path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
11 files changed, 990 insertions, 815 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8ad1fd3..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-from dbaccess import setDatabase, execQuery, commit
-from misc import (
- getOptions, textToId, getAllSnapshots, getLastRankingSnapshot, getContext,
- isValidSHA1, getBMTimeSeriesStatsList)
-# --- BEGIN Global functions ----------------------------------------------
-def printUsage():
- sys.stderr.write(
- "usage: " + sys.argv[0] +
- " --help | [--dbhost H] [--dbport P] --db D --host H --platform P "
- "--branch B --sha1 S [--noprogress NP]\n")
-def printVerboseUsage():
- printUsage()
- sys.stderr.write("\noptions:\n")
- sys.stderr.write(
- " --help: This help.\n")
- sys.stderr.write(
- " --dbhost: The database server host (overriding the default).\n")
- sys.stderr.write(
- " --dbport: The database server port (overriding the default).\n")
- sys.stderr.write(
- " --db: The database. One of 'bm' or 'bm-dev' (the latter "
- "intended for experimentation).\n")
- sys.stderr.write(
- " --host: The physical machine on which the results were "
- "produced (e.g. barbarella or\n")
- sys.stderr.write(
- "--platform: The OS/compiler/architecture combination "
- "(e.g. linux-g++-32).\n")
- sys.stderr.write(
- " --branch: The product branch (e.g. 'qt 4.6', 'qt 4.7', or "
- "'qt master').\n")
- sys.stderr.write(
- " --sha1: The tested revision within the branch. Can be "
- "extracted using 'git log -1 --pretty=format:%H' (assuming the "
- "tested revision is the current head revision).\n")
- sys.stderr.write(
- " --noprogress: Specify \'true\' to disable progress indicator.\n")
-# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
-def printProgress(p, lead):
- sys.stdout.write(lead + " ... (" + "{0:.2f}".format(p) + " %)\r")
- sys.stdout.flush()
-# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
-# NOTE: This function is currently duplicated elsewhere in JavaScipt!
-def changeMagnitudeScore(change):
- max_change = 2.0
- abs_change = (1.0 / change) if change < 1 else change
- return (min(abs_change, max_change) - 1.0) / (max_change - 1.0)
-# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
-# NOTE: This function is currently duplicated elsewhere in JavaScript!
-def qualityScore(lsd, ni, nz, nc, mdrse):
- max_bad_snapshots = 10 # experimental; maybe use max durability score?
- max_sample_size = 5;
- max_LSD = max_bad_snapshots;
- max_NI = max_bad_snapshots * max_sample_size;
- max_NZ = max_bad_snapshots * max_sample_size;
- max_NC = max_bad_snapshots;
- lsd_score = 0 if (lsd == -1) else min(1, lsd / float(max_LSD));
- ni_score = min(1, ni / float(max_NI));
- nz_score = min(1, nz / float(max_NZ));
- nc_score = min(1, nc / float(max_NC));
- mdrse_score = 0 if (mdrse == -1) else (mdrse / 100.0);
- return (lsd_score + ni_score + nz_score + nc_score + mdrse_score) / 5.0;
-# Registers the ranking for a given statistic. context1_id and context2_id
-# refer to the first and last snapshot respectively in the interval used for
-# computing the rankings.
-# Assumptions:
-# - A high value should be ranked above a small one.
-# - A negative value is undefined and gets an invalid ranking position, i.e. -1.
-def registerRanking(table, stat_index, stat_name, context1_id, context2_id):
- table.sort(key=lambda x: x[stat_index], reverse=True)
- stat_id = textToId("rankingStat", stat_name)
- assert stat_id >= 0
- row_pos = 0
- ranking_pos = 0
- for row in table:
- benchmark_id = row[0]
- metric_id = row[1]
- lc_timestamp = row[2]
- stat_value = row[stat_index]
- # The following statement ensures the following conditions:
- # - A negative value gets an invalid ranking position, i.e. -1
- # - Equal values get the same ranking position.
- # - The ranking position of benchmark B indicates the number of
- # benchmarks ranked higher than B (i.e. having a smaller ranking
- # position).
- if stat_value < 0:
- ranking_pos = -1
- # Note that the remaining values will now be negative, so updating
- # row_pos and prev_stat_value is no longer necessary!
- else:
- if (row_pos > 0) and (stat_value != prev_stat_value):
- ranking_pos = row_pos
- row_pos = row_pos + 1
- prev_stat_value = stat_value
- # Insert or update the corresponding row in the 'ranking' table:
- execQuery(
- "SELECT merge_ranking(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
- (context1_id, context2_id, benchmark_id, metric_id,
- lc_timestamp, stat_id, stat_value, ranking_pos),
- False)
-# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
-def getAllRankingStats(bmstats_list):
- table = []
- for stats in bmstats_list:
- # NOTE:
- # - All of the ranking statistics are of type "higher is better"
- # (a high value is ranked better than a low value).
- # - Moreover, all present/defined values are non-negative.
- # - This means that representing absent/undefined values as -1 is ok,
- # since this ensures lowest ranking.
- benchmark_id = stats["benchmark_id"]
- metric_id = stats["metric_id"]
- lc_timestamp = stats["lc_timestamp"]
- lsd = stats["lsd"]
- ni = stats["ni"]
- nz = stats["nz"]
- nc = stats["nc"]
- mdrse = stats["med_of_rses"]
- rsemd = stats["rse_of_meds"]
- qs = qualityScore(lsd, ni, nz, nc, mdrse)
- lc = stats["lc"]
- if lc >= 0.0:
- lcgss = stats["lc_gsep_score"]
- lclss = stats["lc_lsep_score"]
- lcds1 = stats["lc_dur1_score"]
- lcds2 = stats["lc_dur2_score"]
- lcms = changeMagnitudeScore(lc)
- lcss1 = lcms * lcgss * lclss * lcds1
- lcss = lcss1 * lcds2
- if lc < 1.0:
- lcssr = lcss
- lcss1r = lcss1
- lcssi = lcss1i = -1
- else:
- lcssi = lcss
- lcss1i = lcss1
- lcssr = lcss1r = -1
- else:
- lcssr = lcssi = lcss1r = lcss1i = -1
- table.append(
- (benchmark_id, metric_id, lc_timestamp, qs, lcssr, lcssi, lcss1r,
- lcss1i))
- return table
-# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
-def getFirstUploadTimestamp(snapshots, sha1_id):
- try:
- return snapshots[zip(*snapshots)[0].index(sha1_id)][1]
- except ValueError:
- return -1
-# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
-def updateRankings(
- host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha12_id, context2_id, no_progress):
- # Get all snapshots matching the host/platform/branch combination:
- sys.stdout.write("getting snapshots ... ")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- snapshots = getAllSnapshots(host_id, platform_id, branch_id)
- sys.stdout.write("done\n")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- # Rankings will normally be computed once a day for each
- # host/platform/branch combination (note the tradeoff between update
- # frequency and database size):
- ranking_interval = 3600 * 24 # secs in a day
- # Rankings will be updated if at least one of the following
- # conditions eventually becomes True:
- force_cond = empty_cond = interval_cond = False
- force_ranking = False
- #force_ranking = True # Uncomment for testing
- force_cond = force_ranking
- if not force_cond:
- last_ranking_sha1_id, last_ranking_timestamp = getLastRankingSnapshot(
- host_id, platform_id, branch_id)
- empty_cond = last_ranking_sha1_id < 0
- if not empty_cond:
- assert last_ranking_timestamp >= 0
- target_timestamp = getFirstUploadTimestamp(snapshots, sha12_id)
- if target_timestamp < 0:
- sys.stderr.write(
- "error: failed to extract target_timestamp "
- "(error in command-line args?)\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- interval_cond = (
- (target_timestamp - last_ranking_timestamp) > ranking_interval)
- if not (force_cond or empty_cond or interval_cond):
- sys.stdout.write(
- "not updating rankings ('force', 'empty', and 'interval' "
- "conditions all failed)\n")
- return
- sys.stdout.write(
- "updating rankings ('force' cond.: " + str(force_cond) +
- "; 'empty' cond.: " + str(empty_cond) +
- "; 'interval' cond.: " + str(interval_cond) + ") ...\n")
- # For simplicity we hardcode the tolerances for now:
- difftol = 1.1
- durtolmin = 3
- durtolmax = 10
- # Determine the target snapshot range:
- # (The range should end at the snapshot given on the command-line and begin
- # at the snapshot that is 2 * durtolmax snapshots back in time, or, if no
- # such snapshot exists, the first available snapshot.)
