path: root/weather
diff options
authorLuiz Agostini <>2009-11-03 21:21:17 -0300
committerLuiz Agostini <>2009-11-05 00:42:09 -0300
commitc3dcea71ee47e0166b6245437a906046dcf2f5b7 (patch)
tree1368c548b9d46298bace02d1843b72e0f61e3857 /weather
parent122ea22c9cb15da3aed92cd720610d69af80ac7c (diff)
Weather: city manager.
Signed-off-by: Luiz Agostini <>
Diffstat (limited to 'weather')
7 files changed, 789 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/weather/addcitytool.cpp b/weather/addcitytool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd2539f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weather/addcitytool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+#include "addcitytool.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "forecastprovider.h"
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QInputDialog>
+#include <QEvent>
+#include <QGraphicsScene>
+#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QDebug>
+#define ADD_BACKGROUND (Settings::getScaledPic("background_add_city"))
+#define ADD_ERROR_BACKGROUND (Settings::getScaledPic("background_error_adding"))
+#define CLOSE_BUTTON_PIXMAP (Settings::getScaledPic("button_list_delete"))
+#define ADD_BUTTON_PIXMAP (Settings::getScaledPic("button_city_send"))
+#define BUTTON_LEFT (Settings::scaleWidth(408.0))
+#define ADD_TEXT_BACKGROUND (Settings::getScaledPic("textfield_add_city"))
+#define ADD_TEXT_LEFT (Settings::scaleWidth(38.0))
+#define ADD_SCREEN_FONT_SIZE (Settings::scaleHeight(40.0))
+#define CITY_NAME_FONT_SIZE (Settings::scaleHeight(40.0))
+static inline qreal getCenterVerticalPos(QGraphicsItem *parent, QGraphicsItem *item)
+ const qreal top = (parent->boundingRect().height() - item->boundingRect().height()) / 2;
+ return top - parent->boundingRect().top() - item->boundingRect().top();
+static inline qreal getCenterVerticalPos(QGraphicsItem *item)
+ return getCenterVerticalPos(item->parentItem(), item);
+// AddCityScreen
+AddCityScreen::AddCityScreen(const QRectF &boundingRect, QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+ , m_boundingRect(boundingRect)
+QRectF AddCityScreen::boundingRect () const
+ return m_boundingRect;
+void AddCityScreen::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *opt, QWidget *widget)
+ Q_UNUSED(painter);
+ Q_UNUSED(opt);
+ Q_UNUSED(widget);
+// AddCityFirstScreen
+AddCityFirstScreen::AddCityFirstScreen(const QRectF &boundingRect, QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ : AddCityScreen(boundingRect, parent)
+ , m_textBackground(new QGraphicsPixmapItem(ADD_TEXT_BACKGROUND, this))
+ , m_button(new PixmapButton(80.0, ADD_BUTTON_PIXMAP, this))
+ , m_proxy(new QGraphicsProxyWidget(this))
+ , m_lineEdit(new QLineEdit())
+ setFlag(ItemHasNoContents, true);
+ m_button->setPos(BUTTON_LEFT, getCenterVerticalPos(m_button));
+ m_textBackground->setPos(ADD_TEXT_LEFT, getCenterVerticalPos(m_textBackground));
+ QFont font;
+ font.setFamily("Nokia Sans");
+ font.setPixelSize(CITY_NAME_FONT_SIZE);
+ font.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferAntialias);
+ m_lineEdit->setFont(font);
+ m_lineEdit->setFrame(false);
+ m_lineEdit->setTextMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ m_lineEdit->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground);
+ m_lineEdit->setStyleSheet("background: transparent; color:white");
+ QRect rect(0, 0, m_textBackground->pixmap().width(), m_textBackground->pixmap().height());
+ rect.adjust(5, 5, -5, -5);
+ m_lineEdit->setGeometry(rect);
+ qDebug() << m_lineEdit->geometry();
+ m_proxy->setWidget(m_lineEdit);
+ m_proxy->setParentItem(m_textBackground);
+ m_proxy->setPos(5.0, 5.0);
+ m_lineEdit->setFocus();
+ connect(m_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(buttonClick()));
