#!/usr/bin/env perl ############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ## Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ## ## This file is part of the Qt Toolkit. ## ## $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ## Commercial License Usage ## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ## a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ## conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. 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It is used as a puppet External Node Classifier script, and may be invoked interactively to aid in the initial setup of nodes. =cut use v5.10; use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec::Functions; use FindBin; use Getopt::Long; use IO::Handle; use English qw( -no_match_vars ); use Pod::Usage; use Net::Domain qw( hostname ); use feature 'state'; # directory containing files relating to this script my $CFG_DIR = catfile( $FindBin::Bin, 'nodecfg' ); # filename generated by -interactive option my $INTERACTIVE_CFG_FILE = catfile( $CFG_DIR, '10-config.yaml' ); # log file (overwritten at each run) my $LOG_FILE = catfile( $CFG_DIR, 'nodecfg.log' ); my $PARAMETERS_FOR_TESTER = ( [ testuser => { doc => qq{Username of the account used for all testing; \n} .qq{this should be an account which is not used for any other\n} .qq{activities on this machine.}, default => 'qt', }, network_test_server_ip => { doc => qq{IPv4 address of the network test server (qt-test-server.qt-test-net) \n} .qq{to be used while running autotests on this host; leave blank if you don't\n} .qq{have a server, in which case many network tests will skip}, default => q{}, }, qt_gerrit_mirror => { doc => qq{Base URL of a local mirror of Qt's gerrit (codereview.qt-project.org). \n} .qq{This will be used as the 'qt-gerrit-mirror' git alias to speed up git \n} .qq{operations while testing. \n\n} .qq{The base URL will have Qt module names appended; for example: \n} .qq{ "git://git.example.com/" => "git://git.example.com/qt/qtbase" \n\n} .qq{Leave blank if you don't have a mirror}, default => q{}, }, jenkins_enabled => { doc => qq{Run a Jenkins slave on this host?}, type => 'bool', default => 'n', child => [ jenkins_server => { doc => qq{Jenkins server URL (e.g. http://jenkins.example.com/)}, }, jenkins_slave_name => { doc => qq{Name of this Jenkins slave (must be preconfigured on server)}, default => hostname(), } ], }, vmware_enabled => { doc => qq{This host is VMWare virtual machine?}, type => 'bool', default => 'y', }, (($OSNAME =~ m{linux}i) ? (icecc_enabled => { doc => 'Use icecream distributed compilation tool?', default => 'y', type => 'bool', child => [ icecc_scheduler_host => { doc => qq{Icecream scheduler hostname; leave empty for autodiscovery, \n} .qq{which usually works if the scheduler is on the same LAN and IP broadcast \n} .qq{is working.}, default => q{}, } ] }) : () ), (($OSNAME =~ m{darwin}i) ? (distcc_enabled => { doc => 'Use distcc distributed compilation tool?', default => 'y', type => 'bool', child => [ distcc_hosts => { doc => qq{Distcc host specification; used for distributed compilation. \n} .qq{List of whitespace separated hostnames and other distcc specific options. \n} .qq{e.g., --randomize ci-mac-mini-01 ci-mac-mini-02 ci-mac-mini-03}, default => 'localhost', } ] }) : () ), ], ); # Data used for interactive setup. # Would be nice to automatically extract these from the manifests (magic comments?) my %INTERACTIVE = ( parameters => [ location => { doc => qq{Location for CI machines.\n} .qq{The location variable is used to customize certain puppet configurations.\n\n} .qq{The location is typically something like: "Oslo", "Brisbane" or "Digia". \n\n}, default => q{}, }, qtgitreadonly => { doc => qq{Base URL of Qt's git repositories (git://qt.gitorious.org/). \n} .qq{This will be used as the 'qtgitreadonly' alias for git \n} .qq{operations while testing. \n\n} .qq{The base URL will have Qt module names appended; for example: \n} .qq{ "git://git.example.com/" => "git://git.example.com/qt/qtbase" \n\n}, default => 'git://qt.gitorious.org/', }, input => { doc => qq{Base HTTP URL where large files are hosted (tarballs etc) \n} .qq{These files are all publicly available but you'll have to host them \n} .qq{in your own mirror. \n\n} .qq{The base HTTP URL can be for example: "http://replace-me.example.com/input". \n\n}, default => q{}, }, email => { doc => qq{E-mail