- try:
- sha12_pos = zip(*snapshots)[0].index(sha12_id)
- except ValueError:
- sys.stderr.write(
- "no observations found for SHA-1 ID: " + str(sha12_id) + "\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- sha11_pos = max(0, (sha12_pos - 2 * durtolmax) + 1)
- snapshots = snapshots[sha11_pos:(sha12_pos + 1)]
- if len(snapshots) < 2:
- sys.stderr.write(
- "no observations found before SHA-1 ID: " + str(sha12_id) +
- " (computing rankings makes no sense)\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- # Get time series statistics for all benchmarks:
- if no_progress:
- sys.stdout.write("getting time series statistics ... ")
- bmstats_list = getBMTimeSeriesStatsList(
- host_id, platform_id, branch_id, snapshots, None, difftol, durtolmin,
- durtolmax, None if no_progress else printProgress,
- "getting time series statistics")
- if no_progress:
- sys.stdout.write("done\n")
- else:
- sys.stdout.write("\n")
- # *** Compute rankings **************************************************
- # Step 1: Create a table containing all ranking statistics (one row per
- # benchmark/metric):
- sys.stdout.write("creating table for all ranking stats ... ")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- table = getAllRankingStats(bmstats_list)
- sys.stdout.write("done\n")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- # Step 2: Sort the table individually for each ranking statistic and
- # register the ranking positions in the database:
- context1_id = getContext(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, snapshots[0][0])
- if context1_id == -1:
- sys.stderr.write("error: failed to find context for start snapshot\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- nameToIndex = { "QS": 3, "LCSSR": 4, "LCSSI": 5, "LCSS1R": 6, "LCSS1I": 7 }
- for name in nameToIndex:
- sys.stdout.write("registering ranking for " + name + " ... ")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- registerRanking(
- table, nameToIndex[name], name, context1_id, context2_id)
- sys.stdout.write("done\n")
- sys.stdout.flush()
-# --- END Global functions ----------------------------------------------
-# --- BEGIN Main program ----------------------------------------------
-options, http_get = getOptions()
-if "help" in options:
- printVerboseUsage()
- sys.exit(1)
-if (not ("db" in options and "host" in options and "platform" in options and
- "branch" in options and "sha1" in options)):
- printUsage()
- sys.exit(1)
-if not isValidSHA1(options["sha1"]):
- sys.stderr.write("error: invalid SHA-1: " + options["sha1"] + "\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- options["dbhost"] if "dbhost" in options else None,
- options["dbport"] if "dbport" in options else None,
- options["db"])
-host_id = textToId("host", options["host"])
-if host_id == -1:
- sys.stderr.write("error: no such host: " + options["host"] + "\n")
- sys.exit(1)
-platform_id = textToId("platform", options["platform"])
-if platform_id == -1:
- sys.stderr.write("error: no such platform: " + options["platform"] + "\n")
- sys.exit(1)
-branch_id = textToId("branch", options["branch"])
-if branch_id == -1:
- sys.stderr.write("error: no such branch:" + options["branch"] + "\n")
- sys.exit(1)
-sha12_id = textToId("sha1", options["sha1"])
-if sha12_id == -1:
- sys.stderr.write("error: no such SHA-1:" + options["sha1"] + "\n")
- sys.exit(1)
-context2_id = getContext(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha12_id)
-if context2_id == -1:
- sys.stderr.write("error: no results found for this context\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha12_id, context2_id,
- ("noprogress" in options) and (
- (options["noprogress"] == "1")
- or (options["noprogress"].lower() == "true")))
-# Write to database:
-sys.stdout.write("rankings computation done\n")
-# --- END Main program ----------------------------------------------
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2768449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import sys, json
+from dbaccess import execQuery
+from misc import printJSONHeader
+class GetNameMappings:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def execute(self):
+ self.hosts = dict(execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM host", ()))
+ self.platforms = dict(execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM platform", ()))
+ self.branches = dict(execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM branch", ()))
+ self.sha1s = dict(execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM sha1", ()))
+ self.benchmarks = dict(execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM benchmark", ()))
+ self.metrics = dict(execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM metric", ()))
+ self.writeOutput()
+ def writeOutputAsJSON(self):
+ printJSONHeader()
+ json.dump({
+ 'hosts': self.hosts,
+ 'platforms': self.platforms,
+ 'branches': self.branches,
+ 'sha1s': self.sha1s,
+ 'benchmarks': self.benchmarks,
+ 'metrics': self.metrics
+ }, sys.stdout)
+class GetNameMappingsAsJSON(GetNameMappings):
+ def writeOutput(self):
+ self.writeOutputAsJSON()
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45cc9a3..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import json
-from dbaccess import execQuery, database
-from misc import (
- textToId, idToText, getContext, getTimestampFromContext, getSnapshots,
- getRankingContexts, benchmarkToComponents, printJSONHeader)
-class GetRankings:
- def __init__(
- self, host, platform, branch, sha12, test_case_filter, maxsize):
- = host
- self.host_id = textToId('host',
- self.platform = platform
- self.platform_id = textToId('platform', self.platform)
- self.branch = branch
- self.branch_id = textToId('branch', self.branch)
- self.context2_id = getContext(
- self.host_id, self.platform_id, self.branch_id,
- textToId('sha1', sha12))
- self.test_case_filter = test_case_filter
- self.maxsize = maxsize
- # Returns -1, 0, and 1 if ranking position x is considered less than,
- # equal to, and greater than ranking position y respectively.
- # Note: a negative ranking position is considered worse (i.e. effectively
- # treated as having an "infinite" ranking position) than any non-negative
- # ranking position.
- def cmp_rank_pos(self, x, y):
- if x < 0:
- return 1
- elif y < 0:
- return -1
- elif x < y:
- return -1
- elif x > y:
- return 1
- else:
- return 0
- # Gets all rankings matching the context/metric combination combination.
