path: root/javatests/com/google/gerrit/acceptance/rest/project/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'javatests/com/google/gerrit/acceptance/rest/project/')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/javatests/com/google/gerrit/acceptance/rest/project/ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/acceptance/rest/project/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4edc0de95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javatests/com/google/gerrit/acceptance/rest/project/
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import static;
+import static;
+import static org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.R_TAGS;
+import java.sql.Timestamp;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class TagsIT extends AbstractDaemonTest {
+ private static final List<String> testTags =
+ ImmutableList.of("tag-A", "tag-B", "tag-C", "tag-D", "tag-E", "tag-F", "tag-G", "tag-H");
+ private static final String SIGNED_ANNOTATION =
+ "annotation\n"
+ + "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ + "Version: GnuPG v1\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "iQEcBAABAgAGBQJVeGg5AAoJEPfTicJkUdPkUggH/RKAeI9/i/LduuiqrL/SSdIa\n"
+ + "9tYaSqJKLbXz63M/AW4Sp+4u+dVCQvnAt/a35CVEnpZz6hN4Kn/tiswOWVJf4CO7\n"
+ + "htNubGs5ZMwvD6sLYqKAnrM3WxV/2TbbjzjZW6Jkidz3jz/WRT4SmjGYiEO7aA+V\n"
+ + "4ZdIS9f7sW5VsHHYlNThCA7vH8Uu48bUovFXyQlPTX0pToSgrWV3JnTxDNxfn3iG\n"
+ + "IL0zTY/qwVCdXgFownLcs6J050xrrBWIKqfcWr3u4D2aCLyR0v+S/KArr7ulZygY\n"
+ + "+SOklImn8TAZiNxhWtA6ens66IiammUkZYFv7SSzoPLFZT4dC84SmGPWgf94NoQ=\n"
+ + "=XFeC\n"
+ + "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----";
+ @Test
+ public void listTagsOfNonExistingProject() throws Exception {
+ exception.expect(ResourceNotFoundException.class);
+ gApi.projects().name("does-not-exist").tags().get();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void getTagOfNonExistingProject() throws Exception {
+ exception.expect(ResourceNotFoundException.class);
+ gApi.projects().name("does-not-exist").tag("tag").get();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void listTagsOfNonVisibleProject() throws Exception {
+ blockRead("refs/*");
+ setApiUser(user);
+ exception.expect(ResourceNotFoundException.class);
+ gApi.projects().name(project.get()).tags().get();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void getTagOfNonVisibleProject() throws Exception {
+ blockRead("refs/*");
+ exception.expect(ResourceNotFoundException.class);
+ gApi.projects().name(project.get()).tag("tag").get();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void listTags() throws Exception {
+ createTags();
+ // No options
+ List<TagInfo> result = getTags().get();
+ assertTagList(FluentIterable.from(testTags), result);
+ // With start option
+ result = getTags().withStart(1).get();
+ assertTagList(FluentIterable.from(testTags).skip(1), result);
+ // With limit option
+ int limit = testTags.size() - 1;
+ result = getTags().withLimit(limit).get();
+ assertTagList(FluentIterable.from(testTags).limit(limit), result);
+ // With both start and limit
+ limit = testTags.size() - 3;
+ result = getTags().withStart(1).withLimit(limit).get();
+ assertTagList(FluentIterable.from(testTags).skip(1).limit(limit), result);
+ // With regular expression filter
+ result = getTags().withRegex("^tag-[C|D]$").get();
+ assertTagList(FluentIterable.from(ImmutableList.of("tag-C", "tag-D")), result);
+ result = getTags().withRegex("^tag-[c|d]$").get();
+ assertTagList(FluentIterable.from(ImmutableList.of()), result);
+ // With substring filter
+ result = getTags().withSubstring("tag-").get();
+ assertTagList(FluentIterable.from(testTags), result);
+ result = getTags().withSubstring("ag-B").get();
+ assertTagList(FluentIterable.from(ImmutableList.of("tag-B")), result);
+ // With conflicting options
+ assertBadRequest(getTags().withSubstring("ag-B").withRegex("^tag-[c|d]$"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void listTagsOfNonVisibleBranch() throws Exception {
+ grantTagPermissions();
+ PushOneCommit push1 = pushFactory.create(db, admin.getIdent(), testRepo);
+ PushOneCommit.Result r1 ="refs/heads/master");
+ r1.assertOkStatus();
+ TagInput tag1 = new TagInput();
