path: root/packaging-tools
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* pylint: Update to version 2.17.3, apply required changesHEADmasterPatrik Teivonen2023-05-092-25/+34
* release_repo_updater.spawn_remote_background_task: exit with exit codePatrik Teivonen2023-05-021-1/+1
* Add generic functions to read files and configurations from SFTP remotePatrik Teivonen2023-05-025-93/+397
* sign_installer: Adjust logging verbosity level for codesignPatrik Teivonen2023-04-281-3/+3
* update_component_translations.py: Fix regression, log skipped ts filesPatrik Teivonen2023-04-271-13/+10
* Pythonize update_component_translations.shPatrik Teivonen2023-04-253-126/+154
* QtCreator: Sign on WindowsEike Ziller2023-04-172-3/+17
* sign_installer.py: Use 'file' for detecting Mach-O binariesv6.2.8-lts-packagingPatrik Teivonen2023-04-061-3/+2
* sign_installer: Use ditto when copying files for notarizationPatrik Teivonen2023-04-051-6/+4
* sign_installer.py: Ignore symlinks in looking for signable contentPatrik Teivonen2023-04-051-1/+13
* sign_installer: Adjust what counts as signable macOS payload contentPatrik Teivonen2023-04-051-7/+4
* sign_installer.py: Skip notarization if there is no payload to notarizePatrik Teivonen2023-04-051-0/+3
* Sign macOS installer disk images before notarizationPatrik Teivonen2023-04-032-30/+43
* create_installer: Remove obsolete debug files patchingPatrik Teivonen2023-03-302-172/+1
* release_repo_updater: Fix offline task buildPatrik Teivonen2023-03-301-1/+1
* release_task_reader: Improve task parsing logging outputv6.5.0-packagingPatrik Teivonen2023-03-296-67/+89
* Add option to sign and notarize installer payloadv6.5.0-rc1-packagingPatrik Teivonen2023-03-138-64/+303
* Ensure that libclang is built with -fPIC/PIEv6.4.3-packagingAlexey Edelev2023-03-101-0/+1
* create_installer.py: Move LRELEASE_TOOL configuration to argparsePatrik Teivonen2023-03-091-4/+10
* create_installer.py: Fix argparse configurationPatrik Teivonen2023-03-091-16/+22
* bldinstallercommon.py: Refactor RPATH/RUNPATH patchingPatrik Teivonen2023-03-0710-159/+235
* Fix flake8, isort, pylint linter warnings when running git hooksv5.15.13-lts-packagingPatrik Teivonen2023-03-012-5/+16
* Qtcreator_libclang: Support for LLVM 16.0.0-rc2Cristian Adam2023-02-227-559/+39
* Pylint: Enable R0911, R0916, R1702, reduce number of nested blocksPatrik Teivonen2023-02-222-36/+38
* create_installer: Log build task args for easier reproduction of buildsPatrik Teivonen2023-02-222-4/+45
* Support creating online repositories from QBSP filesIikka Eklund2023-02-224-99/+437
* bldinstallercommon: improve dir strip functionality, add unit testsv6.5.0-beta3-packagingPatrik Teivonen2023-02-144-33/+83
* create_installer: Fetch non-extractable payload directly to correct dirPatrik Teivonen2023-02-133-30/+92
* Fix some linter errors, broken Pipfile import, update readmePatrik Teivonen2023-02-107-19/+23
* Add operations for Debian repo creation and publishingIikka Eklund2023-02-106-15/+689
* release_task_reader.py: fix offline task validation issueAntti Kokko2023-02-072-2/+12
* Add a summary of sdkcomponent errors at the end of a dry runPatrik Teivonen2023-02-073-0/+29
* release_task_reader.py: add validation for mandatory task settingsAntti Kokko2023-02-072-10/+81
* release_task_reader.py: Fix argparse CLI task type argumentPatrik Teivonen2023-02-011-2/+2
* Support Debian task type in packaging configurationsIikka Eklund2023-01-304-159/+344
* Remove win32api dependency, adapt create_installer.pyPatrik Teivonen2023-01-263-21/+52
* dum_debug_infos.py: improve error outputTim Jenssen2023-01-251-3/+12
* dum_debug_infos.py: fix create .sym file namesTim Jenssen2023-01-251-1/+1
* fix install_qt still talks about Qt 5Tim Jenssen2023-01-251-1/+1
* PL103: os.makedirs(path) should be replaced by path.mkdir(parents=True)v6.5.0-beta2-packagingPatrik Teivonen2023-01-2415-44/+37
* PL102: os.mkdir("foo") should be replaced by foo_path.mkdir()Patrik Teivonen2023-01-241-1/+1
* PL122: os.path.splitext("foo.bar") should be replaced by path.suffixPatrik Teivonen2023-01-2411-76/+70
* sdkcomponent: Compress to a single archive when using pattern match uriPatrik Teivonen2023-01-243-91/+124
* release_repo_updater: add supported archive formats for aws syncAntti Kokko2023-01-161-4/+6
* PL119: os.path.basename("foo/bar") should be replaced by bar_path.namePatrik Teivonen2023-01-1310-26/+31
* PL101: os.chmod("foo", perm) should be replaced by Path.chmod(perm)Patrik Teivonen2023-01-132-6/+6
* test_release_repo_updater: Fix repogen path in unit test assertionPatrik Teivonen2023-01-131-2/+3
* PL111: os.path.expanduser("~") should be replaced by Path.home()Patrik Teivonen2023-01-134-16/+15
* Add Aptly repository manager client adapter for Debian repositoriesIikka Eklund2023-01-126-0/+826
* QtCreator: Sign online/Qt offline bundle on macOSEike Ziller2023-01-121-38/+36