path: root/doc/qtdesignstudio/src/reference/qtdesignstudio-keyboard-shortcuts.qdoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/qtdesignstudio/src/reference/qtdesignstudio-keyboard-shortcuts.qdoc')
1 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/qtdesignstudio/src/reference/qtdesignstudio-keyboard-shortcuts.qdoc b/doc/qtdesignstudio/src/reference/qtdesignstudio-keyboard-shortcuts.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \page studio-keyboard-shortcuts.html
+ \previouspage creator-project-managing-sessions.html
+ \nextpage studio-projects.html
+ \title Keyboard Shortcuts
+ \brief Default keyboard shortcuts.
+ \QDS has various keyboard shortcuts that speed up your development process.
+ To view all \QDS functions in and their keyboard shortcuts, select
+ \preferences > \uicontrol Environment > \uicontrol Keyboard.
+ \image qtcreator-keyboard-shortcuts.png
+ The shortcuts that are displayed in red color are associated with several
+ functions. \QDS executes the function that is available in the current
+ context. If several functions are available for the same shortcut at a
+ time, there is a conflict and \QDS cannot execute any function.
+ A keyboard shortcut might also conflict with a shortcut that a window
+ manager uses for its own purposes. In that case, \QDS shortcuts do not work.
+ Typically, you can configure the shortcuts in the window manager, but if
+ that is not allowed, you can change the \QDS shortcuts.
+ To override the platform default value that determines whether
+ keyboard shortcuts are shown in the labels of context menu items,
+ select \preferences > \uicontrol Environment >
+ \uicontrol Interface. The label of the \uicontrol {Show keyboard shortcuts
+ in context menus} check box indicates whether the platform default value
+ is \c on or \c off.
+ \image qtcreator-preferences-environment-interface.webp {Interface tab in Environment preferences}
+ The following tables list the default keyboard shortcuts. They are
+ categorized by actions.
+ \section1 General Keyboard Shortcuts
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Action
+ \li Keyboard shortcut
+ \row
+ \li Open file or project
+ \li \key{Ctrl+O}
+ \row
+ \li New project
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+N}
+ \row
+ \li New file
+ \li \key{Ctrl+N}
+ \row
+ \li Select all
+ \li \key{Ctrl+A}
+ \row
+ \li Delete
+ \li \key{Del}
+ \row
+ \li Cut
+ \li \key{Ctrl+X}
+ \row
+ \li Copy
+ \li \key{Ctrl+C}
+ \row
+ \li Paste
+ \li \key{Ctrl+V}
+ \row
+ \li Undo
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Z}
+ \row
+ \li Redo
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Y}
+ \row
+ \li Print
+ \li \key{Ctrl+P}
+ \row
+ \li Save
+ \li \key{Ctrl+S}
+ \row
+ \li Save all
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+S}
+ \row
+ \li Close window
+ \li \key{Ctrl+W}
+ \row
+ \li Close all
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+W}
+ \row
+ \li Close current file
+ \li \key{Ctrl+F4}
+ \row
+ \li Go back
+ \li \key{Alt+Left}
+ \row
+ \li Go forward
+ \li \key{Alt+Right}
+ \row
+ \li Go to line
+ \li \key{Ctrl+L}
+ \row
+ \li Locate files and other content within the project
+ \li \key{Ctrl+K}
+ \row
+ \li Next open document in history
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+Tab}
+ \row
+ \li Previous open document in history
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Tab}
+ \row
+ \li Switch to \uicontrol Welcome mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+1}
+ \row
+ \li Switch to \uicontrol Edit mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+2}
+ \row
+ \li Switch to \uicontrol Design mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+3}
+ \row
+ \li Switch to \uicontrol Debug mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+4}
+ \row
+ \li Switch to \uicontrol Projects mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+5}
+ \row
+ \li Switch to \uicontrol Help mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+6}
+ \row
+ \li Toggle \uicontrol{Issues}
+ \li \key{Alt+1} (\key{Cmd+1} on \macos)
+ \row
+ \li Toggle \uicontrol{Search Results}
+ \li \key{Alt+2} (\key{Cmd+2} on \macos)
+ \row
+ \li Toggle \uicontrol{Application Output}
+ \li \key{Alt+3} (\key{Cmd+3} on \macos)
+ \row
