/* * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis * 1999 Lars Knoll * 1999 Antti Koivisto * 2000 Simon Hausmann * 2000 Stefan Schimanski <1Stein@gmx.de> * 2001 George Staikos * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2005 Alexey Proskuryakov * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) * Copyright (C) 2008 Eric Seidel * Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "AnimationController.h" #include "ApplyStyleCommand.h" #include "BackForwardController.h" #include "CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h" #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" #include "CachedCSSStyleSheet.h" #include "CachedResourceLoader.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "ChromeClient.h" #include "DOMWindow.h" #include "DocumentType.h" #include "Editor.h" #include "EditorClient.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "FloatQuad.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "FrameDestructionObserver.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameLoaderClient.h" #include "FrameSelection.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "GraphicsLayer.h" #include "HTMLDocument.h" #include "HTMLFormControlElement.h" #include "HTMLFormElement.h" #include "HTMLFrameElementBase.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLTableCellElement.h" #include "HTMLTableRowElement.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "ImageBuffer.h" #include "InspectorInstrumentation.h" #include "JSDOMWindowShell.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MainFrame.h" #include "MathMLNames.h" #include "MediaFeatureNames.h" #include "Navigator.h" #include "NodeList.h" #include "NodeTraversal.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PageCache.h" #include "PageGroup.h" #include "RenderLayerCompositor.h" #include "RenderTableCell.h" #include "RenderText.h" #include "RenderTextControl.h" #include "RenderTheme.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "RenderWidget.h" #include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h" #include "SVGDocument.h" #include "SVGDocumentExtensions.h" #include "SVGNames.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include "ScriptSourceCode.h" #include "ScrollingCoordinator.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "StyleProperties.h" #include "TextNodeTraversal.h" #include "TextResourceDecoder.h" #include "UserContentController.h" #include "UserContentURLPattern.h" #include "UserScript.h" #include "UserTypingGestureIndicator.h" #include "VisibleUnits.h" #include "WebKitFontFamilyNames.h" #include "XLinkNames.h" #include "XMLNSNames.h" #include "XMLNames.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include "markup.h" #include "npruntime_impl.h" #include "runtime_root.h" #include #include #include #include #if PLATFORM(IOS) #include "WKContentObservation.h" #endif namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; #if PLATFORM(IOS) const unsigned scrollFrequency = 1000 / 60; #endif DEFINE_DEBUG_ONLY_GLOBAL(WTF::RefCountedLeakCounter, frameCounter, ("Frame")); static inline Frame* parentFromOwnerElement(HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement) { if (!ownerElement) return 0; return ownerElement->document().frame(); } static inline float parentPageZoomFactor(Frame* frame) { Frame* parent = frame->tree().parent(); if (!parent) return 1; return parent->pageZoomFactor(); } static inline float parentTextZoomFactor(Frame* frame) { Frame* parent = frame->tree().parent(); if (!parent) return 1; return parent->textZoomFactor(); } Frame::Frame(Page& page, HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement, FrameLoaderClient& frameLoaderClient) : m_mainFrame(ownerElement ? page.mainFrame() : static_cast(*this)) , m_page(&page) , m_settings(&page.settings()) , m_treeNode(*this, parentFromOwnerElement(ownerElement)) , m_loader(*this, frameLoaderClient) , m_navigationScheduler(*this) , m_ownerElement(ownerElement) , m_script(std::make_unique(*this)) , m_editor(std::make_unique(*this)) , m_selection(std::make_unique(this)) , m_animationController(std::make_unique(*this)) #if