path: root/1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.4/tpl/template-engine.php
diff options
authorOswald Buddenhagen <>2017-10-06 11:50:27 +0000
committerOswald Buddenhagen <>2017-10-06 16:49:51 +0200
commiteee97c048f9cdc1cc05d6a516a3da56a13accd64 (patch)
tree019e374beaed56be3cbeaff3cf202d41ee427d96 /1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.4/tpl/template-engine.php
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to '1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.4/tpl/template-engine.php')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.4/tpl/template-engine.php b/1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.4/tpl/template-engine.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0160c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.4/tpl/template-engine.php
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+* Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
+* Licensed under the MIT Open Source License, for details please see license.txt or the website
+$_globals = array();
+// FLAG: Full Code - set true to output verbose mode, minimal otherwise (does not include// inline elements in minimal)
+$_globals['full_code'] = true;
+$_globals['copyright'] = false;
+$_globals['copyright_text'] = "/*\n" .
+" * Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.\n" .
+" *\n" .
+" * Licensed under the SCEA Shared Source License, Version 1.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this\n" .
+" * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:\n" .
+" *\n" .
+" *\n" .
+" * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License\n" .
+" * is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n" .
+" * implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the\n" .
+" * License.\n" .
+" */\n\n";
+$_globals['depth'] = 0;
+$_globals['meta_prefix'] = 'dae';
+$_globals['prefix'] = 'dom';
+$_globals['language'] = 'en';
+$_globals['dom_dir'] = 'gen/dom/';
+$_globals['tmp_dir'] = 'tmp/';
+$_globals['log_file'] = 'gen/gen.log';
+$_globals['register_list'] = array();
+$_globals['include_list'] = array();
+$_globals['complex_types'] = array();
+$_globals['groups'] = array();
+$_globals['constStrings'] = array(); //used to store all the constant strings needed to be put in the file.
+$_globals['elementTypes'] = array();
+$_globals['elementNames'] = array();
+$_globals['elementNames'][] = "COLLADA"; //needed because no elements have this as a child.
+$_globals['typeID'] = 0;
+$_globals['target_dir'] = '';
+$_globals['global_elements'] = array();
+$_globals['templates'] = array(
+ 'DOXYGEN' => 'tpl/tpl-doxygen.php',
+ 'TYPES_HEADER_FILE' => 'tpl/tpl-types-header-file.php',
+ 'TYPES_HEADER' => 'tpl/tpl-types-header.php',
+ 'TYPES_CPP_FILE' => 'tpl/tpl-types-cpp-file.php',
+ 'TYPES_CPP' => 'tpl/tpl-types-cpp.php',
+ 'INCLUDES' => 'tpl/tpl-includes.php',
+ 'HEADER' => 'tpl/tpl-dot-h.php',
+ 'HEADER_FILE' => 'tpl/tpl-header.php',
+ 'INCLUDE_LIST' => 'tpl/tpl-include-list.php',
+ 'CPP_FILE' => 'tpl/tpl-cpp.php',
+ 'CPP' => 'tpl/tpl-cpp-body.php',
+ 'CPP_STATIC' => 'tpl/tpl-cpp-static.php',
+ 'CPP_METHODS' => 'tpl/tpl-cpp-methods.php',
+ 'CLASS' => 'tpl/tpl-class-def.php',
+ 'ELEMENTS_FILE' => 'tpl/tpl-elements-file.php',
+ 'ELEMENTS' => 'tpl/tpl-elements.php',
+ 'CONSTANTS_FILE' => 'tpl/tpl-constants-file.php',
+ 'CONSTANTS' => 'tpl/tpl-constants.php',
+ 'CONSTANTS_CPP_FILE' => 'tpl/tpl-constants-cpp-file.php',
+ 'CONSTANTS_CPP' => 'tpl/tpl-constants-cpp.php'
+function applyTemplate( $template, & $bag )
+ global $_globals;
+ $_result = '';
+ if ( array_key_exists( $template, $_globals['templates'] ) )
