1. Introduction to installer scripts The folder packaging-tools of Qt 5's qtsdk module contains scripts to generate desktop installers based on the Qt Installer-Framework. Example configuration templates are provided but actual content that is to be installed needs to be generated separately. For detailed usage of the Qt Installer-Framework itself please refer to the Qt Installer-Framework documentation. The scripts can be used to create offline installers or online installers. For online installers you need a dedicated server to host the repositories. 2. General requirements Make sure you have the following tools installed: - Python 2.6 or 2.7 - Win: win32api python module - 7z Build requirements: - Linux/Mac: gcc toolchain - Windows: MinGW/Visual Studio toolchain 3. Quick start The 'create_installer.py' only generates the installer itself and wraps the content inside. The actual installable content must be built separately and archived in 7z format for the installer. Let's assume that you want to create Qt 5 Beta offline installer that contains only Qt5 source and binary package. You should have the following packages built separately: - qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0.tar.gz i.e. the source pacakge - qt5_all.7z i.e. the Qt5 binary package (e.g. msvc2010 64-bit) Let's assume that you want to create the installer for Windows. Also let's assume that you will put the qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0.tar.gz and qt5_all.7z somewhere on your local file system. E.g. c:\my_qt5_builds\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0.tar.gz c:\my_qt5_builds\qt5_all.7z Open '/configurations/win_x86_beta' and see the following items: (1) [src.qt.500_beta] archive_uri: # This is the uri where the script will try to download this package package_strip_dirs: # Strip this many unnecessary directories from the beginning of this package before creating the installer. See detailed explanation later in this document. archive_name: # Needed for online installers. Leave as it is. -> So this part should look like this: [src.qt.500_beta] archive_uri: c:\my_qt5_builds\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0.tar.gz package_strip_dirs: 1 target_install_dir: / rpath_target: archive_name: qt-everywhere-opensource-src- (2) [desktop.500_beta.msvc2010_64] archive_uri: # This is the uri where the script will try to download this package package_strip_dirs: # Strip this many unnecessary directories from the beginning of this package before creating the installer. See detailed explanation later in this document. archive_name: # Needed for online installers. Leave as it is. -> So this part should look like this: [desktop.500_beta.msvc2010_64] archive_uri: c:\my_qt5_builds\qt5_all.7z package_strip_dirs: 5 archive_name: msvc2010_64_all.7z Note! This example assumes that you don't want to include 32-bit msvc2012 Qt binaries so delete the whole section: [qt.sdk.desktop.500_beta.msvc2010] Now you are ready the create the installer with the following command (on windows): > python create_installer.py -f win_x86_beta --offline --devmode Explanations: - win_x86_beta i.e. the main configuration file you just edited - offline creates offline installer - devmode builds Qt Installer-Framework and static Qt4.8 libraries for it on the fly Depending on the speed of your computer the installer executable will be generated on the scripts root directory (30-60 minutes). 3.1 Offline installers for different platforms To create a standalone offline installer use: Linux: python create_installer.py linux -f linux_x86_32_beta --offline --devmode OR python create_installer.py linux -f linux_x86_64_beta --offline --devmode Mac: python create_installer.py mac -f mac_x86_64_beta --offline --devmode Windows: python create_installer.py -f win_x86_beta --offline --devmode output: - SDK installer executable will be generated into the scripts root directory. - "repositories" directory will be generated into the scripts root directory 4 Detailed explanations about the internals Definitions: Component: One component in install tree. E.g. 'qt.sdk.desktop'. Best example can be found from existing installers (Qt SDK) where you can see the "install-tree" where each 'node' represents one component. Package: In this context the 'package' refers to data content. Usually in 7z format. One 'component' can contain multiple packages. 4.1 Configuration files Main configuration files reside in the root of '/Configurations'. Example main configuration files are: '/Configurations/linux_x86_32_beta' '/Configurations/linux_x86_64_beta' '/Configurations/mac_x86_32_beta' '/Configurations/win_x86_32_beta' The main configuration files can include other configuration files. This approach can be used if the number of installable components is large and you want to modularize the configuration files. '/Configurations/all-os' directory can contain configuration files common for all platforms. '/Configurations/linux' directory contains linux platform specific configuration files '/Configurations/mac' directory contains mac platform specific configuration files '/Configurations/windows' directory contains windows platform specific configuration files Sub-configuration files contain only installable package releated information. Main configuratio file contain all the rest required information required for installer creation. 