path: root/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/qt4mcu/qul-23.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/qt4mcu/qul-23.qml')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/qt4mcu/qul-23.qml b/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/qt4mcu/qul-23.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c55d7db3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/qtcreator/qmldesigner/qt4mcu/qul-23.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+VersionData {
+ name: "Qt for MCUs 2.3"
+ bannedItems: [
+ "QtQuick.AnimatedImage",
+ "QtQuick.AnimatedSprite",
+ "QtQuick.Flow",
+ "QtQuick.FocusScope",
+ "QtQuick.Grid",
+ "QtQuick.GridView",
+ "QtQuick.PathView",
+ "QtQuick.TextEdit",
+ "QtQuick.TextInput",
+ "QtQuick.Controls",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.BusyIndicator",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.ButtonGroup",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.CheckDelegate",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.ComboBox",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.Container",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.DelayButton",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.Frame",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.GroupBox",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.ItemDelegate",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.Label",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.Page",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.PageIndicator",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.Pane",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.RadioDelegate",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.RangeSlider",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.RoundButton",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.ScrollView",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.SpinBox",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.StackView",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.SwipeDelegate",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.SwitchDelegate",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.TabBar",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.TabButton",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.TextArea",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.TextField",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.ToolBar",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.ToolButton",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.ToolSeparator",
+ "QtQuick.Controls.Tumbler",
+ "QtQuick.Shapes.ConicalGradient",
+ "QtQuick.Shapes.LinearGradient",
+ "QtQuick.Shapes.RadialGradient",
+ "QtQuick.Shapes.ShapeGradient"
+ ]
+ allowedImports: [
+ "QtQuick",
+ "QtQuick.Controls",
+ "QtQuick.Shapes",
+ "QtQuick.Timeline",
+ "QtQuickUltralite.Extras",
+ "QtQuickUltralite.Layers"
+ ]
+ bannedImports: ["FlowView"]
+ //ComplexProperty is not a type, it's just a way to handle bigger props
+ ComplexProperty {
+ prefix: "font"
+ bannedProperties: ["wordSpacing", "letterSpacing", "hintingPreference",
+ "kerning", "preferShaping", "capitalization",
+ "strikeout", "underline", "styleName"]
+ }
+ QtQml.Timer {
+ bannedProperties: ["triggeredOnStart"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Item {
+ bannedProperties: ["layer", "opacity", "smooth", "antialiasing",
+ "baselineOffset", "focus", "activeFocusOnTab",
+ "rotation", "scale", "transformOrigin"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Rectangle {
+ bannedProperties: ["gradient", "border"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Flickable {
+ bannedProperties: ["boundsMovement", "flickDeceleration",
+ "leftMargin", "rightMargin", "bottomMargin", "topMargin",
+ "originX", "originY", "pixelAligned", "pressDelay", "synchronousDrag"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.MouseArea {
+ bannedProperties: ["propagateComposedEvents", "preventStealing", "cursorShape",
+ "scrollGestureEnabled", "drag", "acceptedButtons", "hoverEnabled"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Image {
+ allowChildren: false
+ allowedProperties: ["rotation", "scale", "transformOrigin"]
+ bannedProperties: ["mirror", "mipmap", "cache", "autoTransform", "asynchronous",
+ "sourceSize", "smooth"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.BorderImage {
+ bannedProperties: ["asynchronous", "cache", "currentFrame", "frameCount",
+ "horizontalTileMode", "mirror", "progress", "smooth", "sourceSize",
+ "status", "verticalTileMode"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Text {
+ allowChildren: false
+ allowedProperties: ["rotation", "scale", "transformOrigin"]
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+ "styleColor", "minimumPointSize", "minimumPixelSize",
+ "fontSizeMode", "renderType", "renderTypeQuality", "textFormat", "maximumLineCount"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Loader {
+ bannedProperties: ["asynchronous", "progress", "sourceComponent", "status"]
+ }
+ //Padding is not an actual item, but rather set of properties in Text
+ Padding {
+ bannedProperties: ["bottomPadding", "topPadding", "leftPadding", "rightPadding"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Column {
+ bannedProperties: ["bottomPadding", "leftPadding", "rightPadding", "topPadding"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Row {
+ bannedProperties: ["bottomPadding", "leftPadding", "rightPadding", "topPadding",
+ "effectiveLayoutDirection", "layoutDirection"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.ListView {
+ bannedProperties: ["cacheBuffer", "highlightRangeMode", "highlightMoveDuration",
+ "highlightResizeDuration", "preferredHighlightBegin", "layoutDirection",
+ "preferredHighlightEnd", "highlightFollowsCurrentItem", "keyNavigationWraps",
+ "snapMode", "highlightMoveVelocity", "highlightResizeVelocity"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Animation {
+ bannedProperties: ["paused"]
+ }
+ //Quick Controls2 Items and properties:
+ QtQuick.Controls.Control {
+ bannedProperties: ["focusPolicy", "hoverEnabled", "wheelEnabled"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Controls.AbstractButton {
+ bannedProperties: ["display", "autoExclusive", "icon"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Controls.ProgressBar {
+ bannedProperties: ["indeterminate"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Controls.Slider {
+ bannedProperties: ["live", "snapMode", "touchDragThreshold"]
+ }
+ //Path and Shapes related:
+ QtQuick.Path {
+ bannedProperties: ["scale", "pathElements"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.PathArc {
+ bannedProperties: ["relativeX", "relativeY"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.PathLine {
+ bannedProperties: ["relativeX", "relativeY"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.PathMove {
+ bannedProperties: ["relativeX", "relativeY"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.PathQuad {
+ bannedProperties: ["relativeX", "relativeY",
+ "relativeControlX", "relativeControlY"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.PathCubic {
+ bannedProperties: ["relativeX", "relativeY",
+ "relativeControl1X", "relativeControl1Y",
+ "relativeControl2X", "relativeControl2Y"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.PathElement {
+ //nothing
+ }
+ QtQuick.PathSvg {
+ //nothing
+ }
+ QtQuick.Shapes.Shape {
+ bannedProperties: ["asynchronous", "containsMode", "data",
+ "renderType", "status", "vendorExtensionsEnabled"]
+ }
+ QtQuick.Shapes.ShapePath {
+ bannedProperties: ["dashOffset", "dashPattern",
+ "fillGradient", "strokeStyle"]
+ }