path: root/util/qt3d/assetviewer/qml/ModelPropertiesPane.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/qt3d/assetviewer/qml/ModelPropertiesPane.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 543 deletions
diff --git a/util/qt3d/assetviewer/qml/ModelPropertiesPane.qml b/util/qt3d/assetviewer/qml/ModelPropertiesPane.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 384a8b6e..00000000
--- a/util/qt3d/assetviewer/qml/ModelPropertiesPane.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 1.0
-import Qt3D 1.0
-import AssetViewer 1.0
-import "Widgets"
-import "ColorUtils.js" as ColorUtils
-Row {
- id: properties
- spacing: 30
- property alias rotateLocked: imageR.isLocked
- property alias scaleLocked: imageS.isLocked
- property alias translateLocked: imageP.isLocked;
- signal changed;
- Column {
- width: posX.width
- height: parent.height
- spacing: 4
- Item {
- id: positionPanel
- width: parent.width
- height: imageP.height
- Text {
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 8
- text: "Position";
- color: "#FFFFFF";
- font.bold: true;
- }
- Image {
- id: imageP
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 8
- //Animation to pulse the lock icon if attempting to modify while locked.
- property bool bounce: false
- SequentialAnimation on scale{
- running: imageP.bounce
- NumberAnimation { to : 2.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- NumberAnimation { to : 1.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- NumberAnimation { to : 2.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- NumberAnimation { to : 1.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- onCompleted: imageP.bounce = false
- }
- //Manage locked/unlocked state
- state: "UNLOCKED"
- property bool isLocked: false
- states: [
- State {
- name: "UNLOCKED"
- PropertyChanges { target: imageP; source: "images/unlock.png"}
- PropertyChanges { target: imageP; isLocked: false;}
- },
- State {
- name: "LOCKED"
- PropertyChanges { target: imageP; source: "images/lock.png"}
- PropertyChanges { target: imageP; isLocked: true;}
- }
- ]
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onDoubleClicked: {
- if (parent.state=="LOCKED")
- parent.state="UNLOCKED"
- else
- parent.state="LOCKED"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- BlenderValueSlider {
- focus: true
- id: posX
- label: "X:"
- locked: imageP.isLocked
- value: transformTranslate.translate.x.toFixed(3)
- function update (f) {
- transformTranslate.translate = Qt.vector3d(f, transformTranslate.translate.y, transformTranslate.translate.z);
- }
- onNext: { updateMe(); focus = false; posY.focus = true; }
- onPrev: { updateMe(); focus = false; scaleZ.focus = true; }
- onFail: { imageP.bounce=true; }
- onChanged: { properties.changed(); }
- }
- BlenderValueSlider {
- id: posY
- label: "Y:"
- locked: imageP.isLocked
- value: transformTranslate.translate.y.toFixed(3)
- function update (f) {
- transformTranslate.translate = Qt.vector3d(transformTranslate.translate.x, f, transformTranslate.translate.z);
- }
- onNext: { updateMe(); focus = false; posZ.focus = true; }
- onPrev: { updateMe(); focus = false; posX.focus = true; }
- onFail: { imageP.bounce=true; }
- onChanged: { properties.changed(); }
- }
- BlenderValueSlider {
- id: posZ
- label: "Z:"
- locked: imageP.isLocked
- value: transformTranslate.translate.z.toFixed(3)
- function update (f) {
- transformTranslate.translate = Qt.vector3d(transformTranslate.translate.x, transformTranslate.translate.y, f);
- }
- onNext: { updateMe(); focus = false; rotX.focus = true; }
- onPrev: { updateMe(); focus = false; posY.focus = true; }
- onFail: { imageP.bounce=true; }
- onChanged: { properties.changed(); }
- }
- Item {
- id: rotationPanel
- width: parent.width
- height: imageR.height
- property bool dirty: false
- Text {
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 8
- text: "Rotation";
- color: "#FFFFFF"
- font.bold: true
- }
- Image {
- id: imageR
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 8
- //Animation to pulse the lock icon if attempting to modify while locked.