+QVariant AddCityFirstScreen::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
+// if (change == ItemSceneHasChanged)
+// createInputElement();
+ return AddCityScreen::itemChange(change, value);
+void AddCityFirstScreen::createInputElement()
+ if (m_proxy) {
+ delete m_proxy;
+ m_proxy = 0;
+ m_lineEdit = 0;
+ }
+ if (!scene())
+ return;
+ /*
+ m_lineEdit = new QLineEdit();
+ m_proxy = scene()->addWidget(m_lineEdit);
+ m_proxy->setParentItem(this);
+ m_proxy->setPos(5.0, 5.0);
+ m_lineEdit->setText("sao paulo");
+ m_lineEdit->setFocus();
+ */
+void AddCityFirstScreen::buttonClick()
+ if (!m_lineEdit->text().isEmpty())
+ emit citySelected(m_lineEdit->text());
+// AddCitySearchScreen
+AddCitySearchScreen::AddCitySearchScreen(const QRectF &boundingRect,
+ const QString &city, QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ : AddCityScreen(boundingRect, parent)
+ , m_city(city)
+ , m_loading(new Loading(this))
+ m_loading->setPos(BUTTON_LEFT, getCenterVerticalPos(m_loading));
+ m_loading->start();
+ ForecastProvider::connectToResponseSignal(this, SLOT(forecastResponse(ForecastData)));
+ ForecastProvider::getForecast(city, this);
+void AddCitySearchScreen::forecastResponse(const ForecastData &forecast)
+ if (forecast.key() == m_city) {
+ if (forecast.error())
+ emit forecastIsNotOk(forecast);
+ else
+ emit forecastIsOk(forecast);
+ }
+void AddCitySearchScreen::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *opt, QWidget *widget)
+ Q_UNUSED(opt);
+ Q_UNUSED(widget);
+ QBrush brush(Qt::white);
+ QFont font;
+ font.setFamily("Nokia Sans");
+ font.setPixelSize(ADD_SCREEN_FONT_SIZE);
+ font.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferAntialias);
+ QColor color(255, 255, 255, 102);
+ QPen pen;
+ pen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin);
+ pen.setColor(color);
+ pen.setBrush(color);
+ brush.setColor(color);
+ QFontMetrics m(font);
+ int height = m.height();
+ qreal pos = 10.0 + height;
+ painter->setBrush(brush);
+ painter->setPen(pen);
+ painter->setFont(font);
+ QFont fontB(font);
+ fontB.setBold(true);
+ QFontMetrics mB(fontB);
+ static const QString header("Searching for");
+ QString text = mB.elidedText(m_city, Qt::ElideRight, BUTTON_LEFT - 20);
+ text = "\"" + text + "\"";
+ int headerWidth = m.width(header);
+ int bWidth = mB.width(text);
+ qreal topLeft = (BUTTON_LEFT - qreal(headerWidth)) / 2;
+ qreal bottomLeft = (BUTTON_LEFT - qreal(bWidth)) / 2;
+ painter->drawText(QPointF(topLeft, pos), header);
+ pen.setColor(Qt::white);
+ pen.setBrush(Qt::white);
+ brush.setColor(Qt::white);
+ painter->setBrush(brush);
+ painter->setPen(pen);
+ painter->setFont(fontB);
+ painter->drawText(QPointF(bottomLeft, pos + height), text);
+// AddCityErrorScreen
+AddCityErrorScreen::AddCityErrorScreen(const QString &city, QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ : QGraphicsPixmapItem(ADD_ERROR_BACKGROUND, parent)
+ , m_button(new PixmapButton(80.0, CLOSE_BUTTON_PIXMAP, this))
+ , m_city(city)
+ m_button->setPos(BUTTON_LEFT, getCenterVerticalPos(m_button));
+ connect(m_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(closed()));
+void AddCityErrorScreen::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *opt, QWidget *widget)
+ Q_UNUSED(opt);
+ Q_UNUSED(widget);
+ QGraphicsPixmapItem::paint(painter, opt, widget);
+ QBrush brush(Qt::white);
+ QFont font;
+ font.setFamily("Nokia Sans");
+ font.setPixelSize(ADD_SCREEN_FONT_SIZE);
+ font.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferAntialias);
+ QColor color(255, 255, 255, 102);
+ QPen pen;
+ pen.setColor(color);
+ pen.setBrush(color);
+ pen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin);
+ brush.setColor(color);
+ QFontMetrics m(font);
+ int height = m.height(); // + m.descent();