+ \li Toggle \uicontrol{Compile Output}
+ \li \key{Alt+4} (\key{Cmd+4} on \macos)
+ \row
+ \li Toggle \uicontrol{Terminal}
+ \li \key{Alt+5} (\key{Cmd+5} on \macos)
+ \row
+ \li Toggle \uicontrol{Version Control}
+ \li \key{Alt+6} (\key{Cmd+6} on \macos)
+ \row
+ \li Toggle \uicontrol{QML Debugger Console}
+ \li \key{Alt+7} (\key{Cmd+7} on \macos)
+ \row
+ \li Toggle \uicontrol{General Messages}
+ \li \key{Alt+8} (\key{Cmd+8} on \macos)
+ \row
+ \li Maximize output views
+ \li \key{Alt+Shift+9}
+ \row
+ \li Move to next item in output
+ \li \key{F6}
+ \row
+ \li Move to previous item in output
+ \li \key{Shift+F6}
+ \row
+ \li Activate \uicontrol Projects view
+ \li \key{Alt+X}
+ \row
+ \li Activate \uicontrol{Open Documents} view
+ \li \key{Alt+O}
+ \row
+ \li Activate \uicontrol{File System} view
+ \li \key{Alt+Y}, \key{Alt+F}
+ \row
+ \li Toggle left sidebar
+ \li \key{Alt+0} (\key{Cmd+0} on \macos)
+ \row
+ \li Toggle right sidebar
+ \li \key{Alt+Shift+0}
+ \row
+ \li Full screen
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+F11}
+ \row
+ \li Exit \QDS
+ By default, \QDS exits without asking for confirmation, unless
+ there are unsaved changes in open files. To always be asked,
+ select the \uicontrol {Ask for confirmation before exiting}
+ check box in \preferences > \uicontrol Environment >
+ \uicontrol System.
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Q}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Design Mode Keyboard Shortcuts
+ You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when editing QML files in the
+ \uicontrol Design mode.
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Action
+ \li Keyboard shortcut
+ \row
+ \li Open the QML file that defines the selected component
+ \li \key{F2}
+ \row
+ \li Jump to the \uicontrol {Code} view.
+ \li \key{F4}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Editing Keyboard Shortcuts
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Action
+ \li Keyboard shortcut
+ \row
+ \li Auto-indent selection
+ \li \key{Ctrl+I}
+ \row
+ \li Collapse
+ \li \key{Ctrl+<}
+ \row
+ \li Expand
+ \li \key{Ctrl+>}
+ \row
+ \li Trigger a completion in this scope
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Space}
+ \row
+ \li Display tooltips for function signatures regardless of the
+ cursor position in the function call
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+D}
+ \row
+ \li Copy line
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Ins}
+ \row
+ \li Copy line down
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Alt+Down}
+ \row
+ \li Copy line up
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Alt+Up}
+ \row
+ \li Paste from the clipboard history
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+V}
+ \row
+ \li Cut line
+ \li \key{Shift+Del}
+ \row
+ \li Join lines
+ \li \key{Ctrl+J}
+ \row
+ \li Insert line above current line
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+Enter}
+ \row
+ \li Insert line below current line
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Enter}
+ \row
+ \li Decrease font size
+ \li \key{Ctrl+-} (\key{Ctrl+Roll mouse wheel down})
+ \row
+ \li Increase font size
+ \li \key{Ctrl++} (\key{Ctrl+Roll mouse wheel up})
+ \row
+ \li Reset font size
+ \li \key{Ctrl+0}
+ \row
+ \li Split
+ \li \key{Ctrl+E}, \key{2}
+ \row
+ \li Split side by side
+ \li \key{Ctrl+E}, \key{3}
+ \row
+ \li Remove all splits
+ \li \key{Ctrl+E}, \key{1}
+ \row
+ \li Remove current split
+ \li \key{Ctrl+E}, \key{0}
+ \row
+ \li Go to next split
+ \li \key{Ctrl+E, O}
+ \row
+ \li Select all
+ \li \key{Ctrl+A}
+ \row
+ \li Go to block end
+ \li \key{Ctrl+]}
+ \row
+ \li Go to block start
+ \li \key{Ctrl+[}
+ \row
+ \li Go to block end and select the lines between the current cursor
+ position and the end of the block
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+]}
+ \row
+ \li Go to block start and select the lines between the current
+ cursor position and the beginning of the block
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+[}
+ \row
+ \li Select the current block
+ The second press extends the selection to the parent block. To
+ enable this behavior, select \preferences >
+ \uicontrol {Text Editor} > \uicontrol Behavior >
+ \uicontrol {Enable smart selection changing}.
