path: root/plugins/qmlprofiler/qml/MainView.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/qmlprofiler/qml/MainView.qml')
1 files changed, 612 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/qmlprofiler/qml/MainView.qml b/plugins/qmlprofiler/qml/MainView.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..450f35d5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/qmlprofiler/qml/MainView.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** This file is part of Qt Creator.
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+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
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+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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+** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
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+** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+import QtQuick 1.0
+import Monitor 1.0
+Rectangle {
+ id: root
+ // ***** properties
+ property int candidateHeight: 0
+ property int scrollY: 0
+ height: Math.max( candidateHeight, labels.height + 2 )
+ property int singleRowHeight: 30
+ property bool dataAvailable: true
+ property int eventCount: 0
+ property real progress: 0
+ property alias selectionLocked : view.selectionLocked
+ signal updateLockButton
+ property alias selectedItem: view.selectedItem
+ signal selectedEventChanged(int eventId)
+ property bool lockItemSelection : false
+/* property variant names: [ qsTr("Painting"),
+ qsTr("Compiling"),
+ qsTr("Creating"),
+ qsTr("Binding"),
+ qsTr("Handling Signal")]
+ property variant colors : [ "#99CCB3", "#99CCCC", "#99B3CC",
+ "#9999CC", "#CC99B3", "#CC99CC", "#CCCC99", "#CCB399" ]
+ */
+ property variant mainviewTimePerPixel : 0
+ signal updateCursorPosition
+ property string fileName: ""
+ property int lineNumber: -1
+ property int columnNumber: 0
+ signal updateRangeButton
+ property bool selectionRangeMode: false
+ property bool selectionRangeReady: selectionRange.ready
+ property variant selectionRangeStart: selectionRange.startTime
+ property variant selectionRangeEnd: selectionRange.startTime + selectionRange.duration
+ signal changeToolTip(string text)
+ signal updateVerticalScroll(int newPosition)
+ property bool recordingEnabled: false
+ property bool appKilled : false
+ property date recordingStartDate
+ property real elapsedTime
+ // ***** connections with external objects
+ Connections {
+ target: zoomControl
+ onRangeChanged: {
+ var startTime = zoomControl.startTime();
+ var endTime = zoomControl.endTime();
+ var duration = Math.abs(endTime - startTime);
+ mainviewTimePerPixel = duration / root.width;
+ backgroundMarks.updateMarks(startTime, endTime);
+ view.updateFlickRange(startTime, endTime);
+ if (duration > 0) {
+ var candidateWidth = qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceDuration() *
+ flick.width / duration;
+ if (flick.contentWidth !== candidateWidth)
+ flick.contentWidth = candidateWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Connections {
+ target: qmlProfilerModelProxy
+ onCountChanged: {
+ eventCount = qmlProfilerModelProxy.count();
+ if (eventCount === 0)
+ root.clearAll();
+ if (eventCount > 1) {
+ root.progress = Math.min(1.0,
+ (qmlProfilerModelProxy.lastTimeMark() -
+ qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceStartTime()) / root.elapsedTime * 1e-9 );
+ } else {
+ root.progress = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ onStateChanged: {
+ switch (qmlProfilerModelProxy.getState()) {
+ case 0: {
+ root.clearAll();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1: {
+ root.dataAvailable = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2: {
+ root.progress = 0.9; // jump to 90%
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ onDataAvailable: {
+ view.clearData();
+ zoomControl.setRange(0,0);
+ progress = 1.0;
+ dataAvailable = true;
+ view.visible = true;
+ view.requestPaint();
+ zoomControl.setRange(qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceStartTime(),
+ qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceStartTime() +
+ qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceDuration()/10);