+ qreal pos = 10.0 + height;
+ painter->setBrush(brush);
+ painter->setPen(pen);
+ painter->setFont(font);
+ QFont fontB(font);
+ fontB.setBold(true);
+ QFontMetrics mB(fontB);
+ static const QString header("The city");
+ static const QString footer("wasn't found");
+ QString text = mB.elidedText(m_city, Qt::ElideRight, Settings::scaleWidth(200.0));
+ text = "\"" + text + "\"";
+ int margin = 5;
+ int headerWidth = m.width(header);
+ int bWidth = mB.width(text) + margin;
+ int footerWidth = m.width(footer);
+ qreal topLeft = (BUTTON_LEFT - qreal(headerWidth + bWidth)) / 2;
+ int bottomLeft = ((headerWidth + bWidth - footerWidth) >> 1) + topLeft;
+ qDebug() << bWidth;
+ painter->drawText(QPointF(topLeft, pos), header);
+ painter->drawText(QPointF(bottomLeft, pos + height), footer);
+ pen.setColor(Qt::white);
+ pen.setBrush(Qt::white);
+ brush.setColor(Qt::white);
+ painter->setBrush(brush);
+ painter->setPen(pen);
+ painter->setFont(fontB);
+ painter->drawText(QPointF(topLeft + headerWidth + margin, pos), text);
+// AddCityTool
+AddCityTool::AddCityTool(QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ : QGraphicsPixmapItem(ADD_BACKGROUND, parent)
+ , m_screen(createFirstScreen())
+ m_screen->deleteLater();
+void AddCityTool::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+ Q_UNUSED(event);
+AddCityFirstScreen *AddCityTool::createFirstScreen()
+ AddCityFirstScreen *result = new AddCityFirstScreen(boundingRect(), this);
+ connect(result, SIGNAL(citySelected(QString)), this, SLOT(citySelected(QString)));
+ result->setPos(0.0, 0.0);
+ return result;
+AddCitySearchScreen *AddCityTool::createSearchScreen(const QString &city)
+ AddCitySearchScreen *result = new AddCitySearchScreen(boundingRect(), city, this);
+ connect(result, SIGNAL(forecastIsNotOk(ForecastData)),
+ this, SLOT(forecastIsNotOk(ForecastData)));
+ connect(result, SIGNAL(forecastIsOk(ForecastData)), this, SLOT(forecastIsOk(ForecastData)));
+ result->setPos(0.0, 0.0);
+ return result;
+AddCityErrorScreen *AddCityTool::createErrorScreen(const QString &city)
+ AddCityErrorScreen *result = new AddCityErrorScreen(city, this);
+ connect(result, SIGNAL(closed()), this, SLOT(errorScreenClosed()));
+ result->setPos(0.0, 0.0);
+ return result;
+void AddCityTool::replaceScreen(QObject *screen)
+ m_screen->deleteLater();
+ m_screen = screen;
+void AddCityTool::errorScreenClosed()
+ replaceScreen(createFirstScreen());
+void AddCityTool::forecastIsOk(const ForecastData &forecast)
+ emit newForecast(forecast);
+ replaceScreen(createFirstScreen());
+void AddCityTool::forecastIsNotOk(const ForecastData &forecast)
+ replaceScreen(createErrorScreen(forecast.key()));
+void AddCityTool::citySelected(const QString &city)
+ replaceScreen(createSearchScreen(city));
diff --git a/weather/addcitytool.h b/weather/addcitytool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..788bec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weather/addcitytool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
+#include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
+#include <QBasicTimer>
+#include <QGraphicsSimpleTextItem>
+#include <QPen>
+#include <QBrush>
+#include <QFont>
+ #include <QGraphicsProxyWidget>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include "pixmapbutton.h"
+#include "forecastprovider.h"
+#include "loading.h"
+#include "forecastdata.h"
+class AddCityScreen : public QGraphicsItem
+ AddCityScreen(const QRectF &boundingRect, QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
+ QRectF boundingRect () const;
+ void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget = 0);
+ const QRectF m_boundingRect;
+class AddCityFirstScreen : public QObject, public AddCityScreen
