path: root/old/botan/src/pubkey
diff options
authorDavid Clark <>2010-11-18 16:20:48 +1000
committerDavid Clark <>2010-11-18 16:20:48 +1000
commitc223232bc15106750da632598047a35ad3762723 (patch)
tree403f7aa2c3a5a912edce6feae869046c89d29178 /old/botan/src/pubkey
parentb984b0b62076067f1f75db5a7eda5aaa2cdaad2a (diff)
Mark repository as deprecatedHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'old/botan/src/pubkey')
88 files changed, 8590 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c9d02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+* Diffie-Hellman
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dh.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/util.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DH_PublicKey Constructor
+DH_PublicKey::DH_PublicKey(const DL_Group& grp, const BigInt& y1)
+ {
+ group = grp;
+ y = y1;
+ X509_load_hook();
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific X.509 Initialization Code
+void DH_PublicKey::X509_load_hook()
+ {
+ }
+* Return the maximum input size in bits
+u32bit DH_PublicKey::max_input_bits() const
+ {
+ return group_p().bits();
+ }
+* Return the public value for key agreement
+MemoryVector<byte> DH_PublicKey::public_value() const
+ {
+ return BigInt::encode_1363(y, group_p().bytes());
+ }
+* Create a DH private key
+DH_PrivateKey::DH_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const DL_Group& grp,
+ const BigInt& x_arg)
+ {
+ group = grp;
+ x = x_arg;
+ if(x == 0)
+ {
+ const BigInt& p = group_p();
+ x.randomize(rng, 2 * dl_work_factor(p.bits()));
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, true);
+ }
+ else
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, false);
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific PKCS #8 Initialization Code
+void DH_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool generated)
+ {
+ if(y == 0)
+ y = power_mod(group_g(), x, group_p());
+ core = DH_Core(rng, group, x);
+ if(generated)
+ gen_check(rng);
+ else
+ load_check(rng);
+ }
+* Return the public value for key agreement
+MemoryVector<byte> DH_PrivateKey::public_value() const
+ {
+ return DH_PublicKey::public_value();
+ }
+* Derive a key
+SecureVector<byte> DH_PrivateKey::derive_key(const byte w[],
+ u32bit w_len) const
+ {
+ return derive_key(BigInt::decode(w, w_len));
+ }
+* Derive a key
+SecureVector<byte> DH_PrivateKey::derive_key(const DH_PublicKey& key) const
+ {
+ return derive_key(key.get_y());
+ }
+* Derive a key
+SecureVector<byte> DH_PrivateKey::derive_key(const BigInt& w) const
+ {
+ const BigInt& p = group_p();
+ if(w <= 1 || w >= p-1)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + "::derive_key: Invalid key input");
+ return BigInt::encode_1363(core.agree(w), p.bytes());
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa558bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+* Diffie-Hellman
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dl_algo.h>
+#include <botan/dh_core.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* This class represents Diffie-Hellman public keys.
+class BOTAN_DLL DH_PublicKey : public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey
+ {
+ public:
+ std::string algo_name() const { return "DH"; }
+ MemoryVector<byte> public_value() const;
+ u32bit max_input_bits() const;
+ DL_Group::Format group_format() const { return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_42; }
+ /**
+ * Construct an uninitialized key. Use this constructor if you wish
+ * to decode an encoded key into the new instance.
+ */
+ DH_PublicKey() {}
+ /**
+ * Construct a public key with the specified parameters.
+ * @param grp the DL group to use in the key
+ * @param y the public value y
+ */
+ DH_PublicKey(const DL_Group& grp, const BigInt& y);
+ private:
+ void X509_load_hook();
+ };
+* This class represents Diffie-Hellman private keys.
+class BOTAN_DLL DH_PrivateKey : public DH_PublicKey,
+ public PK_Key_Agreement_Key,
+ public virtual DL_Scheme_PrivateKey
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> derive_key(const byte other[], u32bit length) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> derive_key(const DH_PublicKey& other) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> derive_key(const BigInt& other) const;
+ MemoryVector<byte> public_value() const;
+ /**
+ * Construct an uninitialized key. Use this constructor if you wish
+ * to decode an encoded key into the new instance.
+ */
+ DH_PrivateKey() {}
+ /**
+ * Construct a private key with predetermined value.
+ * @param rng random number generator to use
+ * @param grp the group to be used in the key
+ * @param x the key's secret value (or if zero, generate a new key)
+ */
+ DH_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, const DL_Group& grp,
+ const BigInt& x = 0);
+ private:
+ void PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool = false);
+ DH_Core core;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh_core.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh_core.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78a26a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh_core.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+* PK Algorithm Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dh_core.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/pk_engine.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+* DH_Core Constructor
+DH_Core::DH_Core(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& x)
+ {
+ op = Engine_Core::dh_op(group, x);
+ const BigInt& p = group.get_p();
+ BigInt k(rng, std::min(p.bits()-1, BLINDING_BITS));
+ if(k != 0)
+ blinder = Blinder(k, power_mod(inverse_mod(k, p), x, p), p);
+ }
+* DH_Core Copy Constructor
+DH_Core::DH_Core(const DH_Core& core)
+ {
+ op = 0;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ blinder = core.blinder;
+ }
+* DH_Core Assignment Operator
+DH_Core& DH_Core::operator=(const DH_Core& core)
+ {
+ delete op;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ blinder = core.blinder;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* DH Operation
+BigInt DH_Core::agree(const BigInt& i) const
+ {
+ return blinder.unblind(op->agree(blinder.blind(i)));
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh_core.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh_core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b50a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+* DH Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_DH_CORE_H__
+#define BOTAN_DH_CORE_H__
+#include <botan/dh_op.h>
+#include <botan/blinding.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DH Core
+class BOTAN_DLL DH_Core
+ {
+ public:
+ BigInt agree(const BigInt&) const;
+ DH_Core& operator=(const DH_Core&);
+ DH_Core() { op = 0; }
+ DH_Core(const DH_Core&);
+ DH_Core(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const DL_Group&, const BigInt&);
+ ~DH_Core() { delete op; }
+ private:
+ DH_Operation* op;
+ Blinder blinder;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh_op.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh_op.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f3d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/dh_op.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+* DH Operations
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_DH_OPS_H__
+#define BOTAN_DH_OPS_H__
+#include <botan/dl_group.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/pow_mod.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DH Operation Interface
+class BOTAN_DLL DH_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual BigInt agree(const BigInt&) const = 0;
+ virtual DH_Operation* clone() const = 0;
+ virtual ~DH_Operation() {}
+ };
+* Botan's Default DH Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL Default_DH_Op : public DH_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ BigInt agree(const BigInt& i) const { return powermod_x_p(i); }
+ DH_Operation* clone() const { return new Default_DH_Op(*this); }
+ Default_DH_Op(const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& x) :
+ powermod_x_p(x, group.get_p()) {}
+ private:
+ Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod powermod_x_p;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33af9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dh/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+realname "Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement"
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_algo/dl_algo.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_algo/dl_algo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce3446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_algo/dl_algo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+* DL Scheme
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dl_algo.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Return the X.509 public key encoder
+X509_Encoder* DL_Scheme_PublicKey::x509_encoder() const
+ {
+ class DL_Scheme_Encoder : public X509_Encoder
+ {
+ public:
+ AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id() const
+ {
+ MemoryVector<byte> group =
+ key->group.DER_encode(key->group_format());
+ return AlgorithmIdentifier(key->get_oid(), group);
+ }
+ MemoryVector<byte> key_bits() const
+ {
+ return DER_Encoder().encode(key->y).get_contents();
+ }
+ DL_Scheme_Encoder(const DL_Scheme_PublicKey* k) : key(k) {}
+ private:
+ const DL_Scheme_PublicKey* key;
+ };
+ return new DL_Scheme_Encoder(this);
+ }
+* Return the X.509 public key decoder
+X509_Decoder* DL_Scheme_PublicKey::x509_decoder()
+ {
+ class DL_Scheme_Decoder : public X509_Decoder
+ {
+ public:
+ void alg_id(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id)
+ {
+ DataSource_Memory source(alg_id.parameters);
+ key->group.BER_decode(source, key->group_format());
+ }
+ void key_bits(const MemoryRegion<byte>& bits)
+ {
+ BER_Decoder(bits).decode(key->y);
+ key->X509_load_hook();
+ }
+ DL_Scheme_Decoder(DL_Scheme_PublicKey* k) : key(k) {}
+ private:
+ DL_Scheme_PublicKey* key;
+ };
+ return new DL_Scheme_Decoder(this);
+ }
+* Return the PKCS #8 private key encoder
+PKCS8_Encoder* DL_Scheme_PrivateKey::pkcs8_encoder() const
+ {
+ class DL_Scheme_Encoder : public PKCS8_Encoder
+ {
+ public:
+ AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id() const
+ {
+ MemoryVector<byte> group =
+ key->group.DER_encode(key->group_format());
+ return AlgorithmIdentifier(key->get_oid(), group);
+ }
+ MemoryVector<byte> key_bits() const
+ {
+ return DER_Encoder().encode(key->x).get_contents();
+ }
+ DL_Scheme_Encoder(const DL_Scheme_PrivateKey* k) : key(k) {}
+ private:
+ const DL_Scheme_PrivateKey* key;
+ };
+ return new DL_Scheme_Encoder(this);
+ }
+* Return the PKCS #8 private key decoder
+PKCS8_Decoder* DL_Scheme_PrivateKey::pkcs8_decoder(RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ class DL_Scheme_Decoder : public PKCS8_Decoder
+ {
+ public:
+ void alg_id(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id)
+ {
+ DataSource_Memory source(alg_id.parameters);
+ key->group.BER_decode(source, key->group_format());
+ }
+ void key_bits(const MemoryRegion<byte>& bits)
+ {
+ BER_Decoder(bits).decode(key->x);
+ key->PKCS8_load_hook(rng);
+ }
+ DL_Scheme_Decoder(DL_Scheme_PrivateKey* k, RandomNumberGenerator& r) :
+ key(k), rng(r) {}
+ private:
+ DL_Scheme_PrivateKey* key;
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng;
+ };
+ return new DL_Scheme_Decoder(this, rng);
+ }
+* Check Public DL Parameters
+bool DL_Scheme_PublicKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool strong) const
+ {
+ if(y < 2 || y >= group_p())
+ return false;
+ if(!group.verify_group(rng, strong))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+* Check DL Scheme Private Parameters
+bool DL_Scheme_PrivateKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool strong) const
+ {
+ const BigInt& p = group_p();
+ const BigInt& g = group_g();
+ if(y < 2 || y >= p || x < 2 || x >= p)
+ return false;
+ if(!group.verify_group(rng, strong))
+ return false;
+ if(!strong)
+ return true;
+ if(y != power_mod(g, x, p))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_algo/dl_algo.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_algo/dl_algo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256ce96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_algo/dl_algo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+* DL Scheme
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_DL_ALGO_H__
+#define BOTAN_DL_ALGO_H__
+#include <botan/dl_group.h>
+#include <botan/x509_key.h>
+#include <botan/pkcs8.h>
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* This class represents discrete logarithm (DL) public keys.
+class BOTAN_DLL DL_Scheme_PublicKey : public virtual Public_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
+ /**
+ * Get the DL domain parameters of this key.
+ * @return the DL domain parameters of this key
+ */
+ const DL_Group& get_domain() const { return group; }
+ /**
+ * Get the public value y with y = g^x mod p where x is the secret key.
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_y() const { return y; }
+ /**
+ * Get the prime p of the underlying DL group.
+ * @return the prime p
+ */
+ const BigInt& group_p() const { return group.get_p(); }
+ /**
+ * Get the prime q of the underlying DL group.
+ * @return the prime q
+ */
+ const BigInt& group_q() const { return group.get_q(); }
+ /**
+ * Get the generator g of the underlying DL group.
+ * @return the generator g
+ */
+ const BigInt& group_g() const { return group.get_g(); }
+ /**
+ * Get the underlying groups encoding format.
+ * @return the encoding format
+ */
+ virtual DL_Group::Format group_format() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get an X509 encoder for this key.
+ * @return an encoder usable to encode this key.
+ */
+ X509_Encoder* x509_encoder() const;
+ /**
+ * Get an X509 decoder for this key.
+ * @return an decoder usable to decode a DL key and store the
+ * values in this instance.
+ */
+ X509_Decoder* x509_decoder();
+ protected:
+ BigInt y;
+ DL_Group group;
+ private:
+ virtual void X509_load_hook() {}
+ };
+* This class represents discrete logarithm (DL) private keys.
+class BOTAN_DLL DL_Scheme_PrivateKey : public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey,
+ public virtual Private_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
+ /**
+ * Get the secret key x.
+ * @return the secret key
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_x() const { return x; }
+ /**
+ * Get an PKCS#8 encoder for this key.
+ * @return an encoder usable to encode this key.
+ */
+ PKCS8_Encoder* pkcs8_encoder() const;
+ /**
+ * Get an PKCS#8 decoder for this key.
+ * @param rng the rng to use
+ * @return an decoder usable to decode a DL key and store the
+ * values in this instance.
+ */
+ PKCS8_Decoder* pkcs8_decoder(RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
+ protected:
+ BigInt x;
+ private:
+ virtual void PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator&, bool = false) {}
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_algo/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_algo/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15a7751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_algo/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+realname "Discrete Logarithm PK Algorithms"
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c5d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+* Discrete Logarithm Parameters
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dl_group.h>
+#include <botan/libstate.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/pipe.h>
+#include <botan/util.h>
+#include <botan/pem.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DL_Group Constructor
+ {
+ initialized = false;
+ }
+* DL_Group Constructor
+DL_Group::DL_Group(const std::string& type)
+ {
+ std::string grp_contents = global_state().get("dl", type);
+ if(grp_contents == "")
+ throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: Unknown group " + type);
+ DataSource_Memory pem(grp_contents);
+ PEM_decode(pem);
+ }
+* DL_Group Constructor
+DL_Group::DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ PrimeType type, u32bit pbits, u32bit qbits)
+ {
+ if(pbits < 512)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: prime size " + to_string(pbits) +
+ " is too small");
+ if(type == Strong)
+ {
+ p = random_safe_prime(rng, pbits);
+ q = (p - 1) / 2;
+ g = 2;
+ }
+ else if(type == Prime_Subgroup || type == DSA_Kosherizer)
+ {
+ if(type == Prime_Subgroup)
+ {
+ if(!qbits)
+ qbits = 2 * dl_work_factor(pbits);
+ q = random_prime(rng, qbits);
+ BigInt X;
+ while(p.bits() != pbits || !is_prime(p, rng))
+ {
+ X.randomize(rng, pbits);
+ p = X - (X % (2*q) - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qbits = qbits ? qbits : ((pbits == 1024) ? 160 : 256);
+ generate_dsa_primes(rng,
+ global_state().algorithm_factory(),
+ p, q, pbits, qbits);
+ }
+ g = make_dsa_generator(p, q);
+ }
+ initialized = true;
+ }
+* DL_Group Constructor
+DL_Group::DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const MemoryRegion<byte>& seed, u32bit pbits, u32bit qbits)
+ {
+ if(!generate_dsa_primes(rng,
+ global_state().algorithm_factory(),
+ p, q, pbits, qbits, seed))
+ throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: The seed given does not "
+ "generate a DSA group");
+ g = make_dsa_generator(p, q);
+ initialized = true;
+ }
+* DL_Group Constructor
+DL_Group::DL_Group(const BigInt& p1, const BigInt& g1)
+ {
+ initialize(p1, 0, g1);
+ }
+* DL_Group Constructor
+DL_Group::DL_Group(const BigInt& p1, const BigInt& q1, const BigInt& g1)
+ {
+ initialize(p1, q1, g1);
+ }
+* DL_Group Initializer
+void DL_Group::initialize(const BigInt& p1, const BigInt& q1, const BigInt& g1)
+ {
+ if(p1 < 3)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: Prime invalid");
+ if(g1 < 2 || g1 >= p1)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: Generator invalid");
+ if(q1 < 0 || q1 >= p1)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: Subgroup invalid");
+ p = p1;
+ g = g1;
+ q = q1;
+ initialized = true;
+ }
+* Verify that the group has been set
+void DL_Group::init_check() const
+ {
+ if(!initialized)
+ throw Invalid_State("DLP group cannot be used uninitialized");
+ }
+* Verify the parameters
+bool DL_Group::verify_group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool strong) const
+ {
+ init_check();
+ if(g < 2 || p < 3 || q < 0)
+ return false;
+ if((q != 0) && ((p - 1) % q != 0))
+ return false;
+ if(!strong)
+ return true;
+ if(!check_prime(p, rng))
+ return false;
+ if((q > 0) && !check_prime(q, rng))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+* Return the prime
+const BigInt& DL_Group::get_p() const
+ {
+ init_check();
+ return p;
+ }
+* Return the generator
+const BigInt& DL_Group::get_g() const
+ {
+ init_check();
+ return g;
+ }
+* Return the subgroup
+const BigInt& DL_Group::get_q() const
+ {
+ init_check();
+ if(q == 0)
+ throw Format_Error("DLP group has no q prime specified");
+ return q;
+ }
+* DER encode the parameters
+SecureVector<byte> DL_Group::DER_encode(Format format) const
+ {
+ init_check();
+ if((q == 0) && (format != PKCS_3))
+ throw Encoding_Error("The ANSI DL parameter formats require a subgroup");
+ if(format == ANSI_X9_57)
+ {
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(p)
+ .encode(q)
+ .encode(g)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
+ else if(format == ANSI_X9_42)
+ {
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(p)
+ .encode(g)
+ .encode(q)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
+ else if(format == PKCS_3)
+ {
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(p)
+ .encode(g)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown DL_Group encoding " + to_string(format));
+ }
+* PEM encode the parameters
+std::string DL_Group::PEM_encode(Format format) const
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> encoding = DER_encode(format);
+ if(format == PKCS_3)
+ return PEM_Code::encode(encoding, "DH PARAMETERS");
+ else if(format == ANSI_X9_57)
+ return PEM_Code::encode(encoding, "DSA PARAMETERS");
+ else if(format == ANSI_X9_42)
+ return PEM_Code::encode(encoding, "X942 DH PARAMETERS");
+ else
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown DL_Group encoding " + to_string(format));
+ }
+* Decode BER encoded parameters
+void DL_Group::BER_decode(DataSource& source, Format format)
+ {
+ BigInt new_p, new_q, new_g;
+ BER_Decoder decoder(source);
+ BER_Decoder ber = decoder.start_cons(SEQUENCE);
+ if(format == ANSI_X9_57)
+ {
+ ber.decode(new_p)
+ .decode(new_q)
+ .decode(new_g)
+ .verify_end();
+ }
+ else if(format == ANSI_X9_42)
+ {
+ ber.decode(new_p)
+ .decode(new_g)
+ .decode(new_q)
+ .discard_remaining();
+ }
+ else if(format == PKCS_3)
+ {
+ ber.decode(new_p)
+ .decode(new_g)
+ .discard_remaining();
+ }
+ else
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown DL_Group encoding " + to_string(format));
+ initialize(new_p, new_q, new_g);
+ }
+* Decode PEM encoded parameters
+void DL_Group::PEM_decode(DataSource& source)
+ {
+ std::string label;
+ DataSource_Memory ber(PEM_Code::decode(source, label));
+ if(label == "DH PARAMETERS")
+ BER_decode(ber, PKCS_3);
+ else if(label == "DSA PARAMETERS")
+ BER_decode(ber, ANSI_X9_57);
+ else if(label == "X942 DH PARAMETERS")
+ BER_decode(ber, ANSI_X9_42);
+ else
+ throw Decoding_Error("DL_Group: Invalid PEM label " + label);
+ }
+* Create a random DSA-style generator
+BigInt DL_Group::make_dsa_generator(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q)
+ {
+ BigInt g, e = (p - 1) / q;
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != PRIME_TABLE_SIZE; ++j)
+ {
+ g = power_mod(PRIMES[j], e, p);
+ if(g != 1)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(g == 1)
+ throw Exception("DL_Group: Couldn't create a suitable generator");
+ return g;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a84a85f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_group/dl_group.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+* Discrete Logarithm Group
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_DL_PARAM_H__
+#define BOTAN_DL_PARAM_H__
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/data_src.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* This class represents discrete logarithm groups. It holds a prime p,
+* a prime q = (p-1)/2 and g = x^((p-1)/q) mod p.
