRendering: case CSSPropertyListStylePosition: case CSSPropertyListStyleType: case CSSPropertyObjectFit: case CSSPropertyOutlineStyle: case CSSPropertyOverflowWrap: case CSSPropertyOverflowX: case CSSPropertyOverflowY: case CSSPropertyPageBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyPageBreakBefore: case CSSPropertyPageBreakInside: case CSSPropertyPointerEvents: case CSSPropertyPosition: case CSSPropertyResize: case CSSPropertySpeak: case CSSPropertyTableLayout: case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughMode: case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughStyle: case CSSPropertyTextOverflow: case CSSPropertyTextOverlineMode: case CSSPropertyTextOverlineStyle: case CSSPropertyTextRendering: case CSSPropertyTextTransform: case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineMode: case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineStyle: case CSSPropertyVisibility: case CSSPropertyWebkitAppearance: case CSSPropertyWebkitBackfaceVisibility: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderFit: case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxAlign: #if ENABLE(CSS_BOX_DECORATION_BREAK) case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDecorationBreak: #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDirection: case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxLines: case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrient: case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxPack: case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakInside: case CSSPropertyColumnFill: case CSSPropertyColumnRuleStyle: case CSSPropertyFlexDirection: case CSSPropertyFlexWrap: case CSSPropertyWebkitFontKerning: case CSSPropertyWebkitFontSmoothing: case CSSPropertyWebkitHyphens: case CSSPropertyWebkitLineAlign: case CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak: case CSSPropertyWebkitLineSnap: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginAfterCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBeforeCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBottomCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginTopCollapse: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeDirection: case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode: #if ENABLE(ACCELERATED_OVERFLOW_SCROLLING) case CSSPropertyWebkitOverflowScrolling: #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitPrintColorAdjust: #if ENABLE(CSS_REGIONS) case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakAfter: case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakBefore: case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionBreakInside: case CSSPropertyWebkitRegionFragment: #endif case CSSPropertyWebkitRtlOrdering: case CSSPropertyWebkitRubyPosition: #if ENABLE(CSS3_TEXT) case CSSPropertyWebkitTextAlignLast: #endif // CSS3_TEXT case CSSPropertyWebkitTextCombine: #if ENABLE(CSS3_TEXT) case CSSPropertyWebkitTextJustify: #endif // CSS3_TEXT case CSSPropertyWebkitTextSecurity: case CSSPropertyTransformStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformStyle: case CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag: case CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify: case CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect: case CSSPropertyWebkitWritingMode: case CSSPropertyWhiteSpace: case CSSPropertyWordBreak: case CSSPropertyWordWrap: #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) case CSSPropertyTouchAction: #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_SCROLL_SNAP) case CSSPropertyWebkitScrollSnapType: #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_TRAILING_WORD) case CSSPropertyAppleTrailingWord: #endif // These properties should be handled before in isValidKeywordPropertyAndValue(). ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; #if ENABLE(CSS_DEVICE_ADAPTATION) // Properties bellow are validated inside parseViewportProperty, because we // check for parser state inViewportScope. We need to invalidate if someone // adds them outside a @viewport rule. case CSSPropertyMaxZoom: case CSSPropertyMinZoom: case CSSPropertyOrientation: case CSSPropertyUserZoom: validPrimitive = false; break; #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_SCROLL_SNAP) case CSSPropertyWebkitScrollSnapPointsX: case CSSPropertyWebkitScrollSnapPointsY: if (id == CSSValueElements) { validPrimitive = true; break; } return parseNonElementSnapPoints(propId, important); case CSSPropertyWebkitScrollSnapDestination: // {2} return parseScrollSnapDestination(propId, important); case CSSPropertyWebkitScrollSnapCoordinate: return parseScrollSnapCoordinate(propId, important); #endif default: return parseSVGValue(propId, important); } if (validPrimitive) { parsedValue = parseValidPrimitive(id, valueWithCalculation); m_valueList->next(); } if (parsedValue) { if (!m_valueList->current() || inShorthand()) { addProperty(propId, parsedValue.release(), important); return true; } } return false; } void CSSParser::addFillValue(RefPtr& lval, Ref&& rval) { if (!lval) { lval = WTFMove(rval); return; } if (lval->isBaseValueList()) { downcast(*lval).append(WTFMove(rval)); return; } auto list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); list.get().append(lval.releaseNonNull()); list.get().append(WTFMove(rval)); lval = WTFMove(list); } static bool isContentDistributionKeyword(CSSValueID id) { return id == CSSValueSpaceBetween || id == CSSValueSpaceAround || id == CSSValueSpaceEvenly || id == CSSValueStretch; } static bool isContentPositionKeyword(CSSValueID id) { return id == CSSValueStart || id == CSSValueEnd || id == CSSValueCenter || id == CSSValueFlexStart || id == CSSValueFlexEnd || id == CSSValueLeft || id == CSSValueRight; } static inline bool isBaselinePositionKeyword(CSSValueID id) { return id == CSSValueBaseline || id == CSSValueLastBaseline; } static bool isAlignmentOverflowKeyword(CSSValueID id) { return id == CSSValueUnsafe || id == CSSValueSafe; } static bool isItemPositionKeyword(CSSValueID id) { return id == CSSValueStart || id == CSSValueEnd || id == CSSValueCenter || id == CSSValueSelfStart || id == CSSValueSelfEnd || id == CSSValueFlexStart || id == CSSValueFlexEnd || id == CSSValueLeft || id == CSSValueRight; } bool CSSParser::parseLegacyPosition(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { // [ legacy && [ left | right | center ] CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (!value) return false; if (value->id == CSSValueLegacy) { value = m_valueList->next(); if (!value) return false; if (value->id != CSSValueCenter && value->id != CSSValueLeft && value->id != CSSValueRight) return false; } else if (value->id == CSSValueCenter || value->id == CSSValueLeft || value->id == CSSValueRight) { if (!m_valueList->next() || m_valueList->current()->id != CSSValueLegacy) return false; } else return false; auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); addProperty(propId, createPrimitiveValuePair(cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(CSSValueLegacy), cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(value->id)), important); return !m_valueList->next(); } RefPtr CSSParser::parseContentDistributionOverflowPosition() { // auto | | || [ ? && ] // = baseline | last-baseline; // = space-between | space-around | space-evenly | stretch; // = center | start | end | flex-start | flex-end | left | right; // = true | safe CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (!value) return nullptr; // auto | if (value->id == CSSValueAuto || isBaselinePositionKeyword(value->id)) { m_valueList->next(); return CSSContentDistributionValue::create(CSSValueInvalid, value->id, CSSValueInvalid); } CSSValueID distribution = CSSValueInvalid; CSSValueID position = CSSValueInvalid; CSSValueID overflow = CSSValueInvalid; while (value) { if (isContentDistributionKeyword(value->id)) { if (distribution != CSSValueInvalid) return nullptr; distribution = value->id; } else if (isContentPositionKeyword(value->id)) { if (position != CSSValueInvalid) return nullptr; position = value->id; } else if (isAlignmentOverflowKeyword(value->id)) { if (overflow != CSSValueInvalid) return nullptr; overflow = value->id; } else return nullptr; value = m_valueList->next(); } // The grammar states that we should have at least or // ( || ). if (position == CSSValueInvalid && distribution == CSSValueInvalid) return nullptr; // The grammar states that must be associated to . if (overflow != CSSValueInvalid && position == CSSValueInvalid) return nullptr; return CSSContentDistributionValue::create(distribution, position, overflow); } bool CSSParser::parseItemPositionOverflowPosition(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { // auto | stretch | | [ && ? ] // = baseline | last-baseline; // = center | start | end | self-start | self-end | flex-start | flex-end | left | right; // = true | safe CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (!value) return false; if (value->id == CSSValueAuto || value->id == CSSValueStretch || isBaselinePositionKeyword(value->id)) { if (m_valueList->next()) return false; addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id), important); return true; } RefPtr position; RefPtr overflowAlignmentKeyword; if (isItemPositionKeyword(value->id)) { position = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); value = m_valueList->next(); if (value) { if (value->id != CSSValueUnsafe && value->id != CSSValueSafe) return false; overflowAlignmentKeyword = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); } } else if (isAlignmentOverflowKeyword(value->id)) { overflowAlignmentKeyword = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); value = m_valueList->next(); if (value && isItemPositionKeyword(value->id)) position = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); else return false; } else return false; if (m_valueList->next()) return false; ASSERT(position); if (overflowAlignmentKeyword) addProperty(propId, createPrimitiveValuePair(position.release(), overflowAlignmentKeyword.release()), important); else addProperty(propId, position.release(), important); return true; } static bool parseBackgroundClip(CSSParserValue& parserValue, RefPtr& cssValue) { if (parserValue.id == CSSValueBorderBox || parserValue.id == CSSValuePaddingBox || parserValue.id == CSSValueContentBox || parserValue.id == CSSValueWebkitText) { cssValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(parserValue.id); return true; } return false; } bool CSSParser::useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior() const { return m_context.useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior; } #if ENABLE(CSS_SCROLL_SNAP) bool CSSParser::parseNonElementSnapPoints(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { RefPtr values = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); while (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current()) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FPercent | FLength)) values->append(createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation)); else if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Function && value->function->args && value->function->args->size() == 1 && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "repeat(")) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*value->function->args.get()->current()); if (validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg)) { values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(LengthRepeat::create(createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation)))); m_valueList->next(); if (m_valueList->current()) return false; break; } } else return false; m_valueList->next(); } if (values->length()) { addProperty(propId, values.release(), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseScrollSnapPositions(RefPtr& cssValueX, RefPtr& cssValueY) { cssValueX = parsePositionX(*m_valueList); if (!cssValueX) return false; // Don't accept odd-length lists of positions (must always have an X and a Y): if (!m_valueList->next()) return false; cssValueY = parsePositionY(*m_valueList); if (!cssValueY) return false; return true; } bool CSSParser::parseScrollSnapDestination(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { RefPtr position = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); if (m_valueList->size() != 2) return false; RefPtr cssValueX, cssValueY; if (!parseScrollSnapPositions(cssValueX, cssValueY)) return false; position->append(cssValueX.releaseNonNull()); position->append(cssValueY.releaseNonNull()); addProperty(propId, position, important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseScrollSnapCoordinate(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { RefPtr positions = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); while (m_valueList->current()) { RefPtr cssValueX, cssValueY; if (!parseScrollSnapPositions(cssValueX, cssValueY)) return false; positions->append(cssValueX.releaseNonNull()); positions->append(cssValueY.releaseNonNull()); m_valueList->next(); } if (positions->length()) { addProperty(propId, positions.release(), important); return true; } return false; } #endif const int cMaxFillProperties = 9; bool CSSParser::parseFillShorthand(CSSPropertyID propId, const CSSPropertyID* properties, int numProperties, bool important) { ASSERT(numProperties <= cMaxFillProperties); if (numProperties > cMaxFillProperties) return false; ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); bool parsedProperty[cMaxFillProperties] = { false }; RefPtr values[cMaxFillProperties]; RefPtr clipValue; RefPtr positionYValue; RefPtr repeatYValue; bool foundClip = false; int i; bool foundPositionCSSProperty = false; auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); while (m_valueList->current()) { CSSParserValue& currentValue = *m_valueList->current(); if (currentValue.unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && currentValue.iValue == ',') { // We hit the end. Fill in all remaining values with the initial value. m_valueList->next(); for (i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i) { if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundColor && parsedProperty[i]) // Color is not allowed except as the last item in a list for backgrounds. // Reject the entire property. return false; if (!parsedProperty[i] && properties[i] != CSSPropertyBackgroundColor) { addFillValue(values[i], cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition) addFillValue(positionYValue, cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat) addFillValue(repeatYValue, cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); if ((properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin) && !parsedProperty[i]) { // If background-origin wasn't present, then reset background-clip also. addFillValue(clipValue, cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); } } parsedProperty[i] = false; } if (!m_valueList->current()) break; } bool sizeCSSPropertyExpected = false; if (isForwardSlashOperator(currentValue) && foundPositionCSSProperty) { sizeCSSPropertyExpected = true; m_valueList->next(); } foundPositionCSSProperty = false; bool found = false; for (i = 0; !found && i < numProperties; ++i) { if (sizeCSSPropertyExpected && (properties[i] != CSSPropertyBackgroundSize && properties[i] != CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSize)) continue; if (!sizeCSSPropertyExpected && (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundSize || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSize)) continue; if (!parsedProperty[i]) { RefPtr val1; RefPtr val2; CSSPropertyID propId1, propId2; CSSParserValue& parserValue = *m_valueList->current(); if (parseFillProperty(properties[i], propId1, propId2, val1, val2)) { parsedProperty[i] = found = true; addFillValue(values[i], val1.releaseNonNull()); if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition) addFillValue(positionYValue, val2.releaseNonNull()); if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat) addFillValue(repeatYValue, val2.releaseNonNull()); if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin) { // Reparse the value as a clip, and see if we succeed. if (parseBackgroundClip(parserValue, val1)) addFillValue(clipValue, val1.releaseNonNull()); // The property parsed successfully. else addFillValue(clipValue, cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); // Some value was used for origin that is not supported by clip. Just reset clip instead. } if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundClip || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip) foundClip = true; if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition) foundPositionCSSProperty = true; } } } // if we didn't find at least one match, this is an // invalid shorthand and we have to ignore it if (!found) return false; } // Now add all of the properties we found. for (i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i) { // Fill in any remaining properties with the initial value. if (!parsedProperty[i]) { addFillValue(values[i], cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition) addFillValue(positionYValue, cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat) addFillValue(repeatYValue, cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin) { // If background-origin wasn't present, then reset background-clip also. addFillValue(clipValue, cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); } } if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition) { addProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionX, values[i].release(), important); // it's OK to call positionYValue.release() since we only see CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition once addProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionY, positionYValue.release(), important); } else if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition) { addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionX, values[i].release(), important); // it's OK to call positionYValue.release() since we only see CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition once addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionY, positionYValue.release(), important); } else if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat) { addProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeatX, values[i].release(), important); // it's OK to call repeatYValue.release() since we only see CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition once addProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeatY, repeatYValue.release(), important); } else if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat) { addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeatX, values[i].release(), important); // it's OK to call repeatYValue.release() since we only see CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition once addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeatY, repeatYValue.release(), important); } else if ((properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundClip || properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip) && !foundClip) // Value is already set while updating origin continue; else if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundSize && !parsedProperty[i] && useLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior()) continue; else addProperty(properties[i], values[i].release(), important); // Add in clip values when we hit the corresponding origin property. if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin && !foundClip) addProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundClip, clipValue.release(), important); else if (properties[i] == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin && !foundClip) addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip, clipValue.release(), important); } return true; } void CSSParser::addAnimationValue(RefPtr& lval, Ref&& rval) { if (!lval) { lval = WTFMove(rval); return; } if (is(*lval)) { downcast(*lval).append(WTFMove(rval)); return; } auto list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); list.get().append(lval.releaseNonNull()); list.get().append(WTFMove(rval)); lval = WTFMove(list); } bool CSSParser::parseAnimationShorthand(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { ASSERT(propId == CSSPropertyAnimation || propId == CSSPropertyWebkitAnimation); const unsigned numProperties = 8; const StylePropertyShorthand& shorthand = animationShorthandForParsing(propId); // The list of properties in the shorthand should be the same // length as the list with animation name in last position, even though they are // in a different order. ASSERT(numProperties == shorthand.length()); ASSERT(numProperties == animationShorthand().length()); ASSERT(numProperties == webkitAnimationShorthand().length()); ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); bool parsedProperty[numProperties] = { false }; AnimationParseContext context; RefPtr values[numProperties]; auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); unsigned i; while (m_valueList->current()) { CSSParserValue* val = m_valueList->current(); if (val->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && val->iValue == ',') { // We hit the end. Fill in all remaining values with the initial value. m_valueList->next(); for (i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i) { if (!parsedProperty[i]) addAnimationValue(values[i], cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); parsedProperty[i] = false; } if (!m_valueList->current()) break; context.commitFirstAnimation(); } bool found = false; for (i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i) { if (!parsedProperty[i]) { RefPtr val; if (parseAnimationProperty(shorthand.properties()[i], val, context)) { parsedProperty[i] = found = true; addAnimationValue(values[i], val.releaseNonNull()); break; } } // There are more values to process but 'none' or 'all' were already defined as the animation property, the declaration becomes invalid. if (!context.animationPropertyKeywordAllowed() && context.hasCommittedFirstAnimation()) return false; } // if we didn't find at least one match, this is an // invalid shorthand and we have to ignore it if (!found) return false; } for (i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i) { // If we didn't find the property, set an intial value. if (!parsedProperty[i]) addAnimationValue(values[i], cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); addProperty(shorthand.properties()[i], values[i].release(), important); } return true; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseColumnWidth() { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); CSSValueID id = valueWithCalculation.value().id; // Always parse this property in strict mode, since it would be ambiguous otherwise when used in the 'columns' shorthand property. if (id != CSSValueAuto && !(validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode) && parsedDouble(valueWithCalculation))) return nullptr; RefPtr parsedValue = parseValidPrimitive(id, valueWithCalculation); m_valueList->next(); return parsedValue; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseColumnCount() { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); CSSValueID id = valueWithCalculation.value().id; if (id != CSSValueAuto && !validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FPositiveInteger, CSSQuirksMode)) return nullptr; RefPtr parsedValue = parseValidPrimitive(id, valueWithCalculation); m_valueList->next(); return parsedValue; } bool CSSParser::parseColumnsShorthand(bool important) { RefPtr columnWidth; RefPtr columnCount; bool hasPendingExplicitAuto = false; for (unsigned propertiesParsed = 0; CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); propertiesParsed++) { if (propertiesParsed >= 2) return false; // Too many values for this shorthand. Invalid declaration. if (!propertiesParsed && value->id == CSSValueAuto) { // 'auto' is a valid value for any of the two longhands, and at this point // we don't know which one(s) it is meant for. We need to see if there are other values first. m_valueList->next(); hasPendingExplicitAuto = true; } else { if (!columnWidth) { if ((columnWidth = parseColumnWidth())) continue; } if (!columnCount) { if ((columnCount = parseColumnCount())) continue; } // If we didn't find at least one match, this is an invalid shorthand and we have to ignore it. return false; } } // Any unassigned property at this point will become implicit 'auto'. if (columnWidth) addProperty(CSSPropertyColumnWidth, columnWidth, important); else { addProperty(CSSPropertyColumnWidth, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto), important, !hasPendingExplicitAuto /* implicit */); hasPendingExplicitAuto = false; } if (columnCount) addProperty(CSSPropertyColumnCount, columnCount, important); else addProperty(CSSPropertyColumnCount, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto), important, !hasPendingExplicitAuto /* implicit */); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseTransitionShorthand(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { const unsigned numProperties = 4; const StylePropertyShorthand& shorthand = shorthandForProperty(propId); ASSERT(numProperties == shorthand.length()); ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); bool parsedProperty[numProperties] = { false }; AnimationParseContext context; RefPtr values[numProperties]; auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); unsigned i; while (m_valueList->current()) { CSSParserValue* val = m_valueList->current(); if (val->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && val->iValue == ',') { // We hit the end. Fill in all remaining values with the initial value. m_valueList->next(); for (i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i) { if (!parsedProperty[i]) addAnimationValue(values[i], cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); parsedProperty[i] = false; } if (!m_valueList->current()) break; context.commitFirstAnimation(); } bool found = false; for (i = 0; !found && i < numProperties; ++i) { if (!parsedProperty[i]) { RefPtr val; if (parseAnimationProperty(shorthand.properties()[i], val, context)) { parsedProperty[i] = found = true; addAnimationValue(values[i], val.releaseNonNull()); } // There are more values to process but 'none' or 'all' were already defined as the animation property, the declaration becomes invalid. if (!context.animationPropertyKeywordAllowed() && context.hasCommittedFirstAnimation()) return false; } } // if we didn't find at least one match, this is an // invalid shorthand and we have to ignore it if (!found) return false; } // Fill in any remaining properties with the initial value. for (i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i) { if (!parsedProperty[i]) addAnimationValue(values[i], cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue()); } // Now add all of the properties we found. for (i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i) addPropertyWithPrefixingVariant(shorthand.properties()[i], values[i].release(), important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseShorthand(CSSPropertyID propId, const StylePropertyShorthand& shorthand, bool important) { // We try to match as many properties as possible // We set up an array of booleans to mark which property has been found, // and we try to search for properties until it makes no longer any sense. ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); bool found = false; unsigned propertiesParsed = 0; bool propertyFound[6]= { false, false, false, false, false, false }; // 6 is enough size. while (m_valueList->current()) { found = false; for (unsigned propIndex = 0; !found && propIndex < shorthand.length(); ++propIndex) { if (!propertyFound[propIndex] && parseValue(shorthand.properties()[propIndex], important)) { propertyFound[propIndex] = found = true; propertiesParsed++; } } // if we didn't find at least one match, this is an // invalid shorthand and we have to ignore it if (!found) return false; } if (propertiesParsed == shorthand.length()) return true; // Fill in any remaining properties with the initial value. auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); ImplicitScope implicitScope(*this, PropertyImplicit); const StylePropertyShorthand* propertiesForInitialization = shorthand.propertiesForInitialization(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < shorthand.length(); ++i) { if (propertyFound[i]) continue; if (propertiesForInitialization) { const StylePropertyShorthand& initProperties = propertiesForInitialization[i]; for (unsigned propIndex = 0; propIndex < initProperties.length(); ++propIndex) addProperty(initProperties.properties()[propIndex], cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue(), important); } else addProperty(shorthand.properties()[i], cssValuePool.createImplicitInitialValue(), important); } return true; } bool CSSParser::parse4Values(CSSPropertyID propId, const CSSPropertyID *properties, bool important) { /* From the CSS 2 specs, 8.3 * If there is only one value, it applies to all sides. If there are two values, the top and * bottom margins are set to the first value and the right and left margins are set to the second. * If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set to the * second, and the bottom is set to the third. If there are four values, they apply to the top, * right, bottom, and left, respectively. */ unsigned num = inShorthand() ? 1 : m_valueList->size(); ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); // the order is top, right, bottom, left switch (num) { case 1: { if (!parseValue(properties[0], important)) return false; CSSValue* value = m_parsedProperties.last().value(); ImplicitScope implicitScope(*this, PropertyImplicit); addProperty(properties[1], value, important); addProperty(properties[2], value, important); addProperty(properties[3], value, important); break; } case 2: { if (!parseValue(properties[0], important) || !parseValue(properties[1], important)) return false; CSSValue* value = m_parsedProperties[m_parsedProperties.size() - 2].value(); ImplicitScope implicitScope(*this, PropertyImplicit); addProperty(properties[2], value, important); value = m_parsedProperties[m_parsedProperties.size() - 2].value(); addProperty(properties[3], value, important); break; } case 3: { if (!parseValue(properties[0], important) || !parseValue(properties[1], important) || !parseValue(properties[2], important)) return false; CSSValue* value = m_parsedProperties[m_parsedProperties.size() - 2].value(); ImplicitScope implicitScope(*this, PropertyImplicit); addProperty(properties[3], value, important); break; } case 4: { if (!parseValue(properties[0], important) || !parseValue(properties[1], important) || !parseValue(properties[2], important) || !parseValue(properties[3], important)) return false; break; } default: { return false; } } return true; } // auto | bool CSSParser::parsePage(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { ASSERT(propId == CSSPropertyPage); if (m_valueList->size() != 1) return false; CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (!value) return false; if (value->id == CSSValueAuto) { addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id), important); return true; } else if (value->id == 0 && value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { addProperty(propId, createPrimitiveStringValue(*value), important); return true; } return false; } // {1,2} | auto | [ || [ portrait | landscape] ] bool CSSParser::parseSize(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { ASSERT(propId == CSSPropertySize); if (m_valueList->size() > 2) return false; CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (!value) return false; RefPtr parsedValues = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); // First parameter. SizeParameterType paramType = parseSizeParameter(*parsedValues, *value, None); if (paramType == None) return false; // Second parameter, if any. value = m_valueList->next(); if (value) { paramType = parseSizeParameter(*parsedValues, *value, paramType); if (paramType == None) return false; } addProperty(propId, parsedValues.release(), important); return true; } CSSParser::SizeParameterType CSSParser::parseSizeParameter(CSSValueList& parsedValues, CSSParserValue& value, SizeParameterType prevParamType) { switch (value.id) { case CSSValueAuto: if (prevParamType == None) { parsedValues.append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id)); return Auto; } return None; case CSSValueLandscape: case CSSValuePortrait: if (prevParamType == None || prevParamType == PageSize) { parsedValues.append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id)); return Orientation; } return None; case CSSValueA3: case CSSValueA4: case CSSValueA5: case CSSValueB4: case CSSValueB5: case CSSValueLedger: case CSSValueLegal: case CSSValueLetter: if (prevParamType == None || prevParamType == Orientation) { // Normalize to Page Size then Orientation order by prepending. // This is not specified by the CSS3 Paged Media specification, but for simpler processing later (StyleResolver::applyPageSizeProperty). parsedValues.prepend(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id)); return PageSize; } return None; case CSSValueInvalid: { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(value); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg) && (prevParamType == None || prevParamType == Length)) { parsedValues.append(createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation)); return Length; } return None; } default: return None; } } // [ ]+ | inherit | none // inherit and none are handled in parseValue. bool CSSParser::parseQuotes(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { RefPtr values = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); while (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current()) { if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) break; values->append(CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->string, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)); m_valueList->next(); } if (values->length()) { addProperty(propId, values.release(), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseAlt(CSSPropertyID propID, bool important) { CSSParserValue& currentValue = *m_valueList->current(); RefPtr parsedValue; if (currentValue.