- def getRankings(self):
- if self.context2_id < 0:
- print "error: invalid context"
- sys.exit(1)
- # Find the previous context (if any) for which rankings exist:
- ranking_contexts = getRankingContexts(
- self.host_id, self.platform_id, self.branch_id)
- curr_index = zip(*ranking_contexts)[0].index(self.context2_id)
- if curr_index < (len(ranking_contexts) - 1):
- context2_prev_id = ranking_contexts[curr_index + 1][0]
- else:
- context2_prev_id = -1 # No rankings before this context
- rankings = {}
- context_ids = set([self.context2_id]) # Affected context IDs
- # Get all time series notes:
- qres = execQuery(
- "SELECT benchmarkId, metricId, note FROM timeSeriesAnnotation"
- " WHERE hostId = %s AND platformId = %s AND branchId = %s",
- (self.host_id, self.platform_id, self.branch_id))
- notes = {}
- for benchmark_id, metric_id, note in qres:
- notes[benchmark_id, metric_id] = note
- # Get rankings for each statistic:
- stat_infos = execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM rankingStat", ())
- for stat_id, stat_name in stat_infos:
- # Get the unsorted ranking information:
- ranking_all = execQuery(
- "SELECT benchmarkId, metricId, context1Id, pos, value,"
- " lastChangeTimestamp"
- " FROM ranking"
- " WHERE context2Id = %s"
- " AND statId = %s",
- (self.context2_id, stat_id))
- ranking = []
- # Apply test case filter and add notes:
- for row in ranking_all:
- benchmark_id = row[0]
- benchmark = idToText("benchmark", benchmark_id)
- test_case, test_function, data_tag = (
- benchmarkToComponents(benchmark))
- if ((self.test_case_filter == None)
- or (test_case in self.test_case_filter)):
- # Append note if any:
- metric_id = row[1]
- try:
- note = notes[benchmark_id, metric_id]
- except KeyError:
- note = ""
- ranking.append((
- benchmark_id, metric_id, row[2], row[3], row[4],
- row[5], note))
- for row in ranking:
- context_ids.add(row[2])
- # Sort the table in ascending order on the 'pos' column, but
- # so that negative positions are ranked below any other positions:
- ranking.sort(key=lambda row: row[3], cmp=self.cmp_rank_pos)
- # Keep only the 'maxsize' highest ranked benchmarks:
- ranking = ranking if (self.maxsize < 0) else ranking[:self.maxsize]
- if context2_prev_id >= 0:
- # Compute deltas from previous ranking:
- ranking_prev_list = execQuery(
- "SELECT benchmarkId, metricId, pos"
- " FROM ranking"
- " WHERE context2Id = %s"
- " AND statId = %s",
- (context2_prev_id, stat_id))
- ranking_prev = {}
- for benchmark_id, metric_id, pos in ranking_prev_list:
- ranking_prev[benchmark_id, metric_id] = pos
- # Append deltas where applicable:
- ranking_without_deltas = ranking
- ranking = []
- for (benchmark_id, metric_id, context1_id, pos, value,
- lc_timestamp, note) in ranking_without_deltas:
- row = [benchmark_id, metric_id, context1_id, pos, value,
- lc_timestamp, note]
- if pos >= 0:
- try:
- pos_prev = ranking_prev[benchmark_id, metric_id]
- if pos_prev >= 0:
- delta = pos_prev - pos
- row.append(delta)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- ranking.append(row)
- # Add to main list:
- rankings[stat_name.lower()] = ranking;
- # Extract affected SHA-1s:
- assert len(context_ids) > 0
- sha1_infos = execQuery(
- "SELECT, sha1Id, sha1.value"
- " FROM context, sha1"
- " (%s" + ", %s"*(len(context_ids) - 1) + ")" +
- " AND sha1Id =",
- tuple(context_ids))
- return sha1_infos, rankings
- # Extracts the individual snapshots in the maximum range spanned by
- # the SHA-1s in sha1_infos:
- def getSnapshotsInMaxRange(self, sha1_infos):
- min_timestamp = max_timestamp = first_sha1_id = last_sha1_id = None
- for context_id, sha1_id, sha1 in sha1_infos:
- timestamp = getTimestampFromContext(context_id)
- if min_timestamp == None:
- min_timestamp = max_timestamp = timestamp
- first_sha1_id = last_sha1_id = sha1_id
- elif timestamp < min_timestamp:
- min_timestamp = timestamp
- first_sha1_id = sha1_id
- elif timestamp > max_timestamp:
- max_timestamp = timestamp
- last_sha1_id = sha1_id
- snapshots = getSnapshots(
- self.host_id, self.platform_id, self.branch_id, first_sha1_id,
- last_sha1_id)
- return snapshots
- def execute(self):
- self.sha1_infos, self.rankings = self.getRankings()
- self.snapshots = self.getSnapshotsInMaxRange(self.sha1_infos)
- self.benchmarks = execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM benchmark", ())
- self.metrics = execQuery("SELECT id, value FROM metric", ())
- self.writeOutput()
- def writeOutputAsJSON(self):
- printJSONHeader()
- json.dump({
- 'database': database(),
- 'host':,
- 'platform': self.platform,
- 'branch': self.branch,
- 'benchmarks': self.benchmarks,
- 'metrics': self.metrics,
- 'snapshots': map(
- lambda s: (idToText("sha1", s[0]), s[1]), self.snapshots),
- 'rankings': self.rankings
- }, sys.stdout)
-class GetRankingsAsJSON(GetRankings):
- def writeOutput(self):
- self.writeOutputAsJSON()
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index d0b7d59..735b28a 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ from getresultdetails2 import GetResultDetails2AsJSON
from gettimeseriesstats import GetTimeSeriesStatsAsJSON
from gettimeseriesdetails import GetTimeSeriesDetailsAsJSON
from getsnapshots import GetSnapshotsAsJSON
-from getrankings import GetRankingsAsJSON
from settimeseriesnote import SetTimeSeriesNote
+from gettopchanges import GetTopChangesAsJSON
+from getnamemappings import GetNameMappingsAsJSON
+from gettestcaseswithchanges import GetTestCasesWithChangesAsJSON
from dbaccess import setDatabase
from misc import getOptions, printErrorAsJSON
@@ -18,13 +20,25 @@ import sys
# --- BEGIN Global functions ----------------------------------------------
+# Returns true iff name exists in options and is true.
+def boolOption(options, name):
+ if name in options:
+ try:
+ res = (int(options[name]) != 0)
+ except:
+ res = (options[name].lower() == "true")
+ else:
+ res = False
+ return res
# Returns a command instance.
def createCommand(options, http_get):
def printUsageError():
error = (
"usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [--dbhost H --dbport P] --db D + \\\n"
- " --cmd contexts [--rankedonly R] | \\\n"
+ " --cmd contexts | \\\n"
" --cmd testcases1 --host H --platform P --branch B "
"--sha1 S | \\\n"
" --cmd testcases2 --host1 H --platform1 P --branch1 B "
@@ -45,11 +59,13 @@ def createCommand(options, http_get):
"--durtolmax T --benchmark BM --metric M | \\\n"
" --cmd snapshots --host H --platform P "
"--branch B --sha11 S --sha12 S | \\\n"
- " --cmd rankings --host H --platform P "
- "--branch B --sha1 S [--testcasefilter 'TC1 TC2 ...'] "
"[--maxsize M] | \\\n"
" --cmd settimeseriesnote --host H --platform P "
- "--branch B --benchmark B --metric M --note N")
+ "--branch B --benchmark B --metric M --note N | \\\n"
+ " --cmd topchanges --regressions R --last L --timescope T "
+ "--premature P --limit L [--testcasefilter 'TC1 TC2 ...'] | \\\n"
+ " --cmd namemappings | \\\n"
+ " --cmd testcaseswithchanges")
if http_get:
printErrorAsJSON("usage error")
@@ -82,15 +98,7 @@ def createCommand(options, http_get):
# --- 'contexts' ---------------------------------
if cmd == "contexts":
- if "rankedonly" in options:
- try:
- ranked_only = (int(options["rankedonly"]) != 0)
- except:
- ranked_only = (options["rankedonly"].lower() == "true")
- else:
- ranked_only = False
- return ListContextsAsJSON(ranked_only)
+ return ListContextsAsJSON()
# --- 'testcases1' ---------------------------------
elif cmd == "testcases1":
@@ -252,26 +260,6 @@ def createCommand(options, http_get):
return GetSnapshotsAsJSON(host, platform, branch, sha11, sha12)
- # --- 'rankings' ---------------------------------
- elif cmd == "rankings":
- if ("host" in options and "platform" in options and
- "branch" in options and "sha1" in options):
- host = options["host"]
- platform = options["platform"]
- branch = options["branch"]
- sha1 = options["sha1"]
- if "maxsize" in options:
- try:
- maxsize = int(options["maxsize"])
- except:
- raise BaseException("'maxsize' not an integer")
- else:
- maxsize = 10
- return GetRankingsAsJSON(
- host, platform, branch, sha1, test_case_filter, maxsize)
# --- 'settimeseriesnote' ---------------------------------
# ### Hm ... this command doesn't really get statistics, so maybe
# rename to something more generic
@@ -290,6 +278,30 @@ def createCommand(options, http_get):
return SetTimeSeriesNote(
host, platform, branch, benchmark, metric, note)
+ # --- 'topchanges' ---------------------------------
+ elif cmd == "topchanges":
+ if ("regressions" in options and "last" in options and
+ "timescope" in options and "premature" in options and
+ "limit" in options):
+ regressions = boolOption(options, "regressions")
+ last = boolOption(options, "last")
+ timescope = int(options["timescope"])
+ premature = boolOption(options, "premature")
+ limit = int(options["limit"])
+ return GetTopChangesAsJSON(
+ test_case_filter, regressions, last, timescope, premature,
+ limit)
+ # --- 'namemappings' ---------------------------------
+ elif cmd == "namemappings":
+ return GetNameMappingsAsJSON()
+ # --- 'testcaseswithchanges' ---------------------------------
+ elif cmd == "testcaseswithchanges":
+ return GetTestCasesWithChangesAsJSON()
# No match:
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1d44c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import sys, json
+from dbaccess import execQuery
+from misc import printJSONHeader
+class GetTestCasesWithChanges:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def execute(self):
+ self.test_cases = execQuery(
+ "SELECT value FROM (SELECT DISTINCT testCaseId FROM change)"
+ " AS foo, testCase WHERE = testCaseId"
+ " ORDER BY value", ())
+ # Flatten one level:
+ self.test_cases = (
+ [item for sublist in self.test_cases for item in sublist])
+ self.writeOutput()
+ def writeOutputAsJSON(self):
+ printJSONHeader()
+ json.dump({ 'testCases': self.test_cases }, sys.stdout)
+class GetTestCasesWithChangesAsJSON(GetTestCasesWithChanges):
+ def writeOutput(self):
+ self.writeOutputAsJSON()
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b7282a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+import sys, json, calendar, time
+from dbaccess import execQuery, database
+from misc import (
+ textToId, idToText, getContext, getTimestampFromContext, getSnapshots,
+ benchmarkToComponents, printJSONHeader)
+# Gets the top changes for a specific context by considering only the
+# last change in each time series.
