path: root/README.md
diff options
authorTilman Roeder <tilman.roder@qt.io>2018-08-03 09:38:07 +0200
committerTilman Roeder <tilman.roder@qt.io>2018-08-15 10:10:16 +0000
commit13e02b9aaea19ac21251d152a8fa69336ae76ebd (patch)
treea6320449c18251033d3a2557afaed6a8fcafbfc9 /README.md
parentefea0c2e4a2966d88f65cdab90f841f7905dee14 (diff)
Initial commit
This is a quite large commit containing: * The main extension that runs and initializes Python * Some (example) bindings * An initial build script for the main extension * Optional binding and examples of how to create them * An initial build script for the optional bindings * A simple extension manager written in Python * A few example Python extensions * Some documentation (both in the code and as markdown files) * A collection of helpful python scripts * A small collection of unit tests * A TODO list For any additional details the code / docs should be consulted. Change-Id: I3937886cfefa2f64d5a78013889a8e097eec8261 Reviewed-by: Eike Ziller <eike.ziller@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517d07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Python Extensions for QtCreator
+This plugin for QtCreator makes it possible to extend the QtCreator by writing Python extensions.
+These extensions consist of a directory containing a `main.py` and any other Python files necessary.
+They can be shared as zip archives, installed and managed through the included extension manager
+(which is a Python extension itself) and thus allow the QtCreator to be easily extended with
+custom functionality.
+**WARNING:** This is a first draft / proof of concept and only offers very limited functionality.
+There will still be many bugs and so far the project has only been tested on Linux.
+## What's included
+This repository contains the following:
+ * The code of the C++ plugin that executes the Python extensions
+ * An extension manager written in Python that is installed alongside the C++ plugin and allows to
+ install new Python extensions, as well as manage existing ones.
+ * A few example plugins in the `examples` folder. These can be installed manually, see the
+ separate `examples/README.md` for more information.
+ * An incomplete documentation of the C++ plugin, as well as an incomplete documentation for Python
+ extension authors.
+## Installation instructions
+Note that this process has so far only be tested on Linux. The plugin itself has only been tested
+with Python 3.5 and 2.7.12 and QtCreator 4.7.82.
+### Installing dependencies
+Before you can compile and install the PythonExtensions plugin, you need to install [PySide2](https://pyside.org)
+for the version of Python you plan to use. This is necessary, as the plugin uses the system installed
+Python (or the Python installed in your virtual env, if you have one set up) and it's packages. You
+will also need to build your own version of QtCreator and require a Qt installation. (This
+project has so far only been tested with Qt5.11.0.)
+To obtain the required Qt version, you can either build Qt yourself, or use the
+[installer provided on the Qt website](https://www.qt.io/download).
+To install PySide2 please refer to their [installation instructions](http://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python/GettingStarted).
+When installing PySide2, make sure [Shiboken](https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/shiboken2/contents.html)
+is installed alongside, as it will be necessary for compiling the plugin. (Shiboken is the binding
+generator used by and originally developed for PySide2.)
+**WARNING:** This project depends on two recent patches to Shiboken, one of which has not yet passed
+code review. These patches are:
+ * [Change-Id: Ib72b14cc704c04ae3b4197fd2af718276e3fe788](https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/234966/4)
+ (merged)
+ * [Change-Id: Iaaa38b66b5d3aabc0fb8f995f964cd7aef2a11da](https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/235072/)
+ (review in progress)
+Make sure your version of Shiboken has both of these patches. Otherwise, you will encounter errors
+when parsing / compiling this project. To get these patches, you will probably need to build
+Shiboken from source.
+To build QtCreator, which is necessary for building the plugin, please refer to their
+[build instructions](https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qtcreator-extending/getting-and-building.html).
+### Building the C++ plugin
+Once all dependencies are installed, you can go ahead and build the plugin itself. To do this (in
+the best case) all you will have to do is run the following commands in the `plugins/pythonextensions` directory:
+$ path/to/your/qmake
+$ make
+After this, the plugin should be installed into the QtCreator version you built in the previous
+steps. If this worked, you can now go ahead and check out the `examples` folder and play with the
+provided example Python extensions.
+Notice that depending on your configuration, you may need to add Clang to your library paths for
+Shiboken to run. Achieve this by running the following before building the plugin:
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/clang/lib
+You may need to expose your QtCreator sources like this:
+export QTC_SOURCE=/path/to/your/qt-creator
+export QTC_BUILD=/path/to/your/qt-creator
+**NOTICE:** This plugin generates a few debug messages and potential warnings. Any Python extension
+that is installed might also write output to stdout. To see these messages, you can execute
+QtCreator from your terminal by running the executable there.
+### What to do if it didn't work?
+There are several things you might want to try:
+ * Read through the build output and make sure all dependencies are set up correctly
+ - A problem I encountered here is Shiboken not finding Clang. If this happens, try running:
+ ```
+ $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/your/libclang/lib
+ ```
+ - Another problem that can occur if you have multiple Qt versions installed, is PySide not finding
+ the correct version. In this case try adding the line
+ ```
+ set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "/path/to/your/qt5/5.11.0/gcc_64")
+ ```
+ in the file `sources/pyside2/CMakeLists.txt` in the PySide project.
+ * Have a look at `pythonextensions.pro` and change the hard-coded fall-back paths you find there to
+ match the paths of your setup.
+If none of the above suggestions fix your problem, I am afraid you will have to find a solution for
+yourself. If that happens and you find a fix, please contact the developers, so that it can be included in
+this list (or in the build system).
+## How it works
+In a nutshell, this project generates Python bindings for the QtCreator using Shiboken and then
+executes python scripts it finds in a bespoke directory.
+The following process allows the plugin to work:
+ 1. At compile time, Shiboken generates a huge amount of C++ code that allows a few classes from the
+ Core plugin and utils library to be accessed from Python.
+ 2. When QtCreator is executed, the C++ plugin searches the standard QtCreator plugin directories
+ for a directory named `python`, the first directory found is the Python extension directory.
+ - Now, each subdirectory represents it's own Python extension. For each subdirectory the
+ C++ plugin checks whether it contains a `setup.py`. If it does, this setup script is
+ executed.
+ - After all the setup scripts have been executed, each subdirectory is checked for a file named
+ `main.py`. This file is the extensions entry point and is executed by the C++ plugin.
+ 3. Now all Python extensions have registered their actions / menus / etc., which can be triggered
+ from the QtCreator interface.
+When executed, the Python extensions can import any modules / packages installed for the system
+Python or found in their own directory. While the C++ plugin takes some precautions to isolate the
+Python extensions when executed, they are still all run in the same Python instance, which means that
+they are not completely isolated. However, so far this did not turn out to be a problem.
+For a more detailed description, please refer to the documentation in `docs`.