+ }
+ }
+ // ***** functions
+ function gotoSourceLocation(file,line,column) {
+ root.fileName = file;
+ root.lineNumber = line;
+ root.columnNumber = column;
+ root.updateCursorPosition();
+ }
+ function clearData() {
+ view.clearData();
+ dataAvailable = false;
+ appKilled = false;
+ eventCount = 0;
+ hideRangeDetails();
+ selectionRangeMode = false;
+ updateRangeButton();
+ zoomControl.setRange(0,0);
+ }
+ function clearDisplay() {
+ clearData();
+ view.visible = false;
+ }
+ function clearAll() {
+ clearDisplay();
+ elapsedTime = 0;
+ }
+ function nextEvent() {
+ view.selectNext();
+ }
+ function prevEvent() {
+ view.selectPrev();
+ }
+ function updateWindowLength(absoluteFactor) {
+ var windowLength = view.endTime - view.startTime;
+ if (qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceEndTime() <= qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceStartTime() ||
+ windowLength <= 0)
+ return;
+ var currentFactor = windowLength / qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceDuration();
+ updateZoom(absoluteFactor / currentFactor);
+ }
+ function updateZoom(relativeFactor) {
+ var min_length = 1e5; // 0.1 ms
+ var windowLength = view.endTime - view.startTime;
+ if (windowLength < min_length)
+ windowLength = min_length;
+ var newWindowLength = windowLength * relativeFactor;
+ if (newWindowLength > qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceDuration()) {
+ newWindowLength = qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceDuration();
+ relativeFactor = newWindowLength / windowLength;
+ }
+ if (newWindowLength < min_length) {
+ newWindowLength = min_length;
+ relativeFactor = newWindowLength / windowLength;
+ }
+ var fixedPoint = (view.startTime + view.endTime) / 2;
+ if (view.selectedItem !== -1) {
+ // center on selected item if it's inside the current screen
+ var newFixedPoint = qmlProfilerModelProxy.getStartTime(view.selectedItem);
+ if (newFixedPoint >= view.startTime && newFixedPoint < view.endTime)
+ fixedPoint = newFixedPoint;
+ }
+ var startTime = fixedPoint - relativeFactor*(fixedPoint - view.startTime);
+ zoomControl.setRange(startTime, startTime + newWindowLength);
+ }
+ function updateZoomCentered(centerX, relativeFactor)
+ {
+ var min_length = 1e5; // 0.1 ms
+ var windowLength = view.endTime - view.startTime;
+ if (windowLength < min_length)
+ windowLength = min_length;
+ var newWindowLength = windowLength * relativeFactor;
+ if (newWindowLength > qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceDuration()) {
+ newWindowLength = qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceDuration();
+ relativeFactor = newWindowLength / windowLength;
+ }
+ if (newWindowLength < min_length) {
+ newWindowLength = min_length;
+ relativeFactor = newWindowLength / windowLength;
+ }
+ var fixedPoint = (centerX - flick.x) * windowLength / flick.width + view.startTime;
+ var startTime = fixedPoint - relativeFactor*(fixedPoint - view.startTime);
+ zoomControl.setRange(startTime, startTime + newWindowLength);
+ }
+ function recenter( centerPoint ) {
+ var windowLength = view.endTime - view.startTime;
+ var newStart = Math.floor(centerPoint - windowLength/2);
+ if (newStart < 0)
+ newStart = 0;
+ if (newStart + windowLength > qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceEndTime())
+ newStart = qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceEndTime() - windowLength;
+ zoomControl.setRange(newStart, newStart + windowLength);
+ }
+ function recenterOnItem( itemIndex )
+ {
+ if (itemIndex === -1)
+ return;
+ // if item is outside of the view, jump back to its position
+ if (qmlProfilerModelProxy.getEndTime(itemIndex) < view.startTime ||
+ qmlProfilerModelProxy.getStartTime(itemIndex) > view.endTime) {
+ recenter((qmlProfilerModelProxy.getStartTime(itemIndex) +
+ qmlProfilerModelProxy.getEndTime(itemIndex)) / 2);
+ }
+ }
+ function wheelZoom(wheelCenter, wheelDelta) {
+ if (qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceEndTime() > qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceStartTime() &&
+ wheelDelta !== 0) {
+ if (wheelDelta>0)
+ updateZoomCentered(wheelCenter, 1/1.2);
+ else