+class BOTAN_DLL DL_Group
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Get the prime p.
+ * @return the prime p
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_p() const;
+ /**
+ * Get the prime q.
+ * @return the prime q
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_q() const;
+ /**
+ * Get the base g.
+ * @return the base g
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_g() const;
+ /**
+ * The DL group encoding format variants.
+ */
+ enum Format {
+ ANSI_X9_42,
+ ANSI_X9_57,
+ PKCS_3,
+ };
+ /**
+ * Determine the prime creation for DL groups.
+ */
+ enum PrimeType { Strong, Prime_Subgroup, DSA_Kosherizer };
+ /**
+ * Perform validity checks on the group.
+ * @param rng the rng to use
+ * @param strong whether to perform stronger by lengthier tests
+ * @return true if the object is consistent, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool verify_group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong) const;
+ /**
+ * Encode this group into a string using PEM encoding.
+ * @param format the encoding format
+ * @return the string holding the PEM encoded group
+ */
+ std::string PEM_encode(Format format) const;
+ /**
+ * Encode this group into a string using DER encoding.
+ * @param format the encoding format
+ * @return the string holding the DER encoded group
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> DER_encode(Format format) const;
+ /**
+ * Decode a DER/BER encoded group into this instance.
+ * @param src a DataSource providing the encoded group
+ * @param format the format of the encoded group
+ */
+ void BER_decode(DataSource& src, Format format);
+ /**
+ * Decode a PEM encoded group into this instance.
+ * @param src a DataSource providing the encoded group
+ */
+ void PEM_decode(DataSource& src);
+ /**
+ * Construct a DL group with uninitialized internal value.
+ * Use this constructor is you wish to set the groups values
+ * from a DER or PEM encoded group.
+ */
+ DL_Group();
+ /**
+ * Construct a DL group that is registered in the configuration.
+ * @param name the name that is configured in the global configuration
+ * for the desired group. If no configuration file is specified,
+ * the default values from the file policy.cpp will be used. For instance,
+ * use "modp/ietf/768" as name.
+ */
+ DL_Group(const std::string& name);
+ /**
+ * Create a new group randomly.
+ * @param rng the random number generator to use
+ * @param type specifies how the creation of primes p and q shall
+ * be performed. If type=Strong, then p will be determined as a
+ * safe prime, and q will be chosen as (p-1)/2. If
+ * type=Prime_Subgroup and qbits = 0, then the size of q will be
+ * determined according to the estimated difficulty of the DL
+ * problem. If type=DSA_Kosherizer, DSA primes will be created.
+ * @param pbits the number of bits of p
+ * @param qbits the number of bits of q. Leave it as 0 to have
+ * the value determined according to pbits.
+ */
+ DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, PrimeType type,
+ u32bit pbits, u32bit qbits = 0);
+ /**
+ * Create a DSA group with a given seed.
+ * @param rng the random number generator to use
+ * @param seed the seed to use to create the random primes
+ * @param pbits the desired bit size of the prime p
+ * @param qbits the desired bit size of the prime q.
+ */
+ DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, const MemoryRegion<byte>& seed,
+ u32bit pbits = 1024, u32bit qbits = 0);
+ /**
+ * Create a DL group. The prime q will be determined according to p.
+ * @param p the prime p
+ * @param g the base g
+ */
+ DL_Group(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& g);
+ /**
+ * Create a DL group.
+ * @param p the prime p
+ * @param q the prime q
+ * @param g the base g
+ */
+ DL_Group(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q, const BigInt& g);
+ private:
+ static BigInt make_dsa_generator(const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ void init_check() const;
+ void initialize(const BigInt&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ bool initialized;
+ BigInt p, q, g;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_group/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_group/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b9884a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dl_group/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+realname "DL Group"
+load_on auto
+define DL_GROUP
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dlies/dlies.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dlies/dlies.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c441ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dlies/dlies.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dlies.h>
+#include <botan/look_pk.h>
+#include <botan/xor_buf.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DLIES_Encryptor Constructor
+DLIES_Encryptor::DLIES_Encryptor(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& k,
+ KDF* kdf_obj,
+ MessageAuthenticationCode* mac_obj,
+ u32bit mac_kl) :
+ key(k), kdf(kdf_obj), mac(mac_obj), mac_keylen(mac_kl)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete kdf;
+ delete mac;
+ }
+* DLIES Encryption
+SecureVector<byte> DLIES_Encryptor::enc(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) const
+ {
+ if(length > maximum_input_size())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("DLIES: Plaintext too large");
+ if(other_key.is_empty())
+ throw Invalid_State("DLIES: The other key was never set");
+ MemoryVector<byte> v = key.public_value();
+ SecureVector<byte> out(v.size() + length + mac->OUTPUT_LENGTH);
+ out.copy(v, v.size());
+ out.copy(v.size(), in, length);
+ SecureVector<byte> vz(v, key.derive_key(other_key, other_key.size()));
+ const u32bit K_LENGTH = length + mac_keylen;
+ OctetString K = kdf->derive_key(K_LENGTH, vz, vz.size());
+ if(K.length() != K_LENGTH)
+ throw Encoding_Error("DLIES: KDF did not provide sufficient output");
+ byte* C = out + v.size();
+ xor_buf(C, K.begin() + mac_keylen, length);
+ mac->set_key(K.begin(), mac_keylen);
+ mac->update(C, length);
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != 8; ++j)
+ mac->update(0);
+ mac->final(C + length);
+ return out;
+ }
+* Set the other parties public key
+void DLIES_Encryptor::set_other_key(const MemoryRegion<byte>& ok)
+ {
+ other_key = ok;
+ }
+* Return the max size, in bytes, of a message
+u32bit DLIES_Encryptor::maximum_input_size() const
+ {
+ return 32;
+ }
+* DLIES_Decryptor Constructor
+DLIES_Decryptor::DLIES_Decryptor(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& k,
+ KDF* kdf_obj,
+ MessageAuthenticationCode* mac_obj,
+ u32bit mac_kl) :
+ key(k), kdf(kdf_obj), mac(mac_obj), mac_keylen(mac_kl)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete kdf;
+ delete mac;
+ }
+* DLIES Decryption
+SecureVector<byte> DLIES_Decryptor::dec(const byte msg[], u32bit length) const
+ {
+ const u32bit public_len = key.public_value().size();
+ if(length < public_len + mac->OUTPUT_LENGTH)
+ throw Decoding_Error("DLIES decryption: ciphertext is too short");
+ const u32bit CIPHER_LEN = length - public_len - mac->OUTPUT_LENGTH;
+ SecureVector<byte> v(msg, public_len);
+ SecureVector<byte> C(msg + public_len, CIPHER_LEN);
+ SecureVector<byte> T(msg + public_len + CIPHER_LEN, mac->OUTPUT_LENGTH);
+ SecureVector<byte> vz(v, key.derive_key(v, v.size()));
+ const u32bit K_LENGTH = C.size() + mac_keylen;
+ OctetString K = kdf->derive_key(K_LENGTH, vz, vz.size());
+ if(K.length() != K_LENGTH)
+ throw Encoding_Error("DLIES: KDF did not provide sufficient output");
+ mac->set_key(K.begin(), mac_keylen);
+ mac->update(C);
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != 8; ++j)
+ mac->update(0);
+ SecureVector<byte> T2 = mac->final();
+ if(T != T2)
+ throw Integrity_Failure("DLIES: message authentication failed");
+ xor_buf(C, K.begin() + mac_keylen, C.size());
+ return C;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dlies/dlies.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dlies/dlies.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88a22b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dlies/dlies.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_DLIES_H__
+#define BOTAN_DLIES_H__
+#include <botan/pubkey.h>
+#include <botan/mac.h>
+#include <botan/kdf.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DLIES Encryption
+class BOTAN_DLL DLIES_Encryptor : public PK_Encryptor
+ {
+ public:
+ DLIES_Encryptor(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key&,
+ KDF* kdf,
+ MessageAuthenticationCode* mac,
+ u32bit mac_key_len = 20);
+ ~DLIES_Encryptor();
+ void set_other_key(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
+ private:
+ SecureVector<byte> enc(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
+ u32bit maximum_input_size() const;
+ const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& key;
+ SecureVector<byte> other_key;
+ KDF* kdf;
+ MessageAuthenticationCode* mac;
+ u32bit mac_keylen;
+ };
+* DLIES Decryption
+class BOTAN_DLL DLIES_Decryptor : public PK_Decryptor
+ {
+ public:
+ DLIES_Decryptor(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key&,
+ KDF* kdf,
+ MessageAuthenticationCode* mac,
+ u32bit mac_key_len = 20);
+ ~DLIES_Decryptor();
+ private:
+ SecureVector<byte> dec(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& key;
+ KDF* kdf;
+ MessageAuthenticationCode* mac;
+ u32bit mac_keylen;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dlies/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dlies/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5138aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dlies/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+realname "DLIES"
+define DLIES
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0688ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+* DSA
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dsa.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/keypair.h>
+#include <botan/look_pk.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DSA_PublicKey Constructor
+DSA_PublicKey::DSA_PublicKey(const DL_Group& grp, const BigInt& y1)
+ {
+ group = grp;
+ y = y1;
+ X509_load_hook();
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific X.509 Initialization Code
+void DSA_PublicKey::X509_load_hook()
+ {
+ core = DSA_Core(group, y);
+ }
+* DSA Verification Function
+bool DSA_PublicKey::verify(const byte msg[], u32bit msg_len,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_len) const
+ {
+ return core.verify(msg, msg_len, sig, sig_len);
+ }
+* Return the maximum input size in bits
+u32bit DSA_PublicKey::max_input_bits() const
+ {
+ return group_q().bits();
+ }
+* Return the size of each portion of the sig
+u32bit DSA_PublicKey::message_part_size() const
+ {
+ return group_q().bytes();
+ }
+* Create a DSA private key
+DSA_PrivateKey::DSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const DL_Group& grp,
+ const BigInt& x_arg)
+ {
+ group = grp;
+ x = x_arg;
+ if(x == 0)
+ {
+ x = BigInt::random_integer(rng, 2, group_q() - 1);
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, true);
+ }
+ else
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, false);
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific PKCS #8 Initialization Code
+void DSA_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool generated)
+ {
+ y = power_mod(group_g(), x, group_p());
+ core = DSA_Core(group, y, x);
+ if(generated)
+ gen_check(rng);
+ else
+ load_check(rng);
+ }
+* DSA Signature Operation
+SecureVector<byte> DSA_PrivateKey::sign(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ const BigInt& q = group_q();
+ BigInt k;
+ do
+ k.randomize(rng, q.bits());
+ while(k >= q);
+ return core.sign(in, length, k);
+ }
+* Check Private DSA Parameters
+bool DSA_PrivateKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong) const
+ {
+ if(!DL_Scheme_PrivateKey::check_key(rng, strong) || x >= group_q())
+ return false;
+ if(!strong)
+ return true;
+ try
+ {
+ KeyPair::check_key(rng,
+ get_pk_signer(*this, "EMSA1(SHA-1)"),
+ get_pk_verifier(*this, "EMSA1(SHA-1)")
+ );
+ }
+ catch(Self_Test_Failure)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c9b708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+* DSA
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_DSA_H__
+#define BOTAN_DSA_H__
+#include <botan/dl_algo.h>
+#include <botan/dsa_core.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DSA Public Key
+class BOTAN_DLL DSA_PublicKey : public PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key,
+ public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey
+ {
+ public:
+ std::string algo_name() const { return "DSA"; }
+ DL_Group::Format group_format() const { return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_57; }
+ u32bit message_parts() const { return 2; }
+ u32bit message_part_size() const;
+ bool verify(const byte[], u32bit, const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ u32bit max_input_bits() const;
+ DSA_PublicKey() {}
+ DSA_PublicKey(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&);
+ protected:
+ DSA_Core core;
+ private:
+ void X509_load_hook();
+ };
+* DSA Private Key
+class BOTAN_DLL DSA_PrivateKey : public DSA_PublicKey,
+ public PK_Signing_Key,
+ public virtual DL_Scheme_PrivateKey
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
+ DSA_PrivateKey() {}
+ DSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator&, const DL_Group&,
+ const BigInt& = 0);
+ private:
+ void PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool = false);
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_core.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_core.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5a23a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_core.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+* DSA Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dsa_core.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/pk_engine.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+* DSA_Core Constructor
+DSA_Core::DSA_Core(const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& y, const BigInt& x)
+ {
+ op = Engine_Core::dsa_op(group, y, x);
+ }
+* DSA_Core Copy Constructor
+DSA_Core::DSA_Core(const DSA_Core& core)
+ {
+ op = 0;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ }
+* DSA_Core Assignment Operator
+DSA_Core& DSA_Core::operator=(const DSA_Core& core)
+ {
+ delete op;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* DSA Verification Operation
+bool DSA_Core::verify(const byte msg[], u32bit msg_length,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_length) const
+ {
+ return op->verify(msg, msg_length, sig, sig_length);
+ }
+* DSA Signature Operation
+SecureVector<byte> DSA_Core::sign(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ const BigInt& k) const
+ {
+ return op->sign(in, length, k);
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_core.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bb1621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+* DSA Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_DSA_CORE_H__
+#define BOTAN_DSA_CORE_H__
+#include <botan/dsa_op.h>
+#include <botan/dl_group.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DSA Core
+class BOTAN_DLL DSA_Core
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit, const BigInt&) const;
+ bool verify(const byte[], u32bit, const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ DSA_Core& operator=(const DSA_Core&);
+ DSA_Core() { op = 0; }
+ DSA_Core(const DSA_Core&);
+ DSA_Core(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&, const BigInt& = 0);
+ ~DSA_Core() { delete op; }
+ private:
+ DSA_Operation* op;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_op.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_op.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b92144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_op.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+* DSA Operations
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dsa_op.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Default_DSA_Op Constructor
+Default_DSA_Op::Default_DSA_Op(const DL_Group& grp, const BigInt& y1,
+ const BigInt& x1) : x(x1), y(y1), group(grp)
+ {
+ powermod_g_p = Fixed_Base_Power_Mod(group.get_g(), group.get_p());
+ powermod_y_p = Fixed_Base_Power_Mod(y, group.get_p());
+ mod_p = Modular_Reducer(group.get_p());
+ mod_q = Modular_Reducer(group.get_q());
+ }
+* Default DSA Verify Operation
+bool Default_DSA_Op::verify(const byte msg[], u32bit msg_len,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_len) const
+ {
+ const BigInt& q = group.get_q();
+ if(sig_len != 2*q.bytes() || msg_len > q.bytes())
+ return false;
+ BigInt r(sig, q.bytes());
+ BigInt s(sig + q.bytes(), q.bytes());
+ BigInt i(msg, msg_len);
+ if(r <= 0 || r >= q || s <= 0 || s >= q)
+ return false;
+ s = inverse_mod(s, q);
+ s = mod_p.multiply(powermod_g_p(mod_q.multiply(s, i)),
+ powermod_y_p(mod_q.multiply(s, r)));
+ return (mod_q.reduce(s) == r);
+ }
+* Default DSA Sign Operation
+SecureVector<byte> Default_DSA_Op::sign(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ const BigInt& k) const
+ {
+ if(x == 0)
+ throw Internal_Error("Default_DSA_Op::sign: No private key");
+ const BigInt& q = group.get_q();
+ BigInt i(in, length);
+ BigInt r = mod_q.reduce(powermod_g_p(k));
+ BigInt s = mod_q.multiply(inverse_mod(k, q), mul_add(x, r, i));
+ if(r.is_zero() || s.is_zero())
+ throw Internal_Error("Default_DSA_Op::sign: r or s was zero");
+ SecureVector<byte> output(2*q.bytes());
+ r.binary_encode(output + (output.size() / 2 - r.bytes()));
+ s.binary_encode(output + (output.size() - s.bytes()));
+ return output;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_op.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_op.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b112c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/dsa_op.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+* DSA Operations
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_DSA_OPS_H__
+#define BOTAN_DSA_OPS_H__
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/pow_mod.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/dl_group.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* DSA Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL DSA_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual bool verify(const byte[], u32bit,
+ const byte[], u32bit) const = 0;
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit,
+ const BigInt&) const = 0;
+ virtual DSA_Operation* clone() const = 0;
+ virtual ~DSA_Operation() {}
+ };
+* Botan's Default DSA Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL Default_DSA_Op : public DSA_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ bool verify(const byte[], u32bit, const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit, const BigInt&) const;
+ DSA_Operation* clone() const { return new Default_DSA_Op(*this); }
+ Default_DSA_Op(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ private:
+ const BigInt x, y;
+ const DL_Group group;
+ Fixed_Base_Power_Mod powermod_g_p, powermod_y_p;
+ Modular_Reducer mod_p, mod_q;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c70e02d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/dsa/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+realname "DSA"
+define DSA
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ec_dompar/ec_dompar.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ec_dompar/ec_dompar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cfcc06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ec_dompar/ec_dompar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+#include <botan/ec_dompar.h>
+#include <botan/pubkey_enums.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <botan/hex.h>
+#include <botan/pipe.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+std::vector<std::string> get_standard_domain_parameter(const std::string& oid)
+ {
+ // using a linear search here is pretty nasty... revisit
+ /* SEC2 */