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) parsedValue = createPrimitiveStringValue(currentValue); else if (currentValue.unit == CSSParserValue::Function) { CSSParserValueList* args = currentValue.function->args.get(); if (!args) return false; if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(currentValue.function->name, "attr(")) parsedValue = parseAttr(*args); } if (parsedValue) { addProperty(propID, parsedValue.release(), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseCustomPropertyDeclaration(bool important, CSSValueID id) { if (m_customPropertyName.isEmpty() || !m_valueList) return false; auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); RefPtr value; if (id == CSSValueInherit) value = cssValuePool.createInheritedValue(); else if (id == CSSValueInitial) value = cssValuePool.createExplicitInitialValue(); else if (id == CSSValueUnset) value = cssValuePool.createUnsetValue(); else if (id == CSSValueRevert) value = cssValuePool.createRevertValue(); else { RefPtr valueList = CSSValueList::createFromParserValueList(*m_valueList); if (m_valueList->containsVariables()) value = CSSVariableDependentValue::create(valueList, CSSPropertyCustom); else value = valueList; } addProperty(CSSPropertyCustom, CSSCustomPropertyValue::create(m_customPropertyName, value), important, false); return true; } // [ | | | attr(X) | open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote ]+ | inherit // in CSS 2.1 this got somewhat reduced: // [ | attr(X) | open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote ]+ | inherit bool CSSParser::parseContent(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { RefPtr values = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); while (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current()) { RefPtr parsedValue; if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) { // url parsedValue = CSSImageValue::create(completeURL(value->string)); } else if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Function) { // attr(X) | counter(X [,Y]) | counters(X, Y, [,Z]) | -webkit-gradient(...) CSSParserValueList* args = value->function->args.get(); if (!args) return false; if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "attr(")) { parsedValue = parseAttr(*args); if (!parsedValue) return false; } else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "counter(")) { parsedValue = parseCounterContent(*args, false); if (!parsedValue) return false; } else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "counters(")) { parsedValue = parseCounterContent(*args, true); if (!parsedValue) return false; #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_SET) } else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "-webkit-image-set(")) { parsedValue = parseImageSet(); if (!parsedValue) return false; #endif } else if (isGeneratedImageValue(*value)) { if (!parseGeneratedImage(*m_valueList, parsedValue)) return false; } else return false; } else if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { // open-quote // close-quote // no-open-quote // no-close-quote // inherit // FIXME: These are not yet implemented (http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6503). // none // normal switch (value->id) { case CSSValueOpenQuote: case CSSValueCloseQuote: case CSSValueNoOpenQuote: case CSSValueNoCloseQuote: case CSSValueNone: case CSSValueNormal: parsedValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); break; default: break; } } else if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) { parsedValue = createPrimitiveStringValue(*value); } if (!parsedValue) break; values->append(parsedValue.releaseNonNull()); m_valueList->next(); } if (values->length()) { addProperty(propId, values.release(), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } return false; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseAttr(CSSParserValueList& args) { if (args.size() != 1) return nullptr; CSSParserValue& argument = *args.current(); if (argument.unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return nullptr; ASSERT(argument.string.length()); // CSS allows identifiers with "-" at the start, like "-webkit-mask-image". // But HTML attribute names can't have those characters, and we should not // even parse them inside attr(). if (argument.string[0] == '-') return nullptr; if (m_context.isHTMLDocument) argument.string.convertToASCIILowercaseInPlace(); // FIXME: Is there some small benefit to creating an AtomicString here instead of a String? return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(String(argument.string), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_ATTR); } RefPtr CSSParser::parseBackgroundColor() { CSSValueID id = m_valueList->current()->id; if (id == CSSValueWebkitText || isValidSystemColorValue(id) || id == CSSValueMenu || id == CSSValueCurrentcolor || (id >= CSSValueGrey && id < CSSValueWebkitText && inQuirksMode())) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(id); return parseColor(); } bool CSSParser::parseFillImage(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& value) { if (valueList.current()->id == CSSValueNone) { value = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); return true; } if (valueList.current()->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) { value = CSSImageValue::create(completeURL(valueList.current()->string)); return true; } if (isGeneratedImageValue(*valueList.current())) return parseGeneratedImage(valueList, value); #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_SET) if (valueList.current()->unit == CSSParserValue::Function && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(valueList.current()->function->name, "-webkit-image-set(")) { value = parseImageSet(); if (value) return true; } #endif return false; } RefPtr CSSParser::parsePositionX(CSSParserValueList& valueList) { int id = valueList.current()->id; if (id == CSSValueLeft || id == CSSValueRight || id == CSSValueCenter) { int percent = 0; if (id == CSSValueRight) percent = 100; else if (id == CSSValueCenter) percent = 50; return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(percent, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); } ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*valueList.current()); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FPercent | FLength)) return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); return nullptr; } RefPtr CSSParser::parsePositionY(CSSParserValueList& valueList) { int id = valueList.current()->id; if (id == CSSValueTop || id == CSSValueBottom || id == CSSValueCenter) { int percent = 0; if (id == CSSValueBottom) percent = 100; else if (id == CSSValueCenter) percent = 50; return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(percent, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); } ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*valueList.current()); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FPercent | FLength)) return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); return nullptr; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseFillPositionComponent(CSSParserValueList& valueList, unsigned& cumulativeFlags, FillPositionFlag& individualFlag, FillPositionParsingMode parsingMode) { CSSValueID id = valueList.current()->id; if (id == CSSValueLeft || id == CSSValueTop || id == CSSValueRight || id == CSSValueBottom || id == CSSValueCenter) { int percent = 0; if (id == CSSValueLeft || id == CSSValueRight) { if (cumulativeFlags & XFillPosition) return nullptr; cumulativeFlags |= XFillPosition; individualFlag = XFillPosition; if (id == CSSValueRight) percent = 100; } else if (id == CSSValueTop || id == CSSValueBottom) { if (cumulativeFlags & YFillPosition) return nullptr; cumulativeFlags |= YFillPosition; individualFlag = YFillPosition; if (id == CSSValueBottom) percent = 100; } else if (id == CSSValueCenter) { // Center is ambiguous, so we're not sure which position we've found yet, an x or a y. percent = 50; cumulativeFlags |= AmbiguousFillPosition; individualFlag = AmbiguousFillPosition; } if (parsingMode == ResolveValuesAsKeyword) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(id); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(percent, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); } ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*valueList.current()); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FPercent | FLength)) { if (!cumulativeFlags) { cumulativeFlags |= XFillPosition; individualFlag = XFillPosition; } else if (cumulativeFlags & (XFillPosition | AmbiguousFillPosition)) { cumulativeFlags |= YFillPosition; individualFlag = YFillPosition; } else return nullptr; return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); } return nullptr; } static bool isValueConflictingWithCurrentEdge(int value1, int value2) { if ((value1 == CSSValueLeft || value1 == CSSValueRight) && (value2 == CSSValueLeft || value2 == CSSValueRight)) return true; if ((value1 == CSSValueTop || value1 == CSSValueBottom) && (value2 == CSSValueTop || value2 == CSSValueBottom)) return true; return false; } static bool isFillPositionKeyword(CSSValueID value) { return value == CSSValueLeft || value == CSSValueTop || value == CSSValueBottom || value == CSSValueRight || value == CSSValueCenter; } void CSSParser::parse4ValuesFillPosition(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& value1, RefPtr& value2, RefPtr&& parsedValue1, RefPtr&& parsedValue2) { // [ left | right ] [ ] && [ top | bottom ] [ | ] // In the case of 4 values requires the second value to be a length or a percentage. if (isFillPositionKeyword(parsedValue2->getValueID())) return; unsigned cumulativeFlags = 0; FillPositionFlag value3Flag = InvalidFillPosition; RefPtr value3 = parseFillPositionComponent(valueList, cumulativeFlags, value3Flag, ResolveValuesAsKeyword); if (!value3) return; CSSValueID ident1 = parsedValue1->getValueID(); CSSValueID ident3 = value3->getValueID(); if (ident1 == CSSValueCenter) return; if (!isFillPositionKeyword(ident3) || ident3 == CSSValueCenter) return; // We need to check if the values are not conflicting, e.g. they are not on the same edge. It is // needed as the second call to parseFillPositionComponent was on purpose not checking it. In the // case of two values top 20px is invalid but in the case of 4 values it becomes valid. if (isValueConflictingWithCurrentEdge(ident1, ident3)) return; valueList.next(); cumulativeFlags = 0; FillPositionFlag value4Flag = InvalidFillPosition; RefPtr value4 = parseFillPositionComponent(valueList, cumulativeFlags, value4Flag, ResolveValuesAsKeyword); if (!value4) return; // 4th value must be a length or a percentage. if (isFillPositionKeyword(value4->getValueID())) return; value1 = createPrimitiveValuePair(WTFMove(parsedValue1), WTFMove(parsedValue2)); value2 = createPrimitiveValuePair(value3.copyRef(), value4.copyRef()); if (ident1 == CSSValueTop || ident1 == CSSValueBottom) value1.swap(value2); valueList.next(); } void CSSParser::parse3ValuesFillPosition(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& value1, RefPtr& value2, RefPtr&& parsedValue1, RefPtr&& parsedValue2) { unsigned cumulativeFlags = 0; FillPositionFlag value3Flag = InvalidFillPosition; RefPtr value3 = parseFillPositionComponent(valueList, cumulativeFlags, value3Flag, ResolveValuesAsKeyword); // value3 is not an expected value, we return. if (!value3) return; valueList.next(); bool swapNeeded = false; CSSValueID ident1 = parsedValue1->getValueID(); CSSValueID ident2 = parsedValue2->getValueID(); CSSValueID ident3 = value3->getValueID(); CSSValueID firstPositionKeyword; CSSValueID secondPositionKeyword; auto& cssValuePool = CSSValuePool::singleton(); if (ident1 == CSSValueCenter) { // requires the first 'center' to be followed by a keyword. if (!isFillPositionKeyword(ident2)) return; // If 'center' is the first keyword then the last one needs to be a length. if (isFillPositionKeyword(ident3)) return; firstPositionKeyword = CSSValueLeft; if (ident2 == CSSValueLeft || ident2 == CSSValueRight) { firstPositionKeyword = CSSValueTop; swapNeeded = true; } value1 = createPrimitiveValuePair(cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(firstPositionKeyword), cssValuePool.createValue(50, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE)); value2 = createPrimitiveValuePair(WTFMove(parsedValue2), value3.copyRef()); } else if (ident3 == CSSValueCenter) { if (isFillPositionKeyword(ident2)) return; secondPositionKeyword = CSSValueTop; if (ident1 == CSSValueTop || ident1 == CSSValueBottom) { secondPositionKeyword = CSSValueLeft; swapNeeded = true; } value1 = createPrimitiveValuePair(WTFMove(parsedValue1), parsedValue2.copyRef()); value2 = createPrimitiveValuePair(cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(secondPositionKeyword), cssValuePool.createValue(50, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE)); } else { RefPtr firstPositionValue; RefPtr secondPositionValue; if (isFillPositionKeyword(ident2)) { // To match CSS grammar, we should only accept: [ center | left | right | bottom | top ] [ left | right | top | bottom ] [ | ]. ASSERT(ident2 != CSSValueCenter); if (isFillPositionKeyword(ident3)) return; secondPositionValue = value3; secondPositionKeyword = ident2; firstPositionValue = cssValuePool.createValue(0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); } else { // Per CSS, we should only accept: [ right | left | top | bottom ] [ | ] [ center | left | right | bottom | top ]. if (!isFillPositionKeyword(ident3)) return; firstPositionValue = parsedValue2; secondPositionKeyword = ident3; secondPositionValue = cssValuePool.createValue(0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); } if (isValueConflictingWithCurrentEdge(ident1, secondPositionKeyword)) return; value1 = createPrimitiveValuePair(WTFMove(parsedValue1), firstPositionValue.copyRef()); value2 = createPrimitiveValuePair(cssValuePool.createIdentifierValue(secondPositionKeyword), secondPositionValue.copyRef()); } if (ident1 == CSSValueTop || ident1 == CSSValueBottom || swapNeeded) value1.swap(value2); #ifndef NDEBUG CSSPrimitiveValue& first = *value1; CSSPrimitiveValue& second = *value2; ident1 = first.getPairValue()->first()->getValueID(); ident2 = second.getPairValue()->first()->getValueID(); ASSERT(ident1 == CSSValueLeft || ident1 == CSSValueRight); ASSERT(ident2 == CSSValueBottom || ident2 == CSSValueTop); #endif } inline bool CSSParser::isPotentialPositionValue(CSSParserValue& value) { if (isFillPositionKeyword(value.id)) return true; ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(value); return validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FPercent | FLength); } void CSSParser::parseFillPosition(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& value1, RefPtr& value2) { unsigned numberOfValues = 0; for (unsigned i = valueList.currentIndex(); i < valueList.size(); ++i, ++numberOfValues) { CSSParserValue* current = valueList.valueAt(i); if (!current || isComma(current) || isForwardSlashOperator(*current) || !isPotentialPositionValue(*current)) break; } if (numberOfValues > 4) return; // If we are parsing two values, we can safely call the CSS 2.1 parsing function and return. if (numberOfValues <= 2) { parse2ValuesFillPosition(valueList, value1, value2); return; } ASSERT(numberOfValues > 2 && numberOfValues <= 4); CSSParserValue* value = valueList.current(); // requires the first value to be a background keyword. if (!isFillPositionKeyword(value->id)) return; // Parse the first value. We're just making sure that it is one of the valid keywords or a percentage/length. unsigned cumulativeFlags = 0; FillPositionFlag value1Flag = InvalidFillPosition; FillPositionFlag value2Flag = InvalidFillPosition; value1 = parseFillPositionComponent(valueList, cumulativeFlags, value1Flag, ResolveValuesAsKeyword); if (!value1) return; value = valueList.next(); // In case we are parsing more than two values, relax the check inside of parseFillPositionComponent. top 20px is // a valid start for . cumulativeFlags = AmbiguousFillPosition; value2 = parseFillPositionComponent(valueList, cumulativeFlags, value2Flag, ResolveValuesAsKeyword); if (value2) valueList.next(); else { value1 = nullptr; return; } RefPtr parsedValue1 = value1; RefPtr parsedValue2 = value2; value1 = nullptr; value2 = nullptr; // Per CSS3 syntax, can't have 'center' as its second keyword as we have more arguments to follow. if (parsedValue2->getValueID() == CSSValueCenter) return; if (numberOfValues == 3) parse3ValuesFillPosition(valueList, value1, value2, WTFMove(parsedValue1), WTFMove(parsedValue2)); else parse4ValuesFillPosition(valueList, value1, value2, WTFMove(parsedValue1), WTFMove(parsedValue2)); } void CSSParser::parse2ValuesFillPosition(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& value1, RefPtr& value2) { CSSParserValue* value = valueList.current(); // Parse the first value. We're just making sure that it is one of the valid keywords or a percentage/length. unsigned cumulativeFlags = 0; FillPositionFlag value1Flag = InvalidFillPosition; FillPositionFlag value2Flag = InvalidFillPosition; value1 = parseFillPositionComponent(valueList, cumulativeFlags, value1Flag); if (!value1) return; // It only takes one value for background-position to be correctly parsed if it was specified in a shorthand (since we // can assume that any other values belong to the rest of the shorthand). If we're not parsing a shorthand, though, the // value was explicitly specified for our property. value = valueList.next(); // First check for the comma. If so, we are finished parsing this value or value pair. if (isComma(value)) value = nullptr; if (value) { value2 = parseFillPositionComponent(valueList, cumulativeFlags, value2Flag); if (value2) valueList.next(); else { if (!inShorthand()) { value1 = nullptr; return; } } } if (!value2) // Only one value was specified. If that value was not a keyword, then it sets the x position, and the y position // is simply 50%. This is our default. // For keywords, the keyword was either an x-keyword (left/right), a y-keyword (top/bottom), or an ambiguous keyword (center). // For left/right/center, the default of 50% in the y is still correct. value2 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(50, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); if (value1Flag == YFillPosition || value2Flag == XFillPosition) value1.swap(value2); } void CSSParser::parseFillRepeat(RefPtr& value1, RefPtr& value2) { CSSValueID id = m_valueList->current()->id; if (id == CSSValueRepeatX) { m_implicitShorthand = true; value1 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueRepeat); value2 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNoRepeat); m_valueList->next(); return; } if (id == CSSValueRepeatY) { m_implicitShorthand = true; value1 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNoRepeat); value2 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueRepeat); m_valueList->next(); return; } if (id == CSSValueRepeat || id == CSSValueNoRepeat || id == CSSValueRound || id == CSSValueSpace) value1 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(id); else { value1 = nullptr; return; } CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->next(); // Parse the second value if one is available if (value && !isComma(value)) { id = value->id; if (id == CSSValueRepeat || id == CSSValueNoRepeat || id == CSSValueRound || id == CSSValueSpace) { value2 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(id); m_valueList->next(); return; } } // If only one value was specified, value2 is the same as value1. m_implicitShorthand = true; value2 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(downcast(*value1).getValueID()); } RefPtr CSSParser::parseFillSize(CSSPropertyID propId, bool& allowComma) { allowComma = true; CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value->id == CSSValueContain || value->id == CSSValueCover) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); RefPtr parsedValue1; if (value->id == CSSValueAuto) parsedValue1 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); else { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); if (!validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) return nullptr; parsedValue1 = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); } RefPtr parsedValue2; if ((value = m_valueList->next())) { if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && value->iValue == ',') allowComma = false; else if (value->id != CSSValueAuto) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); if (!validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) { if (!inShorthand()) return nullptr; // We need to rewind the value list, so that when it is advanced we'll end up back at this value. m_valueList->previous(); } else parsedValue2 = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); } } else if (!parsedValue2 && propId == CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundSize) { // For backwards compatibility we set the second value to the first if it is omitted. // We only need to do this for -webkit-background-size. It should be safe to let masks match // the real property. parsedValue2 = parsedValue1; } if (!parsedValue2) return parsedValue1; return createPrimitiveValuePair(WTFMove(parsedValue1), WTFMove(parsedValue2), propId == CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundSize ? Pair::IdenticalValueEncoding::Coalesce : Pair::IdenticalValueEncoding::DoNotCoalesce); } bool CSSParser::parseFillProperty(CSSPropertyID propId, CSSPropertyID& propId1, CSSPropertyID& propId2, RefPtr& retValue1, RefPtr& retValue2) { RefPtr values; RefPtr values2; CSSParserValue* currentValue; RefPtr value; RefPtr value2; bool allowComma = false; retValue1 = retValue2 = nullptr; propId1 = propId; propId2 = propId; if (propId == CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition) { propId1 = CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionX; propId2 = CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionY; } else if (propId == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition) { propId1 = CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionX; propId2 = CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionY; } else if (propId == CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat) { propId1 = CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeatX; propId2 = CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeatY; } else if (propId == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat) { propId1 = CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeatX; propId2 = CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeatY; } while ((currentValue = m_valueList->current())) { RefPtr currValue; RefPtr currValue2; if (allowComma) { if (!isComma(currentValue)) return false; m_valueList->next(); allowComma = false; } else { allowComma = true; switch (propId) { case CSSPropertyBackgroundColor: currValue = parseBackgroundColor(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyBackgroundAttachment: if (currentValue->id == CSSValueScroll || currentValue->id == CSSValueFixed || currentValue->id == CSSValueLocal) { currValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(currentValue->id); m_valueList->next(); } break; case CSSPropertyBackgroundImage: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskImage: if (parseFillImage(*m_valueList, currValue)) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundClip: case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundOrigin: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskOrigin: // The first three values here are deprecated and do not apply to the version of the property that has // the -webkit- prefix removed. if (currentValue->id == CSSValueBorder || currentValue->id == CSSValuePadding || currentValue->id == CSSValueContent || currentValue->id == CSSValueBorderBox || currentValue->id == CSSValuePaddingBox || currentValue->id == CSSValueContentBox || ((propId == CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundClip || propId == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskClip) && (currentValue->id == CSSValueText || currentValue->id == CSSValueWebkitText))) { currValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(currentValue->id); m_valueList->next(); } break; case CSSPropertyBackgroundClip: if (parseBackgroundClip(*currentValue, currValue)) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyBackgroundOrigin: if (currentValue->id == CSSValueBorderBox || currentValue->id == CSSValuePaddingBox || currentValue->id == CSSValueContentBox) { currValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(currentValue->id); m_valueList->next(); } break; case CSSPropertyBackgroundPosition: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPosition: { RefPtr value1; RefPtr value2; parseFillPosition(*m_valueList, value1, value2); currValue = value1; currValue2 = value2; // parseFillPosition advances the m_valueList pointer. break; } case CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionX: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionX: { currValue = parsePositionX(*m_valueList); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; } case CSSPropertyBackgroundPositionY: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskPositionY: { currValue = parsePositionY(*m_valueList); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; } case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundComposite: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskComposite: if (currentValue->id >= CSSValueClear && currentValue->id <= CSSValuePlusLighter) { currValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(currentValue->id); m_valueList->next(); } break; case CSSPropertyBackgroundBlendMode: if (cssCompositingEnabled() && (currentValue->id == CSSValueNormal || currentValue->id == CSSValueMultiply || currentValue->id == CSSValueScreen || currentValue->id == CSSValueOverlay || currentValue->id == CSSValueDarken || currentValue->id == CSSValueLighten || currentValue->id == CSSValueColorDodge || currentValue->id == CSSValueColorBurn || currentValue->id == CSSValueHardLight || currentValue->id == CSSValueSoftLight || currentValue->id == CSSValueDifference || currentValue->id == CSSValueExclusion)) { currValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(currentValue->id); m_valueList->next(); } break; case CSSPropertyBackgroundRepeat: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskRepeat: parseFillRepeat(currValue, currValue2); // parseFillRepeat advances the m_valueList pointer break; case CSSPropertyBackgroundSize: case CSSPropertyWebkitBackgroundSize: case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSize: { currValue = parseFillSize(propId, allowComma); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; } case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskSourceType: { if (currentValue->id == CSSValueAuto || currentValue->id == CSSValueAlpha || currentValue->id == CSSValueLuminance) { currValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(currentValue->id); m_valueList->next(); } else currValue = nullptr; break; } default: break; } if (!currValue) return false; if (value && !values) { values = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); values->append(value.releaseNonNull()); } if (value2 && !values2) { values2 = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); values2->append(value2.releaseNonNull()); } if (values) values->append(currValue.releaseNonNull()); else value = currValue.release(); if (currValue2) { if (values2) values2->append(currValue2.releaseNonNull()); else value2 = currValue2.release(); } } // When parsing any fill shorthand property, we let it handle building up the lists for all // properties. if (inShorthand()) break; } if (values && values->length()) { retValue1 = values.release(); if (values2 && values2->length()) retValue2 = values2.release(); return true; } if (value) { retValue1 = value.release(); retValue2 = value2.release(); return true; } return false; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationDelay() { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FTime)) return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); return nullptr; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationDirection() { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value->id == CSSValueNormal || value->id == CSSValueAlternate || value->id == CSSValueReverse || value->id == CSSValueAlternateReverse) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); return nullptr; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationDuration() { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FTime | FNonNeg)) return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); return nullptr; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationFillMode() { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value->id == CSSValueNone || value->id == CSSValueForwards || value->id == CSSValueBackwards || value->id == CSSValueBoth) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); return nullptr; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationIterationCount() { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); if (value.id == CSSValueInfinite) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id); ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(value); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber | FNonNeg)) return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); return nullptr; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationName() { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); if (value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING || value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { if (value.id == CSSValueNone || (value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "none"))) { return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); } return createPrimitiveStringValue(value); } return nullptr; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationPlayState() { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); if (value.id == CSSValueRunning || value.id == CSSValuePaused) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id); return nullptr; } #if ENABLE(CSS_ANIMATIONS_LEVEL_2) RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationTrigger() { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value->id == CSSValueAuto) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); if (value->unit != CSSParserValue::Function) return nullptr; CSSParserValueList* args = value->function->args.get(); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "container-scroll(")) { if (!args || (args->size() != 1 && args->size() != 3)) return nullptr; CSSParserValue* argument = args->current(); ValueWithCalculation firstArgumentWithCalculation(*argument); if (!validateUnit(firstArgumentWithCalculation, FLength)) return nullptr; RefPtr startValue = createPrimitiveNumericValue(firstArgumentWithCalculation); argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return CSSAnimationTriggerScrollValue::create(startValue.release()); if (!isComma(argument)) return nullptr; argument = args->next(); ValueWithCalculation secondArgumentWithCalculation(*argument); if (!validateUnit(secondArgumentWithCalculation, FLength)) return nullptr; RefPtr endValue = createPrimitiveNumericValue(secondArgumentWithCalculation); return CSSAnimationTriggerScrollValue::create(startValue.release(), endValue.release()); } return nullptr; } #endif RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationProperty(AnimationParseContext& context) { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); if (value.unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return nullptr; CSSPropertyID result = cssPropertyID(value.string); if (result && result != CSSPropertyAll) // "all" value in animation is not equivalent to the all property. return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(result); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "all")) { context.sawAnimationPropertyKeyword(); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAll); } if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "none")) { context.commitAnimationPropertyKeyword(); context.sawAnimationPropertyKeyword(); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); } return nullptr; } /* static */ Vector CSSParser::parseKeyframeSelector(const String& selector) { Vector keys; Vector strings; selector.split(',', strings); for (size_t i = 0; i < strings.size(); ++i) { double key = -1; String cur = strings[i].stripWhiteSpace(); // For now the syntax MUST be 'xxx%' or 'from' or 'to', where xxx is a legal floating point number if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(cur, "from")) key = 0; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(cur, "to")) key = 1; else if (cur.endsWith('%')) { double k = cur.substring(0, cur.length() - 1).toDouble(); if (k >= 0 && k <= 100) key = k / 100; } if (key < 0) { keys.clear(); break; } keys.append(key); } return keys; } bool CSSParser::parseTransformOriginShorthand(RefPtr& value1, RefPtr& value2, RefPtr& value3) { parse2ValuesFillPosition(*m_valueList, value1, value2); // now get z if (m_valueList->current()) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength)) { value3 = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); m_valueList->next(); return true; } return false; } value3 = CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(CSSParserValueList& args, double& result) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args.current()); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FNumber)) return false; result = parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation); CSSParserValue* nextValue = args.next(); if (!nextValue) { // The last number in the function has no comma after it, so we're done. return true; } if (!isComma(nextValue)) return false; args.next(); return true; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseAnimationTimingFunction() { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); if (value.id == CSSValueEase || value.id == CSSValueLinear || value.id == CSSValueEaseIn || value.id == CSSValueEaseOut || value.id == CSSValueEaseInOut || value.id == CSSValueStepStart || value.id == CSSValueStepEnd) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id); // We must be a function. if (value.unit != CSSParserValue::Function) return nullptr; CSSParserValueList* args = value.function->args.get(); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "steps(")) { // For steps, 1 or 2 params must be specified (comma-separated) if (!args || (args->size() != 1 && args->size() != 3)) return nullptr; // There are two values. int numSteps; bool stepAtStart = false; CSSParserValue* argument = args->current(); ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*argument); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FInteger)) return nullptr; numSteps = clampToInteger(parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation)); if (numSteps < 1) return nullptr; argument = args->next(); if (argument) { // There is a comma so we need to parse the second value if (!isComma(argument)) return nullptr; argument = args->next(); if (argument->id != CSSValueStart && argument->id != CSSValueEnd) return nullptr; stepAtStart = argument->id == CSSValueStart; } return CSSStepsTimingFunctionValue::create(numSteps, stepAtStart); } if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "cubic-bezier(")) { // For cubic bezier, 4 values must be specified. if (!args || args->size() != 7) return nullptr; // There are two points specified. The x values must be between 0 and 1 but the y values can exceed this range. double x1, y1, x2, y2; if (!parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args, x1)) return nullptr; if (x1 < 0 || x1 > 1) return nullptr; if (!parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args, y1)) return nullptr; if (!parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args, x2)) return nullptr; if (x2 < 0 || x2 > 1) return nullptr; if (!parseCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue(*args, y2)) return nullptr; return CSSCubicBezierTimingFunctionValue::create(x1, y1, x2, y2); } return nullptr; } bool CSSParser::parseAnimationProperty(CSSPropertyID propId, RefPtr& result, AnimationParseContext& context) { RefPtr values; CSSParserValue* val; RefPtr value; bool allowComma = false; result = nullptr; while ((val = m_valueList->current())) { RefPtr currValue; if (allowComma) { if (!isComma(val)) return false; m_valueList->next(); allowComma = false; } else { switch (propId) { case CSSPropertyAnimationDelay: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDelay: case CSSPropertyTransitionDelay: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDelay: currValue = parseAnimationDelay(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyAnimationDirection: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDirection: currValue = parseAnimationDirection(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyAnimationDuration: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDuration: case CSSPropertyTransitionDuration: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDuration: currValue = parseAnimationDuration(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyAnimationFillMode: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationFillMode: currValue = parseAnimationFillMode(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyAnimationIterationCount: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationIterationCount: currValue = parseAnimationIterationCount(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyAnimationName: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationName: currValue = parseAnimationName(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyAnimationPlayState: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationPlayState: currValue = parseAnimationPlayState(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyTransitionProperty: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionProperty: currValue = parseAnimationProperty(context); if (value && !context.animationPropertyKeywordAllowed()) return false; if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; case CSSPropertyAnimationTimingFunction: case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationTimingFunction: case CSSPropertyTransitionTimingFunction: case CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionTimingFunction: currValue = parseAnimationTimingFunction(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; #if ENABLE(CSS_ANIMATIONS_LEVEL_2) case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationTrigger: currValue = parseAnimationTrigger(); if (currValue) m_valueList->next(); break; #endif default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } if (!currValue) return false; if (value && !values) { values = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); values->append(value.releaseNonNull()); } if (values) values->append(currValue.releaseNonNull()); else value = currValue.release(); allowComma = true; } // When parsing the 'transition' shorthand property, we let it handle building up the lists for all // properties. if (inShorthand()) break; } if (values && values->length()) { result = values.release(); return true; } if (value) { result = value.release(); return true; } return false; } #if ENABLE(CSS_GRID_LAYOUT) static inline bool isValidGridPositionCustomIdent(const CSSParserValue& value) { return value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT && value.id != CSSValueSpan && value.id != CSSValueAuto; } // The function parses [ || ] in (which can be stand alone or with 'span'). bool CSSParser::parseIntegerOrCustomIdentFromGridPosition(RefPtr& numericValue, RefPtr& gridLineName) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger) && valueWithCalculation.value().fValue) { numericValue = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); CSSParserValue* nextValue = m_valueList->next(); if (nextValue && isValidGridPositionCustomIdent(*nextValue)) { gridLineName = createPrimitiveStringValue(*nextValue); m_valueList->next(); } return true; } if (isValidGridPositionCustomIdent(valueWithCalculation)) { gridLineName = createPrimitiveStringValue(valueWithCalculation); if (CSSParserValue* nextValue = m_valueList->next()) { ValueWithCalculation nextValueWithCalculation(*nextValue); if (validateUnit(nextValueWithCalculation, FInteger) && nextValueWithCalculation.value().fValue) { numericValue = createPrimitiveNumericValue(nextValueWithCalculation); m_valueList->next(); } } return true; } return false; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseGridPosition() { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value->id == CSSValueAuto) { m_valueList->next(); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); } RefPtr numericValue; RefPtr gridLineName; bool hasSeenSpanKeyword = false; if (value->id == CSSValueSpan) { hasSeenSpanKeyword = true; if (auto* nextValue = m_valueList->next()) { if (!isForwardSlashOperator(*nextValue) && !parseIntegerOrCustomIdentFromGridPosition(numericValue, gridLineName)) return nullptr; } } else if (parseIntegerOrCustomIdentFromGridPosition(numericValue, gridLineName)) { value = m_valueList->current(); if (value && value->id == CSSValueSpan) { hasSeenSpanKeyword = true; m_valueList->next(); } } // Check that we have consumed all the value list. For shorthands, the parser will pass // the whole value list (including the opposite position). if (m_valueList->current() && !isForwardSlashOperator(*m_valueList->current())) return nullptr; // If we didn't parse anything, this is not a valid grid position. if (!hasSeenSpanKeyword && !gridLineName && !numericValue) return nullptr; // Negative numbers are not allowed for span (but are for ). if (hasSeenSpanKeyword && numericValue && numericValue->getIntValue() < 0) return nullptr; // For the case. if (gridLineName && !numericValue && !hasSeenSpanKeyword) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(gridLineName->getStringValue(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); RefPtr values = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); if (hasSeenSpanKeyword) values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSpan)); if (numericValue) values->append(numericValue.releaseNonNull()); if (gridLineName) values->append(gridLineName.releaseNonNull()); ASSERT(values->length()); return values; } static RefPtr gridMissingGridPositionValue(CSSValue& value) { if (is(value) && downcast(value).isString()) return &value; return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); } bool CSSParser::parseGridItemPositionShorthand(CSSPropertyID shorthandId, bool important) { ShorthandScope scope(this, shorthandId); const StylePropertyShorthand& shorthand = shorthandForProperty(shorthandId); ASSERT(shorthand.length() == 2); RefPtr startValue = parseGridPosition(); if (!startValue) return false; RefPtr endValue; if (m_valueList->current()) { if (!isForwardSlashOperator(*m_valueList->current())) return false; if (!m_valueList->next()) return false; endValue = parseGridPosition(); if (!endValue || m_valueList->current()) return false; } else endValue = gridMissingGridPositionValue(*startValue); addProperty(shorthand.properties()[0], startValue, important); addProperty(shorthand.properties()[1], endValue, important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseGridGapShorthand(bool important) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyWebkitGridGap); ASSERT(shorthandForProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridGap).length() == 2); CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (!value) return false; ValueWithCalculation columnValueWithCalculation(*value); if (!validateUnit(columnValueWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg)) return false; RefPtr columnGap = createPrimitiveNumericValue(columnValueWithCalculation); value = m_valueList->next(); if (!value) { addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnGap, columnGap, important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowGap, columnGap, important); return true; } ValueWithCalculation rowValueWithCalculation(*value); if (!validateUnit(rowValueWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg)) return false; if (m_valueList->next()) return false; RefPtr rowGap = createPrimitiveNumericValue(rowValueWithCalculation); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnGap, columnGap, important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowGap, rowGap, important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseGridTemplateRowsAndAreas(PassRefPtr templateColumns, bool important) { // At least template-areas strings must be defined. if (!m_valueList->current()) return false; NamedGridAreaMap gridAreaMap; unsigned rowCount = 0; unsigned columnCount = 0; bool trailingIdentWasAdded = false; RefPtr templateRows = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); do { // Handle leading *. if (m_valueList->current()->unit == CSSParserValue::ValueList) { if (trailingIdentWasAdded) { // A row's trailing ident must be concatenated with the next row's leading one. parseGridLineNames(*m_valueList, *templateRows, downcast(templateRows->item(templateRows->length() - 1))); } else parseGridLineNames(*m_valueList, *templateRows); } // Handle a template-area's row. if (!parseGridTemplateAreasRow(gridAreaMap, rowCount, columnCount)) return false; ++rowCount; // Handle template-rows's track-size. if (m_valueList->current() && m_valueList->current()->unit != CSSParserValue::ValueList && m_valueList->current()->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) { RefPtr value = parseGridTrackSize(*m_valueList); if (!value) return false; templateRows->append(value.releaseNonNull()); } else templateRows->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto)); // This will handle the trailing/leading * in the grammar. trailingIdentWasAdded = false; if (m_valueList->current() && m_valueList->current()->unit == CSSParserValue::ValueList) trailingIdentWasAdded = parseGridLineNames(*m_valueList, *templateRows); } while (m_valueList->current()); // [ /]? if (templateColumns) addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateColumns, templateColumns, important); else addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateColumns, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); // [? [ ]? ]+ RefPtr templateAreas = CSSGridTemplateAreasValue::create(gridAreaMap, rowCount, columnCount); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateAreas, templateAreas.release(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateRows, templateRows.release(), important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseGridTemplateShorthand(bool important) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplate); ASSERT(shorthandForProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplate).length() == 3); // At least "none" must be defined. if (!m_valueList->current()) return false; bool firstValueIsNone = m_valueList->current()->id == CSSValueNone; // 1- 'none' case. if (firstValueIsNone && !m_valueList->next()) { addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateColumns, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateRows, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateAreas, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); return true; } unsigned index = 0; RefPtr columnsValue = firstValueIsNone ? CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone) : parseGridTrackList(); // 2- / syntax. if (columnsValue) { if (!