/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora, Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef PlatformKeyboardEvent_h #define PlatformKeyboardEvent_h #include "KeypressCommand.h" #include "PlatformEvent.h" #include #include #if PLATFORM(COCOA) #include OBJC_CLASS NSEvent; #endif #if PLATFORM(IOS) OBJC_CLASS WebEvent; #endif #if PLATFORM(GTK) typedef struct _GdkEventKey GdkEventKey; #include "CompositionResults.h" #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QKeyEvent; QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif #if PLATFORM(EFL) typedef struct _Evas_Event_Key_Down Evas_Event_Key_Down; typedef struct _Evas_Event_Key_Up Evas_Event_Key_Up; #endif namespace WebCore { class PlatformKeyboardEvent : public PlatformEvent { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: PlatformKeyboardEvent() : PlatformEvent(PlatformEvent::KeyDown) , m_windowsVirtualKeyCode(0) , m_nativeVirtualKeyCode(0) , m_macCharCode(0) #if USE(APPKIT) || PLATFORM(GTK) , m_handledByInputMethod(false) #endif , m_autoRepeat(false) , m_isKeypad(false) , m_isSystemKey(false) #if PLATFORM(GTK) , m_gdkEventKey(0) #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) , m_qtEvent(0) , m_useNativeVirtualKeyAsDOMKey(false) #endif { } PlatformKeyboardEvent(Type type, const String& text, const String& unmodifiedText, const String& keyIdentifier, int windowsVirtualKeyCode, int nativeVirtualKeyCode, int macCharCode, bool isAutoRepeat, bool isKeypad, bool isSystemKey, Modifiers modifiers, double timestamp) : PlatformEvent(type, modifiers, timestamp) , m_text(text) , m_unmodifiedText(unmodifiedText) , m_keyIdentifier(keyIdentifier) , m_windowsVirtualKeyCode(windowsVirtualKeyCode) , m_nativeVirtualKeyCode(nativeVirtualKeyCode) , m_macCharCode(macCharCode) #if USE(APPKIT) || PLATFORM(GTK) , m_handledByInputMethod(false) #endif , m_autoRepeat(isAutoRepeat) , m_isKeypad(isKeypad) , m_isSystemKey(isSystemKey) { } WEBCORE_EXPORT void disambiguateKeyDownEvent(Type, bool backwardCompatibilityMode = false); // Only used on platforms that need it, i.e. those that generate KeyDown events. // Text as as generated by processing a virtual key code with a keyboard layout // (in most cases, just a character code, but the layout can emit several // characters in a single keypress event on some platforms). // This may bear no resemblance to the ultimately inserted text if an input method // processes the input. // Will be null for KeyUp and RawKeyDown events. String text() const { return m_text; } // Text that would have been generated by the keyboard if no modifiers were pressed // (except for Shift); useful for shortcut (accelerator) key handling. // Otherwise, same as text(). String unmodifiedText() const { return m_unmodifiedText; } String keyIdentifier() const { return m_keyIdentifier; } // Most compatible Windows virtual key code associated with the event. // Zero for Char events. int windowsVirtualKeyCode() const { return m_windowsVirtualKeyCode; } void setWindowsVirtualKeyCode(int code) { m_windowsVirtualKeyCode = code; } int nativeVirtualKeyCode() const { return m_nativeVirtualKeyCode; } int macCharCode() const { return m_macCharCode; } #if USE(APPKIT) || PLATFORM(GTK) bool handledByInputMethod() const { return m_handledByInputMethod; } #endif #if USE(APPKIT) const Vector& commands() const { return m_commands; } #elif PLATFORM(GTK) const Vector& commands() const { return m_commands; } #endif bool isAutoRepeat() const { return m_autoRepeat; } bool isKeypad() const { return m_isKeypad; } bool isSystemKey() const { return m_isSystemKey; } static bool currentCapsLockState(); static void getCurrentModifierState(bool& shiftKey, bool& ctrlKey, bool& altKey, bool& metaKey); #if PLATFORM(COCOA) #if !PLATFORM(IOS) NSEvent* macEvent() const { return m_macEvent.get(); } #else WebEvent *event() const { return m_Event.get(); } #endif #endif #if PLATFORM(WIN) PlatformKeyboardEvent(HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM, Type, bool); #endif #if PLATFORM(GTK) PlatformKeyboardEvent(GdkEventKey*, const CompositionResults&); GdkEventKey* gdkEventKey() const { return m_gdkEventKey; } const CompositionResults& compositionResults() const { return m_compositionResults; } // Used by WebKit2 static String keyIdentifierForGdkKeyCode(unsigned); static int windowsKeyCodeForGdkKeyCode(unsigned); static String singleCharacterString(unsigned); #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) PlatformKeyboardEvent(QKeyEvent*, bool); QKeyEvent* qtEvent() const { return m_qtEvent; } uint32_t nativeModifiers() const; uint32_t nativeScanCode() const; #endif #if PLATFORM(EFL) explicit PlatformKeyboardEvent(const Evas_Event_Key_Down*); explicit PlatformKeyboardEvent(const Evas_Event_Key_Up*); #endif protected: String m_text; String m_unmodifiedText; String m_keyIdentifier; int m_windowsVirtualKeyCode; int m_nativeVirtualKeyCode; int m_macCharCode; #if USE(APPKIT) || PLATFORM(GTK) bool m_handledByInputMethod; #endif #if USE(APPKIT) Vector m_commands; #elif PLATFORM(GTK) Vector m_commands; #endif bool m_autoRepeat; bool m_isKeypad; bool m_isSystemKey; #if PLATFORM(COCOA) #if !PLATFORM(IOS) RetainPtr m_macEvent; #else RetainPtr m_Event; #endif #endif #if PLATFORM(GTK) GdkEventKey* m_gdkEventKey; CompositionResults m_compositionResults; #endif #if PLATFORM(QT) QKeyEvent* m_qtEvent; bool m_useNativeVirtualKeyAsDOMKey; #endif }; #if PLATFORM(QT) // Used by WebKit2. String keyIdentifierForQtKeyCode(int keyCode); int windowsKeyCodeForKeyEvent(unsigned int keycode, bool isKeypad = false); #endif } // namespace WebCore #endif // PlatformKeyboardEvent_h