---------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLADA-DOM 2.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [New Features] - Added Linux, Mac COLLADA Viewer - Upgrade library Bullet to version 2.51 [New Document] - Added samples.doc to describe features of sample COLLADA documents - Revised readme.txt for Linux, Mac support [Bug Fix] - Major memory leak fixes - Numerous minor bug fixes [Known Bugs/Restrictions] - For PS3 debug build, when unloading COLLADA document with large number of nodes, such as demo.dae and dominos.dae, a debug exception is raised due to stack overflow. The COLLADA Viewer uses Cell SDK framework, which sets the main PPU thread priority and stack size in its code base. Currently there is no way to override this stack size setting without generating a linker warning on Windows host or an error on Linux host. See below: linker warning "L0019: symbol '__sys_process_param' multiply defined" is generated. To get around this problem, one can modify the Cell SDK framwork code in the following way: In \samples\fw\src\cell\FWCellMain.cpp, modify the line from SYS_PROCESS_PARAM( 1001, 0x10000 ); // priority = 1001, stack size = 64K to SYS_PROCESS_PARAM( 1001, 0x18000 ); // priority = 1001, increase stack size to 96K, or other setting to suit your need - cgDestroyEffect() is not used for PS3 platform while unloading COLLADA document, a 'DATA_HTAB_MISS' error occurs if it is used. This problem is not yet resolved, it is likely caused by PSGLFX not fully support CgFX features.