path: root/gerrit-server/src/test/java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/change/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gerrit-server/src/test/java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/change/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 262 deletions
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-// Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.EnumSet;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ChangeIndexRewriterTest extends GerritBaseTests {
- private static final IndexConfig CONFIG = IndexConfig.createDefault();
- private FakeChangeIndex index;
- private ChangeIndexCollection indexes;
- private ChangeQueryBuilder queryBuilder;
- private ChangeIndexRewriter rewrite;
- @Before
- public void setUp() throws Exception {
- index = new FakeChangeIndex(FakeChangeIndex.V2);
- indexes = new ChangeIndexCollection();
- indexes.setSearchIndex(index);
- queryBuilder = new FakeQueryBuilder(indexes);
- rewrite = new ChangeIndexRewriter(indexes, IndexConfig.builder().maxTerms(3).build());
- }
- @Test
- public void indexPredicate() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("file:a");
- assertThat(rewrite(in)).isEqualTo(query(in));
- }
- @Test
- public void nonIndexPredicate() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("foo:a");
- Predicate<ChangeData> out = rewrite(in);
- assertThat(AndChangeSource.class).isSameAs(out.getClass());
- assertThat(out.getChildren())
- .containsExactly(query(, in)
- .inOrder();
- }
- @Test
- public void indexPredicates() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("file:a file:b");
- assertThat(rewrite(in)).isEqualTo(query(in));
- }
- @Test
- public void nonIndexPredicates() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("foo:a OR foo:b");
- Predicate<ChangeData> out = rewrite(in);
- assertThat(AndChangeSource.class).isSameAs(out.getClass());
- assertThat(out.getChildren())
- .containsExactly(query(, in)
- .inOrder();
- }
- @Test
- public void oneIndexPredicate() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("foo:a file:b");
- Predicate<ChangeData> out = rewrite(in);
- assertThat(AndChangeSource.class).isSameAs(out.getClass());
- assertThat(out.getChildren()).containsExactly(query(in.getChild(1)), in.getChild(0)).inOrder();
- }
- @Test
- public void threeLevelTreeWithAllIndexPredicates() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("-status:abandoned (file:a OR file:b)");
- assertThat(rewrite.rewrite(in, options(0, DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_LIMIT))).isEqualTo(query(in));
- }
- @Test
- public void threeLevelTreeWithSomeIndexPredicates() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("-foo:a (file:b OR file:c)");
- Predicate<ChangeData> out = rewrite(in);
- assertThat(out.getClass()).isSameAs(AndChangeSource.class);
- assertThat(out.getChildren()).containsExactly(query(in.getChild(1)), in.getChild(0)).inOrder();
- }
- @Test
- public void multipleIndexPredicates() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("file:a OR foo:b OR file:c OR foo:d");
- Predicate<ChangeData> out = rewrite(in);
- assertThat(out.getClass()).isSameAs(OrSource.class);
- assertThat(out.getChildren())
- .containsExactly(query(or(in.getChild(0), in.getChild(2))), in.getChild(1), in.getChild(3))
- .inOrder();
- }
- @Test
- public void indexAndNonIndexPredicates() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("status:new bar:p file:a");
- Predicate<ChangeData> out = rewrite(in);
- assertThat(AndChangeSource.class).isSameAs(out.getClass());
- assertThat(out.getChildren())
- .containsExactly(query(and(in.getChild(0), in.getChild(2))), in.getChild(1))
- .inOrder();
- }
- @Test
- public void duplicateCompoundNonIndexOnlyPredicates() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("status:new bar:p file:a");
- Predicate<ChangeData> out = rewrite(in);
- assertThat(out.getClass()).isEqualTo(AndChangeSource.class);
- assertThat(out.getChildren())
- .containsExactly(query(and(in.getChild(0), in.getChild(2))), in.getChild(1))
- .inOrder();
- }
- @Test
- public void duplicateCompoundIndexOnlyPredicates() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("(status:new OR file:a) bar:p file:b");
- Predicate<ChangeData> out = rewrite(in);