+ {
+ ob_start();
+ include( $_globals['templates'][ $template ] );
+ $_result = ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ }
+ return $_result;
+function initGen( $file )
+ global $_globals;
+ // A few defns
+ $_globals['gen_start_time'] = date( "M d Y H:i:s" );
+ $_globals['file_name'] = $file;
+ // Verify target dirs exist, create if not
+ makeGenDir( getcwd() . "/gen" );
+ makeGenDir( getcwd() . "/" . $_globals['dom_dir'] );
+ makeGenDir( getcwd() . "/" . $_globals['dom_dir'] . 'include/' );
+ makeGenDir( getcwd() . "/" . $_globals['dom_dir'] . 'src/' );
+ // Start buffering output
+ ob_start();
+function makeGenDir( $dir )
+ if ( !is_dir( $dir ) )
+ {
+ if ( !mkdir( $dir ) )
+ {
+ die( "Could not create directory $dir\n" );
+ }
+ }
+function cleanupGen()
+ global $_globals;
+ // Get output buffer
+ $_result = ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ // Assemble report
+ ob_start();
+ print "========================================\n\n";
+ print " Code Generation\n\n";
+ print "----------------------------------------\n";
+ print "COLLADA File: " . $_globals['file_name'] . "\n";
+ print "Start time: " . $_globals['gen_start_time'] . "\n";
+ print "End time: " . date( "M d Y H:i:s" ) . "\n";
+ print "----------------------------------------\n\n";
+ print $_result;
+ print "\r\n\r\nend\r\n";
+ file_put_contents( $_globals['log_file'], ob_get_contents() );
+ ob_end_clean();
+ print "Generation complete\n";
+function saveTemplate( $file, $template, & $bag )
+ $bytes = file_put_contents( $file, applyTemplate( $template, $bag ) );
+function printAllSubChildren( & $elem, $prefix, $suffix ) {
+ //print "subchild test count = ". count( $elem['elements'] ) ."\n";
+ //print "subchild test name = ". $elem['element_name'] ."\n";
+ global $_globals;
+ global $meta;
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $elem['elements'] ); $i++ ) {
+ if ( isset( $meta[$elem['elements'][$i]] ) ) {
+ if ( $meta[$elem['elements'][$i]]['isAGroup'] ) {
+ printAllSubChildren( $meta[$elem['elements'][$i]], $prefix, $suffix );
+ }
+ else if ( !$meta[$elem['elements'][$i]]['abstract'] ) {
+ print $prefix ."_Meta->children.append(\"". $elem['elements'][$i] ."\");". $suffix;
+ print ");\n";
+ }
+ for( $c = 0; $c < count( $meta[$elem['elements'][$i]]['substitutableWith']); $c++ ) {
+ $subwith = $meta[$elem['elements'][$i]]['substitutableWith'][$c];
+ print $prefix ."_Meta->children.append(\"". $subwith ."\");". $suffix;
+ print ");\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print $prefix . $elem['elements'][$i] . $suffix;
+ if ( isset($meta[$elem['element_attrs'][ $elem['elements'][$i] ]['type']]) &&
+ $meta[$elem['element_attrs'][ $elem['elements'][$i] ]['type']]['isAComplexType'] ) {
+ print ", \"". $elem['element_attrs'][ $elem['elements'][$i] ]['type'] ."\"";
+ }
+ print ");\n";
+ }
+ }
+function getInheritanceStatement($baseClasses) {
+ if (count($baseClasses) == 0)
+ return "";
+ $statement = " : public " . $baseClasses[0];
+ for ($i = 1; $i < count($baseClasses); $i++)
+ $statement .= ", public " . $baseClasses[$i];
+ return $statement;
+function beginConstructorInitializer(& $initializerListStarted) {
+ print $initializerListStarted ? ", " : " : ";
+ $initializerListStarted = true;
+function printBaseClassInitializers($elemName, $baseClasses, & $initializerListStarted) {
+ $elt = strpos($elemName, "_complexType") === false ? "this" : "elt";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($baseClasses); $i++) {
+ beginConstructorInitializer($initializerListStarted);
+ print $baseClasses[$i] .