PLATFORM(IOS) , m_overflowAutoScrollTimer(*this, &Frame::overflowAutoScrollTimerFired) , m_selectionChangeCallbacksDisabled(false) #endif , m_pageZoomFactor(parentPageZoomFactor(this)) , m_textZoomFactor(parentTextZoomFactor(this)) , m_activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspendedCount(0) , m_eventHandler(std::make_unique(*this)) { AtomicString::init(); HTMLNames::init(); QualifiedName::init(); MediaFeatureNames::init(); SVGNames::init(); XLinkNames::init(); MathMLNames::init(); XMLNSNames::init(); XMLNames::init(); WebKitFontFamilyNames::init(); if (ownerElement) { m_mainFrame.selfOnlyRef(); page.incrementSubframeCount(); ownerElement->setContentFrame(this); } #ifndef NDEBUG frameCounter.increment(); #endif // Pause future ActiveDOMObjects if this frame is being created while the page is in a paused state. Frame* parent = parentFromOwnerElement(ownerElement); if (parent && parent->activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspended()) suspendActiveDOMObjectsAndAnimations(); } Ref Frame::create(Page* page, HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement, FrameLoaderClient* client) { ASSERT(page); ASSERT(client); return adoptRef(*new Frame(*page, ownerElement, *client)); } Frame::~Frame() { setView(nullptr); loader().cancelAndClear(); // FIXME: We should not be doing all this work inside the destructor #ifndef NDEBUG frameCounter.decrement(); #endif disconnectOwnerElement(); while (auto* destructionObserver = m_destructionObservers.takeAny()) destructionObserver->frameDestroyed(); if (!isMainFrame()) m_mainFrame.selfOnlyDeref(); } void Frame::addDestructionObserver(FrameDestructionObserver* observer) { m_destructionObservers.add(observer); } void Frame::removeDestructionObserver(FrameDestructionObserver* observer) { m_destructionObservers.remove(observer); } void Frame::setView(RefPtr&& view) { // We the custom scroll bars as early as possible to prevent m_doc->detach() // from messing with the view such that its scroll bars won't be torn down. // FIXME: We should revisit this. if (m_view) m_view->prepareForDetach(); // Prepare for destruction now, so any unload event handlers get run and the DOMWindow is // notified. If we wait until the view is destroyed, then things won't be hooked up enough for // these calls to work. if (!view && m_doc && m_doc->pageCacheState() != Document::InPageCache) m_doc->prepareForDestruction(); if (m_view) m_view->unscheduleRelayout(); // This may be called during destruction, so need to do a null check. if (m_eventHandler) m_eventHandler->clear(); m_view = WTFMove(view); // Only one form submission is allowed per view of a part. // Since this part may be getting reused as a result of being // pulled from the back/forward cache, reset this flag. loader().resetMultipleFormSubmissionProtection(); } void Frame::setDocument(RefPtr&& newDocument) { ASSERT(!newDocument || newDocument->frame() == this); if (m_documentIsBeingReplaced) return; m_documentIsBeingReplaced = true; if (m_doc && m_doc->pageCacheState() != Document::InPageCache) m_doc->prepareForDestruction(); m_doc = newDocument.copyRef(); ASSERT(!m_doc || m_doc->domWindow()); ASSERT(!m_doc || m_doc->domWindow()->frame() == this); // Don't use m_doc because it can be overwritten and we want to guarantee // that the document is not destroyed during this function call. if (newDocument) newDocument->didBecomeCurrentDocumentInFrame(); InspectorInstrumentation::frameDocumentUpdated(this); m_documentIsBeingReplaced = false; } #if ENABLE(ORIENTATION_EVENTS) void Frame::orientationChanged() { Vector> frames; for (Frame* frame = this; frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) frames.append(*frame); for (auto& frame : frames) { if (Document* document = frame->document()) document->dispatchWindowEvent(Event::create(eventNames().orientationchangeEvent, false, false)); } } int Frame::orientation() const { if (m_page) return m_page->chrome().client().deviceOrientation(); return 0; } #endif // ENABLE(ORIENTATION_EVENTS) static JSC::Yarr::RegularExpression createRegExpForLabels(const