- property bool bounce: false
- SequentialAnimation on scale{
- running: imageR.bounce
- NumberAnimation { to : 2.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- NumberAnimation { to : 1.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- NumberAnimation { to : 2.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- NumberAnimation { to : 1.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- onCompleted: imageR.bounce = false
- }
- //Manage locked/unlocked state
- state: "UNLOCKED"
- property bool isLocked: false
- states: [
- State {
- name: "UNLOCKED"
- PropertyChanges { target: imageR; source: "images/unlock.png"}
- PropertyChanges { target: imageR; isLocked: false;}
- },
- State {
- name: "LOCKED"
- PropertyChanges { target: imageR; source: "images/lock.png"}
- PropertyChanges { target: imageR; isLocked: true;}
- }
- ]
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onDoubleClicked: {
- if (parent.state=="LOCKED")
- parent.state="UNLOCKED"
- else
- parent.state="LOCKED"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- BlenderValueSlider {
- id: rotX
- label: "X:"
- delta: 1
- locked: imageR.isLocked
- min: 0; limitMin: true
- max: 360; limitMax: true
- value: transformRotateX.angle.toFixed(3)
- function update (f) { transformRotateX.angle = f }
- onNext: { updateMe(); focus = false; rotY.focus = true; }
- onPrev: { updateMe(); focus = false; posZ.focus = true; }
- onFail: { imageR.bounce=true; }
- onChanged: { properties.changed(); }
- }
- BlenderValueSlider {
- id: rotY
- label: "Y:"
- delta: 1
- locked: imageR.isLocked
- min: 0; limitMin: true
- max: 360; limitMax: true
- value: transformRotateY.angle.toFixed(3)
- function update (f) { transformRotateY.angle = f }
- onNext: { updateMe(); focus = false; rotZ.focus = true; }
- onPrev: { updateMe(); focus = false; rotX.focus = true; }
- onFail: { imageR.bounce=true; }
- onChanged: { properties.changed(); }
- }
- BlenderValueSlider {
- id: rotZ
- label: "Z:"
- delta: 1
- locked: imageR.isLocked
- min: 0; limitMin: true
- max: 360; limitMax: true
- value: transformRotateZ.angle.toFixed(3)
- function update (f) { transformRotateZ.angle = f }
- onNext: { updateMe(); focus = false; scaleX.focus = true; }
- onPrev: { updateMe(); focus = false; rotY.focus = true; }
- onFail: { imageR.bounce=true; }
- onChanged: { properties.changed(); }
- }
- // SCALE
- Item {
- id: scalePanel
- width: parent.width
- height: imageS.height
- property bool dirty: false
- Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: scaleText.height
- Text {
- id: scaleText
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 8
- text: "Scale";
- color: "#FFFFFF"
- font.bold: true
- }
- }
- Image {
- id: imageS
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: 8
- //Animation to pulse the lock icon if attempting to modify while locked.
- property bool bounce: false
- SequentialAnimation on scale{
- running: imageS.bounce
- NumberAnimation { to : 2.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- NumberAnimation { to : 1.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- NumberAnimation { to : 2.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- NumberAnimation { to : 1.0; duration: 150; easing.type: "OutQuad" }
- onCompleted: imageS.bounce = false
- }
- //Manage locked/unlocked state
- state: "UNLOCKED"
- property bool isLocked: false
- states: [
- State {
- name: "UNLOCKED"
- PropertyChanges { target: imageS; source: "images/unlock.png"}
- PropertyChanges { target: imageS; isLocked: false;}
- },
- State {
- name: "LOCKED"
- PropertyChanges { target: imageS; source: "images/lock.png"}
- PropertyChanges { target: imageS; isLocked: true;}
- }
- ]
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onDoubleClicked: {
- if (parent.state=="LOCKED")
- parent.state="UNLOCKED"
- else
- parent.state="LOCKED"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- BlenderValueSlider {
- id: scaleX
- label: "X:"
- locked: imageS.isLocked
- min: 0; limitMin: true
- value: transformScale.scale.x.toFixed(3)
- function update (f) { transformScale.scale = Qt.vector3d(f, transformScale.scale.y, transformScale.scale.z); }
- onNext: { updateMe(); focus = false; scaleY.focus = true; }
- onPrev: { updateMe(); focus = false; rotZ.focus = true; }
- onFail: { imageS.bounce=true; }
- onChanged: { properties.changed(); }
- }
- BlenderValueSlider {
- id: scaleY
- label: "Y:"
- locked: imageS.isLocked
- min: 0; limitMin: true
- value: transformScale.scale.y.toFixed(3)
- function update (f) { transformScale.scale = Qt.vector3d(transformScale.scale.x, f, transformScale.scale.z); }
- onNext: { updateMe(); focus = false; scaleZ.focus = true; }
- onPrev: { updateMe(); focus = false; scaleX.focus = true; }
