path: root/src/threed/effects/qglcolladafxeffect.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 410 deletions
diff --git a/src/threed/effects/qglcolladafxeffect.cpp b/src/threed/effects/qglcolladafxeffect.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 665c0ea7..00000000
--- a/src/threed/effects/qglcolladafxeffect.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the QtQuick3D module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
-** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
-** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
-** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
-** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
-** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
-** Other Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
-** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
-#include <QString>
-#include <QXmlStreamReader>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <QImage>
-#include "qgl.h"
-#include "qgltexture2d.h"
-#include "qglcolladafxeffect.h"
-#include "qglcolladafxeffect_p.h"
-QGLColladaFxEffect::QGLColladaFxEffect() : QGLShaderProgramEffect()
- , d( new QGLColladaFxEffectPrivate )
-QGLColladaFxEffect::QGLColladaFxEffect(const QGLColladaFxEffect&) : QGLShaderProgramEffect()
- Q_ASSERT(false);
- delete d;
-QGLColladaFxEffectPrivate::QGLColladaFxEffectPrivate() : id()
- , sid()
- , name()
- , emissiveTexture(0)
- , ambientTexture(0)
- , diffuseTexture(0)
- , specularTexture(0)
- , lighting(QGLColladaFxEffect::NoLighting)
- , material(0)
- resetGlueSnippets();
- delete emissiveTexture;
- emissiveTexture = 0;
- delete ambientTexture;
- ambientTexture = 0;
- delete diffuseTexture;
- diffuseTexture = 0;
- delete specularTexture;
- specularTexture = 0;
- delete material;
- material = 0;
-inline void QGLColladaFxEffectPrivate::updateMaterialChannelSnippets(QString channelName, QGLTexture2D* texture, int* textureUnit, QColor fallbackColor)
- QString qVariableName = QLatin1String("q") + channelName;
- if (texture != 0)
- {
- QString sourceVariableName = QLatin1String("texture") + channelName;
- QString texVariableName = QString(QLatin1String("texCoord%1")).arg(*textureUnit);
- // Take care of texture coordinates
- QString varyingSnippet = QString(QLatin1String("varying vec4 %1;")).arg(texVariableName);
- vertexShaderDeclarationSnippets.append(varyingSnippet);
- vertexShaderVariableNames.append(texVariableName);
- fragmentShaderDeclarationSnippets.append(varyingSnippet);
- fragmentShaderVariableNames.append(texVariableName);
- vertexShaderCodeSnippets.append(QString(QLatin1String("%1 = texCoords; // TODO: dynamically add tex attributes\n")).arg(texVariableName));
- vertexShaderVariableNames.append(texVariableName);
- // Declare the color variable in the fragment shader
- fragmentShaderDeclarationSnippets.append(QString(QLatin1String("lowp vec4 %1;")).arg(qVariableName));
- fragmentShaderVariableNames.append(qVariableName);
- fragmentShaderDeclarationSnippets.append(QString(QLatin1String("uniform sampler2D %1;")).arg(sourceVariableName));
- fragmentShaderVariableNames.append(sourceVariableName);
- // Assign a colour to the variable out of the appropriate sampler
- fragmentShaderCodeSnippets.append(QLatin1String(" mediump vec4 ") + qVariableName + QLatin1String(" = texture2D(") + sourceVariableName + QLatin1String(", ") + texVariableName + QLatin1String(".st);"));
- fragmentShaderVariableNames.append(qVariableName);
- // mediump? lowp?
- *textureUnit++;
- } else {
- fragmentShaderDeclarationSnippets.append(QString (QLatin1String("const vec4 %1 = vec4(%2, %3, %4, %5);")).arg( qVariableName).arg(fallbackColor.redF(), 0, 'f', 6).arg(fallbackColor.greenF(), 0, 'f', 6).arg(fallbackColor.blueF(), 0, 'f', 6).arg(fallbackColor.alphaF(), 0, 'f', 6 ));
- fragmentShaderVariableNames.append(qVariableName);
- }
-inline void QGLColladaFxEffectPrivate::setTextureUniform(QGLShaderProgram *program, QGLPainter* painter, QString channelName, QGLTexture2D* texture, int* textureUnit, QColor fallbackColor)
- QString qVariableName = QLatin1String("q") + channelName;
- if (texture != 0)
- {
- QString sourceVariableName = QLatin1String("texture") + channelName;
- QString texVariableName = QString(QLatin1String("texCoord%1")).arg(*textureUnit);
- painter->glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + *textureUnit);
- texture->bind();
- program->setUniformValue(sourceVariableName.toAscii().data(), *textureUnit);
- }
- else
- {
- // It's just a const value, so set it that way in the fragment shader.
- program->setUniformValue(qVariableName.toAscii().data(), fallbackColor);
- }
-void QGLColladaFxEffect::update(QGLPainter *painter, QGLPainter::Updates updates)
- QGLShaderProgramEffect::update(painter, updates);
- if (updates && QGLPainter::UpdateMaterials)
- {
- if (program() == 0)
- {
- qWarning() << "no program in QGLColladaFxEffect::update()";
- return;
- }
- // Start from texture unit 1 so as not to stomp a texture set on the
- // painter.
- int textureUnit = 1;
- d->setTextureUniform(
- program(), painter, QLatin1String("Emissive"), d->emissiveTexture,
- &textureUnit,
- material() ? material()->emittedLight() : QColor());
- d->setTextureUniform(
- program(), painter, QLatin1String("Ambient"), d->ambientTexture, &textureUnit,
- material() ? material()->ambientColor() : QColor());
- d->setTextureUniform(
- program(), painter, QLatin1String("Diffuse"), d->diffuseTexture, &textureUnit,
- material() ? material()->diffuseColor() : QColor());
- d->setTextureUniform(
- program(), painter, QLatin1String("Specular"), d->specularTexture,
- &textureUnit,
- material() ? material()->specularColor() : QColor());
- }
-void QGLColladaFxEffect::setId(QString id)
- d->id = id;
-QString QGLColladaFxEffect::id()
- return d->id;
-void QGLColladaFxEffect::setSid(QString sid)
- d->sid = sid;
-void QGLColladaFxEffectPrivate::addMaterialChannelsToShaderSnippets(const QGLMaterial *material)
- int textureUnit = 1;
- updateMaterialChannelSnippets(QLatin1String("Emissive"), emissiveTexture, &textureUnit, material->emittedLight());
- updateMaterialChannelSnippets(QLatin1String("Ambient"), ambientTexture, &textureUnit, material->ambientColor());
- updateMaterialChannelSnippets(QLatin1String("Diffuse"), diffuseTexture, &textureUnit, material->diffuseColor());
- updateMaterialChannelSnippets(QLatin1String("Specular"), specularTexture, &textureUnit, material->specularColor());
-void QGLColladaFxEffect::addBlinnPhongLighting()
- d->addMaterialChannelsToShaderSnippets(material());
- // Fragment shader declarations:
- d->fragmentShaderDeclarationSnippets.append(QLatin1String("uniform mediump sampler2D texture0;"));
- d->fragmentShaderVariableNames.append(QLatin1String("texture0"));
- d->fragmentShaderDeclarationSnippets.append(QLatin1String("varying highp vec4 qt_TexCoord0;"));
- d->fragmentShaderVariableNames.append(QLatin1String("qt_TexCoord0"));
- // Fragment Shader code
- d->fragmentShaderCodeSnippets.append(QLatin1String(
- " vec4 specularComponent = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );\n"\
- " if (intensity > 0.0)\n"\
- " {\n"\
- " float specularIntensity = max( dot(perPixelNormal, qHalfVector), 0.0 );\n"\
- " if (specularIntensity > 0.0)\n"\
- " specularComponent = qSpecular * pow(specularIntensity, shininess);\n"\
- " }\n"));
- d->fragmentShaderVariableNames.append(QLatin1String("lighting"));
- // Replace the "end glue" to set colour from lighting
- d->fragmentShaderEndGlueSnippet = QLatin1String(
- " vec4 texture0Color = texture2D(texture0,;\n"\
- " vec4 diffuseColor = qDiffuse;\n"\
- " vec4 lightingColor = qAmbient + diffuseColor * intensity + specularComponent;\n"\
- " vec4 texturedColor = vec4( * (1.0 - texture0Color.a)\n"\
- "+ ( + specularComponent.rgb) * texture0Color.a, lightingColor.a);\n"\
- " gl_FragColor = texturedColor;\n"\
- "}");
- generateShaders();
-void QGLColladaFxEffect::generateShaders()