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp112r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xdb7c2abf62e35e668076bead208b"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xDB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD2088"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x659EF8BA043916EEDE8911702B22"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("0409487239995A5EE76B55F9C2F098A89CE5AF8724C0A23E0E0ff77500"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xDB7C2ABF62E35E7628DFAC6561C5"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp112r2; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xdb7c2abf62e35e668076bead208b"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x6127C24C05F38A0AAAF65C0EF02C"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x51DEF1815DB5ED74FCC34C85D709"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("044BA30AB5E892B4E1649DD0928643ADCD46F5882E3747DEF36E956E97"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x36DF0AAFD8B8D7597CA10520D04B"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp128r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffdffffffffffffffffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffFDffffffffffffffffffffffFC"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0xE87579C11079F43DD824993C2CEE5ED3"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("04161ff7528B899B2D0C28607CA52C5B86CF5AC8395BAFEB13C02DA292DDED7A83"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffFE0000000075A30D1B9038A115"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp128r2; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffdffffffffffffffffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xD6031998D1B3BBFEBF59CC9BBff9AEE1"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x5EEEFCA380D02919DC2C6558BB6D8A5D"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("047B6AA5D85E572983E6FB32A7CDEBC14027B6916A894D3AEE7106FE805FC34B44"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x3ffffffF7ffffffFBE0024720613B5A3"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("4"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp160k1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffac73"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000007"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("043B4C382CE37AA192A4019E763036F4F5DD4D7EBB938CF935318FDCED6BC28286531733C3F03C4FEE"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x0100000000000000000001B8FA16DFAB9ACA16B6B3"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp160r2; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffac73"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFEffffAC70"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0xB4E134D3FB59EB8BAB57274904664D5AF50388BA"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("0452DCB034293A117E1F4ff11B30F7199D3144CE6DFEAffEF2E331F296E071FA0DF9982CFEA7D43F2E"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x0100000000000000000000351EE786A818F3A1A16B"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp192k1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffee37"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("04DB4ff10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D9B2F2F6D9C5628A7844163D015BE86344082AA88D95E2F9D"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffFE26F2FC170F69466A74DEFD8D"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp224k1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffe56d"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("04A1455B334DF099DF30FC28A169A467E9E47075A90F7E650EB6B7A45C7E089FED7FBA344282CAFBD6F7E319F7C0B0BD59E2CA4BDB556D61A5"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x010000000000000000000000000001DCE8D2EC6184CAF0A971769FB1F7"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp224r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000001"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFEffffffffffffffffffffffFE"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0xB4050A850C04B3ABF54132565044B0B7D7BFD8BA270B39432355ffB4"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("04B70E0CBD6BB4BF7F321390B94A03C1D356C21122343280D6115C1D21BD376388B5F723FB4C22DFE6CD4375A05A07476444D5819985007E34"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffff16A2E0B8F03E13DD29455C5C2A3D"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp256k1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("0479BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp384r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffff0000000000000000ffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFEffffffff0000000000000000ffffffFC"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0xB3312FA7E23EE7E4988E056BE3F82D19181D9C6EFE8141120314088F5013875AC656398D8A2ED19D2A85C8EDD3EC2AEF"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("04AA87CA22BE8B05378EB1C71EF320AD746E1D3B628BA79B9859F741E082542A385502F25DBF55296C3A545E3872760AB73617DE4A96262C6F5D9E98BF9292DC29F8F41DBD289A147CE9DA3113B5F0B8C00A60B1CE1D7E819D7A431D7C90EA0E5F"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffC7634D81F4372DDF581A0DB248B0A77AECEC196ACCC52973"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* secp521r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0x01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFC"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x0051953EB9618E1C9A1F929A21A0B68540EEA2DA725B99B315F3B8B489918EF109E156193951EC7E937B1652C0BD3BB1BF073573DF883D2C34F1EF451FD46B503F00"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("0400C6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2ffA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5BD66011839296A789A3BC0045C8A5FB42C7D1BD998F54449579B446817AFBD17273E662C97EE72995EF42640C550B9013FAD0761353C7086A272C24088BE94769FD16650"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFA51868783BF2F966B7FCC0148F709A5D03BB5C9B8899C47AEBB6FB71E91386409"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ /* NIS */
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* NIST curve P-521; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0x1ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFC"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x051953EB9618E1C9A1F929A21A0B68540EEA2DA725B99B315F3B8B489918EF109E156193951EC7E937B1652C0BD3BB1BF073573DF883D2C34F1EF451FD46B503F00"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("0400C6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2ffA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5BD66011839296A789A3BC0045C8A5FB42C7D1BD998F54449579B446817AFBD17273E662C97EE72995EF42640C550B9013FAD0761353C7086A272C24088BE94769FD16650"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFA51868783BF2F966B7FCC0148F709A5D03BB5C9B8899C47AEBB6FB71E91386409"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ /* BrainPool */
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* brainpoolP160r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xE95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620F"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x340E7BE2A280EB74E2BE61BADA745D97E8F7C300"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x1E589A8595423412134FAA2DBDEC95C8D8675E58"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("04BED5AF16EA3F6A4F62938C4631EB5AF7BDBCDBC31667CB477A1A8EC338F94741669C976316DA6321"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xE95E4A5F737059DC60DF5991D45029409E60FC09"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* brainpoolP192r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xC302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86297"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x6A91174076B1E0E19C39C031FE8685C1CAE040E5C69A28EF"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x469A28EF7C28CCA3DC721D044F4496BCCA7EF4146FBF25C9"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("04C0A0647EAAB6A48753B033C56CB0F0900A2F5C4853375FD614B690866ABD5BB88B5F4828C1490002E6773FA2FA299B8F"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xC302F41D932A36CDA7A3462F9E9E916B5BE8F1029AC4ACC1"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* brainpoolP224r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xD7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FF"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x68A5E62CA9CE6C1C299803A6C1530B514E182AD8B0042A59CAD29F43"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x2580F63CCFE44138870713B1A92369E33E2135D266DBB372386C400B"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("040D9029AD2C7E5CF4340823B2A87DC68C9E4CE3174C1E6EFDEE12C07D58AA56F772C0726F24C6B89E4ECDAC24354B9E99CAA3F6D3761402CD"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xD7C134AA264366862A18302575D0FB98D116BC4B6DDEBCA3A5A7939F"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* brainpoolP256r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xA9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5377"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7D5A0975FC2C3057EEF67530417AFFE7FB8055C126DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x26DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9BBD77CBF958416295CF7E1CE6BCCDC18FF8C07B6"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("048BD2AEB9CB7E57CB2C4B482FFC81B7AFB9DE27E1E3BD23C23A4453BD9ACE3262547EF835C3DAC4FD97F8461A14611DC9C27745132DED8E545C1D54C72F046997"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xA9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* brainpoolP320r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xD35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F92B9EC7893EC28FCD412B1F1B32E27"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x3EE30B568FBAB0F883CCEBD46D3F3BB8A2A73513F5EB79DA66190EB085FFA9F492F375A97D860EB4"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x520883949DFDBC42D3AD198640688A6FE13F41349554B49ACC31DCCD884539816F5EB4AC8FB1F1A6"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("0443BD7E9AFB53D8B85289BCC48EE5BFE6F20137D10A087EB6E7871E2A10A599C710AF8D0D39E2061114FDD05545EC1CC8AB4093247F77275E0743FFED117182EAA9C77877AAAC6AC7D35245D1692E8EE1"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xD35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA5B68F12A32D482EC7EE8658E98691555B44C59311"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* brainpoolP384r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0x8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901D1A71874700133107EC53"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7BC382C63D8C150C3C72080ACE05AFA0C2BEA28E4FB22787139165EFBA91F90F8AA5814A503AD4EB04A8C7DD22CE2826"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x4A8C7DD22CE28268B39B55416F0447C2FB77DE107DCD2A62E880EA53EEB62D57CB4390295DBC9943AB78696FA504C11"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("041D1C64F068CF45FFA2A63A81B7C13F6B8847A3E77EF14FE3DB7FCAFE0CBD10E8E826E03436D646AAEF87B2E247D4AF1E8ABE1D7520F9C2A45CB1EB8E95CFD55262B70B29FEEC5864E19C054FF99129280E4646217791811142820341263C5315"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B31F166E6CAC0425A7CF3AB6AF6B7FC3103B883202E9046565"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ /* brainpoolP512r1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xAADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F3"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7830A3318B603B89E2327145AC234CC594CBDD8D3DF91610A83441CAEA9863BC2DED5D5AA8253AA10A2EF1C98B9AC8B57F1117A72BF2C7B9E7C1AC4D77FC94CA"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x3DF91610A83441CAEA9863BC2DED5D5AA8253AA10A2EF1C98B9AC8B57F1117A72BF2C7B9E7C1AC4D77FC94CADC083E67984050B75EBAE5DD2809BD638016F723"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("0481AEE4BDD82ED9645A21322E9C4C6A9385ED9F70B5D916C1B43B62EEF4D0098EFF3B1F78E2D0D48D50D1687B93B97D5F7C6D5047406A5E688B352209BCB9F8227DDE385D566332ECC0EABFA9CF7822FDF209F70024A57B1AA000C55B881F8111B2DCDE494A5F485E5BCA4BD88A2763AED1CA2B2FA8F0540678CD1E0F3AD80892"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xAADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA70330870553E5C414CA92619418661197FAC10471DB1D381085DDADDB58796829CA90069"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "")
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x0100000000000000000001f4c8f927aed3ca752257"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ if(oid == "1.2.840.10045.3.1.1") // prime192v1 Flexiprovider
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffc"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x64210519e59c80e70fa7e9ab72243049feb8deecc146b9b1"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("03188da80eb03090f67cbf20eb43a18800f4ff0afd82ff1012"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffff99def836146bc9b1b4d22831"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ /* prime192v2; source: Flexiprovider */
+ if(oid == "1.2.840.10045.3.1.2")
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFeffffffffffffffFC"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0xcc22d6dfb95c6b25e49c0d6364a4e5980c393aa21668d953"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("03eea2bae7e1497842f2de7769cfe9c989c072ad696f48034a"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffe5fb1a724dc80418648d8dd31"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ /* prime192v3; source: Flexiprovider */
+ if(oid == "1.2.840.10045.3.1.3")
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffc"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x22123dc2395a05caa7423daeccc94760a7d462256bd56916"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("027d29778100c65a1da1783716588dce2b8b4aee8e228f1896"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffffffffffffffffffff7a62d031c83f4294f640ec13"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ /* prime239v1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ if(oid == "1.2.840.10045.3.1.4")
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffffffff8000000000007fffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7ffFffffffffffffffffffff7fffffffffff8000000000007ffffffffffc"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x6B016C3BDCF18941D0D654921475CA71A9DB2FB27D1D37796185C2942C0A"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("020ffA963CDCA8816CCC33B8642BEDF905C3D358573D3F27FBBD3B3CB9AAAF"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffff9e5e9a9f5d9071fbd1522688909d0b"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ /* prime239v2; source: Flexiprovider */
+ if(oid == "1.2.840.10045.3.1.5")
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffffffff8000000000007fffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7ffFffffffffffffffffffff7ffFffffffff8000000000007ffFffffffFC"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x617FAB6832576CBBFED50D99F0249C3FEE58B94BA0038C7AE84C8C832F2C"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("0238AF09D98727705120C921BB5E9E26296A3CDCF2F35757A0EAFD87B830E7"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7fffffffffffffffffffffff800000CFA7E8594377D414C03821BC582063"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ /* prime239v3; source: Flexiprovider */
+ if(oid == "1.2.840.10045.3.1.6")
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffffffff8000000000007fffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7ffFffffffffffffffffffff7ffFffffffff8000000000007ffFffffffFC"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x255705FA2A306654B1F4CB03D6A750A30C250102D4988717D9BA15AB6D3E"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("036768AE8E18BB92CFCF005C949AA2C6D94853D0E660BBF854B1C9505FE95A"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0x7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffff975DEB41B3A6057C3C432146526551"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ /* prime256v1; source: Flexiprovider */
+ if(oid == "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7")
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par;
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff"); //p
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffFC"); // a
+ dom_par.push_back("0x5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B"); // b
+ dom_par.push_back("036B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296"); // G
+ dom_par.push_back("0xffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC632551"); // order
+ dom_par.push_back("1"); // cofactor
+ return dom_par;
+ }
+ throw Invalid_Argument("No such ECC curve " + oid);
+ }
+EC_Domain_Params get_ec_dompar(const std::string& oid)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> dom_par = get_standard_domain_parameter(oid);
+ BigInt p(dom_par[0]); // give as 0x...
+ GFpElement a(p, BigInt(dom_par[1]));
+ GFpElement b(p, BigInt(dom_par[2]));
+ Pipe pipe(new Hex_Decoder);
+ pipe.process_msg(dom_par[3]);
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_g = pipe.read_all();
+ CurveGFp curve(a, b, p);
+ PointGFp G = OS2ECP ( sv_g, curve );
+ G.check_invariants();
+ BigInt order(dom_par[4]);
+ BigInt cofactor(dom_par[5]);
+ EC_Domain_Params result(curve, G, order, cofactor);
+ return result;
+ }
+EC_Domain_Params get_EC_Dom_Pars_by_oid(std::string oid)
+ {
+ EC_Domain_Params result = get_ec_dompar(oid);
+ result.m_oid = oid;
+ return result;
+ }
+EC_Domain_Params::EC_Domain_Params(const CurveGFp& curve, const PointGFp& base_point,
+ const BigInt& order, const BigInt& cofactor)
+ : m_curve(curve),
+ m_base_point(base_point),
+ m_order(order),
+ m_cofactor(cofactor),
+ m_oid("")
+ { }
+namespace {
+SecureVector<byte> encode_der_ec_dompar_explicit(EC_Domain_Params const& dom_pars)
+ {
+ u32bit ecpVers1 = 1;
+ OID curve_type_oid("1.2.840.10045.1.1");
+ DER_Encoder der;
+ der.start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(ecpVers1)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(curve_type_oid)
+ .encode(dom_pars.get_curve().get_p())
+ .end_cons()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(FE2OSP ( dom_pars.get_curve().get_a() ), OCTET_STRING)
+ .encode(FE2OSP ( dom_pars.get_curve().get_b() ), OCTET_STRING)
+ .end_cons()
+ .encode(EC2OSP ( dom_pars.get_base_point(), PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED), OCTET_STRING)
+ .encode(dom_pars.get_order())
+ .encode(dom_pars.get_cofactor())
+ .end_cons();
+ return der.get_contents();
+ }
+EC_Domain_Params decode_ber_ec_dompar_explicit(SecureVector<byte> const& encoded)
+ {
+ BigInt ecpVers1(1);
+ OID curve_type_oid;
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_a;
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_b;
+ BigInt p;
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_base_point;
+ BigInt order;
+ BigInt cofactor;
+ BER_Decoder dec(encoded);
+ dec
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(ecpVers1)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(curve_type_oid)
+ .decode(p)
+ .end_cons()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(sv_a, OCTET_STRING)
+ .decode(sv_b, OCTET_STRING)
+ .end_cons()
+ .decode(sv_base_point, OCTET_STRING)
+ .decode(order)
+ .decode(cofactor)
+ .verify_end()
+ .end_cons();
+ if(ecpVers1 != 1)
+ {
+ throw Decoding_Error("wrong ecpVers");
+ }
+ // Set the domain parameters
+ if(curve_type_oid.as_string() != "1.2.840.10045.1.1") // NOTE: hardcoded: prime field type
+ {
+ throw Decoding_Error("wrong curve type oid where prime field was expected");
+ }
+ GFpElement a(p,BigInt::decode(sv_a, sv_a.size()));
+ GFpElement b(p,BigInt::decode(sv_b, sv_b.size()));
+ CurveGFp curve(a,b,p);
+ PointGFp G = OS2ECP ( sv_base_point, curve );
+ G.check_invariants();
+ return EC_Domain_Params(curve, G, order, cofactor);
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+SecureVector<byte> encode_der_ec_dompar(EC_Domain_Params const& dom_pars, EC_dompar_enc enc_type)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> result;
+ if(enc_type == ENC_EXPLICIT)
+ {
+ result = encode_der_ec_dompar_explicit(dom_pars);
+ }
+ else if(enc_type == ENC_OID)
+ {
+ OID dom_par_oid(dom_pars.get_oid());
+ result = DER_Encoder().encode(dom_par_oid).get_contents();
+ }
+ else if(enc_type == ENC_IMPLICITCA)
+ {
+ result = DER_Encoder().encode_null().get_contents();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw Internal_Error("encountered illegal value for ec parameter encoding type");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+EC_Domain_Params decode_ber_ec_dompar(SecureVector<byte> const& encoded)
+ {
+ BER_Decoder dec(encoded);
+ BER_Object obj = dec.get_next_object();
+ ASN1_Tag tag = obj.type_tag;
+ std::auto_ptr<EC_Domain_Params> p_result;
+ if(tag == OBJECT_ID)
+ {
+ OID dom_par_oid;
+ BER_Decoder(encoded).decode(dom_par_oid);
+ return EC_Domain_Params(get_ec_dompar(dom_par_oid.as_string()));
+ }
+ else if(tag == SEQUENCE)
+ return EC_Domain_Params(decode_ber_ec_dompar_explicit(encoded));
+ else if(tag == NULL_TAG)
+ throw Decoding_Error("cannot decode ECDSA parameters that are ImplicitCA");
+ throw Decoding_Error("encountered unexpected when trying to decode domain parameters");
+ }
+bool operator==(EC_Domain_Params const& lhs, EC_Domain_Params const& rhs)
+ {
+ return ((lhs.get_curve() == rhs.get_curve()) &&
+ (lhs.get_base_point() == rhs.get_base_point()) &&
+ (lhs.get_order() == rhs.get_order()) &&
+ (lhs.get_cofactor() == rhs.get_cofactor()));
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ec_dompar/ec_dompar.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ec_dompar/ec_dompar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47971d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ec_dompar/ec_dompar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+* ECDSA Domain Parameters
+* (C) 2007 Falko Strenzke, FlexSecure GmbH
+* 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/point_gfp.h>
+#include <botan/gfp_element.h>
+#include <botan/curve_gfp.h>
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/alg_id.h>
+#include <botan/pubkey_enums.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* This class represents elliptic curce domain parameters
+class BOTAN_DLL EC_Domain_Params
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Construct Domain paramers from specified parameters
+ * @param curve elliptic curve
+ * @param base_point a base point
+ * @param order the order of the base point
+ * @param cofactor the cofactor
+ */
+ EC_Domain_Params(const CurveGFp& curve,
+ const PointGFp& base_point,
+ const BigInt& order,
+ const BigInt& cofactor);
+ /**
+ * Return domain parameter curve
+ * @result domain parameter curve
+ */
+ const CurveGFp& get_curve() const
+ {
+ return m_curve;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return domain parameter curve
+ * @result domain parameter curve
+ */
+ const PointGFp& get_base_point() const
+ {
+ return m_base_point;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the order of the base point
+ * @result order of the base point
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_order() const
+ {
+ return m_order;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the cofactor
+ * @result the cofactor
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_cofactor() const
+ {
+ return m_cofactor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the OID of these domain parameters
+ * @result the OID
+ */
+ std::string get_oid() const { return m_oid; }
+ private:
+ friend EC_Domain_Params get_EC_Dom_Pars_by_oid(std::string oid);
+ CurveGFp m_curve;
+ PointGFp m_base_point;
+ BigInt m_order;
+ BigInt m_cofactor;
+ std::string m_oid;
+ };
+bool operator==(EC_Domain_Params const& lhs, EC_Domain_Params const& rhs);
+inline bool operator!=(const EC_Domain_Params& lhs,
+ const EC_Domain_Params& rhs)
+ {
+ return !(lhs == rhs);
+ }
+enum EC_dompar_enc { ENC_EXPLICIT = 0, ENC_IMPLICITCA = 1, ENC_OID = 2 };
+SecureVector<byte> encode_der_ec_dompar(EC_Domain_Params const& dom_pars,
+ EC_dompar_enc enc_type);
+EC_Domain_Params decode_ber_ec_dompar(SecureVector<byte> const& encoded);
+* Factory function, the only way to obtain EC domain parameters with
+* an OID. The demanded OID has to be registered in the InSiTo
+* configuration. Consult the file ec_dompar.cpp for the default
+* configuration.
