TARGET = QtStudio3D include($$PWD/../../commoninclude.pri) QT += opengl widgets qml include($$PWD/doc/doc.pri) qtHaveModule(multimedia) { DEFINES += PLATFORM_HAS_QT_MULTIMEDIA_LIB QT += multimedia } CONFIG += console LIBS += \ -lqt3dsopengl$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() \ -lqt3dsqmlstreamer$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() HEADERS += \ q3dsdataoutput.h \ q3dsdataoutput_p.h \ q3dssurfaceviewer.h \ q3dssurfaceviewer_p.h \ qstudio3dglobal.h \ viewerqmlstreamproxy_p.h \ q3dsviewersettings.h \ q3dsviewersettings_p.h \ q3dspresentation.h \ q3dspresentation_p.h \ q3dssceneelement.h \ q3dssceneelement_p.h \ q3dselement.h \ q3dselement_p.h \ studioutils_p.h \ q3dscommandqueue_p.h \ q3dsimagesequencegenerator_p.h \ q3dsimagesequencegeneratorthread_p.h \ q3dsdatainput.h \ q3dsdatainput_p.h \ q3dsgeometry.h \ q3dsgeometry_p.h SOURCES += q3dsdataoutput.cpp \ q3dssurfaceviewer.cpp \ viewerqmlstreamproxy.cpp \ q3dsviewersettings.cpp \ q3dspresentation.cpp \ q3dssceneelement.cpp \ q3dselement.cpp \ studioutils.cpp \ q3dscommandqueue.cpp \ q3dsimagesequencegenerator.cpp \ q3dsimagesequencegeneratorthread.cpp \ q3dsdatainput.cpp \ q3dsgeometry.cpp \ ../../foundation/Qt3DSLogging.cpp # Platform specific surface format discovery functions #TODO: QT3DS-3608 Implement OpenGL version discovery for Windows #TODO: QT3DS-3609 Implement OpenGL version discovery for Linux #TODO: QT3DS-3610 Implement OpenGL version discovery for QNX #TODO: QT3DS-3611 Implement OpenGL version discovery for Integrity #TODO: QT3DS-3612 Implement OpenGL version discovery for macOS #TODO: QT3DS-3613 Implement OpenGL version discovery for Android SOURCES += \ ../../foundation/qt/formatdiscovery.cpp load(qt_module) android { # qt prl files contain hard coded paths to android ndk so don't link against them # If libraries are missing because of this they need to be added separately CONFIG -= link_prl }