(m_valueList->current() && isForwardSlashOperator(*m_valueList->current()) && m_valueList->next())) return false; index = m_valueList->currentIndex(); if (RefPtr rowsValue = parseGridTrackList()) { if (m_valueList->current()) return false; addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateColumns, columnsValue.release(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateRows, rowsValue.release(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateAreas, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); return true; } } // 3- [ /]? [? [ ]? ]+ syntax. // The template-columns can't be 'none'. if (firstValueIsNone) return false; // It requires to rewind parsing due to previous syntax failures. m_valueList->setCurrentIndex(index); return parseGridTemplateRowsAndAreas(columnsValue, important); } bool CSSParser::parseGridShorthand(bool important) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyWebkitGrid); ASSERT(shorthandForProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGrid).length() == 8); // 1- if (parseGridTemplateShorthand(important)) { // It can only be specified the explicit or the implicit grid properties in a single grid declaration. // The sub-properties not specified are set to their initial value, as normal for shorthands. addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridAutoFlow, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridAutoColumns, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridAutoRows, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnGap, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowGap, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); return true; } // Need to rewind parsing to explore the alternative syntax of this shorthand. m_valueList->setCurrentIndex(0); // 2- [ [ / ]? ] if (!parseValue(CSSPropertyWebkitGridAutoFlow, important)) return false; RefPtr autoColumnsValue; RefPtr autoRowsValue; if (m_valueList->current()) { autoColumnsValue = parseGridTrackSize(*m_valueList); if (!autoColumnsValue) return false; if (m_valueList->current()) { if (!isForwardSlashOperator(*m_valueList->current()) || !m_valueList->next()) return false; autoRowsValue = parseGridTrackSize(*m_valueList); if (!autoRowsValue) return false; } if (m_valueList->current()) return false; } else { // Other omitted values are set to their initial values. autoColumnsValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(); autoRowsValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(); } // if value is omitted, it is set to the value specified for grid-auto-columns. if (!autoRowsValue) autoRowsValue = autoColumnsValue; addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridAutoColumns, autoColumnsValue.release(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridAutoRows, autoRowsValue.release(), important); // It can only be specified the explicit or the implicit grid properties in a single grid declaration. // The sub-properties not specified are set to their initial value, as normal for shorthands. addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateColumns, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateRows, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridTemplateAreas, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnGap, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowGap, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseGridAreaShorthand(bool important) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyWebkitGridArea); ASSERT(shorthandForProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridArea).length() == 4); RefPtr rowStartValue = parseGridPosition(); if (!rowStartValue) return false; RefPtr columnStartValue; if (!parseSingleGridAreaLonghand(columnStartValue)) return false; RefPtr rowEndValue; if (!parseSingleGridAreaLonghand(rowEndValue)) return false; RefPtr columnEndValue; if (!parseSingleGridAreaLonghand(columnEndValue)) return false; if (!columnStartValue) columnStartValue = gridMissingGridPositionValue(*rowStartValue); if (!rowEndValue) rowEndValue = gridMissingGridPositionValue(*rowStartValue); if (!columnEndValue) columnEndValue = gridMissingGridPositionValue(*columnStartValue); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowStart, rowStartValue, important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnStart, columnStartValue, important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridRowEnd, rowEndValue, important); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitGridColumnEnd, columnEndValue, important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseSingleGridAreaLonghand(RefPtr& property) { if (!m_valueList->current()) return true; if (!isForwardSlashOperator(*m_valueList->current())) return false; if (!m_valueList->next()) return false; property = parseGridPosition(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseGridLineNames(CSSParserValueList& inputList, CSSValueList& valueList, CSSGridLineNamesValue* previousNamedAreaTrailingLineNames) { ASSERT(inputList.current() && inputList.current()->unit == CSSParserValue::ValueList); CSSParserValueList& identList = *inputList.current()->valueList; if (!identList.size()) { inputList.next(); return false; } // Need to ensure the identList is at the heading index, since the parserList might have been rewound. identList.setCurrentIndex(0); RefPtr lineNames; if (previousNamedAreaTrailingLineNames) lineNames = previousNamedAreaTrailingLineNames; else lineNames = CSSGridLineNamesValue::create(); while (CSSParserValue* identValue = identList.current()) { ASSERT(identValue->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT); lineNames->append(createPrimitiveStringValue(*identValue)); identList.next(); } if (!previousNamedAreaTrailingLineNames) valueList.append(lineNames.releaseNonNull()); inputList.next(); return true; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseGridTrackList() { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value->id == CSSValueNone) { m_valueList->next(); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); } RefPtr values = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); // Handle leading *. value = m_valueList->current(); if (value && value->unit == CSSParserValue::ValueList) parseGridLineNames(*m_valueList, *values); bool seenTrackSizeOrRepeatFunction = false; while (CSSParserValue* currentValue = m_valueList->current()) { if (isForwardSlashOperator(*currentValue)) break; if (currentValue->unit == CSSParserValue::Function && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(currentValue->function->name, "repeat(")) { if (!parseGridTrackRepeatFunction(*values)) return nullptr; } else { RefPtr value = parseGridTrackSize(*m_valueList); if (!value) return nullptr; values->append(value.releaseNonNull()); } seenTrackSizeOrRepeatFunction = true; // This will handle the trailing * in the grammar. value = m_valueList->current(); if (value && value->unit == CSSParserValue::ValueList) parseGridLineNames(*m_valueList, *values); } if (!seenTrackSizeOrRepeatFunction) return nullptr; return values; } bool CSSParser::parseGridTrackRepeatFunction(CSSValueList& list) { CSSParserValueList* arguments = m_valueList->current()->function->args.get(); if (!arguments || arguments->size() < 3) return false; ValueWithCalculation firstValueWithCalculation(*arguments->valueAt(0)); if (!validateUnit(firstValueWithCalculation, FPositiveInteger) || !isComma(arguments->valueAt(1))) return false; // If arguments->valueAt(0)->fValue > SIZE_MAX then repetitions becomes 0 during the type casting, that's why we // clamp it down to kGridMaxTracks before the type casting. unsigned repetitions = clampTo(parsedDouble(firstValueWithCalculation), 0, kGridMaxTracks); RefPtr repeatedValues = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); arguments->next(); // Skip the repetition count. arguments->next(); // Skip the comma. // Handle leading *. CSSParserValue* currentValue = arguments->current(); if (currentValue && currentValue->unit == CSSParserValue::ValueList) parseGridLineNames(*arguments, *repeatedValues); unsigned numberOfTracks = 0; while (arguments->current()) { RefPtr trackSize = parseGridTrackSize(*arguments); if (!trackSize) return false; repeatedValues->append(trackSize.releaseNonNull()); ++numberOfTracks; // This takes care of any trailing * in the grammar. currentValue = arguments->current(); if (currentValue && currentValue->unit == CSSParserValue::ValueList) parseGridLineNames(*arguments, *repeatedValues); } // We should have found at least one , otherwise the declaration is invalid. if (!numberOfTracks) return false; // We clamp the number of repetitions to a multiple of the repeat() track list's size, while staying below the max // grid size. repetitions = std::min(repetitions, kGridMaxTracks / numberOfTracks); for (size_t i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < repeatedValues->length(); ++j) list.append(*repeatedValues->itemWithoutBoundsCheck(j)); } m_valueList->next(); return true; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseGridTrackSize(CSSParserValueList& inputList) { CSSParserValue& currentValue = *inputList.current(); inputList.next(); if (currentValue.id == CSSValueAuto) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto); if (currentValue.unit == CSSParserValue::Function && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(currentValue.function->name, "minmax(")) { // The spec defines the following grammar: minmax( , ) CSSParserValueList* arguments = currentValue.function->args.get(); if (!arguments || arguments->size() != 3 || !isComma(arguments->valueAt(1))) return nullptr; RefPtr minTrackBreadth = parseGridBreadth(*arguments->valueAt(0)); if (!minTrackBreadth) return nullptr; RefPtr maxTrackBreadth = parseGridBreadth(*arguments->valueAt(2)); if (!maxTrackBreadth) return nullptr; RefPtr parsedArguments = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); parsedArguments->append(minTrackBreadth.releaseNonNull()); parsedArguments->append(maxTrackBreadth.releaseNonNull()); return CSSFunctionValue::create("minmax(", parsedArguments); } return parseGridBreadth(currentValue); } RefPtr CSSParser::parseGridBreadth(CSSParserValue& value) { if (value.id == CSSValueWebkitMinContent || value.id == CSSValueWebkitMaxContent || value.id == CSSValueAuto) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id); if (value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_FR) { double flexValue = value.fValue; // Fractional unit is a non-negative dimension. if (flexValue <= 0) return nullptr; return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(flexValue, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_FR); } ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(value); if (!validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNonNeg | FLength | FPercent)) return nullptr; return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); } static inline bool isValidGridAutoFlowId(CSSValueID id) { return (id == CSSValueRow || id == CSSValueColumn || id == CSSValueDense); } RefPtr CSSParser::parseGridAutoFlow(CSSParserValueList& inputList) { // [ row | column ] || dense CSSParserValue* value = inputList.current(); if (!value) return nullptr; RefPtr parsedValues = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); // First parameter. CSSValueID firstId = value->id; if (!isValidGridAutoFlowId(firstId)) return nullptr; // Second parameter, if any. // If second parameter is not valid we should process anyway the first one as we can be inside the "grid" shorthand. value = inputList.next(); if (!value || !isValidGridAutoFlowId(value->id)) { if (firstId == CSSValueDense) parsedValues->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueRow)); parsedValues->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(firstId)); return parsedValues; } switch (firstId) { case CSSValueRow: case CSSValueColumn: parsedValues->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(firstId)); if (value->id == CSSValueDense) { parsedValues->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id)); inputList.next(); } break; case CSSValueDense: if (value->id == CSSValueRow || value->id == CSSValueColumn) { parsedValues->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id)); inputList.next(); } parsedValues->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(firstId)); break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); break; } return parsedValues; } #endif /* ENABLE(CSS_GRID_LAYOUT) */ #if ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) #define DASHBOARD_REGION_NUM_PARAMETERS 6 #define DASHBOARD_REGION_SHORT_NUM_PARAMETERS 2 static CSSParserValue* skipCommaInDashboardRegion(CSSParserValueList *args) { if (args->size() == (DASHBOARD_REGION_NUM_PARAMETERS*2-1) || args->size() == (DASHBOARD_REGION_SHORT_NUM_PARAMETERS*2-1)) { CSSParserValue& current = *args->current(); if (current.unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && current.iValue == ',') return args->next(); } return args->current(); } bool CSSParser::parseDashboardRegions(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { bool valid = true; CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value->id == CSSValueNone) { if (m_valueList->next()) return false; addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id), important); return valid; } auto firstRegion = DashboardRegion::create(); DashboardRegion* region = nullptr; while (value) { if (!region) { region = firstRegion.ptr(); } else { auto nextRegion = DashboardRegion::create(); region->m_next = nextRegion.copyRef(); region = nextRegion.ptr(); } if (value->unit != CSSParserValue::Function) { valid = false; break; } // Commas count as values, so allow (function name is dashboard-region for DASHBOARD_SUPPORT feature): // dashboard-region(label, type, t, r, b, l) or dashboard-region(label type t r b l) // dashboard-region(label, type, t, r, b, l) or dashboard-region(label type t r b l) // also allow // dashboard-region(label, type) or dashboard-region(label type) // dashboard-region(label, type) or dashboard-region(label type) CSSParserValueList* args = value->function->args.get(); if (!equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "dashboard-region(") || !args) { valid = false; break; } int numArgs = args->size(); if ((numArgs != DASHBOARD_REGION_NUM_PARAMETERS && numArgs != (DASHBOARD_REGION_NUM_PARAMETERS*2-1)) && (numArgs != DASHBOARD_REGION_SHORT_NUM_PARAMETERS && numArgs != (DASHBOARD_REGION_SHORT_NUM_PARAMETERS*2-1))) { valid = false; break; } // First arg is a label. CSSParserValue* arg = args->current(); if (arg->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { valid = false; break; } region->m_label = arg->string; // Second arg is a type. arg = args->next(); arg = skipCommaInDashboardRegion(args); if (arg->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { valid = false; break; } if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(*arg, "circle")) region->m_isCircle = true; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(*arg, "rectangle")) region->m_isRectangle = true; else { valid = false; break; } region->m_geometryType = arg->string; if (numArgs == DASHBOARD_REGION_SHORT_NUM_PARAMETERS || numArgs == (DASHBOARD_REGION_SHORT_NUM_PARAMETERS*2-1)) { // This originally used CSSValueInvalid by accident. It might be more logical to use something else. RefPtr amount = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueInvalid); region->setTop(amount); region->setRight(amount); region->setBottom(amount); region->setLeft(amount); } else { // Next four arguments must be offset numbers for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { arg = args->next(); arg = skipCommaInDashboardRegion(args); ValueWithCalculation argWithCalculation(*arg); valid = arg->id == CSSValueAuto || validateUnit(argWithCalculation, FLength); if (!valid) break; RefPtr amount = arg->id == CSSValueAuto ? CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto) : createPrimitiveNumericValue(argWithCalculation); if (i == 0) region->setTop(amount); else if (i == 1) region->setRight(amount); else if (i == 2) region->setBottom(amount); else region->setLeft(amount); } } if (args->next()) return false; value = m_valueList->next(); } if (valid) addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(RefPtr(WTFMove(firstRegion))), important); return valid; } #endif /* ENABLE(DASHBOARD_SUPPORT) */ #if ENABLE(CSS_GRID_LAYOUT) static Vector parseGridTemplateAreasColumnNames(const String& gridRowNames) { ASSERT(!gridRowNames.isEmpty()); Vector columnNames; // Using StringImpl to avoid checks and indirection in every call to String::operator[]. StringImpl& text = *gridRowNames.impl(); unsigned length = text.length(); unsigned index = 0; while (index < length) { if (text[index] != ' ' && text[index] != '.') { unsigned gridAreaStart = index; while (index < length && text[index] != ' ' && text[index] != '.') index++; columnNames.append(text.substring(gridAreaStart, index - gridAreaStart)); continue; } if (text[index] == '.') { while (index < length && text[index] == '.') index++; columnNames.append("."); continue; } index++; } return columnNames; } bool CSSParser::parseGridTemplateAreasRow(NamedGridAreaMap& gridAreaMap, const unsigned rowCount, unsigned& columnCount) { CSSParserValue* currentValue = m_valueList->current(); if (!currentValue || currentValue->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) return false; String gridRowNames = currentValue->string; if (gridRowNames.containsOnlyWhitespace()) return false; Vector columnNames = parseGridTemplateAreasColumnNames(gridRowNames); if (!columnCount) { columnCount = columnNames.size(); ASSERT(columnCount); } else if (columnCount != columnNames.size()) { // The declaration is invalid is all the rows don't have the number of columns. return false; } for (unsigned currentColumn = 0; currentColumn < columnCount; ++currentColumn) { const String& gridAreaName = columnNames[currentColumn]; // Unamed areas are always valid (we consider them to be 1x1). if (gridAreaName == ".") continue; // We handle several grid areas with the same name at once to simplify the validation code. unsigned lookAheadColumn; for (lookAheadColumn = currentColumn + 1; lookAheadColumn < columnCount; ++lookAheadColumn) { if (columnNames[lookAheadColumn] != gridAreaName) break; } auto gridAreaIterator = gridAreaMap.find(gridAreaName); if (gridAreaIterator == gridAreaMap.end()) gridAreaMap.add(gridAreaName, GridCoordinate(GridSpan::definiteGridSpan(rowCount, rowCount + 1), GridSpan::definiteGridSpan(currentColumn, lookAheadColumn))); else { GridCoordinate& gridCoordinate = gridAreaIterator->value; // The following checks test that the grid area is a single filled-in rectangle. // 1. The new row is adjacent to the previously parsed row. if (rowCount != gridCoordinate.rows.resolvedFinalPosition().toInt()) return false; // 2. The new area starts at the same position as the previously parsed area. if (currentColumn != gridCoordinate.columns.resolvedInitialPosition().toInt()) return false; // 3. The new area ends at the same position as the previously parsed area. if (lookAheadColumn != gridCoordinate.columns.resolvedFinalPosition().toInt()) return false; gridCoordinate.rows = GridSpan::definiteGridSpan(gridCoordinate.rows.resolvedInitialPosition(), gridCoordinate.rows.resolvedFinalPosition().next()); } currentColumn = lookAheadColumn - 1; } m_valueList->next(); return true; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseGridTemplateAreas() { if (m_valueList->current() && m_valueList->current()->id == CSSValueNone) { m_valueList->next(); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone); } NamedGridAreaMap gridAreaMap; unsigned rowCount = 0; unsigned columnCount = 0; while (m_valueList->current()) { if (!parseGridTemplateAreasRow(gridAreaMap, rowCount, columnCount)) return nullptr; ++rowCount; } if (!rowCount || !columnCount) return nullptr; return CSSGridTemplateAreasValue::create(gridAreaMap, rowCount, columnCount); } #endif /* ENABLE(CSS_GRID_LAYOUT) */ RefPtr CSSParser::parseCounterContent(CSSParserValueList& args, bool counters) { unsigned numArgs = args.size(); if (counters && numArgs != 3 && numArgs != 5) return nullptr; if (!counters && numArgs != 1 && numArgs != 3) return nullptr; CSSParserValue* argument = args.current(); if (argument->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return nullptr; RefPtr identifier = createPrimitiveStringValue(*argument); RefPtr separator; if (!counters) separator = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(String(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING); else { argument = args.next(); if (argument->unit != CSSParserValue::Operator || argument->iValue != ',') return nullptr; argument = args.next(); if (argument->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) return nullptr; separator = createPrimitiveStringValue(*argument); } RefPtr listStyle; argument = args.next(); if (!argument) // Make the list style default decimal listStyle = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueDecimal); else { if (argument->unit != CSSParserValue::Operator || argument->iValue != ',') return nullptr; argument = args.next(); if (argument->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return nullptr; CSSValueID listStyleID = CSSValueInvalid; if (argument->id == CSSValueNone || (argument->id >= CSSValueDisc && argument->id <= CSSValueKatakanaIroha)) listStyleID = argument->id; else return nullptr; listStyle = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(listStyleID); } return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(Counter::create(identifier.release(), listStyle.release(), separator.release())); } bool CSSParser::parseClipShape(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); CSSParserValueList* args = value.function->args.get(); if (!equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "rect(") || !args) return false; // rect(t, r, b, l) || rect(t r b l) if (args->size() != 4 && args->size() != 7) return false; auto rect = Rect::create(); bool valid = true; int i = 0; CSSParserValue* argument = args->current(); while (argument) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*argument); valid = argument->id == CSSValueAuto || validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FLength); if (!valid) break; RefPtr length = argument->id == CSSValueAuto ? CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAuto) : createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation); if (i == 0) rect->setTop(length); else if (i == 1) rect->setRight(length); else if (i == 2) rect->setBottom(length); else rect->setLeft(length); argument = args->next(); if (argument && args->size() == 7) { if (argument->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && argument->iValue == ',') { argument = args->next(); } else { valid = false; break; } } i++; } if (valid) { addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(WTFMove(rect)), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } return false; } static void completeBorderRadii(RefPtr radii[4]) { if (radii[3]) return; if (!radii[2]) { if (!radii[1]) radii[1] = radii[0]; radii[2] = radii[0]; } radii[3] = radii[1]; } // FIXME: This should be refactored with CSSParser::parseBorderRadius. // CSSParser::parseBorderRadius contains support for some legacy radius construction. RefPtr CSSParser::parseInsetRoundedCorners(PassRefPtr shape, CSSParserValueList& args) { CSSParserValue* argument = args.next(); if (!argument) return nullptr; Vector radiusArguments; while (argument) { radiusArguments.append(argument); argument = args.next(); } unsigned num = radiusArguments.size(); if (!num || num > 9) return nullptr; RefPtr radii[2][4]; unsigned indexAfterSlash = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; ++i) { CSSParserValue& value = *radiusArguments.at(i); if (value.unit == CSSParserValue::Operator) { if (value.iValue != '/') return nullptr; if (!i || indexAfterSlash || i + 1 == num || num > i + 5) return nullptr; indexAfterSlash = i + 1; completeBorderRadii(radii[0]); continue; } if (i - indexAfterSlash >= 4) return nullptr; ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(value); if (!validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg)) return nullptr; RefPtr radius = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); if (!indexAfterSlash) radii[0][i] = radius; else radii[1][i - indexAfterSlash] = radius.release(); } if (!indexAfterSlash) { completeBorderRadii(radii[0]); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) radii[1][i] = radii[0][i]; } else completeBorderRadii(radii[1]); shape->setTopLeftRadius(createPrimitiveValuePair(radii[0][0].release(), radii[1][0].release())); shape->setTopRightRadius(createPrimitiveValuePair(radii[0][1].release(), radii[1][1].release())); shape->setBottomRightRadius(createPrimitiveValuePair(radii[0][2].release(), radii[1][2].release())); shape->setBottomLeftRadius(createPrimitiveValuePair(radii[0][3].release(), radii[1][3].release())); return shape; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseBasicShapeInset(CSSParserValueList& args) { RefPtr shape = CSSBasicShapeInset::create(); CSSParserValue* argument = args.current(); Vector > widthArguments; bool hasRoundedInset = false; while (argument) { if (argument->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(argument->string, "round")) { hasRoundedInset = true; break; } Units unitFlags = FLength | FPercent; ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*argument); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, unitFlags) || widthArguments.size() > 4) return nullptr; widthArguments.append(createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation)); argument = args.next(); } switch (widthArguments.size()) { case 1: { shape->updateShapeSize1Value(widthArguments[0].get()); break; } case 2: { shape->updateShapeSize2Values(widthArguments[0].get(), widthArguments[1].get()); break; } case 3: { shape->updateShapeSize3Values(widthArguments[0].get(), widthArguments[1].get(), widthArguments[2].get()); break; } case 4: { shape->updateShapeSize4Values(widthArguments[0].get(), widthArguments[1].get(), widthArguments[2].get(), widthArguments[3].get()); break; } default: return nullptr; } if (hasRoundedInset) return parseInsetRoundedCorners(shape, args); return shape; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseShapeRadius(CSSParserValue& value) { if (value.id == CSSValueClosestSide || value.id == CSSValueFarthestSide) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id); ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(value); if (!validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg)) return nullptr; return createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); } RefPtr CSSParser::parseBasicShapeCircle(CSSParserValueList& args) { // circle(radius) // circle(radius at ) // circle(at ) // where position defines centerX and centerY using a CSS data type. RefPtr shape = CSSBasicShapeCircle::create(); for (CSSParserValue* argument = args.current(); argument; argument = args.next()) { // The call to parseFillPosition below should consume all of the // arguments except the first two. Thus, and index greater than one // indicates an invalid production. if (args.currentIndex() > 1) return nullptr; if (!args.currentIndex() && argument->id != CSSValueAt) { if (RefPtr radius = parseShapeRadius(*argument)) { shape->setRadius(radius); continue; } return nullptr; } if (argument->id == CSSValueAt && args.next()) { RefPtr centerX; RefPtr centerY; parseFillPosition(args, centerX, centerY); if (centerX && centerY && !args.current()) { shape->setCenterX(centerX); shape->setCenterY(centerY); } else return nullptr; } else return nullptr; } return shape; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseBasicShapeEllipse(CSSParserValueList& args) { // ellipse(radiusX) // ellipse(radiusX at ) // ellipse(radiusX radiusY) // ellipse(radiusX radiusY at ) // ellipse(at ) // where position defines centerX and centerY using a CSS data type. RefPtr shape = CSSBasicShapeEllipse::create(); for (CSSParserValue* argument = args.current(); argument; argument = args.next()) { // The call to parseFillPosition below should consume all of the // arguments except the first three. Thus, an index greater than two // indicates an invalid production. if (args.currentIndex() > 2) return nullptr; if (args.currentIndex() < 2 && argument->id != CSSValueAt) { if (RefPtr radius = parseShapeRadius(*argument)) { if (!shape->radiusX()) shape->setRadiusX(radius); else shape->setRadiusY(radius); continue; } return nullptr; } if (argument->id != CSSValueAt || !args.next()) // expecting ellipse(.. at ) return nullptr; RefPtr centerX; RefPtr centerY; parseFillPosition(args, centerX, centerY); if (!centerX || !centerY || args.current()) return nullptr; shape->setCenterX(centerX); shape->setCenterY(centerY); } return shape; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseBasicShapePolygon(CSSParserValueList& args) { unsigned size = args.size(); if (!size) return nullptr; RefPtr shape = CSSBasicShapePolygon::create(); CSSParserValue* argument = args.current(); if (argument->id == CSSValueEvenodd || argument->id == CSSValueNonzero) { shape->setWindRule(argument->id == CSSValueEvenodd ? RULE_EVENODD : RULE_NONZERO); if (!isComma(args.next())) return nullptr; argument = args.next(); size -= 2; } // , ... -> each pair has 3 elements except the last one if (!size || (size % 3) - 2) return nullptr; CSSParserValue* argumentX = argument; while (argumentX) { ValueWithCalculation argumentXWithCalculation(*argumentX); if (!validateUnit(argumentXWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) return nullptr; RefPtr xLength = createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentXWithCalculation); CSSParserValue* argumentY = args.next(); if (!argumentY) return nullptr; ValueWithCalculation argumentYWithCalculation(*argumentY); if (!validateUnit(argumentYWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) return nullptr; RefPtr yLength = createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentYWithCalculation); shape->appendPoint(xLength.release(), yLength.release()); CSSParserValue* commaOrNull = args.next(); if (!commaOrNull) argumentX = nullptr; else if (!isComma(commaOrNull)) return nullptr; else argumentX = args.next(); } return shape; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseBasicShapePath(CSSParserValueList& args) { unsigned size = args.size(); if (size != 1 && size != 3) return nullptr; WindRule windRule = RULE_NONZERO; CSSParserValue* argument = args.current(); if (argument->id == CSSValueEvenodd || argument->id == CSSValueNonzero) { windRule = argument->id == CSSValueEvenodd ? RULE_EVENODD : RULE_NONZERO; if (!isComma(args.next())) return nullptr; argument = args.next(); } if (argument->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) return nullptr; auto byteStream = std::make_unique(); if (!buildSVGPathByteStreamFromString(argument->string, *byteStream, UnalteredParsing)) return nullptr; RefPtr shape = CSSBasicShapePath::create(WTFMove(byteStream)); shape->setWindRule(windRule); args.next(); return shape; } static bool isBoxValue(CSSValueID valueId, CSSPropertyID propId) { switch (valueId) { case CSSValueContentBox: case CSSValuePaddingBox: case CSSValueBorderBox: case CSSValueMarginBox: return true; case CSSValueFill: case CSSValueStroke: case CSSValueViewBox: return propId == CSSPropertyWebkitClipPath; default: break; } return false; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseBasicShapeAndOrBox(CSSPropertyID propId) { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); bool shapeFound = false; bool boxFound = false; CSSValueID valueId; RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (!value) break; valueId = value->id; if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Function && !shapeFound) { // parseBasicShape already asks for the next value list item. RefPtr shapeValue = parseBasicShape(); if (!shapeValue) return nullptr; list->append(shapeValue.releaseNonNull()); shapeFound = true; } else if (isBoxValue(valueId, propId) && !boxFound) { RefPtr parsedValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(valueId); list->append(parsedValue.releaseNonNull()); boxFound = true; m_valueList->next(); } else return nullptr; value = m_valueList->current(); } if (m_valueList->current()) return nullptr; return list; } #if ENABLE(CSS_SHAPES) RefPtr CSSParser::parseShapeProperty(CSSPropertyID propId) { if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssShapesEnabled()) return nullptr; CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); CSSValueID valueId = value.id; if (valueId == CSSValueNone) { m_valueList->next(); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(valueId); } RefPtr imageValue; if (valueId != CSSValueNone && parseFillImage(*m_valueList, imageValue)) { m_valueList->next(); return imageValue; } return parseBasicShapeAndOrBox(propId); } #endif RefPtr CSSParser::parseClipPath() { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); CSSValueID valueId = value.id; if (valueId == CSSValueNone) { m_valueList->next(); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(valueId); } if (value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) { m_valueList->next(); return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value.string, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI); } return parseBasicShapeAndOrBox(CSSPropertyWebkitClipPath); } RefPtr CSSParser::parseBasicShape() { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); ASSERT(value.unit == CSSParserValue::Function); CSSParserValueList* args = value.function->args.get(); if (!args) return nullptr; RefPtr shape; if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "circle(")) shape = parseBasicShapeCircle(*args); else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "ellipse(")) shape = parseBasicShapeEllipse(*args); else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "polygon(")) shape = parseBasicShapePolygon(*args); else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "path(")) shape = parseBasicShapePath(*args); else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "inset(")) shape = parseBasicShapeInset(*args); if (!shape) return nullptr; m_valueList->next(); return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(shape.releaseNonNull()); } // [ 'font-style' || 'font-variant' || 'font-weight' ]? 'font-size' [ / 'line-height' ]? 'font-family' bool CSSParser::parseFont(bool important) { // Let's check if there is an inherit or initial somewhere in the shorthand. for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_valueList->size(); ++i) { if (m_valueList->valueAt(i)->id == CSSValueInherit || m_valueList->valueAt(i)->id == CSSValueInitial) return false; } ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyFont); // Optional font-style, font-variant and font-weight. bool fontStyleParsed = false; bool fontVariantParsed = false; bool fontWeightParsed = false; CSSParserValue* value; while ((value = m_valueList->current())) { if (!fontStyleParsed && isValidKeywordPropertyAndValue(CSSPropertyFontStyle, value->id, m_context, m_styleSheet)) { addProperty(CSSPropertyFontStyle, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id), important); fontStyleParsed = true; } else if (!fontVariantParsed && (value->id == CSSValueNormal || value->id == CSSValueSmallCaps)) { // Font variant in the shorthand is particular, it only accepts normal or small-caps. addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id), important); fontVariantParsed = true; } else if (!fontWeightParsed && parseFontWeight(important)) fontWeightParsed = true; else break; m_valueList->next(); } if (!value) return false; if (!fontStyleParsed) addProperty(CSSPropertyFontStyle, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); if (!fontVariantParsed) addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); if (!fontWeightParsed) addProperty(CSSPropertyFontWeight, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); // Now a font size _must_ come. // | | | | inherit if (!parseFontSize(important)) return false; value = m_valueList->current(); if (!value) return false; if (isForwardSlashOperator(*value)) { // The line-height property. value = m_valueList->next(); if (!value) return false; if (!parseLineHeight(important)) return false; } else addProperty(CSSPropertyLineHeight, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important, true); // Font family must come now. RefPtr parsedFamilyValue = parseFontFamily(); if (!parsedFamilyValue) return false; addProperty(CSSPropertyFontFamily, parsedFamilyValue.release(), important); // FIXME: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-fonts-20110324/#font-prop requires that // "font-stretch", "font-size-adjust", and "font-kerning" be reset to their initial values // but we don't seem to support them at the moment. They should also be added here once implemented. if (m_valueList->current()) return false; return true; } void CSSParser::parseSystemFont(bool important) { ASSERT(m_valueList->size() == 1); CSSValueID systemFontID = m_valueList->valueAt(0)->id; ASSERT(systemFontID >= CSSValueCaption && systemFontID <= CSSValueStatusBar); m_valueList->next(); FontCascadeDescription fontDescription; RenderTheme::defaultTheme()->systemFont(systemFontID, fontDescription); if (!fontDescription.isAbsoluteSize()) return; // We must set font's constituent properties, even for system fonts, so the cascade functions correctly. ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyFont); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontStyle, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(fontDescription.italic() == FontItalicOn ? CSSValueItalic : CSSValueNormal), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontWeight, CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(fontDescription.weight()), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontSize, CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(fontDescription.specifiedSize(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX), important); Ref fontFamilyList = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); fontFamilyList->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createFontFamilyValue(fontDescription.familyAt(0), FromSystemFontID::Yes)); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontFamily, WTFMove(fontFamilyList), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyLineHeight, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal), important); } class FontFamilyValueBuilder { public: FontFamilyValueBuilder(CSSValueList& list) : m_list(list) { } void add(const CSSParserString& string) { if (!m_builder.isEmpty()) m_builder.append(' '); if (string.is8Bit()) { m_builder.append(string.characters8(), string.length()); return; } m_builder.append(string.characters16(), string.length()); } void commit() { if (m_builder.isEmpty()) return; m_list.append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createFontFamilyValue(m_builder.toString())); m_builder.clear(); } private: StringBuilder m_builder; CSSValueList& m_list; }; static bool valueIsCSSKeyword(const CSSParserValue& value) { // FIXME: when we add "unset", we should handle it here. return value.id == CSSValueInitial || value.id == CSSValueInherit || value.id == CSSValueDefault; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseFontFamily() { RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); FontFamilyValueBuilder familyBuilder(*list); bool inFamily = false; while (value) { CSSParserValue* nextValue = m_valueList->next(); bool nextValBreaksFont = !nextValue || (nextValue->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && nextValue->iValue == ','); bool nextValIsFontName = nextValue && ((nextValue->id >= CSSValueSerif && nextValue->id <= CSSValueWebkitBody) || (nextValue->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING || nextValue->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT)); bool valueIsKeyword = valueIsCSSKeyword(*value); if (valueIsKeyword && !inFamily) { if (nextValBreaksFont) value = m_valueList->next(); else if (nextValIsFontName) value = nextValue; continue; } if (value->id >= CSSValueSerif && value->id <= CSSValueWebkitBody) { if (inFamily) familyBuilder.add(value->string); else if (nextValBreaksFont || !nextValIsFontName) list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id)); else { familyBuilder.commit(); familyBuilder.add(value->string); inFamily = true; } } else if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) { // Strings never share in a family name. inFamily = false; familyBuilder.commit(); list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createFontFamilyValue(value->string)); } else if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { if (inFamily) familyBuilder.add(value->string); else if (nextValBreaksFont || !nextValIsFontName) list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createFontFamilyValue(value->string)); else { familyBuilder.commit(); familyBuilder.add(value->string); inFamily = true; } } else { break; } if (!nextValue) break; if (nextValBreaksFont) { value = m_valueList->next(); familyBuilder.commit(); inFamily = false; } else if (nextValIsFontName) value = nextValue; else break; } familyBuilder.commit(); if (!list->length()) list = nullptr; return list; } bool CSSParser::parseLineHeight(bool important) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); CSSValueID id = valueWithCalculation.value().id; bool validPrimitive = false; // normal | | | | inherit if (id == CSSValueNormal) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber | FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg)); if (validPrimitive && (!m_valueList->next() || inShorthand())) addProperty(CSSPropertyLineHeight, parseValidPrimitive(id, valueWithCalculation), important); return validPrimitive; } bool CSSParser::parseFontSize(bool important) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); CSSValueID id = valueWithCalculation.value().id; bool validPrimitive = false; // | | | | inherit if (id >= CSSValueXxSmall && id <= CSSValueLarger) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg); if (validPrimitive && (!m_valueList->next() || inShorthand())) addProperty(CSSPropertyFontSize, parseValidPrimitive(id, valueWithCalculation), important); return validPrimitive; } static CSSValueID createFontWeightValueKeyword(int weight) { ASSERT(!(weight % 100) && weight >= 100 && weight <= 900); CSSValueID value = static_cast(CSSValue100 + weight / 100 - 1); ASSERT(value >= CSSValue100 && value <= CSSValue900); return value; } bool CSSParser::parseFontWeight(bool important) { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); if ((value.id >= CSSValueNormal) && (value.id <= CSSValue900)) { addProperty(CSSPropertyFontWeight, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id), important); return true; } ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(value); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger | FNonNeg, CSSQuirksMode)) { int weight = static_cast(parsedDouble(valueWithCalculation)); if (!(weight % 100) && weight >= 100 && weight <= 900) { addProperty(CSSPropertyFontWeight, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(createFontWeightValueKeyword(weight)), important); return true; } } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseFontSynthesis(bool important) { // none | [ weight || style ] CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value && value->id == CSSValueNone) { addProperty(CSSPropertyFontSynthesis, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } bool encounteredWeight = false; bool encounteredStyle = false; while (value) { switch (value->id) { case CSSValueWeight: encounteredWeight = true; break; case CSSValueStyle: encounteredStyle = true; break; default: return false; } value = m_valueList->next(); } RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); if (encounteredWeight) list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueWeight)); if (encounteredStyle) list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueStyle)); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontSynthesis, list.release(), important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFontFaceSrcURI(CSSValueList& valueList) { RefPtr uriValue(CSSFontFaceSrcValue::create(completeURL(m_valueList->current()->string))); CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->next(); if (!value) { valueList.append(uriValue.releaseNonNull()); return true; } if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && value->iValue == ',') { m_valueList->next(); valueList.append(uriValue.releaseNonNull()); return true; } if (value->unit != CSSParserValue::Function || !equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "format(")) return false; // FIXME: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-fonts-20111004/ says that format() contains a comma-separated list of strings, // but CSSFontFaceSrcValue stores only one format. Allowing one format for now. CSSParserValueList* args = value->function->args.get(); if (!args || args->size() != 1 || (args->current()->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING && args->current()->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT)) return false; uriValue->setFormat(args->current()->string); valueList.append(uriValue.releaseNonNull()); value = m_valueList->next(); if (value && value->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && value->iValue == ',') m_valueList->next(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFontFaceSrcLocal(CSSValueList& valueList) { CSSParserValueList* args = m_valueList->current()->function->args.get(); if (!args || !args->size()) return false; if (args->size() == 1 && args->current()->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) valueList.append(CSSFontFaceSrcValue::createLocal(args->current()->string)); else if (args->current()->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { StringBuilder builder; for (CSSParserValue* localValue = args->current(); localValue; localValue = args->next()) { if (localValue->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; if (!builder.isEmpty()) builder.append(' '); builder.append(localValue->string); } valueList.append(CSSFontFaceSrcValue::createLocal(builder.toString())); } else return false; if (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->next()) { if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && value->iValue == ',') m_valueList->next(); } return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFontFaceSrc() { RefPtr values(CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated()); while (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current()) { if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) { if (!parseFontFaceSrcURI(*values)) return false; } else if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Function && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value->function->name, "local(")) { if (!parseFontFaceSrcLocal(*values)) return false; } else return false; } if (!values->length()) return false; addProperty(CSSPropertySrc, values.release(), m_important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFontFaceUnicodeRange() { RefPtr values = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); bool failed = false; bool operatorExpected = false; for (; m_valueList->current(); m_valueList->next(), operatorExpected = !operatorExpected) { if (operatorExpected) { if (m_valueList->current()->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && m_valueList->current()->iValue == ',') continue; failed = true; break; } if (m_valueList->current()->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_UNICODE_RANGE) { failed = true; break; } String rangeString = m_valueList->current()->string; UChar32 from = 0; UChar32 to = 0; unsigned length = rangeString.length(); if (length < 3) { failed = true; break; } unsigned i = 2; while (i < length) { UChar c = rangeString[i]; if (c == '-' || c == '?') break; from *= 16; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') from += c - '0'; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') from += 10 + c - 'A'; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') from += 10 + c - 'a'; else { failed = true; break; } i++; } if (failed) break; if (i == length) to = from; else if (rangeString[i] == '?') { unsigned span = 1; while (i < length && rangeString[i] == '?') { span *= 16; from *= 16; i++; } if (i < length) failed = true; to = from + span - 1; } else { if (length < i + 2) { failed = true; break; } i++; while (i < length) { UChar c = rangeString[i]; to *= 16; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') to += c - '0'; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') to += 10 + c - 'A'; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') to += 10 + c - 'a'; else { failed = true; break; } i++; } if (failed) break; } if (from <= to) values->append(CSSUnicodeRangeValue::create(from, to)); } if (failed || !values->length()) return false; addProperty(CSSPropertyUnicodeRange, values.release(), m_important); return true; } // Returns the number of characters which form a valid double // and are terminated by the given terminator character template static int checkForValidDouble(const CharacterType* string, const CharacterType* end, const char terminator) { int length = end - string; if (length < 1) return 0; bool decimalMarkSeen = false; int processedLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (string[i] == terminator) { processedLength = i; break; } if (!isASCIIDigit(string[i])) { if (!decimalMarkSeen && string[i] == '.') decimalMarkSeen = true; else return 0; } } if (decimalMarkSeen && processedLength == 1) return 0; return processedLength; } // Returns the number of characters consumed for parsing a valid double // terminated by the given terminator character template static int parseDouble(const CharacterType* string, const CharacterType* end, const char terminator, double& value) { int length = checkForValidDouble(string, end, terminator); if (!length) return 0; int position = 0; double localValue = 0; // The consumed characters here are guaranteed to be // ASCII digits with or without a decimal mark for (; position < length; ++position) { if (string[position] == '.') break; localValue = localValue * 10 + string[position] - '0'; } if (++position == length) { value = localValue; return length; } double fraction = 0; double scale = 1; while (position < length && scale < MAX_SCALE) { fraction = fraction * 10 + string[position++] - '0'; scale *= 10; } value = localValue + fraction / scale; return length; } template static bool parseColorIntOrPercentage(const CharacterType*& string, const CharacterType* end, const char terminator, CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes& expect, int& value) { const CharacterType* current = string; double localValue = 0; bool negative = false; while (current != end && isHTMLSpace(*current)) current++; if (current != end && *current == '-') { negative = true; current++; } if (current == end || !isASCIIDigit(*current)) return false; while (current != end && isASCIIDigit(*current)) { double newValue = localValue * 10 + *current++ - '0'; if (newValue >= 255) { // Clamp values at 255. localValue = 255; while (current != end && isASCIIDigit(*current)) ++current; break; } localValue = newValue; } if (current == end) return false; if (expect == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER && (*current == '.' || *current == '%')) return false; if (*current == '.') { // We already parsed the integral part, try to parse // the fraction part of the percentage value. double percentage = 0; int numCharactersParsed = parseDouble(current, end, '%', percentage); if (!numCharactersParsed) return false; current += numCharactersParsed; if (*current != '%') return false; localValue += percentage; } if (expect == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && *current != '%') return false; if (*current == '%') { expect = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE; localValue = localValue / 100.0 * 256.0; // Clamp values at 255 for percentages over 100% if (localValue > 255) localValue = 255; current++; } else expect = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER; while (current != end && isHTMLSpace(*current)) current++; if (current == end || *current++ != terminator) return false; // Clamp negative values at zero. value = negative ? 0 : static_cast(localValue); string = current; return true; } template static inline bool isTenthAlpha(const CharacterType* string, const int length) { // "0.X" if (length == 3 && string[0] == '0' && string[1] == '.' && isASCIIDigit(string[2])) return true; // ".X" if (length == 2 && string[0] == '.' && isASCIIDigit(string[1])) return true; return false; } template static inline bool parseAlphaValue(const CharacterType*& string, const CharacterType* end, const char terminator, int& value) { while (string != end && isHTMLSpace(*string)) string++; bool negative = false; if (string != end && *string == '-') { negative = true; string++; } value = 0; int length = end - string; if (length < 2) return false; if (string[length - 1] != terminator || !isASCIIDigit(string[length - 2])) return false; if (string[0] != '0' && string[0] != '1' && string[0] != '.') { if (checkForValidDouble(string, end, terminator)) { value = negative ? 0 : 255; string = end; return true; } return false; } if (length == 2 && string[0] != '.') { value = !negative && string[0] == '1' ? 255 : 0; string = end; return true; } if (isTenthAlpha(string, length - 1)) { static const int tenthAlphaValues[] = { 0, 25, 51, 76, 102, 127, 153, 179, 204, 230 }; value = negative ? 0 : tenthAlphaValues[string[length - 2] - '0']; string = end; return true; } double alpha = 0; if (!parseDouble(string, end, terminator, alpha)) return false; value = negative ? 0 : static_cast(alpha * nextafter(256.0, 0.0)); string = end; return true; } template static inline bool mightBeRGBA(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length) { if (length < 5) return false; return characters[4] == '(' && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[0], 'r') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[1], 'g') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[2], 'b') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[3], 'a'); } template static inline bool mightBeRGB(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length) { if (length < 4) return false; return characters[3] == '(' && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[0], 'r') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[1], 'g') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[2], 'b'); } template static inline bool fastParseColorInternal(RGBA32& rgb, const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length , bool strict) { CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes expect = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_UNKNOWN; if (!strict && length >= 3) { if (characters[0] == '#') { if (Color::parseHexColor(characters + 1, length - 1, rgb)) return true; } else { if (Color::parseHexColor(characters, length, rgb)) return true; } } // Try rgba() syntax. if (mightBeRGBA(characters, length)) { const CharacterType* current = characters + 5; const CharacterType* end = characters + length; int red; int green; int blue; int alpha; if (!parseColorIntOrPercentage(current, end, ',', expect, red)) return false; if (!parseColorIntOrPercentage(current, end, ',', expect, green)) return false; if (!parseColorIntOrPercentage(current, end, ',', expect, blue)) return false; if (!parseAlphaValue(current, end, ')', alpha)) return false; if (current != end) return false; rgb = makeRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha); return true; } // Try rgb() syntax. if (mightBeRGB(characters, length)) { const CharacterType* current = characters + 4; const CharacterType* end = characters + length; int red; int green; int blue; if (!parseColorIntOrPercentage(current, end, ',', expect, red)) return false; if (!parseColorIntOrPercentage(current, end, ',', expect, green)) return false; if (!parseColorIntOrPercentage(current, end, ')', expect, blue)) return false; if (current != end) return false; rgb = makeRGB(red, green, blue); return true; } return false; } template bool CSSParser::fastParseColor(RGBA32& rgb, const StringType& name, bool strict) { unsigned length = name.length(); bool parseResult; if (!length) return false; if (name.is8Bit()) parseResult = fastParseColorInternal(rgb, name.characters8(), length, strict); else parseResult = fastParseColorInternal(rgb, name.characters16(), length, strict); if (parseResult) return true; // Try named colors. Color tc; tc.setNamedColor(name); if (tc.isValid()) { rgb = tc.rgb(); return true; } return false; } inline double CSSParser::parsedDouble(ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation) { return valueWithCalculation.calculation() ? valueWithCalculation.calculation()->doubleValue() : valueWithCalculation.value().fValue; } bool CSSParser::isCalculation(CSSParserValue& value) { return value.unit == CSSParserValue::Function && (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "calc(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-calc(")); } inline int CSSParser::colorIntFromValue(ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation) { bool isPercent; if (valueWithCalculation.calculation()) isPercent = valueWithCalculation.calculation()->category() == CalcPercent; else isPercent = valueWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE; const double doubleValue = parsedDouble(valueWithCalculation); if (doubleValue <= 0.0) return 0; if (isPercent) { if (doubleValue >= 100.0) return 255; return static_cast(doubleValue * 256.0 / 100.0); } if (doubleValue >= 255.0) return 255; return static_cast(doubleValue); } bool CSSParser::parseColorParameters(CSSParserValue& value, int* colorArray, bool parseAlpha) { CSSParserValueList* args = value.function->args.get(); ValueWithCalculation firstArgumentWithCalculation(*args->current()); Units unitType = FUnknown; // Get the first value and its type if (validateUnit(firstArgumentWithCalculation, FInteger, CSSStrictMode)) unitType = FInteger; else if (validateUnit(firstArgumentWithCalculation, FPercent, CSSStrictMode)) unitType = FPercent; else return false; colorArray[0] = colorIntFromValue(firstArgumentWithCalculation); for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { CSSParserValue& operatorArgument = *args->next(); if (operatorArgument.unit != CSSParserValue::Operator && operatorArgument.iValue != ',') return false; ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args->next()); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, unitType, CSSStrictMode)) return false; colorArray[i] = colorIntFromValue(argumentWithCalculation); } if (parseAlpha) { CSSParserValue& operatorArgument = *args->next(); if (operatorArgument.unit != CSSParserValue::Operator && operatorArgument.iValue != ',') return false; ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args->next()); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FNumber, CSSStrictMode)) return false; double doubleValue = parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation); // Convert the floating pointer number of alpha to an integer in the range [0, 256), // with an equal distribution across all 256 values. colorArray[3] = static_cast(std::max(0, std::min(1, doubleValue)) * nextafter(256.0, 0.0)); } return true; } // The CSS3 specification defines the format of a HSL color as // hsl(, , ) // and with alpha, the format is // hsla(, , , ) // The first value, HUE, is in an angle with a value between 0 and 360 bool CSSParser::parseHSLParameters(CSSParserValue& value, double* colorArray, bool parseAlpha) { CSSParserValueList* args = value.function->args.get(); ValueWithCalculation firstArgumentWithCalculation(*args->current()); // Get the first value if (!validateUnit(firstArgumentWithCalculation, FNumber, CSSStrictMode)) return false; // normalize the Hue value and change it to be between 0 and 1.0 colorArray[0] = (((static_cast(parsedDouble(firstArgumentWithCalculation)) % 360) + 360) % 360) / 360.0; for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) { CSSParserValue& operatorArgument = *args->next(); if (operatorArgument.unit != CSSParserValue::Operator && operatorArgument.iValue != ',') return false; ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args->next()); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FPercent, CSSStrictMode)) return false; colorArray[i] = std::max(0, std::min(100, parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation))) / 100.0; // needs to be value between 0 and 1.0 } if (parseAlpha) { CSSParserValue& operatorArgument = *args->next(); if (operatorArgument.unit != CSSParserValue::Operator && operatorArgument.iValue != ',') return false; ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args->next()); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FNumber, CSSStrictMode)) return false; colorArray[3] = std::max(0, std::min(1, parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation))); } return true; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseColor(CSSParserValue* value) { RGBA32 c = Color::transparent; if (!parseColorFromValue(value ? *value : *m_valueList->current(), c)) return nullptr; return CSSValuePool::singleton().createColorValue(c); } bool CSSParser::parseColorFromValue(CSSParserValue& value, RGBA32& c) { if (inQuirksMode() && value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER && value.fValue >= 0. && value.fValue < 1000000.) { String str = String::format("%06d", static_cast((value.fValue+.5))); // FIXME: This should be strict parsing for SVG as well. if (!fastParseColor(c, str, inStrictMode())) return false; } else if (value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PARSER_HEXCOLOR || value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT || (inQuirksMode() && value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DIMENSION)) { if (!fastParseColor(c, value.string, inStrictMode() && value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT)) return false; } else if (value.unit == CSSParserValue::Function && value.function->args && value.function->args->size() == 5 /* rgb + two commas */ && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "rgb(")) { int colorValues[3]; if (!parseColorParameters(value, colorValues, false)) return false; c = makeRGB(colorValues[0], colorValues[1], colorValues[2]); } else { if (value.unit == CSSParserValue::Function && value.function->args && value.function->args->size() == 7 /* rgba + three commas */ && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "rgba(")) { int colorValues[4]; if (!parseColorParameters(value, colorValues, true)) return false; c = makeRGBA(colorValues[0], colorValues[1], colorValues[2], colorValues[3]); } else if (value.unit == CSSParserValue::Function && value.function->args && value.function->args->size() == 5 /* hsl + two commas */ && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "hsl(")) { double colorValues[3]; if (!parseHSLParameters(value, colorValues, false)) return false; c = makeRGBAFromHSLA(colorValues[0], colorValues[1], colorValues[2], 1.0); } else if (value.unit == CSSParserValue::Function && value.function->args && value.function->args->size() == 7 /* hsla + three commas */ && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "hsla(")) { double colorValues[4]; if (!parseHSLParameters(value, colorValues, true)) return false; c = makeRGBAFromHSLA(colorValues[0], colorValues[1], colorValues[2], colorValues[3]); } else return false; } return true; } // This class tracks parsing state for shadow values. If it goes out of scope (e.g., due to an early return) // without the allowBreak bit being set, then it will clean up all of the objects and destroy them. struct ShadowParseContext { ShadowParseContext(CSSPropertyID prop, CSSParser& parser) : property(prop) , m_parser(parser) , allowX(true) , allowY(false) , allowBlur(false) , allowSpread(false) , allowColor(true) , allowStyle(prop == CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow || prop == CSSPropertyBoxShadow) , allowBreak(true) { } bool allowLength() { return allowX || allowY || allowBlur || allowSpread; } void commitValue() { // Handle the ,, case gracefully by doing nothing. if (x || y || blur || spread || color || style) { if (!values) values = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); // Construct the current shadow value and add it to the list. values->append(CSSShadowValue::create(x.release(), y.release(), blur.release(), spread.release(), style.release(), color.release())); } // Now reset for the next shadow value. x = nullptr; y = nullptr; blur = nullptr; spread = nullptr; style = nullptr; color = nullptr; allowX = true; allowColor = true; allowBreak = true; allowY = false; allowBlur = false; allowSpread = false; allowStyle = property == CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow || property == CSSPropertyBoxShadow; } void commitLength(CSSParser::ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation) { RefPtr primitiveValue = m_parser.createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); if (allowX) { x = primitiveValue.release(); allowX = false; allowY = true; allowColor = false; allowStyle = false; allowBreak = false; } else if (allowY) { y = primitiveValue.release(); allowY = false; allowBlur = true; allowColor = true; allowStyle = property == CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow || property == CSSPropertyBoxShadow; allowBreak = true; } else if (allowBlur) { blur = primitiveValue.release(); allowBlur = false; allowSpread = property == CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow || property == CSSPropertyBoxShadow; } else if (allowSpread) { spread = primitiveValue.release(); allowSpread = false; } } void commitColor(PassRefPtr val) { color = val; allowColor = false; if (allowX) { allowStyle = false; allowBreak = false; } else { allowBlur = false; allowSpread = false; allowStyle = property == CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow || property == CSSPropertyBoxShadow; } } void commitStyle(CSSParserValue& value) { style = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id); allowStyle = false; if (allowX) allowBreak = false; else { allowBlur = false; allowSpread = false; allowColor = false; } } CSSPropertyID property; CSSParser& m_parser; RefPtr values; RefPtr x; RefPtr y; RefPtr blur; RefPtr spread; RefPtr style; RefPtr color; bool allowX; bool allowY; bool allowBlur; bool allowSpread; bool allowColor; bool allowStyle; // inset or not. bool allowBreak; }; RefPtr CSSParser::parseShadow(CSSParserValueList& valueList, CSSPropertyID propId) { ShadowParseContext context(propId, *this); CSSParserValue* value; while ((value = valueList.current())) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); // Check for a comma break first. if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator) { if (value->iValue != ',' || !context.allowBreak) { // Other operators aren't legal or we aren't done with the current shadow // value. Treat as invalid. return nullptr; } // -webkit-svg-shadow does not support multiple values. if (propId == CSSPropertyWebkitSvgShadow) return nullptr; // The value is good. Commit it. context.commitValue(); } else if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength, CSSStrictMode)) { // We required a length and didn't get one. Invalid. if (!context.allowLength()) return nullptr; // Blur radius must be non-negative. if (context.allowBlur && !validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; // A length is allowed here. Construct the value and add it. context.commitLength(valueWithCalculation); } else if (value->id == CSSValueInset) { if (!context.allowStyle) return nullptr; context.commitStyle(valueWithCalculation); } else { // The only other type of value that's ok is a color value. RefPtr parsedColor; bool isColor = (isValidSystemColorValue(value->id) || value->id == CSSValueMenu || (value->id >= CSSValueWebkitFocusRingColor && value->id <= CSSValueWebkitText && inQuirksMode()) || value->id == CSSValueCurrentcolor); if (isColor) { if (!context.allowColor) return nullptr; parsedColor = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); } if (!parsedColor) // It's not built-in. Try to parse it as a color. parsedColor = parseColor(value); if (!parsedColor || !context.allowColor) return nullptr; // This value is not a color or length and is invalid or // it is a color, but a color isn't allowed at this point. context.commitColor(parsedColor.release()); } valueList.next(); } if (context.allowBreak) { context.commitValue(); if (context.values && context.values->length()) return context.values.release(); } return nullptr; } bool CSSParser::parseReflect(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { // box-reflect: // Direction comes first. CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); RefPtr direction; switch (value->id) { case CSSValueAbove: case CSSValueBelow: case CSSValueLeft: case CSSValueRight: direction = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); break; default: return false; } // The offset comes next. value = m_valueList->next(); RefPtr offset; if (!value) offset = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX); else { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); if (!validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) return false; offset = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); } // Now for the mask. RefPtr mask; value = m_valueList->next(); if (value) { if (!parseBorderImage(propId, mask)) return false; } addProperty(propId, CSSReflectValue::create(direction.release(), offset.release(), mask.release()), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFlex(CSSParserValueList& args, bool important) { if (!args.size() || args.size() > 3) return false; static const double unsetValue = -1; double flexGrow = unsetValue; double flexShrink = unsetValue; RefPtr flexBasis; while (CSSParserValue* argument = args.current()) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*argument); if (validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FNumber | FNonNeg)) { if (flexGrow == unsetValue) flexGrow = parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation); else if (flexShrink == unsetValue) flexShrink = parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation); else if (!parsedDouble(argumentWithCalculation)) { // flex only allows a basis of 0 (sans units) if flex-grow and flex-shrink values have already been set. flexBasis = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX); } else { // We only allow 3 numbers without units if the last value is 0. E.g., flex:1 1 1 is invalid. return false; } } else if (!flexBasis && (argumentWithCalculation.value().id == CSSValueAuto || validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg))) flexBasis = parseValidPrimitive(argumentWithCalculation.value().id, argumentWithCalculation); else { // Not a valid arg for flex. return false; } args.next(); } if (flexGrow == unsetValue) flexGrow = 1; if (flexShrink == unsetValue) flexShrink = 1; if (!flexBasis) flexBasis = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX); addProperty(CSSPropertyFlexGrow, CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(clampToFloat(flexGrow), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyFlexShrink, CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(clampToFloat(flexShrink), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyFlexBasis, flexBasis, important); return true; } struct BorderImageParseContext { BorderImageParseContext() : m_canAdvance(false) , m_allowCommit(true) , m_allowImage(true) , m_allowImageSlice(true) , m_allowRepeat(true) , m_allowForwardSlashOperator(false) , m_requireWidth(false) , m_requireOutset(false) {} bool canAdvance() const { return m_canAdvance; } void setCanAdvance(bool canAdvance) { m_canAdvance = canAdvance; } bool allowCommit() const { return m_allowCommit; } bool allowImage() const { return m_allowImage; } bool allowImageSlice() const { return m_allowImageSlice; } bool allowRepeat() const { return m_allowRepeat; } bool allowForwardSlashOperator() const { return m_allowForwardSlashOperator; } bool requireWidth() const { return m_requireWidth; } bool requireOutset() const { return m_requireOutset; } void commitImage(PassRefPtr image) { m_image = image; m_canAdvance = true; m_allowCommit = true; m_allowImage = m_allowForwardSlashOperator = m_requireWidth = m_requireOutset = false; m_allowImageSlice = !m_imageSlice; m_allowRepeat = !m_repeat; } void commitImageSlice(PassRefPtr slice) { m_imageSlice = slice; m_canAdvance = true; m_allowCommit = m_allowForwardSlashOperator = true; m_allowImageSlice = m_requireWidth = m_requireOutset = false; m_allowImage = !m_image; m_allowRepeat = !m_repeat; } void commitForwardSlashOperator() { m_canAdvance = true; m_allowCommit = m_allowImage = m_allowImageSlice = m_allowRepeat = m_allowForwardSlashOperator = false; if (!m_borderSlice) { m_requireWidth = true; m_requireOutset = false; } else { m_requireOutset = true; m_requireWidth = false; } } void commitBorderWidth(PassRefPtr slice) { m_borderSlice = slice; m_canAdvance = true; m_allowCommit = m_allowForwardSlashOperator = true; m_allowImageSlice = m_requireWidth = m_requireOutset = false; m_allowImage = !m_image; m_allowRepeat = !m_repeat; } void commitBorderOutset(PassRefPtr outset) { m_outset = outset; m_canAdvance = true; m_allowCommit = true; m_allowImageSlice = m_allowForwardSlashOperator = m_requireWidth = m_requireOutset = false; m_allowImage = !m_image; m_allowRepeat = !m_repeat; } void commitRepeat(PassRefPtr repeat) { m_repeat = repeat; m_canAdvance = true; m_allowCommit = true; m_allowRepeat = m_allowForwardSlashOperator = m_requireWidth = m_requireOutset = false; m_allowImageSlice = !m_imageSlice; m_allowImage = !m_image; } PassRefPtr commitWebKitBorderImage() { return createBorderImageValue(m_image, m_imageSlice, m_borderSlice, m_outset, m_repeat); } void commitBorderImage(CSSParser& parser, bool important) { commitBorderImageProperty(CSSPropertyBorderImageSource, parser, m_image, important); commitBorderImageProperty(CSSPropertyBorderImageSlice, parser, m_imageSlice, important); commitBorderImageProperty(CSSPropertyBorderImageWidth, parser, m_borderSlice, important); commitBorderImageProperty(CSSPropertyBorderImageOutset, parser, m_outset, important); commitBorderImageProperty(CSSPropertyBorderImageRepeat, parser, m_repeat, important); } void commitBorderImageProperty(CSSPropertyID propId, CSSParser& parser, PassRefPtr value, bool important) { if (value) parser.addProperty(propId, value, important); else parser.addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createImplicitInitialValue(), important, true); } bool m_canAdvance; bool m_allowCommit; bool m_allowImage; bool m_allowImageSlice; bool m_allowRepeat; bool m_allowForwardSlashOperator; bool m_requireWidth; bool m_requireOutset; RefPtr m_image; RefPtr m_imageSlice; RefPtr m_borderSlice; RefPtr m_outset; RefPtr m_repeat; }; bool CSSParser::parseBorderImage(CSSPropertyID propId, RefPtr& result, bool important) { ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); BorderImageParseContext context; while (CSSParserValue* currentValue = m_valueList->current()) { context.setCanAdvance(false); if (!context.canAdvance() && context.allowForwardSlashOperator() && isForwardSlashOperator(*currentValue)) context.commitForwardSlashOperator(); if (!context.canAdvance() && context.allowImage()) { if (currentValue->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) context.commitImage(CSSImageValue::create(completeURL(currentValue->string))); else if (isGeneratedImageValue(*currentValue)) { RefPtr value; if (parseGeneratedImage(*m_valueList, value)) context.commitImage(value.release()); else return false; #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_SET) } else if (currentValue->unit == CSSParserValue::Function && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(currentValue->function->name, "-webkit-image-set(")) { RefPtr value = parseImageSet(); if (value) context.commitImage(value.release()); else return false; #endif } else if (currentValue->id == CSSValueNone) context.commitImage(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone)); } if (!context.canAdvance() && context.allowImageSlice()) { RefPtr imageSlice; if (parseBorderImageSlice(propId, imageSlice)) context.commitImageSlice(imageSlice.release()); } if (!context.canAdvance() && context.allowRepeat()) { RefPtr repeat; if (parseBorderImageRepeat(repeat)) context.commitRepeat(repeat.release()); } if (!context.canAdvance() && context.requireWidth()) { RefPtr borderSlice; if (parseBorderImageWidth(borderSlice)) context.commitBorderWidth(borderSlice.release()); } if (!context.canAdvance() && context.requireOutset()) { RefPtr borderOutset; if (parseBorderImageOutset(borderOutset)) context.commitBorderOutset(borderOutset.release()); } if (!context.canAdvance()) return false; m_valueList->next(); } if (context.allowCommit()) { if (propId == CSSPropertyBorderImage) context.commitBorderImage(*this, important); else // Need to fully commit as a single value. result = context.commitWebKitBorderImage(); return true; } return false; } static bool isBorderImageRepeatKeyword(int id) { return id == CSSValueStretch || id == CSSValueRepeat || id == CSSValueSpace || id == CSSValueRound; } bool CSSParser::parseBorderImageRepeat(RefPtr& result) { RefPtr firstValue; RefPtr secondValue; CSSParserValue* val = m_valueList->current(); if (!val) return false; if (isBorderImageRepeatKeyword(val->id)) firstValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(val->id); else return false; val = m_valueList->next(); if (val) { if (isBorderImageRepeatKeyword(val->id)) secondValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(val->id); else if (!inShorthand()) { // If we're not parsing a shorthand then we are invalid. return false; } else { // We need to rewind the value list, so that when its advanced we'll // end up back at this value. m_valueList->previous(); secondValue = firstValue; } } else secondValue = firstValue; result = createPrimitiveValuePair(WTFMove(firstValue), WTFMove(secondValue)); return true; } class BorderImageSliceParseContext { public: BorderImageSliceParseContext(CSSParser& parser) : m_parser(parser) , m_allowNumber(true) , m_allowFill(true) , m_allowFinalCommit(false) , m_fill(false) { } bool allowNumber() const { return m_allowNumber; } bool allowFill() const { return m_allowFill; } bool allowFinalCommit() const { return m_allowFinalCommit; } CSSPrimitiveValue* top() const { return m_top.get(); } void commitNumber(CSSParser::ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation) { RefPtr primitiveValue = m_parser.createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); if (!m_top) m_top = primitiveValue.release(); else if (!m_right) m_right = primitiveValue.release(); else if (!m_bottom) m_bottom = primitiveValue.release(); else { ASSERT(!m_left); m_left = primitiveValue.release(); } m_allowNumber = !m_left; m_allowFinalCommit = true; } void commitFill() { m_fill = true; m_allowFill = false; m_allowNumber = !m_top; } PassRefPtr commitBorderImageSlice() { // We need to clone and repeat values for any omissions. ASSERT(m_top); if (!m_right) { m_right = m_top; m_bottom = m_top; m_left = m_top; } if (!m_bottom) { m_bottom = m_top; m_left = m_right; } if (!m_left) m_left = m_right; // Now build a rect value to hold all four of our primitive values. auto quad = Quad::create(); quad->setTop(m_top); quad->setRight(m_right); quad->setBottom(m_bottom); quad->setLeft(m_left); // Make our new border image value now. return CSSBorderImageSliceValue::create(CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(WTFMove(quad)), m_fill); } private: CSSParser& m_parser; bool m_allowNumber; bool m_allowFill; bool m_allowFinalCommit; RefPtr m_top; RefPtr m_right; RefPtr m_bottom; RefPtr m_left; bool m_fill; }; bool CSSParser::parseBorderImageSlice(CSSPropertyID propId, RefPtr& result) { BorderImageSliceParseContext context(*this); CSSParserValue* value; while ((value = m_valueList->current())) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); // FIXME calc() http://webkit.org/b/16662 : calc is parsed but values are not created yet. if (context.allowNumber() && !isCalculation(valueWithCalculation) && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FInteger | FNonNeg | FPercent, CSSStrictMode)) { context.commitNumber(valueWithCalculation); } else if (context.allowFill() && value->id == CSSValueFill) context.commitFill(); else if (!inShorthand()) { // If we're not parsing a shorthand then we are invalid. return false; } else { if (context.allowFinalCommit()) { // We're going to successfully parse, but we don't want to consume this token. m_valueList->previous(); } break; } m_valueList->next(); } if (context.allowFinalCommit()) { // FIXME: For backwards compatibility, -webkit-border-image, -webkit-mask-box-image and -webkit-box-reflect have to do a fill by default. // FIXME: What do we do with -webkit-box-reflect and -webkit-mask-box-image? Probably just have to leave them filling... if (propId == CSSPropertyWebkitBorderImage || propId == CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImage || propId == CSSPropertyWebkitBoxReflect) context.commitFill(); // Need to fully commit as a single value. result = context.commitBorderImageSlice(); return true; } return false; } class BorderImageQuadParseContext { public: BorderImageQuadParseContext(CSSParser& parser) : m_parser(parser) , m_allowNumber(true) , m_allowFinalCommit(false) { } bool allowNumber() const { return m_allowNumber; } bool allowFinalCommit() const { return m_allowFinalCommit; } CSSPrimitiveValue* top() const { return m_top.get(); } void commitNumber(CSSParser::ValueWithCalculation& valueWithCalculation) { RefPtr primitiveValue; if (valueWithCalculation.value().id == CSSValueAuto) primitiveValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(valueWithCalculation.value().id); else primitiveValue = m_parser.createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); if (!m_top) m_top = primitiveValue.release(); else if (!m_right) m_right = primitiveValue.release(); else if (!m_bottom) m_bottom = primitiveValue.release(); else { ASSERT(!m_left); m_left = primitiveValue.release(); } m_allowNumber = !m_left; m_allowFinalCommit = true; } void setAllowFinalCommit() { m_allowFinalCommit = true; } void setTop(PassRefPtr val) { m_top = val; } PassRefPtr commitBorderImageQuad() { // We need to clone and repeat values for any omissions. ASSERT(m_top); if (!m_right) { m_right = m_top; m_bottom = m_top; m_left = m_top; } if (!m_bottom) { m_bottom = m_top; m_left = m_right; } if (!m_left) m_left = m_right; // Now build a quad value to hold all four of our primitive values. auto quad = Quad::create(); quad->setTop(m_top); quad->setRight(m_right); quad->setBottom(m_bottom); quad->setLeft(m_left); // Make our new value now. return CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(WTFMove(quad)); } private: CSSParser& m_parser; bool m_allowNumber; bool m_allowFinalCommit; RefPtr m_top; RefPtr m_right; RefPtr m_bottom; RefPtr m_left; }; bool CSSParser::parseBorderImageQuad(Units validUnits, RefPtr& result) { BorderImageQuadParseContext context(*this); CSSParserValue* value; while ((value = m_valueList->current())) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); if (context.allowNumber() && (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, validUnits, CSSStrictMode) || value->id == CSSValueAuto)) { context.commitNumber(valueWithCalculation); } else if (!inShorthand()) { // If we're not parsing a shorthand then we are invalid. return false; } else { if (context.allowFinalCommit()) m_valueList->previous(); // The shorthand loop will advance back to this point. break; } m_valueList->next(); } if (context.allowFinalCommit()) { // Need to fully commit as a single value. result = context.commitBorderImageQuad(); return true; } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseBorderImageWidth(RefPtr& result) { return parseBorderImageQuad(FLength | FInteger | FNonNeg | FPercent, result); } bool CSSParser::parseBorderImageOutset(RefPtr& result) { return parseBorderImageQuad(FLength | FInteger | FNonNeg, result); } bool CSSParser::parseBorderRadius(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { unsigned num = m_valueList->size(); if (num > 9) return false; ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); RefPtr radii[2][4]; unsigned indexAfterSlash = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; ++i) { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->valueAt(i); if (value.unit == CSSParserValue::Operator) { if (value.iValue != '/') return false; if (!i || indexAfterSlash || i + 1 == num || num > i + 5) return false; indexAfterSlash = i + 1; completeBorderRadii(radii[0]); continue; } if (i - indexAfterSlash >= 4) return false; ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(value); if (!validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg)) return false; RefPtr radius = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); if (!indexAfterSlash) { radii[0][i] = radius; // Legacy syntax: -webkit-border-radius: l1 l2; is equivalent to border-radius: l1 / l2; if (num == 2 && propId == CSSPropertyWebkitBorderRadius) { indexAfterSlash = 1; completeBorderRadii(radii[0]); } } else radii[1][i - indexAfterSlash] = radius.release(); } if (!indexAfterSlash) { completeBorderRadii(radii[0]); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) radii[1][i] = radii[0][i]; } else completeBorderRadii(radii[1]); ImplicitScope implicitScope(*this, PropertyImplicit); addProperty(CSSPropertyBorderTopLeftRadius, createPrimitiveValuePair(radii[0][0].release(), radii[1][0].release()), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyBorderTopRightRadius, createPrimitiveValuePair(radii[0][1].release(), radii[1][1].release()), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyBorderBottomRightRadius, createPrimitiveValuePair(radii[0][2].release(), radii[1][2].release()), important); addProperty(CSSPropertyBorderBottomLeftRadius, createPrimitiveValuePair(radii[0][3].release(), radii[1][3].release()), important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseAspectRatio(bool important) { unsigned num = m_valueList->size(); if (num == 1) { CSSValueID valueId = m_valueList->valueAt(0)->id; if (valueId == CSSValueAuto || valueId == CSSValueFromDimensions || valueId == CSSValueFromIntrinsic) { addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitAspectRatio, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(valueId), important); return true; } } if (num != 3) return false; CSSParserValue& op = *m_valueList->valueAt(1); if (!isForwardSlashOperator(op)) return false; ValueWithCalculation lvalueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->valueAt(0)); ValueWithCalculation rvalueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->valueAt(2)); if (!validateUnit(lvalueWithCalculation, FNumber | FNonNeg) || !validateUnit(rvalueWithCalculation, FNumber | FNonNeg)) return false; // FIXME: This doesn't handle calculated values. if (!lvalueWithCalculation.value().fValue || !rvalueWithCalculation.value().fValue) return false; addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitAspectRatio, CSSAspectRatioValue::create(narrowPrecisionToFloat(lvalueWithCalculation.value().fValue), narrowPrecisionToFloat(rvalueWithCalculation.value().fValue)), important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseCounter(CSSPropertyID propId, int defaultValue, bool important) { enum { ID, VAL } state = ID; RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); RefPtr counterName; while (true) { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); switch (state) { case ID: if (value && value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { counterName = createPrimitiveStringValue(*value); state = VAL; m_valueList->next(); continue; } break; case VAL: { int i = defaultValue; if (value && value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) { i = clampToInteger(value->fValue); m_valueList->next(); } list->append(createPrimitiveValuePair(counterName.release(), CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(i, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER))); state = ID; continue; } } break; } if (list->length() > 0) { addProperty(propId, list.release(), important); return true; } return false; } // This should go away once we drop support for -webkit-gradient static PassRefPtr parseDeprecatedGradientPoint(CSSParserValue& value, bool horizontal) { RefPtr result; if (value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { if ((equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "left") && horizontal) || (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "top") && !horizontal)) result = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(0., CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); else if ((equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "right") && horizontal) || (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "bottom") && !horizontal)) result = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(100., CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value, "center")) result = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(50., CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE); } else if (value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER || value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) result = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(value.fValue, static_cast(value.unit)); return result; } static bool parseDeprecatedGradientColorStop(CSSParser& parser, CSSParserValue& value, CSSGradientColorStop& stop) { if (value.unit != CSSParserValue::Function) return false; if (!equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "from(") && !equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "to(") && !equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "color-stop(")) return false; CSSParserValueList* args = value.function->args.get(); if (!args) return false; if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "from(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "to(")) { // The "from" and "to" stops expect 1 argument. if (args->size() != 1) return false; if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "from(")) stop.m_position = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); else stop.m_position = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(1, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); CSSValueID id = args->current()->id; if (id == CSSValueWebkitText || CSSParser::isValidSystemColorValue(id) || id == CSSValueMenu) stop.m_color = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(id); else stop.m_color = parser.parseColor(args->current()); if (!stop.m_color) return false; } // The "color-stop" function expects 3 arguments. if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "color-stop(")) { if (args->size() != 3) return false; CSSParserValue* stopArg = args->current(); if (stopArg->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) stop.m_position = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(stopArg->fValue / 100, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); else if (stopArg->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) stop.m_position = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(stopArg->fValue, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); else return false; stopArg = args->next(); if (stopArg->unit != CSSParserValue::Operator || stopArg->iValue != ',') return false; stopArg = args->next(); CSSValueID id = stopArg->id; if (id == CSSValueWebkitText || CSSParser::isValidSystemColorValue(id) || id == CSSValueMenu) stop.m_color = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(id); else stop.m_color = parser.parseColor(stopArg); if (!stop.m_color) return false; } return true; } bool CSSParser::parseDeprecatedGradient(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& gradient) { // Walk the arguments. CSSParserValueList* args = valueList.current()->function->args.get(); if (!args || args->size() == 0) return false; // The first argument is the gradient type. It is an identifier. CSSGradientType gradientType; CSSParserValue* argument = args->current(); if (!argument || argument->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(*argument, "linear")) gradientType = CSSDeprecatedLinearGradient; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(*argument, "radial")) gradientType = CSSDeprecatedRadialGradient; else return false; RefPtr result; switch (gradientType) { case CSSDeprecatedLinearGradient: result = CSSLinearGradientValue::create(NonRepeating, gradientType); break; case CSSDeprecatedRadialGradient: result = CSSRadialGradientValue::create(NonRepeating, gradientType); break; default: // The rest of the gradient types shouldn't appear here. ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } // Comma. argument = args->next(); if (!isComma(argument)) return false; // Next comes the starting point for the gradient as an x y pair. There is no // comma between the x and the y values. // First X. It can be left, right, number or percent. argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; RefPtr point = parseDeprecatedGradientPoint(*argument, true); if (!point) return false; result->setFirstX(point.release()); // First Y. It can be top, bottom, number or percent. argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; point = parseDeprecatedGradientPoint(*argument, false); if (!point) return false; result->setFirstY(point.release()); // Comma after the first point. argument = args->next(); if (!isComma(argument)) return false; // For radial gradients only, we now expect a numeric radius. if (gradientType == CSSDeprecatedRadialGradient) { argument = args->next(); // FIXME: This does not handle calculation values. if (!argument || argument->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) return false; ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*argument); downcast(*result).setFirstRadius(createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation)); // Comma after the first radius. argument = args->next(); if (!isComma(argument)) return false; } // Next is the ending point for the gradient as an x, y pair. // Second X. It can be left, right, number or percent. argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; point = parseDeprecatedGradientPoint(*argument, true); if (!point) return false; result->setSecondX(point.release()); // Second Y. It can be top, bottom, number or percent. argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; point = parseDeprecatedGradientPoint(*argument, false); if (!point) return false; result->setSecondY(point.release()); // For radial gradients only, we now expect the second radius. if (gradientType == CSSDeprecatedRadialGradient) { // Comma after the second point. argument = args->next(); if (!isComma(argument)) return false; argument = args->next(); // FIXME: This does not handle calculation values. if (!argument || argument->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) return false; ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*argument); downcast(*result).setSecondRadius(createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation)); } // We now will accept any number of stops (0 or more). argument = args->next(); while (argument) { // Look for the comma before the next stop. if (!isComma(argument)) return false; // Now examine the stop itself. argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; // The function name needs to be one of "from", "to", or "color-stop." CSSGradientColorStop stop; if (!parseDeprecatedGradientColorStop(*this, *argument, stop)) return false; result->addStop(stop); // Advance argument = args->next(); } gradient = result.release(); return true; } static PassRefPtr valueFromSideKeyword(CSSParserValue& value, bool& isHorizontal) { if (value.unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return nullptr; switch (value.id) { case CSSValueLeft: case CSSValueRight: isHorizontal = true; break; case CSSValueTop: case CSSValueBottom: isHorizontal = false; break; default: return nullptr; } return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id); } static PassRefPtr parseGradientColorOrKeyword(CSSParser& parser, CSSParserValue& value) { CSSValueID id = value.id; if (id == CSSValueWebkitText || CSSParser::isValidSystemColorValue(id) || id == CSSValueMenu || id == CSSValueCurrentcolor) return CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(id); return parser.parseColor(&value); } bool CSSParser::parseDeprecatedLinearGradient(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& gradient, CSSGradientRepeat repeating) { RefPtr result = CSSLinearGradientValue::create(repeating, CSSPrefixedLinearGradient); // Walk the arguments. CSSParserValueList* args = valueList.current()->function->args.get(); if (!args || !args->size()) return false; CSSParserValue* argument = args->current(); if (!argument) return false; ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*argument); bool expectComma = false; // Look for angle. if (validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FAngle, CSSStrictMode)) { result->setAngle(createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation)); args->next(); expectComma = true; } else { // Look one or two optional keywords that indicate a side or corner. RefPtr startX, startY; RefPtr location; bool isHorizontal = false; if ((location = valueFromSideKeyword(*argument, isHorizontal))) { if (isHorizontal) startX = location; else startY = location; if ((argument = args->next())) { if ((location = valueFromSideKeyword(*argument, isHorizontal))) { if (isHorizontal) { if (startX) return false; startX = location; } else { if (startY) return false; startY = location; } args->next(); } } expectComma = true; } if (!startX && !startY) startY = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueTop); result->setFirstX(startX.release()); result->setFirstY(startY.release()); } if (!parseGradientColorStops(*args, *result, expectComma)) return false; if (!result->stopCount()) return false; gradient = result.release(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseDeprecatedRadialGradient(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& gradient, CSSGradientRepeat repeating) { RefPtr result = CSSRadialGradientValue::create(repeating, CSSPrefixedRadialGradient); // Walk the arguments. CSSParserValueList* args = valueList.current()->function->args.get(); if (!args || !args->size()) return false; CSSParserValue* argument = args->current(); if (!argument) return false; bool expectComma = false; // Optional background-position RefPtr centerX; RefPtr centerY; // parse2ValuesFillPosition advances the args next pointer. parse2ValuesFillPosition(*args, centerX, centerY); argument = args->current(); if (!argument) return false; if (centerX || centerY) { // Comma if (!isComma(argument)) return false; argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; } result->setFirstX(centerX); result->setSecondX(centerX); // CSS3 radial gradients always share the same start and end point. result->setFirstY(centerY); result->setSecondY(centerY); RefPtr shapeValue; RefPtr sizeValue; // Optional shape and/or size in any order. for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (argument->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) break; bool foundValue = false; switch (argument->id) { case CSSValueCircle: case CSSValueEllipse: shapeValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(argument->id); foundValue = true; break; case CSSValueClosestSide: case CSSValueClosestCorner: case CSSValueFarthestSide: case CSSValueFarthestCorner: case CSSValueContain: case CSSValueCover: sizeValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(argument->id); foundValue = true; break; default: break; } if (foundValue) { argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; expectComma = true; } } result->setShape(shapeValue); result->setSizingBehavior(sizeValue); // Or, two lengths or percentages RefPtr horizontalSize; RefPtr verticalSize; if (!shapeValue && !sizeValue) { ValueWithCalculation hSizeWithCalculation(*argument); if (validateUnit(hSizeWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) { horizontalSize = createPrimitiveNumericValue(hSizeWithCalculation); argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; expectComma = true; } ValueWithCalculation vSizeWithCalculation(*argument); if (validateUnit(vSizeWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) { verticalSize = createPrimitiveNumericValue(vSizeWithCalculation); argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; expectComma = true; } } // Must have neither or both. if (!horizontalSize != !verticalSize) return false; result->setEndHorizontalSize(horizontalSize); result->setEndVerticalSize(verticalSize); if (!parseGradientColorStops(*args, *result, expectComma)) return false; gradient = result.release(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseLinearGradient(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& gradient, CSSGradientRepeat repeating) { RefPtr result = CSSLinearGradientValue::create(repeating, CSSLinearGradient); CSSParserValueList* args = valueList.current()->function->args.get(); if (!args || !args->size()) return false; if (!args->current()) return false; ValueWithCalculation firstArgumentWithCalculation(*args->current()); bool expectComma = false; // Look for angle. if (validateUnit(firstArgumentWithCalculation, FAngle, CSSStrictMode)) { result->setAngle(createPrimitiveNumericValue(firstArgumentWithCalculation)); args->next(); expectComma = true; } else if (firstArgumentWithCalculation.value().unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(firstArgumentWithCalculation, "to")) { // to [ [left | right] || [top | bottom] ] CSSParserValue* nextArgument = args->next(); if (!nextArgument) return false; RefPtr endX, endY; RefPtr location; bool isHorizontal = false; location = valueFromSideKeyword(*nextArgument, isHorizontal); if (!location) return false; if (isHorizontal) endX = location; else endY = location; nextArgument = args->next(); if (!nextArgument) return false; location = valueFromSideKeyword(*nextArgument, isHorizontal); if (location) { if (isHorizontal) { if (endX) return false; endX = location; } else { if (endY) return false; endY = location; } args->next(); } expectComma = true; result->setFirstX(endX.release()); result->setFirstY(endY.release()); } if (!parseGradientColorStops(*args, *result, expectComma)) return false; if (!result->stopCount()) return false; gradient = result.release(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseRadialGradient(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& gradient, CSSGradientRepeat repeating) { RefPtr result = CSSRadialGradientValue::create(repeating, CSSRadialGradient); CSSParserValueList* args = valueList.current()->function->args.get(); if (!args || !args->size()) return false; CSSParserValue* argument = args->current(); if (!argument) return false; bool expectComma = false; RefPtr shapeValue; RefPtr sizeValue; RefPtr horizontalSize; RefPtr verticalSize; // First part of grammar, the size/shape clause: // [ circle || ] | // [ ellipse || [ | ]{2} ] | // [ [ circle | ellipse] || ] for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*argument); if (argument->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { bool badIdent = false; switch (argument->id) { case CSSValueCircle: case CSSValueEllipse: if (shapeValue) return false; shapeValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(argument->id); break; case CSSValueClosestSide: case CSSValueClosestCorner: case CSSValueFarthestSide: case CSSValueFarthestCorner: if (sizeValue || horizontalSize) return false; sizeValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(argument->id); break; default: badIdent = true; } if (badIdent) break; argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; } else if (validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) { if (sizeValue || horizontalSize) return false; horizontalSize = createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation); argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; ValueWithCalculation vSizeWithCalculation(*argument); if (validateUnit(vSizeWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) { verticalSize = createPrimitiveNumericValue(vSizeWithCalculation); ++i; argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; } } else break; } // You can specify size as a keyword or a length/percentage, not both. if (sizeValue && horizontalSize) return false; // Circles must have 0 or 1 lengths. if (shapeValue && shapeValue->getValueID() == CSSValueCircle && verticalSize) return false; // Ellipses must have 0 or 2 length/percentages. if (shapeValue && shapeValue->getValueID() == CSSValueEllipse && horizontalSize && !verticalSize) return false; // If there's only one size, it must be a length. if (!verticalSize && horizontalSize && horizontalSize->isPercentage()) return false; result->setShape(shapeValue); result->setSizingBehavior(sizeValue); result->setEndHorizontalSize(horizontalSize); result->setEndVerticalSize(verticalSize); // Second part of grammar, the center-position clause: // at RefPtr centerX; RefPtr centerY; if (argument->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(*argument, "at")) { argument = args->next(); if (!argument) return false; parseFillPosition(*args, centerX, centerY); if (!(centerX && centerY)) return false; argument = args->current(); if (!argument) return false; result->setFirstX(centerX); result->setFirstY(centerY); // Right now, CSS radial gradients have the same start and end centers. result->setSecondX(centerX); result->setSecondY(centerY); } if (shapeValue || sizeValue || horizontalSize || centerX || centerY) expectComma = true; if (!parseGradientColorStops(*args, *result, expectComma)) return false; gradient = result.release(); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseGradientColorStops(CSSParserValueList& valueList, CSSGradientValue& gradient, bool expectComma) { CSSParserValue* value = valueList.current(); bool previousStopWasMidpoint = true; // Now look for color stops. while (value) { // Look for the comma before the next stop. if (expectComma) { if (!isComma(value)) return false; value = valueList.next(); if (!value) return false; } // = [ | ]? CSSGradientColorStop stop; stop.m_color = parseGradientColorOrKeyword(*this, *value); if (!stop.m_color) { if (previousStopWasMidpoint) // 2 midpoints in a row is not allowed. This also catches starting with a midpoint. return false; stop.isMidpoint = true; } else value = valueList.next(); previousStopWasMidpoint = stop.isMidpoint; if (value) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) { stop.m_position = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); value = valueList.next(); } else if (stop.isMidpoint) return false; } gradient.addStop(stop); expectComma = true; } // We can't end on a midpoint. if (previousStopWasMidpoint) return false; // Must have 2 or more stops to be valid. return gradient.stopCount() >= 2; } bool CSSParser::isGeneratedImageValue(CSSParserValue& value) const { if (value.unit != CSSParserValue::Function) return false; return equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-gradient(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-linear-gradient(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "linear-gradient(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "repeating-linear-gradient(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-radial-gradient(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "radial-gradient(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-repeating-radial-gradient(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "repeating-radial-gradient(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-canvas(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-cross-fade(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "filter(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-filter(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(value.function->name, "-webkit-named-image("); } bool CSSParser::parseGeneratedImage(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& value) { CSSParserValue& parserValue = *valueList.current(); if (parserValue.unit != CSSParserValue::Function) return false; if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "-webkit-gradient(")) return parseDeprecatedGradient(valueList, value); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "-webkit-linear-gradient(")) return parseDeprecatedLinearGradient(valueList, value, NonRepeating); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "linear-gradient(")) return parseLinearGradient(valueList, value, NonRepeating); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "-webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(")) return parseDeprecatedLinearGradient(valueList, value, Repeating); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "repeating-linear-gradient(")) return parseLinearGradient(valueList, value, Repeating); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "-webkit-radial-gradient(")) return parseDeprecatedRadialGradient(valueList, value, NonRepeating); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "radial-gradient(")) return parseRadialGradient(valueList, value, NonRepeating); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "-webkit-repeating-radial-gradient(")) return parseDeprecatedRadialGradient(valueList, value, Repeating); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "repeating-radial-gradient(")) return parseRadialGradient(valueList, value, Repeating); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "-webkit-canvas(")) return parseCanvas(valueList, value); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "-webkit-cross-fade(")) return parseCrossfade(valueList, value); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "filter(") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "-webkit-filter(")) return parseFilterImage(valueList, value); if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(parserValue.function->name, "-webkit-named-image(")) return parseNamedImage(valueList, value); return false; } bool CSSParser::parseFilterImage(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& filter) { RefPtr result; // Walk the arguments. CSSParserValueList* args = valueList.current()->function->args.get(); if (!args) return false; CSSParserValue* value = args->current(); RefPtr imageValue; RefPtr filterValue; if (!value) return false; // The first argument is the image. It is a fill image. if (!parseFillImage(*args, imageValue)) { if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) imageValue = CSSImageValue::create(completeURL(value->string)); else return false; } value = args->next(); // Skip a comma if (!isComma(value)) return false; value = args->next(); if (!value || !parseFilter(*args, filterValue)) return false; value = args->next(); result = CSSFilterImageValue::create(imageValue.releaseNonNull(), filterValue.releaseNonNull()); filter = result; return true; } bool CSSParser::parseCrossfade(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& crossfade) { RefPtr result; // Walk the arguments. CSSParserValueList* args = valueList.current()->function->args.get(); if (!args || args->size() != 5) return false; CSSParserValue* argument = args->current(); RefPtr fromImageValue; RefPtr toImageValue; // The first argument is the "from" image. It is a fill image. if (!argument || !parseFillImage(*args, fromImageValue)) return false; argument = args->next(); // Skip a comma if (!isComma(argument)) return false; argument = args->next(); // The second argument is the "to" image. It is a fill image. if (!argument || !parseFillImage(*args, toImageValue)) return false; argument = args->next(); // Skip a comma if (!isComma(argument)) return false; argument = args->next(); // The third argument is the crossfade value. It is a percentage or a fractional number. RefPtr percentage; if (!argument) return false; if (argument->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) percentage = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(clampTo(argument->fValue / 100, 0, 1), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); else if (argument->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) percentage = CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(clampTo(argument->fValue, 0, 1), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); else return false; result = CSSCrossfadeValue::create(fromImageValue, toImageValue); result->setPercentage(percentage); crossfade = result; return true; } bool CSSParser::parseCanvas(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& canvas) { // Walk the arguments. CSSParserValueList* args = valueList.current()->function->args.get(); if (!args || args->size() != 1) return false; // The first argument is the canvas name. It is an identifier. CSSParserValue* value = args->current(); if (!value || value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; canvas = CSSCanvasValue::create(value->string); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseNamedImage(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& namedImage) { CSSParserValueList* args = valueList.current()->function->args.get(); if (!args || args->size() != 1) return false; // The only argument is the image name. CSSParserValue* value = args->current(); if (!value || value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; namedImage = CSSNamedImageValue::create(value->string); return true; } #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_RESOLUTION) RefPtr CSSParser::parseImageResolution() { RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); bool haveResolution = false; bool haveFromImage = false; bool haveSnap = false; CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); while (value) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); if (!haveFromImage && value->id == CSSValueFromImage) { list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id)); haveFromImage = true; } else if (!haveSnap && value->id == CSSValueSnap) { list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id)); haveSnap = true; } else if (!haveResolution && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FResolution | FNonNeg) && value->fValue > 0) { list->append(createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation)); haveResolution = true; } else return nullptr; value = m_valueList->next(); } if (!list->length()) return nullptr; if (!haveFromImage && !haveResolution) return nullptr; return list; } #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_SET) RefPtr CSSParser::parseImageSet() { CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); ASSERT(value.unit == CSSParserValue::Function); CSSParserValueList* functionArgs = value.function->args.get(); if (!functionArgs || !functionArgs->size() || !functionArgs->current()) return nullptr; RefPtr imageSet = CSSImageSetValue::create(); CSSParserValue* arg = functionArgs->current(); while (arg) { if (arg->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) return nullptr; imageSet->append(CSSImageValue::create(completeURL(arg->string))); arg = functionArgs->next(); if (!arg || arg->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DIMENSION) return nullptr; double imageScaleFactor = 0; const String& string = arg->string; unsigned length = string.length(); if (!length) return nullptr; if (string.is8Bit()) { const LChar* start = string.characters8(); parseDouble(start, start + length, 'x', imageScaleFactor); } else { const UChar* start = string.characters16(); parseDouble(start, start + length, 'x', imageScaleFactor); } if (imageScaleFactor <= 0) return nullptr; imageSet->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(imageScaleFactor, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); // If there are no more arguments, we're done. arg = functionArgs->next(); if (!arg) break; // If there are more arguments, they should be after a comma. if (!isComma(arg)) return nullptr; // Skip the comma and move on to the next argument. arg = functionArgs->next(); } return imageSet; } #endif class TransformOperationInfo { public: TransformOperationInfo(const CSSParserString& name) : m_type(WebKitCSSTransformValue::UnknownTransformOperation) , m_argCount(1) , m_allowSingleArgument(false) , m_unit(CSSParser::FUnknown) { const UChar* characters; unsigned nameLength = name.length(); const unsigned longestNameLength = 12; UChar characterBuffer[longestNameLength]; if (name.is8Bit()) { unsigned length = std::min(longestNameLength, nameLength); const LChar* characters8 = name.characters8(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) characterBuffer[i] = characters8[i]; characters = characterBuffer; } else characters = name.characters16(); switch (nameLength) { case 5: // Valid name: skew(. if (((characters[0] == 's') || (characters[0] == 'S')) & ((characters[1] == 'k') || (characters[1] == 'K')) & ((characters[2] == 'e') || (characters[2] == 'E')) & ((characters[3] == 'w') || (characters[3] == 'W')) & (characters[4] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FAngle; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::SkewTransformOperation; m_allowSingleArgument = true; m_argCount = 3; } break; case 6: // Valid names: skewx(, skewy(, scale(. if ((characters[1] == 'c') || (characters[1] == 'C')) { if (((characters[0] == 's') || (characters[0] == 'S')) & ((characters[2] == 'a') || (characters[2] == 'A')) & ((characters[3] == 'l') || (characters[3] == 'L')) & ((characters[4] == 'e') || (characters[4] == 'E')) & (characters[5] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FNumber; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::ScaleTransformOperation; m_allowSingleArgument = true; m_argCount = 3; } } else if (((characters[0] == 's') || (characters[0] == 'S')) & ((characters[1] == 'k') || (characters[1] == 'K')) & ((characters[2] == 'e') || (characters[2] == 'E')) & ((characters[3] == 'w') || (characters[3] == 'W')) & (characters[5] == '(')) { if ((characters[4] == 'x') || (characters[4] == 'X')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FAngle; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::SkewXTransformOperation; } else if ((characters[4] == 'y') || (characters[4] == 'Y')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FAngle; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::SkewYTransformOperation; } } break; case 7: // Valid names: matrix(, rotate(, scalex(, scaley(, scalez(. if ((characters[0] == 'm') || (characters[0] == 'M')) { if (((characters[1] == 'a') || (characters[1] == 'A')) & ((characters[2] == 't') || (characters[2] == 'T')) & ((characters[3] == 'r') || (characters[3] == 'R')) & ((characters[4] == 'i') || (characters[4] == 'I')) & ((characters[5] == 'x') || (characters[5] == 