+ tag1.ref = "v1.0";
+ tag1.revision = r1.getCommit().getName();
+ TagInfo result = tag(tag1.ref).create(tag1).get();
+ assertThat(result.ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + tag1.ref);
+ assertThat(result.revision).isEqualTo(tag1.revision);
+ pushTo("refs/heads/hidden");
+ PushOneCommit push2 = pushFactory.create(db, admin.getIdent(), testRepo);
+ PushOneCommit.Result r2 ="refs/heads/hidden");
+ r2.assertOkStatus();
+ TagInput tag2 = new TagInput();
+ tag2.ref = "v2.0";
+ tag2.revision = r2.getCommit().getName();
+ result = tag(tag2.ref).create(tag2).get();
+ assertThat(result.ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + tag2.ref);
+ assertThat(result.revision).isEqualTo(tag2.revision);
+ List<TagInfo> tags = getTags().get();
+ assertThat(tags).hasSize(2);
+ assertThat(tags.get(0).ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + tag1.ref);
+ assertThat(tags.get(0).revision).isEqualTo(tag1.revision);
+ assertThat(tags.get(1).ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + tag2.ref);
+ assertThat(tags.get(1).revision).isEqualTo(tag2.revision);
+ blockRead("refs/heads/hidden");
+ tags = getTags().get();
+ assertThat(tags).hasSize(1);
+ assertThat(tags.get(0).ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + tag1.ref);
+ assertThat(tags.get(0).revision).isEqualTo(tag1.revision);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void lightweightTag() throws Exception {
+ grantTagPermissions();
+ PushOneCommit push = pushFactory.create(db, admin.getIdent(), testRepo);
+ PushOneCommit.Result r ="refs/heads/master");
+ r.assertOkStatus();
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "v1.0";
+ input.revision = r.getCommit().getName();
+ TagInfo result = tag(input.ref).create(input).get();
+ assertThat(result.ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + input.ref);
+ assertThat(result.revision).isEqualTo(input.revision);
+ assertThat(result.canDelete).isTrue();
+ assertThat(result.created).isEqualTo(timestamp(r));
+ input.ref = "refs/tags/v2.0";
+ result = tag(input.ref).create(input).get();
+ assertThat(result.ref).isEqualTo(input.ref);
+ assertThat(result.revision).isEqualTo(input.revision);
+ assertThat(result.canDelete).isTrue();
+ assertThat(result.created).isEqualTo(timestamp(r));
+ setApiUser(user);
+ result = tag(input.ref).get();
+ assertThat(result.canDelete).isNull();
+ eventRecorder.assertRefUpdatedEvents(project.get(), result.ref, null, result.revision);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void annotatedTag() throws Exception {
+ grantTagPermissions();
+ PushOneCommit push = pushFactory.create(db, admin.getIdent(), testRepo);
+ PushOneCommit.Result r ="refs/heads/master");
+ r.assertOkStatus();
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "v1.0";
+ input.revision = r.getCommit().getName();
+ input.message = "annotation message";
+ TagInfo result = tag(input.ref).create(input).get();
+ assertThat(result.ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + input.ref);
+ assertThat(result.object).isEqualTo(input.revision);
+ assertThat(result.message).isEqualTo(input.message);
+ assertThat(;
+ assertThat(;
+ assertThat(result.created).isEqualTo(;
+ eventRecorder.assertRefUpdatedEvents(project.get(), result.ref, null, result.revision);
+ // A second tag pushed on the same ref should have the same ref
+ TagInput input2 = new TagInput();
+ input2.ref = "refs/tags/v2.0";
+ input2.revision = input.revision;
+ input2.message = "second annotation message";
+ TagInfo result2 = tag(input2.ref).create(input2).get();
+ assertThat(result2.ref).isEqualTo(input2.ref);
+ assertThat(result2.object).isEqualTo(input2.revision);
+ assertThat(result2.message).isEqualTo(input2.message);
+ assertThat(;
+ assertThat(;
+ assertThat(result2.created).isEqualTo(;
+ eventRecorder.assertRefUpdatedEvents(project.get(), result2.ref, null, result2.revision);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createExistingTag() throws Exception {
+ grantTagPermissions();
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "test";
+ TagInfo result = tag(input.ref).create(input).get();
+ assertThat(result.ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + "test");
+ input.ref = "refs/tags/test";