- if (vertexShader().isEmpty())
- {
- QString shader =
- d->vertexShaderDeclarationSnippets.join(QLatin1String("\n"))
- + QLatin1String("\n") + d->vertexShaderMainGlueSnippet
- + d->vertexShaderCodeSnippets.join(QLatin1String("\n"))
- + QLatin1String("\n") + d->vertexShaderEndGlueSnippet;
- setVertexShader(shader.toLatin1());
- }
- if (fragmentShader().isEmpty())
- {
- QString shader =
- d->fragmentShaderDeclarationSnippets.join(QLatin1String("\n"))
- + QLatin1String("\n") + d->fragmentShaderMainGlueSnippet
- + d->fragmentShaderCodeSnippets.join(QLatin1String("\n"))
- + QLatin1String("\n") + d->fragmentShaderEndGlueSnippet;
- setFragmentShader(shader.toLatin1());
- }
-void QGLColladaFxEffectPrivate::resetGlueSnippets()
- vertexShaderMainGlueSnippet = QLatin1String(
- "attribute highp vec4 vertex;\n"\
- "attribute highp vec4 normal;\n"\
- "attribute highp vec4 texCoords;\n"\
- "uniform highp mat4 matrix;\n"\
- "uniform highp mat3 qt_NormalMatrix;\n"\
- "varying mediump vec3 qNormal;\n"\
- "varying mediump vec3 qLightDirection;\n"\
- "varying mediump vec3 qHalfVector;\n"\
- "uniform mediump vec3 pli; // Position of the light\n"\
- "varying highp vec4 qt_TexCoord0; // TEMP\n" /* Got to get rid of this*/\
- "\n"\
- "void qLightVertex(vec4 vertex, vec3 normal)\n"\
- "{\n"\
- " vec3 toEye;\n"\
- " qLightDirection = normalize(pli);\n"\
- " toEye = vec3(0, 0, 1); // assume viewer at infinity\n"\
- " qHalfVector = normalize(qLightDirection + toEye);\n"\
- "}\n"\
- "\n"\
- "void main(void)\n"\
- "{\n"\
- " qNormal = normalize(qt_NormalMatrix * vec3(normal));\n"\
- " qLightVertex(vertex, qNormal);\n"\
- " qt_TexCoord0 = texCoords;\n"\
- );
- vertexShaderEndGlueSnippet = QLatin1String (
- " gl_Position = matrix * vertex;\n"\
- "}\n");
- fragmentShaderEndGlueSnippet = QLatin1String(
- " gl_FragColor = color;\n"\
- "}\n"
- );
- fragmentShaderMainGlueSnippet = QLatin1String(
- "varying mediump vec3 qNormal;\n"\
- "varying mediump vec3 qLightDirection;\n"\
- "varying mediump vec3 qHalfVector;\n"\
- "uniform float shininess;\n"\
- "uniform vec4 color;\n"\
- "vec3 perPixelNormal;"
- "\n"\
- "void main()\n"\
- "{\n"\
- " perPixelNormal = normalize(qNormal);\n"\
- " float intensity = max(dot(perPixelNormal, qLightDirection), 0.0);\n"
- );
-QString QGLColladaFxEffect::sid()
- return d->sid;
-QGLTexture2D* QGLColladaFxEffect::diffuseTexture()
- return d->diffuseTexture;
-void QGLColladaFxEffect::setLighting(int lighting)
- d->lighting = lighting;
-int QGLColladaFxEffect::lighting()
- return d->lighting;
- Sets this effect to use \a newMaterial. If \a newMaterial is 0, sets this
- effect to have no material, and instead use whatever material is set
- on the QGLPainter.
- \sa QGLPainter, material()
-void QGLColladaFxEffect::setMaterial(QGLMaterial* newMaterial)
- d->material = newMaterial;
- Returns a pointer to the material of this effect. If the effect has no material,
- this function returns 0;
-QGLMaterial* QGLColladaFxEffect::material()
- return d->material;
- Returns true if the effect is currently active (applied to a QGLPainter)
- and false if it is not.
- */
-bool QGLColladaFxEffect::isActive()
- return d->currentlyActive;
-void QGLColladaFxEffect::setActive(QGLPainter *painter, bool flag)
- d->currentlyActive = flag && !vertexShader().isEmpty() &&
- !fragmentShader().isEmpty();
- QGLShaderProgramEffect::setActive(painter, d->currentlyActive);