- assertThat(out.getClass()).isEqualTo(AndChangeSource.class);
- assertThat(out.getChildren())
- .containsExactly(query(and(in.getChild(0), in.getChild(2))), in.getChild(1))
- .inOrder();
- }
- @Test
- public void optionsArgumentOverridesAllLimitPredicates() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("limit:1 file:a limit:3");
- Predicate<ChangeData> out = rewrite(in, options(0, 5));
- assertThat(out.getClass()).isEqualTo(AndChangeSource.class);
- assertThat(out.getChildren())
- .containsExactly(query(in.getChild(1), 5), parse("limit:5"), parse("limit:5"))
- .inOrder();
- }
- @Test
- public void startIncreasesLimitInQueryButNotPredicate() throws Exception {
- int n = 3;
- Predicate<ChangeData> f = parse("file:a");
- Predicate<ChangeData> l = parse("limit:" + n);
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = andSource(f, l);
- assertThat(rewrite.rewrite(in, options(0, n))).isEqualTo(andSource(query(f, 3), l));
- assertThat(rewrite.rewrite(in, options(1, n))).isEqualTo(andSource(query(f, 4), l));
- assertThat(rewrite.rewrite(in, options(2, n))).isEqualTo(andSource(query(f, 5), l));
- }
- @Test
- public void getPossibleStatus() throws Exception {
- Set<Change.Status> all = EnumSet.allOf(Change.Status.class);
- assertThat(status("file:a")).isEqualTo(all);
- assertThat(status("is:new")).containsExactly(NEW);
- assertThat(status("is:new OR is:merged")).containsExactly(NEW, MERGED);
- assertThat(status("is:new OR is:x")).isEqualTo(all);
- assertThat(status("is:new is:merged")).isEmpty();
- assertThat(status("(is:new) (is:merged)")).isEmpty();
- assertThat(status("(is:new) (is:merged)")).isEmpty();
- assertThat(status("is:new is:x")).containsExactly(NEW);
- }
- @Test
- public void unsupportedIndexOperator() throws Exception {
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse("status:merged file:a");
- assertThat(rewrite(in)).isEqualTo(query(in));
- indexes.setSearchIndex(new FakeChangeIndex(FakeChangeIndex.V1));
- exception.expect(QueryParseException.class);
- exception.expectMessage("Unsupported index predicate: file:a");
- rewrite(in);
- }
- @Test
- public void tooManyTerms() throws Exception {
- String q = "file:a OR file:b OR file:c";
- Predicate<ChangeData> in = parse(q);
- assertEquals(query(in), rewrite(in));
- exception.expect(QueryParseException.class);
- exception.expectMessage("too many terms in query");
- rewrite(parse(q + " OR file:d"));
- }
- @Test
- public void testConvertOptions() throws Exception {
- assertEquals(options(0, 3), convertOptions(options(0, 3)));
- assertEquals(options(0, 4), convertOptions(options(1, 3)));
- assertEquals(options(0, 5), convertOptions(options(2, 3)));
- }
- @Test
- public void addingStartToLimitDoesNotExceedBackendLimit() throws Exception {
- int max = CONFIG.maxLimit();
- assertEquals(options(0, max), convertOptions(options(0, max)));
- assertEquals(options(0, max), convertOptions(options(1, max)));
- assertEquals(options(0, max), convertOptions(options(1, max - 1)));
- assertEquals(options(0, max), convertOptions(options(2, max - 1)));
- }
- private Predicate<ChangeData> parse(String query) throws QueryParseException {
- return queryBuilder.parse(query);
- }
- @SafeVarargs
- private static AndChangeSource andSource(Predicate<ChangeData>... preds) {
- return new AndChangeSource(Arrays.asList(preds));
- }
- private Predicate<ChangeData> rewrite(Predicate<ChangeData> in) throws QueryParseException {
- return rewrite.rewrite(in, options(0, DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_LIMIT));
- }
- private Predicate<ChangeData> rewrite(Predicate<ChangeData> in, QueryOptions opts)
- throws QueryParseException {
- return rewrite.rewrite(in, opts);
- }
- private IndexedChangeQuery query(Predicate<ChangeData> p) throws QueryParseException {
- return query(p, DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_LIMIT);
- }
- private IndexedChangeQuery query(Predicate<ChangeData> p, int limit) throws QueryParseException {
- return new IndexedChangeQuery(index, p, options(0, limit));
- }
- private static QueryOptions options(int start, int limit) {
- return IndexedChangeQuery.createOptions(CONFIG, start, limit, ImmutableSet.<String>of());
- }
- private Set<Change.Status> status(String query) throws QueryParseException {
- return ChangeIndexRewriter.getPossibleStatus(parse(query));
- }