+ updateZoomCentered(wheelCenter, 1.2);
+ }
+ }
+ function hideRangeDetails() {
+ rangeDetails.visible = false;
+ rangeDetails.duration = "";
+ rangeDetails.label = "";
+ //rangeDetails.type = "";
+ rangeDetails.file = "";
+ rangeDetails.line = -1;
+ rangeDetails.column = 0;
+ rangeDetails.isBindingLoop = false;
+ }
+ function selectNextWithId( eventId )
+ {
+ if (!lockItemSelection) {
+ lockItemSelection = true;
+ var itemIndex = view.nextItemFromId( eventId );
+ // select an item, lock to it, and recenter if necessary
+ if (view.selectedItem != itemIndex) {
+ view.selectedItem = itemIndex;
+ if (itemIndex !== -1) {
+ view.selectionLocked = true;
+ recenterOnItem(itemIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ lockItemSelection = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // ***** slots
+ onSelectionRangeModeChanged: {
+ selectionRangeControl.enabled = selectionRangeMode;
+ selectionRange.reset(selectionRangeMode);
+ }
+ onSelectionLockedChanged: {
+ updateLockButton();
+ }
+ onSelectedItemChanged: {
+ if (selectedItem != -1 && !lockItemSelection) {
+ lockItemSelection = true;
+ /*
+ selectedEventChanged( qmlProfilerDataModel.getEventId(selectedItem) );
+ */
+ lockItemSelection = false;
+ }
+ }
+ onRecordingEnabledChanged: {
+ if (recordingEnabled) {
+ recordingStartDate = new Date();
+ elapsedTime = 0;
+ } else {
+ elapsedTime = (new Date() - recordingStartDate)/1000.0;
+ }
+ }
+ // ***** child items
+ TimeMarks {
+ id: backgroundMarks
+ y: labels.y
+ height: flick.height
+ anchors.left: flick.left
+ anchors.right: flick.right
+ }
+ Flickable {
+ id: flick
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ anchors.topMargin: labels.y
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.left: labels.right
+ height: root.height
+ contentWidth: 0;
+ contentHeight: labels.height
+ flickableDirection: Flickable.HorizontalFlick
+ onContentXChanged: {
+ if (Math.round(view.startX) !== contentX)
+ view.startX = contentX;
+ }
+ clip:true
+ MouseArea {
+ id: selectionRangeDrag
+ enabled: selectionRange.ready
+ anchors.fill: selectionRange
+ drag.target: selectionRange
+ drag.axis: "XAxis"
+ drag.minimumX: 0
+ drag.maximumX: flick.contentWidth - selectionRange.width
+ onPressed: {
+ selectionRange.isDragging = true;
+ }
+ onReleased: {
+ selectionRange.isDragging = false;
+ }
+ onDoubleClicked: {
+ zoomControl.setRange(selectionRange.startTime,
+ selectionRange.startTime + selectionRange.duration);
+ root.selectionRangeMode = false;
+ root.updateRangeButton();
+ }
+ }
+ SelectionRange {
+ id: selectionRange
+ visible: root.selectionRangeMode
+ height: root.height
+ z: 2
+ }
+ TimelineRenderer {
+ id: view
+ profilerModelProxy: qmlProfilerModelProxy
+ x: flick.contentX
+ width: flick.width
+ height: root.height
+ property variant startX: 0
+ onStartXChanged: {
+ var newStartTime = Math.round(startX * (endTime - startTime) / flick.width) +
+ qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceStartTime();
+ if (Math.abs(newStartTime - startTime) > 1) {
+ var newEndTime = Math.round((startX+flick.width) *
+ (endTime - startTime) /
+ flick.width) +
+ qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceStartTime();
+ zoomControl.setRange(newStartTime, newEndTime);
+ }
+ if (Math.round(startX) !== flick.contentX)
+ flick.contentX = startX;
+ }
+ function updateFlickRange(start, end) {
+ if (start !== startTime || end !== endTime) {
+ startTime = start;
+ endTime = end;
+ var newStartX = (startTime - qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceStartTime()) *
+ flick.width / (endTime-startTime);
+ if (Math.abs(newStartX - startX) >= 1)
+ startX = newStartX;
+ }
+ }
+ onSelectedItemChanged: {
+ if (selectedItem !== -1) {
+ // display details
+ /*
+ rangeDetails.duration = qmlProfilerDataModel.getDuration(selectedItem)/1000.0;
+ rangeDetails.label = qmlProfilerDataModel.getDetails(selectedItem);
+ rangeDetails.file = qmlProfilerDataModel.getFilename(selectedItem);
+ rangeDetails.line = qmlProfilerDataModel.getLine(selectedItem);
+ rangeDetails.column = qmlProfilerDataModel.getColumn(selectedItem);
+ rangeDetails.type = root.names[qmlProfilerDataModel.getType(selectedItem)];