+# An additional filter is applied by only considering results from
+# test cases matching test_case_ids.
+# NOTE: The result may contain at most one change from a given time series.
+def getTopChangesForContext_last(
+ host_id, platform_id, branch_id, regressions, premature, limit,
+ test_case_ids):
+ query = (
+ "SELECT change.benchmarkId, change.metricId, sha1Id, last_timestamp, ")
+ query += ("greatest(score, premature_score)" if premature else "score")
+ query += (
+ " AS final_score"
+ " FROM"
+ " (SELECT benchmarkId, metricId, max(timestamp) AS last_timestamp"
+ " FROM change"
+ " WHERE hostId = %s"
+ " AND platformId = %s"
+ " AND branchId = %s"
+ " AND regression = %s")
+ args = [host_id, platform_id, branch_id, regressions]
+ if len(test_case_ids) > 0:
+ query += (
+ " AND testCaseId IN (%s" + ", %s"*(len(test_case_ids) - 1) + ")"
+ )
+ args += test_case_ids
+ query += (
+ " GROUP BY benchmarkId, metricId) AS last_change"
+ " , change"
+ " WHERE last_change.benchmarkId = change.benchmarkId"
+ " AND last_change.metricId = change.metricId"
+ " AND change.timestamp = last_timestamp"
+ " ORDER BY final_score DESC, last_timestamp DESC"
+ " LIMIT %s"
+ )
+ args.append(limit)
+ return execQuery(query, args)
+# Gets the top changes for a specific context by considering all
+# changes in the given time scope.
+# An additional filter is applied by only considering results from
+# test cases matching test_case_ids.
+# NOTE: The result may contain any number of changes from a given time
+# series.
+def getTopChangesForContext_timeScope(
+ host_id, platform_id, branch_id, regressions, premature, limit,
+ test_case_ids, lo_timestamp):
+ query = "SELECT benchmarkId, metricId, sha1Id, timestamp, "
+ query += ("greatest(score, premature_score)" if premature else "score")
+ query += (
+ " AS final_score"
+ " FROM change"
+ " WHERE hostId = %s"
+ " AND platformId = %s"
+ " AND branchId = %s"
+ " AND regression = %s"
+ " AND timestamp >= %s")
+ args = [host_id, platform_id, branch_id, regressions, lo_timestamp]
+ if len(test_case_ids) > 0:
+ query += (
+ " AND testCaseId IN (%s" + ", %s"*(len(test_case_ids) - 1) + ")"
+ )
+ args += test_case_ids
+ query += (
+ " ORDER BY final_score DESC, timestamp DESC"
+ " LIMIT %s"
+ )
+ args.append(limit)
+ return execQuery(query, args)
+# Returns test case IDs corresponding to the names in test_case_filter.
+def getTestCaseIdsFromFilter(test_case_filter):
+ return (execQuery(
+ "SELECT id FROM testCase"
+ " WHERE value IN (%s" + ", %s"*(len(test_case_filter) - 1) + ")",
+ tuple(test_case_filter))
+ if ((test_case_filter != None) and (len(test_case_filter) > 0))
+ else ())
+class GetTopChanges:
+ def __init__(
+ self, test_case_filter, regressions, last, timescope, premature, limit):
+ self.test_case_filter = test_case_filter
+ self.regressions = regressions
+ self.last = last
+ self.timescope = timescope
+ self.premature = premature
+ self.limit = limit
+ # Gets the top changes for a specific context.
+ def getTopChangesForContext(
+ self, host_id, platform_id, branch_id, lo_timestamp):
+ test_case_ids = getTestCaseIdsFromFilter(self.test_case_filter)
+ return (
+ getTopChangesForContext_last(
+ host_id, platform_id, branch_id, self.regressions,
+ self.premature, self.limit, test_case_ids)
+ if self.last else
+ getTopChangesForContext_timeScope(
+ host_id, platform_id, branch_id, self.regressions,
+ self.premature, self.limit, test_case_ids, lo_timestamp)
+ )
+ # Gets the top changes for all contexts.
+ def getTopChangesForAllContexts(self):
+ # Compute lowest timestamp (secs since 1970) in time scope (days ago):
+ curr_timestamp = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
+ secs_in_day = 24 * 60 * 60
+ lo_timestamp = (
+ -1 if (self.timescope < 0) else
+ curr_timestamp - self.timescope * secs_in_day)
+ context_ids = execQuery(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT hostId, platformId, branchId FROM context "
+ "ORDER BY hostId, platformId, branchId", ())
+ contexts = []
+ for host_id, platform_id, branch_id in context_ids:
+ top_changes = self.getTopChangesForContext(
+ host_id, platform_id, branch_id, lo_timestamp)
+ contexts.append({
+ "hostId": host_id,
+ "platformId": platform_id,
+ "branchId": branch_id,
+ "topchanges": top_changes
+ })
+ return contexts
+ def execute(self):
+ self.contexts = self.getTopChangesForAllContexts()
+ self.writeOutput()
+ def writeOutputAsJSON(self):
+ printJSONHeader()
+ json.dump({
+ 'database': database(),
+ 'regressions': self.regressions,
+ 'last': self.last,
+ 'timescope': self.timescope,
+ 'premature': self.premature,
+ 'limit': self.limit,
+ 'contexts': self.contexts
+ }, sys.stdout)
+class GetTopChangesAsJSON(GetTopChanges):
+ def writeOutput(self):
+ self.writeOutputAsJSON()
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 4aae8bc..a78daa5 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -6,15 +6,8 @@ from misc import idToText, printJSONHeader
class ListContexts:
- def __init__(self, ranked_only):
- self.ranked_only = ranked_only
- def rankingsExist(self, contextId):
- rankings = execQuery(
- "SELECT id FROM ranking WHERE context2Id = %s LIMIT 1",
- (contextId,))
- return len(rankings) > 0
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
def execute(self):
@@ -36,44 +29,29 @@ class ListContexts:
id, host, platform, branch, sha1, timestamp = contexts[0]
curHost, curPlatform, curBranch = host, platform, branch
- rankings_exist = self.rankingsExist(id)
- rankings_exist_count = 1 if rankings_exist else 0
- curSnapshots = []
- if (not self.ranked_only) or rankings_exist:
- curSnapshots = [
- (idToText('sha1', sha1), timestamp, 1 if rankings_exist else 0)]
+ curSnapshots = [(idToText('sha1', sha1), timestamp)]
for (id, host, platform, branch, sha1, timestamp) in contexts[1:]:
if (host, platform, branch) != (curHost, curPlatform, curBranch):
- if (not self.ranked_only) or (rankings_exist_count > 0):
- assert len(curSnapshots) > 0
- self.contexts.append({
- 'host' : idToText('host', curHost),
- 'platform' : idToText('platform', curPlatform),
- 'branch' : idToText('branch', curBranch),
- 'snapshots' : curSnapshots
- })
- rankings_exist_count = 0
+ self.contexts.append({
+ 'host' : idToText('host', curHost),
+ 'platform' : idToText('platform', curPlatform),
+ 'branch' : idToText('branch', curBranch),
+ 'snapshots' : curSnapshots
+ })
curHost, curPlatform, curBranch = host, platform, branch
curSnapshots = []
- rankings_exist = self.rankingsExist(id)
- if rankings_exist:
- rankings_exist_count = rankings_exist_count + 1
- if (not self.ranked_only) or rankings_exist:
- curSnapshots.append(
- (idToText('sha1', sha1), timestamp,
- 1 if rankings_exist else 0))
+ curSnapshots.append((idToText('sha1', sha1), timestamp))
def writeOutputAsJSON(self):
json.dump({ 'contexts' : self.contexts }, sys.stdout)
class ListContextsAsJSON(ListContexts):
def writeOutput(self):
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index b3a2274..8bd8516 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -45,6 +45,33 @@ def textToId(table, text):
+def findOrInsertId(table, value, *args):
+ query_result = execQuery(
+ "SELECT id FROM " + table + " WHERE value = %s", (value,))
+ if len(query_result) == 1:
+ # Found, so return ID:
+ return query_result[0][0]
+ # Not found, so insert:
+ query = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (value"
+ for i in range(0, len(args), 2):
+ query += ", " + args[i]
+ query += ") VALUES (%s"
+ values = [value]
+ for i in range(0, len(args), 2):
+ query += ", %s"
+ values.append(args[i + 1])
+ # ... and retrieve ID:
+ query += ") RETURNING id"
+ query_result = execQuery(query, values)
+ assert len(query_result) == 1
+ return query_result[0][0]
+# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
# Maybe also rename to lowerIsBetter() ? (but note that a global function with
# that name already exists in
def metricIdToLowerIsBetter(metric_id):
@@ -64,6 +91,13 @@ def metricIdToLowerIsBetter(metric_id):