+* @param oid the oid of the demanded EC domain parameters
+* @result the EC domain parameters associated with the OID
+EC_Domain_Params get_EC_Dom_Pars_by_oid(std::string oid);
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ec_dompar/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ec_dompar/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2127837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ec_dompar/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+realname "ECC Domain Parameters"
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecc_key/ecc_key.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecc_key/ecc_key.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..615efec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecc_key/ecc_key.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+* ECC Key implemenation
+* (C) 2007 Manuel Hartl, FlexSecure GmbH
+* Falko Strenzke, FlexSecure GmbH
+* 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/ecc_key.h>
+#include <botan/x509_key.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/util.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/secmem.h>
+#include <botan/point_gfp.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* EC_PublicKey
+void EC_PublicKey::affirm_init() const // virtual
+ {
+ if((mp_dom_pars.get() == 0) || (mp_public_point.get() == 0))
+ throw Invalid_State("cannot use uninitialized EC_Key");
+ }
+const EC_Domain_Params& EC_PublicKey::domain_parameters() const
+ {
+ if(!mp_dom_pars.get())
+ throw Invalid_State("EC_PublicKey::domain_parameters(): "
+ "ec domain parameters are not yet set");
+ return *mp_dom_pars;
+ }
+const PointGFp& EC_PublicKey::public_point() const
+ {
+ if(!mp_public_point.get())
+ throw Invalid_State("EC_PublicKey::public_point(): public point not set");
+ return *mp_public_point;
+ }
+bool EC_PublicKey::domain_parameters_set()
+ {
+ return mp_dom_pars.get();
+ }
+void EC_PublicKey::X509_load_hook()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // the base point is checked to be on curve already when decoding it
+ affirm_init();
+ mp_public_point->check_invariants();
+ }
+ catch(Illegal_Point)
+ {
+ throw Decoding_Error("decoded public point was found not to lie on curve");
+ }
+ }
+X509_Encoder* EC_PublicKey::x509_encoder() const
+ {
+ class EC_Key_Encoder : public X509_Encoder
+ {
+ public:
+ AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id() const
+ {
+ key->affirm_init();
+ SecureVector<byte> params =
+ encode_der_ec_dompar(key->domain_parameters(), key->m_param_enc);
+ return AlgorithmIdentifier(key->get_oid(), params);
+ }
+ MemoryVector<byte> key_bits() const
+ {
+ key->affirm_init();
+ return EC2OSP(*(key->mp_public_point), PointGFp::COMPRESSED);
+ }
+ EC_Key_Encoder(const EC_PublicKey* k): key(k) {}
+ private:
+ const EC_PublicKey* key;
+ };
+ return new EC_Key_Encoder(this);
+ }
+X509_Decoder* EC_PublicKey::x509_decoder()
+ {
+ class EC_Key_Decoder : public X509_Decoder
+ {
+ public:
+ void alg_id(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id)
+ {
+ key->mp_dom_pars.reset(new EC_Domain_Params(decode_ber_ec_dompar(alg_id.parameters)));
+ }
+ void key_bits(const MemoryRegion<byte>& bits)
+ {
+ key->mp_public_point.reset(
+ new PointGFp(
+ OS2ECP(bits, key->domain_parameters().get_curve())
+ ));
+ key->X509_load_hook();
+ }
+ EC_Key_Decoder(EC_PublicKey* k): key(k) {}
+ private:
+ EC_PublicKey* key;
+ };
+ return new EC_Key_Decoder(this);
+ }
+void EC_PublicKey::set_parameter_encoding(EC_dompar_enc type)
+ {
+ if((type != ENC_EXPLICIT) && (type != ENC_IMPLICITCA) && (type != ENC_OID))
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Invalid encoding type for EC-key object specified");
+ affirm_init();
+ if((type == ENC_OID) && (mp_dom_pars->get_oid() == ""))
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Invalid encoding type ENC_OID specified for "
+ "EC-key object whose corresponding domain "
+ "parameters are without oid");
+ m_param_enc = type;
+ }
+* EC_PrivateKey
+void EC_PrivateKey::affirm_init() const // virtual
+ {
+ if(m_private_value == 0)
+ throw Invalid_State("cannot use EC_PrivateKey when private key is uninitialized");
+ EC_PublicKey::affirm_init();
+ }
+const BigInt& EC_PrivateKey::private_value() const
+ {
+ if(m_private_value == 0)
+ throw Invalid_State("cannot use EC_PrivateKey when private key is uninitialized");
+ return m_private_value;
+ }
+* EC_PrivateKey generator
+void EC_PrivateKey::generate_private_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ if(mp_dom_pars.get() == 0)
+ {
+ throw Invalid_State("cannot generate private key when domain parameters are not set");
+ }
+ BigInt tmp_private_value(0);
+ tmp_private_value = BigInt::random_integer(rng, 1, mp_dom_pars->get_order());
+ mp_public_point = std::auto_ptr<PointGFp>( new PointGFp (mp_dom_pars->get_base_point()));
+ mp_public_point->mult_this_secure(tmp_private_value,
+ mp_dom_pars->get_order(),
+ mp_dom_pars->get_order()-1);
+ //assert(mp_public_point.get() != 0);
+ tmp_private_value.swap(m_private_value);
+ }
+* Return the PKCS #8 public key encoder
+PKCS8_Encoder* EC_PrivateKey::pkcs8_encoder() const
+ {
+ class EC_Key_Encoder : public PKCS8_Encoder
+ {
+ public:
+ AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id() const
+ {
+ key->affirm_init();
+ SecureVector<byte> params =
+ encode_der_ec_dompar(key->domain_parameters(), ENC_EXPLICIT);
+ return AlgorithmIdentifier(key->get_oid(), params);
+ }
+ MemoryVector<byte> key_bits() const
+ {
+ key->affirm_init();
+ SecureVector<byte> octstr_secret =
+ BigInt::encode_1363(key->m_private_value, key->m_private_value.bytes());
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(BigInt(1))
+ .encode(octstr_secret, OCTET_STRING)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
+ EC_Key_Encoder(const EC_PrivateKey* k): key(k) {}
+ private:
+ const EC_PrivateKey* key;
+ };
+ return new EC_Key_Encoder(this);
+ }
+* Return the PKCS #8 public key decoder
+PKCS8_Decoder* EC_PrivateKey::pkcs8_decoder(RandomNumberGenerator&)
+ {
+ class EC_Key_Decoder : public PKCS8_Decoder
+ {
+ public:
+ void alg_id(const AlgorithmIdentifier& alg_id)
+ {
+ key->mp_dom_pars.reset(new EC_Domain_Params(decode_ber_ec_dompar(alg_id.parameters)));
+ }
+ void key_bits(const MemoryRegion<byte>& bits)
+ {
+ u32bit version;
+ SecureVector<byte> octstr_secret;
+ BER_Decoder(bits)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(version)
+ .decode(octstr_secret, OCTET_STRING)
+ .verify_end()
+ .end_cons();
+ key->m_private_value = BigInt::decode(octstr_secret, octstr_secret.size());
+ if(version != 1)
+ throw Decoding_Error("Wrong PKCS #1 key format version for EC key");
+ key->PKCS8_load_hook();
+ }
+ EC_Key_Decoder(EC_PrivateKey* k): key(k) {}
+ private:
+ EC_PrivateKey* key;
+ };
+ return new EC_Key_Decoder(this);
+ }
+void EC_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(bool)
+ {
+ // we cannot use affirm_init() here because mp_public_point might still be null
+ if(mp_dom_pars.get() == 0)
+ throw Invalid_State("attempt to set public point for an uninitialized key");
+ mp_public_point.reset(new PointGFp(m_private_value * mp_dom_pars->get_base_point()));
+ mp_public_point->check_invariants();
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecc_key/ecc_key.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecc_key/ecc_key.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca9a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecc_key/ecc_key.h
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+* (C) 2007 Falko Strenzke, FlexSecure GmbH
+* Manuel Hartl, FlexSecure GmbH
+* (C) 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/curve_gfp.h>
+#include <botan/pk_keys.h>
+#include <botan/ec_dompar.h>
+#include <botan/x509_key.h>
+#include <botan/pkcs8.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* This class represents abstract EC Public Keys. When encoding a key
+* via an encoder that can be accessed via the corresponding member
+* functions, the key will decide upon its internally stored encoding
+* information whether to encode itself with or without domain
+* parameters, or using the domain parameter oid. Furthermore, a public
+* key without domain parameters can be decoded. In that case, it
+* cannot be used for verification until its domain parameters are set
+* by calling the corresponding member function.
+class BOTAN_DLL EC_PublicKey : public virtual Public_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Tells whether this key knows his own domain parameters.
+ * @result true if the domain parameters are set, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool domain_parameters_set();
+ /**
+ * Get the public point of this key.
+ * @throw Invalid_State is thrown if the
+ * domain parameters of this point are not set
+ * @result the public point of this key
+ */
+ const PointGFp& public_point() const;
+ /**
+ * Get the domain parameters of this key.
+ * @throw Invalid_State is thrown if the
+ * domain parameters of this point are not set
+ * @result the domain parameters of this key
+ */
+ const EC_Domain_Params& domain_parameters() const;
+ /**
+ * Set the domain parameter encoding to be used when encoding this key.
+ * @param enc the encoding to use
+ */
+ void set_parameter_encoding(EC_dompar_enc enc);
+ /**
+ * Get the domain parameter encoding to be used when encoding this key.
+ * @result the encoding to use
+ */
+ inline int get_parameter_encoding() const
+ {
+ return m_param_enc;
+ }
+ //ctors
+ EC_PublicKey()
+ : m_param_enc(ENC_EXPLICIT)
+ {
+ //assert(mp_dom_pars.get() == 0);
+ //assert(mp_public_point.get() == 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get an x509_encoder that can be used to encode this key.
+ * @result an x509_encoder for this key
+ */
+ X509_Encoder* x509_encoder() const;
+ /**
+ * Get an x509_decoder that can be used to decode a stored key into
+ * this key.
+ * @result an x509_decoder for this key
+ */
+ X509_Decoder* x509_decoder();
+ /**
+ * Make sure that the public point and domain parameters of this key are set.
+ * @throw Invalid_State if either of the two data members is not set
+ */
+ virtual void affirm_init() const;
+ virtual ~EC_PublicKey() {}
+ protected:
+ virtual void X509_load_hook();
+ SecureVector<byte> m_enc_public_point; // stores the public point
+ std::auto_ptr<EC_Domain_Params> mp_dom_pars;
+ std::auto_ptr<PointGFp> mp_public_point;
+ EC_dompar_enc m_param_enc;
+ };
+* This abstract class represents general EC Private Keys
+class BOTAN_DLL EC_PrivateKey : public virtual EC_PublicKey, public virtual Private_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Get an PKCS#8 encoder that can be used to encoded this key.
+ * @result an PKCS#8 encoder for this key
+ */
+ PKCS8_Encoder* pkcs8_encoder() const;
+ /**
+ * Get an PKCS#8 decoder that can be used to decoded a stored key into
+ * this key.
+ * @result an PKCS#8 decoder for this key
+ */
+ PKCS8_Decoder* pkcs8_decoder(RandomNumberGenerator&);
+ /**
+ * Get the private key value of this key object.
+ * @result the private key value of this key object
+ */
+ const BigInt& private_value() const;
+ /**
+ * Make sure that the public key parts of this object are set
+ * (calls EC_PublicKey::affirm_init()) as well as the private key
+ * value.
+ * @throw Invalid_State if the above conditions are not satisfied
+ */
+ virtual void affirm_init() const;
+ virtual ~EC_PrivateKey() {}
+ protected:
+ virtual void PKCS8_load_hook(bool = false);
+ void generate_private_key(RandomNumberGenerator&);
+ BigInt m_private_value;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecc_key/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecc_key/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a3c9a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecc_key/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+realname "ECC Public Key"
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9640c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+* ECDSA implemenation
+* (C) 2007 Manuel Hartl, FlexSecure GmbH
+* 2007 Falko Strenzke, FlexSecure GmbH
+* 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/ecdsa.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/util.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/secmem.h>
+#include <botan/point_gfp.h>
+namespace Botan {
+ECDSA_PrivateKey::ECDSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars)
+ {
+ mp_dom_pars = std::auto_ptr<EC_Domain_Params>(new EC_Domain_Params(dom_pars));
+ generate_private_key(rng);
+ try
+ {
+ mp_public_point->check_invariants();
+ }
+ catch(Illegal_Point& e)
+ {
+ throw Invalid_State("ECDSA key generation failed");
+ }
+ m_ecdsa_core = ECDSA_Core(*mp_dom_pars, m_private_value, *mp_public_point);
+ }
+* ECDSA_PublicKey
+void ECDSA_PublicKey::affirm_init() const // virtual
+ {
+ EC_PublicKey::affirm_init();
+ }
+void ECDSA_PublicKey::set_domain_parameters(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars)
+ {
+ if(mp_dom_pars.get())
+ {
+ // they are already set, we must ensure that they are equal to the arg
+ if(dom_pars != *mp_dom_pars.get())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("EC_PublicKey::set_domain_parameters - cannot reset to a new value");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(m_enc_public_point.size() == 0)
+ throw Invalid_State("EC_PublicKey::set_domain_parameters(): encoded public point isn't set");
+ // now try to decode the public key ...
+ PointGFp tmp_pp(OS2ECP(m_enc_public_point, dom_pars.get_curve()));
+ try
+ {
+ tmp_pp.check_invariants();
+ }
+ catch(Illegal_Point e)
+ {
+ throw Invalid_State("EC_PublicKey::set_domain_parameters(): point does not lie on provided curve");
+ }
+ std::auto_ptr<EC_Domain_Params> p_tmp_pars(new EC_Domain_Params(dom_pars));
+ ECDSA_Core tmp_ecdsa_core(*p_tmp_pars, BigInt(0), tmp_pp);
+ mp_public_point.reset(new PointGFp(tmp_pp));
+ m_ecdsa_core = tmp_ecdsa_core;
+ mp_dom_pars = p_tmp_pars;
+ }
+void ECDSA_PublicKey::set_all_values(const ECDSA_PublicKey& other)
+ {
+ m_param_enc = other.m_param_enc;
+ m_ecdsa_core = other.m_ecdsa_core;
+ m_enc_public_point = other.m_enc_public_point;
+ if(other.mp_dom_pars.get())
+ mp_dom_pars.reset(new EC_Domain_Params(other.domain_parameters()));
+ if(other.mp_public_point.get())
+ mp_public_point.reset(new PointGFp(other.public_point()));
+ }
+ECDSA_PublicKey::ECDSA_PublicKey(const ECDSA_PublicKey& other)
+ : Public_Key(),
+ EC_PublicKey(),
+ PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key()
+ {
+ set_all_values(other);
+ }
+const ECDSA_PublicKey& ECDSA_PublicKey::operator=(const ECDSA_PublicKey& rhs)
+ {
+ set_all_values(rhs);
+ return *this;
+ }
+bool ECDSA_PublicKey::verify(const byte message[],
+ u32bit mess_len,
+ const byte signature[],
+ u32bit sig_len) const
+ {
+ affirm_init();
+ BigInt r, s;
+ BER_Decoder(signature, sig_len)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(r)
+ .decode(s)
+ .end_cons()
+ .verify_end();
+ u32bit enc_len = std::max(r.bytes(), s.bytes());
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_plain_sig;
+ sv_plain_sig.append(BigInt::encode_1363(r, enc_len));
+ sv_plain_sig.append(BigInt::encode_1363(s, enc_len));
+ return m_ecdsa_core.verify(sv_plain_sig, sv_plain_sig.size(),
+ message, mess_len);
+ }
+ECDSA_PublicKey::ECDSA_PublicKey(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_par,
+ const PointGFp& public_point)
+ {
+ mp_dom_pars = std::auto_ptr<EC_Domain_Params>(new EC_Domain_Params(dom_par));
+ mp_public_point = std::auto_ptr<PointGFp>(new PointGFp(public_point));
+ m_param_enc = ENC_EXPLICIT;
+ m_ecdsa_core = ECDSA_Core(*mp_dom_pars, BigInt(0), *mp_public_point);
+ }
+void ECDSA_PublicKey::X509_load_hook()
+ {
+ EC_PublicKey::X509_load_hook();
+ EC_PublicKey::affirm_init();
+ m_ecdsa_core = ECDSA_Core ( *mp_dom_pars, BigInt ( 0 ), *mp_public_point );
+ }
+u32bit ECDSA_PublicKey::max_input_bits() const
+ {
+ if(!mp_dom_pars.get())
+ {
+ throw Invalid_State("ECDSA_PublicKey::max_input_bits(): domain parameters not set");
+ }
+ return mp_dom_pars->get_order().bits();
+ }
+* ECDSA_PrivateKey
+void ECDSA_PrivateKey::affirm_init() const // virtual
+ {
+ EC_PrivateKey::affirm_init();
+ }
+void ECDSA_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(bool generated)
+ {
+ EC_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(generated);
+ EC_PrivateKey::affirm_init();
+ m_ecdsa_core = ECDSA_Core(*mp_dom_pars, m_private_value, *mp_public_point);
+ }
+void ECDSA_PrivateKey::set_all_values(const ECDSA_PrivateKey& other)
+ {
+ m_private_value = other.m_private_value;
+ m_param_enc = other.m_param_enc;
+ m_ecdsa_core = other.m_ecdsa_core;
+ m_enc_public_point = other.m_enc_public_point;
+ if(other.mp_dom_pars.get())
+ mp_dom_pars.reset(new EC_Domain_Params(other.domain_parameters()));
+ if(other.mp_public_point.get())
+ mp_public_point.reset(new PointGFp(other.public_point()));
+ }
+ECDSA_PrivateKey::ECDSA_PrivateKey(ECDSA_PrivateKey const& other)
+ : Public_Key(),
+ EC_PublicKey(),
+ Private_Key(),
+ ECDSA_PublicKey(),
+ EC_PrivateKey(),
+ PK_Signing_Key()
+ {
+ set_all_values(other);
+ }
+const ECDSA_PrivateKey& ECDSA_PrivateKey::operator=(const ECDSA_PrivateKey& rhs)
+ {
+ set_all_values(rhs);
+ return *this;
+ }
+SecureVector<byte> ECDSA_PrivateKey::sign(const byte message[],
+ u32bit mess_len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ affirm_init();
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_sig = m_ecdsa_core.sign(message, mess_len, rng);
+ if(sv_sig.size() % 2 != 0)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Erroneous length of signature");
+ u32bit rs_len = sv_sig.size() / 2;
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_r, sv_s;
+ sv_r.set(sv_sig.begin(), rs_len);
+ sv_s.set(&sv_sig[rs_len], rs_len);
+ BigInt r = BigInt::decode(sv_r, sv_r.size());
+ BigInt s = BigInt::decode(sv_s, sv_s.size());
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(r)
+ .encode(s)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3794457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+* (C) 2007 Falko Strenzke, FlexSecure GmbH
+* Manuel Hartl, FlexSecure GmbH
+* (C) 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_ECDSA_KEY_H__
+#define BOTAN_ECDSA_KEY_H__
+#include <botan/ecc_key.h>
+#include <botan/ecdsa_core.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* This class represents ECDSA Public Keys.