4.2 Package templates. Directory '/Configurations/pkg' contain the package templates. Example listing: com.qt com.qt.desktop com.qt.desktop.qt com.qt.desktop.qt.500 com.qt.desktop.qt.500.gcc com.qt.src com.qt.src.500 Each template has directory called 'meta'. This directory contains at least 'package.xml' file that contains metadata about specified component. Other file commonly seen in the same directory is 'installscript.qs' yet optional. E.g. '/Configurations/pkg/com.qt.desktop.qt.500.gcc/meta/package.xml' '/Configurations/pkg/com.qt.desktop.qt.500.gcc/meta/installscript.xml' Note! For each item in the installer GUI 'install-tree' a template needs to exist. package.xml contains metadata and description fields for the specific component. installscript.qs can be used if the component installation requires some specific steps. E.g. Qt binary patching operation is triggered from here during installation phase. Please refer to Installer-Framework documentation for detailed instructions: http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qtifw-1.2/index.html 4.3 Main configuration file explained The syntax complies to Python config file format. See http://docs.python.org/library/configparser.html Brief explanation about the syntax: [Section_name] key1: value key2: value keyx: value The build script expects to find the following sections and values from the main configuration file: [PackageNamespace] name: qt.sdk # Sections starting with this name are identified as components to be installed. E.g. [qt.sdk.desktop.500_beta.msvc2010] # The script will search through all included configuration files (main and sub) and check if the section starts with # 'qt.sdk' (in this example). If the condition is met then parse the key/value pairs under that section and load the # corresponding template from templates directory, e.g. '/configurations/pkg_beta/qt.sdk.desktop.500_beta.msvc2010' [PlatformIdentifier] identifier: linux # Check for sub-configuration files from '/configurations/linux'. E.g. on Windows replace this with 'windows' [ArchiveRemoteLocation.some_server_nickname_here] base_url: http:///packages/ # If you choose to put pre-build contents on some remote location (e.g. you have CI system that builds the # packages regularly) you can define the 'base_url' part here. base_path: # Will be deprecated. Do not use. Leave it empty. # for testing purposes [PackageIgnoreList] packages: foo.bar, foo.bar2, foo.bar3 # E.g. if you choose to make test installer build and want to exclude one component put the component name here # e.g. qt.sdk.desktop.500_beta.gcc_64 [PackageConfigurationFiles] file_list: # if you have sub-configuration files e.g. in '/configurations/linux' directory, put the name of the file here. # multiple files can be included when separated by comma [OfflinePackageExcludeList] package_list: # if you create offline installer but still want to drop out some components which should reside in online repository # instead list them here, separated by comma. Only if you have server back end to support online repositories. [SdkUpdateRepository] repository_url_release: http://../qt5repository/linux/x64/online_qt5sdk_repo # when creating online installer put the base url here where the installer expects to find the Updates.xml repository_url_rnd: http://../qt5repository/linux/x64/online_qt5sdk_repo # same as above, use this if you have dedicated RnD server for internal testing. Then the installer script # must be started with additional 'testclient' command line argument [TargetArchitechture] instruction_set: x86_64 # Currently used only for installer filename generation [ConfigDir] template_name: config_qt5 # Script tries to locate config templates from directory '/configurations/config_qt5/' # This directory contains bitmaps and general installer resources. [ConfigXml] template_name: config.xml.template.linux.qt5-beta # Filename for the chosen config.xml template to be used. E.g. if your [PlatformIdentifier] is linux then # the script will try to locate the file from '/configurations/linux/' [PackageTemplates] template_dirs: pkg_beta # The script needs the location where to load the templates. Now it points to: # '/configurations/pkg_beta' [InstallerFrameworkTools] # If you choose to use pre-build Installer-Framework binaries & tools you can give the full package url here name: ifwt # but it is preferred to use the command line argument 'devmode' so the script will build the Installer-Framework package_url: http:///packages/.../installer-framework-build-linux-64bit.7z version: 1.2.0 Note! So far no installable components have been defined yet! In the example Qt 5 Beta main configuration files the components are defined in the main configuration file as well. This approach can be used but when the amount of installable components grow it is recommended to split components in specific sub-configuration files which you include in this main configuration file. Put the sub-configuration files under directory defined in [PlatformIdentifier], e.g '/configurations/linux' 4.4 Defining components to be include in the installer Example component 1: [qt.sdk.desktop.500_beta.msvc2010_64] # Name must start with 'qt.sdk' as defined in [PackageNamespace] archives: archive_1, archive_2, foobar # List of archives to be included in this component target_install_base: /Desktop/Qt/5.0.0-beta/msvc2010_64 # The archives shall be extracted in this directory on user's computer (under ) version: 5.0.0 # This version will be put into corresponding package.xml field version_tag: %QT_VERSION% # If the package.xml contains %QT_VERSION% then the version number will get replaced automatically package_default: true # Will make the component shown as 'default' component in installer. Values: 'true', 'false', 'script' [archive_1] # Defines one archive to be included for this component. This was included in the 'archives' list above archive_uri: c:\my_qt5_builds\qt5_all.7z # Where to download the package. package_strip_dirs: 5 # If your 'qt5_all.7z' containst dir structure you need to rip out e.g. '\temp\work\build\...' you can rip out # these by telling how many directories to strip from the beginning target_install_dir: / # Normally leave as '/'. This path is appended into 'target_install_base' and the content is installed in this dir rpath_target: # Only for Unix like systems where RPath needs to be patched. If used (not empty) the script will patch the RPath # in executables and libraries found in the archive. E.g. on Linux the value here would be '/lib' where the # Qt libraries reside. The script will patch the RPath value to use relative paths. archive_name: msvc2010_64_all.7z # Only for online installers. This is the name for the package residing on online repositores (on server). [archive_2] # Another archive to be included in for the component archive_uri: c:\my_qt5_builds\cats.7z package_strip_dirs: 3 target_install_dir: / rpath_target: archive_name: cats.7z [foobar] # Yet another archive to be included in for the component archive_uri: c:\my_qt5_builds\dogs.7z package_strip_dirs: target_install_dir: / rpath_target: archive_name: dogs.7z So this arbitrary example described one installable component that included three different archives. E.g. you might have component 'profiling tools' denoted as 'qt.sdk.misc.tools.profiling' and that installable component could include e.g. two archives 'mem leak analyzer' and 'heap profiler' etc. etc. Things to remember and notice! 1) Each used component [qt.sdk.XXXXXXXXXX] must have corresponding template under 'template_dirs' that was defined in the main configuration file. E.g. for this arbitrary component you should have '/configurations/pkg_beta/qt.sdk.XXXXXXXXXX' '/configurations/pkg_beta/qt.sdk.XXXXXXXXXX/meta' '/configurations/pkg_beta/qt.sdk.XXXXXXXXXX/meta/package.xml' '/configurations/pkg_beta/qt.sdk.XXXXXXXXXX/meta/installscript.qs' (optional) 2) You can define 'empty' components without any data. You can just define the section name: [qt.sdk.YYYYYYYYYY] and the YYYYYYYYYY will be shown as one 'node' in the installer's 'install tree'. The corresponding template is always needed! '/configurations/pkg_beta/qt.sdk.YYYYYYYYYY' '/configurations/pkg_beta/qt.sdk.YYYYYYYYYY/meta' '/configurations/pkg_beta/qt.sdk.YYYYYYYYYY/meta/package.xml' 3) The Qt Installer-Framework expects the packages to be in 7z format. However the script can manage source packages in .zip or in .tar.gz format (it will repackage those). 4.5 Package look-up order There are three possibilities where you can put the archives to be included in the installer. The script will try to locate the archive in the following order: - local file system, absolute path - archive under templates 'data' folder - remote location (1) Absolute file path usage: [archive_2] archive_uri: c:\my_qt5_builds\cats.7z TODO: In theory the script should be able to fetch packages from mapped network drives but this is not tested. (2) Put archive under templates directory. E.g. '/configurations/pkg_beta/qt.sdk.YYYYYYYYYY/data/icons.7z This can be handy if you have some small archive that can reside in version controll as well. In this case the 'archive_uri' is: [archive_2] archive_uri: icons.7z (3) Archives on remote location E.g. in win_x86_beta main configuration file first notice the following: [ArchiveRemoteLocation.some_server_nickname_here] base_url: http:///packages/ Then define the archive uri as follows: [archive_2] archive_uri: /qt/5.0.0/cats.7z --> base_url + archive_uri = http:///packages/qt/5.0.0/windows_vs2010_64/cats.7z In the main configuration file you can define remote location. 