path: root/webapp/django/contrib/gis/management/commands/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/django/contrib/gis/management/commands/')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/gis/management/commands/ b/webapp/django/contrib/gis/management/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa4f41831e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/gis/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import os, sys
+from optparse import make_option
+from django.contrib.gis import gdal
+from import ArgsCommand, CommandError
+def layer_option(option, opt, value, parser):
+ """
+ Callback for `make_option` for the `ogrinspect` `layer_key`
+ keyword option which may be an integer or a string.
+ """
+ try:
+ dest = int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ dest = value
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, dest)
+def list_option(option, opt, value, parser):
+ """
+ Callback for `make_option` for `ogrinspect` keywords that require
+ a string list. If the string is 'True'/'true' then the option
+ value will be a boolean instead.
+ """
+ if value.lower() == 'true':
+ dest = True
+ else:
+ dest = [s for s in value.split(',')]
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, dest)
+class Command(ArgsCommand):
+ help = ('Inspects the given OGR-compatible data source (e.g., a shapefile) and outputs\n'
+ 'a GeoDjango model with the given model name. For example:\n'
+ ' ./ ogrinspect zipcode.shp Zipcode')
+ args = '[data_source] [model_name]'
+ option_list = ArgsCommand.option_list + (
+ make_option('--blank', dest='blank', type='string', action='callback',
+ callback=list_option, default=False,
+ help='Use a comma separated list of OGR field names to add '
+ 'the `blank=True` option to the field definition. Set with'
+ '`true` to apply to all applicable fields.'),
+ make_option('--decimal', dest='decimal', type='string', action='callback',
+ callback=list_option, default=False,
+ help='Use a comma separated list of OGR float fields to '
+ 'generate `DecimalField` instead of the default '
+ '`FloatField`. Set to `true` to apply to all OGR float fields.'),
+ make_option('--geom-name', dest='geom_name', type='string', default='geom',
+ help='Specifies the model name for the Geometry Field '
+ '(defaults to `geom`)'),
+ make_option('--layer', dest='layer_key', type='string', action='callback',
+ callback=layer_option, default=0,
+ help='The key for specifying which layer in the OGR data '
+ 'source to use. Defaults to 0 (the first layer). May be '
+ 'an integer or a string identifier for the layer.'),
+ make_option('--multi-geom', action='store_true', dest='multi_geom', default=False,
+ help='Treat the geometry in the data source as a geometry collection.'),
+ make_option('--name-field', dest='name_field',
+ help='Specifies a field name to return for the `__unicode__` function.'),
+ make_option('--no-imports', action='store_false', dest='imports', default=True,
+ help='Do not include `from django.contrib.gis.db import models` '
+ 'statement.'),
+ make_option('--null', dest='null', type='string', action='callback',
+ callback=list_option, default=False,
+ help='Use a comma separated list of OGR field names to add '
+ 'the `null=True` option to the field definition. Set with'
+ '`true` to apply to all applicable fields.'),
+ make_option('--srid', dest='srid',
+ help='The SRID to use for the Geometry Field. If it can be '
+ 'determined, the SRID of the data source is used.'),
+ make_option('--mapping', action='store_true', dest='mapping',
+ help='Generate mapping dictionary for use with `LayerMapping`.')
+ )
+ requires_model_validation = False
+ def handle_args(self, *args, **options):
+ try:
+ data_source, model_name = args
+ except ValueError:
+ raise CommandError('Invalid arguments, must provide: %s' % self.args)
+ if not gdal.HAS_GDAL:
+ raise CommandError('GDAL is required to inspect geospatial data sources.')
+ # TODO: Support non file-based OGR datasources.
+ if not os.path.isfile(data_source):
+ raise CommandError('The given data source cannot be found: "%s"' % data_source)
+ # Removing options with `None` values.
+ options = dict([(k, v) for k, v in options.items() if not v is None])
+ # Getting the OGR DataSource from the string parameter.
+ try:
+ ds = gdal.DataSource(data_source)
+ except gdal.OGRException, msg:
+ raise CommandError(msg)
+ # Whether the user wants to generate the LayerMapping dictionary as well.
+ show_mapping = options.pop('mapping', False)
+ # Returning the output of ogrinspect with the given arguments
+ # and options.
+ from django.contrib.gis.utils.ogrinspect import _ogrinspect, mapping
+ output = [s for s in _ogrinspect(ds, model_name, **options)]
+ if show_mapping:
+ # Constructing the keyword arguments for `mapping`, and
+ # calling it on the data source.
+ kwargs = {'geom_name' : options['geom_name'],
+ 'layer_key' : options['layer_key'],
+ 'multi_geom' : options['multi_geom'],
+ }
+ mapping_dict = mapping(ds, **kwargs)
+ # This extra legwork is so that the dictionary definition comes
+ # out in the same order as the fields in the model definition.
+ rev_mapping = dict([(v, k) for k, v in mapping_dict.items()])
+ output.extend(['', '# Auto-generated `LayerMapping` dictionary for %s model' % model_name,
+ '%s_mapping = {' % model_name.lower()])
+ output.extend([" '%s' : '%s'," % (rev_mapping[ogr_fld], ogr_fld) for ogr_fld in ds[options['layer_key']].fields])
+ output.extend([" '%s' : '%s'," % (options['geom_name'], mapping_dict[options['geom_name']]), '}'])
+ return '\n'.join(output)