# Returns the non-negative ID of the given context, or -1 if not found.
def getContext(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha1_id):
+ global contextIdCache
+ if not 'contextIdCache' in globals():
+ contextIdCache = {}
+ if (host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha1_id) in contextIdCache:
+ return contextIdCache[host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha1_id]
result = execQuery(
"SELECT id FROM context"
" WHERE hostId = %s"
@@ -72,9 +106,10 @@ def getContext(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha1_id):
" AND sha1Id = %s"
"LIMIT 1",
(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha1_id))
- if len(result):
- return result[0][0]
- return -1
+ result = result[0][0] if len(result) else -1
+ contextIdCache[host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha1_id] = result
+ return result
# Returns the test case, test function, and data tag components of
@@ -100,32 +135,46 @@ def getTimestampFromContext(context_id):
# Finds snapshots that match a host/platform/branch combination and that
# lie within the range
-# [sha11, sha12] if sha12_id >= 0, or
-# [sha11, +inf) if sha12_ is < 0.
+# [sha11, sha12] if both sha11_id and sha12_id are >= 0, or
+# ( -inf, sha12] if only sha11_id is < 0, or
+# [sha11, +inf) if only sha12_id is < 0, or
+# ( -inf, +inf) if both sha11_id and sha2_id are < 0
# Returns a chronologically order n-tuple of 2-tuples:
# (sha1, first upload timestamp).
def getSnapshots(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha11_id, sha12_id):
- timestamp1 = execQuery(
+ timestamp1 = (execQuery(
" WHERE hostId = %s"
" AND platformId = %s"
" AND branchId = %s"
" AND sha1Id = %s",
(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha11_id))[0][0]
- if sha12_id >= 0:
- timestamp2 = execQuery(
- "SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp)::INT FROM context"
- " WHERE hostId = %s"
- " AND platformId = %s"
- " AND branchId = %s"
- " AND sha1Id = %s",
- (host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha12_id))[0][0]
+ if (sha11_id >= 0) else -1)
+ timestamp2 = (execQuery(
+ "SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp)::INT FROM context"
+ " WHERE hostId = %s"
+ " AND platformId = %s"
+ " AND branchId = %s"
+ " AND sha1Id = %s",
+ (host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha12_id))[0][0]
+ if (sha12_id >= 0) else -1)
+ prefix = "AND EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp)::INT"
+ if (timestamp1 == -1) and (timestamp2 == -1):
+ range_expr = ""
+ elif (timestamp1 >= 0) and (timestamp2 < 0):
+ range_expr = ("%s >= %d" % (prefix, timestamp1))
+ elif (timestamp1 < 0) and (timestamp2 >= 0):
+ range_expr = ("%s <= %d" % (prefix, timestamp2))
+ else:
# Ensure chronological order:
if timestamp1 > timestamp2:
timestamp1, timestamp2 = timestamp2, timestamp1
- range_expr = "BETWEEN %d AND %d" % (timestamp1, timestamp2)
- else:
- range_expr = ">= %d" % timestamp1
+ range_expr = ("%s BETWEEN %d AND %d" % (prefix, timestamp1, timestamp2))
# Each distinct SHA-1 that occurs for this host/platform/branch
# combination may occur multiple times with different upload times.
@@ -138,8 +187,7 @@ def getSnapshots(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha11_id, sha12_id):
" FROM context"
" WHERE hostId = %s"
" AND platformId = %s"
- " AND branchId = %s"
- " AND EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp)::INT " + range_expr +
+ " AND branchId = %s " + range_expr +
" ORDER BY timestamp ASC",
(host_id, platform_id, branch_id))
@@ -169,48 +217,8 @@ def getAllSnapshots(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, reverse = False):
return tuple(snapshots)
-# Returns the (SHA-1 ID, timestamp) pair associated with the most recent
-# rankings computed for the given host/platform/branch combination, or
-# (-1, -1) if no match is found.
-def getLastRankingSnapshot(host_id, platform_id, branch_id):
- result = execQuery(
- "SELECT matchingcontext.sha1id, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp)::INT"
- " FROM ranking,"
- " (SELECT id, sha1Id, timestamp"
- " FROM context"
- " WHERE hostId = %s"
- " AND platformId = %s"
- " AND branchId = %s) AS matchingContext"
- " WHERE context2Id ="
- " ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1",
- (host_id, platform_id, branch_id))
- if len(result):
- return result[0]
- return -1, -1
-# For the given host/platform/branch combination, this function returns
-# all contexts for which rankings exist. The return value is a list of
-# (context ID, timestamp) pairs sorted in descending order on timestamp
-# (latest timestamp first).
-def getRankingContexts(host_id, platform_id, branch_id):
- result = execQuery(
- " EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp)::INT AS etimestamp"
- " FROM ranking,"
- " (SELECT id, sha1Id, timestamp"
- " FROM context"
- " WHERE hostId = %s"
- " AND platformId = %s"
- " AND branchId = %s) AS matchingContext"
- " WHERE context2Id ="
- " ORDER BY etimestamp DESC",
- (host_id, platform_id, branch_id))
- return result
-# Retrieves the time series of valid median results for the given
-# benchmark/metric combination. Only the part of the time series that
+# Retrieves the time series + additional stats of valid median results for
+# the given benchmark/metric combination. Only the part of the time series that
# is within the selected snapshot interval is considered.
# Returns a 7-tuple:
@@ -355,6 +363,61 @@ def getTimeSeries(
ms, lsd)
+# Retrieves the time series of valid median results for the given
+# benchmark/metric combination within the given contexts.
+# Only the part of the time series that is within the selected snapshot
+# interval is considered.