+ rangeDetails.isBindingLoop = qmlProfilerDataModel.getBindingLoopDest(selectedItem)!==-1;
+ rangeDetails.visible = true;
+ rangeDetails.showInfo(qmlProfilerModelProxy.getEventDetails(selectedItem));
+ // center view (horizontally)
+ var windowLength = view.endTime - view.startTime;
+ var eventStartTime = qmlProfilerModelProxy.getStartTime(selectedItem);
+ var eventEndTime = eventStartTime +
+ qmlProfilerModelProxy.getDuration(selectedItem);
+ if (eventEndTime < view.startTime || eventStartTime > view.endTime) {
+ var center = (eventStartTime + eventEndTime)/2;
+ var from = Math.min(qmlProfilerModelProxy.traceEndTime()-windowLength,
+ Math.max(0, Math.floor(center - windowLength/2)));
+ zoomControl.setRange(from, from + windowLength);
+ }
+ // center view (vertically)
+ var itemY = view.getYPosition(selectedItem);
+ if (itemY < root.scrollY) {
+ root.updateVerticalScroll(itemY);
+ } else
+ if (itemY + root.singleRowHeight >
+ root.scrollY + root.candidateHeight) {
+ root.updateVerticalScroll(itemY + root.singleRowHeight -
+ root.candidateHeight);
+ }
+ } else {
+ root.hideRangeDetails();
+ }
+ }
+ onItemPressed: {
+ if (pressedItem !== -1) {
+ /*
+ root.gotoSourceLocation(qmlProfilerDataModel.getFilename(pressedItem),
+ qmlProfilerDataModel.getLine(pressedItem),
+ qmlProfilerDataModel.getColumn(pressedItem));
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ // hack to pass mouse events to the other mousearea if enabled
+ startDragArea: selectionRangeDrag.enabled ? selectionRangeDrag.x :
+ -flick.contentX
+ endDragArea: selectionRangeDrag.enabled ?
+ selectionRangeDrag.x + selectionRangeDrag.width :
+ -flick.contentX-1
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: selectionRangeControl
+ enabled: false
+ width: flick.width
+ height: root.height
+ x: flick.contentX
+ hoverEnabled: enabled
+ z: 2
+ onReleased: {
+ selectionRange.releasedOnCreation();
+ }
+ onPressed: {
+ selectionRange.pressedOnCreation();
+ }
+ onMousePositionChanged: {
+ selectionRange.movedOnCreation();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SelectionRangeDetails {
+ id: selectionRangeDetails
+ visible: root.selectionRangeMode
+ startTime: selectionRange.startTimeString
+ duration: selectionRange.durationString
+ endTime: selectionRange.endTimeString
+ showDuration: selectionRange.width > 1
+ }
+ RangeDetails {
+ id: rangeDetails
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: labels
+ width: 150
+ color: "#dcdcdc"
+ height: col.height
+ // TODO: this must go away
+ property int rowCount: 5
+ property variant rowExpanded: [false,false,false,false,false];
+ Column {
+ id: col
+ Repeater {
+ model: labels.rowCount
+ delegate: Label {
+ /*text: root.names[index] */
+ text: qmlProfilerModelProxy.categoryLabel(index)
+ height: labels.height/labels.rowCount
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: labelsTail
+ anchors.top: labels.bottom
+ anchors.bottom: root.bottom
+ width: labels.width
+ color: labels.color
+ }
+ // Gradient borders
+ Item {
+ anchors.left: labels.right
+ width: 6
+ anchors.top: root.top
+ anchors.bottom: root.bottom
+ Rectangle {
+ x: parent.width
+ transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
+ rotation: 90
+ width: parent.height
+ height: parent.width
+ gradient: Gradient {
+ GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#00000000"; }
+ GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#86000000"; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ anchors.right: root.right
+ width: 6
+ anchors.top: root.top
+ anchors.bottom: root.bottom
+ Rectangle {
+ x: parent.width
+ transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
+ rotation: 90
+ width: parent.height
+ height: parent.width
+ gradient: Gradient {
+ GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#86000000"; }
+ GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#00000000"; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ y: root.scrollY + root.candidateHeight - height
+ height: 6
+ width: root.width
+ x: 0
+ gradient: Gradient {
+ GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#00000000"; }
+ GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#86000000"; }
+ }
+ }