path: root/Studio/Content/Effect Library/Depth Of Field Bokeh.effect
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Studio/Content/Effect Library/Depth Of Field Bokeh.effect')
-rw-r--r--Studio/Content/Effect Library/Depth Of Field Bokeh.effect302
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/Studio/Content/Effect Library/Depth Of Field Bokeh.effect b/Studio/Content/Effect Library/Depth Of Field Bokeh.effect
deleted file mode 100644
index c7152583..00000000
--- a/Studio/Content/Effect Library/Depth Of Field Bokeh.effect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <MetaData>
- <Property name="FocusDistance" formalName="Focus Distance" description="Objects exactly distance +- &quot;In Focus Width&quot;\nfrom the camera will be in focus" default="600"/>
- <Property name="FocusWidth" formalName="Depth of Field" description="Objects within this range of Focus\nDistance will be in focus" default="20"/>
- <Property name="MaxBokehRadius" formalName="Max Bokeh Radius" description="Maximum radius of a Bokeh sprite" default="15"/>
- <Property name="MaxCoCRadius" formalName="Max CoC Radius" description="Maximum radius of a CoC" default="15"/>
- <Property name="MinBokehThreshold" formalName="Min Bokeh Threshold" description="Minimum luminance difference for\nBokeh detection" default="1.0"/>
- <Property name="MaxBokehThreshold" formalName="Max Bokeh Threshold" description="Maximum luminance difference for\nBokeh detection" default="1000.0"/>
- <Property name="MinCoCThreshold" formalName="Min CoC Threshold" description="Minimum CoC radius for Bokeh detection" default="3.0"/>
- <Property name="DepthDebug" formalName="Debug Focus Rendering" type="Boolean" description="Allows you to see exactly how the Focus\nvariables work. Black objects are\nin focus, white are blurred" default="False"/>
- <Property name="BokehShapeSampler" formalName="Bokeh shape" filter="linear" clamp="repeat" default="./maps/effects/HexagonalBokeh.png" type="Texture" description="Texture to be used for the bokeh shape"/>
- <Property name="DepthSampler" type="Texture" filter="nearest" clamp="clamp"/>
- <Property name="SourceSampler" type="Texture" filter="linear" clamp="clamp"/>
- <Property name="BokehDetectSampler" type="Image2D" format="rgba32f" binding="1"/>
- <Property name="BokehColorSampler" type="Image2D" format="rgba32f" binding="2"/>
- <Property name="BokehSampler" type="Texture" filter="nearest" clamp="clamp"/>
- <Property name="BokehPositionSampler" type="Texture" filter="nearest" clamp="clamp"/>
- <Property name="BokehBufferSampler" type="Texture" filter="nearest" clamp="clamp"/>
- <Property name="MergedBufferSampler" type="Texture" filter="linear" clamp="clamp"/>
- <Property name="BokehCounter" type="Buffer" format="uvec4" usage="storage" binding="1" align="std140"/>
- </MetaData>
- <Shaders>
- <Shared>
-#include "blur.glsllib"
-const float BlurAmount = 4.0;
- </Shared>
- <Shader name="CLEAR">
- <VertexShader>
-void vert()
- </VertexShader>
- <FragmentShader>
-void frag() // Simple averaging box blur.
- gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- </FragmentShader>
- </Shader>
- <Shader name="BOKEH_DETECT">
- <VertexShader>
-void vert()
- </VertexShader>
- <FragmentShader>
-void frag() // Mix the input blur and the depth texture with the sprite
- vec4 sourceColor = textureLod(Texture0, TexCoord, 0.0);
- float depthTap = getDepthValue( texture2D(DepthSampler, TexCoord), CameraClipRange );
- float linearDepth = depthValueToLinearDistance( depthTap, CameraClipRange );
- float FocusStart = FocusDistance - FocusWidth;
- float FocusEnd = FocusDistance + FocusWidth;
- float blur = clamp( abs(linearDepth - FocusDistance) / (FocusEnd-FocusStart), 0.00, 1.0);
- //float blur = GetDepthMultiplier( TexCoord, DepthSampler, FocusDistance, FocusWidth, FocusWidth );
- gl_FragColor = vec4( linearDepth, blur, 0.0, 1.0);
- // use a 3x3 filter to compute luminance difference
- vec3 avgColor = vec3(0);
- avgColor += textureLodOffset(Texture0, TexCoord, 0.0, ivec2(1, 0)).xyz;
- avgColor += textureLodOffset(Texture0, TexCoord, 0.0, ivec2(0, 1)).xyz;
- avgColor += textureLodOffset(Texture0, TexCoord, 0.0, ivec2(-1, 0)).xyz;
- avgColor += textureLodOffset(Texture0, TexCoord, 0.0, ivec2(0, -1)).xyz;
- avgColor += textureLodOffset(Texture0, TexCoord, 0.0, ivec2(1, 1)).xyz;
- avgColor += textureLodOffset(Texture0, TexCoord, 0.0, ivec2(1, -1)).xyz;