+ (strpos($baseClasses[$i], "_complexType") !== false ? "(dae, " . $elt . ")" : "(dae)");
+ }
+function printConstructors( $elemName, & $bag, $baseClasses, $indent ) {
+ //print the protected ctor and copy stuff
+ print $indent ."protected:\n";
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Constructor\n". $indent ."\t */\n";
+ print $indent ."\t". $elemName ."(DAE& dae";
+ if ($bag['isAComplexType'])
+ print ", daeElement* elt";
+ print ")";
+ $initializerListStarted = false;
+ $eltVar = $bag['isAComplexType'] ? "*elt" : "*this";
+ printBaseClassInitializers($elemName, $baseClasses, $initializerListStarted);
+ if ($bag['useXMLNS']) {
+ beginConstructorInitializer($initializerListStarted);
+ print "attrXmlns(dae, " . $eltVar . ")";
+ }
+ // Constructor initialization of attributes
+ if (count($bag['attributes']) > 0) {
+ foreach( $bag['attributes'] as $attr_name => & $a_list ) {
+ beginConstructorInitializer($initializerListStarted);
+ $attr_name = ucfirst($attr_name);
+ $type = $a_list['type'];
+ print "attr" . $attr_name . "(";
+ if ($type == 'xs:anyURI' || $type == 'URIFragmentType')
+ print "dae, " . $eltVar;
+ else if ($type == 'xs:IDREF')
+ print $eltVar;
+ else if ($type == 'xs:IDREFS')
+ print "new xsIDREF(" . $eltVar . ")";
+ print ")";
+ }
+ }
+ // Constructor initialization of elements
+ for( $i=0; $i<count( $bag['elements'] ); $i++ ) {
+ $maxOccurs = $bag['element_attrs'][ $bag['elements'][$i] ]['maxOccurs'];
+ $maxOccurs = ($maxOccurs == 'unbounded' || $maxOccurs > 1);
+ beginConstructorInitializer($initializerListStarted);
+ print "elem" . ucfirst($bag['elements'][$i]) . ($maxOccurs ? "_array" : "") . "()";
+ }
+ if ( ($bag['content_type'] != '' || $bag['mixed']) && !$bag['abstract'] ) {
+ beginConstructorInitializer($initializerListStarted);
+ if ($bag['content_type'] == 'xs:anyURI' || $bag['content_type'] == 'URIFragmentType')
+ print "_value(dae, " . $eltVar . ")";
+ else if ($bag['content_type'] == 'xs:IDREF')
+ print "_value(" . $eltVar . ")";
+ else if ($bag['content_type'] == 'xs:IDREFS')
+ print "_value(new xsIDREF(" . $eltVar . "))";
+ else
+ print "_value()";
+ }
+ print " {}\n";
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Destructor\n". $indent ."\t */\n";
+ print $indent ."\tvirtual ~". $elemName ."() {";
+ if ( $bag['hasChoice'] ) {
+ print " daeElement::deleteCMDataArray(_CMData); ";
+ }
+ print "}\n";
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Overloaded assignment operator\n". $indent ."\t */\n";
+ print $indent ."\tvirtual ".$elemName ." &operator=( const ".$elemName ." &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; }\n";
+function printAttributes( & $bag, & $typemeta, & $indent, $vaa ) {
+ global $_globals;
+ $attrCnt = 0;
+ if ( $bag['useXMLNS'] ) {
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the xmlns attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a xsAnyURI reference of the xmlns attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\txsAnyURI &getXmlns() { return attrXmlns; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the xmlns attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a constant xsAnyURI reference of the xmlns attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tconst xsAnyURI &getXmlns() const { return attrXmlns; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Sets the xmlns attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @param xmlns The new value for the xmlns attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tvoid setXmlns( const xsAnyURI &xmlns ) { attrXmlns = xmlns;";
+ if ( $vaa ) {
+ print $indent ."\n\t _validAttributeArray[". $attrCnt ."] = true;";
+ }
+ print " }\n\n";
+ $attrCnt++;
+ }
+ foreach( $bag['attributes'] as $attr_name => & $a_list ) {
+ $type = $a_list['type'];
+ if ( preg_match( "/xs\:/", $type ) ) {
+ $type = substr( $type, 3 );
+ $pre = "xs";
+ }
+ else {
+ $pre = $_globals['prefix'];
+ }
+ if ( $type == '' )
+ {
+ $type = "String";
+ }
+ $baseStringTypes = "xsDateTime xsID xsNCName xsNMTOKEN xsName xsToken xsString";
+ $baseType = $pre . ucfirst( $type );
+ if ( isset( $typemeta[$type] ) ) {
+ $typeInfo = $typemeta[$type];
+ while ( $typeInfo['base'] != '' && isset( $typemeta[$typeInfo['base']] ) ) {
+ $typeInfo = $typemeta[$typeInfo['base']];
+ if ( preg_match( "/xs\:/", $typeInfo['type'] ) ) {
+ $baseType = "xs" . ucfirst( substr( $typeInfo['type'], 3 ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ $baseType = $_globals['prefix'] . ucfirst( $typeInfo['type'] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( (isset( $typemeta[$type] ) && $typemeta[$type]['isArray']) || $type == 'IDREFS' ) {
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the ". $attr_name ." array attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." reference of the ". $attr_name ." array attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\t" . $pre . ucfirst( $type ) . " &get" . ucfirst($attr_name) ."() { ";
+ print "return attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ."; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the ". $attr_name ." array attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a constant ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." reference of the ". $attr_name ." array attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tconst " . $pre . ucfirst( $type ) . " &get" . ucfirst($attr_name) ."() const { ";
