diff options
authorJukka Jokiniva <jukka.jokiniva@qt.io>2021-07-08 12:28:05 +0300
committerJukka Jokiniva <jukka.jokiniva@qt.io>2021-12-10 15:25:48 +0000
commitbd83c93a3c88f5568b48d5e59467d3649f60fea1 (patch)
parentdf15a806ea298c5c91eeba0252d8ac56f98d99e1 (diff)
Update and clean readme
Change-Id: I8c875fd134fc2afcd6b79fa09239f5735a115366 Reviewed-by: Daniel Smith <Daniel.Smith@qt.io>
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index faaaa55..72a370a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -71,16 +71,14 @@
Building the Java Plugin
* have a gerrit checkout and clone the plugin to plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow (we should add it as submodule when it's done)
- * run "bazel build plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow"
+ * run "bazelisk build plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow"
* the binary will be "bazel-genfiles/plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow.jar"
Building Gerrit
- * run "bazel build release"
+ * run "bazelisk build release"
* copy binary file to the gerrit site directory: "cp bazel-bin/release.war thedir/bin/gerrit.war"
Working with the local development environment
- * Setup database
- https://codereview.qt-project.org/Documentation/install.html#createdb
* Init test site
* Set access righs for test projects:
@@ -98,22 +96,18 @@
ssh -p 29418 admin@localhost gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow staging-approve --branch master --build-id b001 --project JustTest --result pass
ssh -p 29418 admin@localhost gerrit stream-events
ssh -p 29418 admin@localhost gerrit index changes 17 26 27 28
- * useful Git commands
- git pull --recurse-submodules
- git clone ssh://admin@localhost:29418/arepo.git
- git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
+ * Fetching staging and builds refs to work area.
git fetch -f origin refs/staging/*:refs/staging/*
git fetch -f origin refs/builds/*:refs/builds/*
- git fetch origin
- git reset --hard origin/master
* Running tests:
- bazel test --test_output=streamed //plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow:*
+ bazelisk test --test_output=streamed //plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow:*
+ * Running a single test, for example:
+ bazelisk test --test_output=streamed //plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow:qtcodereview_tests --test_filter=singleChange_Defer_QtAbandon
* Test coverage:
install genhtml tool, for example: brew install lcov
- run: bazel coverage //plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow:*
- cd plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow
- ./tools/coverage.sh thecoveragefile.dat
- => html report available at ./coverage/index.html
+ run: bazelisk coverage //plugins/gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow:*
+ genhtml -o ./coveragedir --ignore-errors source thegeneratedcoveragefile.dat
+ => html report available at ./coveragedir/index.html
## Installation
@@ -125,17 +119,8 @@
rebuild with the patches. The plan is to upstream these changes.
Access rights:
- * FIXME: Stage/Unstage requires push permission to refs/staging/* branch - we should instead have an explicit staging right
* Defer/Reopen requires same permissions as abandon
* CI needs the permission to created references (refs/builds/*), push to branches (refs/heads/*) and
force push to staging refs (refs/staging/*)
Copy static files into the site dir: cp gerrit-plugin-qt-workflow/static/* gerritsitedir/static/
-## Open Items
- * Events are needed for staged, integrating and deferred status changes
- * There is currently no rights management for when to show the staging button
- * In testing the staging branch was not created automatically
- * Are email notifications needed for deferred, reopened status changes?
- * automated tests for UI?