'The base_url' defines the base address under which it tries to locate packages. Advanced: You can define multiple remote locations as follows: [ArchiveRemoteLocation.helsinki] base_url: http:///packages/ [ArchiveRemoteLocation.oslo] base_url: http:///packages/ [ArchiveRemoteLocation.berlin] base_url: http:///packages/ Now you can define dedicated server for the specified component: [qt.sdk.desktop.500_beta.foobar] archives: foobar target_install_base: /foobar version: 1.2.3 version_tag: %VERSION% package_default: true [foobar] archive_uri: /foobar.7z package_strip_dirs: 5 target_install_dir: / rpath_target: archive_name: foobar.7z 5. Building Installer-Framework itself When you launch the 'create_installer.py' with command line argument 'devmode' the script will build the Qt Installer-Framework and static Qt libraries for it on the fly. For each platform (Linux, Windows, Mac) there is corresponding 'installer-framework' configuration file: '/configurations/linux/installer-framework' '/configurations/windows/installer-framework' '/configurations/mac/installer-framework' This configuration file describes: - Where to download the sources for Installer-Framework and Qt - What version of Installer-Framework and Qt - How they are built When using the 'devmode' the main script 'create_installer.py' uses the 'bld_ifw_tools.py' script to build the Installer-Framework. 'create_installer.py' | --> 'bld_ifw_tools.py' | --> 'bld_ifw_tools_impl.py' | ==> [Installer-Framework libraries & tools] | ᶺ (read configuration files) | | | (build/package content for installer) | | | <---------------------------- | v 'installer executable' 5.1 Generating pre-built Installer-Framework libraries Note! The following information is useful only if you choose to use pre-built Installer-Framework libraries. This approach can be used if you wish to save installer creation time in the long run. Otherwise it is recommended to use the 'devmode' command line option to create the installer. Usage: > python bld_ifw_tools.py linux or > python bld_ifw_tools.py windows or > python bld_ifw_tools.py mac Explanations: 'bld_ifw_tools.py' builds the Installer-Framework. It expects to find file 'installer-framework' under '/configurations/' where the platform is linux/windows/mac. If you open the 'installer-framework' file you can find e.g.: installer_framework_archive_name: installer-framework-build-win.7z When the build has completed you should find the above mentioned .7z archive from the scripts root dir and that contains the IFW libraries and tools. You can put this archive e.g. on server share and then define the following in you main configuration file, e.g. in 'win_x86_beta' [InstallerFrameworkTools] package_url: http:///.../installer-framework-build-win.7z Now you can run the 'create_installer.py' script without 'devmode' option as now the script will download the pre-built libraries from the URL you have defined and use them instead of building them from sources. This will save installer creation time considerably if you start installer creation from scratch every time. 5.2 Windows installer-framework configuration explained [make] make_cmd: nmake # make command [QtForInstallerFramework] # Configuration how the Qt for Installer-Framework is built # Notice that the Qt is built statically (libraries for Installer-Framework) qt_src_package_url: http://releases.qt-project.org/qt5.0/beta2/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0-beta2.zip qt_source_dir: qt-src # Source checkout directory name qt_build_dir: qt-bld # Shadow build directory name qt_installerfw_qt_configure_line: -static -release -opensource -confirm-license -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake tests -nomake docs -no-webkit -no-phonon -no-dbus -no-opengl -no-qt3support -no-xmlpatterns -no-multimedia -no-declarative -no-declarative-debug -qt-sql-sqlite -plugin-sql-sqlite -prefix [InstallerFramework] # Configuration how the Installer-Framework is built installer_framework_url: git://gitorious.org/installer-framework/installer-framework.git installer_framework_source_dir: ifw-src # Source checkout directory name installer_framework_build_dir: ifw-bld # Shadow build directory name installer_framework_version_tag: remotes/origin/qt5 # Branch or tag installer_framework_qmake_args: -config release -config static -r [Output] installer_framework_archive_name: installer-framework-build-win.7z # The script will archive the generated IFW libraries for later use if needed # if you choose to use pre-built libraries afterwards. Otherwise you can ignore this. installerbase_archive_name: installerbase-win.7z # The script wil archive generated maintenance tool. For online installer use only if needed. # Otherwise you can ignore this. qt_archive_name: qt-ifw-4.8.0-win.7z # The script will archive the generated Qt libraries as well for later use if needed. # TODO! Is this functionality needed? Archiving Qt libraries functionality was added originally # keep QtCreator builds in mind. 5. Files /create_installer.py - main build script - creates installer binary based on Qt Installer-Framework /bldinstallercommon.py - common utility functions /bld_ifw_tools.py /bld_ifw_tools_impl.py - utilities to build static Qt and Installer-Framework /configurations - contains all configuration files /configurations/pkg_beta - contains package templates that define the Qt 5 Beta installer structure /configurations/config_qt5 - template files, e.g. icons, xml files /configurations/linux - contains Linux specific configuration files /configurations/linux/common - common configuration data for Linux installers /configurations/linux/config.xml.template.linux - config.xml template /configurations/linux/installer-framework - configuration file for building Qt Installer-Framework