
Boot2Qt support for Amazon Machine Image

This layer provides additional configuration and recipe appends to support Boot2Qt on AWS EC2.

How to use this layer

Using this layer requires Google's repo tool to be installed, you can install it from package manager (apt install repo) or download with:

curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo -o repo
chmod a+x repo

After installing the repo tool, run following commands to initialize the build environment.

repo init -u git://code.qt.io/yocto/boot2qt-manifest -m aws/dev.xml <-g all>
repo sync

export MACHINE=aws-ec2-arm64
. ./setup-environment.sh

NVIDIA GPU drivers

To use NVIDIA GPU in the AWS EC2 instance with this Boot2Qt AMI, you first need to download the NVIDIA driver package from https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/217150/ Then, set NVIDIA_DEVNET_MIRROR variable in your local.conf to point to the download directory. The currently supported driver version is 535.154.05.