'X')) & (characters[6] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FNumber; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::MatrixTransformOperation; m_argCount = 11; } } else if ((characters[0] == 'r') || (characters[0] == 'R')) { if (((characters[1] == 'o') || (characters[1] == 'O')) & ((characters[2] == 't') || (characters[2] == 'T')) & ((characters[3] == 'a') || (characters[3] == 'A')) & ((characters[4] == 't') || (characters[4] == 'T')) & ((characters[5] == 'e') || (characters[5] == 'E')) & (characters[6] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FAngle; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::RotateTransformOperation; } } else if (((characters[0] == 's') || (characters[0] == 'S')) & ((characters[1] == 'c') || (characters[1] == 'C')) & ((characters[2] == 'a') || (characters[2] == 'A')) & ((characters[3] == 'l') || (characters[3] == 'L')) & ((characters[4] == 'e') || (characters[4] == 'E')) & (characters[6] == '(')) { if ((characters[5] == 'x') || (characters[5] == 'X')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FNumber; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::ScaleXTransformOperation; } else if ((characters[5] == 'y') || (characters[5] == 'Y')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FNumber; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::ScaleYTransformOperation; } else if ((characters[5] == 'z') || (characters[5] == 'Z')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FNumber; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::ScaleZTransformOperation; } } break; case 8: // Valid names: rotatex(, rotatey(, rotatez(, scale3d(. if ((characters[0] == 's') || (characters[0] == 'S')) { if (((characters[1] == 'c') || (characters[1] == 'C')) & ((characters[2] == 'a') || (characters[2] == 'A')) & ((characters[3] == 'l') || (characters[3] == 'L')) & ((characters[4] == 'e') || (characters[4] == 'E')) & (characters[5] == '3') & ((characters[6] == 'd') || (characters[6] == 'D')) & (characters[7] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FNumber; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::Scale3DTransformOperation; m_argCount = 5; } } else if (((characters[0] == 'r') || (characters[0] == 'R')) & ((characters[1] == 'o') || (characters[1] == 'O')) & ((characters[2] == 't') || (characters[2] == 'T')) & ((characters[3] == 'a') || (characters[3] == 'A')) & ((characters[4] == 't') || (characters[4] == 'T')) & ((characters[5] == 'e') || (characters[5] == 'E')) & (characters[7] == '(')) { if ((characters[6] == 'x') || (characters[6] == 'X')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FAngle; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::RotateXTransformOperation; } else if ((characters[6] == 'y') || (characters[6] == 'Y')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FAngle; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::RotateYTransformOperation; } else if ((characters[6] == 'z') || (characters[6] == 'Z')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FAngle; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::RotateZTransformOperation; } } break; case 9: // Valid names: matrix3d(, rotate3d(. if ((characters[0] == 'm') || (characters[0] == 'M')) { if (((characters[1] == 'a') || (characters[1] == 'A')) & ((characters[2] == 't') || (characters[2] == 'T')) & ((characters[3] == 'r') || (characters[3] == 'R')) & ((characters[4] == 'i') || (characters[4] == 'I')) & ((characters[5] == 'x') || (characters[5] == 'X')) & (characters[6] == '3') & ((characters[7] == 'd') || (characters[7] == 'D')) & (characters[8] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FNumber; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::Matrix3DTransformOperation; m_argCount = 31; } } else if (((characters[0] == 'r') || (characters[0] == 'R')) & ((characters[1] == 'o') || (characters[1] == 'O')) & ((characters[2] == 't') || (characters[2] == 'T')) & ((characters[3] == 'a') || (characters[3] == 'A')) & ((characters[4] == 't') || (characters[4] == 'T')) & ((characters[5] == 'e') || (characters[5] == 'E')) & (characters[6] == '3') & ((characters[7] == 'd') || (characters[7] == 'D')) & (characters[8] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FNumber; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::Rotate3DTransformOperation; m_argCount = 7; } break; case 10: // Valid name: translate(. if (((characters[0] == 't') || (characters[0] == 'T')) & ((characters[1] == 'r') || (characters[1] == 'R')) & ((characters[2] == 'a') || (characters[2] == 'A')) & ((characters[3] == 'n') || (characters[3] == 'N')) & ((characters[4] == 's') || (characters[4] == 'S')) & ((characters[5] == 'l') || (characters[5] == 'L')) & ((characters[6] == 'a') || (characters[6] == 'A')) & ((characters[7] == 't') || (characters[7] == 'T')) & ((characters[8] == 'e') || (characters[8] == 'E')) & (characters[9] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FLength | CSSParser::FPercent; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::TranslateTransformOperation; m_allowSingleArgument = true; m_argCount = 3; } break; case 11: // Valid names: translatex(, translatey(, translatez(. if (((characters[0] == 't') || (characters[0] == 'T')) & ((characters[1] == 'r') || (characters[1] == 'R')) & ((characters[2] == 'a') || (characters[2] == 'A')) & ((characters[3] == 'n') || (characters[3] == 'N')) & ((characters[4] == 's') || (characters[4] == 'S')) & ((characters[5] == 'l') || (characters[5] == 'L')) & ((characters[6] == 'a') || (characters[6] == 'A')) & ((characters[7] == 't') || (characters[7] == 'T')) & ((characters[8] == 'e') || (characters[8] == 'E')) & (characters[10] == '(')) { if ((characters[9] == 'x') || (characters[9] == 'X')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FLength | CSSParser::FPercent; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::TranslateXTransformOperation; } else if ((characters[9] == 'y') || (characters[9] == 'Y')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FLength | CSSParser::FPercent; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::TranslateYTransformOperation; } else if ((characters[9] == 'z') || (characters[9] == 'Z')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FLength | CSSParser::FPercent; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::TranslateZTransformOperation; } } break; case 12: // Valid names: perspective(, translate3d(. if ((characters[0] == 'p') || (characters[0] == 'P')) { if (((characters[1] == 'e') || (characters[1] == 'E')) & ((characters[2] == 'r') || (characters[2] == 'R')) & ((characters[3] == 's') || (characters[3] == 'S')) & ((characters[4] == 'p') || (characters[4] == 'P')) & ((characters[5] == 'e') || (characters[5] == 'E')) & ((characters[6] == 'c') || (characters[6] == 'C')) & ((characters[7] == 't') || (characters[7] == 'T')) & ((characters[8] == 'i') || (characters[8] == 'I')) & ((characters[9] == 'v') || (characters[9] == 'V')) & ((characters[10] == 'e') || (characters[10] == 'E')) & (characters[11] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FNumber; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::PerspectiveTransformOperation; } } else if (((characters[0] == 't') || (characters[0] == 'T')) & ((characters[1] == 'r') || (characters[1] == 'R')) & ((characters[2] == 'a') || (characters[2] == 'A')) & ((characters[3] == 'n') || (characters[3] == 'N')) & ((characters[4] == 's') || (characters[4] == 'S')) & ((characters[5] == 'l') || (characters[5] == 'L')) & ((characters[6] == 'a') || (characters[6] == 'A')) & ((characters[7] == 't') || (characters[7] == 'T')) & ((characters[8] == 'e') || (characters[8] == 'E')) & (characters[9] == '3') & ((characters[10] == 'd') || (characters[10] == 'D')) & (characters[11] == '(')) { m_unit = CSSParser::FLength | CSSParser::FPercent; m_type = WebKitCSSTransformValue::Translate3DTransformOperation; m_argCount = 5; } break; } // end switch () } WebKitCSSTransformValue::TransformOperationType type() const { return m_type; } unsigned argCount() const { return m_argCount; } CSSParser::Units unit() const { return m_unit; } bool unknown() const { return m_type == WebKitCSSTransformValue::UnknownTransformOperation; } bool hasCorrectArgCount(unsigned argCount) { return m_argCount == argCount || (m_allowSingleArgument && argCount == 1); } private: WebKitCSSTransformValue::TransformOperationType m_type; unsigned m_argCount; bool m_allowSingleArgument; CSSParser::Units m_unit; }; RefPtr CSSParser::parseTransform() { if (!m_valueList) return nullptr; RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { RefPtr parsedTransformValue = parseTransformValue(*value); if (!parsedTransformValue) return nullptr; list->append(parsedTransformValue.releaseNonNull()); } return list; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseTransformValue(CSSParserValue& value) { if (value.unit != CSSParserValue::Function || !value.function) return nullptr; // Every primitive requires at least one argument. CSSParserValueList* args = value.function->args.get(); if (!args) return nullptr; // See if the specified primitive is one we understand. TransformOperationInfo info(value.function->name); if (info.unknown()) return nullptr; if (!info.hasCorrectArgCount(args->size())) return nullptr; // The transform is a list of functional primitives that specify transform operations. // We collect a list of WebKitCSSTransformValues, where each value specifies a single operation. // Create the new WebKitCSSTransformValue for this operation and add it to our list. RefPtr transformValue = WebKitCSSTransformValue::create(info.type()); // Snag our values. CSSParserValue* argument = args->current(); unsigned argNumber = 0; while (argument) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*argument); CSSParser::Units unit = info.unit(); if (info.type() == WebKitCSSTransformValue::Rotate3DTransformOperation && argNumber == 3) { // 4th param of rotate3d() is an angle rather than a bare number, validate it as such if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FAngle, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; } else if (info.type() == WebKitCSSTransformValue::Translate3DTransformOperation && argNumber == 2) { // 3rd param of translate3d() cannot be a percentage if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FLength, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; } else if (info.type() == WebKitCSSTransformValue::TranslateZTransformOperation && !argNumber) { // 1st param of translateZ() cannot be a percentage if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FLength, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; } else if (info.type() == WebKitCSSTransformValue::PerspectiveTransformOperation && !argNumber) { // 1st param of perspective() must be a non-negative number (deprecated) or length. if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FNumber | FLength | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; } else if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, unit, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; // Add the value to the current transform operation. transformValue->append(createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation)); argument = args->next(); if (!argument) break; if (argument->unit != CSSParserValue::Operator || argument->iValue != ',') return nullptr; argument = args->next(); ++argNumber; } return transformValue.release(); } bool CSSParser::isBlendMode(CSSValueID valueID) { return (valueID >= CSSValueMultiply && valueID <= CSSValueLuminosity) || valueID == CSSValueNormal || valueID == CSSValueOverlay; } bool CSSParser::isCompositeOperator(CSSValueID valueID) { // FIXME: Add CSSValueDestination and CSSValueLighter when the Compositing spec updates. return valueID >= CSSValueClear && valueID <= CSSValueXor; } static void filterInfoForName(const CSSParserString& name, WebKitCSSFilterValue::FilterOperationType& filterType, unsigned& maximumArgumentCount) { if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "grayscale(")) filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::GrayscaleFilterOperation; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "sepia(")) filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::SepiaFilterOperation; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "saturate(")) filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::SaturateFilterOperation; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "hue-rotate(")) filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::HueRotateFilterOperation; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "invert(")) filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::InvertFilterOperation; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "opacity(")) filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::OpacityFilterOperation; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "brightness(")) filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::BrightnessFilterOperation; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "contrast(")) filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::ContrastFilterOperation; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "blur(")) filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::BlurFilterOperation; else if (equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(name, "drop-shadow(")) { filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::DropShadowFilterOperation; maximumArgumentCount = 4; // x-offset, y-offset, blur-radius, color -- spread and inset style not allowed. } } RefPtr CSSParser::parseBuiltinFilterArguments(CSSParserValueList& args, WebKitCSSFilterValue::FilterOperationType filterType) { RefPtr filterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(filterType); switch (filterType) { case WebKitCSSFilterValue::GrayscaleFilterOperation: case WebKitCSSFilterValue::SepiaFilterOperation: case WebKitCSSFilterValue::SaturateFilterOperation: case WebKitCSSFilterValue::InvertFilterOperation: case WebKitCSSFilterValue::OpacityFilterOperation: case WebKitCSSFilterValue::ContrastFilterOperation: { // One optional argument, 0-1 or 0%-100%, if missing use 100%. if (args.size() > 1) return nullptr; if (args.size()) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args.current()); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FNumber | FPercent | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; auto primitiveValue = createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation); // Saturate and Contrast allow values over 100%. if (filterType != WebKitCSSFilterValue::SaturateFilterOperation && filterType != WebKitCSSFilterValue::ContrastFilterOperation) { double maxAllowed = primitiveValue->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE ? 100.0 : 1.0; if (primitiveValue->getDoubleValue() > maxAllowed) return nullptr; } filterValue->append(WTFMove(primitiveValue)); } break; } case WebKitCSSFilterValue::BrightnessFilterOperation: { // One optional argument, if missing use 100%. if (args.size() > 1) return nullptr; if (args.size()) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args.current()); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FNumber | FPercent, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; filterValue->append(createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation)); } break; } case WebKitCSSFilterValue::HueRotateFilterOperation: { // hue-rotate() takes one optional angle. if (args.size() > 1) return nullptr; if (args.size()) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args.current()); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FAngle, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; filterValue->append(createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation)); } break; } case WebKitCSSFilterValue::BlurFilterOperation: { // Blur takes a single length. Zero parameters are allowed. if (args.size() > 1) return nullptr; if (args.size()) { ValueWithCalculation argumentWithCalculation(*args.current()); if (!validateUnit(argumentWithCalculation, FLength | FNonNeg, CSSStrictMode)) return nullptr; filterValue->append(createPrimitiveNumericValue(argumentWithCalculation)); } break; } case WebKitCSSFilterValue::DropShadowFilterOperation: { // drop-shadow() takes a single shadow. RefPtr shadowValueList = parseShadow(args, CSSPropertyFilter); if (!shadowValueList || shadowValueList->length() != 1) return nullptr; filterValue->append(*shadowValueList->itemWithoutBoundsCheck(0)); break; } default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } return filterValue.release(); } bool CSSParser::parseFilter(CSSParserValueList& valueList, RefPtr& result) { // The filter is a list of functional primitives that specify individual operations. RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); for (auto* value = valueList.current(); value; value = valueList.next()) { if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI && (value->unit != CSSParserValue::Function || !value->function)) return false; WebKitCSSFilterValue::FilterOperationType filterType = WebKitCSSFilterValue::UnknownFilterOperation; // See if the specified primitive is one we understand. if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) { RefPtr referenceFilterValue = WebKitCSSFilterValue::create(WebKitCSSFilterValue::ReferenceFilterOperation); referenceFilterValue->append(CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->string, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI)); list->append(referenceFilterValue.releaseNonNull()); } else { const CSSParserString name = value->function->name; unsigned maximumArgumentCount = 1; filterInfoForName(name, filterType, maximumArgumentCount); if (filterType == WebKitCSSFilterValue::UnknownFilterOperation) return false; CSSParserValueList* args = value->function->args.get(); if (!args) return false; RefPtr filterValue = parseBuiltinFilterArguments(*args, filterType); if (!filterValue) return false; list->append(filterValue.releaseNonNull()); } } result = list; return true; } #if ENABLE(CSS_REGIONS) static bool validFlowName(const String& flowName) { return !(equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(flowName, "auto") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(flowName, "default") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(flowName, "inherit") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(flowName, "initial") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(flowName, "none")); } #endif bool CSSParser::cssRegionsEnabled() const { return m_context.isCSSRegionsEnabled; } bool CSSParser::cssCompositingEnabled() const { return m_context.isCSSCompositingEnabled; } #if ENABLE(CSS_REGIONS) // none | bool CSSParser::parseFlowThread(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { ASSERT(propId == CSSPropertyWebkitFlowInto); ASSERT(cssRegionsEnabled()); if (m_valueList->size() != 1) return false; CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (!value) return false; if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; if (value->id == CSSValueNone) { addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id), important); return true; } String inputProperty = String(value->string); if (!inputProperty.isEmpty()) { if (!validFlowName(inputProperty)) return false; addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(inputProperty, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING), important); } else addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); return true; } // -webkit-flow-from: none | bool CSSParser::parseRegionThread(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { ASSERT(propId == CSSPropertyWebkitFlowFrom); ASSERT(cssRegionsEnabled()); if (m_valueList->size() != 1) return false; CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (!value) return false; if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; if (value->id == CSSValueNone) addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id), important); else { String inputProperty = String(value->string); if (!inputProperty.isEmpty()) { if (!validFlowName(inputProperty)) return false; addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createValue(inputProperty, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING), important); } else addProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); } return true; } #endif bool CSSParser::parseTransformOrigin(CSSPropertyID propId, CSSPropertyID& propId1, CSSPropertyID& propId2, CSSPropertyID& propId3, RefPtr& value, RefPtr& value2, RefPtr& value3) { propId1 = propId; propId2 = propId; propId3 = propId; if (propId == CSSPropertyTransformOrigin) { propId1 = CSSPropertyTransformOriginX; propId2 = CSSPropertyTransformOriginY; propId3 = CSSPropertyTransformOriginZ; } switch (propId) { case CSSPropertyTransformOrigin: if (!parseTransformOriginShorthand(value, value2, value3)) return false; // parseTransformOriginShorthand advances the m_valueList pointer break; case CSSPropertyTransformOriginX: { value = parsePositionX(*m_valueList); if (value) m_valueList->next(); break; } case CSSPropertyTransformOriginY: { value = parsePositionY(*m_valueList); if (value) m_valueList->next(); break; } case CSSPropertyTransformOriginZ: { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); if (validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength)) value = createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation); if (value) m_valueList->next(); break; } default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } return value; } bool CSSParser::parsePerspectiveOrigin(CSSPropertyID propId, CSSPropertyID& propId1, CSSPropertyID& propId2, RefPtr& value, RefPtr& value2) { propId1 = propId; propId2 = propId; if (propId == CSSPropertyPerspectiveOrigin) { propId1 = CSSPropertyPerspectiveOriginX; propId2 = CSSPropertyPerspectiveOriginY; } switch (propId) { case CSSPropertyPerspectiveOrigin: if (m_valueList->size() > 2) return false; parse2ValuesFillPosition(*m_valueList, value, value2); break; case CSSPropertyPerspectiveOriginX: { value = parsePositionX(*m_valueList); if (value) m_valueList->next(); break; } case CSSPropertyPerspectiveOriginY: { value = parsePositionY(*m_valueList); if (value) m_valueList->next(); break; } default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } return value; } void CSSParser::addTextDecorationProperty(CSSPropertyID propId, PassRefPtr value, bool important) { // The text-decoration-line property takes priority over text-decoration, unless the latter has important priority set. if (propId == CSSPropertyTextDecoration && !important && !inShorthand()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_parsedProperties.size(); ++i) { if (m_parsedProperties[i].id() == CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationLine) return; } } addProperty(propId, value, important); } bool CSSParser::parseTextDecoration(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value && value->id == CSSValueNone) { addTextDecorationProperty(propId, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); bool isValid = true; while (isValid && value) { switch (value->id) { case CSSValueBlink: case CSSValueLineThrough: case CSSValueOverline: case CSSValueUnderline: #if ENABLE(LETTERPRESS) case CSSValueWebkitLetterpress: #endif list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id)); break; default: isValid = false; break; } if (isValid) value = m_valueList->next(); } // Values are either valid or in shorthand scope. if (list->length() && (isValid || inShorthand())) { addTextDecorationProperty(propId, list.release(), important); return true; } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseTextDecorationSkip(bool important) { // The text-decoration-skip property has syntax "none | [ objects || spaces || ink || edges || box-decoration ]". // However, only 'none' and 'ink' are implemented yet, so we will parse syntax "none | ink" for now. CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); do { switch (value->id) { case CSSValueNone: case CSSValueAuto: case CSSValueInk: case CSSValueObjects: addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationSkip, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id), important); return true; default: break; } } while ((value = m_valueList->next())); return false; } bool CSSParser::parseTextUnderlinePosition(bool important) { // The text-underline-position property has sintax "auto | alphabetic | [ under || [ left | right ] ]". // However, values 'left' and 'right' are not implemented yet, so we will parse sintax // "auto | alphabetic | under" for now. CSSParserValue& value = *m_valueList->current(); switch (value.id) { case CSSValueAuto: case CSSValueAlphabetic: case CSSValueUnder: if (m_valueList->next()) return false; addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTextUnderlinePosition, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value.id), important); return true; default: break; } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseTextEmphasisStyle(bool important) { unsigned valueListSize = m_valueList->size(); RefPtr fill; RefPtr shape; for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) { if (fill || shape || (valueListSize != 1 && !inShorthand())) return false; addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisStyle, createPrimitiveStringValue(*value), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } if (value->id == CSSValueNone) { if (fill || shape || (valueListSize != 1 && !inShorthand())) return false; addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisStyle, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } if (value->id == CSSValueOpen || value->id == CSSValueFilled) { if (fill) return false; fill = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); } else if (value->id == CSSValueDot || value->id == CSSValueCircle || value->id == CSSValueDoubleCircle || value->id == CSSValueTriangle || value->id == CSSValueSesame) { if (shape) return false; shape = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); } else if (!inShorthand()) return false; else break; } if (fill && shape) { RefPtr parsedValues = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); parsedValues->append(fill.releaseNonNull()); parsedValues->append(shape.releaseNonNull()); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisStyle, parsedValues.release(), important); return true; } if (fill) { addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisStyle, fill.release(), important); return true; } if (shape) { addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisStyle, shape.release(), important); return true; } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseTextEmphasisPosition(bool important) { bool foundOverOrUnder = false; CSSValueID overUnderValueID = CSSValueOver; bool foundLeftOrRight = false; CSSValueID leftRightValueID = CSSValueRight; for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { switch (value->id) { case CSSValueOver: if (foundOverOrUnder) return false; foundOverOrUnder = true; overUnderValueID = CSSValueOver; break; case CSSValueUnder: if (foundOverOrUnder) return false; foundOverOrUnder = true; overUnderValueID = CSSValueUnder; break; case CSSValueLeft: if (foundLeftOrRight) return false; foundLeftOrRight = true; leftRightValueID = CSSValueLeft; break; case CSSValueRight: if (foundLeftOrRight) return false; foundLeftOrRight = true; leftRightValueID = CSSValueRight; break; default: return false; } } if (!foundOverOrUnder) return false; RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(overUnderValueID)); if (foundLeftOrRight) list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(leftRightValueID)); addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisPosition, list, important); return true; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseTextIndent() { // | | inherit when CSS3_TEXT is disabled. // [ | ] && [ -webkit-hanging || -webkit-each-line ]? | inherit when CSS3_TEXT is enabled. RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); bool hasLengthOrPercentage = false; #if ENABLE(CSS3_TEXT) bool hasEachLine = false; bool hasHanging = false; #endif CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); while (value) { ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*value); if (!hasLengthOrPercentage && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent)) { list->append(createPrimitiveNumericValue(valueWithCalculation)); hasLengthOrPercentage = true; } #if ENABLE(CSS3_TEXT) else if (!hasEachLine && value->id == CSSValueWebkitEachLine) { list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueWebkitEachLine)); hasEachLine = true; } else if (!hasHanging && value->id == CSSValueWebkitHanging) { list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueWebkitHanging)); hasHanging = true; } #endif else return nullptr; value = m_valueList->next(); } if (!hasLengthOrPercentage) return nullptr; return list.release(); } bool CSSParser::parseHangingPunctuation(bool important) { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); if (value && value->id == CSSValueNone) { addProperty(CSSPropertyHangingPunctuation, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNone), important); m_valueList->next(); return true; } RefPtr list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); bool isValid = true; std::bitset seenValues; while (isValid && value) { if (seenValues[value->id] || (value->id == CSSValueAllowEnd && seenValues[CSSValueForceEnd]) || (value->id == CSSValueForceEnd && seenValues[CSSValueAllowEnd])) { isValid = false; break; } switch (value->id) { case CSSValueAllowEnd: case CSSValueFirst: case CSSValueForceEnd: case CSSValueLast: list->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id)); seenValues.set(value->id); break; default: isValid = false; break; } if (isValid) value = m_valueList->next(); } // Values are either valid or in shorthand scope. if (list->length() && isValid) { addProperty(CSSPropertyHangingPunctuation, list.release(), important); return true; } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseLineBoxContain(bool important) { LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = LineBoxContainNone; for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { if (value->id == CSSValueBlock) { if (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainBlock) return false; lineBoxContain |= LineBoxContainBlock; } else if (value->id == CSSValueInline) { if (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInline) return false; lineBoxContain |= LineBoxContainInline; } else if (value->id == CSSValueFont) { if (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainFont) return false; lineBoxContain |= LineBoxContainFont; } else if (value->id == CSSValueGlyphs) { if (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs) return false; lineBoxContain |= LineBoxContainGlyphs; } else if (value->id == CSSValueReplaced) { if (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainReplaced) return false; lineBoxContain |= LineBoxContainReplaced; } else if (value->id == CSSValueInlineBox) { if (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInlineBox) return false; lineBoxContain |= LineBoxContainInlineBox; } else if (value->id == CSSValueInitialLetter) { if (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInitialLetter) return false; lineBoxContain |= LineBoxContainInitialLetter; } else return false; } if (!lineBoxContain) return false; addProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitLineBoxContain, CSSLineBoxContainValue::create(lineBoxContain), important); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFontFeatureTag(CSSValueList& settings) { CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); // Feature tag name comes first if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) return false; FontFeatureTag tag; if (value->string.length() != tag.size()) return false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < tag.size(); ++i) { // Limits the range of characters to 0x20-0x7E, following the tag name rules defiend in the OpenType specification. UChar character = value->string[i]; if (character < 0x20 || character > 0x7E) return false; tag[i] = toASCIILower(character); } int tagValue = 1; // Feature tag values could follow: | on | off value = m_valueList->next(); if (value) { if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER && value->isInt && value->fValue >= 0) { tagValue = clampToInteger(value->fValue); if (tagValue < 0) return false; m_valueList->next(); } else if (value->id == CSSValueOn || value->id == CSSValueOff) { tagValue = value->id == CSSValueOn; m_valueList->next(); } } settings.append(CSSFontFeatureValue::create(WTFMove(tag), tagValue)); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFontFeatureSettings(bool important) { if (m_valueList->size() == 1 && m_valueList->current()->id == CSSValueNormal) { RefPtr normalValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNormal); m_valueList->next(); addProperty(CSSPropertyFontFeatureSettings, normalValue.release(), important); return true; } RefPtr settings = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { if (!parseFontFeatureTag(*settings)) return false; // If the list isn't parsed fully, the current value should be comma. value = m_valueList->current(); if (value && !isComma(value)) return false; } if (settings->length()) { addProperty(CSSPropertyFontFeatureSettings, settings.release(), important); return true; } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseFontVariantLigatures(bool important, bool unknownIsFailure, bool implicit) { auto values = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); FontVariantLigatures commonLigatures = FontVariantLigatures::Normal; FontVariantLigatures discretionaryLigatures = FontVariantLigatures::Normal; FontVariantLigatures historicalLigatures = FontVariantLigatures::Normal; FontVariantLigatures contextualAlternates = FontVariantLigatures::Normal; for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; switch (value->id) { case CSSValueNoCommonLigatures: commonLigatures = FontVariantLigatures::No; break; case CSSValueCommonLigatures: commonLigatures = FontVariantLigatures::Yes; break; case CSSValueNoDiscretionaryLigatures: discretionaryLigatures = FontVariantLigatures::No; break; case CSSValueDiscretionaryLigatures: discretionaryLigatures = FontVariantLigatures::Yes; break; case CSSValueNoHistoricalLigatures: historicalLigatures = FontVariantLigatures::No; break; case CSSValueHistoricalLigatures: historicalLigatures = FontVariantLigatures::Yes; break; case CSSValueContextual: contextualAlternates = FontVariantLigatures::Yes; break; case CSSValueNoContextual: contextualAlternates = FontVariantLigatures::No; break; default: if (unknownIsFailure) return false; continue; } } switch (commonLigatures) { case FontVariantLigatures::Normal: break; case FontVariantLigatures::Yes: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueCommonLigatures)); break; case FontVariantLigatures::No: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNoCommonLigatures)); break; } switch (discretionaryLigatures) { case FontVariantLigatures::Normal: break; case FontVariantLigatures::Yes: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueDiscretionaryLigatures)); break; case FontVariantLigatures::No: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNoDiscretionaryLigatures)); break; } switch (historicalLigatures) { case FontVariantLigatures::Normal: break; case FontVariantLigatures::Yes: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueHistoricalLigatures)); break; case FontVariantLigatures::No: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNoHistoricalLigatures)); break; } switch (contextualAlternates) { case FontVariantLigatures::Normal: break; case FontVariantLigatures::Yes: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueContextual)); break; case FontVariantLigatures::No: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueNoContextual)); break; } if (!values->length()) return !unknownIsFailure; addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantLigatures, WTFMove(values), important, implicit); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFontVariantNumeric(bool important, bool unknownIsFailure, bool implicit) { auto values = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); FontVariantNumericFigure figure = FontVariantNumericFigure::Normal; FontVariantNumericSpacing spacing = FontVariantNumericSpacing::Normal; FontVariantNumericFraction fraction = FontVariantNumericFraction::Normal; FontVariantNumericOrdinal ordinal = FontVariantNumericOrdinal::Normal; FontVariantNumericSlashedZero slashedZero = FontVariantNumericSlashedZero::Normal; for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; switch (value->id) { case CSSValueLiningNums: figure = FontVariantNumericFigure::LiningNumbers; break; case CSSValueOldstyleNums: figure = FontVariantNumericFigure::OldStyleNumbers; break; case CSSValueProportionalNums: spacing = FontVariantNumericSpacing::ProportionalNumbers; break; case CSSValueTabularNums: spacing = FontVariantNumericSpacing::TabularNumbers; break; case CSSValueDiagonalFractions: fraction = FontVariantNumericFraction::DiagonalFractions; break; case CSSValueStackedFractions: fraction = FontVariantNumericFraction::StackedFractions; break; case CSSValueOrdinal: ordinal = FontVariantNumericOrdinal::Yes; break; case CSSValueSlashedZero: slashedZero = FontVariantNumericSlashedZero::Yes; break; default: if (unknownIsFailure) return false; continue; } } switch (figure) { case FontVariantNumericFigure::Normal: break; case FontVariantNumericFigure::LiningNumbers: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueLiningNums)); break; case FontVariantNumericFigure::OldStyleNumbers: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueOldstyleNums)); break; } switch (spacing) { case FontVariantNumericSpacing::Normal: break; case FontVariantNumericSpacing::ProportionalNumbers: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueProportionalNums)); break; case FontVariantNumericSpacing::TabularNumbers: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueTabularNums)); break; } switch (fraction) { case FontVariantNumericFraction::Normal: break; case FontVariantNumericFraction::DiagonalFractions: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueDiagonalFractions)); break; case FontVariantNumericFraction::StackedFractions: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueStackedFractions)); break; } switch (ordinal) { case FontVariantNumericOrdinal::Normal: break; case FontVariantNumericOrdinal::Yes: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueOrdinal)); break; } switch (slashedZero) { case FontVariantNumericSlashedZero::Normal: break; case FontVariantNumericSlashedZero::Yes: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSlashedZero)); break; } if (!values->length()) return !unknownIsFailure; addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantNumeric, WTFMove(values), important, implicit); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFontVariantEastAsian(bool important, bool unknownIsFailure, bool implicit) { auto values = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated(); FontVariantEastAsianVariant variant = FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Normal; FontVariantEastAsianWidth width = FontVariantEastAsianWidth::Normal; FontVariantEastAsianRuby ruby = FontVariantEastAsianRuby::Normal; for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; switch (value->id) { case CSSValueJis78: variant = FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Jis78; break; case CSSValueJis83: variant = FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Jis83; break; case CSSValueJis90: variant = FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Jis90; break; case CSSValueJis04: variant = FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Jis04; break; case CSSValueSimplified: variant = FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Simplified; break; case CSSValueTraditional: variant = FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Traditional; break; case CSSValueFullWidth: width = FontVariantEastAsianWidth::Full; break; case CSSValueProportionalWidth: width = FontVariantEastAsianWidth::Proportional; break; case CSSValueRuby: ruby = FontVariantEastAsianRuby::Yes; break; default: if (unknownIsFailure) return false; continue; } } switch (variant) { case FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Normal: break; case FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Jis78: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueJis78)); break; case FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Jis83: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueJis83)); break; case FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Jis90: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueJis90)); break; case FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Jis04: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueJis04)); break; case FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Simplified: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSimplified)); break; case FontVariantEastAsianVariant::Traditional: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueTraditional)); break; } switch (width) { case FontVariantEastAsianWidth::Normal: break; case FontVariantEastAsianWidth::Full: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueFullWidth)); break; case FontVariantEastAsianWidth::Proportional: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueProportionalWidth)); break; } switch (ruby) { case FontVariantEastAsianRuby::Normal: break; case FontVariantEastAsianRuby::Yes: values->append(CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueRuby)); } if (!values->length()) return !unknownIsFailure; addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantEastAsian, WTFMove(values), important, implicit); return true; } bool CSSParser::parseFontVariant(bool important) { ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyFontVariant); if (!parseFontVariantLigatures(important, false, false)) return false; m_valueList->setCurrentIndex(0); if (!parseFontVariantNumeric(important, false, false)) return false; m_valueList->setCurrentIndex(0); if (!parseFontVariantEastAsian(important, false, false)) return false; m_valueList->setCurrentIndex(0); FontVariantPosition position = FontVariantPosition::Normal; FontVariantCaps caps = FontVariantCaps::Normal; FontVariantAlternates alternates = FontVariantAlternates::Normal; for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; switch (value->id) { case CSSValueNoCommonLigatures: case CSSValueCommonLigatures: case CSSValueNoDiscretionaryLigatures: case CSSValueDiscretionaryLigatures: case CSSValueNoHistoricalLigatures: case CSSValueHistoricalLigatures: case CSSValueContextual: case CSSValueNoContextual: case CSSValueLiningNums: case CSSValueOldstyleNums: case CSSValueProportionalNums: case CSSValueTabularNums: case CSSValueDiagonalFractions: case CSSValueStackedFractions: case CSSValueOrdinal: case CSSValueSlashedZero: case CSSValueJis78: case CSSValueJis83: case CSSValueJis90: case CSSValueJis04: case CSSValueSimplified: case CSSValueTraditional: case CSSValueFullWidth: case CSSValueProportionalWidth: case CSSValueRuby: break; case CSSValueSub: position = FontVariantPosition::Subscript; break; case CSSValueSuper: position = FontVariantPosition::Superscript; break; case CSSValueSmallCaps: caps = FontVariantCaps::Small; break; case CSSValueAllSmallCaps: caps = FontVariantCaps::AllSmall; break; case CSSValuePetiteCaps: caps = FontVariantCaps::Petite; break; case CSSValueAllPetiteCaps: caps = FontVariantCaps::AllPetite; break; case CSSValueUnicase: caps = FontVariantCaps::Unicase; break; case CSSValueTitlingCaps: caps = FontVariantCaps::Titling; break; case CSSValueHistoricalForms: alternates = FontVariantAlternates::HistoricalForms; break; default: return false; } } switch (position) { case FontVariantPosition::Normal: break; case FontVariantPosition::Subscript: addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantPosition, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSub), important, false); break; case FontVariantPosition::Superscript: addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantPosition, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSuper), important, false); break; } switch (caps) { case FontVariantCaps::Normal: break; case FontVariantCaps::Small: addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueSmallCaps), important, false); break; case FontVariantCaps::AllSmall: addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAllSmallCaps), important, false); break; case FontVariantCaps::Petite: addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValuePetiteCaps), important, false); break; case FontVariantCaps::AllPetite: addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueAllPetiteCaps), important, false); break; case FontVariantCaps::Unicase: addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueUnicase), important, false); break; case FontVariantCaps::Titling: addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantCaps, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueTitlingCaps), important, false); break; } switch (alternates) { case FontVariantAlternates::Normal: break; case FontVariantAlternates::HistoricalForms: addProperty(CSSPropertyFontVariantAlternates, CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(CSSValueHistoricalForms), important, false); break; } return true; } static inline bool isValidWillChangeAnimatableFeature(const CSSParserValue& value) { if (value.id == CSSValueNone || value.id == CSSValueAuto || value.id == CSSValueAll) return false; if (valueIsCSSKeyword(value)) return false; if (cssPropertyID(value.string) == CSSPropertyWillChange) return false; return true; } bool CSSParser::parseWillChange(bool important) { RefPtr willChangePropertyValues = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated(); bool expectComma = false; for (CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current(); value; value = m_valueList->next()) { if (expectComma) { if (!isComma(value)) return false; expectComma = false; continue; } if (value->unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) return false; if (!isValidWillChangeAnimatableFeature(*value)) return false; RefPtr cssValue; if (value->id == CSSValueScrollPosition || value->id == CSSValueContents) cssValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(value->id); else { CSSPropertyID propertyID = cssPropertyID(value->string); if (propertyID != CSSPropertyInvalid) cssValue = CSSValuePool::singleton().createIdentifierValue(propertyID); else // This might be a property we don't support. cssValue = createPrimitiveStringValue(*value); } willChangePropertyValues->append(cssValue.releaseNonNull()); expectComma = true; } addProperty(CSSPropertyWillChange, willChangePropertyValues.release(), important); return true; } RefPtr CSSParser::parseCalculation(CSSParserValue& value, CalculationPermittedValueRange range) { ASSERT(isCalculation(value)); CSSParserValueList* args = value.function->args.get(); if (!args || !args->size()) return nullptr; return CSSCalcValue::create(value.function->name, *args, range); } #define END_TOKEN 0 #include "CSSGrammar.h" enum CharacterType { // Types for the main switch. // The first 4 types must be grouped together, as they // represent the allowed chars in an identifier. CharacterCaselessU, CharacterIdentifierStart, CharacterNumber, CharacterDash, CharacterOther, CharacterNull, CharacterWhiteSpace, CharacterEndConditionQuery, CharacterEndNthChild, CharacterQuote, CharacterExclamationMark, CharacterHashmark, CharacterDollar, CharacterAsterisk, CharacterPlus, CharacterDot, CharacterSlash, CharacterLess, CharacterAt, CharacterBackSlash, CharacterXor, CharacterVerticalBar, CharacterTilde, }; // 128 ASCII codes static const CharacterType typesOfASCIICharacters[128] = { /* 0 - Null */ CharacterNull, /* 1 - Start of Heading */ CharacterOther, /* 2 - Start of Text */ CharacterOther, /* 3 - End of Text */ CharacterOther, /* 4 - End of Transm. */ CharacterOther, /* 5 - Enquiry */ CharacterOther, /* 6 - Acknowledgment */ CharacterOther, /* 7 - Bell */ CharacterOther, /* 8 - Back Space */ CharacterOther, /* 9 - Horizontal Tab */ CharacterWhiteSpace, /* 10 - Line Feed */ CharacterWhiteSpace, /* 11 - Vertical Tab */ CharacterOther, /* 12 - Form Feed */ CharacterWhiteSpace, /* 13 - Carriage Return */ CharacterWhiteSpace, /* 14 - Shift Out */ CharacterOther, /* 15 - Shift In */ CharacterOther, /* 16 - Data Line Escape */ CharacterOther, /* 17 - Device Control 1 */ CharacterOther, /* 18 - Device Control 2 */ CharacterOther, /* 19 - Device Control 3 */ CharacterOther, /* 20 - Device Control 4 */ CharacterOther, /* 21 - Negative Ack. */ CharacterOther, /* 22 - Synchronous Idle */ CharacterOther, /* 23 - End of Transmit */ CharacterOther, /* 24 - Cancel */ CharacterOther, /* 25 - End of Medium */ CharacterOther, /* 26 - Substitute */ CharacterOther, /* 27 - Escape */ CharacterOther, /* 28 - File Separator */ CharacterOther, /* 29 - Group Separator */ CharacterOther, /* 30 - Record Separator */ CharacterOther, /* 31 - Unit Separator */ CharacterOther, /* 32 - Space */ CharacterWhiteSpace, /* 33 - ! */ CharacterExclamationMark, /* 34 - " */ CharacterQuote, /* 35 - # */ CharacterHashmark, /* 36 - $ */ CharacterDollar, /* 37 - % */ CharacterOther, /* 38 - & */ CharacterOther, /* 39 - ' */ CharacterQuote, /* 40 - ( */ CharacterOther, /* 41 - ) */ CharacterEndNthChild, /* 42 - * */ CharacterAsterisk, /* 43 - + */ CharacterPlus, /* 44 - , */ CharacterOther, /* 45 - - */ CharacterDash, /* 46 - . */ CharacterDot, /* 47 - / */ CharacterSlash, /* 48 - 0 */ CharacterNumber, /* 49 - 1 */ CharacterNumber, /* 50 - 2 */ CharacterNumber, /* 51 - 3 */ CharacterNumber, /* 52 - 4 */ CharacterNumber, /* 53 - 5 */ CharacterNumber, /* 54 - 6 */ CharacterNumber, /* 55 - 7 */ CharacterNumber, /* 56 - 8 */ CharacterNumber, /* 57 - 9 */ CharacterNumber, /* 58 - : */ CharacterOther, /* 59 - ; */ CharacterEndConditionQuery, /* 60 - < */ CharacterLess, /* 61 - = */ CharacterOther, /* 62 - > */ CharacterOther, /* 63 - ? */ CharacterOther, /* 64 - @ */ CharacterAt, /* 65 - A */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 66 - B */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 67 - C */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 68 - D */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 69 - E */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 70 - F */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 71 - G */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 72 - H */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 73 - I */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 74 - J */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 75 - K */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 76 - L */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 77 - M */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 78 - N */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 79 - O */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 80 - P */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 81 - Q */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 82 - R */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 83 - S */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 84 - T */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 85 - U */ CharacterCaselessU, /* 86 - V */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 87 - W */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 88 - X */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 89 - Y */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 90 - Z */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 91 - [ */ CharacterOther, /* 92 - \ */ CharacterBackSlash, /* 93 - ] */ CharacterOther, /* 94 - ^ */ CharacterXor, /* 95 - _ */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 96 - ` */ CharacterOther, /* 97 - a */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 98 - b */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 99 - c */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 100 - d */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 101 - e */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 102 - f */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 103 - g */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 104 - h */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 105 - i */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 106 - j */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 107 - k */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 108 - l */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 109 - m */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 110 - n */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 111 - o */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 112 - p */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 113 - q */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 114 - r */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 115 - s */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 116 - t */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 117 - u */ CharacterCaselessU, /* 118 - v */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 119 - w */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 120 - x */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 121 - y */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 122 - z */ CharacterIdentifierStart, /* 123 - { */ CharacterEndConditionQuery, /* 124 - | */ CharacterVerticalBar, /* 125 - } */ CharacterOther, /* 126 - ~ */ CharacterTilde, /* 127 - Delete */ CharacterOther, }; // Utility functions for the CSS tokenizer. template static inline bool isCSSLetter(CharacterType character) { return character >= 128 || typesOfASCIICharacters[character] <= CharacterDash; } template static inline bool isCSSEscape(CharacterType character) { return character >= ' ' && character != 127; } template static inline bool isURILetter(CharacterType character) { return (character >= '*' && character != 127) || (character >= '#' && character <= '&') || character == '!'; } template static inline bool isIdentifierStartAfterDash(CharacterType* currentCharacter) { return isASCIIAlpha(currentCharacter[0]) || currentCharacter[0] == '_' || currentCharacter[0] >= 128 || (currentCharacter[0] == '\\' && isCSSEscape(currentCharacter[1])); } template static inline bool isCustomPropertyIdentifier(CharacterType* currentCharacter) { return isASCIIAlpha(currentCharacter[0]) || currentCharacter[0] == '_' || currentCharacter[0] >= 128 || (currentCharacter[0] == '\\' && isCSSEscape(currentCharacter[1])); } template static inline bool isEqualToCSSIdentifier(CharacterType* cssString, const char* constantString) { // Compare an character memory data with a zero terminated string. do { // The input must be part of an identifier if constantChar or constString // contains '-'. Otherwise toASCIILowerUnchecked('\r') would be equal to '-'. ASSERT((*constantString >= 'a' && *constantString <= 'z') || *constantString == '-'); ASSERT(*constantString != '-' || isCSSLetter(*cssString)); if (toASCIILowerUnchecked(*cssString++) != (*constantString++)) return false; } while (*constantString); return true; } template static inline bool isEqualToCSSCaseSensitiveIdentifier(CharacterType* string, const char* constantString) { do { if (*string++ != *constantString++) return false; } while (*constantString); return true; } template static CharacterType* checkAndSkipEscape(CharacterType* currentCharacter) { // Returns with 0, if escape check is failed. Otherwise // it returns with the following character. ASSERT(*currentCharacter == '\\'); ++currentCharacter; if (!isCSSEscape(*currentCharacter)) return nullptr; if (isASCIIHexDigit(*currentCharacter)) { int length = 6; do { ++currentCharacter; } while (isASCIIHexDigit(*currentCharacter) && --length); // Optional space after the escape sequence. if (isHTMLSpace(*currentCharacter)) ++currentCharacter; return currentCharacter; } return currentCharacter + 1; } template static inline CharacterType* skipWhiteSpace(CharacterType* currentCharacter) { while (isHTMLSpace(*currentCharacter)) ++currentCharacter; return currentCharacter; } // Main CSS tokenizer functions. template <> LChar* CSSParserString::characters() const { return characters8(); } template <> UChar* CSSParserString::characters() const { return characters16(); } template <> inline LChar*& CSSParser::currentCharacter() { return m_currentCharacter8; } template <> inline UChar*& CSSParser::currentCharacter() { return m_currentCharacter16; } UChar*& CSSParser::currentCharacter16() { if (!m_currentCharacter16) { m_dataStart16 = std::make_unique(m_length); m_currentCharacter16 = m_dataStart16.get(); } return m_currentCharacter16; } template <> inline LChar* CSSParser::tokenStart() { return m_tokenStart.ptr8; } template <> inline UChar* CSSParser::tokenStart() { return m_tokenStart.ptr16; } CSSParser::Location CSSParser::currentLocation() { Location location; location.lineNumber = m_tokenStartLineNumber; location.columnNumber = m_tokenStartColumnNumber; ASSERT(location.lineNumber >= 0); ASSERT(location.columnNumber >= 0); if (location.lineNumber == m_sheetStartLineNumber) location.columnNumber += m_sheetStartColumnNumber; if (is8BitSource()) location.token.init(tokenStart(), currentCharacter() - tokenStart()); else location.token.init(tokenStart(), currentCharacter() - tokenStart()); return location; } template inline bool CSSParser::isIdentifierStart() { // Check whether an identifier is started. return isIdentifierStartAfterDash((*currentCharacter() != '-') ? currentCharacter() : currentCharacter() + 1); } template static inline CharacterType* checkAndSkipString(CharacterType* currentCharacter, int quote) { // Returns with 0, if string check is failed. Otherwise // it returns with the following character. This is necessary // since we cannot revert escape sequences, thus strings // must be validated before parsing. while (true) { if (UNLIKELY(*currentCharacter == quote)) { // String parsing is successful. return currentCharacter + 1; } if (UNLIKELY(!*currentCharacter)) { // String parsing is successful up to end of input. return currentCharacter; } if (UNLIKELY(*currentCharacter <= '\r' && (*currentCharacter == '\n' || (*currentCharacter | 0x1) == '\r'))) { // String parsing is failed for character '\n', '\f' or '\r'. return nullptr; } if (LIKELY(currentCharacter[0] != '\\')) ++currentCharacter; else if (currentCharacter[1] == '\n' || currentCharacter[1] == '\f') currentCharacter += 2; else if (currentCharacter[1] == '\r') currentCharacter += currentCharacter[2] == '\n' ? 3 : 2; else { currentCharacter = checkAndSkipEscape(currentCharacter); if (!currentCharacter) return nullptr; } } } template unsigned CSSParser::parseEscape(CharacterType*& src) { ASSERT(*src == '\\' && isCSSEscape(src[1])); unsigned unicode = 0; ++src; if (isASCIIHexDigit(*src)) { int length = 6; do { unicode = (unicode << 4) + toASCIIHexValue(*src++); } while (--length && isASCIIHexDigit(*src)); if (unicode > UCHAR_MAX_VALUE) unicode = replacementCharacter; // Optional space after the escape sequence. if (isHTMLSpace(*src)) ++src; return unicode; } return *currentCharacter()++; } template <> inline void CSSParser::UnicodeToChars(LChar*& result, unsigned unicode) { ASSERT(unicode <= 0xff); *result = unicode; ++result; } template <> inline void CSSParser::UnicodeToChars(UChar*& result, unsigned unicode) { // Replace unicode with a surrogate pairs when it is bigger than 0xffff if (U16_LENGTH(unicode) == 2) { *result++ = U16_LEAD(unicode); *result = U16_TRAIL(unicode); } else *result = unicode; ++result; } template inline bool CSSParser::parseIdentifierInternal(SrcCharacterType*& src, DestCharacterType*& result, bool& hasEscape) { hasEscape = false; do { if (LIKELY(*src != '\\')) *result++ = *src++; else { hasEscape = true; SrcCharacterType* savedEscapeStart = src; unsigned unicode = parseEscape(src); if (unicode > 0xff && sizeof(DestCharacterType) == 1) { src = savedEscapeStart; return false; } UnicodeToChars(result, unicode); } } while (isCSSLetter(src[0]) || (src[0] == '\\' && isCSSEscape(src[1]))); return true; } template inline void CSSParser::parseIdentifier(CharacterType*& result, CSSParserString& resultString, bool& hasEscape) { CharacterType* start = currentCharacter(); if (UNLIKELY(!parseIdentifierInternal(currentCharacter(), result, hasEscape))) { // Found an escape we couldn't handle with 8 bits, copy what has been recognized and continue ASSERT(is8BitSource()); UChar*& result16 = currentCharacter16(); UChar* start16 = result16; int i = 0; for (; i < result - start; ++i) result16[i] = start[i]; result16 += i; parseIdentifierInternal(currentCharacter(), result16, hasEscape); result += result16 - start16; resultString.init(start16, result16 - start16); return; } resultString.init(start, result - start); } template inline bool CSSParser::parseStringInternal(SrcCharacterType*& src, DestCharacterType*& result, UChar quote) { while (true) { if (UNLIKELY(*src == quote)) { // String parsing is done. ++src; return true; } if (UNLIKELY(!*src)) { // String parsing is done, but don't advance pointer if at the end of input. return true; } ASSERT(*src > '\r' || (*src < '\n' && *src) || *src == '\v'); if (LIKELY(src[0] != '\\')) *result++ = *src++; else if (src[1] == '\n' || src[1] == '\f') src += 2; else if (src[1] == '\r') src += src[2] == '\n' ? 3 : 2; else { SrcCharacterType* savedEscapeStart = src; unsigned unicode = parseEscape(src); if (unicode > 0xff && sizeof(DestCharacterType) == 1) { src = savedEscapeStart; return false; } UnicodeToChars(result, unicode); } } return true; } template inline void CSSParser::parseString(CharacterType*& result, CSSParserString& resultString, UChar quote) { CharacterType* start = currentCharacter(); if (UNLIKELY(!parseStringInternal(currentCharacter(), result, quote))) { // Found an escape we couldn't handle with 8 bits, copy what has been recognized and continue ASSERT(is8BitSource()); UChar*& result16 = currentCharacter16(); UChar* start16 = result16; int i = 0; for (; i < result - start; ++i) result16[i] = start[i]; result16 += i; parseStringInternal(currentCharacter(), result16, quote); resultString.init(start16, result16 - start16); return; } resultString.init(start, result - start); } template inline bool CSSParser::findURI(CharacterType*& start, CharacterType*& end, UChar& quote) { start = skipWhiteSpace(currentCharacter()); if (*start == '"' || *start == '\'') { quote = *start++; end = checkAndSkipString(start, quote); if (!end) return false; } else { quote = 0; end = start; while (isURILetter(*end)) { if (LIKELY(*end != '\\')) ++end; else { end = checkAndSkipEscape(end); if (!end) return false; } } } end = skipWhiteSpace(end); if (*end != ')') return false; return true; } template inline bool CSSParser::parseURIInternal(SrcCharacterType*& src, DestCharacterType*& dest, UChar quote) { if (quote) { ASSERT(quote == '"' || quote == '\''); return parseStringInternal(src, dest, quote); } while (isURILetter(*src)) { if (LIKELY(*src != '\\')) *dest++ = *src++; else { unsigned unicode = parseEscape(src); if (unicode > 0xff && sizeof(SrcCharacterType) == 1) return false; UnicodeToChars(dest, unicode); } } return true; } template inline void CSSParser::parseURI(CSSParserString& string) { CharacterType* uriStart; CharacterType* uriEnd; UChar quote; if (!findURI(uriStart, uriEnd, quote)) return; CharacterType* dest = currentCharacter() = uriStart; if (LIKELY(parseURIInternal(currentCharacter(), dest, quote))) string.init(uriStart, dest - uriStart); else { // An escape sequence was encountered that can't be stored in 8 bits. // Reset the current character to the start of the URI and re-parse with // a 16-bit destination. ASSERT(is8BitSource()); UChar* uriStart16 = currentCharacter16(); currentCharacter() = uriStart; bool result = parseURIInternal(currentCharacter(), currentCharacter16(), quote); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result); string.init(uriStart16, currentCharacter16() - uriStart16); } currentCharacter() = uriEnd + 1; m_token = URI; } template inline bool CSSParser::parseUnicodeRange() { CharacterType* character = currentCharacter() + 1; int length = 6; ASSERT(*currentCharacter() == '+'); while (isASCIIHexDigit(*character) && length) { ++character; --length; } if (length && *character == '?') { // At most 5 hex digit followed by a question mark. do { ++character; --length; } while (*character == '?' && length); currentCharacter() = character; return true; } if (length < 6) { // At least one hex digit. if (character[0] == '-' && isASCIIHexDigit(character[1])) { // Followed by a dash and a hex digit. ++character; length = 6; do { ++character; } while (--length && isASCIIHexDigit(*character)); } currentCharacter() = character; return true; } return false; } template bool CSSParser::parseNthChild() { CharacterType* character = currentCharacter(); while (isASCIIDigit(*character)) ++character; if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(*character, 'n')) { currentCharacter() = character + 1; return true; } return false; } template bool CSSParser::parseNthChildExtra() { CharacterType* character = skipWhiteSpace(currentCharacter()); if (*character != '+' && *character != '-') return false; character = skipWhiteSpace(character + 1); if (!isASCIIDigit(*character)) return false; do { ++character; } while (isASCIIDigit(*character)); currentCharacter() = character; return true; } template inline bool CSSParser::detectFunctionTypeToken(int length) { ASSERT(length > 0); CharacterType* name = tokenStart(); switch (length) { case 3: if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'n') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'o') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 't')) { m_token = NOTFUNCTION; return true; } if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'u') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'r') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 'l')) { m_token = URI; return true; } if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'v') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'a') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 'r')) { m_token = VARFUNCTION; return true; } #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'c') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'u') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 'e')) { m_token = CUEFUNCTION; return true; } #endif #if ENABLE(CSS_SELECTORS_LEVEL4) if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'd') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'i') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 'r')) { m_token = DIRFUNCTION; return true; } #endif return false; case 4: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name, "calc")) { m_token = CALCFUNCTION; return true; } if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name, "lang")) { m_token = LANGFUNCTION; return true; } #if ENABLE(CSS_SELECTORS_LEVEL4) if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name, "role")) { m_token = ROLEFUNCTION; return true; } #endif return false; case 7: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name, "matches")) { m_token = MATCHESFUNCTION; return true; } return false; case 9: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name, "nth-child")) { m_token = NTHCHILDFUNCTIONS; m_parsingMode = NthChildMode; return true; } return false; case 11: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name, "nth-of-type")) { m_parsingMode = NthChildMode; return true; } return false; case 14: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name, "nth-last-child")) { m_token = NTHCHILDFUNCTIONS; m_parsingMode = NthChildMode; return true; } return false; case 16: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name, "nth-last-of-type")) { m_parsingMode = NthChildMode; return true; } return false; } return false; } template inline void CSSParser::detectMediaQueryToken(int length) { ASSERT(m_parsingMode == MediaQueryMode); CharacterType* name = tokenStart(); if (length == 3) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'a') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'n') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 'd')) m_token = MEDIA_AND; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'n') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'o') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 't')) m_token = MEDIA_NOT; } else if (length == 4) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'o') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'n') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 'l') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[3], 'y')) m_token = MEDIA_ONLY; } } template inline void CSSParser::detectNumberToken(CharacterType* type, int length) { ASSERT(length > 0); switch (toASCIILowerUnchecked(type[0])) { case 'c': if (length == 2 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'm')) m_token = CMS; else if (length == 2 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'h')) m_token = CHS; return; case 'd': if (length == 3 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'e') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'g')) m_token = DEGS; #if ENABLE(CSS_IMAGE_RESOLUTION) || ENABLE(RESOLUTION_MEDIA_QUERY) else if (length > 2 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'p')) { if (length == 4) { // There is a discussion about the name of this unit on www-style. // Keep this compile time guard in place until that is resolved. // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012May/0915.html if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'p') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[3], 'x')) m_token = DPPX; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'c') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[3], 'm')) m_token = DPCM; } else if (length == 3 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'i')) m_token = DPI; } #endif return; case 'e': if (length == 2) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'm')) m_token = EMS; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'x')) m_token = EXS; } return; case 'f': if (length == 2 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'r')) m_token = FR; return; case 'g': if (length == 4 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'r') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'a') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[3], 'd')) m_token = GRADS; return; case 'h': if (length == 2 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'z')) m_token = HERTZ; return; case 'i': if (length == 2 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'n')) m_token = INS; return; case 'k': if (length == 3 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'h') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'z')) m_token = KHERTZ; return; case 'm': if (length == 2) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'm')) m_token = MMS; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 's')) m_token = MSECS; } return; case 'p': if (length == 2) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'x')) m_token = PXS; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 't')) m_token = PTS; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'c')) m_token = PCS; } return; case 'r': if (length == 3) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'a') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'd')) m_token = RADS; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'e') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'm')) m_token = REMS; } return; case 's': if (length == 1) m_token = SECS; return; case 't': if (length == 4 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'u') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'r') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[3], 'n')) m_token = TURNS; return; case 'v': if (length == 2) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'w')) m_token = VW; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'h')) m_token = VH; } else if (length == 4 && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[1], 'm')) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'i') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[3], 'n')) m_token = VMIN; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'a') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[3], 'x')) m_token = VMAX; } return; default: if (type[0] == '_' && length == 5 && type[1] == '_' && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[2], 'q') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[3], 'e') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(type[4], 'm')) m_token = QEMS; return; } } template inline void CSSParser::detectDashToken(int length) { CharacterType* name = tokenStart(); if (length == 11) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[10], 'y') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 1, "webkit-an")) m_token = ANYFUNCTION; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[10], 'n') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 1, "webkit-mi")) m_token = MINFUNCTION; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[10], 'x') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 1, "webkit-ma")) m_token = MAXFUNCTION; } else if (length == 12 && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 1, "webkit-calc")) m_token = CALCFUNCTION; } template inline void CSSParser::detectAtToken(int length, bool hasEscape) { CharacterType* name = tokenStart(); ASSERT(name[0] == '@' && length >= 2); // charset, font-face, import, media, namespace, page, supports, // -webkit-keyframes, and -webkit-mediaquery are not affected by hasEscape. switch (toASCIILowerUnchecked(name[1])) { case 'b': if (hasEscape) return; switch (length) { case 12: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "ottom-left")) m_token = BOTTOMLEFT_SYM; return; case 13: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "ottom-right")) m_token = BOTTOMRIGHT_SYM; return; case 14: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "ottom-center")) m_token = BOTTOMCENTER_SYM; return; case 19: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "ottom-left-corner")) m_token = BOTTOMLEFTCORNER_SYM; return; case 20: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "ottom-right-corner")) m_token = BOTTOMRIGHTCORNER_SYM; return; } return; case 'c': if (length == 8 && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "harset")) m_token = CHARSET_SYM; return; case 'f': if (length == 10 && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "ont-face")) m_token = FONT_FACE_SYM; return; case 'i': if (length == 7 && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "mport")) { m_parsingMode = MediaQueryMode; m_token = IMPORT_SYM; } return; case 'k': if (length == 10 && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "eyframes")) m_token = KEYFRAMES_SYM; else if (length == 14 && !hasEscape && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "eyframe-rule")) m_token = KEYFRAME_RULE_SYM; return; case 'l': if (hasEscape) return; if (length == 9) { if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "eft-top")) m_token = LEFTTOP_SYM; } else if (length == 12) { // Checking the last character first could further reduce the possibile cases. if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[11], 'e') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "eft-middl")) m_token = LEFTMIDDLE_SYM; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[11], 'm') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "eft-botto")) m_token = LEFTBOTTOM_SYM; } return; case 'm': if (length == 6 && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "edia")) { m_parsingMode = MediaQueryMode; m_token = MEDIA_SYM; } return; case 'n': if (length == 10 && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "amespace")) m_token = NAMESPACE_SYM; return; case 'p': if (length == 5 && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "age")) m_token = PAGE_SYM; return; case 'r': if (hasEscape) return; if (length == 10) { if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "ight-top")) m_token = RIGHTTOP_SYM; } else if (length == 13) { // Checking the last character first could further reduce the possibile cases. if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[12], 'e') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "ight-middl")) m_token = RIGHTMIDDLE_SYM; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[12], 'm') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "ight-botto")) m_token = RIGHTBOTTOM_SYM; } return; case 's': if (length == 9 && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "upports")) { m_parsingMode = SupportsMode; m_token = SUPPORTS_SYM; } return; case 't': if (hasEscape) return; switch (length) { case 9: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "op-left")) m_token = TOPLEFT_SYM; return; case 10: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "op-right")) m_token = TOPRIGHT_SYM; return; case 11: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "op-center")) m_token = TOPCENTER_SYM; return; case 16: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "op-left-corner")) m_token = TOPLEFTCORNER_SYM; return; case 17: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "op-right-corner")) m_token = TOPRIGHTCORNER_SYM; return; } return; case '-': switch (length) { case 13: if (!hasEscape && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-rule")) m_token = WEBKIT_RULE_SYM; return; case 14: if (hasEscape) return; // Checking the last character first could further reduce the possibile cases. if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[13], 's') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-decl")) m_token = WEBKIT_DECLS_SYM; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[13], 'e') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-valu")) m_token = WEBKIT_VALUE_SYM; return; case 15: if (hasEscape) return; #if ENABLE(CSS_REGIONS) if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[14], 'n') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-regio")) m_token = WEBKIT_REGION_RULE_SYM; #endif return; case 17: if (hasEscape) return; if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[16], 'r') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-selecto")) m_token = WEBKIT_SELECTOR_SYM; #if ENABLE(CSS_DEVICE_ADAPTATION) else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[16], 't') && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-viewpor")) m_token = WEBKIT_VIEWPORT_RULE_SYM; #endif return; case 18: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-keyframes")) m_token = KEYFRAMES_SYM; else if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-sizesattr")) m_token = WEBKIT_SIZESATTR_SYM; return; case 19: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-mediaquery")) { m_parsingMode = MediaQueryMode; m_token = WEBKIT_MEDIAQUERY_SYM; } return; case 22: if (!hasEscape && isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-keyframe-rule")) m_token = KEYFRAME_RULE_SYM; return; case 27: if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(name + 2, "webkit-supports-condition")) { m_parsingMode = SupportsMode; m_token = WEBKIT_SUPPORTS_CONDITION_SYM; } return; } } } template inline void CSSParser::detectSupportsToken(int length) { ASSERT(m_parsingMode == SupportsMode); CharacterType* name = tokenStart(); if (length == 2) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'o') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'r')) m_token = SUPPORTS_OR; } else if (length == 3) { if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'a') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'n') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 'd')) m_token = SUPPORTS_AND; else if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[0], 'n') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[1], 'o') && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(name[2], 't')) m_token = SUPPORTS_NOT; } } template int CSSParser::realLex(void* yylvalWithoutType) { YYSTYPE* yylval = static_cast(yylvalWithoutType); // Write pointer for the next character. SrcCharacterType* result; CSSParserString resultString; bool hasEscape; // The input buffer is terminated by a \0 character, so // it is safe