+class BOTAN_DLL ECDSA_PublicKey : public virtual EC_PublicKey,
+ public PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Get this keys algorithm name.
+ * @result this keys algorithm name ("ECDSA")
+ */
+ std::string algo_name() const { return "ECDSA"; }
+ /**
+ * Get the maximum number of bits allowed to be fed to this key.
+ * This is the bitlength of the order of the base point.
+ * @result the maximum number of input bits
+ */
+ u32bit max_input_bits() const;
+ /**
+ * Verify a message with this key.
+ * @param message the byte array containing the message
+ * @param mess_len the number of bytes in the message byte array
+ * @param signature the byte array containing the signature
+ * @param sig_len the number of bytes in the signature byte array
+ */
+ bool verify(const byte message[], u32bit mess_len,
+ const byte signature[], u32bit sig_len) const;
+ /**
+ * Default constructor. Use this one if you want to later fill
+ * this object with data from an encoded key.
+ */
+ ECDSA_PublicKey() {}
+ /**
+ * Construct a public key from a given public point.
+ * @param dom_par the domain parameters associated with this key
+ * @param public_point the public point defining this key
+ */
+ ECDSA_PublicKey(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_par,
+ const PointGFp& public_point); // sets core
+ ECDSA_PublicKey const& operator=(const ECDSA_PublicKey& rhs);
+ ECDSA_PublicKey(const ECDSA_PublicKey& other);
+ /**
+ * Set the domain parameters of this key. This function has to be
+ * used when a key encoded without domain parameters was decoded into
+ * this key. Otherwise it will not be able to verify a signature.
+ * @param dom_pars the domain_parameters associated with this key
+ * @throw Invalid_Argument if the point was found not to be satisfying the
+ * curve equation of the provided domain parameters
+ * or if this key already has domain parameters set
+ * and these are differing from those given as the parameter
+ */
+ void set_domain_parameters(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars);
+ /**
+ * Ensure that the public point and domain parameters of this key are set.
+ * @throw Invalid_State if either of the two data members is not set
+ */
+ virtual void affirm_init() const;
+ protected:
+ void X509_load_hook();
+ virtual void set_all_values(const ECDSA_PublicKey& other);
+ ECDSA_Core m_ecdsa_core;
+ };
+* This class represents ECDSA Private Keys
+class BOTAN_DLL ECDSA_PrivateKey : public ECDSA_PublicKey,
+ public EC_PrivateKey,
+ public PK_Signing_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ //ctors
+ /**
+ * Default constructor. Use this one if you want to later fill
+ * this object with data from an encoded key.
+ */
+ ECDSA_PrivateKey() {}
+ /**
+ * Generate a new private key
+ * @param the domain parameters to used for this key
+ */
+ ECDSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const EC_Domain_Params& domain);
+ ECDSA_PrivateKey(const ECDSA_PrivateKey& other);
+ ECDSA_PrivateKey const& operator=(const ECDSA_PrivateKey& rhs);
+ /**
+ * Sign a message with this key.
+ * @param message the byte array representing the message to be signed
+ * @param mess_len the length of the message byte array
+ * @result the signature
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte message[], u32bit mess_len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ /**
+ * Make sure that the public key parts of this object are set
+ * (calls EC_PublicKey::affirm_init()) as well as the private key
+ * value.
+ * @throw Invalid_State if the above conditions are not satisfied
+ */
+ virtual void affirm_init() const;
+ protected:
+ virtual void set_all_values(const ECDSA_PrivateKey& other);
+ private:
+ void PKCS8_load_hook(bool = false);
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_core.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_core.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93808cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_core.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+* ECDSA Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* (C) 2007 FlexSecure GmbH
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/ecdsa_core.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/pk_engine.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+* ECDSA Operation
+bool ECDSA_Core::verify(const byte signature[], u32bit sig_len,
+ const byte message[], u32bit mess_len) const
+ {
+ //assert(op.get());
+ return op->verify(signature, sig_len, message, mess_len);
+ }
+SecureVector<byte> ECDSA_Core::sign(const byte message[],
+ u32bit mess_len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ //assert(op.get());
+ return op->sign(message, mess_len, rng);
+ }
+ECDSA_Core& ECDSA_Core::operator=(const ECDSA_Core& core)
+ {
+ delete op;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ECDSA_Core::ECDSA_Core(const ECDSA_Core& core)
+ {
+ op = 0;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ }
+ECDSA_Core::ECDSA_Core(EC_Domain_Params const& dom_pars, const BigInt& priv_key, PointGFp const& pub_key)
+ {
+ op = Engine_Core::ecdsa_op(dom_pars, priv_key, pub_key);
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_core.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceccc94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* ECDSA Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* (C) 2007 FlexSecure GmbH
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/ecdsa_op.h>
+#include <botan/blinding.h>
+#include <botan/ec_dompar.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* ECDSA Core
+ {
+ public:
+ bool verify(const byte signature[], u32bit sig_len,
+ const byte message[], u32bit mess_len) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte message[], u32bit mess_len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ ECDSA_Core& operator=(const ECDSA_Core&);
+ ECDSA_Core() { op = 0; }
+ ECDSA_Core(const ECDSA_Core&);
+ ECDSA_Core(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars,
+ const BigInt& priv_key,
+ const PointGFp& pub_key);
+ ~ECDSA_Core() { delete op; }
+ private:
+ ECDSA_Operation* op;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_op.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_op.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986043e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_op.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+* ECDSA Operation
+* (C) 2007 FlexSecure GmbH
+* 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/ecdsa_op.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+namespace Botan {
+bool Default_ECDSA_Op::verify(const byte signature[], u32bit sig_len,
+ const byte message[], u32bit mess_len) const
+ {
+ if(sig_len % 2 != 0)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Erroneous length of signature");
+ //NOTE: it is not checked whether the public point is set
+ if(m_dom_pars.get_curve().get_p() == 0)
+ throw Internal_Error("domain parameters not set");
+ BigInt e(message, mess_len);
+ u32bit rs_len = sig_len/2;
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_r;
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_s;
+ sv_r.set(signature, rs_len);
+ sv_s.set(signature+rs_len, rs_len);
+ BigInt r = BigInt::decode ( sv_r, sv_r.size());
+ BigInt s = BigInt::decode (sv_s, sv_s.size());
+ if(r < 0 || r >= m_dom_pars.get_order())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("r in ECDSA signature has an illegal value");
+ if(s < 0 || s >= m_dom_pars.get_order())
+ throw Invalid_Argument("s in ECDSA signature has an illegal value");
+ BigInt w = inverse_mod(s, m_dom_pars.get_order());
+ PointGFp R = w*(e*m_dom_pars.get_base_point() + r*m_pub_key);
+ if(R.is_zero())
+ return false;
+ BigInt x = R.get_affine_x().get_value();
+ bool result = (x % m_dom_pars.get_order() == r);
+ return result;
+ }
+SecureVector<byte> Default_ECDSA_Op::sign(const byte message[],
+ u32bit mess_len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ if(m_priv_key == 0)
+ throw Internal_Error("Default_ECDSA_Op::sign(): no private key");
+ if(m_dom_pars.get_curve().get_p() == 0)
+ throw Internal_Error("Default_ECDSA_Op::sign(): domain parameters not set");
+ BigInt e(message, mess_len);
+ // generate k
+ BigInt k;
+ BigInt r(0);
+ const BigInt n(m_dom_pars.get_order());
+ while(r == 0)
+ {
+ k = BigInt::random_integer(rng, 1, n);
+ PointGFp k_times_P(m_dom_pars.get_base_point());
+ k_times_P.mult_this_secure(k, n, n-1);
+ k_times_P.check_invariants();
+ r = k_times_P.get_affine_x().get_value() % n;
+ }
+ BigInt k_inv = inverse_mod(k, n);
+ // use randomization against attacks on s:
+ // a = k_inv * (r*(d + x) + e) mod n
+ // b = k_inv * r * x mod n
+ // s = a - b mod n
+ // where x is a random integer
+#if defined(CMS_RAND)
+ BigInt x = BigInt::random_integer(0, n);
+ BigInt s = m_priv_key + x; // obscure the secret from the beginning
+ // all following operations thus are randomized
+ s *= r;
+ s += e;
+ s *= k_inv;
+ s %= n;
+ BigInt b = x; // again, start with the random number
+ b *= r;
+ b *= k_inv;
+ b %= n;
+ s -= b; // s = a - b
+ if(s <= 0) // s %= n
+ {
+ s += n;
+ }
+#else // CMS_RAND
+ // no countermeasure here
+ BigInt s(r);
+ s *= m_priv_key;
+ s += e;
+ s *= k_inv;
+ s %= n;
+#endif // CMS_RAND
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_r = BigInt::encode_1363 ( r, m_dom_pars.get_order().bytes() );
+ SecureVector<byte> sv_s = BigInt::encode_1363 ( s, m_dom_pars.get_order().bytes() );
+ SecureVector<byte> result(sv_r);
+ result.append(sv_s);
+ return result;
+ }
+Default_ECDSA_Op::Default_ECDSA_Op(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars, const BigInt& priv_key, const PointGFp& pub_key)
+ : m_dom_pars(dom_pars),
+ m_pub_key(pub_key),
+ m_priv_key(priv_key)
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_op.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_op.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25831a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/ecdsa_op.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+* ECDSA Operations
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* (C) 2007 FlexSecure GmbH
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/ec_dompar.h>
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* ECDSA Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL ECDSA_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual bool verify(const byte sig[], u32bit sig_len,
+ const byte msg[], u32bit msg_len) const = 0;
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte message[],
+ u32bit mess_len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) const = 0;
+ virtual ECDSA_Operation* clone() const = 0;
+ virtual ~ECDSA_Operation() {}
+ };
+* Default ECDSA operation
+class BOTAN_DLL Default_ECDSA_Op : public ECDSA_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ bool verify(const byte signature[], u32bit sig_len,
+ const byte message[], u32bit mess_len) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte message[], u32bit mess_len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ ECDSA_Operation* clone() const
+ {
+ return new Default_ECDSA_Op(*this);
+ }
+ Default_ECDSA_Op(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars,
+ const BigInt& priv_key,
+ const PointGFp& pub_key);
+ private:
+ EC_Domain_Params m_dom_pars;
+ PointGFp m_pub_key;
+ BigInt m_priv_key;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743440f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/ecdsa/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+realname "ECDSA"
+define ECDSA
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8ff75d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+* ECKAEG implemenation
+* (C) 2007 Manuel Hartl, FlexSecure GmbH
+* 2007 Falko Strenzke, FlexSecure GmbH
+* 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/eckaeg.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/util.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/secmem.h>
+#include <botan/point_gfp.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* ECKAEG_PublicKey
+void ECKAEG_PublicKey::affirm_init() const // virtual
+ {
+ EC_PublicKey::affirm_init();
+ }
+void ECKAEG_PublicKey::set_all_values(ECKAEG_PublicKey const& other)
+ {
+ m_param_enc = other.m_param_enc;
+ m_eckaeg_core = other.m_eckaeg_core;
+ m_enc_public_point = other.m_enc_public_point;
+ if(other.mp_dom_pars.get())
+ {
+ mp_dom_pars.reset(new EC_Domain_Params(*(other.mp_dom_pars)));
+ }
+ if(other.mp_public_point.get())
+ {
+ mp_public_point.reset(new PointGFp(*(other.mp_public_point)));
+ }
+ }
+ECKAEG_PublicKey::ECKAEG_PublicKey(ECKAEG_PublicKey const& other)
+ : Public_Key(),
+ EC_PublicKey()
+ {
+ set_all_values(other);
+ }
+ECKAEG_PublicKey const& ECKAEG_PublicKey::operator=(ECKAEG_PublicKey const& rhs)
+ {
+ set_all_values(rhs);
+ return *this;
+ }
+void ECKAEG_PublicKey::X509_load_hook()
+ {
+ EC_PublicKey::X509_load_hook();
+ EC_PublicKey::affirm_init();
+ m_eckaeg_core = ECKAEG_Core(*mp_dom_pars, BigInt(0), *mp_public_point);
+ }
+ECKAEG_PublicKey::ECKAEG_PublicKey(EC_Domain_Params const& dom_par, PointGFp const& public_point)
+ {
+ mp_dom_pars = std::auto_ptr<EC_Domain_Params>(new EC_Domain_Params(dom_par));
+ mp_public_point = std::auto_ptr<PointGFp>(new PointGFp(public_point));
+ if(mp_public_point->get_curve() != mp_dom_pars->get_curve())
+ {
+ throw Invalid_Argument("ECKAEG_PublicKey(): curve of arg. point and curve of arg. domain parameters are different");
+ }
+ EC_PublicKey::affirm_init();
+ m_eckaeg_core = ECKAEG_Core(*mp_dom_pars, BigInt(0), *mp_public_point);
+ }
+* ECKAEG_PrivateKey
+void ECKAEG_PrivateKey::affirm_init() const // virtual
+ {
+ EC_PrivateKey::affirm_init();
+ }
+void ECKAEG_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(bool generated)
+ {
+ EC_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(generated);
+ EC_PrivateKey::affirm_init();
+ m_eckaeg_core = ECKAEG_Core(*mp_dom_pars, m_private_value, *mp_public_point);
+ }
+void ECKAEG_PrivateKey::set_all_values(ECKAEG_PrivateKey const& other)
+ {
+ m_private_value = other.m_private_value;
+ m_param_enc = other.m_param_enc;
+ m_eckaeg_core = other.m_eckaeg_core;
+ m_enc_public_point = other.m_enc_public_point;
+ if(other.mp_dom_pars.get())
+ {
+ mp_dom_pars.reset(new EC_Domain_Params(*(other.mp_dom_pars)));
+ }
+ if(other.mp_public_point.get())
+ {
+ mp_public_point.reset(new PointGFp(*(other.mp_public_point)));
+ }
+ }
+ECKAEG_PrivateKey::ECKAEG_PrivateKey(ECKAEG_PrivateKey const& other)
+ : Public_Key(),
+ EC_PublicKey(),
+ Private_Key(),
+ ECKAEG_PublicKey(),
+ EC_PrivateKey(),
+ PK_Key_Agreement_Key()
+ {
+ set_all_values(other);
+ }
+ECKAEG_PrivateKey const& ECKAEG_PrivateKey::operator= (ECKAEG_PrivateKey const& rhs)
+ {
+ set_all_values(rhs);
+ return *this;
+ }
+MemoryVector<byte> ECKAEG_PrivateKey::public_value() const
+ {
+ return EC2OSP(public_point(), PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED);
+ }
+* Derive a key
+SecureVector<byte> ECKAEG_PrivateKey::derive_key(const byte key[],
+ u32bit key_len) const
+ {
+ MemoryVector<byte> key_x(key, key_len); // FIXME: nasty/slow
+ PointGFp point = OS2ECP(key_x, public_point().get_curve());
+ return m_eckaeg_core.agree(point);
+ }
+* Derive a key
+SecureVector<byte> ECKAEG_PrivateKey::derive_key(const ECKAEG_PublicKey& key) const
+ {
+ affirm_init();
+ key.affirm_init();
+ return m_eckaeg_core.agree(key.public_point());
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg.h
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+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+* (C) 2007 Falko Strenzke, FlexSecure GmbH
+* Manuel Hartl, FlexSecure GmbH
+* (C) 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/ecc_key.h>
+#include <botan/eckaeg_core.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* This class represents ECKAEG Public Keys.
+class BOTAN_DLL ECKAEG_PublicKey : public virtual EC_PublicKey
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Default constructor. Use this one if you want to later fill
+ * this object with data from an encoded key.
+ */
+ ECKAEG_PublicKey() {}
+ /**
+ * Construct a public key from a given public point.
+ * @param dom_par the domain parameters associated with this key
+ * @param public_point the public point defining this key
+ */
+ ECKAEG_PublicKey(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_par,
+ const PointGFp& public_point);
+ /**
+ * Get this keys algorithm name.
+ * @result this keys algorithm name
+ */
+ std::string algo_name() const { return "ECKAEG"; }
+ /**
+ * Get the maximum number of bits allowed to be fed to this key.
+ * This is the bitlength of the order of the base point.
+ * @result the maximum number of input bits
+ */
+ u32bit max_input_bits() const
+ {
+ if(!mp_dom_pars.get())
+ throw Invalid_State("ECKAEG_PublicKey::max_input_bits(): domain parameters not set");
+ return mp_dom_pars->get_order().bits();
+ }
+ ECKAEG_PublicKey(ECKAEG_PublicKey const& other);
+ ECKAEG_PublicKey const& operator= (ECKAEG_PublicKey const& rhs);
+ /**
+ * Make sure that the public point and domain parameters of this
+ * key are set.
+ * @throw Invalid_State if either of the two data members is not set
+ */
+ virtual void affirm_init() const;
+ protected:
+ void X509_load_hook();
+ virtual void set_all_values(const ECKAEG_PublicKey& other);
+ ECKAEG_Core m_eckaeg_core;
+ };
+* This class represents ECKAEG Private Keys.
+class BOTAN_DLL ECKAEG_PrivateKey : public ECKAEG_PublicKey,
+ public EC_PrivateKey,
+ public PK_Key_Agreement_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Generate a new private key
+ * @param the domain parameters to used for this key
+ */
+ ECKAEG_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars)
+ {
+ mp_dom_pars = std::auto_ptr<EC_Domain_Params>(new EC_Domain_Params(dom_pars));
+ generate_private_key(rng);
+ mp_public_point->check_invariants();
+ m_eckaeg_core = ECKAEG_Core(*mp_dom_pars, m_private_value, *mp_public_point);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Default constructor. Use this one if you want to later fill this object with data
+ * from an encoded key.
+ */
+ ECKAEG_PrivateKey() {}
+ ECKAEG_PrivateKey(ECKAEG_PrivateKey const& other);
+ ECKAEG_PrivateKey const& operator=(ECKAEG_PrivateKey const& rhs);
+ MemoryVector<byte> public_value() const;
+ void PKCS8_load_hook(bool = false);
+ /**
+ * Derive a shared key with the other partys public key.
+ * @param key the other partys public key
+ * @param key_len the other partys public key
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> derive_key(const byte key[], u32bit key_len) const;
+ /**
+ * Derive a shared key with the other partys public key.
+ * @param other the other partys public key
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> derive_key(const ECKAEG_PublicKey& other) const;
+ /**
+ * Make sure that the public key parts of this object are set
+ * (calls EC_PublicKey::affirm_init()) as well as the private key
+ * value.