+ AddCityFirstScreen(const QRectF &boundingRect, QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
+ void citySelected(const QString &city);
+ QVariant itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value);
+ QGraphicsPixmapItem * const m_textBackground;
+ PixmapButton * const m_button;
+// QGraphicsSimpleTextItem * const m_textItem;
+ QString m_text;
+ QGraphicsProxyWidget *m_proxy;
+ QLineEdit *m_lineEdit;
+ void createInputElement();
+private slots:
+ void buttonClick();
+class AddCitySearchScreen : public QObject , public AddCityScreen
+ AddCitySearchScreen(const QRectF &boundingRect, const QString &city, QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
+ void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget = 0);
+ void forecastIsOk(const ForecastData &forecast);
+ void forecastIsNotOk(const ForecastData &forecast);
+ const QString m_city;
+ Loading *m_loading;
+private slots:
+ void forecastResponse(const ForecastData &forecast);
+class AddCityErrorScreen : public QObject, public QGraphicsPixmapItem
+ AddCityErrorScreen(const QString &city, QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
+ void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget = 0);
+ void closed();
+ PixmapButton * const m_button;
+ const QString m_city;
+class AddCityTool : public QObject, public QGraphicsPixmapItem
+ AddCityTool(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
+ ~AddCityTool();
+ QObject *m_screen;
+ AddCityFirstScreen *createFirstScreen();
+ AddCitySearchScreen *createSearchScreen(const QString &city);
+ AddCityErrorScreen *createErrorScreen(const QString &city);
+ void replaceScreen(QObject *screen);
+ void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+ void newForecast(const ForecastData &forecast);
+private slots:
+ void errorScreenClosed();
+ void forecastIsOk(const ForecastData &forecast);
+ void forecastIsNotOk(const ForecastData &forecast);
+ void citySelected(const QString &city);
+#endif // ADDCITYTOOL_H
diff --git a/weather/citymanager.cpp b/weather/citymanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e5e67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weather/citymanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: openBossa - INdT (
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** the openBossa stream from INdT (
+#include "citymanager.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
+#include <QDebug>
+#define ITEM_BACKGROUND (Settings::getScaledPic("list_item_bg"))
+#define SELECTED_ITEM_BACKGROUND (Settings::getScaledPic("list_item_selected_bg"))
+#define ITEM_BUTTON_PIXMAP (Settings::getScaledPic("button_list_delete"))
+#define ITEM_BUTTON_LEFT (Settings::scaleWidth(406.0))
+#define ITEM_CHECK_PIXMAP (Settings::getScaledPic("list_check"))
+#define ITEM_CHECK_LEFT (Settings::scaleWidth(20.0))
+static inline qreal getCenterVerticalPos(QGraphicsItem *parent, QGraphicsItem *item)
+ const qreal top = (parent->boundingRect().height() - item->boundingRect().height()) / 2;
+ return top - parent->boundingRect().top() - item->boundingRect().top();
+static inline qreal getCenterVerticalPos(QGraphicsItem *item)
+ return getCenterVerticalPos(item->parentItem(), item);
+static inline qreal getBottomVerticalPos(qreal &bottom, QGraphicsItem *item)
+ const qreal result = bottom - item->boundingRect().bottom();
+ bottom -= item->boundingRect().height();
+ return result;
+// CityListElement
+CityListElement::CityListElement(bool checked, QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ : QGraphicsPixmapItem(ITEM_BACKGROUND, parent)
+ , m_check(checked ? new QGraphicsPixmapItem(ITEM_CHECK_PIXMAP, this) : 0)
+ , m_button(new QGraphicsPixmapItem(ITEM_BUTTON_PIXMAP, this))
+ m_button->setPos(ITEM_BUTTON_LEFT, getCenterVerticalPos(m_button));
+ if (m_check)
