diff options
authorEike Ziller <eike.ziller@qt.io>2020-02-19 14:53:10 +0100
committerEike Ziller <eike.ziller@qt.io>2020-02-19 14:53:10 +0100
commit413324c37327659ed1473fde8684f6fcb1303afe (patch)
parentb5188475a52b052a1b771cb6f60a1dd249b30126 (diff)
parent8326e16c4ef1ae6bfa60b6495b6a1f5a8ec290f0 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.12'
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_qmake.yml b/.github/workflows/build_qmake.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dc9b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build_qmake.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+name: QMake Build Matrix
+on: [push]
+ QT_VERSION: 5.14.1
+ QT_CREATOR_VERSION: 4.12.0-beta1
+ PLUGIN_PRO: haskell.pro
+ PLUGIN_NAME: Haskell
+ build:
+ name: ${{ matrix.config.name }}
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ config:
+ - {
+ name: "Windows Latest x64", artifact: "Windows-x64.zip",
+ os: windows-latest,
+ environment_script: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Enterprise/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvars64.bat"
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "Windows Latest x86", artifact: "Windows-x86.zip",
+ os: windows-latest,
+ environment_script: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Enterprise/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvars32.bat"
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "Linux Latest x64", artifact: "Linux-x64.zip",
+ os: ubuntu-latest
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "macOS Latest x64", artifact: "macOS-x64.zip",
+ os: macos-latest
+ }
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v1
+ - name: Installing system libs
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ if ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "Linux")
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev
+ )
+ endif()
+ - name: Download Qt
+ id: qt
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ set(qt_version $ENV{QT_VERSION})
+ string(REPLACE "." "" qt_version_dotless "${qt_version}")
+ if ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "Windows")
+ set(url_os "windows_x86")
+ if ("${{ matrix.config.environment_script }}" MATCHES "vcvars64.bat")
+ set(qt_package_name "qt.qt5.${qt_version_dotless}.win64_msvc2017_64")
+ set(qt_dir_prefix "${qt_version}/msvc2017_64")
+ elseif ("${{ matrix.config.environment_script }}" MATCHES "vcvars32.bat")
+ set(qt_package_name "qt.qt5.${qt_version_dotless}.win32_msvc2017")
+ set(qt_dir_prefix "${qt_version}/msvc2017")
+ else()
+ endif()
+ elseif ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "Linux")
+ set(url_os "linux_x64")
+ set(qt_package_name "qt.qt5.${qt_version_dotless}.gcc_64")
+ set(qt_dir_prefix "${qt_version}/gcc_64")
+ elseif ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "macOS")
+ set(url_os "mac_x64")
+ set(qt_package_name "qt.qt5.${qt_version_dotless}.clang_64")
+ set(qt_dir_prefix "${qt_version}/clang_64")
+ endif()
+ set(qt_base_url "https://download.qt.io/online/qtsdkrepository/${url_os}/desktop/qt5_${qt_version_dotless}")
+ file(DOWNLOAD "${qt_base_url}/Updates.xml" ./Updates.xml SHOW_PROGRESS)
+ file(READ ./Updates.xml updates_xml)
+ string(REGEX MATCH "<Name>${qt_package_name}.*<Version>([0-9+-.]+)</Version>.*<DownloadableArchives>qtbase([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+).7z"
+ updates_xml_output "${updates_xml}")
+ set(package_version ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
+ set(package_suffix ${CMAKE_MATCH_2})
+ string(REPLACE "-debug-symbols" "" package_suffix "${package_suffix}")
+ # Workaround for CMake's greedy regex
+ if ("${{ matrix.config.environment_script }}" MATCHES "vcvars32.bat")
+ string(REPLACE "X86_64" "X86" package_suffix "${package_suffix}")
+ endif()
+ file(MAKE_DIRECTORY qt5)
