/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Connection.h" #include "DataReference.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace IPC { // FIXME: Rename this or use a different constant on windows. static const size_t inlineMessageMaxSize = 4096; bool Connection::createServerAndClientIdentifiers(HANDLE& serverIdentifier, HANDLE& clientIdentifier) { String pipeName; while (true) { unsigned uniqueID = randomNumber() * std::numeric_limits::max(); pipeName = String::format("\\\\.\\pipe\\com.apple.WebKit.%x", uniqueID); serverIdentifier = ::CreateNamedPipe(pipeName.charactersWithNullTermination().data(), PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, 1, inlineMessageMaxSize, inlineMessageMaxSize, 0, 0); if (!serverIdentifier && ::GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) { // There was already a pipe with this name, try again. continue; } break; } if (!serverIdentifier) return false; clientIdentifier = ::CreateFileW(pipeName.charactersWithNullTermination().data(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); if (!clientIdentifier) { ::CloseHandle(serverIdentifier); return false; } DWORD mode = PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE; if (!::SetNamedPipeHandleState(clientIdentifier, &mode, 0, 0)) { ::CloseHandle(serverIdentifier); ::CloseHandle(clientIdentifier); return false; } return true; } void Connection::platformInitialize(Identifier identifier) { memset(&m_readState, 0, sizeof(m_readState)); m_readState.hEvent = ::CreateEventW(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); memset(&m_writeState, 0, sizeof(m_writeState)); m_writeState.hEvent = ::CreateEventW(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); m_connectionPipe = identifier; } void Connection::platformInvalidate() { if (m_connectionPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; m_isConnected = false; m_connectionQueue->unregisterAndCloseHandle(m_readState.hEvent); m_readState.hEvent = 0; m_connectionQueue->unregisterAndCloseHandle(m_writeState.hEvent); m_writeState.hEvent = 0; ::CloseHandle(m_connectionPipe); m_connectionPipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } void Connection::readEventHandler() { if (m_connectionPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; while (true) { // Check if we got some data. DWORD numberOfBytesRead = 0; if (!::GetOverlappedResult(m_connectionPipe, &m_readState, &numberOfBytesRead, FALSE)) { DWORD error = ::GetLastError(); switch (error) { case ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: connectionDidClose(); return; case ERROR_MORE_DATA: { // Read the rest of the message out of the pipe. DWORD bytesToRead = 0; if (!::PeekNamedPipe(m_connectionPipe, 0, 0, 0, 0, &bytesToRead)) { DWORD error = ::GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { connectionDidClose(); return; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } // ::GetOverlappedResult told us there's more data. ::PeekNamedPipe shouldn't // contradict it! ASSERT(bytesToRead); if (!bytesToRead) break; m_readBuffer.grow(m_readBuffer.size() + bytesToRead); if (!::ReadFile(m_connectionPipe, m_readBuffer.data() + numberOfBytesRead, bytesToRead, 0, &m_readState)) { DWORD error = ::GetLastError(); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } continue; } // FIXME: We should figure out why we're getting this error. case ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE: return; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } if (!m_readBuffer.isEmpty()) { // We have a message, let's dispatch it. auto decoder = std::make_unique(DataReference(m_readBuffer.data(), m_readBuffer.size()), Vector()); processIncomingMessage(WTFMove(decoder)); } // Find out the size of the next message in the pipe (if there is one) so that we can read // it all in one operation. (This is just an optimization to avoid an extra pass through the // loop (if we chose a buffer size that was too small) or allocating extra memory (if we // chose a buffer size that was too large).) DWORD bytesToRead = 0; if (!::PeekNamedPipe(m_connectionPipe, 0, 0, 0, 0, &bytesToRead)) { DWORD error = ::GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { connectionDidClose(); return; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } if (!bytesToRead) { // There's no message waiting in the pipe. Schedule a read of the first byte of the // next message. We'll find out the message's actual size when it arrives. (If we // change this to read more than a single byte for performance reasons, we'll have to // deal with m_readBuffer potentially being larger than the message we read after // calling ::GetOverlappedResult above.) bytesToRead = 1; } m_readBuffer.resize(bytesToRead); // Either read the next available message (which should occur synchronously), or start an // asynchronous read of the next message that becomes available. BOOL result = ::ReadFile(m_connectionPipe, m_readBuffer.data(), m_readBuffer.size(), 0, &m_readState); if (result) { // There was already a message waiting in the pipe, and we read it synchronously. // Process it. continue; } DWORD error = ::GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { // There are no messages in the pipe currently. readEventHandler will be called again once there is a message. return; } if (error == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { // Either a message is available when we didn't think one was, or the message is larger // than ::PeekNamedPipe told us. The former seems far more likely. Probably the message // became available between our calls to ::PeekNamedPipe and ::ReadFile above. Go back // to the top of the loop to use ::GetOverlappedResult to retrieve the available data. continue; } // FIXME: We need to handle other errors here. ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } void Connection::writeEventHandler() { if (m_connectionPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; DWORD numberOfBytesWritten = 0; if (!::GetOverlappedResult(m_connectionPipe, &m_writeState, &numberOfBytesWritten, FALSE)) { DWORD error = ::GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) { // FIXME: We should figure out why we're getting this error. return; } if (error == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { connectionDidClose(); return; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } // The pending write has finished, so we are now done with its encoder. Clearing this member // will allow us to send messages again. m_pendingWriteEncoder = nullptr; // Now that the pending write has finished, we can try to send a new message. sendOutgoingMessages(); } bool Connection::open() { // We connected the two ends of the pipe in createServerAndClientIdentifiers. m_isConnected = true; RefPtr protectedThis(this); // Start listening for read and write state events. m_connectionQueue->registerHandle(m_readState.hEvent, [protectedThis] { protectedThis->readEventHandler(); }); m_connectionQueue->registerHandle(m_writeState.hEvent, [protectedThis] { protectedThis->writeEventHandler(); }); // Schedule a read. m_connectionQueue->dispatch([protectedThis] { protectedThis->readEventHandler(); }); return true; } bool Connection::platformCanSendOutgoingMessages() const { // We only allow sending one asynchronous message at a time. If we wanted to send more than one // at once, we'd have to use multiple OVERLAPPED structures and hold onto multiple pending // MessageEncoders (one of each for each simultaneous asynchronous message). return !m_pendingWriteEncoder; } bool Connection::sendOutgoingMessage(std::unique_ptr encoder) { ASSERT(!m_pendingWriteEncoder); // Just bail if the handle has been closed. if (m_connectionPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; // We put the message ID last. *encoder << 0; // Write the outgoing message. if (::WriteFile(m_connectionPipe, encoder->buffer(), encoder->bufferSize(), 0, &m_writeState)) { // We successfully sent this message. return true; } DWORD error = ::GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_NO_DATA) { // The pipe is being closed. connectionDidClose(); return false; } if (error != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } // The message will be sent soon. Hold onto the encoder so that it won't be destroyed // before the write completes. m_pendingWriteEncoder = WTFMove(encoder); // We can only send one asynchronous message at a time (see comment in platformCanSendOutgoingMessages). return false; } bool Connection::dispatchSentMessagesUntil(const Vector& windows, WTF::BinarySemaphore& semaphore, double absoluteTime) { if (windows.isEmpty()) return semaphore.wait(absoluteTime); HANDLE handle = semaphore.event(); DWORD handleCount = 1; while (true) { DWORD interval = absoluteTimeToWaitTimeoutInterval(absoluteTime); if (!interval) { // Consider the wait to have timed out, even if the semaphore is currently signaled. // This matches the WTF::ThreadCondition implementation of BinarySemaphore::wait. return false; } DWORD result = ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(handleCount, &handle, interval, QS_SENDMESSAGE, 0); if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // The semaphore was signaled. return true; } if (result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // absoluteTime was reached. return false; } if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + handleCount) { // One or more sent messages are available. Process sent messages for all the windows // we were given, since we don't have a way of knowing which window has available sent // messages. for (size_t i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i) { MSG message; ::PeekMessageW(&message, windows[i], 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE | PM_QS_SENDMESSAGE); } continue; } ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(result != WAIT_FAILED, "::MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx failed with error %lu", ::GetLastError()); ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(false, "::MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx returned unexpected result %lu", result); return false; } } void Connection::willSendSyncMessage(unsigned flags) { UNUSED_PARAM(flags); } void Connection::didReceiveSyncReply(unsigned flags) { UNUSED_PARAM(flags); } } // namespace IPC