+ * @throw Invalid_State if the above conditions are not satisfied
+ */
+ virtual void affirm_init() const;
+ protected:
+ virtual void set_all_values(const ECKAEG_PrivateKey& other);
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_core.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_core.cpp
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+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_core.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+* ECKAEG Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* (C) 2007 FlexSecure GmbH
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/eckaeg_core.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/pk_engine.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+* ECKAEG_Core Constructor
+ECKAEG_Core::ECKAEG_Core(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars,
+ const BigInt& priv_key,
+ const PointGFp& pub_key)
+ {
+ op = Engine_Core::eckaeg_op(dom_pars, priv_key, pub_key);
+ }
+* ECKAEG_Core Copy Constructor
+ECKAEG_Core::ECKAEG_Core(const ECKAEG_Core& core)
+ {
+ op = 0;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ blinder = core.blinder;
+ }
+* ECKAEG_Core Assignment Operator
+ECKAEG_Core& ECKAEG_Core::operator=(const ECKAEG_Core& core)
+ {
+ delete op;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ blinder = core.blinder;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* ECKAEG Operation
+SecureVector<byte> ECKAEG_Core::agree(const PointGFp& otherKey) const
+ {
+ //assert(op.get());
+ return op->agree(otherKey);
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_core.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_core.h
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index 0000000..d632c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+* ECKAEG Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* (C) 2007 FlexSecure GmbH
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/eckaeg_op.h>
+#include <botan/blinding.h>
+#include <botan/ec_dompar.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* ECKAEG Core
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> agree(const PointGFp&) const;
+ ECKAEG_Core& operator=(const ECKAEG_Core&);
+ ECKAEG_Core() { op = 0; }
+ ECKAEG_Core(const ECKAEG_Core&);
+ ECKAEG_Core(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars,
+ const BigInt& priv_key,
+ PointGFp const& pub_key);
+ ~ECKAEG_Core() { delete op; }
+ private:
+ ECKAEG_Operation* op;
+ Blinder blinder;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_op.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_op.cpp
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index 0000000..0cb5c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_op.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+* ECKAEG Operation
+* (C) 2007 FlexSecure GmbH
+* 2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/eckaeg_op.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+namespace Botan {
+Default_ECKAEG_Op::Default_ECKAEG_Op(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars,
+ const BigInt& priv_key,
+ const PointGFp& pub_key)
+ : m_dom_pars(dom_pars),
+ m_pub_key(pub_key),
+ m_priv_key(priv_key)
+ {
+ }
+SecureVector<byte> Default_ECKAEG_Op::agree(const PointGFp& i) const
+ {
+ BigInt cofactor(m_dom_pars.get_cofactor());
+ BigInt n = m_dom_pars.get_order();
+ BigInt l(inverse_mod(cofactor,n)); // l=h^-1 mod n
+ PointGFp Q(cofactor*i); // q = h*Pb
+ PointGFp S(Q);
+ BigInt group_order = m_dom_pars.get_cofactor() * n;
+ S.mult_this_secure((m_priv_key*l)%n, group_order, n-1);
+ S.check_invariants();
+ return FE2OSP(S.get_affine_x()); // fe2os(xs)
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_op.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_op.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27cf4f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/eckaeg_op.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+* ECKAEG Operations
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* 2007 FlexSecure GmbH
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/ec_dompar.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* ECKAEG Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL ECKAEG_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> agree(const PointGFp&) const = 0;
+ virtual ECKAEG_Operation* clone() const = 0;
+ virtual ~ECKAEG_Operation() {}
+ };
+* Default ECKAEG operation
+class BOTAN_DLL Default_ECKAEG_Op : public ECKAEG_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> agree(const PointGFp& i) const;
+ ECKAEG_Operation* clone() const { return new Default_ECKAEG_Op(*this); }
+ Default_ECKAEG_Op(const EC_Domain_Params& dom_pars,
+ const BigInt& priv_key,
+ const PointGFp& pub_key);
+ private:
+ EC_Domain_Params m_dom_pars;
+ PointGFp m_pub_key;
+ BigInt m_priv_key;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/info.txt
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+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/eckaeg/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+realname "ECKAEG"
+define ECKAEG
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_core.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_core.cpp
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index 0000000..8b8c8f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_core.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+* ElGamal Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/elg_core.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/pk_engine.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+* ELG_Core Constructor
+ELG_Core::ELG_Core(const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& y)
+ {
+ op = Engine_Core::elg_op(group, y, 0);
+ p_bytes = 0;
+ }
+* ELG_Core Constructor
+ELG_Core::ELG_Core(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& y, const BigInt& x)
+ {
+ op = Engine_Core::elg_op(group, y, x);
+ const BigInt& p = group.get_p();
+ p_bytes = p.bytes();
+ {
+ BigInt k(rng, std::min(p.bits()-1, BLINDING_BITS));
+ blinder = Blinder(k, power_mod(k, x, p), p);
+ }
+ }
+* ELG_Core Copy Constructor
+ELG_Core::ELG_Core(const ELG_Core& core)
+ {
+ op = 0;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ blinder = core.blinder;
+ p_bytes = core.p_bytes;
+ }
+* ELG_Core Assignment Operator
+ELG_Core& ELG_Core::operator=(const ELG_Core& core)
+ {
+ delete op;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ blinder = core.blinder;
+ p_bytes = core.p_bytes;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* ElGamal Encrypt Operation
+SecureVector<byte> ELG_Core::encrypt(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ const BigInt& k) const
+ {
+ return op->encrypt(in, length, k);
+ }
+* ElGamal Decrypt Operation
+SecureVector<byte> ELG_Core::decrypt(const byte in[], u32bit length) const
+ {
+ if(length != 2*p_bytes)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("ELG_Core::decrypt: Invalid message");
+ BigInt a(in, p_bytes);
+ BigInt b(in + p_bytes, p_bytes);
+ return BigInt::encode(blinder.unblind(op->decrypt(blinder.blind(a), b)));
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_core.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_core.h
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index 0000000..a7768a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+* ElGamal Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/elg_op.h>
+#include <botan/blinding.h>
+#include <botan/dl_group.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* ElGamal Core
+class BOTAN_DLL ELG_Core
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte[], u32bit, const BigInt&) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ ELG_Core& operator=(const ELG_Core&);
+ ELG_Core() { op = 0; }
+ ELG_Core(const ELG_Core&);
+ ELG_Core(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&);
+ ELG_Core(RandomNumberGenerator&, const DL_Group&,
+ const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ ~ELG_Core() { delete op; }
+ private:
+ ELG_Operation* op;
+ Blinder blinder;
+ u32bit p_bytes;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_op.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_op.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e476ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_op.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* ElGamal Operations
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/elg_op.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Default_ELG_Op Constructor
+Default_ELG_Op::Default_ELG_Op(const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& y,
+ const BigInt& x) : p(group.get_p())
+ {
+ powermod_g_p = Fixed_Base_Power_Mod(group.get_g(), p);
+ powermod_y_p = Fixed_Base_Power_Mod(y, p);
+ mod_p = Modular_Reducer(p);
+ if(x != 0)
+ powermod_x_p = Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod(x, p);
+ }
+* Default ElGamal Encrypt Operation
+SecureVector<byte> Default_ELG_Op::encrypt(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ const BigInt& k) const
+ {
+ BigInt m(in, length);
+ if(m >= p)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Default_ELG_Op::encrypt: Input is too large");
+ BigInt a = powermod_g_p(k);
+ BigInt b = mod_p.multiply(m, powermod_y_p(k));
+ SecureVector<byte> output(2*p.bytes());
+ a.binary_encode(output + (p.bytes() - a.bytes()));
+ b.binary_encode(output + output.size() / 2 + (p.bytes() - b.bytes()));
+ return output;
+ }
+* Default ElGamal Decrypt Operation
+BigInt Default_ELG_Op::decrypt(const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b) const
+ {
+ if(a >= p || b >= p)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Default_ELG_Op: Invalid message");
+ return mod_p.multiply(b, inverse_mod(powermod_x_p(a), p));
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_op.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_op.h
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index 0000000..39ed897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elg_op.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+* ElGamal Operations
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/pow_mod.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/dl_group.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* ElGamal Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL ELG_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte[], u32bit,
+ const BigInt&) const = 0;
+ virtual BigInt decrypt(const BigInt&, const BigInt&) const = 0;
+ virtual ELG_Operation* clone() const = 0;
+ virtual ~ELG_Operation() {}
+ };
+* Botan's Default ElGamal Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL Default_ELG_Op : public ELG_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte[], u32bit, const BigInt&) const;
+ BigInt decrypt(const BigInt&, const BigInt&) const;
+ ELG_Operation* clone() const { return new Default_ELG_Op(*this); }
+ Default_ELG_Op(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ private:
+ const BigInt p;
+ Fixed_Base_Power_Mod powermod_g_p, powermod_y_p;
+ Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod powermod_x_p;
+ Modular_Reducer mod_p;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elgamal.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elgamal.cpp
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index 0000000..1f79df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elgamal.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+* ElGamal
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/elgamal.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/keypair.h>
+#include <botan/look_pk.h>
+#include <botan/util.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* ElGamal_PublicKey Constructor
+ElGamal_PublicKey::ElGamal_PublicKey(const DL_Group& grp, const BigInt& y1)
+ {
+ group = grp;
+ y = y1;
+ X509_load_hook();
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific X.509 Initialization Code
+void ElGamal_PublicKey::X509_load_hook()
+ {
+ core = ELG_Core(group, y);
+ }
+* ElGamal Encryption Function
+ElGamal_PublicKey::encrypt(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ BigInt k(rng, 2 * dl_work_factor(group_p().bits()));
+ return core.encrypt(in, length, k);
+ }
+* Return the maximum input size in bits
+u32bit ElGamal_PublicKey::max_input_bits() const
+ {
+ return (group_p().bits() - 1);
+ }
+* ElGamal_PrivateKey Constructor
+ElGamal_PrivateKey::ElGamal_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const DL_Group& grp,
+ const BigInt& x_arg)
+ {
+ group = grp;
+ x = x_arg;
+ if(x == 0)
+ {
+ x.randomize(rng, 2 * dl_work_factor(group_p().bits()));
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, true);
+ }
+ else
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, false);
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific PKCS #8 Initialization Code
+void ElGamal_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool generated)
+ {
+ if(y == 0)
+ y = power_mod(group_g(), x, group_p());
+ core = ELG_Core(rng, group, y, x);
+ if(generated)
+ gen_check(rng);
+ else
+ load_check(rng);
+ }
+* ElGamal Decryption Function
+SecureVector<byte> ElGamal_PrivateKey::decrypt(const byte in[],
+ u32bit length) const
+ {
+ return core.decrypt(in, length);
+ }
+* Check Private ElGamal Parameters
+bool ElGamal_PrivateKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool strong) const
+ {
+ if(!DL_Scheme_PrivateKey::check_key(rng, strong))
+ return false;
+ if(!strong)
+ return true;
+ try
+ {
+ KeyPair::check_key(rng,
+ get_pk_encryptor(*this, "EME1(SHA-1)"),
+ get_pk_decryptor(*this, "EME1(SHA-1)")
+ );
+ }
+ catch(Self_Test_Failure)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elgamal.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elgamal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93e640f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/elgamal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+* ElGamal
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_ELGAMAL_H__
+#define BOTAN_ELGAMAL_H__
+#include <botan/dl_algo.h>
+#include <botan/elg_core.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* ElGamal Public Key
+class BOTAN_DLL ElGamal_PublicKey : public PK_Encrypting_Key,
+ public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey
+ {
+ public:
+ std::string algo_name() const { return "ElGamal"; }
+ DL_Group::Format group_format() const { return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_42; }
+ SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ u32bit max_input_bits() const;
+ ElGamal_PublicKey() {}
+ ElGamal_PublicKey(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&);
+ protected:
+ ELG_Core core;
+ private:
+ void X509_load_hook();
+ };
+* ElGamal Private Key
+class BOTAN_DLL ElGamal_PrivateKey : public ElGamal_PublicKey,
+ public PK_Decrypting_Key,
+ public virtual DL_Scheme_PrivateKey
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
+ ElGamal_PrivateKey() {}
+ ElGamal_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator&, const DL_Group&,
+ const BigInt& = 0);
+ private:
+ void PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator&, bool = false);
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7ae614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/elgamal/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+realname "ElGamal"
+define ELGAMAL
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_algo.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_algo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..556c86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_algo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+* IF Scheme
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/if_algo.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Return the X.509 public key encoder
+X509_Encoder* IF_Scheme_PublicKey::x509_encoder() const
+ {
+ class IF_Scheme_Encoder : public X509_Encoder
+ {
+ public:
+ AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id() const
+ {
+ return AlgorithmIdentifier(key->get_oid(),
+ AlgorithmIdentifier::USE_NULL_PARAM);
+ }
+ MemoryVector<byte> key_bits() const
+ {
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(key->n)
+ .encode(key->e)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
+ IF_Scheme_Encoder(const IF_Scheme_PublicKey* k) : key(k) {}
+ private:
+ const IF_Scheme_PublicKey* key;
+ };
+ return new IF_Scheme_Encoder(this);
+ }
+* Return the X.509 public key decoder
+X509_Decoder* IF_Scheme_PublicKey::x509_decoder()
+ {
+ class IF_Scheme_Decoder : public X509_Decoder
+ {
+ public:
+ void alg_id(const AlgorithmIdentifier&) {}
+ void key_bits(const MemoryRegion<byte>& bits)
+ {
+ BER_Decoder(bits)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(key->n)
+ .decode(key->e)
+ .verify_end()
+ .end_cons();
+ key->X509_load_hook();
+ }
+ IF_Scheme_Decoder(IF_Scheme_PublicKey* k) : key(k) {}
+ private:
+ IF_Scheme_PublicKey* key;
+ };
+ return new IF_Scheme_Decoder(this);
+ }
+* Return the PKCS #8 public key encoder
+PKCS8_Encoder* IF_Scheme_PrivateKey::pkcs8_encoder() const
+ {
+ class IF_Scheme_Encoder : public PKCS8_Encoder
+ {
+ public:
+ AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id() const
+ {
+ return AlgorithmIdentifier(key->get_oid(),
+ AlgorithmIdentifier::USE_NULL_PARAM);
+ }
+ MemoryVector<byte> key_bits() const
+ {
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(static_cast<u32bit>(0))
+ .encode(key->n)
+ .encode(key->e)
+ .encode(key->d)
+ .encode(key->p)
+ .encode(key->q)
+ .encode(key->d1)
+ .encode(key->d2)
+ .encode(key->c)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
+ IF_Scheme_Encoder(const IF_Scheme_PrivateKey* k) : key(k) {}
+ private:
+ const IF_Scheme_PrivateKey* key;
+ };
+ return new IF_Scheme_Encoder(this);
+ }
+* Return the PKCS #8 public key decoder
+PKCS8_Decoder* IF_Scheme_PrivateKey::pkcs8_decoder(RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ class IF_Scheme_Decoder : public PKCS8_Decoder
+ {
+ public:
+ void alg_id(const AlgorithmIdentifier&) {}
+ void key_bits(const MemoryRegion<byte>& bits)
+ {
+ u32bit version;
+ BER_Decoder(bits)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(version)
+ .decode(key->n)
+ .decode(key->e)
+ .decode(key->d)
+ .decode(key->p)
+ .decode(key->q)
+ .decode(key->d1)
+ .decode(key->d2)
+ .decode(key->c)
+ .end_cons();
+ if(version != 0)
+ throw Decoding_Error("Unknown PKCS #1 key format version");
+ key->PKCS8_load_hook(rng);
+ }
+ IF_Scheme_Decoder(IF_Scheme_PrivateKey* k, RandomNumberGenerator& r) :
+ key(k), rng(r) {}
+ private:
+ IF_Scheme_PrivateKey* key;
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng;
+ };
+ return new IF_Scheme_Decoder(this, rng);
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific X.509 Initialization Code
+void IF_Scheme_PublicKey::X509_load_hook()
+ {
+ core = IF_Core(e, n);
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific PKCS #8 Initialization Code
+void IF_Scheme_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool generated)
+ {
+ if(n == 0) n = p * q;
+ if(d1 == 0) d1 = d % (p - 1);
+ if(d2 == 0) d2 = d % (q - 1);
+ if(c == 0) c = inverse_mod(q, p);
+ core = IF_Core(rng, e, n, d, p, q, d1, d2, c);
+ if(generated)
+ gen_check(rng);
+ else
+ load_check(rng);
+ }
+* Check IF Scheme Public Parameters
+bool IF_Scheme_PublicKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator&, bool) const
+ {
+ if(n < 35 || n.is_even() || e < 2)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+* Check IF Scheme Private Parameters
+bool IF_Scheme_PrivateKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool strong) const
+ {
+ if(n < 35 || n.is_even() || e < 2 || d < 2 || p < 3 || q < 3 || p*q != n)
+ return false;
+ if(!strong)
+ return true;
+ if(d1 != d % (p - 1) || d2 != d % (q - 1) || c != inverse_mod(q, p))
+ return false;
+ if(!check_prime(p, rng) || !check_prime(q, rng))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_algo.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_algo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32a29be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_algo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+* IF Scheme
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_IF_ALGO_H__
+#define BOTAN_IF_ALGO_H__
+#include <botan/if_core.h>
+#include <botan/x509_key.h>
+#include <botan/pkcs8.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* This class represents public keys
+* of integer factorization based (IF) public key schemes.
+class BOTAN_DLL IF_Scheme_PublicKey : public virtual Public_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
+ /**
+ * Get n = p * q.
+ * @return n
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_n() const { return n; }
+ /**
+ * Get the public exponent used by the key.
+ * @return the public exponent
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_e() const { return e; }
+ u32bit max_input_bits() const { return (n.bits() - 1); }
+ X509_Encoder* x509_encoder() const;
+ X509_Decoder* x509_decoder();
+ protected:
+ virtual void X509_load_hook();
+ BigInt n, e;
+ IF_Core core;
+ };
+* This class represents public keys
+* of integer factorization based (IF) public key schemes.
+class BOTAN_DLL IF_Scheme_PrivateKey : public virtual IF_Scheme_PublicKey,
+ public virtual Private_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
+ /**
+ * Get the first prime p.
+ * @return the prime p
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_p() const { return p; }
+ /**
+ * Get the second prime q.
+ * @return the prime q
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_q() const { return q; }
+ /**
+ * Get d with exp * d = 1 mod (p - 1, q - 1).