address where scripts run on this client node can send \n} .qq{notifications in case of errors. \n\n} .qq{The address can be for example: "nodes-in-ci\@mail.com". \n\n}, default => q{}, }, smtp => { doc => qq{SMTP server address which this client node can use to send e-mails. \n\n} .qq{The address can be for example: "smtp.mail.com". \n\n}, default => q{}, }, ], classes => { ci_tester => { doc => 'Qt Project CI tester, performing Qt compilation and autotests', parameters => $PARAMETERS_FOR_TESTER }, bb_tester => { doc => 'BlackBery CI tester, performing Qt compilation and autotests', parameters => $PARAMETERS_FOR_TESTER }, packaging_tester => { doc => 'Qt Project Packaging tester, performing Qt compilation and autotests', parameters => $PARAMETERS_FOR_TESTER }, ci_server => { doc => "Qt Project CI system server (Jenkins <-> Gerrit integration)" }, packaging_server => { doc => "Qt Project packaging server" }, network_test_server => { doc => "Network test server, used for some QtNetwork autotests (qt-test-server.qt-test-net)" }, }, ); # like IO::Prompt::prompt, but supports only the following subset: # -integer # -default # -yes sub prompt { my $text = shift; my $match; my $match_error; my $default; my $yes; while (my $arg = shift) { if ($arg eq '-integer') { $match = qr{\A[0-9]+\z}; $match_error = 'input is not a valid positive integer'; } elsif ($arg eq '-default') { $default = shift; } elsif ($arg eq '-yes') { $yes = 1; } else { $text .= $arg; } } while (1) { local $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; print $text; my $in = ; if (!defined( $in ) && eof( STDIN )) { print_interactive( "STDIN closed - aborting.\n" ); exit 3; } chomp $in; $in ||= $default || q{}; if ($match && $in !~ $match) { print "$match_error\n"; next; } if ($yes) { if ($in =~ m{\A[yY]}) { return 1; } return 0; } return $in; } return; } # Given a set of @choices, presents them to the user and returns the array index chosen. # $text is a header printed immediately prior to the menu. sub prompt_menu_idx { my ($text, @choices) = @_; print "$text\n\n"; my $i = 1; foreach my $c (@choices) { print " ($i) $c\n"; ++$i; } print "\n"; while (1) { my $selected = prompt( '? ', '-integer' ); if ($selected >= 1 && $selected < $i) { # user input is 1-based, array index is 0-based return $selected - 1; } print "Invalid input '$selected', please try again.\n"; } return; } # Open the log file and return a filehandle for writing, # or warn and return nothing on failure. sub open_log { my $fh; if (open($fh, '>', $LOG_FILE)) { return $fh; } warn "Unable to log to $LOG_FILE: $!"; return; } # Print a message to the log file, which is opened on first use. # If the log file can't be opened, prints to STDERR instead. sub print_log { state $log_fh = open_log(); if ($log_fh) { $log_fh->printflush( @_ ); } else { warn @_; } return; } # Print a message both to STDOUT and to the log file. sub print_interactive { print_log( @_ ); local $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; print @_; return; } # Return the entire content of the file given by $filename, or die on error sub read_file { my ($filename) = @_; open( my $fh, '<', $filename ) || die "open $filename for read: $!"; local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = undef; my $text = <$fh>; close( $fh ); return $text; } # Write the given $text into the file given by $filename, or die on error; # the file is created if necessary, and replaced if it already exists. sub write_file { my ($filename, $text) = @_; open( my $fh, '>', $filename ) || die "open $filename for write: $!"; print $fh $text; close( $fh ) || die "close $filename after write: $!"; return; } # Read all configuration files from the config directory and return the # resulting configuration string (which should be a YAML document). sub read_config { my @texts; my @files = sort glob catfile( $CFG_DIR, '*.yaml' ); foreach my $file (@files) { print_log( "Reading $file ...\n" ); my $text; eval { $text = read_file( $file ); }; if (my $error = $EVAL_ERROR) { print_log( "Error reading from $file: $error" ); next; } push @texts, $text; } print_log( "Config read.\n" ); return join( "\n", @texts ); } # Check if a config file exists at $filename; if so, prompt if the user # wants to continue. sub check_existing_config { my ($filename) = @_; return unless -e $filename; my $current_cfg = read_file( $filename ); print "Warning: $filename already exists.