+# Returns an n-tuple of 2-tuples:
+# (
+# <corresponding index in the 'contexts' list>,
+# <median of valid observations or -1 if all obs. are invalid>
+# )
+def getBasicTimeSeries(contexts, benchmark_id, metric_id):
+ # Fetch raw values:
+ assert len(contexts) > 0
+ raw_values = (execQuery(
+ "SELECT value, valid, contextId FROM result"
+ " WHERE contextId IN (%s" + ", %s"*(len(contexts) - 1) + ")" +
+ " AND benchmarkId = %s"
+ " AND metricId = %s"
+ " ORDER BY contextId",
+ tuple(contexts) + (benchmark_id, metric_id)) +
+ [(-1, -1, -1)]) # Note sentinel item
+ # Compute per-sample stats:
+ curr_context_id = -1
+ valid_and_positive_sample = []
+ median_obs_map = {}
+ # Loop over all observations (which are grouped on sample;
+ # note the 1-1 correspondence between samples and contexts):
+ for obs, valid, context_id in raw_values:
+ if context_id != curr_context_id:
+ # A new sample has been collected, so register it and
+ # prepare for the next one:
+ median_obs = stats.medianscore(valid_and_positive_sample) if (
+ len(valid_and_positive_sample) > 0) else -1
+ median_obs_map[curr_context_id] = median_obs
+ valid_and_positive_sample = []
+ curr_context_id = context_id
+ # Append a valid and positive observation to the current sample:
+ if valid and (obs > 0):
+ valid_and_positive_sample.append(obs)
+ # Order chronologically:
+ ts = []
+ index = 0
+ for context in contexts:
+ if context in median_obs_map:
+ ts.append((index, median_obs_map[context]))
+ index = index + 1
+ return ts
# Returns the factor by which val improves over base_val by taking the
# lower_is_better property into consideration.
# Example: base_val = 10 and val = 20 results in 0.5 if lower_is_better is true,
@@ -369,7 +432,7 @@ def metricAdjustedRatio(base_val, val, lower_is_better):
# Whether a change is significant depends on the difftol argument.
# Only positive values are considered.
-# The output is an n-tuple of 7-tuples, one per change:
+# The output is a list of 7-tuples, one per change:
# 1: Base index, i.e. the index in the time series that contains the base
# value used to compute the change.
@@ -545,6 +608,84 @@ def getChanges(time_series, lower_is_better, difftol, durtolmin, durtolmax):
return tuple(changes)
+# Extracts the (significant) changes of all time series in a given
+# host/platform/branch combination.
+# The output is a list of 3-tuples, one per time series having at least one
+# change:
+# 1: Benchmark ID.
+# 2: Metric ID.
+# 3: The changes as a list of 9-tuples. The first 7 elements correspond to
+# the output from getChanges() (documented elsewhere). Element 8
+# and 9 are the SHA1 ID and timestamp corresponding to the change.
+def getAllChanges(
+ host_id, platform_id, branch_id, difftol, durtolmin, durtolmax,
+ progress_func = None, progress_arg = None):
+ if progress_func != None:
+ progress_func(0.0, progress_arg)
+ # Get all snapshots matching the host/platform/branch combination:
+ snapshots = getAllSnapshots(host_id, platform_id, branch_id)
+ # Get the list of contexts that corresponds to these snapshots in this
+ # host/platform/branch combination:
+ contexts = []
+ for sha1_id, timestamp in snapshots:
+ contexts.append(getContext(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha1_id))
+ if len(contexts) == 0:
+ return []
+ # Get all distinct benchmark/metric combinations that match the
+ # host/platform/branch context and are within the selected snapshot
+ # interval. Each such combination corresponds to a time series.
+ tseries_list = execQuery(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT benchmarkId, metricId FROM result"
+ " WHERE contextId IN (%s" + ", %s"*(len(contexts) - 1) + ")",
+# " WHERE contextId IN (%s" + ", %s"*(len(contexts) - 1) + ") LIMIT 10",
+ contexts)
+ changes = []
+ # Loop over time series:
+ if progress_func != None:
+ i = 0
+ for benchmark_id, metric_id in tseries_list:
+ # Get the time series (without extra stats):
+ time_series = getBasicTimeSeries(contexts, benchmark_id, metric_id)
+ # Extract the significant changes:
+ basic_tschanges = getChanges(
+ time_series, metricIdToLowerIsBetter(metric_id), difftol,
+ durtolmin, durtolmax)
+ # ... add the SHA-1 and timestamp to each item:
+ tschanges = []
+ for change in basic_tschanges:
+ index = time_series[change[1]][0]
+ sha1_id = snapshots[index][0]
+ timestamp = snapshots[index][1]
+ tschanges.append(change + (sha1_id, timestamp))
+ if len(tschanges) > 0:
+ changes.append((benchmark_id, metric_id, tschanges))
+ if progress_func != None:
+ i = i + 1
+ divisor = len(tseries_list) // 100 # report at most 100 times
+ if (divisor > 0) and ((i % divisor) == 0):
+ perc_done = (i / float(len(tseries_list))) * 100.0
+ progress_func(perc_done, progress_arg)
+ if progress_func != None:
+ progress_func(100.0, progress_arg)
+ return changes
def getTimeSeriesMiscStats(time_series, changes, snapshots, stats):
if len(changes) > 0:
@@ -654,6 +795,170 @@ def getBMTimeSeriesStatsList(
return tuple(bmstats_list)
+# Returns the score for the most recent change in 'changes'.
+# If 'regression' is true, only regressions are considered, and otherwise
+# only improvements.
+# If 'premature' is true, the premature score (not considering post-change
+# durability) is returned instead of the regular score.
+# Returns -1 if no score is found.
+def getLastChangeScore(changes, regression, premature):
+ pass
+# Returns the highest score for any change in a certain time interval.
+# The time interval is defined like this: <2 B DONE!>
+# If 'regression' is true, only regressions are considered, and otherwise
+# only improvements.
+# If 'premature' is true, the premature score (not considering post-change
+# durability) is returned instead of the regular score.
+# Returns -1 if no score is found.
+def getHighestChangeScore(changes, regression, premature, days):
+ pass
+# Computes change scores for each time series (benchmark/metric combination)
+# of the given host/platform/branch combination.
+# Change types:
+# - most recent change (i.e. significant regression or improvement)
+# - strongest change last n days, for n in {7, 30, 180, and -1 (infinite)}
+# ... and all of these with and without inclusion of premature changes.
+# def getChangeScores(
+# host_id, platform_id, branch_id, snapshots, test_case_filter,
+# difftol, durtolmin, durtolmax, progress_func = None, progress_arg = None):
+# if progress_func != None:
+# progress_func(0.0, progress_arg)
+# contexts = []
+# for sha1_id, timestamp in snapshots:
+# contexts.append(getContext(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, sha1_id))
+# # Get all distinct benchmark/metric combinations that match the
+# # host/platform/branch context and are within the selected snapshot
+# # interval. Each such combination corresponds to a time series.
+# assert len(contexts) > 0
+# tseries = execQuery(
+# "SELECT DISTINCT benchmarkId, metricId FROM result"
+# " WHERE contextId IN (%s" + ", %s"*(len(contexts) - 1) + ")",
+# contexts)
+# scores = []
+# # Loop over time series:
+# if progress_func != None:
+# i = 0
+# #for benchmark_id, metric_id in tseries[800:810]:
+# for benchmark_id, metric_id in tseries:
+# benchmark = idToText("benchmark", benchmark_id)
+# #if benchmark != "tst_qmetaobject:indexOfMethod(_q_columnsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int))":
+# # continue
+# test_case, test_function, data_tag = (
+# benchmarkToComponents(benchmark))
+# # Skip this time series if it doesn't match the test case filter:
+# if ((test_case_filter != None)
+# and (not test_case in test_case_filter)):
+# continue
+# # Get the time series (without extra stats):
+# time_series = getBasicTimeSeries(
+# host_id, platform_id, branch_id, snapshots, benchmark_id, metric_id)
+# # Extract the significant changes:
+# changes = getChanges(
+# time_series, metricIdToLowerIsBetter(metric_id), difftol,
+# durtolmin, durtolmax)
+# tsscores = {}
+# tsscores["benchmark_id"] = benchmark_id
+# tsscores["metric_id"] = metric_id
+# tsscores["regr_last"] = getLastChangeScore(changes, True, False)
+# tsscores["regr_last_pmt"] = getLastChangeScore(changes, True, True)
+# tsscores["impr_last"] = getLastChangeScore(changes, False, False)
+# tsscores["impr_last_pmt"] = getLastChangeScore(changes, False, True)
+# tsscores["regr_7"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, True, False, 7)
+# tsscores["regr_7_pmt"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, True, True, 7)
+# tsscores["impr_7"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, False, False, 7)
+# tsscores["impr_7_pmt"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, False, True, 7)
+# tsscores["regr_30"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, True, False, 30)
+# tsscores["regr_30_pmt"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, True, True, 30)
+# tsscores["impr_30"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, False, False, 30)
+# tsscores["impr_30_pmt"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, False, True, 30)
+# tsscores["regr_180"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, True, False, 180)
+# tsscores["regr_180_pmt"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, True, True, 180)
+# tsscores["impr_180"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, False, False, 180)
+# tsscores["impr_180_pmt"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, False, True, 180)
+# tsscores["regr_all"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, True, False, -1)
+# tsscores["regr_all_pmt"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, True, True, -1)
+# tsscores["impr_all"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, False, False, -1)
+# tsscores["impr_all_pmt"] = getHighestChangeScore(
+# changes, False, True, -1)
+# scores.append(tsscores)
+# if progress_func != None:
+# i = i + 1
+# divisor = len(tseries) // 100 # report at most 100 times
+# if (divisor > 0) and ((i % divisor) == 0):
+# perc_done = (i / float(len(tseries))) * 100.0
+# progress_func(perc_done, progress_arg)
+# if progress_func != None:
+# progress_func(100.0, progress_arg)
