diff options
authorFrederik Gladhorn <frederik.gladhorn@digia.com>2013-12-03 18:28:27 +0100
committerFrederik Gladhorn <frederik.gladhorn@digia.com>2013-12-03 18:29:06 +0100
commit8ddbbfd4c8c5c4bc397a001a713c72d070841a6d (patch)
parentd02b108ec756fc4cf84bd082b7453a8e7fa41ebc (diff)
parentc996740162dd63fa20e549e57c78ca990b2ca1c2 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release' into stablev5.2.1
2 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/imports/winextras/plugins.qmltypes b/src/imports/winextras/plugins.qmltypes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5963ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/imports/winextras/plugins.qmltypes
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+import QtQuick.tooling 1.1
+// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
+// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
+// This file was auto-generated by:
+// 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable QtWinExtras 1.0'
+Module {
+ Component {
+ name: "QQuickDwmFeatures"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QQuickItem"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/DwmFeatures 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Property { name: "compositionEnabled"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "colorizationColor"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "realColorizationColor"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "colorizationOpaqueBlend"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "topGlassMargin"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "rightGlassMargin"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "bottomGlassMargin"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "leftGlassMargin"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "blurBehindEnabled"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "excludedFromPeek"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "peekDisallowed"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "flip3DPolicy"; type: "QQuickWin::WindowFlip3DPolicy" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QQuickJumpList"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/JumpList 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Property { name: "recent"; type: "QQuickJumpListCategory"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "frequent"; type: "QQuickJumpListCategory"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "tasks"; type: "QQuickJumpListCategory"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "categories"; type: "QQuickJumpListCategory"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "data"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QQuickJumpListCategory"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/JumpListCategory 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Property { name: "data"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "items"; type: "QQuickJumpListItem"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "title"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
+ Signal { name: "visibilityChanged" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QQuickJumpListItem"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/JumpListItem 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Enum {
+ name: "JumpListItemType"
+ values: {
+ "ItemTypeLink": 1,
+ "ItemTypeDestination": 2,
+ "ItemTypeSeparator": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "__jumpListItemType"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QQuickTaskbarButton"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QQuickItem"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/TaskbarButton 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Property { name: "overlay"; type: "QQuickTaskbarOverlay"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "progress"; type: "QWinTaskbarProgress"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QQuickTaskbarOverlay"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/TaskbarOverlay 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Property { name: "iconSource"; type: "QUrl" }
+ Property { name: "accessibleDescription"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QQuickThumbnailToolBar"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QQuickItem"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/ThumbnailToolBar 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "data"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "buttons"; type: "QQuickThumbnailToolButton"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Method { name: "clear" }
+ Method {
+ name: "addButton"
+ Parameter { name: "button"; type: "QQuickThumbnailToolButton"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "removeButton"
+ Parameter { name: "button"; type: "QQuickThumbnailToolButton"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QQuickThumbnailToolButton"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/ThumbnailToolButton 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Property { name: "iconSource"; type: "QUrl" }
+ Property { name: "tooltip"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "interactive"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "dismissOnClick"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "flat"; type: "bool" }
+ Signal { name: "clicked" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QQuickWin"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/QtWin 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Enum {
+ name: "HBitmapFormat"
+ values: {
+ "HBitmapNoAlpha": 0,
+ "HBitmapPremultipliedAlpha": 1,
+ "HBitmapAlpha": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowFlip3DPolicy"
+ values: {
+ "FlipDefault": 0,
+ "FlipExcludeBelow": 1,
+ "FlipExcludeAbove": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QWinTaskbarProgress"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtWinExtras/TaskbarProgress 1.0"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+ Property { name: "value"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "minimum"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "maximum"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "paused"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "stopped"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "valueChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "value"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "minimumChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "maximumChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "maximum"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "visibilityChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "pausedChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "paused"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "stoppedChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "stopped"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "setValue"
+ Parameter { name: "value"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "setMinimum"
+ Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "setMaximum"
+ Parameter { name: "maximum"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "setRange"
+ Parameter { name: "minimum"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "maximum"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "reset" }
+ Method { name: "show" }
+ Method { name: "hide" }
+ Method {
+ name: "setVisible"
+ Parameter { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "pause" }
+ Method { name: "resume" }
+ Method {
+ name: "setPaused"
+ Parameter { name: "paused"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "stop" }
+ }
diff --git a/src/imports/winextras/qquickdwmfeatures_p.h b/src/imports/winextras/qquickdwmfeatures_p.h
index 231424a..037872f 100644
--- a/src/imports/winextras/qquickdwmfeatures_p.h
+++ b/src/imports/winextras/qquickdwmfeatures_p.h
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QtWin>
+#include <QColor>
#include "qquickwin_p.h"