Vector& labels) { // REVIEW- version of this call in FrameMac.mm caches based on the NSArray ptrs being // the same across calls. We can't do that. static NeverDestroyed wordRegExp("\\w", TextCaseSensitive); StringBuilder pattern; pattern.append('('); unsigned int numLabels = labels.size(); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < numLabels; i++) { String label = labels[i]; bool startsWithWordChar = false; bool endsWithWordChar = false; if (label.length()) { startsWithWordChar = wordRegExp.get().match(label.substring(0, 1)) >= 0; endsWithWordChar = wordRegExp.get().match(label.substring(label.length() - 1, 1)) >= 0; } if (i) pattern.append('|'); // Search for word boundaries only if label starts/ends with "word characters". // If we always searched for word boundaries, this wouldn't work for languages // such as Japanese. if (startsWithWordChar) pattern.appendLiteral("\\b"); pattern.append(label); if (endsWithWordChar) pattern.appendLiteral("\\b"); } pattern.append(')'); return JSC::Yarr::RegularExpression(pattern.toString(), TextCaseInsensitive); } String Frame::searchForLabelsAboveCell(const JSC::Yarr::RegularExpression& regExp, HTMLTableCellElement* cell, size_t* resultDistanceFromStartOfCell) { HTMLTableCellElement* aboveCell = cell->cellAbove(); if (aboveCell) { // search within the above cell we found for a match size_t lengthSearched = 0; for (Text* textNode = TextNodeTraversal::firstWithin(*aboveCell); textNode; textNode = TextNodeTraversal::next(*textNode, aboveCell)) { if (!textNode->renderer() || textNode->renderer()->style().visibility() != VISIBLE) continue; // For each text chunk, run the regexp String nodeString = textNode->data(); int pos = regExp.searchRev(nodeString); if (pos >= 0) { if (resultDistanceFromStartOfCell) *resultDistanceFromStartOfCell = lengthSearched; return nodeString.substring(pos, regExp.matchedLength()); } lengthSearched += nodeString.length(); } } // Any reason in practice to search all cells in that are above cell? if (resultDistanceFromStartOfCell) *resultDistanceFromStartOfCell = notFound; return String(); } // FIXME: This should take an Element&. String Frame::searchForLabelsBeforeElement(const Vector& labels, Element* element, size_t* resultDistance, bool* resultIsInCellAbove) { ASSERT(element); JSC::Yarr::RegularExpression regExp = createRegExpForLabels(labels); // We stop searching after we've seen this many chars const unsigned int charsSearchedThreshold = 500; // This is the absolute max we search. We allow a little more slop than // charsSearchedThreshold, to make it more likely that we'll search whole nodes. const unsigned int maxCharsSearched = 600; // If the starting element is within a table, the cell that contains it HTMLTableCellElement* startingTableCell = nullptr; bool searchedCellAbove = false; if (resultDistance) *resultDistance = notFound; if (resultIsInCellAbove) *resultIsInCellAbove = false; // walk backwards in the node tree, until another element, or form, or end of tree int unsigned lengthSearched = 0; Node* n; for (n = NodeTraversal::previous(*element); n && lengthSearched < charsSearchedThreshold; n = NodeTraversal::previous(*n)) { // We hit another form element or the start of the form - bail out if (is(*n) || is(*n)) break; if (n->hasTagName(tdTag) && !startingTableCell) startingTableCell = downcast(n); else if (is(*n) && startingTableCell) { String result = searchForLabelsAboveCell(regExp, startingTableCell, resultDistance); if (!result.isEmpty()) { if (resultIsInCellAbove) *resultIsInCellAbove = true; return result; } searchedCellAbove = true; } else if (n->isTextNode() && n->renderer() && n->renderer()->style().visibility() == VISIBLE) { // For each text chunk, run the regexp String nodeString = n->nodeValue(); // add 100 for slop, to make it more likely that we'll search whole nodes if (lengthSearched + nodeString.length() > maxCharsSearched) nodeString = nodeString.right(charsSearchedThreshold - lengthSearched); int pos = regExp.searchRev(nodeString); if (pos >= 0) { if (resultDistance) *resultDistance = lengthSearched; return