+ * @return d
+ */
+ const BigInt& get_d() const { return d; }
+ PKCS8_Encoder* pkcs8_encoder() const;
+ PKCS8_Decoder* pkcs8_decoder(RandomNumberGenerator&);
+ protected:
+ virtual void PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator&, bool = false);
+ BigInt d, p, q, d1, d2, c;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_core.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_core.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cc6a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_core.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+* IF Algorithm Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/if_core.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/pk_engine.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace {
+* IF_Core Constructor
+IF_Core::IF_Core(const BigInt& e, const BigInt& n)
+ {
+ op = Engine_Core::if_op(e, n, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+* IF_Core Constructor
+IF_Core::IF_Core(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const BigInt& e, const BigInt& n, const BigInt& d,
+ const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q,
+ const BigInt& d1, const BigInt& d2, const BigInt& c)
+ {
+ op = Engine_Core::if_op(e, n, d, p, q, d1, d2, c);
+ {
+ BigInt k(rng, std::min(n.bits()-1, BLINDING_BITS));
+ blinder = Blinder(power_mod(k, e, n), inverse_mod(k, n), n);
+ }
+ }
+* IF_Core Copy Constructor
+IF_Core::IF_Core(const IF_Core& core)
+ {
+ op = 0;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ blinder = core.blinder;
+ }
+* IF_Core Assignment Operator
+IF_Core& IF_Core::operator=(const IF_Core& core)
+ {
+ delete op;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ blinder = core.blinder;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* IF Public Operation
+BigInt IF_Core::public_op(const BigInt& i) const
+ {
+ return op->public_op(i);
+ }
+* IF Private Operation
+BigInt IF_Core::private_op(const BigInt& i) const
+ {
+ return blinder.unblind(op->private_op(blinder.blind(i)));
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_core.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7f4877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+* IF Algorithm Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_IF_CORE_H__
+#define BOTAN_IF_CORE_H__
+#include <botan/if_op.h>
+#include <botan/blinding.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* IF Core
+class BOTAN_DLL IF_Core
+ {
+ public:
+ BigInt public_op(const BigInt&) const;
+ BigInt private_op(const BigInt&) const;
+ IF_Core& operator=(const IF_Core&);
+ IF_Core() { op = 0; }
+ IF_Core(const IF_Core&);
+ IF_Core(const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ IF_Core(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const BigInt&, const BigInt&,
+ const BigInt&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&,
+ const BigInt&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ ~IF_Core() { delete op; }
+ private:
+ IF_Operation* op;
+ Blinder blinder;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_op.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_op.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27aef45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_op.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* IF (RSA/RW) Operation
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/if_op.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Default_IF_Op Constructor
+Default_IF_Op::Default_IF_Op(const BigInt& e, const BigInt& n, const BigInt&,
+ const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q,
+ const BigInt& d1, const BigInt& d2,
+ const BigInt& c)
+ {
+ powermod_e_n = Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod(e, n);
+ if(d1 != 0 && d2 != 0 && p != 0 && q != 0)
+ {
+ powermod_d1_p = Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod(d1, p);
+ powermod_d2_q = Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod(d2, q);
+ reducer = Modular_Reducer(p);
+ this->c = c;
+ this->q = q;
+ }
+ }
+* Default IF Private Operation
+BigInt Default_IF_Op::private_op(const BigInt& i) const
+ {
+ if(q == 0)
+ throw Internal_Error("Default_IF_Op::private_op: No private key");
+ BigInt j1 = powermod_d1_p(i);
+ BigInt j2 = powermod_d2_q(i);
+ j1 = reducer.reduce(sub_mul(j1, j2, c));
+ return mul_add(j1, q, j2);
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_op.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_op.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..516902f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/if_op.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+* IF Operations
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_IF_OP_H__
+#define BOTAN_IF_OP_H__
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/pow_mod.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* IF Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL IF_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual BigInt public_op(const BigInt&) const = 0;
+ virtual BigInt private_op(const BigInt&) const = 0;
+ virtual IF_Operation* clone() const = 0;
+ virtual ~IF_Operation() {}
+ };
+* Default IF Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL Default_IF_Op : public IF_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ BigInt public_op(const BigInt& i) const
+ { return powermod_e_n(i); }
+ BigInt private_op(const BigInt&) const;
+ IF_Operation* clone() const { return new Default_IF_Op(*this); }
+ Default_IF_Op(const BigInt&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&,
+ const BigInt&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&,
+ const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ private:
+ Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod powermod_e_n, powermod_d1_p, powermod_d2_q;
+ Modular_Reducer reducer;
+ BigInt c, q;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2142f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/if_algo/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+realname "Integer Factorization Algorithms"
+load_on dep
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee8da5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+realname "Public Key Base"
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/keypair/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/keypair/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e75864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/keypair/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+realname "Keypair Testing"
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/keypair/keypair.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/keypair/keypair.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..486577f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/keypair/keypair.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+* Keypair Checks
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/keypair.h>
+#include <botan/look_pk.h>
+#include <memory>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace KeyPair {
+* Check an encryption key pair for consistency
+void check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ PK_Encryptor* encryptor, PK_Decryptor* decryptor)
+ {
+ if(encryptor->maximum_input_size() == 0)
+ return;
+ std::auto_ptr<PK_Encryptor> enc(encryptor);
+ std::auto_ptr<PK_Decryptor> dec(decryptor);
+ SecureVector<byte> message(enc->maximum_input_size() - 1);
+ rng.randomize(message, message.size());
+ SecureVector<byte> ciphertext = enc->encrypt(message, rng);
+ if(ciphertext == message)
+ throw Self_Test_Failure("Encryption key pair consistency failure");
+ SecureVector<byte> message2 = dec->decrypt(ciphertext);
+ if(message != message2)
+ throw Self_Test_Failure("Encryption key pair consistency failure");
+ }
+* Check a signature key pair for consistency
+void check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ PK_Signer* signer, PK_Verifier* verifier)
+ {
+ std::auto_ptr<PK_Signer> sig(signer);
+ std::auto_ptr<PK_Verifier> ver(verifier);
+ SecureVector<byte> message(16);
+ rng.randomize(message, message.size());
+ SecureVector<byte> signature;
+ try
+ {
+ signature = sig->sign_message(message, rng);
+ }
+ catch(Encoding_Error)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!ver->verify_message(message, signature))
+ throw Self_Test_Failure("Signature key pair consistency failure");
+ ++message[0];
+ if(ver->verify_message(message, signature))
+ throw Self_Test_Failure("Signature key pair consistency failure");
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/keypair/keypair.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/keypair/keypair.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1d5c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/keypair/keypair.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* Keypair Checks
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_KEYPAIR_H__
+#define BOTAN_KEYPAIR_H__
+#include <botan/pubkey.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace KeyPair {
+* Tests whether the specified encryptor and decryptor are related to each other,
+* i.e. whether encrypting with the encryptor and consecutive decryption leads to
+* the original plaintext.
+* @param rng the rng to use
+* @param enc the encryptor to test
+* @param dec the decryptor to test
+* @throw Self_Test_Failure if the arguments are not related to each other
+BOTAN_DLL void check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ PK_Encryptor* enc,
+ PK_Decryptor* dec);
+* Tests whether the specified signer and verifier are related to each other,
+* i.e. whether a signature created with the signer and can be
+* successfully verified with the verifier.
+* @param rng the rng to use
+* @param sig the signer to test
+* @param ver the verifier to test
+* @throw Self_Test_Failure if the arguments are not related to each other
+BOTAN_DLL void check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ PK_Signer* sig,
+ PK_Verifier* ver);
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c89820a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+realname "Nyberg-Rueppel"
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad4ae78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+* Nyberg-Rueppel
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/nr.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/keypair.h>
+#include <botan/look_pk.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* NR_PublicKey Constructor
+NR_PublicKey::NR_PublicKey(const DL_Group& grp, const BigInt& y1)
+ {
+ group = grp;
+ y = y1;
+ X509_load_hook();
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific X.509 Initialization Code
+void NR_PublicKey::X509_load_hook()
+ {
+ core = NR_Core(group, y);
+ }
+* Nyberg-Rueppel Verification Function
+SecureVector<byte> NR_PublicKey::verify(const byte sig[], u32bit sig_len) const
+ {
+ return core.verify(sig, sig_len);
+ }
+* Return the maximum input size in bits
+u32bit NR_PublicKey::max_input_bits() const
+ {
+ return (group_q().bits() - 1);
+ }
+* Return the size of each portion of the sig
+u32bit NR_PublicKey::message_part_size() const
+ {
+ return group_q().bytes();
+ }
+* Create a NR private key
+NR_PrivateKey::NR_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const DL_Group& grp,
+ const BigInt& x_arg)
+ {
+ group = grp;
+ x = x_arg;
+ if(x == 0)
+ {
+ x = BigInt::random_integer(rng, 2, group_q() - 1);
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, true);
+ }
+ else
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, false);
+ }
+* Algorithm Specific PKCS #8 Initialization Code
+void NR_PrivateKey::PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ bool generated)
+ {
+ if(y == 0)
+ y = power_mod(group_g(), x, group_p());
+ core = NR_Core(group, y, x);
+ if(generated)
+ gen_check(rng);
+ else
+ load_check(rng);
+ }
+* Nyberg-Rueppel Signature Operation
+SecureVector<byte> NR_PrivateKey::sign(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ const BigInt& q = group_q();
+ BigInt k;
+ do
+ k.randomize(rng, q.bits());
+ while(k >= q);
+ return core.sign(in, length, k);
+ }
+* Check Private Nyberg-Rueppel Parameters
+bool NR_PrivateKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong) const
+ {
+ if(!DL_Scheme_PrivateKey::check_key(rng, strong) || x >= group_q())
+ return false;
+ if(!strong)
+ return true;
+ try
+ {
+ KeyPair::check_key(rng,
+ get_pk_signer(*this, "EMSA1(SHA-1)"),
+ get_pk_verifier(*this, "EMSA1(SHA-1)")
+ );
+ }
+ catch(Self_Test_Failure)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..144c5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+* Nyberg-Rueppel
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/dl_algo.h>
+#include <botan/nr_core.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Nyberg-Rueppel Public Key
+class BOTAN_DLL NR_PublicKey : public PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key,
+ public virtual DL_Scheme_PublicKey
+ {
+ public:
+ std::string algo_name() const { return "NR"; }
+ SecureVector<byte> verify(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ u32bit max_input_bits() const;
+ DL_Group::Format group_format() const { return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_57; }
+ u32bit message_parts() const { return 2; }
+ u32bit message_part_size() const;
+ NR_PublicKey() {}
+ NR_PublicKey(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&);
+ protected:
+ NR_Core core;
+ private:
+ void X509_load_hook();
+ };
+* Nyberg-Rueppel Private Key
+class BOTAN_DLL NR_PrivateKey : public NR_PublicKey,
+ public PK_Signing_Key,
+ public virtual DL_Scheme_PrivateKey
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
+ NR_PrivateKey() {}
+ NR_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator&, const DL_Group&,
+ const BigInt& = 0);
+ private:
+ void PKCS8_load_hook(RandomNumberGenerator&, bool = false);
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_core.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_core.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa1115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_core.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+* NR Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/nr_core.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/pk_engine.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+* NR_Core Constructor
+NR_Core::NR_Core(const DL_Group& group, const BigInt& y, const BigInt& x)
+ {
+ op = Engine_Core::nr_op(group, y, x);
+ }
+* NR_Core Copy Constructor
+NR_Core::NR_Core(const NR_Core& core)
+ {
+ op = 0;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ }
+* NR_Core Assignment Operator
+NR_Core& NR_Core::operator=(const NR_Core& core)
+ {
+ delete op;
+ if(core.op)
+ op = core.op->clone();
+ return (*this);
+ }
+* NR Verification Operation
+SecureVector<byte> NR_Core::verify(const byte in[], u32bit length) const
+ {
+ return op->verify(in, length);
+ }
+* NR Signature Operation
+SecureVector<byte> NR_Core::sign(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ const BigInt& k) const
+ {
+ return op->sign(in, length, k);
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_core.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4837736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+* NR Core
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_NR_CORE_H__
+#define BOTAN_NR_CORE_H__
+#include <botan/nr_op.h>
+#include <botan/dl_group.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* NR Core
+class BOTAN_DLL NR_Core
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit, const BigInt&) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> verify(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ NR_Core& operator=(const NR_Core&);
+ NR_Core() { op = 0; }
+ NR_Core(const NR_Core&);
+ NR_Core(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&, const BigInt& = 0);
+ ~NR_Core() { delete op; }
+ private:
+ NR_Operation* op;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_op.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_op.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5efa3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_op.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+* NR Operations
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/nr_op.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Default_NR_Op Constructor
+Default_NR_Op::Default_NR_Op(const DL_Group& grp, const BigInt& y1,
+ const BigInt& x1) : x(x1), y(y1), group(grp)
+ {
+ powermod_g_p = Fixed_Base_Power_Mod(group.get_g(), group.get_p());
+ powermod_y_p = Fixed_Base_Power_Mod(y, group.get_p());
+ mod_p = Modular_Reducer(group.get_p());
+ mod_q = Modular_Reducer(group.get_q());
+ }
+* Default NR Verify Operation
+SecureVector<byte> Default_NR_Op::verify(const byte in[], u32bit length) const
+ {
+ const BigInt& q = group.get_q();
+ if(length != 2*q.bytes())
+ return false;
+ BigInt c(in, q.bytes());
+ BigInt d(in + q.bytes(), q.bytes());
+ if(c.is_zero() || c >= q || d >= q)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Default_NR_Op::verify: Invalid signature");
+ BigInt i = mod_p.multiply(powermod_g_p(d), powermod_y_p(c));
+ return BigInt::encode(mod_q.reduce(c - i));
+ }
+* Default NR Sign Operation
+SecureVector<byte> Default_NR_Op::sign(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ const BigInt& k) const
+ {
+ if(x == 0)
+ throw Internal_Error("Default_NR_Op::sign: No private key");
+ const BigInt& q = group.get_q();
+ BigInt f(in, length);
+ if(f >= q)
+ throw Invalid_Argument("Default_NR_Op::sign: Input is out of range");
+ BigInt c = mod_q.reduce(powermod_g_p(k) + f);
+ if(c.is_zero())
+ throw Internal_Error("Default_NR_Op::sign: c was zero");
+ BigInt d = mod_q.reduce(k - x * c);
+ SecureVector<byte> output(2*q.bytes());
+ c.binary_encode(output + (output.size() / 2 - c.bytes()));
+ d.binary_encode(output + (output.size() - d.bytes()));
+ return output;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_op.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_op.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cba1465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/nr/nr_op.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+* NR Operations
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_NR_OPS_H__
+#define BOTAN_NR_OPS_H__
+#include <botan/pow_mod.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/reducer.h>
+#include <botan/dl_group.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* NR Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL NR_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> verify(const byte[], u32bit) const = 0;
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit,
+ const BigInt&) const = 0;
+ virtual NR_Operation* clone() const = 0;
+ virtual ~NR_Operation() {}
+ };
+* Botan's Default NR Operation
+class BOTAN_DLL Default_NR_Op : public NR_Operation
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> verify(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit, const BigInt&) const;
+ NR_Operation* clone() const { return new Default_NR_Op(*this); }
+ Default_NR_Op(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ private:
+ const BigInt x, y;
+ const DL_Group group;
+ Fixed_Base_Power_Mod powermod_g_p, powermod_y_p;
+ Modular_Reducer mod_p, mod_q;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_algs.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_algs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d7294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_algs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+* PK Key
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/pk_algs.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_RSA)
+ #include <botan/rsa.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_DSA)
+ #include <botan/dsa.h>
+ #include <botan/dh.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ECDSA)
+ #include <botan/ecdsa.h>
+ #include <botan/nr.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_RW)
+ #include <botan/rw.h>
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ELGAMAL)
+ #include <botan/elgamal.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Get an PK public key object
+Public_Key* get_public_key(const std::string& alg_name)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_RSA)
+ if(alg_name == "RSA") return new RSA_PublicKey;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_DSA)
+ if(alg_name == "DSA") return new DSA_PublicKey;
+ if(alg_name == "DH") return new DH_PublicKey;
+ if(alg_name == "NR") return new NR_PublicKey;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_RW)
+ if(alg_name == "RW") return new RW_PublicKey;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ELG)
+ if(alg_name == "ELG") return new ElGamal_PublicKey;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ECDSA)
+ if(alg_name == "ECDSA") return new ECDSA_PublicKey;
+ return 0;
+ }
+* Get an PK private key object
+Private_Key* get_private_key(const std::string& alg_name)
+ {
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_RSA)
+ if(alg_name == "RSA") return new RSA_PrivateKey;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_DSA)
+ if(alg_name == "DSA") return new DSA_PrivateKey;
+ if(alg_name == "DH") return new DH_PrivateKey;
+ if(alg_name == "NR") return new NR_PrivateKey;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_RW)
+ if(alg_name == "RW") return new RW_PrivateKey;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ELG)
+ if(alg_name == "ELG") return new ElGamal_PrivateKey;
+#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ECDSA)
+ if(alg_name == "ECDSA") return new ECDSA_PrivateKey;
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_algs.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_algs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c41bf1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_algs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+* PK Key Factory
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/pk_keys.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Get an empty public key object.
+* @param name the name of the desired public key algorithm
+* @return the public key object
+BOTAN_DLL Public_Key* get_public_key(const std::string&);
+* Get an empty private key object.
