/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef QWebPageAdapter_h #define QWebPageAdapter_h #include "QWebPageClient.h" #include "qwebelement.h" #include "qwebhistory.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QBitArray; class QKeyEvent; class QMimeData; class QMouseEvent; class QNetworkAccessManager; class QWheelEvent; class QInputMethodEvent; QT_END_NAMESPACE namespace WebCore { class ChromeClientQt; class DeviceOrientationClient; class DeviceMotionClient; class GeolocationClientQt; class Page; class UndoStep; struct ViewportArguments; } class QtPluginWidgetAdapter; class QWebFrameAdapter; class QWebFullScreenRequest; class QWebHistoryItem; class QWebHitTestResultPrivate; class QWebPageClient; class QWebPluginFactory; class QWebSecurityOrigin; class QWebSelectMethod; class QWebSettings; class QWebFullScreenVideoHandler; class UndoStepQt; class QWEBKIT_EXPORT QWebPageAdapter { public: #define FOR_EACH_MAPPED_MENU_ACTION(F, SEPARATOR) \ F(OpenLink, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagOpenLink) SEPARATOR \ F(OpenLinkInNewWindow, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagOpenLinkInNewWindow) SEPARATOR \ F(OpenLinkInThisWindow, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagOpenLinkInThisWindow) SEPARATOR \ F(DownloadLinkToDisk, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagDownloadLinkToDisk) SEPARATOR \ F(CopyLinkToClipboard, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagCopyLinkToClipboard) SEPARATOR \ F(OpenImageInNewWindow, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagOpenImageInNewWindow) SEPARATOR \ F(DownloadImageToDisk, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagDownloadImageToDisk) SEPARATOR \ F(CopyImageToClipboard, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagCopyImageToClipboard) SEPARATOR \ F(CopyImageUrlToClipboard, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagCopyImageUrlToClipboard) SEPARATOR \ F(OpenFrameInNewWindow, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagOpenFrameInNewWindow) SEPARATOR \ F(Copy, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagCopy) SEPARATOR \ F(Back, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagGoBack) SEPARATOR \ F(Forward, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagGoForward) SEPARATOR \ F(Stop, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagStop) SEPARATOR \ F(Reload, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagReload) SEPARATOR \ F(Cut, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagCut) SEPARATOR \ F(Paste, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagPaste) SEPARATOR \ F(SetTextDirectionDefault, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagDefaultDirection) SEPARATOR \ F(SetTextDirectionLeftToRight, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagLeftToRight) SEPARATOR \ F(SetTextDirectionRightToLeft, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagRightToLeft) SEPARATOR \ F(ToggleBold, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagBold) SEPARATOR \ F(ToggleItalic, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagItalic) SEPARATOR \ F(ToggleUnderline, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagUnderline) SEPARATOR \ F(SelectAll, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagSelectAll) SEPARATOR \ F(DownloadMediaToDisk, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagDownloadMediaToDisk) SEPARATOR \ F(CopyMediaUrlToClipboard, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagCopyMediaLinkToClipboard) SEPARATOR \ F(ToggleMediaControls, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagToggleMediaControls) SEPARATOR \ F(ToggleMediaLoop, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagToggleMediaLoop) SEPARATOR \ F(ToggleMediaPlayPause, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagMediaPlayPause) SEPARATOR \ F(ToggleMediaMute, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagMediaMute) SEPARATOR \ F(ToggleVideoFullscreen, WebCore::ContextMenuItemTagToggleVideoFullscreen) #define COMMA_SEPARATOR , #define SEMICOLON_SEPARATOR ; #define DEFINE_ACTION(Name, Value) \ Name enum MenuAction { NoAction = - 1, FOR_EACH_MAPPED_MENU_ACTION(DEFINE_ACTION, COMMA_SEPARATOR) , InspectElement , ActionCount }; // Duplicated from qwebpage.h enum FindFlag { FindBackward = 1, FindCaseSensitively = 2, FindWrapsAroundDocument = 4, HighlightAllOccurrences = 8, FindAtWordBeginningsOnly = 16, TreatMedialCapitalAsWordBeginning = 32, FindBeginsInSelection = 64 }; // valid values matching those from ScrollTypes.h enum ScrollDirection { InvalidScrollDirection = -1, ScrollUp, ScrollDown, ScrollLeft, ScrollRight }; // same here enum ScrollGranularity { InvalidScrollGranularity = -1, ScrollByLine, ScrollByPage, ScrollByDocument }; // Must match with values of QWebPage::VisibilityState enum. enum VisibilityState { VisibilityStateVisible, VisibilityStateHidden, VisibilityStatePrerender, VisibilityStateUnloaded }; // Must match with values of QWebPage::MessageSource enum. enum MessageSource { XmlMessageSource, JSMessageSource, NetworkMessageSource, ConsoleAPIMessageSource, StorageMessageSource, AppCacheMessageSource, RenderingMessageSource, CSSMessageSource, SecurityMessageSource, ContentBlockerMessageSource, OtherMessageSource, }; // Must match with values of QWebPage::MessageLevel enum. enum MessageLevel { LogMessageLevel = 1, WarningMessageLevel = 2, ErrorMessageLevel = 3, DebugMessageLevel = 4, InfoMessageLevel = 5, }; QWebPageAdapter(); virtual ~QWebPageAdapter(); // Called manually from ~QWebPage destructor to ensure that // the QWebPageAdapter and the QWebPagePrivate are intact when // various destruction callbacks from WebCore::Page::~Page() hit us. void deletePage(); // For similar reasons, we don't want to create the WebCore Page before // we properly initialized the style factory callbacks. void initializeWebCorePage(); virtual void show() = 0; virtual void setFocus() = 0; virtual void unfocus() = 0; virtual void setWindowRect(const QRect&) = 0; virtual QSize viewportSize() const = 0; virtual QWebPageAdapter* createWindow(bool /*dialog*/) = 0; virtual QObject* handle() = 0; virtual void consoleMessageReceived(MessageSource, MessageLevel, const QString& message, int lineNumber, const QString& sourceID) = 0; virtual void javaScriptAlert(QWebFrameAdapter*, const QString& msg) = 0; virtual bool javaScriptConfirm(QWebFrameAdapter*, const QString& msg) = 0; virtual bool javaScriptPrompt(QWebFrameAdapter*, const QString& msg, const QString& defaultValue, QString* result) = 0; virtual bool shouldInterruptJavaScript() = 0; virtual void printRequested(QWebFrameAdapter*) = 0; virtual void databaseQuotaExceeded(QWebFrameAdapter*, const QString& databaseName) = 0; virtual void applicationCacheQuotaExceeded(QWebSecurityOrigin*, quint64 defaultOriginQuota, quint64 totalSpaceNeeded) = 0; virtual void setToolTip(const QString&) = 0; virtual QStringList chooseFiles(QWebFrameAdapter*, bool allowMultiple, const QStringList& suggestedFileNames) = 0; virtual QColor colorSelectionRequested(const QColor& selectedColor) = 0; virtual std::unique_ptr createSelectPopup() = 0; virtual QRect viewRectRelativeToWindow() = 0; #if USE(QT_MULTIMEDIA) virtual QWebFullScreenVideoHandler* createFullScreenVideoHandler() = 0; #endif virtual void fullScreenRequested(QWebFullScreenRequest) = 0; virtual void geolocationPermissionRequested(QWebFrameAdapter*) = 0; virtual void geolocationPermissionRequestCancelled(QWebFrameAdapter*) = 0; virtual void notificationsPermissionRequested(QWebFrameAdapter*) = 0; virtual void notificationsPermissionRequestCancelled(QWebFrameAdapter*) = 0; virtual void respondToChangedContents() = 0; virtual void respondToChangedSelection() = 0; virtual void microFocusChanged() = 0; virtual void triggerCopyAction() = 0; virtual void triggerActionForKeyEvent(QKeyEvent*) = 0; virtual void clearUndoStack() = 0; virtual bool canUndo() const = 0; virtual bool canRedo() const = 0; virtual void undo() = 0; virtual void redo() = 0; virtual const char* editorCommandForKeyEvent(QKeyEvent*) = 0; virtual void createUndoStep(QSharedPointer) = 0; virtual void updateNavigationActions() = 0; virtual void clearCustomActions() = 0; virtual QWebFrameAdapter& mainFrameAdapter() = 0; virtual QObject* inspectorHandle() = 0; virtual void setInspectorFrontend(QObject*) = 0; virtual void setInspectorWindowTitle(const QString&) = 0; virtual void createWebInspector(QObject** inspectorView, QWebPageAdapter** inspectorPage) = 0; virtual QStringList menuActionsAsText() = 0; virtual void emitViewportChangeRequested() = 0; virtual bool acceptNavigationRequest(QWebFrameAdapter*, const QNetworkRequest&, int type) = 0; virtual void emitRestoreFrameStateRequested(QWebFrameAdapter *) = 0; virtual void emitSaveFrameStateRequested(QWebFrameAdapter *, QWebHistoryItem*) = 0; virtual void emitDownloadRequested(const QNetworkRequest&) = 0; virtual void emitFrameCreated(QWebFrameAdapter*) = 0; virtual QString userAgentForUrl(const QUrl&) const = 0; virtual bool supportsErrorPageExtension() const = 0; struct ErrorPageOption { QUrl url; QWebFrameAdapter* frame; QString domain; int error; QString errorString; }; struct ErrorPageReturn { QString contentType; QString encoding; QUrl baseUrl; QByteArray content; }; virtual bool errorPageExtension(ErrorPageOption*, ErrorPageReturn*) = 0; virtual QtPluginWidgetAdapter* createPlugin(const QString&, const QUrl&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&) = 0; virtual QtPluginWidgetAdapter* adapterForWidget(QObject*) const = 0; virtual bool requestSoftwareInputPanel() const = 0; struct MenuItemDescription { MenuItemDescription() : type(NoType) , action(NoAction) , traits(None) { } enum Type { NoType, Action, Separator, SubMenu } type; int action; enum Trait { None = 0, Enabled = 1, Checkable = 2, Checked = 4 