+ print "return attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ."; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Sets the ". $attr_name ." array attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @param at". ucfirst($attr_name)." The new value for the ". $attr_name ." array attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tvoid set". ucfirst( $attr_name ) ."( const ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." &at";
+ print ucfirst($attr_name) ." ) { attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ." = at". ucfirst($attr_name) .";";
+ if ( $vaa ) {
+ print " _validAttributeArray[". $attrCnt ."] = true;";
+ }
+ print " }\n\n";
+ }
+ else if ( ucfirst($type) == 'AnyURI' || ucfirst($type) == 'URIFragmentType' ) {
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." reference of the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\t" . $pre . ucfirst( $type ) . " &get" . ucfirst($attr_name) ."() { ";
+ print "return attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ."; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a constant ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." reference of the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tconst " . $pre . ucfirst( $type ) . " &get" . ucfirst($attr_name) ."() const { ";
+ print "return attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ."; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Sets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @param at". ucfirst($attr_name)." The new value for the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tvoid set". ucfirst( $attr_name ) ."( const ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." &at";
+ print ucfirst($attr_name) ." ) { attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ." = at". ucfirst($attr_name) .";";
+ if ( $vaa ) {
+ print " _validAttributeArray[". $attrCnt ."] = true;";
+ }
+ print " }\n";
+ // We add a setter that takes a plain string to help with backward compatibility
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Sets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @param at". ucfirst($attr_name)." The new value for the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tvoid set". ucfirst( $attr_name ) ."( xsString at";
+ print ucfirst($attr_name) ." ) { attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ." = at" . ucfirst($attr_name) . ";";
+ if ( $vaa ) {
+ print " _validAttributeArray[". $attrCnt ."] = true;";
+ }
+ print " }\n\n";
+ }
+ else if( ucfirst($type) == 'IDREF' ) {
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." reference of the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\t" . $pre . ucfirst( $type ) . " &get" . ucfirst($attr_name) ."() { ";
+ print "return attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ."; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a constant ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." reference of the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tconst " . $pre . ucfirst( $type ) . " &get" . ucfirst($attr_name) ."() const{ ";
+ print "return attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ."; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Sets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @param at". ucfirst($attr_name)." The new value for the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tvoid set". ucfirst( $attr_name ) ."( const ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." &at";
+ print ucfirst($attr_name) ." ) { attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ." = at". ucfirst($attr_name) .";";
+ if ( $vaa ) {
+ print " _validAttributeArray[". $attrCnt ."] = true;";
+ }
+ print " }\n\n";
+ }
+ else if ( strstr( $baseStringTypes, $baseType ) !== FALSE && count( $a_list['enum'] ) == 0 ) {
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." of the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\t" . $pre . ucfirst( $type ) . " get" . ucfirst($attr_name) ."() const { ";
+ print "return attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ."; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Sets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @param at". ucfirst($attr_name)." The new value for the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tvoid set". ucfirst( $attr_name ) ."( ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." at";
+ print ucfirst($attr_name) ." ) { *(daeStringRef*)&attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ." = at". ucfirst($attr_name) .";";
+ if ( $vaa ) {
+ print " _validAttributeArray[". $attrCnt ."] = true; ";
+ }
+ if ( $attr_name == "id" )
+ {
+ print "\n". $indent ."\t\tif( _document != NULL ) _document->changeElementID( this, attrId );\n". $indent ."\t";
+ }
+ print "}\n\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Gets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @return Returns a ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." of the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\t" . $pre . ucfirst( $type ) . " get" . ucfirst($attr_name) ."() const { ";
+ print "return attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ."; }\n";
+ //comment
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Sets the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t * @param at". ucfirst($attr_name)." The new value for the ". $attr_name ." attribute.\n";
+ print $indent ."\t */\n";
+ //code
+ print $indent ."\tvoid set". ucfirst( $attr_name ) ."( ". $pre . ucfirst( $type ) ." at";
+ print ucfirst($attr_name) ." ) { attr". ucfirst($attr_name) ." = at". ucfirst($attr_name) .";";
+ if ( $vaa ) {
+ print " _validAttributeArray[". $attrCnt ."] = true;";
+ }
+ print " }\n\n";
+ }
+ $attrCnt++;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file