path: root/Source/WTF/wtf/text/cf/StringImplCF.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WTF/wtf/text/cf/StringImplCF.cpp')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WTF/wtf/text/cf/StringImplCF.cpp b/Source/WTF/wtf/text/cf/StringImplCF.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7bad9a7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/WTF/wtf/text/cf/StringImplCF.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006, 2009, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <wtf/text/StringImpl.h>
+#if USE(CF)
+#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
+#include <wtf/MainThread.h>
+#include <wtf/PassRefPtr.h>
+#include <wtf/RetainPtr.h>
+#include <wtf/Threading.h>
+namespace WTF {
+namespace StringWrapperCFAllocator {
+ static StringImpl* currentString;
+ static const void* retain(const void* info)
+ {
+ return info;
+ }
+ static void release(const void*)
+ {
+ }
+ static CFStringRef copyDescription(const void*)
+ {
+ return CFSTR("WTF::String-based allocator");
+ }
+ static void* allocate(CFIndex size, CFOptionFlags, void*)
+ {
+ StringImpl* underlyingString = 0;
+ if (isMainThread()) {
+ underlyingString = currentString;
+ if (underlyingString) {
+ currentString = 0;
+ underlyingString->ref(); // Balanced by call to deref in deallocate below.
+ }
+ }
+ StringImpl** header = static_cast<StringImpl**>(fastMalloc(sizeof(StringImpl*) + size));
+ *header = underlyingString;
+ return header + 1;
+ }
+ static void* reallocate(void* pointer, CFIndex newSize, CFOptionFlags, void*)
+ {
+ size_t newAllocationSize = sizeof(StringImpl*) + newSize;
+ StringImpl** header = static_cast<StringImpl**>(pointer) - 1;
+ ASSERT(!*header);
+ header = static_cast<StringImpl**>(fastRealloc(header, newAllocationSize));
+ return header + 1;
+ }
+ static void deallocate(void* pointer, void*)
+ {
+ StringImpl** header = static_cast<StringImpl**>(pointer) - 1;
+ StringImpl* underlyingString = *header;
+ if (!underlyingString)
+ fastFree(header);
+ else {
+ if (isMainThread()) {
+ underlyingString->deref(); // Balanced by call to ref in allocate above.
+ fastFree(header);
+ return;
+ }
+ callOnMainThread([header] {
+ StringImpl* underlyingString = *header;
+ ASSERT(underlyingString);
+ underlyingString->deref(); // Balanced by call to ref in allocate above.
+ fastFree(header);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ static CFIndex preferredSize(CFIndex size, CFOptionFlags, void*)
+ {
+ // FIXME: If FastMalloc provided a "good size" callback, we'd want to use it here.
+ // Note that this optimization would help performance for strings created with the
+ // allocator that are mutable, and those typically are only created by callers who
+ // make a new string using the old string's allocator, such as some of the call
+ // sites in CFURL.
+ return size;
+ }
+ static CFAllocatorRef create()
+ {
+ CFAllocatorContext context = { 0, 0, retain, release, copyDescription, allocate, reallocate, deallocate, preferredSize };
+ return CFAllocatorCreate(0, &context);
+ }
+ static CFAllocatorRef allocator()
+ {
+ static CFAllocatorRef allocator = create();
+ return allocator;
+ }
+RetainPtr<CFStringRef> StringImpl::createCFString()
+ if (!m_length || !isMainThread()) {
+ if (is8Bit())
+ return adoptCF(CFStringCreateWithBytes(0, reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(characters8()), m_length, kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1, false));
+ return adoptCF(CFStringCreateWithCharacters(0, reinterpret_cast<const UniChar*>(characters16()), m_length));
+ }
+ CFAllocatorRef allocator = StringWrapperCFAllocator::allocator();
+ // Put pointer to the StringImpl in a global so the allocator can store it with the CFString.
+ ASSERT(!StringWrapperCFAllocator::currentString);
+ StringWrapperCFAllocator::currentString = this;
+ CFStringRef string;
+ if (is8Bit())
+ string = CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(allocator, reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(characters8()), m_length, kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1, false, kCFAllocatorNull);
+ else
+ string = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(allocator, reinterpret_cast<const UniChar*>(characters16()), m_length, kCFAllocatorNull);
+ // CoreFoundation might not have to allocate anything, we clear currentString in case we did not execute allocate().
+ StringWrapperCFAllocator::currentString = 0;
+ return adoptCF(string);
+// On StringImpl creation we could check if the allocator is the StringWrapperCFAllocator.
+// If it is, then we could find the original StringImpl and just return that. But to
+// do that we'd have to compute the offset from CFStringRef to the allocated block;
+// the CFStringRef is *not* at the start of an allocated block. Testing shows 1000x
+// more calls to createCFString than calls to the create functions with the appropriate
+// allocator, so it's probably not urgent optimize that case.
+#endif // USE(CF)