diff options
authorChristian Stenger <christian.stenger@qt.io>2020-07-01 15:45:48 +0200
committerChristian Stenger <christian.stenger@qt.io>2020-07-07 05:11:26 +0000
commitc12294c1b26d4849586d8433d6ad38441846c9e2 (patch)
parentc7bc8a98ac300aeff854bdbbae260cf9fc440a73 (diff)
AutoTest: Align file and line information of sub-items
Avoid displaying the file and line information inverse-cascaded and fix initialization of the internal layout positions. Change-Id: Ic9493741c58ece6074f659de110c9cabadafe7d6 Reviewed-by: David Schulz <david.schulz@qt.io>
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/autotest/testresultdelegate.h b/src/plugins/autotest/testresultdelegate.h
index a3b2cb7c5f2..73b2d8291be 100644
--- a/src/plugins/autotest/testresultdelegate.h
+++ b/src/plugins/autotest/testresultdelegate.h
@@ -57,25 +57,17 @@ private:
LayoutPositions(QStyleOptionViewItem &options, const TestResultFilterModel *filterModel)
- : m_totalWidth(options.rect.width()),
- m_top(options.rect.top()),
- m_bottom(options.rect.bottom())
+ : m_top(options.rect.top()),
+ m_bottom(options.rect.bottom()),
+ m_left(options.rect.left()),
+ m_right(options.rect.right())
TestResultModel *srcModel = static_cast<TestResultModel *>(filterModel->sourceModel());
m_maxFileLength = srcModel->maxWidthOfFileName(options.font);
m_maxLineLength = srcModel->maxWidthOfLineNumber(options.font);
m_realFileLength = m_maxFileLength;
m_typeAreaWidth = QFontMetrics(options.font).horizontalAdvance("XXXXXXXX");
- m_indentation = options.widget ? options.widget->style()->pixelMetric(
- QStyle::PM_TreeViewIndentation, &options) : 0;
- const QModelIndex &rootIndex = srcModel->rootItem()->index();
- QModelIndex parentIndex = filterModel->mapToSource(options.index).parent();
- m_level = 1;
- while (rootIndex != parentIndex) {
- ++m_level;
- parentIndex = parentIndex.parent();
- }
int flexibleArea = lineAreaLeft() - textAreaLeft() - ITEM_SPACING;
if (m_maxFileLength > flexibleArea / 2)
m_realFileLength = flexibleArea / 2;
@@ -83,8 +75,8 @@ private:
int top() const { return m_top + ITEM_MARGIN; }
- int left() const { return ITEM_MARGIN + m_indentation * m_level; }
- int right() const { return m_totalWidth - ITEM_MARGIN; }
+ int left() const { return m_left + ITEM_MARGIN; }
+ int right() const { return m_right - ITEM_MARGIN; }
int bottom() const { return m_bottom; }
int minimumHeight() const { return ICON_SIZE + 2 * ITEM_MARGIN; }
@@ -108,16 +100,15 @@ private:
m_maxLineLength, m_fontHeight); }
- int m_totalWidth;
int m_maxFileLength;
int m_maxLineLength;
int m_realFileLength;
int m_top;
int m_bottom;
+ int m_left;
+ int m_right;
int m_fontHeight;
int m_typeAreaWidth;
- int m_level;
- int m_indentation;
static const int ICON_SIZE = 16;
static const int ITEM_MARGIN = 2;