path: root/packaging-tools/create_installer.py
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* pylint: Update to version 2.17.3, apply required changesHEADmasterPatrik Teivonen2023-05-091-21/+21
* Pythonize update_component_translations.shPatrik Teivonen2023-04-251-4/+4
* create_installer: Remove obsolete debug files patchingPatrik Teivonen2023-03-301-138/+0
* Add option to sign and notarize installer payloadv6.5.0-rc1-packagingPatrik Teivonen2023-03-131-54/+66
* create_installer.py: Move LRELEASE_TOOL configuration to argparsePatrik Teivonen2023-03-091-4/+10
* create_installer.py: Fix argparse configurationPatrik Teivonen2023-03-091-16/+22
* bldinstallercommon.py: Refactor RPATH/RUNPATH patchingPatrik Teivonen2023-03-071-1/+1
* create_installer: Log build task args for easier reproduction of buildsPatrik Teivonen2023-02-221-2/+45
* bldinstallercommon: improve dir strip functionality, add unit testsv6.5.0-beta3-packagingPatrik Teivonen2023-02-141-18/+2
* create_installer: Fetch non-extractable payload directly to correct dirPatrik Teivonen2023-02-131-28/+32
* Fix some linter errors, broken Pipfile import, update readmePatrik Teivonen2023-02-101-2/+3
* Add a summary of sdkcomponent errors at the end of a dry runPatrik Teivonen2023-02-071-0/+7
* Remove win32api dependency, adapt create_installer.pyPatrik Teivonen2023-01-261-7/+16
* sdkcomponent: Compress to a single archive when using pattern match uriPatrik Teivonen2023-01-241-33/+44
* PL119: os.path.basename("foo/bar") should be replaced by bar_path.namePatrik Teivonen2023-01-131-2/+2
* PL101: os.chmod("foo", perm) should be replaced by Path.chmod(perm)Patrik Teivonen2023-01-131-5/+5
* Create temporary directories with temppathlib's TemporaryDirectoryPatrik Teivonen2023-01-121-2/+3
* create_installer: Fix substitutions being overridden by common substsPatrik Teivonen2023-01-101-0/+3
* sdkcomponent.py: Fix get_archive_install_dir()Patrik Teivonen2023-01-051-2/+2
* Refactor partial installer and dry-run optionsPatrik Teivonen2022-12-291-35/+70
* Revert "Revert "Refactor create_installer.get_component_data""Patrik Teivonen2022-12-271-145/+321
* Revert "Revert "Refactor sdkcomponent.py""Patrik Teivonen2022-12-271-151/+165
* create_installer.py: remove obsolete maintenancetool resource creationv6.2.7-lts-packagingv5.15.12-lts-packagingAntti Kokko2022-12-021-38/+2
* Revert "Refactor sdkcomponent.py"Patrik Teivonen2022-11-281-153/+150
* Revert "Refactor create_installer.get_component_data"Patrik Teivonen2022-11-281-320/+147
* Refactor create_installer.get_component_dataPatrik Teivonen2022-11-251-147/+320
* Refactor sdkcomponent.pyIikka Eklund2022-11-251-150/+153
* pylint: ignore some python 3.6 specific false positive linter warningsPatrik Teivonen2022-11-251-3/+3
* Import other Python scripts from qtsdk directly without subprocessPatrik Teivonen2022-11-141-93/+122
* Add Python executable for archive action Python script callsv6.4.1-packagingAntti Kokko2022-11-111-1/+4
* Use unsigned installerbase for Windows offline buildsAntti Kokko2022-11-091-1/+2
* Refactor runner.py functionsPatrik Teivonen2022-11-011-23/+21
* Revert "Revert "Use logging functions from logging_util.py""Antti Kokko2022-10-261-5/+4
* Revert "Use logging functions from logging_util.py"Antti Kokko2022-10-191-4/+5
* Use logging functions from logging_util.pyPatrik Teivonen2022-10-181-5/+4
* sdkcomponent: Remove optional_for_offline logicPatrik Teivonen2022-10-071-9/+11
* bldinstallercommon: Remove unneeded text file functionsv5.15.11-lts-packagingPatrik Teivonen2022-09-291-8/+1
* Add missing type hints, enable strict mypy checkingPatrik Teivonen2022-09-221-48/+56
* pylint: Add miscellaneous checksv6.4.0-rc1-packagingPatrik Teivonen2022-09-111-1/+1
* pylint: Add checking for PEP8 naming style conventions (C0103)Patrik Teivonen2022-09-081-5/+5
* pep8-naming: N806 variable in function should be lowercasePatrik Teivonen2022-09-081-31/+31
* pep8-naming: N803 argument name should be lowercase (function arguments)Patrik Teivonen2022-09-071-10/+10
* pep8-naming: N802 function name should be lowercase (function names)Patrik Teivonen2022-09-071-11/+11
* Reduce use of module globals by wrapping code outside functions in mainPatrik Teivonen2022-09-061-1/+6
* pylint: Use 'with' for resource allocation operations (R1732)Patrik Teivonen2022-09-041-2/+4
* pylint: Add missing UTF-8 encoding parameter when opening filesPatrik Teivonen2022-09-011-4/+4
* Replace find_executable from distutils with shutil.whichPatrik Teivonen2022-08-301-2/+1
* pylint: Remove unnecessary bits of codePatrik Teivonen2022-08-231-10/+6
* pylint: Add string formatting checks, use f-string and lazy % formattingPatrik Teivonen2022-08-161-83/+80
* Add pylint hook in errors only mode, resolve errorsPatrik Teivonen2022-08-161-4/+4