+ m_check->setPos(ITEM_CHECK_LEFT, getCenterVerticalPos(m_check));
+// CityManagerContent
+struct CityInfo
+ const char * name;
+ const int lower;
+ const int temp;
+ const int upper;
+ const bool night;
+static const CityInfo cityNames[Forecast::UnknownForecast] = {
+ {"Araxa", -7, -4, -1, true}, // MostlyCloudy
+ {"Belo Horizonte", 18, 22, 27, false}, // Cloudy
+ {"Recife", 25, 31, 34, true}, // MostlySunny
+ {"Ipojuca", 22, 29, 36, false}, // PartlyCloudy
+ {"Fortaleza", 31, 34, 36, true}, // Sunny
+ {"Sao Paulo", -1, 10, 12, false}, // Flurries
+ {"Uberlandia", -26, -23, -20, false}, // Fog
+ {"Governador Valadares", 3, 17, 18, true}, // Haze
+ {"Brasilia", 22, 25, 30, false}, // Sand
+ {"Florianopolis", 0, 8, 10, true}, // Dust
+ {"Gravata", -10, -2, 3, false}, // Icy
+ {"Maceio", 22, 35, 38, true}, // Sleet
+ {"Porto Alegre", -8, -6, -4, true}, // ChanceOfSleet
+ {"Batatais", -20, -12, -10, false}, // Snow
+ {"Ribeirao Preto", -20, -17, 0, true}, // ChanceOfSnow
+ {"Campinas", 1, 4, 10, false}, // Mist
+ {"Campo belo", 12, 19, 21, true}, // Rain
+ {"Sertaozinho", 10, 15, 17, true}, // ChanceOfRain
+ {"Pirassununga", -15, -12, 2, false}, // Storm
+ {"Goiania", 7, 13, 18, true}, // ChanceOfStorm
+ {"Manaus", 35, 41, 44, false}, // Thunderstorm
+ {"Belem", -14, -13, -5, true} // ChanceOfThunderstorm
+CityManagerContent::CityManagerContent(QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+ , m_boundingRect(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), Settings::windowSize())
+ setFlag(ItemHasNoContents);
+ qreal bottom = m_boundingRect.bottom();
+ m_addTool = new AddCityTool(this);
+ m_addTool->setPos(0.0, getBottomVerticalPos(bottom, m_addTool));
+ m_addTool->setZValue(10.0);
+ m_list = new CityList(this);
+ m_list->setPos(0.0, getBottomVerticalPos(bottom, m_list) + m_list->initialTop());
+ m_list->setZValue(0.0);
+ connect(m_addTool, SIGNAL(newForecast(ForecastData)), m_list, SLOT(addForecast(ForecastData)));
+ for (int i = 0; i < Forecast::UnknownForecast; ++i)
+ m_list->addForecast(ForecastData(false, Forecast::ForecastType(i),
+ i % 2, cityNames[i].name,cityNames[i].name,
+ cityNames[i].lower, cityNames[i].temp, cityNames[i].upper));
+QRectF CityManagerContent::boundingRect () const
+ return m_boundingRect;
+void CityManagerContent::paint(QPainter *painter,
+ const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *opt, QWidget *widget)
+ Q_UNUSED(painter);
+ Q_UNUSED(opt);
+ Q_UNUSED(widget);
+// CityManager
+CityManager::CityManager(QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+ , m_boundingRect(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), Settings::windowSize())
+ m_content = new CityManagerContent(this);
+ m_content->setPos(0.0, 0.0);
+void CityManager::newCitySelected(const QString &city)
+ qDebug() << "new city:" << city;
+QRectF CityManager::boundingRect () const
+ return m_boundingRect;
+void CityManager::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *opt, QWidget *widget)
+ Q_UNUSED(painter);
+ Q_UNUSED(opt);
+ Q_UNUSED(widget);
+void CityManager::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
+ qDebug() << "manager clicked";
+ event->accept();
+ emit terminated();
diff --git a/weather/citymanager.h b/weather/citymanager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e926b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weather/citymanager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: openBossa - INdT (
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** the openBossa stream from INdT (
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
+#include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>
+#include "addcitytool.h"
+#include "citylist.h"
+class CityListElement : public QGraphicsPixmapItem