nodeString.substring(pos, regExp.matchedLength()); } lengthSearched += nodeString.length(); } } // If we started in a cell, but bailed because we found the start of the form or the // previous element, we still might need to search the row above us for a label. if (startingTableCell && !searchedCellAbove) { String result = searchForLabelsAboveCell(regExp, startingTableCell, resultDistance); if (!result.isEmpty()) { if (resultIsInCellAbove) *resultIsInCellAbove = true; return result; } } return String(); } static String matchLabelsAgainstString(const Vector& labels, const String& stringToMatch) { if (stringToMatch.isEmpty()) return String(); String mutableStringToMatch = stringToMatch; // Make numbers and _'s in field names behave like word boundaries, e.g., "address2" replace(mutableStringToMatch, JSC::Yarr::RegularExpression("\\d", TextCaseSensitive), " "); mutableStringToMatch.replace('_', ' '); JSC::Yarr::RegularExpression regExp = createRegExpForLabels(labels); // Use the largest match we can find in the whole string int pos; int length; int bestPos = -1; int bestLength = -1; int start = 0; do { pos = regExp.match(mutableStringToMatch, start); if (pos != -1) { length = regExp.matchedLength(); if (length >= bestLength) { bestPos = pos; bestLength = length; } start = pos + 1; } } while (pos != -1); if (bestPos != -1) return mutableStringToMatch.substring(bestPos, bestLength); return String(); } String Frame::matchLabelsAgainstElement(const Vector& labels, Element* element) { // Match against the name element, then against the id element if no match is found for the name element. // See 7538330 for one popular site that benefits from the id element check. // FIXME: This code is mirrored in FrameMac.mm. It would be nice to make the Mac code call the platform-agnostic // code, which would require converting the NSArray of NSStrings to a Vector of Strings somewhere along the way. String resultFromNameAttribute = matchLabelsAgainstString(labels, element->getNameAttribute()); if (!resultFromNameAttribute.isEmpty()) return resultFromNameAttribute; return matchLabelsAgainstString(labels, element->fastGetAttribute(idAttr)); } #if PLATFORM(IOS) void Frame::scrollOverflowLayer(RenderLayer* layer, const IntRect& visibleRect, const IntRect& exposeRect) { if (!layer) return; RenderBox* box = layer->renderBox(); if (!box) return; if (visibleRect.intersects(exposeRect)) return; // FIXME: Why isn't this just calling RenderLayer::scrollRectToVisible()? ScrollOffset scrollOffset = layer->scrollOffset(); int exposeLeft = exposeRect.x(); int exposeRight = exposeLeft + exposeRect.width(); int clientWidth = roundToInt(box->clientWidth()); if (exposeLeft <= 0) scrollOffset.setX(std::max(0, scrollOffset.x() + exposeLeft - clientWidth / 2)); else if (exposeRight >= clientWidth) scrollOffset.setX(std::min(box->scrollWidth() - clientWidth, scrollOffset.x() + clientWidth / 2)); int exposeTop = exposeRect.y(); int exposeBottom = exposeTop + exposeRect.height(); int clientHeight = roundToInt(box->clientHeight()); if (exposeTop <= 0) scrollOffset.setY(std::max(0, scrollOffset.y() + exposeTop - clientHeight / 2)); else if (exposeBottom >= clientHeight) scrollOffset.setY(std::min(box->scrollHeight() - clientHeight, scrollOffset.y() + clientHeight / 2)); layer->scrollToOffset(scrollOffset); selection().setCaretRectNeedsUpdate(); selection().updateAppearance(); } void Frame::overflowAutoScrollTimerFired() { if (!eventHandler().mousePressed() || checkOverflowScroll(PerformOverflowScroll) == OverflowScrollNone) { if (m_overflowAutoScrollTimer.isActive()) m_overflowAutoScrollTimer.stop(); } } void Frame::startOverflowAutoScroll(const IntPoint& mousePosition) { m_overflowAutoScrollPos = mousePosition; if (m_overflowAutoScrollTimer.isActive()) return; if (checkOverflowScroll(DoNotPerformOverflowScroll) == OverflowScrollNone) return; m_overflowAutoScrollTimer.startRepeating(scrollFrequency); m_overflowAutoScrollDelta = 3; } int Frame::checkOverflowScroll(OverflowScrollAction action) { Position extent = selection().selection().extent(); if (extent.isNull()) return OverflowScrollNone; RenderObject* renderer = extent.deprecatedNode()->renderer(); if (!renderer) return OverflowScrollNone; FrameView* view = this->view(); if (!view) return OverflowScrollNone; RenderBlock* containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock(); if (!containingBlock || !containingBlock->hasOverflowClip()) return OverflowScrollNone; RenderLayer* layer = containingBlock->layer(); ASSERT(layer); IntRect visibleRect = IntRect(view->scrollX(), view->scrollY(), view->visibleWidth(), view->visibleHeight()); IntPoint position = m_overflowAutoScrollPos; if (visibleRect.contains(position.x(), position.y())) return OverflowScrollNone; int scrollType = 0; int deltaX = 0; int deltaY = 0; IntPoint selectionPosition; // This constant will make the selection draw a little bit beyond the edge of the visible area. // This prevents a visual glitch, in that you can fail to select a portion of a character that // is being rendered right at the edge of the visible rectangle. // FIXME: This probably needs improvement, and may need to take the font size into account. static const int scrollBoundsAdjustment = 3; // FIXME: Make a small buffer at the end of a visible rectangle so that autoscrolling works // even if the visible extends to the limits of the screen. if (position.x() < visibleRect.x()) { scrollType |= OverflowScrollLeft; if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) { deltaX -= static_cast(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta); selectionPosition.setX(view->scrollX() - scrollBoundsAdjustment); } } else if (position.x() > visibleRect.maxX()) { scrollType |= OverflowScrollRight; if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) { deltaX += static_cast(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta); selectionPosition.setX(view->scrollX() + view->visibleWidth() + scrollBoundsAdjustment); } } if (position.y() < visibleRect.y()) { scrollType |= OverflowScrollUp; if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) { deltaY -= static_cast(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta); selectionPosition.setY(view->scrollY() - scrollBoundsAdjustment); } } else if (position.y() > visibleRect.maxY()) { scrollType |= OverflowScrollDown; if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) { deltaY += static_cast(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta); selectionPosition.setY(view->scrollY() + view->visibleHeight() + scrollBoundsAdjustment); } } Ref protectedThis(*this); if (action == PerformOverflowScroll && (deltaX || deltaY)) { layer->scrollToOffset(layer->scrollOffset() + IntSize(deltaX, deltaY)); // Handle making selection. VisiblePosition visiblePosition(renderer->positionForPoint(selectionPosition, nullptr)); if (visiblePosition.isNotNull()) { VisibleSelection visibleSelection = selection().selection(); visibleSelection.setExtent(visiblePosition); if (selection().granularity() != CharacterGranularity) visibleSelection.expandUsingGranularity(selection().granularity()); if (selection().shouldChangeSelection(visibleSelection)) selection().setSelection(visibleSelection); } m_overflowAutoScrollDelta *= 1.02f; // Accelerate the scroll } return scrollType; } void Frame::setSelectionChangeCallbacksDisabled(bool selectionChangeCallbacksDisabled) { m_selectionChangeCallbacksDisabled = selectionChangeCallbacksDisabled; } bool Frame::selectionChangeCallbacksDisabled() const { return m_selectionChangeCallbacksDisabled; } #endif // PLATFORM(IOS) void Frame::setPrinting(bool printing, const FloatSize& pageSize, const FloatSize& originalPageSize, float maximumShrinkRatio, AdjustViewSizeOrNot shouldAdjustViewSize) { // In setting printing, we should not validate resources already cached for the document. // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43704 ResourceCacheValidationSuppressor validationSuppressor(m_doc->cachedResourceLoader()); m_doc->setPrinting(printing); view()->adjustMediaTypeForPrinting(printing); m_doc->styleResolverChanged(RecalcStyleImmediately); if (shouldUsePrintingLayout()) { view()->forceLayoutForPagination(pageSize, originalPageSize, maximumShrinkRatio, shouldAdjustViewSize); } else { view()->forceLayout(); if (shouldAdjustViewSize == AdjustViewSize) view()->adjustViewSize(); } // Subframes of the one we're printing don't lay out to the page size. for (RefPtr child = tree().firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling()) child->setPrinting(printing, FloatSize(), FloatSize(), 0, shouldAdjustViewSize); } bool Frame::shouldUsePrintingLayout() const { // Only top frame being printed should be fit to page size. // Subframes should be constrained by parents only. return m_doc->printing() && (!tree().parent() || !tree().parent()->m_doc->printing()); } FloatSize Frame::resizePageRectsKeepingRatio(const FloatSize& originalSize, const FloatSize& expectedSize) { FloatSize resultSize; if (!contentRenderer()) return FloatSize(); if (contentRenderer()->style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) { ASSERT(fabs(originalSize.width()) > std::numeric_limits::epsilon()); float ratio = originalSize.height() / originalSize.width(); resultSize.setWidth(floorf(expectedSize.width())); resultSize.setHeight(floorf(resultSize.width() * ratio)); } else { ASSERT(fabs(originalSize.height()) > std::numeric_limits::epsilon()); float ratio = originalSize.width() / originalSize.height(); resultSize.setHeight(floorf(expectedSize.height())); resultSize.setWidth(floorf(resultSize.height() * ratio)); } return resultSize; } void Frame::injectUserScripts(UserScriptInjectionTime injectionTime) { if (!m_page) return; if (loader().stateMachine().creatingInitialEmptyDocument() && !settings().shouldInjectUserScriptsInInitialEmptyDocument()) return; const auto* userContentController = m_page->userContentController(); if (!userContentController) return; // Walk the hashtable. Inject by world. const UserScriptMap* userScripts = userContentController->userScripts(); if (!userScripts) return; for (const auto& worldAndUserScript : *userScripts) injectUserScriptsForWorld(*worldAndUserScript.key, *worldAndUserScript.value, injectionTime); } void Frame::injectUserScriptsForWorld(DOMWrapperWorld& world, const UserScriptVector& userScripts, UserScriptInjectionTime injectionTime) { if (userScripts.isEmpty()) return; Document* doc = document(); if (!doc) return; for (auto& script : userScripts) { if (script->injectedFrames() == InjectInTopFrameOnly && ownerElement()) continue; if (script->injectionTime() == injectionTime && UserContentURLPattern::matchesPatterns(doc->url(), script->whitelist(), script->blacklist())) m_script->evaluateInWorld(ScriptSourceCode(script->source(), script->url()), world); } } RenderView* Frame::contentRenderer() const { return document() ? document()->renderView() : nullptr; } RenderWidget* Frame::ownerRenderer() const { HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement = m_ownerElement; if (!ownerElement) return nullptr; auto* object = ownerElement->renderer(); if (!object) return nullptr; // FIXME: If is ever fixed to disassociate itself from frames // that it has started but canceled, then this can turn into an ASSERT // since m_ownerElement would be 0 when the load is canceled. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18585 if (!is(*object)) return nullptr; return downcast(object); } Frame* Frame::frameForWidget(const Widget* widget) { ASSERT_ARG(widget, widget); if (RenderWidget* renderer = RenderWidget::find(widget)) return renderer->frameOwnerElement().document().frame(); // Assume all widgets are either a FrameView or owned by a RenderWidget. // FIXME: That assumption is not right for scroll bars! return &downcast(*widget).frame(); } void Frame::clearTimers(FrameView *view, Document *document) { if (view) { view->unscheduleRelayout(); view->frame().animation().suspendAnimationsForDocument(document); view->frame().eventHandler().stopAutoscrollTimer(); } } void Frame::clearTimers() { clearTimers(m_view.get(), document()); } void Frame::willDetachPage() { if (Frame* parent = tree().parent()) parent->loader().checkLoadComplete(); for (auto& observer : m_destructionObservers) observer->willDetachPage(); // FIXME: It's unclear as to why this is called more than