- onFail: { imageS.bounce=true; }
- onChanged: { properties.changed(); }
- }
- BlenderValueSlider {
- id: scaleZ
- label: "Z:"
- locked: imageS.isLocked
- min: 0; limitMin: true
- value: transformScale.scale.z.toFixed(3)
- function update (f) { transformScale.scale = Qt.vector3d(transformScale.scale.x, transformScale.scale.y, f); }
- onNext: { updateMe(); focus = false; posX.focus = true; }
- onPrev: { updateMe(); focus = false; scaleY.focus = true; }
- onFail: { imageS.bounce=true; }
- onChanged: { properties.changed(); }
- }
- }
- // Material, Effect
- Column {
- width: 150
- spacing: 5
- Item {
- id: effectPanel
- width: parent.width
- height: imageS.height
- property bool dirty: false
- Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: effectText.height
- Text {
- id: effectText
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 8
- text: "Effect";
- color: "#FFFFFF"
- font.bold: true
- }
- }
- }
- CheckBox {
- id: fromMesh
- width: parent.width
- text: "From Mesh"
- checked: true
- onClicked: {
- useCustomEffect = !checked;
- if (checked) {
- // A horrible hack to reload the default mesh material
- // TODO: Find a better way of doing this (i.e. no runtime errors)
- source_mesh.source = "";
- source_mesh.source = targetMesh;
- }
- }
- }
- Column {
- enabled: !fromMesh.checked
- opacity: enabled ? 1.0: 0.5
- width: parent.width; spacing: 5
- move: Transition {
- NumberAnimation {
- properties: "y"
- easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad;
- duration: 150
- }
- }
- Behavior on opacity {
- NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 100 }
- }
- CheckBox {
- width: parent.width
- text: "Decal"
- checked: false
- onClicked: {
- modelEffect.decal = checked
- }
- }
- Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: colorText.height
- Text {
- id: colorText
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 8
- text: "- Color";
- color: "#FFFFFF"
- font.bold: true
- }
- }
- CheckBox {
- id: simpleColor
- width: parent.width
- text: "Simple"
- checked: true
- onClicked: {
- useCustomMaterial = !checked;
- }
- }
- ColorWidget {
- id: flat
- visible: opacity != 0
- opacity: simpleColor.checked
- width: parent.width; height: 16
- targetColor: modelEffect.hsv
- text: "Flat Color"
- Behavior on opacity {
- NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 100 }
- }
- }
- ColorWidget {
- id: ambient
- visible: opacity != 0
- opacity: !flat.visible
- width: parent.width; height: 16
- targetColor: modelMaterial.amb_hsv
- text: "Ambient Color"
- Behavior on opacity {
- NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 100 }
- }
- }
- ColorWidget {
- id: diffuse
- visible: opacity != 0
- opacity: !flat.visible
- width: parent.width; height: 16
- targetColor: modelMaterial.dif_hsv
- text: "Diffuse Color"
- Behavior on opacity {
- NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 100 }
- }
- }
- ColorWidget {
- id: specular
- visible: opacity != 0
- opacity: !flat.visible
- width: parent.width; height: 16
- targetColor: modelMaterial.spec_hsv
- text: "Specular Color"
- Behavior on opacity {
- NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 100 }
- }
- }
- Item { width: parent.width; height: 5 }
- Item {
- visible: opacity != 0
- opacity: !flat.visible
- height: shineText.height + shinyValue.height + 5
- width: parent.width
- Behavior on opacity {
- NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 100 }
- }
- Text {
- id: shineText
- text: "Shininess:"
- color: "white"
- }
- InputBox {
- anchors.right: parent.right
- width: parent.width - shineText.width - 5
- height: shineText.height
- input.text: modelMaterial.shininess
- }
- Rectangle {
- width: parent.width - 8; height: 1
- anchors.centerIn: shinyValue
- color: "gray"
- }
- SliderHandle {
- id: shinyValue
- width: parent.width; height: 10
- anchors { top: shineText.bottom; topMargin: 5 }
- horizontal: true
- onValueChanged: {
- modelMaterial.shininess = Math.round(value * 128)
- }
- }
- }
- Item { width: parent.width; height: 5 }
- Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: textureText.height
- Text {
- id: textureText
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: 8
- text: "- Texture";
- color: "#FFFFFF"
- font.bold: true
- }
- }
- Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: texturePreview.height
- Image {
- id: texturePreview
- width: 60; height: width
- source: textureFile.filename
- }
- Rectangle {
- anchors.fill: texturePreview
- border.color: "white"
- border.width: 1
- color: "transparent"
- }
- BlenderToggle {
- width: 60; height: 20
- anchors.right: parent.right
- buttonText: "Open..."
- onClicked: {
- textureFile.load();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }