path: root/src/experimental/qprinterlistview.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/experimental/qprinterlistview.cpp')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/experimental/qprinterlistview.cpp b/src/experimental/qprinterlistview.cpp
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/src/experimental/qprinterlistview.cpp
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+** Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** This file is part of the Itemviews NG project on Trolltech Labs.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** and
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** contact the sales department at
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "qprinterlistview.h"
+#include "qprinterlistview_p.h"
+#ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER
+#include "qlistcontroller.h"
+#include "qlistmodelinterface.h"
+#include "qgraphicslistview.h"
+#include <qstyleoption.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qtextdocument.h>
+#include <qabstracttextdocumentlayout.h>
+#include <qdebug.h>
+QtPrinterListViewPrivate::QtPrinterListViewPrivate(QPrinter *p)
+ : q_ptr(0),
+ ownsPrinter(p == 0),
+ printer(ownsPrinter ? new QPrinter : p),
+ model(0),
+ orientation(Qt::Vertical),
+ header(0),
+ footer(0),
+ creator(0)
+ headerFooterSpacing = 5; // in mm
+ delete header;
+ delete footer;
+ delete creator;
+ if (ownsPrinter)
+ delete printer;
+qreal QtPrinterListViewPrivate::printHeader(QPainter &painter)
+ if (header == 0)
+ return 0;
+ header->drawContents(&painter);
+ return header->size().height() + headerFooterSpacingInPixels();
+qreal QtPrinterListViewPrivate::printFooter(QPainter &painter)
+ if (footer == 0)
+ return 0;
+ qreal pageHeight = printer->pageRect().height();
+ const qreal footerSize = footer->size().height();
+ painter.translate(0, pageHeight - footerSize);
+ footer->drawContents(&painter);
+ painter.translate(0, - (pageHeight - footerSize));
+ return footerSize + headerFooterSpacingInPixels();
+QTextDocument *QtPrinterListViewPrivate::getOrCreateHeader() const
+ if (header == 0) {
+ header = new QTextDocument();
+ header->setUndoRedoEnabled(false);
+ header->setDocumentMargin(0);
+ }
+ return header;
+QTextDocument *QtPrinterListViewPrivate::getOrCreateFooter() const
+ if (footer == 0) {
+ footer = new QTextDocument();
+ footer->setUndoRedoEnabled(false);
+ footer->setDocumentMargin(0);
+ }
+ return footer;
+ \class QtPrinterListView
+ \brief QtPrinterListView allows you to print a list model.
+ Usage;
+ \code
+ QtPrinterListView printerView(myListModel);
+ QPrintDialog dialog(printerView.printer());
+ if (dialog.exec() == QPrintDialog::Accepted) {
+ printerView.print();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It
+ differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. This
+ will cause QtPrinterListView to create an internal, default constructed
+ QPrinter object, which will be used to print the list.
+QtPrinterListView::QtPrinterListView(QtListModelInterface *model)
+ : d_ptr(new QtPrinterListViewPrivate(0))
+ Q_ASSERT(model);
+ d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
+ d_ptr->model = model;
+ Constructs a QtPrinterListView based on printer and with \a model as the
+ model that will be printed
+QtPrinterListView::QtPrinterListView(QPrinter *printer, QtListModelInterface *model)
+ : d_ptr(new QtPrinterListViewPrivate(printer))
+ Q_ASSERT(model);
+ d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
+ d_ptr->model = model;
+ Destructor
+ delete d_ptr;
+ Returns the printer used by this view to print to to allow setting of printer properties.
+QPrinter *QtPrinterListView::printer()
+ Q_D(QtPrinterListView);
+ return d->printer;
+ Sets the orientation of the list layout to be the given orientation.
+ The orientation defines the print direction of the list.
+void QtPrinterListView::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+ Q_D(QtPrinterListView);
+ d->orientation = orientation;
+ Returns the orientation for this list.
+ The orientation defines the print direction of the list.
+ */
+Qt::Orientation QtPrinterListView::orientation() const
+ Q_D(const QtPrinterListView);
+ return d->orientation;
+ Returns the text document used for each page header.
+ \sa setHeaderText()
+QTextDocument *QtPrinterListView::headerDocument()
+ Q_D(QtPrinterListView);
+ return d->getOrCreateHeader();
+ Returns the text document used for each page footer.
+ \sa setFooterText()
+QTextDocument *QtPrinterListView::footerDocument()
+ Q_D(QtPrinterListView);
+ return d->getOrCreateFooter();
+ Sets the header on all pages to have the \a header text.
+ This replaces any content that the header had previously.
+ \sa headerDocument()
+void QtPrinterListView::setHeaderText(const QString &header)
+ Q_D(QtPrinterListView);
+ d->getOrCreateHeader()->setPlainText(header);
+ Sets the footer on all pages to have the \a footer text.
+ This replaces any content that the footer had previously.
+ \sa footerDocument()
+void QtPrinterListView::setFooterText(const QString &footer)
+ Q_D(QtPrinterListView);
+ d->getOrCreateFooter()->setPlainText(footer);
+ Return the text set as header.
+ \sa headerDocument()
+QString QtPrinterListView::headerText() const
+ Q_D(const QtPrinterListView);
+ return d->getOrCreateHeader()->toPlainText();
+ Return the text set as footer.
+ \sa headerDocument()
+QString QtPrinterListView::footerText() const
+ Q_D(const QtPrinterListView);
+ if (d->footer == 0)
+ return QString();
+ return d->footer->toPlainText();
+QtGraphicsListViewItemCreatorBase *QtPrinterListView::viewItemCreator() const
+ Q_D(const QtPrinterListView);
+ return d->creator;
+ note that ownership is taken.
+void QtPrinterListView::setViewItemCreator(QtGraphicsListViewItemCreatorBase *creator)
+ Q_D(QtPrinterListView);
+ delete d->creator;
+ d->creator = creator;
+extern int qt_defaultDpiY();
+extern int qt_defaultDpiX();
+ Start the actual printing using the printer() options.
+ Returns true if printing was successful, or false otherwise.
+bool QtPrinterListView::print()
+ Q_D(QtPrinterListView);
+ if (! d->printer->isValid()) {
+ qWarning() << "QtPrinterListView::print: printer not valid, please setup the printer before calling print";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // next use a view just for the filling of the options...
+ QtGraphicsListView view;
+ view.setModel(d->model);
+ QPainter painter;
+ if (!painter.begin(d->printer)) {
+ qWarning() << "QtPrinterListView::print: printer fails to begin(), sorry can't print";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // re-layout the header footer to the current page size.
+ if (d->header) {
+ d->header->documentLayout()->setPaintDevice(d->printer);
+ d->header->setPageSize(d->printer->pageRect().size());
+ }
+ if (d->footer) {
+ d->footer->documentLayout()->setPaintDevice(d->printer);
+ d->footer->setPageSize(d->printer->pageRect().size());
+ }
+ QtGraphicsListViewItem *listViewItem;
+ if (d->creator)
+ listViewItem = d->creator->create(0, &view);
+ else
+ listViewItem = view.itemCreator()->create(0, &view);
+ listViewItem->setCacheMode(QGraphicsItem::NoCache);
+ QStyleOptionViewItemV4 widgetOptions;
+ QStyleOptionGraphicsItem graphicsViewOptions;
+ view.initStyleOption(&widgetOptions);
+ const qreal headerSize = d->printHeader(painter);
+ const qreal footerSize = d->printFooter(painter);
+ const bool vertical = d->orientation == Qt::Vertical;
+ const qreal scaleX = d->printer->logicalDpiX() / (qreal) qt_defaultDpiX();
+ const qreal scaleY = d->printer->logicalDpiY() / (qreal) qt_defaultDpiY();
+ QSizeF constraint = d->printer->pageRect().size();
+ // cache the space we have for actual list items.
+ const qreal contentSize = vertical ? constraint.height() - headerSize - footerSize : constraint.width();
+ view.resize(constraint - QSizeF(0, headerSize + footerSize));
+ // a constraint is -1 in the direction we allow items to grow in.
+ if (vertical) {
+ constraint.setHeight(-1);
+ } else {
+ constraint.setWidth(-1);
+ // in this direction headers/footers eat our precious space
+ constraint.setHeight(constraint.height() - headerSize - - footerSize);
+ }
+ qreal progression = vertical ? headerSize : 0; // init
+ const int max = d->model->count();
+ for (int index = 0; index < max; ++index) {
+ view.initStyleOption(&widgetOptions, index);
+ //QSizeF itemSize = listViewItem->sizeHint(index, &widgetOptions, Qt::PreferredSize, constraint);
+ listViewItem->setIndex(index);
+ QRectF geometry = view.itemGeometry(index);
+ if (vertical)
+ geometry.setWidth(constraint.width() / scaleX);
+ else
+ geometry.setHeight(constraint.height() / scaleY - headerSize - footerSize);
+ listViewItem->setGeometry(geometry);
+ geometry = listViewItem->geometry();// the listViewItem can be stubborn
+ graphicsViewOptions.rect = geometry.toRect();
+ if ((vertical && progression - headerSize + geometry.height() > contentSize)
+ || (!vertical && progression + geometry.width()> contentSize)) {
+ if (! d->printer->newPage()) {
+ qWarning() << "QtPrinterListView::print: Failed to start a new page, aborting printing";
+ return false;
+ }
+ progression = vertical ? headerSize : 0; // reset
+ d->printHeader(painter);
+ d->printFooter(painter);
+ }
+ painter.translate(vertical ? 0 : progression,
+ vertical ? progression : headerSize);
+ painter.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
+ listViewItem->paint(&painter, &graphicsViewOptions);
+ painter.restore();
+ progression += vertical ? geometry.height() * scaleY: geometry.width() * scaleX;
+ }
+ return true;
+ Prints the \a model to the \a printer
+void QtPrinterListView::printModel(QPrinter *printer, QtListModelInterface *model, const QString &header, const QString &footer)
+ QtPrinterListView printerView(printer, model);
+ if (!header.isEmpty())
+ printerView.setHeaderText(header);
+ if (!footer.isEmpty())
+ printerView.setFooterText(footer);
+ printerView.print();