path: root/tests
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authorLuca Di Sera <luca.disera@qt.io>2024-04-26 10:26:29 +0200
committerLuca Di Sera <luca.disera@qt.io>2024-05-08 11:15:40 +0200
commitaac94b9cb6bbfe8e16c8282dcdaf11b36eea4d6e (patch)
treef735f12c40b2d1dc5b10e53943562d3cc8aac275 /tests
parentd73409cd3e9c0ac770d76494250dcf065910384d (diff)
QML: Allow numeric separators in numeric literals
ES2021 introduced numeric separators in numeric literals to improve readability. For example, one billion can be written "1_000_000_000" where "_" are the numeric separators. Update the QML lexer to allow numeric separators, based on https://262.ecma-international.org/12.0/#prod-NumericLiteralSeparator. Add a non-exhaustive test case to `tst_qqmlparser` to track the behavior. Fixes: QTBUG-123792 Change-Id: Ie62d1f40fc8e0c7678e7dfea16408bdeeba6d150 Reviewed-by: Ulf Hermann <ulf.hermann@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Olivier De Cannière <olivier.decanniere@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Sami Shalayel <sami.shalayel@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Dmitrii Akshintsev <dmitrii.akshintsev@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qml/qqmlparser/tst_qqmlparser.cpp b/tests/auto/qml/qqmlparser/tst_qqmlparser.cpp
index eb8c6c260f..0a8411ddcf 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qml/qqmlparser/tst_qqmlparser.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qml/qqmlparser/tst_qqmlparser.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ private slots:
void codeLocationsWithContinuationStringLiteral_data();
void noSubstitutionTemplateLiteral();
void templateLiteral();
+ void numericSeparator_data();
+ void numericSeparator();
+ void invalidNumericSeparator_data();
+ void invalidNumericSeparator();
void leadingSemicolonInClass();
void templatedReadonlyProperty();
void qmlImportInJS();
@@ -496,6 +500,74 @@ void tst_qqmlparser::templateLiteral()
+void tst_qqmlparser::numericSeparator_data() {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("code");
+ QTest::addColumn<double>("expected_value");
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in decimal literal") << "1_000_000_000" << 1000000000.0;
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in fractional part") << "1000.22_33" << 1000.2233;
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in exponent part") << "1e1_0_0" << std::pow(10, 100);
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in positive exponent part") << "1e+1_0_0" << 1e100;
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in negative exponent part") << "1e-1_0_0" << 1e-100;
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in binary literal with b prefix") << "0b1010_0001_1000_0101" << static_cast<double>(0b1010000110000101);
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in binary literal with B prefix") << "0B01_10_01_10" << static_cast<double>(0b01100110);
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in octal literal with o prefix") << "0o1234_5670" << static_cast<double>(012345670);
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in octal literal with O prefix") << "0O7777_0000" << static_cast<double>(077770000);
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in hex literal with x prefix") << "0xA0_B0_C0" << static_cast<double>(0xA0B0C0);
+ QTest::newRow("Separator in hex literal with X prefix") << "0X1000_AAAA" << static_cast<double>(0x1000AAAA);
+void tst_qqmlparser::numericSeparator() {
+ using namespace QQmlJS;
+ QFETCH(QString, code);
+ QFETCH(double, expected_value);
+ QQmlJS::Engine engine;
+ QQmlJS::Lexer lexer(&engine);
+ lexer.setCode(code, 1);
+ QQmlJS::Parser parser(&engine);
+ QVERIFY(parser.parseExpression());
+ AST::ExpressionNode *expression = parser.expression();
+ QVERIFY(expression);
+ auto *literal = QQmlJS::AST::cast<QQmlJS::AST::NumericLiteral *>(expression);
+ QVERIFY(literal);
+ QCOMPARE(literal->value, expected_value);
+ QCOMPARE(literal->firstSourceLocation().begin(), 0u);
+ QCOMPARE(literal->lastSourceLocation().end(), quint32(code.size()));
+void tst_qqmlparser::invalidNumericSeparator_data() {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("code");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("error");
+ QTest::newRow("Trailing numeric separator") << "1_" << "A trailing numeric separator is not allowed in numeric literals";
+ QTest::newRow("Multiple numeric separators") << "1__2" << "There can be at most one numeric separator beetwen digits";
+void tst_qqmlparser::invalidNumericSeparator() {
+ using namespace QQmlJS;
+ QFETCH(QString, code);
+ QFETCH(QString, error);
+ QQmlJS::Engine engine;
+ QQmlJS::Lexer lexer(&engine);
+ lexer.setCode(code, 1);
+ QQmlJS::Parser parser(&engine);
+ QVERIFY(!parser.parseExpression());
+ QVERIFY(lexer.errorCode() != Lexer::NoError);
+ QCOMPARE(lexer.errorMessage(), error);
void tst_qqmlparser::leadingSemicolonInClass()
QQmlJS::Engine engine;