// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.server.auth.ldap; import static com.google.gerrit.server.account.GroupBackends.GROUP_REF_NAME_COMPARATOR; import static com.google.gerrit.server.auth.ldap.Helper.LDAP_UUID; import static com.google.gerrit.server.auth.ldap.LdapModule.GROUP_CACHE; import static com.google.gerrit.server.auth.ldap.LdapModule.GROUP_EXIST_CACHE; import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.GroupDescription; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.GroupReference; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.ParameterizedString; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.AccountExternalId; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.AccountGroup; import com.google.gerrit.server.CurrentUser; import com.google.gerrit.server.IdentifiedUser; import com.google.gerrit.server.account.GroupBackend; import com.google.gerrit.server.account.GroupMembership; import com.google.gerrit.server.account.ListGroupMembership; import com.google.gerrit.server.auth.ldap.Helper.LdapSchema; import com.google.gerrit.server.project.ProjectCache; import com.google.gerrit.server.project.ProjectControl; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.google.inject.Provider; import com.google.inject.name.Named; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName; import javax.naming.ldap.Rdn; import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException; /** * Implementation of GroupBackend for the LDAP group system. */ public class LdapGroupBackend implements GroupBackend { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LdapGroupBackend.class); private static final String LDAP_NAME = "ldap/"; private static final String GROUPNAME = "groupname"; private final Helper helper; private final LoadingCache> membershipCache; private final LoadingCache existsCache; private final ProjectCache projectCache; private final Provider userProvider; @Inject LdapGroupBackend( Helper helper, @Named(GROUP_CACHE) LoadingCache> membershipCache, @Named(GROUP_EXIST_CACHE) LoadingCache existsCache, ProjectCache projectCache, Provider userProvider) { this.helper = helper; this.membershipCache = membershipCache; this.projectCache = projectCache; this.existsCache = existsCache; this.userProvider = userProvider; } private boolean isLdapUUID(AccountGroup.UUID uuid) { return uuid.get().startsWith(LDAP_UUID); } private static GroupReference groupReference(ParameterizedString p, LdapQuery.Result res) throws NamingException { return new GroupReference( new AccountGroup.UUID(LDAP_UUID + res.getDN()), LDAP_NAME + LdapRealm.apply(p, res)); } private static String cnFor(String dn) { try { LdapName name = new LdapName(dn); if (!name.isEmpty()) { String cn = name.get(name.size() - 1); int index = cn.indexOf('='); if (index >= 0) { cn = cn.substring(index + 1); } return cn; } } catch (InvalidNameException e) { log.warn("Cannot parse LDAP dn for cn", e); } return dn; } @Override public boolean handles(AccountGroup.UUID uuid) { return isLdapUUID(uuid); } @Override public GroupDescription.Basic get(final AccountGroup.UUID uuid) { if (!handles(uuid)) { return null; } String groupDn = uuid.get().substring(LDAP_UUID.length()); CurrentUser user = userProvider.get(); if (!(user instanceof IdentifiedUser) || !membershipsOf((IdentifiedUser) user).contains(uuid)) { try { if (!existsCache.get(groupDn)) { return null; } } catch (ExecutionException e) { log.warn(String.format("Cannot lookup group %s in LDAP", groupDn), e); return null; } } final String name = LDAP_NAME + cnFor(groupDn); return new GroupDescription.Basic() { @Override public AccountGroup.UUID getGroupUUID() { return uuid; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override @Nullable public String getEmailAddress() { return null; } @Override @Nullable public String getUrl() { return null; } }; } @Override public Collection suggest(String name, ProjectControl project) { AccountGroup.UUID uuid = new AccountGroup.UUID(name); if (isLdapUUID(uuid)) { GroupDescription.Basic g = get(uuid); if (g == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return Collections.singleton(GroupReference.forGroup(g)); } else if (name.startsWith(LDAP_NAME)) { return suggestLdap(name.substring(LDAP_NAME.length())); } return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public GroupMembership membershipsOf(IdentifiedUser user) { String id = findId(user.state().getExternalIds()); if (id == null) { return GroupMembership.EMPTY; } try { final Set groups = membershipCache.get(id); return new ListGroupMembership(groups) { @Override public Set getKnownGroups() { Set g = Sets.newHashSet(groups); g.retainAll(projectCache.guessRelevantGroupUUIDs()); return g; } }; } catch (ExecutionException e) { log.warn(String.format("Cannot lookup membershipsOf %s in LDAP", id), e); return GroupMembership.EMPTY; } } private static String findId(final Collection ids) { for (final AccountExternalId i : ids) { if (i.isScheme(AccountExternalId.SCHEME_GERRIT)) { return i.getSchemeRest(); } } return null; } private Set suggestLdap(String name) { if (name.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } Set out = Sets.newTreeSet(GROUP_REF_NAME_COMPARATOR); try { DirContext ctx = helper.open(); try { // Do exact lookups until there are at least 3 characters. name = Rdn.escapeValue(name) + ((name.length() >= 3) ? "*" : ""); LdapSchema schema = helper.getSchema(ctx); ParameterizedString filter = ParameterizedString.asis( schema.groupPattern.replace(GROUPNAME, name).toString()); Set returnAttrs = new HashSet(schema.groupName.getParameterNames()); Map params = Collections.emptyMap(); for (String groupBase : schema.groupBases) { LdapQuery query = new LdapQuery( groupBase, schema.groupScope, filter, returnAttrs); for (LdapQuery.Result res : query.query(ctx, params)) { out.add(groupReference(schema.groupName, res)); } } } finally { try { ctx.close(); } catch (NamingException e) { log.warn("Cannot close LDAP query handle", e); } } } catch (NamingException e) { log.warn("Cannot query LDAP for groups matching requested name", e); } catch (LoginException e) { log.warn("Cannot query LDAP for groups matching requested name", e); } return out; } }