\n" ."If you continue, this configuration will be overwritten:\n\n" ."$current_cfg\n\n"; if (prompt( 'Continue (y/n) ? ' ) ne 'y') { print "Aborting.\n"; exit 2; } print_interactive "Will overwrite existing configuration.\n"; return; } # Prompt for selection of a class. sub select_class { my ($in, $out) = @_; print "\n"; my @classes = sort keys %{ $in->{ classes } }; my $selected = prompt_menu_idx( 'Select which of the following best describes the purpose of this host:', (map { "$_ - $in->{ classes }{ $_ }{ doc }" } @classes) ); my $class = $classes[$selected]; $out->{ classes }{ $class } = {}; return $class; } # Prompt for a parameter value. # If the parameter has child parameters, they will also be prompted, recursively. sub configure_param { my ($name, $in, $out, $indent) = @_; $indent ||= q{}; my $doc = $in->{ doc }; $doc =~ s{^}{$indent}mg; my $default = $in->{ default }; my $type = $in->{ type }; print "\n$doc\n"; my $value = prompt( "$indent $name", defined($default) ? ( " [$default]", -default => $default, ) : (), ($type && $type eq 'bool') ? ('-yes') : (), ' ? ', ); if ($type && $type eq 'bool') { $value &&= 'true'; $value ||= 'false'; } $out->{ $name } = $value; # handle child params, if any if ($type && $type eq 'bool' && $value eq 'true') { my @params = @{ $in->{ child } || [] }; while (my ($childname, $childdata) = splice( @params, 0, 2 )) { configure_param( $childname, $childdata, $out, "$indent ", ); } } return; } # Given a generated config object, serializes it as YAML and returns it. # The YAML formatter is quite basic and may give incorrect results for # complex input. Arrays, hashes and single-line strings are OK. sub serialize_config { my ($data, $indent) = @_; $indent ||= q{}; my $type = ref($data); if (!$type) { # special case to differentiate an empty string from no value if ($data eq q{}) { return q{ ""}; } return " $data"; } my $out = "\n"; if ($type eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $v (@{ $data }) { $out .= "$indent- " . serialize_config( $v, "$indent " ) . "\n"; } return $out; } my @keys = sort keys %{ $data }; foreach my $k (@keys) { my $v = $data->{ $k }; $out .= "$indent$k:" . serialize_config( $v, "$indent " ) . "\n"; } return $out; } # Entry point to -interactive mode sub run_interactive { my $file = $INTERACTIVE_CFG_FILE; print_interactive <<"EOF"; Configuring interactively. This script will generate the following configuration file: $file The usage of this script is optional; it is intended to give a quick start to configuring a machine for the most common use-cases. It's fine to instead create the configuration by hand, or copy a file from another machine, or skip this for now and come back later. Press CTRL+C to abort this interactive process at any time. EOF check_existing_config( $file ); my %config; print_interactive "Configuring global parameters\n"; $config{ parameters } = {}; my @globalparams = @{ $INTERACTIVE{ parameters } || [] }; while (my ($name, $data) = splice( @globalparams, 0, 2 )) { configure_param( $name, $data, $config{ parameters }, ); } # choose a class my $class = select_class( \%INTERACTIVE, \%config ); print_interactive "Configuring a node of class '$class'\n"; my $classdata = $INTERACTIVE{ classes }{ $class }; my @params = @{ $classdata->{ parameters } || [] }; while (my ($name, $data) = splice( @params, 0, 2 )) { configure_param( $name, $data, $config{ classes }{ $class }, ); } my $text = serialize_config( \%config ); $text =~ s{\A\s+}{}; $text =~ s{\s+\z}{}; my $displaytext = $text; $displaytext =~ s{^}{ }mg; print_interactive "\n\nConfiguration completed:\n\n$displaytext\n\n"; if (!prompt( 'Save (y/n) [y] ? ', '-yes', -default => 'y' )) { print_interactive "Not saving.\n"; return; } write_file( $file, "$text\n" ); print_interactive "Configuration saved to $file.\n" ."To reconfigure, run: $FindBin::Bin/$FindBin::Script -interactive\n"; return; } sub run { my ($node) = @_; if ($node && $node eq '-interactive') { return run_interactive(); } if (!$node || $node =~ m{\A-}) { pod2usage( 2 ); } print_log( "Invoked for node $node\n" ); if (my $config = read_config( )) { print "$config\n"; } else { print_log( "No configuration is set, try: nodecfg.pl -interactive\n" ); # Simulate a node which is known, but empty, so that legacy definitions in nodes.pp # can still be processed. print "classes:\n\n"; print "parameters:\n"; } return; } run( @ARGV ) unless caller; 1;