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Traits, Trait); Traits traits; QList subMenu; QString title; }; virtual void createAndSetCurrentContextMenu(const QList&, QBitArray*) = 0; virtual bool handleScrollbarContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*, bool, ScrollDirection*, ScrollGranularity*) = 0; virtual void recentlyAudibleChanged(bool) = 0; virtual void focusedElementChanged(const QWebElement&) = 0; void setVisibilityState(VisibilityState); VisibilityState visibilityState() const; void setPluginsVisible(bool); static QWebPageAdapter* kit(WebCore::Page*); WebCore::ViewportArguments viewportArguments() const; void registerUndoStep(WTF::PassRefPtr); void setNetworkAccessManager(QNetworkAccessManager*); QNetworkAccessManager* networkAccessManager(); bool hasSelection() const; QString selectedText() const; QString selectedHtml() const; bool isContentEditable() const; void setContentEditable(bool); bool findText(const QString& subString, FindFlag options); void adjustPointForClicking(QMouseEvent*); void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*); void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*); void mouseTripleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*); void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*); void handleSoftwareInputPanel(Qt::MouseButton, const QPoint&); #ifndef QT_NO_WHEELEVENT void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*, int wheelScrollLines); #endif #if ENABLE(DRAG_SUPPORT) Qt::DropAction dragEntered(const QMimeData*, const QPoint&, Qt::DropActions); void dragLeaveEvent(); Qt::DropAction dragUpdated(const QMimeData*, const QPoint&, Qt::DropActions); bool performDrag(const QMimeData*, const QPoint&, Qt::DropActions); #endif void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent*); QVariant inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery property) const; void dynamicPropertyChangeEvent(QObject*, QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent*); bool handleKeyEvent(QKeyEvent*); bool handleScrolling(QKeyEvent*); void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*); void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*); bool handleShortcutOverrideEvent(QKeyEvent*); // Returns whether the default action was cancelled in the JS event handler bool touchEvent(QTouchEvent*); bool swallowContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *, QWebFrameAdapter*); QWebHitTestResultPrivate* updatePositionDependentMenuActions(const QPoint&, QBitArray*); void updateActionInternal(MenuAction, const char* commandName, bool* enabled, bool* checked); void triggerAction(MenuAction, QWebHitTestResultPrivate*, const char* commandName, bool endToEndReload); void triggerCustomAction(int action, const QString &title); QString contextMenuItemTagForAction(MenuAction, bool* checkable) const; QStringList supportedContentTypes() const; #if ENABLE(GEOLOCATION) && HAVE(QTPOSITIONING) void setGeolocationEnabledForFrame(QWebFrameAdapter*, bool); #endif #if ENABLE(NOTIFICATIONS) || ENABLE(LEGACY_NOTIFICATIONS) void setNotificationsAllowedForFrame(QWebFrameAdapter*, bool allowed); void addNotificationPresenterClient(); #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMTRAYICON bool hasSystemTrayIcon() const; void setSystemTrayIcon(QObject*); #endif // QT_NO_SYSTEMTRAYICON #endif // ENABLE(NOTIFICATIONS) || ENABLE(LEGACY_NOTIFICATIONS) // Called from QWebPage as private slots. void _q_cleanupLeakMessages(); void _q_onLoadProgressChanged(int); bool supportsContentType(const QString& mimeType) const; void didShowInspector(); void didCloseInspector(); static QString defaultUserAgentString(); static bool treatSchemeAsLocal(const QString&); QObject* currentFrame() const; bool hasFocusedNode() const; struct ViewportAttributes { qreal initialScaleFactor; qreal minimumScaleFactor; qreal maximumScaleFactor; qreal devicePixelRatio; bool isUserScalable; QSizeF size; }; ViewportAttributes viewportAttributesForSize(const QSize& availableSize, const QSize& deviceSize) const; void setDevicePixelRatio(float devicePixelRatio); bool isPlayingAudio() const; const QWebElement& fullScreenElement() const; void setFullScreenElement(const QWebElement&); QWebSettings *settings; WebCore::Page *page; QScopedPointer client; QWebPluginFactory *pluginFactory; bool forwardUnsupportedContent; bool insideOpenCall; QPoint tripleClick; QBasicTimer tripleClickTimer; bool clickCausedFocus; bool mousePressed; bool m_useNativeVirtualKeyAsDOMKey; quint64 m_totalBytes; quint64 m_bytesReceived; QWebHistory history; private: QNetworkAccessManager *networkManager; WebCore::DeviceOrientationClient* m_deviceOrientationClient; WebCore::DeviceMotionClient* m_deviceMotionClient; #if ENABLE(FULLSCREEN_API) QWebElement m_fullScreenElement; #endif public: static bool drtRun; friend class WebCore::ChromeClientQt; friend class WebCore::GeolocationClientQt; }; #endif // QWebPageAdapter_h