- avgColor += textureLodOffset(Texture0, TexCoord, 0.0, ivec2(-1, -1)).xyz;
- avgColor += textureLodOffset(Texture0, TexCoord, 0.0, ivec2(-1, 1)).xyz;
- avgColor /= 8.0;
- float currentLum = dot(vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722),;
- float averageLum = dot(vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722), avgColor);
- //float currentLum = dot(vec3(1.0),;
- //float averageLum = dot(vec3(1.0), avgColor);
- float lumDiff = max(currentLum - averageLum, 0.0);
- float cocSize = blur * MaxCoCRadius;
- if( lumDiff > MinBokehThreshold &amp;&amp; lumDiff &lt; MaxBokehThreshold &amp;&amp; cocSize > MinCoCThreshold )
- {
- ivec2 sourceSize, storeCoord;
- sourceSize = ivec2(textureSize(Texture0, 0).xy);
- uint add = uint(1);
- int current = int(atomicAdd( BokehCounter_data[0].y, add));
- storeCoord.y = int(floor(float(current/sourceSize.x)));
- storeCoord.x = current - storeCoord.y*sourceSize.x;
- imageStore(BokehDetectSampler, ivec2(storeCoord.xy), vec4(TexCoord.x * float(sourceSize.x), TexCoord.y * float(sourceSize.y), linearDepth, blur));
- vec3 bokehColor = / (cocSize);
- imageStore(BokehColorSampler, ivec2(storeCoord.xy), vec4(bokehColor, 1.0));
- }
- </FragmentShader>
- </Shader>
- <Shader name="BOKEH_RENDER">
- <VertexShader>
-out vec4 varColor;
-out float varRadius;
-out float varDepth;
-void vert()
- ivec2 bufSize, coord;
- bufSize = textureSize(BokehPositionSampler,0).xy;
- coord.y = int(floor(float(gl_InstanceID / bufSize.x)));
- coord.x = gl_InstanceID - coord.y * bufSize.x;
- varColor = texelFetch(BokehSampler, coord, 0);
- vec4 pos = texelFetch(BokehPositionSampler, coord, 0);
- varRadius = pos.w * MaxBokehRadius;
- varDepth = pos.z;
- // convert to NDC -1, 1 range
- //pos.xy /= DestSize;
- //pos.xy = pos.xy * 2.0 - 1.0;
- vec4 pos1 = vec4( (attr_pos.xy + pos.xy) / DestSize.xy , 0.0, 1.0 );
- gl_Position = pos1;
- </VertexShader>
- <GeometryShader>
-#include "viewProperties.glsllib"
-in float varRadius[];
-in float varDepth[];
-in vec4 varColor[];
-out vec4 geColor;
-out float geDepth;
-out vec2 geUVPos;
-layout (points) in;
-layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 4) out;
-void main()
- gl_Layer = 0;
- geColor = varColor[0];
- geDepth = varDepth[0];
- vec2 rcpSize = 1.0 / DestSize;
- //emit triangle at pos.
- vec2 offsetx = vec2(rcpSize.x * varRadius[0], 0.0);
- vec2 offsety = vec2(0.0, rcpSize.y * varRadius[0]);
- vec2 offsets = vec2(-1.0, -1.0); // Screen offset
- // Expand point into a quad
- gl_Position = vec4(offsets + 2.0*(gl_in[0].gl_Position.xy - offsetx - offsety),0.0 ,1.0);
- geUVPos = vec2(0,0);
- EmitVertex();
- gl_Position = vec4(offsets + 2.0*(gl_in[0].gl_Position.xy + offsetx - offsety),0.0 ,1.0);
- geUVPos = vec2(1,0);
- EmitVertex();
- gl_Position = vec4(offsets + 2.0*(gl_in[0].gl_Position.xy - offsetx + offsety),0.0 ,1.0);
- geUVPos = vec2(0,1);
- EmitVertex();
- gl_Position = vec4(offsets + 2.0*(gl_in[0].gl_Position.xy + offsetx + offsety),0.0 ,1.0);
- geUVPos = vec2(1,1);
- EmitVertex();
- EndPrimitive();
- </GeometryShader>
- <FragmentShader>
-in vec4 geColor;
-in vec2 geUVPos;
-in float geDepth;
-void frag()
- float alpha = textureLod(BokehShapeSampler, geUVPos, 0.0 ).r;
- vec2 bd = textureLod(Texture0, gl_FragCoord.xy/vec2(textureSize(Texture0, 0)), 0.0 ).xy;
- float blur = bd.x;
- float depth = bd.y;
- float weight = clamp(depth - geDepth + 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- weight = clamp( weight + blur, 0.0, 1.0);
- gl_FragColor = vec4( * alpha * weight, alpha * weight);
- </FragmentShader>
- </Shader>
-<Shader name="MERGE">
- <VertexShader>
-void vert()
- // reset bokeh counter
- BokehCounter_data[0].y = uint(0);
- </VertexShader>
- <FragmentShader>
-void frag() // Mix the input blur and the depth texture with the sprite
- vec4 sourceCol = texture2D( SourceSampler, TexCoord );
- ivec2 storeCoord;
- ivec2 sourceSize = textureSize(BokehBufferSampler, 0).xy;
- storeCoord = ivec2(float(sourceSize.x) * TexCoord.x, float(sourceSize.y) * TexCoord.y);
- vec4 bokehCol = texelFetch( BokehBufferSampler, storeCoord, 0 );
- gl_FragColor = vec4( +, sourceCol.a );
- </FragmentShader>
- </Shader>
-<Shader name="DOWNSAMPLE">
- <VertexShader>
-void vert()
- SetupBoxBlurCoords(vec2(Texture0Info.xy));
- </VertexShader>
- <FragmentShader>
-void frag() // Simple averaging box blur.