+# return scores
# Returns True iff s is a valid SHA-1 string.
def isValidSHA1(s):
def containsOnlyHexDigits(s):
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e5d81c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This script invokes for all host/platform/branch combinations.
+import sys
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from dbaccess import setDatabase, execQuery, commit
+from misc import getOptions, idToText
+# --- BEGIN Global functions ----------------------------------------------
+def printUsage():
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " --help | [--dbhost H --dbport P] --db D\n")
+def printVerboseUsage():
+ printUsage()
+ sys.stderr.write("\noptions:\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --help: This help.\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --dbhost: The database server host (overriding the default).\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --dbport: The database server port (overriding the default).\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --db: The database. One of 'bm' or 'bm-dev' (the latter "
+ "intended for experimentation).\n")
+# Executes the external script with appropriate arguments.
+def execUpdateChanges(host, platform, branch, options):
+ cmd = [
+ "", "--db", options["db"], "--host", host,
+ "--platform", platform, "--branch", branch, "--noprogress", "true"]
+ if "dbhost" in options:
+ cmd += ["--dbhost", options["dbhost"]]
+ if "dbport" in options:
+ cmd += ["--dbport", options["dbport"]]
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "\nupdating changes for " + host + " / " + platform + " / " + branch +
+ " ...\n")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ p = Popen(cmd, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+ if (p.returncode != 0):
+ sys.stdout.write("failed to execute command '" + str(cmd) + "':\n")
+ sys.stdout.write(" return code: " + str(p.returncode) + "\n")
+ sys.stdout.write(" stdout: >" + stdout.strip() + "<\n")
+ sys.stdout.write(" stderr: >" + stderr.strip() + "<\n")
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(" executed successfully:\n")
+ sys.stdout.write(" return code: " + str(p.returncode) + "\n")
+ sys.stdout.write(" stdout: >" + stdout.strip() + "<\n")
+ sys.stdout.write(" stderr: >" + stderr.strip() + "<\n")
+# --- END Global functions ----------------------------------------------
+# --- BEGIN Main program ----------------------------------------------
+options, http_get = getOptions()
+if "help" in options:
+ printVerboseUsage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+if not ("db" in options):
+ printUsage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ options["dbhost"] if "dbhost" in options else None,
+ options["dbport"] if "dbport" in options else None,
+ options["db"])
+hpb_ids = execQuery(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT hostId, platformId, branchId FROM context "
+ "ORDER BY hostId, platformId, branchId", ())
+for host_id, platform_id, branch_id in hpb_ids:
+ execUpdateChanges(
+ idToText("host", host_id),
+ idToText("platform", platform_id),
+ idToText("branch", branch_id),
+ options)
+# --- END Main program ----------------------------------------------
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e1c8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This script is intended to be executed whenever a new snapshot is complete
+for a host/platform/branch combination.
+The script registers - in the 'change' table - all current changes of all
+time series of the host/platform/branch combination in question (wiping all
+existing changes first).
+The 'Change Summary' web page can then populate its internal tables
+directly from the 'change' table.
+import sys
+from dbaccess import setDatabase, execQuery, commit
+from misc import getOptions, textToId, getAllChanges
+# --- BEGIN Global functions ----------------------------------------------
+def printUsage():
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "usage: " + sys.argv[0] +
+ " --help | [--dbhost H] [--dbport P] --db D --host H --platform P "
+ "--branch B [--noprogress NP]\n")
+def printVerboseUsage():
+ printUsage()
+ sys.stderr.write("\noptions:\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --help: This help.\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --dbhost: The database server host (overriding the default).\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --dbport: The database server port (overriding the default).\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --db: The database. One of 'bm' or 'bm-dev' (the latter "
+ "intended for experimentation).\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --host: The physical machine on which the results were "
+ "produced (e.g. barbarella or\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "--platform: The OS/compiler/architecture combination "
+ "(e.g. linux-g++-32).\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --branch: The product branch (e.g. 'qt 4.6', 'qt 4.7', or "
+ "'qt master').\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ " --noprogress: Specify \'true\' to disable progress indicator.\n")
+# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
+def printProgress(p, lead):
+ sys.stdout.write(lead + " ... (" + "{0:.2f}".format(p) + " %)\r")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
+# NOTE: This function is currently duplicated elsewhere in JavaScipt!
+def changeMagnitudeScore(change):
+ max_change = 2.0
+ abs_change = (1.0 / change) if change < 1 else change
+ return (min(abs_change, max_change) - 1.0) / (max_change - 1.0)
+# Updates the 'changes' table in the current database with all changes in
+# all time series (i.e. benchmark/metric combinations) of the given
+# host/platform/branch combination. Progress will be written standard output
+# iff no_progress is False.
+# The algorithm is effectively this:
+# - Compute the current changes.
+# - Delete all rows matching the given host/platform/branch combination.
+# - Add a row for each individual change.
+def updateChanges(host_id, platform_id, branch_id, no_progress):
+ # Hardcode tolerances here for now:
+ difftol = 1.1
+ durtolmin = 3
+ durtolmax = 10
+ # Get all changes for this host/platform/branch combination:
+ if no_progress:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "getting all changes for this host/platform/branch "
+ "combination ... ")
+ changes = getAllChanges(
+ host_id, platform_id, branch_id, difftol, durtolmin, durtolmax,
+ None if no_progress else printProgress,
+ "getting all changes for this host/platform/branch combination")
+ if no_progress:
+ sys.stdout.write("done")
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "\n" + str(len(changes)) + " time series with changes found\n")
+ if len(changes) == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: no time series with changes found\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Store the changes in the 'change' table:
+ sys.stdout.write("storing to 'change' table ...")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ # ... delete all rows matching this host/platform/branch combination:
+ execQuery(
+ "DELETE FROM change"
+ " WHERE hostId = %s"
+ " AND platformId = %s"
+ " AND branchId = %s", (host_id, platform_id, branch_id), False)
+ # ... insert rows for the new changes:
+ query = (
+ "INSERT INTO change"
+ " (benchmarkId, testCaseId, metricId, hostId, platformId, branchId,"
+ " sha1Id, timestamp, regression, score, premature_score) VALUES ")
+ args = []
+ for benchmark_id, metric_id, tschanges in changes:
+ test_case_id = execQuery(
+ "SELECT testCaseId FROM benchmark WHERE id = %s",
+ (benchmark_id,))[0][0];
+ for change in tschanges:
+ ratio = change[2]
+ regression = ratio < 1.0
+ magn_score = changeMagnitudeScore(ratio)
+ gsep_score = change[3]
+ lsep_score = change[4]
+ dur_score1 = change[5]
+ dur_score2 = change[6]
+ premature_score = magn_score * gsep_score * lsep_score * dur_score1
+ score = premature_score * dur_score2
+ sha1_id = change[7]
+ timestamp = change[8]
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ query += ", "
+ query += ("(%s" + ", %s"*10 + ") ")
+ args += (
+ benchmark_id, test_case_id, metric_id, host_id, platform_id,
+ branch_id, sha1_id, timestamp, regression, score,
+ premature_score)
+ execQuery(query, args, False)
+ sys.stdout.write("done\n")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+# --- END Global functions ----------------------------------------------
+# --- BEGIN Main program ----------------------------------------------
+options, http_get = getOptions()
+if "help" in options:
+ printVerboseUsage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+if (not ("db" in options and "host" in options and "platform" in options and
+ "branch" in options)):
+ printUsage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ options["dbhost"] if "dbhost" in options else None,
+ options["dbport"] if "dbport" in options else None,
+ options["db"])
+host_id = textToId("host", options["host"])
+if host_id == -1:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: no such host: " + options["host"] + "\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+platform_id = textToId("platform", options["platform"])
+if platform_id == -1:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: no such platform: " + options["platform"] + "\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+branch_id = textToId("branch", options["branch"])
+if branch_id == -1:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: no such branch:" + options["branch"] + "\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ host_id, platform_id, branch_id,
+ ("noprogress" in options) and (
+ (options["noprogress"] == "1")
+ or (options["noprogress"].lower() == "true")))
+# Write to database:
+# --- END Main program ----------------------------------------------
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index a50285c..89f97ab 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, getDOMImplementation
from dbaccess import setDatabase, execQuery, commit
from misc import (
- getOptions, textToId, idToText, isValidSHA1, getContext, getAllSnapshots)
+ getOptions, textToId, idToText, findOrInsertId, isValidSHA1, getContext,
+ getAllSnapshots)
# --- BEGIN Global functions ----------------------------------------------
@@ -182,33 +183,6 @@ def extractResults(file):
return results
-# ### 2 B DOCUMENTED!