+ # Save the path for other steps
+ file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/qt5/${qt_dir_prefix}" qt_dir)
+ message("::set-output name=qt_dir::${qt_dir}")
+ foreach(package qtbase qtdeclarative qttools qtsvg)
+ "${qt_base_url}/${qt_package_name}/${package_version}${package}${package_suffix}.7z" ./${package}.7z
+ )
+ execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xvf ../${package}.7z WORKING_DIRECTORY qt5)
+ endforeach()
+ file(READ "qt5/${qt_dir_prefix}/mkspecs/qconfig.pri" qtconfig)
+ string(REPLACE "Enterprise" "OpenSource" qtconfig "${qtconfig}")
+ string(REPLACE "licheck.exe" "" qtconfig "${qtconfig}")
+ string(REPLACE "licheck64" "" qtconfig "${qtconfig}")
+ string(REPLACE "licheck_mac" "" qtconfig "${qtconfig}")
+ file(WRITE "qt5/${qt_dir_prefix}/mkspecs/qconfig.pri" "${qtconfig}")
+ - name: Download Qt Creator
+ id: qt_creator
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ string(REGEX MATCH "([0-9]+.[0-9]+).[0-9]+" outvar "$ENV{QT_CREATOR_VERSION}")
+ set(qtc_base_url "https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qtcreator/${CMAKE_MATCH_1}/$ENV{QT_CREATOR_VERSION}/installer_source")
+ set(qtc_snapshot "$ENV{QT_CREATOR_SNAPSHOT}")
+ if (qtc_snapshot)
+ set(qtc_base_url "https://download.qt.io/snapshots/qtcreator/${CMAKE_MATCH_1}/$ENV{QT_CREATOR_VERSION}/installer_source/${qtc_snapshot}")
+ endif()
+ if ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "Windows")
+ set(qtc_output_directory "qtcreator/lib/qtcreator/plugins")
+ set(qtc_binary_name "$ENV{PLUGIN_NAME}4.dll")
+ if ("${{ matrix.config.environment_script }}" MATCHES "vcvars64.bat")
+ set(qtc_platform "windows_msvc2017_x64")
+ elseif ("${{ matrix.config.environment_script }}" MATCHES "vcvars32.bat")
+ set(qtc_platform "windows_msvc2017_x86")
+ endif()
+ elseif ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "Linux")
+ set(qtc_output_directory "qtcreator/lib/qtcreator/plugins")
+ set(qtc_binary_name "lib$ENV{PLUGIN_NAME}.so")
+ set(qtc_platform "linux_gcc_64_rhel72")
+ elseif ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "macOS")
+ set(qtc_output_directory "qtcreator/bin/Qt Creator.app/Contents/PlugIns")
+ set(qtc_binary_name "lib$ENV{PLUGIN_NAME}.dylib")
+ set(qtc_platform "mac_x64")
+ endif()
+ # Save the path for other steps
+ message("::set-output name=qtc_binary_name::${qtc_binary_name}")
+ message("::set-output name=qtc_output_directory::${qtc_output_directory}")
+ file(MAKE_DIRECTORY qtcreator)
+ foreach(package qtcreator qtcreator_dev)
+ "${qtc_base_url}/${qtc_platform}/${package}.7z" ./${package}.7z SHOW_PROGRESS)
+ execute_process(COMMAND
+ ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xvf ../${package}.7z WORKING_DIRECTORY qtcreator)
+ endforeach()
+ if ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "macOS")
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory qtcreator/bin
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink
+ "$ENV{GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/qtcreator/Qt Creator.app"
+ "$ENV{GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/qtcreator/bin/Qt Creator.app"
+ )
+ endif()
+ - name: Configure
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ if ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "Windows" AND NOT "x${{ matrix.config.environment_script }}" STREQUAL "x")
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "${{ matrix.config.environment_script }}" && set
+ OUTPUT_FILE environment_script_output.txt
+ )
+ file(STRINGS environment_script_output.txt output_lines)
+ foreach(line IN LISTS output_lines)
+ if (line MATCHES "^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)=(.*)$")
+ set(ENV{${CMAKE_MATCH_1}} "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
+ # Set for other steps