to read one character ahead of a known non-null. #ifndef NDEBUG // In debug we check with an ASSERT that the length is > 0 for string types. yylval->string.clear(); #endif restartAfterComment: result = currentCharacter(); setTokenStart(result); m_tokenStartLineNumber = m_lineNumber; m_tokenStartColumnNumber = tokenStartOffset() - m_columnOffsetForLine; m_token = *currentCharacter(); ++currentCharacter(); switch ((m_token <= 127) ? typesOfASCIICharacters[m_token] : CharacterIdentifierStart) { case CharacterCaselessU: if (UNLIKELY(*currentCharacter() == '+')) { if (parseUnicodeRange()) { m_token = UNICODERANGE; yylval->string.init(tokenStart(), currentCharacter() - tokenStart()); break; } } FALLTHROUGH; // To CharacterIdentifierStart. case CharacterIdentifierStart: --currentCharacter(); parseIdentifier(result, yylval->string, hasEscape); m_token = IDENT; if (UNLIKELY(*currentCharacter() == '(')) { if (m_parsingMode == SupportsMode && !hasEscape) { detectSupportsToken(result - tokenStart()); if (m_token != IDENT) break; } m_token = FUNCTION; bool shouldSkipParenthesis = true; if (!hasEscape) { bool detected = detectFunctionTypeToken(result - tokenStart()); if (!detected && m_parsingMode == MediaQueryMode) { // ... and(max-width: 480px) ... looks like a function, but in fact it is not, // so run more detection code in the MediaQueryMode. detectMediaQueryToken(result - tokenStart()); shouldSkipParenthesis = false; } } if (LIKELY(shouldSkipParenthesis)) { ++currentCharacter(); ++result; ++yylval->string.m_length; } if (token() == URI) { m_token = FUNCTION; // Check whether it is really an URI. if (yylval->string.is8Bit()) parseURI(yylval->string); else parseURI(yylval->string); } } else if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode != NormalMode) && !hasEscape) { if (m_parsingMode == MediaQueryMode) detectMediaQueryToken(result - tokenStart()); else if (m_parsingMode == SupportsMode) detectSupportsToken(result - tokenStart()); else if (m_parsingMode == NthChildMode && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(tokenStart()[0], 'n')) { if (result - tokenStart() == 1) { // String "n" is IDENT but "n+1" is NTH. if (parseNthChildExtra()) { m_token = NTH; yylval->string.m_length = currentCharacter() - tokenStart(); } } else if (result - tokenStart() >= 2 && tokenStart()[1] == '-') { // String "n-" is IDENT but "n-1" is NTH. // Set currentCharacter to '-' to continue parsing. SrcCharacterType* nextCharacter = result; currentCharacter() = tokenStart() + 1; if (parseNthChildExtra()) { m_token = NTH; yylval->string.setLength(currentCharacter() - tokenStart()); } else { // Revert the change to currentCharacter if unsuccessful. currentCharacter() = nextCharacter; } } } } if (m_parsingMode == NthChildMode && m_token == IDENT && yylval->string.length() == 2 && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(yylval->string, "of")) { m_parsingMode = NormalMode; m_token = NTHCHILDSELECTORSEPARATOR; } break; case CharacterDot: if (!isASCIIDigit(currentCharacter()[0])) break; FALLTHROUGH; // To CharacterNumber. case CharacterNumber: { bool dotSeen = (m_token == '.'); while (true) { if (!isASCIIDigit(currentCharacter()[0])) { // Only one dot is allowed for a number, // and it must be followed by a digit. if (currentCharacter()[0] != '.' || dotSeen || !isASCIIDigit(currentCharacter()[1])) break; dotSeen = true; } ++currentCharacter(); } if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode == NthChildMode) && !dotSeen && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(*currentCharacter(), 'n')) { // "[0-9]+n" is always an NthChild. ++currentCharacter(); parseNthChildExtra(); m_token = NTH; yylval->string.init(tokenStart(), currentCharacter() - tokenStart()); break; } // Use SVG parser for numbers on SVG presentation attributes. if (m_context.mode == SVGAttributeMode) { // We need to take care of units like 'em' or 'ex'. SrcCharacterType* character = currentCharacter(); if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(*character, 'e')) { ASSERT(character - tokenStart() > 0); ++character; if (*character == '-' || *character == '+' || isASCIIDigit(*character)) { ++character; while (isASCIIDigit(*character)) ++character; // Use FLOATTOKEN if the string contains exponents. dotSeen = true; currentCharacter() = character; } } if (!parseSVGNumber(tokenStart(), character - tokenStart(), yylval->number)) break; } else yylval->number = charactersToDouble(tokenStart(), currentCharacter() - tokenStart()); // Type of the function. if (isIdentifierStart()) { SrcCharacterType* type = currentCharacter(); result = currentCharacter(); parseIdentifier(result, resultString, hasEscape); m_token = DIMEN; if (!hasEscape) detectNumberToken(type, currentCharacter() - type); if (m_token == DIMEN) { // The decoded number is overwritten, but this is intentional. yylval->string.init(tokenStart(), currentCharacter() - tokenStart()); } } else if (*currentCharacter() == '%') { // Although the CSS grammar says {num}% we follow // webkit at the moment which uses {num}%+. do { ++currentCharacter(); } while (*currentCharacter() == '%'); m_token = PERCENTAGE; } else m_token = dotSeen ? FLOATTOKEN : INTEGER; break; } case CharacterDash: if (isIdentifierStartAfterDash(currentCharacter())) { --currentCharacter(); parseIdentifier(result, resultString, hasEscape); m_token = IDENT; if (*currentCharacter() == '(') { m_token = FUNCTION; if (!hasEscape) detectDashToken(result - tokenStart()); ++currentCharacter(); ++result; } else if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode == NthChildMode) && !hasEscape && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(tokenStart()[1], 'n')) { if (result - tokenStart() == 2) { // String "-n" is IDENT but "-n+1" is NTH. if (parseNthChildExtra()) { m_token = NTH; result = currentCharacter(); } } else if (result - tokenStart() >= 3 && tokenStart()[2] == '-') { // String "-n-" is IDENT but "-n-1" is NTH. // Set currentCharacter to second '-' of '-n-' to continue parsing. SrcCharacterType* nextCharacter = result; currentCharacter() = tokenStart() + 2; if (parseNthChildExtra()) { m_token = NTH; result = currentCharacter(); } else { // Revert the change to currentCharacter if unsuccessful. currentCharacter() = nextCharacter; } } } resultString.setLength(result - tokenStart()); yylval->string = resultString; } else if (currentCharacter()[0] == '-' && currentCharacter()[1] == '>') { currentCharacter() += 2; m_token = SGML_CD; } else if (currentCharacter()[0] == '-') { --currentCharacter(); parseIdentifier(result, resultString, hasEscape); m_token = CUSTOM_PROPERTY; yylval->string = resultString; } else if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode == NthChildMode)) { // "-[0-9]+n" is always an NthChild. if (parseNthChild()) { parseNthChildExtra(); m_token = NTH; yylval->string.init(tokenStart(), currentCharacter() - tokenStart()); } } break; case CharacterOther: // m_token is simply the current character. break; case CharacterNull: // Do not advance pointer at the end of input. --currentCharacter(); break; case CharacterWhiteSpace: m_token = WHITESPACE; // Might start with a '\n'. --currentCharacter(); do { if (*currentCharacter() == '\n') { ++m_lineNumber; m_columnOffsetForLine = currentCharacterOffset() + 1; } ++currentCharacter(); } while (*currentCharacter() <= ' ' && (typesOfASCIICharacters[*currentCharacter()] == CharacterWhiteSpace)); break; case CharacterEndConditionQuery: { bool isParsingCondition = m_parsingMode == MediaQueryMode || m_parsingMode == SupportsMode; if (isParsingCondition) m_parsingMode = NormalMode; break; } case CharacterEndNthChild: if (m_parsingMode == NthChildMode) m_parsingMode = NormalMode; break; case CharacterQuote: if (checkAndSkipString(currentCharacter(), m_token)) { ++result; parseString(result, yylval->string, m_token); m_token = STRING; } break; case CharacterExclamationMark: { SrcCharacterType* start = skipWhiteSpace(currentCharacter()); if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(start, "important")) { m_token = IMPORTANT_SYM; currentCharacter() = start + 9; } break; } case CharacterHashmark: { SrcCharacterType* start = currentCharacter(); result = currentCharacter(); if (isASCIIDigit(*currentCharacter())) { // This must be a valid hex number token. do { ++currentCharacter(); } while (isASCIIHexDigit(*currentCharacter())); m_token = HEX; yylval->string.init(start, currentCharacter() - start); } else if (isIdentifierStart()) { m_token = IDSEL; parseIdentifier(result, yylval->string, hasEscape); if (!hasEscape) { // Check whether the identifier is also a valid hex number. SrcCharacterType* current = start; m_token = HEX; do { if (!isASCIIHexDigit(*current)) { m_token = IDSEL; break; } ++current; } while (current < result); } } break; } case CharacterSlash: // Ignore comments. They are not even considered as white spaces. if (*currentCharacter() == '*') { ++currentCharacter(); while (currentCharacter()[0] != '*' || currentCharacter()[1] != '/') { if (*currentCharacter() == '\n') { ++m_lineNumber; m_columnOffsetForLine = currentCharacterOffset() + 1; } else if (*currentCharacter() == '\0') { // Unterminated comments are simply ignored. currentCharacter() -= 2; break; } ++currentCharacter(); } currentCharacter() += 2; goto restartAfterComment; } break; case CharacterDollar: if (*currentCharacter() == '=') { ++currentCharacter(); m_token = ENDSWITH; } break; case CharacterAsterisk: if (*currentCharacter() == '=') { ++currentCharacter(); m_token = CONTAINS; } break; case CharacterPlus: if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode == NthChildMode)) { // Simplest case. "+[0-9]*n" is always NthChild. if (parseNthChild()) { parseNthChildExtra(); m_token = NTH; yylval->string.init(tokenStart(), currentCharacter() - tokenStart()); } } break; case CharacterLess: if (currentCharacter()[0] == '!' && currentCharacter()[1] == '-' && currentCharacter()[2] == '-') { currentCharacter() += 3; m_token = SGML_CD; } break; case CharacterAt: if (isIdentifierStart()) { m_token = ATKEYWORD; ++result; parseIdentifier(result, resultString, hasEscape); detectAtToken(result - tokenStart(), hasEscape); } break; case CharacterBackSlash: if (isCSSEscape(*currentCharacter())) { --currentCharacter(); parseIdentifier(result, yylval->string, hasEscape); m_token = IDENT; } if (m_parsingMode == NthChildMode && m_token == IDENT && yylval->string.length() == 2 && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(yylval->string, "of")) { m_parsingMode = NormalMode; m_token = NTHCHILDSELECTORSEPARATOR; } break; case CharacterXor: if (*currentCharacter() == '=') { ++currentCharacter(); m_token = BEGINSWITH; } break; case CharacterVerticalBar: if (*currentCharacter() == '=') { ++currentCharacter(); m_token = DASHMATCH; } break; case CharacterTilde: if (*currentCharacter() == '=') { ++currentCharacter(); m_token = INCLUDES; } break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); break; } return token(); } RefPtr CSSParser::createImportRule(const CSSParserString& url, PassRefPtr media) { if (!media || !m_allowImportRules) { popRuleData(); return nullptr; } RefPtr rule = StyleRuleImport::create(url, media); processAndAddNewRuleToSourceTreeIfNeeded(); return rule; } RefPtr CSSParser::createMediaRule(PassRefPtr media, RuleList* rules) { m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false; RefPtr rule; RuleList emptyRules; if (!media) { // To comply with w3c test suite expectation, create an empty media query // even when it is syntactically incorrect. rule = StyleRuleMedia::create(MediaQuerySet::create(), emptyRules); } else rule = StyleRuleMedia::create(media, rules ? *rules : emptyRules); processAndAddNewRuleToSourceTreeIfNeeded(); return rule; } RefPtr CSSParser::createEmptyMediaRule(RuleList* rules) { return createMediaRule(MediaQuerySet::create(), rules); } RefPtr CSSParser::createSupportsRule(bool conditionIsSupported, RuleList* rules) { m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false; RefPtr data = popSupportsRuleData(); RefPtr rule; String conditionText; unsigned conditionOffset = data->ruleHeaderRange.start + 9; unsigned conditionLength = data->ruleHeaderRange.length() - 9; if (is8BitSource()) conditionText = String(m_dataStart8.get() + conditionOffset, conditionLength).stripWhiteSpace(); else conditionText = String(m_dataStart16.get() + conditionOffset, conditionLength).stripWhiteSpace(); if (rules) rule = StyleRuleSupports::create(conditionText, conditionIsSupported, *rules); else { RuleList emptyRules; rule = StyleRuleSupports::create(conditionText, conditionIsSupported, emptyRules); } processAndAddNewRuleToSourceTreeIfNeeded(); return rule; } void CSSParser::markSupportsRuleHeaderStart() { if (!m_supportsRuleDataStack) m_supportsRuleDataStack = std::make_unique(); RefPtr data = CSSRuleSourceData::create(CSSRuleSourceData::SUPPORTS_RULE); data->ruleHeaderRange.start = tokenStartOffset(); m_supportsRuleDataStack->append(data); } void CSSParser::markSupportsRuleHeaderEnd() { ASSERT(m_supportsRuleDataStack && !m_supportsRuleDataStack->isEmpty()); if (is8BitSource()) m_supportsRuleDataStack->last()->ruleHeaderRange.end = tokenStart() - m_dataStart8.get(); else m_supportsRuleDataStack->last()->ruleHeaderRange.end = tokenStart() - m_dataStart16.get(); } RefPtr CSSParser::popSupportsRuleData() { ASSERT(m_supportsRuleDataStack && !m_supportsRuleDataStack->isEmpty()); RefPtr data = m_supportsRuleDataStack->last(); m_supportsRuleDataStack->removeLast(); return data; } void CSSParser::processAndAddNewRuleToSourceTreeIfNeeded() { if (!isExtractingSourceData()) return; markRuleBodyEnd(); RefPtr rule = popRuleData(); fixUnparsedPropertyRanges(rule.get()); addNewRuleToSourceTree(rule.release()); } void CSSParser::addNewRuleToSourceTree(PassRefPtr rule) { // Precondition: (isExtractingSourceData()). if (!m_ruleSourceDataResult) return; if (m_currentRuleDataStack->isEmpty()) m_ruleSourceDataResult->append(rule); else m_currentRuleDataStack->last()->childRules.append(rule); } PassRefPtr CSSParser::popRuleData() { if (!m_ruleSourceDataResult) return nullptr; ASSERT(!m_currentRuleDataStack->isEmpty()); m_currentRuleData = nullptr; RefPtr data = m_currentRuleDataStack->last(); m_currentRuleDataStack->removeLast(); return data.release(); } void CSSParser::syntaxError(const Location& location, SyntaxErrorType error) { if (!isLoggingErrors()) return; StringBuilder builder; switch (error) { case PropertyDeclarationError: builder.appendLiteral("Invalid CSS property declaration at: "); break; default: builder.appendLiteral("Unexpected CSS token: "); break; } if (location.token.is8Bit()) builder.append(location.token.characters8(), location.token.length()); else builder.append(location.token.characters16(), location.token.length()); logError(builder.toString(), location.lineNumber, location.columnNumber); m_ignoreErrorsInDeclaration = true; } bool CSSParser::isLoggingErrors() { return m_logErrors && !m_ignoreErrorsInDeclaration; } void CSSParser::logError(const String& message, int lineNumber, int columnNumber) { PageConsoleClient& console = m_styleSheet->singleOwnerDocument()->page()->console(); console.addMessage(MessageSource::CSS, MessageLevel::Warning, message, m_styleSheet->baseURL().string(), lineNumber + 1, columnNumber + 1); } RefPtr CSSParser::createKeyframesRule(const String& name, std::unique_ptr>> popKeyframes) { std::unique_ptr>> keyframes = WTFMove(popKeyframes); m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false; RefPtr rule = StyleRuleKeyframes::create(); for (size_t i = 0; i < keyframes->size(); ++i) rule->parserAppendKeyframe(keyframes->at(i)); rule->setName(name); processAndAddNewRuleToSourceTreeIfNeeded(); return rule; } RefPtr CSSParser::createStyleRule(Vector>* selectors) { RefPtr rule; if (selectors) { m_allowImportRules = false; m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false; rule = StyleRule::create(m_lastSelectorLineNumber, createStyleProperties()); rule->parserAdoptSelectorVector(*selectors); processAndAddNewRuleToSourceTreeIfNeeded(); } else popRuleData(); clearProperties(); return rule; } RefPtr CSSParser::createFontFaceRule() { m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_parsedProperties.size(); ++i) { CSSProperty& property = m_parsedProperties[i]; if (property.id() == CSSPropertyFontFamily && (!is(*property.value()) || downcast(*property.value()).length() != 1)) { // Unlike font-family property, font-family descriptor in @font-face rule // has to be a value list with exactly one family name. It cannot have a // have 'initial' value and cannot 'inherit' from parent. // See http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-fonts/#font-family-desc clearProperties(); popRuleData(); return nullptr; } } RefPtr rule = StyleRuleFontFace::create(createStyleProperties()); clearProperties(); processAndAddNewRuleToSourceTreeIfNeeded(); return rule; } void CSSParser::addNamespace(const AtomicString& prefix, const AtomicString& uri) { if (!m_styleSheet || !m_allowNamespaceDeclarations) return; m_allowImportRules = false; m_styleSheet->parserAddNamespace(prefix, uri); if (prefix.isEmpty() && !uri.isNull()) m_defaultNamespace = uri; } QualifiedName CSSParser::determineNameInNamespace(const AtomicString& prefix, const AtomicString& localName) { if (!m_styleSheet) return QualifiedName(prefix, localName, m_defaultNamespace); return QualifiedName(prefix, localName, m_styleSheet->determineNamespace(prefix)); } void CSSParser::rewriteSpecifiersWithNamespaceIfNeeded(CSSParserSelector& specifiers) { if (m_defaultNamespace != starAtom || specifiers.isCustomPseudoElement()) rewriteSpecifiersWithElementName(nullAtom, starAtom, specifiers, /*tagIsForNamespaceRule*/true); } void CSSParser::rewriteSpecifiersWithElementName(const AtomicString& namespacePrefix, const AtomicString& elementName, CSSParserSelector& specifiers, bool tagIsForNamespaceRule) { AtomicString determinedNamespace = namespacePrefix != nullAtom && m_styleSheet ? m_styleSheet->determineNamespace(namespacePrefix) : m_defaultNamespace; QualifiedName tag(namespacePrefix, elementName, determinedNamespace); if (!specifiers.isCustomPseudoElement()) { if (tag == anyQName()) return; if (!specifiers.isPseudoElementCueFunction()) specifiers.prependTagSelector(tag, tagIsForNamespaceRule); return; } CSSParserSelector* lastShadowDescendant = &specifiers; CSSParserSelector* history = &specifiers; while (history->tagHistory()) { history = history->tagHistory(); if (history->isCustomPseudoElement() || history->hasShadowDescendant()) lastShadowDescendant = history; } if (lastShadowDescendant->tagHistory()) { if (tag != anyQName()) lastShadowDescendant->tagHistory()->prependTagSelector(tag, tagIsForNamespaceRule); return; } // For shadow-ID pseudo-elements to be correctly matched, the ShadowDescendant combinator has to be used. // We therefore create a new Selector with that combinator here in any case, even if matching any (host) element in any namespace (i.e. '*'). lastShadowDescendant->setTagHistory(std::make_unique(tag)); lastShadowDescendant->setRelation(CSSSelector::ShadowDescendant); } std::unique_ptr CSSParser::rewriteSpecifiers(std::unique_ptr specifiers, std::unique_ptr newSpecifier) { if (newSpecifier->isCustomPseudoElement() || newSpecifier->isPseudoElementCueFunction()) { // Unknown pseudo element always goes at the top of selector chain. newSpecifier->appendTagHistory(CSSSelector::ShadowDescendant, WTFMove(specifiers)); return newSpecifier; } if (specifiers->isCustomPseudoElement()) { // Specifiers for unknown pseudo element go right behind it in the chain. specifiers->insertTagHistory(CSSSelector::SubSelector, WTFMove(newSpecifier), CSSSelector::ShadowDescendant); return specifiers; } specifiers->appendTagHistory(CSSSelector::SubSelector, WTFMove(newSpecifier)); return specifiers; } RefPtr CSSParser::createPageRule(std::unique_ptr pageSelector) { // FIXME: Margin at-rules are ignored. m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false; RefPtr rule; if (pageSelector) { rule = StyleRulePage::create(createStyleProperties()); Vector> selectorVector; selectorVector.append(WTFMove(pageSelector)); rule->parserAdoptSelectorVector(selectorVector); processAndAddNewRuleToSourceTreeIfNeeded(); } else popRuleData(); clearProperties(); return rule; } std::unique_ptr>> CSSParser::createSelectorVector() { if (m_recycledSelectorVector) { m_recycledSelectorVector->shrink(0); return WTFMove(m_recycledSelectorVector); } return std::make_unique>>(); } void CSSParser::recycleSelectorVector(std::unique_ptr>> vector) { if (vector && !m_recycledSelectorVector) m_recycledSelectorVector = WTFMove(vector); } RefPtr CSSParser::createRegionRule(Vector>* regionSelector, RuleList* rules) { if (!cssRegionsEnabled() || !regionSelector || !rules) { popRuleData(); return nullptr; } m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false; RefPtr regionRule = StyleRuleRegion::create(regionSelector, *rules); if (isExtractingSourceData()) addNewRuleToSourceTree(CSSRuleSourceData::createUnknown()); return regionRule; } void CSSParser::createMarginAtRule(CSSSelector::MarginBoxType /* marginBox */) { // FIXME: Implement margin at-rule here, using: // - marginBox: margin box // - m_parsedProperties: properties at [m_numParsedPropertiesBeforeMarginBox, m_parsedProperties.size()] are for this at-rule. // Don't forget to also update the action for page symbol in CSSGrammar.y such that margin at-rule data is cleared if page_selector is invalid. endDeclarationsForMarginBox(); } void CSSParser::startDeclarationsForMarginBox() { m_numParsedPropertiesBeforeMarginBox = m_parsedProperties.size(); } void CSSParser::endDeclarationsForMarginBox() { rollbackLastProperties(m_parsedProperties.size() - m_numParsedPropertiesBeforeMarginBox); m_numParsedPropertiesBeforeMarginBox = INVALID_NUM_PARSED_PROPERTIES; } RefPtr CSSParser::createKeyframe(CSSParserValueList& keys) { // Create a key string from the passed keys StringBuilder keyString; for (unsigned i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { // Just as per the comment below, we ignore keyframes with // invalid key values (plain numbers or unknown identifiers) // marked as CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_UNKNOWN during parsing. if (keys.valueAt(i)->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_UNKNOWN) { clearProperties(); return nullptr; } ASSERT(keys.valueAt(i)->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); float key = static_cast(keys.valueAt(i)->fValue); if (key < 0 || key > 100) { // As per http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-animations/#keyframes, // "If a keyframe selector specifies negative percentage values // or values higher than 100%, then the keyframe will be ignored." clearProperties(); return nullptr; } if (i != 0) keyString.append(','); keyString.appendNumber(key); keyString.append('%'); } RefPtr keyframe = StyleKeyframe::create(createStyleProperties()); keyframe->setKeyText(keyString.toString()); clearProperties(); return keyframe; } void CSSParser::invalidBlockHit() { if (m_styleSheet && !m_hadSyntacticallyValidCSSRule) m_styleSheet->setHasSyntacticallyValidCSSHeader(false); } void CSSParser::updateLastSelectorLineAndPosition() { m_lastSelectorLineNumber = m_lineNumber; } void CSSParser::updateLastMediaLine(MediaQuerySet* media) { media->setLastLine(m_lineNumber); } template static inline void fixUnparsedProperties(const CharacterType* characters, CSSRuleSourceData* ruleData) { Vector& propertyData = ruleData->styleSourceData->propertyData; unsigned size = propertyData.size(); if (!size) return; unsigned styleStart = ruleData->ruleBodyRange.start; CSSPropertySourceData* nextData = &(propertyData.at(0)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) { CSSPropertySourceData* currentData = nextData; nextData = i < size - 1 ? &(propertyData.at(i + 1)) : 0; if (currentData->parsedOk) continue; if (currentData->range.end > 0 && characters[styleStart + currentData->range.end - 1] == ';') continue; unsigned propertyEndInStyleSheet; if (!nextData) propertyEndInStyleSheet = ruleData->ruleBodyRange.end - 1; else propertyEndInStyleSheet = styleStart + nextData->range.start - 1; while (isHTMLSpace(characters[propertyEndInStyleSheet])) --propertyEndInStyleSheet; // propertyEndInStyleSheet points at the last property text character. unsigned newPropertyEnd = propertyEndInStyleSheet - styleStart + 1; // Exclusive of the last property text character. if (currentData->range.end != newPropertyEnd) { currentData->range.end = newPropertyEnd; unsigned valueStartInStyleSheet = styleStart + currentData->range.start + currentData->name.length(); while (valueStartInStyleSheet < propertyEndInStyleSheet && characters[valueStartInStyleSheet] != ':') ++valueStartInStyleSheet; if (valueStartInStyleSheet < propertyEndInStyleSheet) ++valueStartInStyleSheet; // Shift past the ':'. while (valueStartInStyleSheet < propertyEndInStyleSheet && isHTMLSpace(characters[valueStartInStyleSheet])) ++valueStartInStyleSheet; // Need to exclude the trailing ';' from the property value. currentData->value = String(characters + valueStartInStyleSheet, propertyEndInStyleSheet - valueStartInStyleSheet + (characters[propertyEndInStyleSheet] == ';' ? 0 : 1)); } } } void CSSParser::fixUnparsedPropertyRanges(CSSRuleSourceData* ruleData) { if (!ruleData->styleSourceData) return; if (is8BitSource()) { fixUnparsedProperties(m_dataStart8.get() + m_parsedTextPrefixLength, ruleData); return; } fixUnparsedProperties(m_dataStart16.get() + m_parsedTextPrefixLength, ruleData); } void CSSParser::markRuleHeaderStart(CSSRuleSourceData::Type ruleType) { if (!isExtractingSourceData()) return; // Pop off data for a previous invalid rule. if (m_currentRuleData) m_currentRuleDataStack->removeLast(); RefPtr data = CSSRuleSourceData::create(ruleType); data->ruleHeaderRange.start = tokenStartOffset(); m_currentRuleData = data; m_currentRuleDataStack->append(data.release()); } template inline void CSSParser::setRuleHeaderEnd(const CharacterType* dataStart) { CharacterType* listEnd = tokenStart(); while (listEnd > dataStart + 1) { if (isHTMLSpace(*(listEnd - 1))) --listEnd; else break; } m_currentRuleDataStack->last()->ruleHeaderRange.end = listEnd - dataStart; } void CSSParser::markRuleHeaderEnd() { if (!isExtractingSourceData()) return; ASSERT(!m_currentRuleDataStack->isEmpty()); if (is8BitSource()) setRuleHeaderEnd(m_dataStart8.get()); else setRuleHeaderEnd(m_dataStart16.get()); } void CSSParser::markSelectorStart() { if (!isExtractingSourceData() || m_nestedSelectorLevel) return; ASSERT(!m_selectorRange.end); m_selectorRange.start = tokenStartOffset(); } void CSSParser::markSelectorEnd() { if (!isExtractingSourceData() || m_nestedSelectorLevel) return; ASSERT(!m_selectorRange.end); ASSERT(m_currentRuleDataStack->size()); m_selectorRange.end = tokenStartOffset(); m_currentRuleDataStack->last()->selectorRanges.append(m_selectorRange); m_selectorRange.start = 0; m_selectorRange.end = 0; } void CSSParser::markRuleBodyStart() { if (!isExtractingSourceData()) return; m_currentRuleData = nullptr; unsigned offset = tokenStartOffset(); if (tokenStartChar() == '{') ++offset; // Skip the rule body opening brace. ASSERT(!m_currentRuleDataStack->isEmpty()); m_currentRuleDataStack->last()->ruleBodyRange.start = offset; } void CSSParser::markRuleBodyEnd() { // Precondition: (!isExtractingSourceData()) unsigned offset = tokenStartOffset(); ASSERT(!m_currentRuleDataStack->isEmpty()); m_currentRuleDataStack->last()->ruleBodyRange.end = offset; } void CSSParser::markPropertyStart() { m_ignoreErrorsInDeclaration = false; if (!isExtractingSourceData()) return; if (m_currentRuleDataStack->isEmpty() || !m_currentRuleDataStack->last()->styleSourceData) return; m_propertyRange.start = tokenStartOffset(); } void CSSParser::markPropertyEnd(bool isImportantFound, bool isPropertyParsed) { if (!isExtractingSourceData()) return; if (m_currentRuleDataStack->isEmpty() || !m_currentRuleDataStack->last()->styleSourceData) return; unsigned offset = tokenStartOffset(); if (tokenStartChar() == ';') // Include semicolon into the property text. ++offset; m_propertyRange.end = offset; if (m_propertyRange.start != UINT_MAX && !m_currentRuleDataStack->isEmpty()) { // This stuff is only executed when the style data retrieval is requested by client. const unsigned start = m_propertyRange.start; const unsigned end = m_propertyRange.end; ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(start < end); String propertyString; if (is8BitSource()) propertyString = String(m_dataStart8.get() + start, end - start).stripWhiteSpace(); else propertyString = String(m_dataStart16.get() + start, end - start).stripWhiteSpace(); if (propertyString.endsWith(';')) propertyString = propertyString.left(propertyString.length() - 1); size_t colonIndex = propertyString.find(':'); ASSERT(colonIndex != notFound); String name = propertyString.left(colonIndex).stripWhiteSpace(); String value = propertyString.substring(colonIndex + 1, propertyString.length()).stripWhiteSpace(); // The property range is relative to the declaration start offset. SourceRange& topRuleBodyRange = m_currentRuleDataStack->last()->ruleBodyRange; m_currentRuleDataStack->last()->styleSourceData->propertyData.append( CSSPropertySourceData(name, value, isImportantFound, isPropertyParsed, SourceRange(start - topRuleBodyRange.start, end - topRuleBodyRange.start))); } resetPropertyRange(); } #if ENABLE(CSS_DEVICE_ADAPTATION) PassRefPtr CSSParser::createViewportRule() { m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false; RefPtr rule = StyleRuleViewport::create(createStyleProperties()); clearProperties(); processAndAddNewRuleToSourceTreeIfNeeded(); return rule.release(); } bool CSSParser::parseViewportProperty(CSSPropertyID propId, bool important) { if (!m_valueList->current()) return false; ValueWithCalculation valueWithCalculation(*m_valueList->current()); CSSValueID id = valueWithCalculation.value().id; bool validPrimitive = false; switch (propId) { case CSSPropertyMinWidth: // auto | device-width | device-height | | case CSSPropertyMaxWidth: case CSSPropertyMinHeight: case CSSPropertyMaxHeight: if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueDeviceWidth || id == CSSValueDeviceHeight) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg)); break; case CSSPropertyWidth: // shorthand return parseViewportShorthand(propId, CSSPropertyMinWidth, CSSPropertyMaxWidth, important); case CSSPropertyHeight: return parseViewportShorthand(propId, CSSPropertyMinHeight, CSSPropertyMaxHeight, important); case CSSPropertyMinZoom: // auto | | case CSSPropertyMaxZoom: case CSSPropertyZoom: if (id == CSSValueAuto) validPrimitive = true; else validPrimitive = (!id && validateUnit(valueWithCalculation, FNumber | FPercent | FNonNeg)); break; case CSSPropertyUserZoom: // zoom | fixed if (id == CSSValueZoom || id == CSSValueFixed) validPrimitive = true; break; case CSSPropertyOrientation: // auto | portrait | landscape if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValuePortrait || id == CSSValueLandscape) validPrimitive = true; default: break; } RefPtr parsedValue; if (validPrimitive) { parsedValue = parseValidPrimitive(id, valueWithCalculation); m_valueList->next(); } if (parsedValue) { if (!m_valueList->current() || inShorthand()) { addProperty(propId, parsedValue.release(), important); return true; } } return false; } bool CSSParser::parseViewportShorthand(CSSPropertyID propId, CSSPropertyID first, CSSPropertyID second, bool important) { unsigned numValues = m_valueList->size(); if (numValues > 2) return false; ShorthandScope scope(this, propId); if (!parseViewportProperty(first, important)) return false; // If just one value is supplied, the second value // is implicitly initialized with the first value. if (numValues == 1) m_valueList->previous(); return parseViewportProperty(second, important); } #endif template static CSSPropertyID cssPropertyID(const CharacterType* propertyName, unsigned length) { char buffer[maxCSSPropertyNameLength + 1 + 1]; // 1 to turn "apple"/"khtml" into "webkit", 1 for null character for (unsigned i = 0; i != length; ++i) { CharacterType c = propertyName[i]; if (c == 0 || c >= 0x7F) return CSSPropertyInvalid; // illegal character buffer[i] = toASCIILower(c); } buffer[length] = '\0'; const char* name = buffer; if (buffer[0] == '-') { #if ENABLE(LEGACY_CSS_VENDOR_PREFIXES) // If the prefix is -apple- or -khtml-, change it to -webkit-. // This makes the string one character longer. if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().legacyCSSVendorPrefixesEnabled() && (hasPrefix(buffer, length, "-apple-") || hasPrefix(buffer, length, "-khtml-"))) { memmove(buffer + 7, buffer + 6, length + 1 - 6); memcpy(buffer, "-webkit", 7); ++length; } #endif #if PLATFORM(IOS) cssPropertyNameIOSAliasing(buffer, name, length); #endif } const Property* hashTableEntry = findProperty(name, length); return hashTableEntry ? static_cast(hashTableEntry->id) : CSSPropertyInvalid; } CSSPropertyID cssPropertyID(const String& string) { unsigned length = string.length(); if (!length) return CSSPropertyInvalid; if (length > maxCSSPropertyNameLength) return CSSPropertyInvalid; return string.is8Bit() ? cssPropertyID(string.characters8(), length) : cssPropertyID(string.characters16(), length); } CSSPropertyID cssPropertyID(const CSSParserString& string) { unsigned length = string.length(); if (!length) return CSSPropertyInvalid; if (length > maxCSSPropertyNameLength) return CSSPropertyInvalid; return string.is8Bit() ? cssPropertyID(string.characters8(), length) : cssPropertyID(string.characters16(), length); } #if PLATFORM(IOS) void cssPropertyNameIOSAliasing(const char* propertyName, const char*& propertyNameAlias, unsigned& newLength) { if (!strcmp(propertyName, "-webkit-hyphenate-locale")) { // Worked in iOS 4.2. static const char* const webkitLocale = "-webkit-locale"; propertyNameAlias = webkitLocale; newLength = strlen(webkitLocale); } } #endif static bool isAppleLegacyCssValueKeyword(const char* valueKeyword, unsigned length) { static const char* applePrefix = "-apple-"; static const char* appleSystemPrefix = "-apple-system"; static const char* appleWirelessPlaybackTargetActive = getValueName(CSSValueAppleWirelessPlaybackTargetActive); return hasPrefix(valueKeyword, length, applePrefix) && !hasPrefix(valueKeyword, length, appleSystemPrefix) && !WTF::equal(reinterpret_cast(valueKeyword), reinterpret_cast(appleWirelessPlaybackTargetActive), length); } template static CSSValueID cssValueKeywordID(const CharacterType* valueKeyword, unsigned length) { char buffer[maxCSSValueKeywordLength + 1 + 1]; // 1 to turn "apple"/"khtml" into "webkit", 1 for null character for (unsigned i = 0; i != length; ++i) { CharacterType c = valueKeyword[i]; if (c == 0 || c >= 0x7F) return CSSValueInvalid; // illegal keyword. buffer[i] = WTF::toASCIILower(c); } buffer[length] = '\0'; if (buffer[0] == '-') { // If the prefix is -apple- or -khtml-, change it to -webkit-. // This makes the string one character longer. // On iOS we don't want to change values starting with -apple-system to -webkit-system. // FIXME: Remove this mangling without breaking the web. if (isAppleLegacyCssValueKeyword(buffer, length) || hasPrefix(buffer, length, "-khtml-")) { memmove(buffer + 7, buffer + 6, length + 1 - 6); memcpy(buffer, "-webkit", 7); ++length; } } const Value* hashTableEntry = findValue(buffer, length); return hashTableEntry ? static_cast(hashTableEntry->id) : CSSValueInvalid; } CSSValueID cssValueKeywordID(const CSSParserString& string) { unsigned length = string.length(); if (!length) return CSSValueInvalid; if (length > maxCSSValueKeywordLength) return CSSValueInvalid; return string.is8Bit() ? cssValueKeywordID(string.characters8(), length) : cssValueKeywordID(string.characters16(), length); } template static inline bool isCSSTokenizerIdentifier(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length) { const CharacterType* end = characters + length; // -? if (characters != end && characters[0] == '-') ++characters; // {nmstart} if (characters == end || !(characters[0] == '_' || characters[0] >= 128 || isASCIIAlpha(characters[0]))) return false; ++characters; // {nmchar}* for (; characters != end; ++characters) { if (!(characters[0] == '_' || characters[0] == '-' || characters[0] >= 128 || isASCIIAlphanumeric(characters[0]))) return false; } return true; } // "ident" from the CSS tokenizer, minus backslash-escape sequences static bool isCSSTokenizerIdentifier(const String& string) { unsigned length = string.length(); if (!length) return false; if (string.is8Bit()) return isCSSTokenizerIdentifier(string.characters8(), length); return isCSSTokenizerIdentifier(string.characters16(), length); } template static inline bool isCSSTokenizerURL(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length) { const CharacterType* end = characters + length; for (; characters != end; ++characters) { CharacterType c = characters[0]; switch (c) { case '!': case '#': case '$': case '%': case '&': break; default: if (c < '*') return false; if (c <= '~') break; if (c < 128) return false; } } return true; } // "url" from the CSS tokenizer, minus backslash-escape sequences static bool isCSSTokenizerURL(const String& string) { unsigned length = string.length(); if (!length) return true; if (string.is8Bit()) return isCSSTokenizerURL(string.characters8(), length); return isCSSTokenizerURL(string.characters16(), length); } template static inline String quoteCSSStringInternal(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length) { // For efficiency, we first pre-calculate the length of the quoted string, then we build the actual one. // Please see below for the actual logic. unsigned quotedStringSize = 2; // Two quotes surrounding the entire string. bool afterEscape = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { CharacterType ch = characters[i]; if (ch == '\\' || ch == '\'') { quotedStringSize += 2; afterEscape = false; } else if (ch < 0x20 || ch == 0x7F) { quotedStringSize += 2 + (ch >= 0x10); afterEscape = true; } else { quotedStringSize += 1 + (afterEscape && (isASCIIHexDigit(ch) || ch == ' ')); afterEscape = false; } } StringBuffer buffer(quotedStringSize); unsigned index = 0; buffer[index++] = '\''; afterEscape = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { CharacterType ch = characters[i]; if (ch == '\\' || ch == '\'') { buffer[index++] = '\\'; buffer[index++] = ch; afterEscape = false; } else if (ch < 0x20 || ch == 0x7F) { // Control characters. buffer[index++] = '\\'; placeByteAsHexCompressIfPossible(ch, buffer, index, Lowercase); afterEscape = true; } else { // Space character may be required to separate backslash-escape sequence and normal characters. if (afterEscape && (isASCIIHexDigit(ch) || ch == ' ')) buffer[index++] = ' '; buffer[index++] = ch; afterEscape = false; } } buffer[index++] = '\''; ASSERT(quotedStringSize == index); return String::adopt(buffer); } // We use single quotes for now because markup.cpp uses double quotes. String quoteCSSString(const String& string) { // This function expands each character to at most 3 characters ('\u0010' -> '\' '1' '0') as well as adds // 2 quote characters (before and after). Make sure the resulting size (3 * length + 2) will not overflow unsigned. unsigned length = string.length(); if (!length) return String("\'\'"); if (length > std::numeric_limits::max() / 3 - 2) return emptyString(); if (string.is8Bit()) return quoteCSSStringInternal(string.characters8(), length); return quoteCSSStringInternal(string.characters16(), length); } String quoteCSSStringIfNeeded(const String& string) { return isCSSTokenizerIdentifier(string) ? string : quoteCSSString(string); } String quoteCSSURLIfNeeded(const String& string) { return isCSSTokenizerURL(string) ? string : quoteCSSString(string); } bool isValidNthToken(const CSSParserString& token) { // The tokenizer checks for the construct of an+b. // However, since the {ident} rule precedes the {nth} rule, some of those // tokens are identified as string literal. Furthermore we need to accept // "odd" and "even" which does not match to an+b. return equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(token, "odd") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(token, "even") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(token, "n") || equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(token, "-n"); } }