+ \li \key{Ctrl+U}
+ \row
+ \li Undo the latest smart block selection
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U}
+ \row
+ \li Move current line down
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+Down}
+ \row
+ \li Move current line up
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+Up}
+ \row
+ \li Trigger a refactoring action in this scope
+ \li \key{Alt+Enter}
+ \row
+ \li Rewrap paragraph
+ \li \key{Ctrl+E}, \key{R}
+ \row
+ \li Enable text wrapping
+ \li \key{Ctrl+E}, \key{Ctrl+W}
+ \row
+ \li Toggle comment for selection
+ \li \key{Ctrl+/}
+ \row
+ \li Visualize whitespace
+ \li \key{Ctrl+E}, \key{Ctrl+V}
+ \row
+ \li Find references to symbol under cursor
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+U}
+ \row
+ \li Follow symbol under cursor
+ Works with namespaces, classes, functions, variables, include
+ statements, and macros, as well as CMake functions, macros,
+ targets, and packages. Also, opens URLs in the default browser.
+ \li \key{F2}
+ \row
+ \li Rename symbol under cursor
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+R}
+ \row
+ \li Switch between function declaration and definition
+ \li \key{Shift+F2}
+ \row
+ \li Open type hierarchy
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+T}
+ \row
+ \li Add a cursor at the next occurrence of selected text for
+ multi-cursor editing
+ \li \key{Ctrl+D}
+ \row
+ \li Turn selected text into lowercase
+ \li \key{Alt+U}
+ \row
+ \li Turn selected text into uppercase
+ \li \key{Alt+Shift+U}
+ \row
+ \li Sort selected lines alphabetically
+ \li \key{Alt+Shift+S}
+ \row
+ \li Run static checks on JavaScript code to find common problems
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+C}
+ \row
+ \li Find and replace
+ \li \key{Ctrl+F}
+ \row
+ \li Find next
+ \li \key{F3}
+ \row
+ \li Find previous
+ \li \key{Shift+F3}
+ \row
+ \li Find next occurrence of selected text
+ \li \key{Ctrl+F3}
+ \row
+ \li Find previous occurrence of selected text
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+F3}
+ \row
+ \li Replace next
+ \li \key{Ctrl+=}
+ \row
+ \li Open advanced find
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+F}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Project Keyboard Shortcuts
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Action
+ \li Keyboard shortcut
+ \row
+ \li New project
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+N}
+ \row
+ \li Load project
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+O}
+ \row
+ \li Run
+ \li \key{Ctrl+R}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Help Keyboard Shortcuts
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Action
+ \li Keyboard shortcut
+ \row
+ \li View context-sensitive help
+ \li \key{F1}
+ \row
+ \li Add bookmark in \uicontrol Help mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+M}
+ \row
+ \li Activate index in \uicontrol Help mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+I}
+ \row
+ \li Activate search in \uicontrol Help mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+/}
+ \row
+ \li Activate bookmarks in \uicontrol Help mode
+ \li \key{ Ctrl+Shift+B}
+ \row
+ \li Activate contents in \uicontrol Help mode
+ \li \key{Ctrl+Shift+C}
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Version Control Keyboard Shortcuts
+ \table
+ \header
+ \li Action
+ \li Keyboard shortcut
+ \row
+ \li Stage file for commit
+ \li \key{Alt+G}, \key{Alt+A}
+ \row
+ \li Commit
+ \li \key{Alt+G}, \key{Alt+C}
+ \row
+ \li Diff current file
+ \li \key{Alt+G}, \key{Alt+D}
+ \row
+ \li Diff project
+ \li \key{Alt+G}, \key{Alt+Shift+D}
+ \row
+ \li Blame
+ \li \key{Alt+G}, \key{Alt+B}
+ \row
+ \li Log current file
+ \li \key{Alt+G}, \key{Alt+L}
+ \row
+ \li Log project
+ \li \key{Alt+G}, \key{Alt+K}
+ \row
+ \li Reset
+ \li \key{Alt+G}, \key{Alt+U}
+ \endtable
+ \sa {Assign keyboard shortcuts}, {Find keyboard shortcuts},
+ {Import and export keyboard shortcuts}