-def findOrInsertId(table, value, *args):
- query_result = execQuery(
- "SELECT id FROM " + table + " WHERE value = %s", (value,))
- if len(query_result) == 1:
- # Found, so return ID:
- return query_result[0][0]
- # Not found, so insert:
- query = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (value"
- for i in range(0, len(args), 2):
- query += ", " + args[i]
- query += ") VALUES (%s"
- values = [value]
- for i in range(0, len(args), 2):
- query += ", %s"
- values.append(args[i + 1])
- # ... and retrieve ID:
- query += ") RETURNING id"
- query_result = execQuery(query, values)
- assert len(query_result) == 1
- return query_result[0][0]
# Uploads a set of results to the database.
def uploadToDatabase(host, platform, branch, sha1, results):
@@ -237,7 +211,9 @@ def uploadToDatabase(host, platform, branch, sha1, results):
benchmark = (
result['testCase'] + ":" + result['testFunction'] + "(" +
str(result['dataTag']) + ")")
- benchmarkId = findOrInsertId("benchmark", benchmark)
+ testCaseId = findOrInsertId("testCase", result['testCase'])
+ benchmarkId = findOrInsertId(
+ "benchmark", benchmark, "testCaseId", testCaseId)
metricId = findOrInsertId(
"metric", result['metric'], "lowerIsBetter",
@@ -254,20 +230,6 @@ def uploadToDatabase(host, platform, branch, sha1, results):
-# Returns True iff rankings exist for the given context.
-def rankingsExist(options):
- context_id = getContext(
- textToId('host', options["host"]),
- textToId('platform', options["platform"]),
- textToId('branch', options["branch"]),
- textToId('sha1', options["sha1"]))
- matches = execQuery(
- "SELECT id FROM ranking WHERE context2Id = %s LIMIT 1", (context_id,))
- return len(matches) > 0
# Returns the context ID if found, otherwise -1:
def getContextIdFromNames(options):
host_id = textToId("host", options["host"])
@@ -297,35 +259,12 @@ def contextComplete(options):
return sample_size >= max_sample_size
-# Executes the external script with appropriate arguments.
-# If new_context is True, this snapshot is assumed to be the first one in
-# this time series (host/platform/branch combination), and no results have been
-# uploaded for this context yet. In that case, rankings will instead be
-# computed for the latest existing snapshot in this time series.
-def execComputeRankings(options, new_context):
- if new_context:
- # Attempt to use the latest available snapshot for this
- # host/platform/branch combination as the actual snapshot:
- host_id = textToId("host", options["host"])
- platform_id = textToId("platform", options["platform"])
- branch_id = textToId("branch", options["branch"])
- snapshots = getAllSnapshots(host_id, platform_id, branch_id)
- if len(snapshots) > 0:
- actual_snapshot = idToText("sha1", snapshots[-1][0])
- if actual_snapshot == options["sha1"]:
- sys.stderr.write(
- "error: context unexpectedly exists in database\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- return # special case when no snapshots exist yet
- else:
- actual_snapshot = options["sha1"]
+# Executes the external script with appropriate arguments.
+def execUpdateChanges(options):
cmd = [
- "", "--db", options["db"], "--host", options["host"],
+ "", "--db", options["db"], "--host", options["host"],
"--platform", options["platform"], "--branch", options["branch"],
- "--sha1", actual_snapshot, "--noprogress", "true"]
+ "--noprogress", "true"]
if "dbhost" in options:
cmd += ["--dbhost", options["dbhost"]]
if "dbport" in options:
@@ -339,7 +278,7 @@ def execComputeRankings(options, new_context):
sys.stdout.write(" stdout: >" + stdout.strip() + "<\n")
sys.stdout.write(" stderr: >" + stderr.strip() + "<\n")
- sys.stdout.write(" executed successfully:\n")
+ sys.stdout.write(" executed successfully:\n")
sys.stdout.write(" return code: " + str(p.returncode) + "\n")
sys.stdout.write(" stdout: >" + stdout.strip() + "<\n")
sys.stdout.write(" stderr: >" + stderr.strip() + "<\n")
@@ -494,42 +433,21 @@ sys.stdout.write("UPLOADING RESULTS, OPTIONS: " + str(options) + "\n")
-# Reject uploading if this context is already complete (since it could
-# modify the input for (and thus invalidate) any rankings computed for
-# this snapshot):
+# Reject uploading if this context is already complete:
if contextComplete(options):
- "this snapshot is already complete for this time series -> uploading "
- "rejected!\n")
- sys.exit(1)
-# Reject uploading if rankings exist for this context, since that would
-# require a recomputation of those rankings.
-# (Note that we only need to check the current SHA-1 as long as we assume that
-# results are uploaded in an order that is consistent with the order of the
-# corresponding SHA-1s in the branch in question: Rankings for earlier SHA-1s
-# will not be affected by results for this SHA-1, and rankings for later
-# SHA-1s cannot exist a this point (by assumption).)
-if rankingsExist(options):
- sys.stderr.write(
- "error: rankings have already been computed for this context\n")
+ "this snapshot is already complete -> uploading rejected!\n")
-# If this is the first set of results for the current context, we compute
-# rankings for the same context, only one snapshot back:
+# If this is the first set of results for the current context, we update
+# changes for all time series in this host/platform/branch combination:
if not contextExists(options):
- sys.stdout.write(
- "new snapshot in this time series -> attempt to compute rankings "
- "for the previous snapshot ...\n")
+ sys.stdout.write("update changes (before registering new snapshot) ...\n")
- execComputeRankings(options, True)
+ execUpdateChanges(options)
- sys.stdout.write(
- "results for this snapshot have already been uploaded -> don't "
- "attempt to compute rankings at this point\n")
+ sys.stdout.write("skipping update changes (1)\n")
@@ -549,22 +467,20 @@ sys.stdout.write("done\n")
-# If no more results are expected in this context, we can compute rankings
+# If no more results are expected in this context, we can update changes
# already at this point. (Note: In the case that one or more uploads failed
# for this context, it will be regarded as incomplete forever. In that case,
-# computation of rankings for this context will be instead be triggered right
+# update of changes for this context will be instead be triggered right
# before uploading the first set of results for the next context (see code
# above).)
if contextComplete(options):
- "this snapshot is complete for this time series -> attempt to "
- "compute rankings for this snapshot ...\n")
+ "update changes (after completion of current snapshot) ...\n")
- execComputeRankings(options, False)
+ execUpdateChanges(options)
- sys.stdout.write(
- "this snapshot is incomplete for this time series -> "
- "don't attempt to compute rankings at this point\n")
+ sys.stdout.write("skipping update changes (2)\n")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
sys.stdout.write("UPLOADING RESULTS DONE\n")