TEMPLATE = lib TARGET = qt3dsopengl VERSION = $$MODULE_VERSION DEFINES += QT3DS_RUNTIME_EXPORTS CONFIG += installed include(../commoninclude.pri) QT += qml QT += quick-private boot2qt: { RESOURCES += ../../res.qrc DEFINES += EMBEDDED_LINUX # TODO: Is there a compile-time flag for boot2qt? } integrity|ios { RESOURCES += ../../res.qrc } SOURCES += \ ../viewer/Qt3DSAudioPlayerImpl.cpp \ ../viewer/Qt3DSViewerApp.cpp HEADERS += \ ../viewer/qt3dsruntimeglobal.h \ ../viewer/Qt3DSAudioPlayerImpl.h \ ../viewer/Qt3DSViewerApp.h \ ../viewer/Qt3DSViewerTimer.h linux|qnx { BEGIN_ARCHIVE = -Wl,--whole-archive END_ARCHIVE = -Wl,--no-whole-archive } STATICRUNTIME = \ $$BEGIN_ARCHIVE \ -lqt3dsruntimestatic$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() \ -lEASTL$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() \ $$END_ARCHIVE # On non-windows systems link the whole static archives and do not put them # in the prl file to prevent them being linked again by targets that depend # upon this shared library !win32:!CONFIG(static){ QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$STATICRUNTIME LIBS += -lqt3dsqmlstreamer$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() } else { mingw { LIBS += \ -lqt3dsruntimestatic$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() \ -lEASTL$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() \ -lQT3DSDM$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() \ -lqt3dsqmlstreamer$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() } else { LIBS += \ $$STATICRUNTIME \ -lqt3dsqmlstreamer$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() } } win32 { LIBS += \ -lws2_32 RESOURCES += ../../platformres.qrc } linux { LIBS += \ -ldl \ -lEGL } macos { QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME = -Wl,-install_name,@rpath/ } PREDEPS_LIBS = qt3dsruntimestatic include(../../utils.pri) PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$fixLibPredeps($$LIBDIR, PREDEPS_LIBS) android { # qt prl files contain hard coded paths to android ndk so don't link against them # If libraries are missing because of this they need to be added separately CONFIG -= link_prl }