+ CityListElement(bool checked, QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
+ QGraphicsPixmapItem *m_check;
+ QGraphicsPixmapItem *m_button;
+class CityManagerContent : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem
+ Q_INTERFACES(QGraphicsItem)
+ CityManagerContent(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
+ QRectF boundingRect () const;
+ void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget = 0);
+ const QRectF m_boundingRect;
+ AddCityTool *m_addTool;
+ CityList *m_list;
+class CityManager : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem
+ Q_INTERFACES(QGraphicsItem)
+ CityManager(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
+ QRectF boundingRect () const;
+ void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget = 0);
+ void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+ void terminated();
+ const QRectF m_boundingRect;
+ CityManagerContent *m_content;
+private slots:
+ void newCitySelected(const QString &city);
+#endif // CITYMANAGER_H
diff --git a/weather/mainview.cpp b/weather/mainview.cpp
index 48780b0..8191663 100644
--- a/weather/mainview.cpp
+++ b/weather/mainview.cpp
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ MainView::MainView(QWidget *parent)
, m_carroussel(0)
, m_loading(0)
, m_bootManager(0)
+ , m_manager(0)
@@ -101,16 +102,33 @@ void MainView::showCarroussel()
QList<ForecastData> data = m_bootManager->data();
m_carroussel = new CityCarroussel();
+ connect(m_carroussel, SIGNAL(cityNameClicked()), this, SLOT(cityNameClicked()));
foreach (const ForecastData &forecast, data)
m_carroussel->add(new MyCityForecastData(forecast));
m_carroussel->setPos(0.0, 0.0);
+ m_carroussel->setZValue(0.0);
-void MainView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
+void MainView::cityNameClicked()
- if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Left)
- emit moveLeft();
- if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Right)
- emit moveRight();
+ if (m_manager)
+ return;
+ qDebug() << "city name clicked";
+ m_carroussel->setActive(false);
+ m_manager = new CityManager();
+ m_manager->setPos(0.0, 0.0);
+ m_manager->setZValue(1.0);
+ m_scene.addItem(m_manager);
+ connect(m_manager, SIGNAL(terminated()), this, SLOT(closeCityManager()));
+void MainView::closeCityManager()
+ if (m_manager) {
+ qDebug() << "close manager";
+ m_manager->deleteLater();
+ m_manager = 0;
+ m_carroussel->setActive(true);
+ }
diff --git a/weather/mainview.h b/weather/mainview.h
index f60aa6e..67459a3 100644
--- a/weather/mainview.h
+++ b/weather/mainview.h
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "forecastdata.h"
#include "bootmanager.h"
#include "loading.h"
+#include "citymanager.h"
class MainView: public QGraphicsView
@@ -49,13 +50,14 @@ class MainView: public QGraphicsView
MainView(QWidget *parent = 0);
- void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event);
void moveLeft();
void moveRight();
private slots:
+ void cityNameClicked();
+ void closeCityManager();
void pixmapLoaderIsIdle();
void bootEnd();
@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ private:
CityCarroussel *m_carroussel;
Loading *m_loading;
BootManager *m_bootManager;
+ CityManager *m_manager;
void showCarroussel();
diff --git a/weather/ b/weather/
index deb28bd..1af84b2 100644
--- a/weather/
+++ b/weather/
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ HEADERS += mainview.h \
pixmapbutton.h \
scrollbar.h \
contentlist.h \
- citylist.h
+ citylist.h \
+ citymanager.h \
+ addcitytool.h
SOURCES += mainview.cpp \
main.cpp \
settings.cpp \
@@ -67,4 +69,6 @@ SOURCES += mainview.cpp \
pixmapbutton.cpp \
scrollbar.cpp \
contentlist.cpp \
- citylist.cpp
+ citylist.cpp \
+ citymanager.cpp \
+ addcitytool.cpp