+ exception.expect(ResourceConflictException.class);
+ exception.expectMessage("tag \"" + R_TAGS + "test\" already exists");
+ tag(input.ref).create(input);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createTagNotAllowed() throws Exception {
+ block(R_TAGS + "*", Permission.CREATE, REGISTERED_USERS);
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "test";
+ exception.expect(AuthException.class);
+ exception.expectMessage("not permitted: create");
+ tag(input.ref).create(input);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createAnnotatedTagNotAllowed() throws Exception {
+ block(R_TAGS + "*", Permission.CREATE_TAG, REGISTERED_USERS);
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "test";
+ input.message = "annotation";
+ exception.expect(AuthException.class);
+ exception.expectMessage("Cannot create annotated tag \"" + R_TAGS + "test\"");
+ tag(input.ref).create(input);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void createSignedTagNotSupported() throws Exception {
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "test";
+ input.message = SIGNED_ANNOTATION;
+ exception.expect(MethodNotAllowedException.class);
+ exception.expectMessage("Cannot create signed tag \"" + R_TAGS + "test\"");
+ tag(input.ref).create(input);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mismatchedInput() throws Exception {
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "test";
+ exception.expect(BadRequestException.class);
+ exception.expectMessage("ref must match URL");
+ tag("TEST").create(input);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void invalidTagName() throws Exception {
+ grantTagPermissions();
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "refs/heads/test";
+ exception.expect(BadRequestException.class);
+ exception.expectMessage("invalid tag name \"" + input.ref + "\"");
+ tag(input.ref).create(input);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void invalidTagNameOnlySlashes() throws Exception {
+ grantTagPermissions();
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "//";
+ exception.expect(BadRequestException.class);
+ exception.expectMessage("invalid tag name \"refs/tags/\"");
+ tag(input.ref).create(input);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void invalidBaseRevision() throws Exception {
+ grantTagPermissions();
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.ref = "test";
+ input.revision = "abcdefg";
+ exception.expect(BadRequestException.class);
+ exception.expectMessage("Invalid base revision");
+ tag(input.ref).create(input);
+ }
+ private void assertTagList(FluentIterable<String> expected, List<TagInfo> actual)
+ throws Exception {
+ assertThat(actual).hasSize(expected.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++) {
+ TagInfo info = actual.get(i);
+ assertThat(info.created).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(info.ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + expected.get(i));
+ }
+ }
+ private void createTags() throws Exception {
+ grantTagPermissions();
+ String revision = pushTo("refs/heads/master").getCommit().name();
+ TagInput input = new TagInput();
+ input.revision = revision;
+ for (String tagname : testTags) {
+ TagInfo result = tag(tagname).create(input).get();
+ assertThat(result.revision).isEqualTo(input.revision);
+ assertThat(result.ref).isEqualTo(R_TAGS + tagname);
+ }
+ }
+ private ListRefsRequest<TagInfo> getTags() throws Exception {
+ return gApi.projects().name(project.get()).tags();
+ }
+ private TagApi tag(String tagname) throws Exception {
+ return gApi.projects().name(project.get()).tag(tagname);
+ }
+ private Timestamp timestamp(PushOneCommit.Result r) {
+ return new Timestamp(r.getCommit().getCommitterIdent().getWhen().getTime());
+ }
+ private void assertBadRequest(ListRefsRequest<TagInfo> req) throws Exception {
+ try {
+ req.get();
+ fail("Expected BadRequestException");
+ } catch (BadRequestException e) {
+ // Expected
+ }
+ }
+ private void grantTagPermissions() throws Exception {
+ grant(project, R_TAGS + "*", Permission.CREATE);
+ grant(project, R_TAGS + "", Permission.DELETE);
+ grant(project, R_TAGS + "*", Permission.CREATE_TAG);
+ grant(project, R_TAGS + "*", Permission.CREATE_SIGNED_TAG);
+ }