once, but it is, // so page() could be NULL. if (page() && page()->focusController().focusedFrame() == this) page()->focusController().setFocusedFrame(nullptr); if (page() && page()->scrollingCoordinator() && m_view) page()->scrollingCoordinator()->willDestroyScrollableArea(*m_view); #if PLATFORM(IOS) if (WebThreadCountOfObservedContentModifiers() > 0 && m_page) m_page->chrome().client().clearContentChangeObservers(this); #endif script().clearScriptObjects(); script().updatePlatformScriptObjects(); } void Frame::disconnectOwnerElement() { if (m_ownerElement) { m_ownerElement->clearContentFrame(); if (m_page) m_page->decrementSubframeCount(); } m_ownerElement = nullptr; } String Frame::displayStringModifiedByEncoding(const String& str) const { return document() ? document()->displayStringModifiedByEncoding(str) : str; } VisiblePosition Frame::visiblePositionForPoint(const IntPoint& framePoint) const { HitTestResult result = eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(framePoint, HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active); Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode(); if (!node) return VisiblePosition(); auto renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer) return VisiblePosition(); VisiblePosition visiblePos = renderer->positionForPoint(result.localPoint(), nullptr); if (visiblePos.isNull()) visiblePos = firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node); return visiblePos; } Document* Frame::documentAtPoint(const IntPoint& point) { if (!view()) return 0; IntPoint pt = view()->windowToContents(point); HitTestResult result = HitTestResult(pt); if (contentRenderer()) result = eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(pt); return result.innerNode() ? &result.innerNode()->document() : 0; } RefPtr Frame::rangeForPoint(const IntPoint& framePoint) { VisiblePosition position = visiblePositionForPoint(framePoint); if (position.isNull()) return nullptr; Position deepPosition = position.deepEquivalent(); Text* containerText = deepPosition.containerText(); if (!containerText || !containerText->renderer() || containerText->renderer()->style().userSelect() == SELECT_NONE) return nullptr; VisiblePosition previous = position.previous(); if (previous.isNotNull()) { RefPtr previousCharacterRange = makeRange(previous, position); LayoutRect rect = editor().firstRectForRange(previousCharacterRange.get()); if (rect.contains(framePoint)) return previousCharacterRange; } VisiblePosition next = position.next(); if (RefPtr nextCharacterRange = makeRange(position, next)) { LayoutRect rect = editor().firstRectForRange(nextCharacterRange.get()); if (rect.contains(framePoint)) return nextCharacterRange; } return nullptr; } void Frame::createView(const IntSize& viewportSize, const Color& backgroundColor, bool transparent, const IntSize& fixedLayoutSize, const IntRect& fixedVisibleContentRect, bool useFixedLayout, ScrollbarMode horizontalScrollbarMode, bool horizontalLock, ScrollbarMode verticalScrollbarMode, bool verticalLock) { ASSERT(m_page); bool isMainFrame = this->isMainFrame(); if (isMainFrame && view()) view()->setParentVisible(false); setView(nullptr); RefPtr frameView; if (isMainFrame) { frameView = FrameView::create(*this, viewportSize); frameView->setFixedLayoutSize(fixedLayoutSize); #if USE(COORDINATED_GRAPHICS) frameView->setFixedVisibleContentRect(fixedVisibleContentRect); #else UNUSED_PARAM(fixedVisibleContentRect); #endif frameView->setUseFixedLayout(useFixedLayout); } else frameView = FrameView::create(*this); frameView->setScrollbarModes(horizontalScrollbarMode, verticalScrollbarMode, horizontalLock, verticalLock); setView(frameView.copyRef()); if (backgroundColor.isValid()) frameView->updateBackgroundRecursively(backgroundColor, transparent); if (isMainFrame) frameView->setParentVisible(true); if (ownerRenderer()) ownerRenderer()->setWidget(frameView); if (HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner = ownerElement()) view()->setCanHaveScrollbars(owner->scrollingMode() != ScrollbarAlwaysOff); } String Frame::layerTreeAsText(LayerTreeFlags flags) const { document()->updateLayout(); if (!contentRenderer()) return String(); return contentRenderer()->compositor().layerTreeAsText(flags); } String Frame::trackedRepaintRectsAsText() const { if (!m_view) return String(); return m_view->trackedRepaintRectsAsText(); } void Frame::setPageZoomFactor(float factor) { setPageAndTextZoomFactors(factor, m_textZoomFactor); } void Frame::setTextZoomFactor(float factor) { setPageAndTextZoomFactors(m_pageZoomFactor, factor); } void Frame::setPageAndTextZoomFactors(float pageZoomFactor, float textZoomFactor) { if (m_pageZoomFactor == pageZoomFactor && m_textZoomFactor == textZoomFactor) return; Page* page = this->page(); if (!page) return; Document* document = this->document(); if (!document) return; m_editor->dismissCorrectionPanelAsIgnored(); // Respect SVGs zoomAndPan="disabled" property in standalone SVG documents. // FIXME: How to handle compound documents + zoomAndPan="disabled"? Needs SVG WG clarification. if (is(*document) && !downcast(*document).zoomAndPanEnabled()) return; if (m_pageZoomFactor != pageZoomFactor) { if (FrameView* view = this->view()) { // Update the scroll position when doing a full page zoom, so the content stays in relatively the same position. LayoutPoint scrollPosition = view->scrollPosition(); float percentDifference = (pageZoomFactor / m_pageZoomFactor); view->setScrollPosition(IntPoint(scrollPosition.x() * percentDifference, scrollPosition.y() * percentDifference)); } } m_pageZoomFactor = pageZoomFactor; m_textZoomFactor = textZoomFactor; document->recalcStyle(Style::Force); for (RefPtr child = tree().firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling()) child->setPageAndTextZoomFactors(m_pageZoomFactor, m_textZoomFactor); if (FrameView* view = this->view()) { if (document->renderView() && document->renderView()->needsLayout() && view->didFirstLayout()) view->layout(); } } float Frame::frameScaleFactor() const { Page* page = this->page(); // Main frame is scaled with respect to he container but inner frames are not scaled with respect to the main frame. if (!page || &page->mainFrame() != this || settings().delegatesPageScaling()) return 1; return page->pageScaleFactor(); } void Frame::suspendActiveDOMObjectsAndAnimations() { bool wasSuspended = activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspended(); m_activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspendedCount++; if (wasSuspended) return; // FIXME: Suspend/resume calls will not match if the frame is navigated, and gets a new document. clearTimers(); // Suspends animations and pending relayouts. if (m_doc) m_doc->suspendScheduledTasks(ActiveDOMObject::PageWillBeSuspended); } void Frame::resumeActiveDOMObjectsAndAnimations() { if (!activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspended()) return; m_activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspendedCount--; if (activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspended()) return; if (!m_doc) return; // FIXME: Suspend/resume calls will not match if the frame is navigated, and gets a new document. m_doc->resumeScheduledTasks(ActiveDOMObject::PageWillBeSuspended); // Frame::clearTimers() suspended animations and pending relayouts. animation().resumeAnimationsForDocument(m_doc.get()); if (m_view) m_view->scheduleRelayout(); } void Frame::deviceOrPageScaleFactorChanged() { for (RefPtr child = tree().firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling()) child->deviceOrPageScaleFactorChanged(); if (RenderView* root = contentRenderer()) root->compositor().deviceOrPageScaleFactorChanged(); } bool Frame::isURLAllowed(const URL& url) const { // We allow one level of self-reference because some sites depend on that, // but we don't allow more than one. if (m_page->subframeCount() >= Page::maxNumberOfFrames) return false; bool foundSelfReference = false; for (const Frame* frame = this; frame; frame = frame->tree().parent()) { if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(frame->document()->url(), url)) { if (foundSelfReference) return false; foundSelfReference = true; } } return true; } } // namespace WebCore