- gl_FragColor = BoxDepthBlur(DepthSampler, Texture0, Texture0Info.z, FocusDistance, FocusWidth, FocusWidth);
- </FragmentShader>
- </Shader>
-<Shader name="BLUR">
- <VertexShader>
-void vert()
- SetupPoissonBlurCoords( BlurAmount, DestSize.xy );
- </VertexShader>
- <FragmentShader>
-void frag() // Mix the input blur and the depth texture with the sprite
- float centerMultiplier = GetDepthMultiplier( TexCoord, DepthSampler, FocusDistance, FocusWidth, FocusWidth );
- if ( DepthDebug )
- {
- gl_FragColor = vec4( centerMultiplier,centerMultiplier,centerMultiplier, 1.0 );
- }
- else
- {
- vec4 blurColor = PoissonDepthBlur(Texture0, Texture0Info.z, DepthSampler, FocusDistance, FocusWidth, FocusWidth );
- gl_FragColor = mix( texture2D(MergedBufferSampler,TexCoord), blurColor, centerMultiplier );
- }
- </FragmentShader>
- </Shader>
- </Shaders>
- <Passes>
- <Buffer name="depthblur_buffer" type="fp16" format="rg" filter="nearest" wrap="clamp" size="1.0" lifetime="frame"/>
- <Buffer name="bokeh_buffer" type="ubyte" format="rgba" filter="nearest" wrap="clamp" size="1.0" lifetime="scene"/>
- <Buffer name="merged_buffer" type="ubyte" format="source" filter="nearest" wrap="clamp" size="1.0" lifetime="frame"/>
- <Image name="bokeh_detect_image" type="fp16" format="rgba" filter="nearest" wrap="clamp" size="1.0" lifetime="scene" access="readwrite"/>
- <Image name="bokeh_color_image" type="fp16" format="rgba" filter="nearest" wrap="clamp" size="1.0" lifetime="scene" access="readwrite"/>
- <DataBuffer name="DrawIndirectBuffer" type="indirect" wrapName="BokehCounter" wrapType="storage" format="uint" size="4" lifetime="frame"/>
- <Buffer name="downsample_buffer" type="ubyte" format="source" filter="linear" wrap="clamp" size=".5" lifetime="frame"/>
- <Pass shader="CLEAR" input="[source]" output="bokeh_buffer">
- </Pass>
- <Pass shader="BOKEH_DETECT" input="[source]" output="depthblur_buffer">
- <DepthInput param="DepthSampler"/>
- <ImageInput value="bokeh_color_image" param="BokehColorSampler" usage="image"/>
- <ImageInput value="bokeh_detect_image" param="BokehDetectSampler" usage="image"/>
- <DataBufferInput param="BokehCounter" usage="storage"/>
- </Pass>
- <Pass shader="BOKEH_RENDER" input="depthblur_buffer" output="bokeh_buffer">
- <ImageInput value="bokeh_color_image" param="BokehSampler" usage="texture" sync="true"/>
- <ImageInput value="bokeh_detect_image" param="BokehPositionSampler" usage="texture" sync="true"/>
- <DataBufferInput param="DrawIndirectBuffer" usage="indirect"/>
- <Blending source="SrcAlpha" dest="One"/>
- </Pass>
- <Pass shader="MERGE" input="bokeh_buffer" output="merged_buffer">
- <BufferInput value="[source]" param="SourceSampler" />
- <BufferInput value="bokeh_buffer" param="BokehBufferSampler" />
- <DataBufferInput param="BokehCounter" usage="storage"/>
- </Pass>
- <Pass shader="DOWNSAMPLE" input="merged_buffer" output="downsample_buffer">
- <DepthInput param="DepthSampler"/>
- </Pass>
- <Pass shader="BLUR" input="downsample_buffer" output="[dest]" format="source">
- <BufferInput value="merged_buffer" param="MergedBufferSampler" />
- <DepthInput param="DepthSampler"/>
- </Pass>
- </Passes>