+ message("::set-env name=${CMAKE_MATCH_1}::${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/qtcreator" qtcreator_dir)
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND ${{ steps.qt.outputs.qt_dir }}/bin/qmake
+ CONFIG+=release
+ IDE_SOURCE_TREE="${qtcreator_dir}"
+ IDE_BUILD_TREE="${qtcreator_dir}"
+ )
+ if (NOT result EQUAL 0)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Bad exit status")
+ endif()
+ - name: Build
+ shell: cmake -P {0}
+ run: |
+ if ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "Windows")
+ set(ENV{PATH} "${{ steps.qt.outputs.qt_dir }}/bin/;$ENV{PATH}")
+ else()
+ set(ENV{PATH} "${{ steps.qt.outputs.qt_dir }}/bin/:$ENV{PATH}")
+ set(ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "qtcreator/lib/Qt/lib:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}")
+ endif()
+ include(ProcessorCount)
+ ProcessorCount(N)
+ set(make_program make -j ${N})
+ if ("${{ runner.os }}" STREQUAL "Windows")
+ set(make_program "qtcreator/bin/jom")
+ endif()
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND ${make_program}
+ )
+ if (NOT result EQUAL 0)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Bad exit status")
+ endif()
+ file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/$ENV{PLUGIN_NAME}-$ENV{QT_CREATOR_VERSION}-${{ matrix.config.artifact }}" artifact)
+ execute_process(COMMAND
+ ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar cvf ${artifact} --format=zip "${{ steps.qt_creator.outputs.qtc_binary_name }}"
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "${{ steps.qt_creator.outputs.qtc_output_directory }}"
+ )
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
+ id: upload_artifact
+ with:
+ path: ./${{ env.PLUGIN_NAME }}-${{ env.QT_CREATOR_VERSION }}-${{ matrix.config.artifact }}
+ name: ${{ env.PLUGIN_NAME}}-${{ env.QT_CREATOR_VERSION }}-${{ matrix.config.artifact }}
+ release:
+ if: contains(github.ref, 'tags/v')
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: build
+ steps:
+ - name: Create Release
+ id: create_release
+ uses: actions/create-release@v1.0.0
+ env:
+ with:
+ tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
+ release_name: Release ${{ github.ref }}
+ draft: false
+ prerelease: false
+ - name: Store Release url
+ run: |
+ echo "${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}" > ./upload_url
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
+ with:
+ path: ./upload_url
+ name: upload_url
+ publish:
+ if: contains(github.ref, 'tags/v')
+ name: ${{ matrix.config.name }}
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ config:
+ - {
+ name: "Windows Latest x64", artifact: "Windows-x64.zip",
+ os: ubuntu-latest
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "Windows Latest x86", artifact: "Windows-x86.zip",
+ os: ubuntu-latest
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "Linux Latest x64", artifact: "Linux-x64.zip",
+ os: ubuntu-latest
+ }
+ - {
+ name: "macOS Latest x64", artifact: "macOS-x64.zip",
+ os: macos-latest
+ }
+ needs: release
+ steps:
+ - name: Download artifact
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v1
+ with:
+ name: ${{ env.PLUGIN_NAME }}-${{ env.QT_CREATOR_VERSION }}-${{ matrix.config.artifact }}
+ path: ./
+ - name: Download URL
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v1
+ with:
+ name: upload_url
+ path: ./
+ - id: set_upload_url
+ run: |
+ upload_url=`cat ./upload_url`
+ echo ::set-output name=upload_url::$upload_url
+ - name: Upload to Release
+ id: upload_to_release
+ uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1.0.1
+ env:
+ with:
+ upload_url: ${{ steps.set_upload_url.outputs.upload_url }}
+ asset_path: ./${{ env.PLUGIN_NAME }}-${{ env.QT_CREATOR_VERSION }}-${{ matrix.config.artifact }}
+ asset_name: ${{ env.PLUGIN_NAME }}-${{ env.QT_CREATOR_VERSION }}-${{ matrix.config.artifact }}
+ asset_content_type: application/zip