+* @param name the name of the desired public key algorithm
+* @return the private key object
+BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* get_private_key(const std::string&);
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96511a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+realname "PK codecs (PKCS8, X.509)"
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/pkcs8.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/pkcs8.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a464ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/pkcs8.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+* PKCS #8
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/pkcs8.h>
+#include <botan/get_pbe.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/asn1_obj.h>
+#include <botan/pk_algs.h>
+#include <botan/oids.h>
+#include <botan/pem.h>
+#include <memory>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace PKCS8 {
+namespace {
+* Get info from an EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
+SecureVector<byte> PKCS8_extract(DataSource& source,
+ AlgorithmIdentifier& pbe_alg_id)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> key_data;
+ BER_Decoder(source)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(pbe_alg_id)
+ .decode(key_data, OCTET_STRING)
+ .verify_end();
+ return key_data;
+ }
+* PEM decode and/or decrypt a private key
+SecureVector<byte> PKCS8_decode(DataSource& source, const User_Interface& ui,
+ AlgorithmIdentifier& pk_alg_id)
+ {
+ AlgorithmIdentifier pbe_alg_id;
+ SecureVector<byte> key_data, key;
+ bool is_encrypted = true;
+ try {
+ if(ASN1::maybe_BER(source) && !PEM_Code::matches(source))
+ key_data = PKCS8_extract(source, pbe_alg_id);
+ else
+ {
+ std::string label;
+ key_data = PEM_Code::decode(source, label);
+ if(label == "PRIVATE KEY")
+ is_encrypted = false;
+ else if(label == "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY")
+ {
+ DataSource_Memory key_source(key_data);
+ key_data = PKCS8_extract(key_source, pbe_alg_id);
+ }
+ else
+ throw PKCS8_Exception("Unknown PEM label " + label);
+ }
+ if(key_data.is_empty())
+ throw PKCS8_Exception("No key data found");
+ }
+ catch(Decoding_Error)
+ {
+ throw Decoding_Error("PKCS #8 private key decoding failed");
+ }
+ if(!is_encrypted)
+ key = key_data;
+ const u32bit MAX_TRIES = 3;
+ u32bit tries = 0;
+ while(true)
+ {
+ try {
+ if(MAX_TRIES && tries >= MAX_TRIES)
+ break;
+ if(is_encrypted)
+ {
+ DataSource_Memory params(pbe_alg_id.parameters);
+ std::auto_ptr<PBE> pbe(get_pbe(pbe_alg_id.oid, params));
+ User_Interface::UI_Result result = User_Interface::OK;
+ const std::string passphrase =
+ ui.get_passphrase("PKCS #8 private key",, result);
+ if(result == User_Interface::CANCEL_ACTION)
+ break;
+ pbe->set_key(passphrase);
+ Pipe decryptor(pbe.release());
+ decryptor.process_msg(key_data, key_data.size());
+ key = decryptor.read_all();
+ }
+ u32bit version;
+ BER_Decoder(key)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(version)
+ .decode(pk_alg_id)
+ .decode(key, OCTET_STRING)
+ .discard_remaining()
+ .end_cons();
+ if(version != 0)
+ throw Decoding_Error("PKCS #8: Unknown version number");
+ break;
+ }
+ catch(Decoding_Error)
+ {
+ ++tries;
+ }
+ }
+ if(key.is_empty())
+ throw Decoding_Error("PKCS #8 private key decoding failed");
+ return key;
+ }
+* DER or PEM encode a PKCS #8 private key
+void encode(const Private_Key& key, Pipe& pipe, X509_Encoding encoding)
+ {
+ std::auto_ptr<PKCS8_Encoder> encoder(key.pkcs8_encoder());
+ if(!encoder.get())
+ throw Encoding_Error("PKCS8::encode: Key does not support encoding");
+ const u32bit PKCS8_VERSION = 0;
+ SecureVector<byte> contents =
+ DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(PKCS8_VERSION)
+ .encode(encoder->alg_id())
+ .encode(encoder->key_bits(), OCTET_STRING)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ if(encoding == PEM)
+ pipe.write(PEM_Code::encode(contents, "PRIVATE KEY"));
+ else
+ pipe.write(contents);
+ }
+* Encode and encrypt a PKCS #8 private key
+void encrypt_key(const Private_Key& key,
+ Pipe& pipe,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& pass, const std::string& pbe_algo,
+ X509_Encoding encoding)
+ {
+ const std::string DEFAULT_PBE = "PBE-PKCS5v20(SHA-1,TripleDES/CBC)";
+ Pipe raw_key;
+ raw_key.start_msg();
+ encode(key, raw_key, RAW_BER);
+ raw_key.end_msg();
+ std::auto_ptr<PBE> pbe(get_pbe(((pbe_algo != "") ? pbe_algo : DEFAULT_PBE)));
+ pbe->new_params(rng);
+ pbe->set_key(pass);
+ AlgorithmIdentifier pbe_algid(pbe->get_oid(), pbe->encode_params());
+ Pipe key_encrytor(pbe.release());
+ key_encrytor.process_msg(raw_key);
+ SecureVector<byte> enc_key =
+ DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(pbe_algid)
+ .encode(key_encrytor.read_all(), OCTET_STRING)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ if(encoding == PEM)
+ pipe.write(PEM_Code::encode(enc_key, "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY"));
+ else
+ pipe.write(enc_key);
+ }
+* PEM encode a PKCS #8 private key
+std::string PEM_encode(const Private_Key& key)
+ {
+ Pipe pem;
+ pem.start_msg();
+ encode(key, pem, PEM);
+ pem.end_msg();
+ return pem.read_all_as_string();
+ }
+* Encrypt and PEM encode a PKCS #8 private key
+std::string PEM_encode(const Private_Key& key,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& pass,
+ const std::string& pbe_algo)
+ {
+ if(pass == "")
+ return PEM_encode(key);
+ Pipe pem;
+ pem.start_msg();
+ encrypt_key(key, pem, rng, pass, pbe_algo, PEM);
+ pem.end_msg();
+ return pem.read_all_as_string();
+ }
+* Extract a private key and return it
+Private_Key* load_key(DataSource& source,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const User_Interface& ui)
+ {
+ AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id;
+ SecureVector<byte> pkcs8_key = PKCS8_decode(source, ui, alg_id);
+ const std::string alg_name = OIDS::lookup(alg_id.oid);
+ if(alg_name == "" || alg_name == alg_id.oid.as_string())
+ throw PKCS8_Exception("Unknown algorithm OID: " +
+ alg_id.oid.as_string());
+ std::auto_ptr<Private_Key> key(get_private_key(alg_name));
+ if(!key.get())
+ throw PKCS8_Exception("Unknown PK algorithm/OID: " + alg_name + ", " +
+ alg_id.oid.as_string());
+ std::auto_ptr<PKCS8_Decoder> decoder(key->pkcs8_decoder(rng));
+ if(!decoder.get())
+ throw Decoding_Error("Key does not support PKCS #8 decoding");
+ decoder->alg_id(alg_id);
+ decoder->key_bits(pkcs8_key);
+ return key.release();
+ }
+* Extract a private key and return it
+Private_Key* load_key(const std::string& fsname,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const User_Interface& ui)
+ {
+ DataSource_Stream source(fsname, true);
+ return PKCS8::load_key(source, rng, ui);
+ }
+* Extract a private key and return it
+Private_Key* load_key(DataSource& source,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& pass)
+ {
+ return PKCS8::load_key(source, rng, User_Interface(pass));
+ }
+* Extract a private key and return it
+Private_Key* load_key(const std::string& fsname,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& pass)
+ {
+ return PKCS8::load_key(fsname, rng, User_Interface(pass));
+ }
+* Make a copy of this private key
+Private_Key* copy_key(const Private_Key& key,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ Pipe bits;
+ bits.start_msg();
+ PKCS8::encode(key, bits);
+ bits.end_msg();
+ DataSource_Memory source(bits.read_all());
+ return PKCS8::load_key(source, rng);
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/pkcs8.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/pkcs8.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28008bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/pkcs8.h
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+* PKCS #8
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_PKCS8_H__
+#define BOTAN_PKCS8_H__
+#include <botan/x509_key.h>
+#include <botan/ui.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* PKCS #8 Private Key Encoder.
+class BOTAN_DLL PKCS8_Encoder
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Get the algorithm identifier associated with the scheme
+ * this encoders key is part of.
+ * @return the algorithm identifier
+ */
+ virtual AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get the DER encoded key.
+ * @return the DER encoded key
+ */
+ // FIXME: Why not SecureVector?
+ virtual MemoryVector<byte> key_bits() const = 0;
+ virtual ~PKCS8_Encoder() {}
+ };
+* PKCS #8 Private Key Decoder
+class BOTAN_DLL PKCS8_Decoder
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Set the algorithm identifier associated with the scheme
+ * this decoders key is part of.
+ * @param alg_id the algorithm identifier
+ */
+ virtual void alg_id(const AlgorithmIdentifier&) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set the DER encoded key.
+ * @param key the DER encoded key
+ */
+ virtual void key_bits(const MemoryRegion<byte>&) = 0;
+ virtual ~PKCS8_Decoder() {}
+ };
+* PKCS #8 General Exception
+struct BOTAN_DLL PKCS8_Exception : public Decoding_Error
+ {
+ PKCS8_Exception(const std::string& error) :
+ Decoding_Error("PKCS #8: " + error) {}
+ };
+namespace PKCS8 {
+* Encode a private key into a pipe.
+* @param key the private key to encode
+* @param pipe the pipe to feed the encoded key into
+* @param enc the encoding type to use
+BOTAN_DLL void encode(const Private_Key& key, Pipe& pipe,
+ X509_Encoding enc = PEM);
+* Encode and encrypt a private key into a pipe.
+* @param key the private key to encode
+* @param pipe the pipe to feed the encoded key into
+* @param pass the password to use for encryption
+* @param rng the rng to use
+* @param pbe_algo the name of the desired password-based encryption algorithm.
+* Provide an empty string to use the default PBE defined in the configuration
+* under base/default_pbe.
+* @param enc the encoding type to use
+BOTAN_DLL void encrypt_key(const Private_Key& key,
+ Pipe& pipe,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& pass,
+ const std::string& pbe_algo = "",
+ X509_Encoding enc = PEM);
+* Get a string containing a PEM encoded private key.
+* @param key the key to encode
+* @return the encoded key
+BOTAN_DLL std::string PEM_encode(const Private_Key& key);
+* Get a string containing a PEM encoded private key, encrypting it with a
+* password.
+* @param key the key to encode
+* @param rng the rng to use
+* @param pass the password to use for encryption
+* @param pbe_algo the name of the desired password-based encryption algorithm.
+* Provide an empty string to use the default PBE defined in the configuration
+* under base/default_pbe.
+BOTAN_DLL std::string PEM_encode(const Private_Key& key,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& pass,
+ const std::string& pbe_algo = "");
+* Load a key from a data source.
+* @param source the data source providing the encoded key
+* @param rng the rng to use
+* @param ui the user interface to be used for passphrase dialog
+* @return the loaded private key object
+BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* load_key(DataSource& source,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const User_Interface& ui);
+/** Load a key from a data source.
+* @param source the data source providing the encoded key
+* @param rng the rng to use
+* @param pass the passphrase to decrypt the key. Provide an empty
+* string if the key is not encoded.
+* @return the loaded private key object
+BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* load_key(DataSource& source,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& pass = "");
+* Load a key from a file.
+* @param filename the path to the file containing the encoded key
+* @param rng the rng to use
+* @param ui the user interface to be used for passphrase dialog
+* @return the loaded private key object
+BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* load_key(const std::string& filename,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const User_Interface& ui);
+/** Load a key from a file.
+* @param filename the path to the file containing the encoded key
+* @param rng the rng to use
+* @param pass the passphrase to decrypt the key. Provide an empty
+* string if the key is not encoded.
+* @return the loaded private key object
+BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* load_key(const std::string& filename,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const std::string& pass = "");
+* Copy an existing encoded key object.
+* @param key the key to copy
+* @param rng the rng to use
+* @return the new copy of the key
+BOTAN_DLL Private_Key* copy_key(const Private_Key& key,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/x509_key.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/x509_key.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455e627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/x509_key.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* X.509 Public Key
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/x509_key.h>
+#include <botan/filters.h>
+#include <botan/asn1_obj.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/pk_algs.h>
+#include <botan/oids.h>
+#include <botan/pem.h>
+#include <memory>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace X509 {
+* DER or PEM encode a X.509 public key
+void encode(const Public_Key& key, Pipe& pipe, X509_Encoding encoding)
+ {
+ std::auto_ptr<X509_Encoder> encoder(key.x509_encoder());
+ if(!encoder.get())
+ throw Encoding_Error("X509::encode: Key does not support encoding");
+ MemoryVector<byte> der =
+ DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode(encoder->alg_id())
+ .encode(encoder->key_bits(), BIT_STRING)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ if(encoding == PEM)
+ pipe.write(PEM_Code::encode(der, "PUBLIC KEY"));
+ else
+ pipe.write(der);
+ }
+* PEM encode a X.509 public key
+std::string PEM_encode(const Public_Key& key)
+ {
+ Pipe pem;
+ pem.start_msg();
+ encode(key, pem, PEM);
+ pem.end_msg();
+ return pem.read_all_as_string();
+ }
+* Extract a public key and return it
+Public_Key* load_key(DataSource& source)
+ {
+ try {
+ AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id;
+ MemoryVector<byte> key_bits;
+ if(ASN1::maybe_BER(source) && !PEM_Code::matches(source))
+ {
+ BER_Decoder(source)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(alg_id)
+ .decode(key_bits, BIT_STRING)
+ .verify_end()
+ .end_cons();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DataSource_Memory ber(
+ PEM_Code::decode_check_label(source, "PUBLIC KEY")
+ );
+ BER_Decoder(ber)
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .decode(alg_id)
+ .decode(key_bits, BIT_STRING)
+ .verify_end()
+ .end_cons();
+ }
+ if(key_bits.is_empty())
+ throw Decoding_Error("X.509 public key decoding failed");
+ const std::string alg_name = OIDS::lookup(alg_id.oid);
+ if(alg_name == "")
+ throw Decoding_Error("Unknown algorithm OID: " +
+ alg_id.oid.as_string());
+ std::auto_ptr<Public_Key> key_obj(get_public_key(alg_name));
+ if(!key_obj.get())
+ throw Decoding_Error("Unknown PK algorithm/OID: " + alg_name + ", " +
+ alg_id.oid.as_string());
+ std::auto_ptr<X509_Decoder> decoder(key_obj->x509_decoder());
+ if(!decoder.get())
+ throw Decoding_Error("Key does not support X.509 decoding");
+ decoder->alg_id(alg_id);
+ decoder->key_bits(key_bits);
+ return key_obj.release();
+ }
+ catch(Decoding_Error)
+ {
+ throw Decoding_Error("X.509 public key decoding failed");
+ }
+ }
+* Extract a public key and return it
+Public_Key* load_key(const std::string& fsname)
+ {
+ DataSource_Stream source(fsname, true);
+ return X509::load_key(source);
+ }
+* Extract a public key and return it
+Public_Key* load_key(const MemoryRegion<byte>& mem)
+ {
+ DataSource_Memory source(mem);
+ return X509::load_key(source);
+ }
+* Make a copy of this public key
+Public_Key* copy_key(const Public_Key& key)
+ {
+ Pipe bits;
+ bits.start_msg();
+ X509::encode(key, bits, RAW_BER);
+ bits.end_msg();
+ DataSource_Memory source(bits.read_all());
+ return X509::load_key(source);
+ }
+* Find the allowable key constraints
+Key_Constraints find_constraints(const Public_Key& pub_key,
+ Key_Constraints limits)
+ {
+ const Public_Key* key = &pub_key;
+ u32bit constraints = 0;
+ if(dynamic_cast<const PK_Encrypting_Key*>(key))
+ if(dynamic_cast<const PK_Key_Agreement_Key*>(key))
+ constraints |= KEY_AGREEMENT;
+ if(dynamic_cast<const PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key*>(key) ||
+ dynamic_cast<const PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key*>(key))
+ if(limits)
+ constraints &= limits;
+ return Key_Constraints(constraints);
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/x509_key.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/x509_key.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9404b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_codecs/x509_key.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+* X.509 Public Key
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_X509_PUBLIC_KEY_H__
+#define BOTAN_X509_PUBLIC_KEY_H__
+#include <botan/pipe.h>
+#include <botan/pk_keys.h>
+#include <botan/alg_id.h>
+#include <botan/pubkey_enums.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* This class represents abstract X.509 public key encoders.
+class BOTAN_DLL X509_Encoder
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual AlgorithmIdentifier alg_id() const = 0;
+ virtual MemoryVector<byte> key_bits() const = 0;
+ virtual ~X509_Encoder() {}
+ };
+* This class represents abstract X.509 public key decoders.
+class BOTAN_DLL X509_Decoder
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void alg_id(const AlgorithmIdentifier&) = 0;
+ virtual void key_bits(const MemoryRegion<byte>&) = 0;
+ virtual ~X509_Decoder() {}
+ };
+* This namespace contains functions for handling X509 objects.
+namespace X509 {
+* X.509 Public Key Encoding/Decoding
+* Encode a key into a pipe.
+* @param key the public key to encode
+* @param pipe the pipe to feed the encoded key into
+* @param enc the encoding type to use
+BOTAN_DLL void encode(const Public_Key& key, Pipe& pipe,
+ X509_Encoding enc = PEM);
+* PEM encode a public key into a string.
+* @param key the key to encode
+* @return the PEM encoded key
+BOTAN_DLL std::string PEM_encode(const Public_Key& key);
+* Create a public key from a data source.
+* @param source the source providing the DER or PEM encoded key
+* @return the new public key object
+BOTAN_DLL Public_Key* load_key(DataSource& source);
+* Create a public key from a string.
+* @param enc the string containing the PEM encoded key
+* @return the new public key object
+BOTAN_DLL Public_Key* load_key(const std::string& enc);
+* Create a public key from a memory region.
+* @param enc the memory region containing the DER or PEM encoded key
+* @return the new public key object
+BOTAN_DLL Public_Key* load_key(const MemoryRegion<byte>& enc);
+* Copy a key.
+* @param key the public key to copy
+* @return the new public key object
+BOTAN_DLL Public_Key* copy_key(const Public_Key& key);
+* Create the key constraints for a specific public key.
+* @param pub_key the public key from which the basic set of
+* constraints to be placed in the return value is derived
+* @param limits additional limits that will be incorporated into the
+* return value
+* @return the combination of key type specific constraints and
+* additional limits
+BOTAN_DLL Key_Constraints find_constraints(const Public_Key& pub_key,
+ Key_Constraints limits);
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_filts.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_filts.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18da9c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_filts.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+* PK Filters
+* (C) 1999-2009 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/pk_filts.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Append to the buffer
+void PK_Encryptor_Filter::write(const byte input[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ buffer.append(input, length);
+ }
+* Encrypt the message
+void PK_Encryptor_Filter::end_msg()
+ {
+ send(cipher->encrypt(buffer, buffer.size(), rng));
+ buffer.destroy();
+ }
+* Append to the buffer
+void PK_Decryptor_Filter::write(const byte input[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ buffer.append(input, length);
+ }
+* Decrypt the message
+void PK_Decryptor_Filter::end_msg()
+ {
+ send(cipher->decrypt(buffer, buffer.size()));
+ buffer.destroy();
+ }
+* Add more data
+void PK_Signer_Filter::write(const byte input[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ signer->update(input, length);
+ }
+* Sign the message
+void PK_Signer_Filter::end_msg()
+ {
+ send(signer->signature(rng));
+ }
+* Add more data
+void PK_Verifier_Filter::write(const byte input[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ verifier->update(input, length);
+ }
+* Verify the message
+void PK_Verifier_Filter::end_msg()
+ {
+ if(signature.is_empty())
+ throw Exception("PK_Verifier_Filter: No signature to check against");
+ bool is_valid = verifier->check_signature(signature, signature.size());
+ send((is_valid ? 1 : 0));
+ }
+* Set the signature to check
+void PK_Verifier_Filter::set_signature(const byte sig[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ signature.set(sig, length);
+ }
+* Set the signature to check
+void PK_Verifier_Filter::set_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig)
+ {
+ signature = sig;
+ }
+* PK_Verifier_Filter Constructor
+PK_Verifier_Filter::PK_Verifier_Filter(PK_Verifier* v, const byte sig[],
+ u32bit length) :
+ verifier(v), signature(sig, length)
+ {
+ }
+* PK_Verifier_Filter Constructor
+PK_Verifier_Filter::PK_Verifier_Filter(PK_Verifier* v,
+ const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig) :
+ verifier(v), signature(sig)
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_filts.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_filts.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf3fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_filts.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+* PK Filters
+* (C) 1999-2009 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/filter.h>
+#include <botan/pubkey.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* PK_Encryptor Filter
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Encryptor_Filter : public Filter
+ {
+ public:
+ void write(const byte[], u32bit);
+ void end_msg();
+ PK_Encryptor_Filter(PK_Encryptor* c,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng_ref) :
+ cipher(c), rng(rng_ref) {}
+ ~PK_Encryptor_Filter() { delete cipher; }
+ private:
+ PK_Encryptor* cipher;
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng;
+ SecureVector<byte> buffer;
+ };
+* PK_Decryptor Filter
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Decryptor_Filter : public Filter
+ {
+ public:
+ void write(const byte[], u32bit);
+ void end_msg();
+ PK_Decryptor_Filter(PK_Decryptor* c) : cipher(c) {}
+ ~PK_Decryptor_Filter() { delete cipher; }
+ private:
+ PK_Decryptor* cipher;
+ SecureVector<byte> buffer;
+ };
+* PK_Signer Filter
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Signer_Filter : public Filter
+ {
+ public:
+ void write(const byte[], u32bit);
+ void end_msg();
+ PK_Signer_Filter(PK_Signer* s,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng_ref) :
+ signer(s), rng(rng_ref) {}
+ ~PK_Signer_Filter() { delete signer; }
+ private:
+ PK_Signer* signer;
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng;
+ };
+* PK_Verifier Filter
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Verifier_Filter : public Filter
+ {
+ public:
+ void write(const byte[], u32bit);
+ void end_msg();
+ void set_signature(const byte[], u32bit);
+ void set_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
+ PK_Verifier_Filter(PK_Verifier* v) : verifier(v) {}
+ PK_Verifier_Filter(PK_Verifier*, const byte[], u32bit);
+ PK_Verifier_Filter(PK_Verifier*, const MemoryRegion<byte>&);
+ ~PK_Verifier_Filter() { delete verifier; }
+ private:
+ PK_Verifier* verifier;
+ SecureVector<byte> signature;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_keys.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_keys.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b931585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_keys.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+* PK Key Types
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/pk_keys.h>
+#include <botan/oids.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Default OID access
+OID Public_Key::get_oid() const
+ {
+ try {
+ return OIDS::lookup(algo_name());
+ }
+ catch(Lookup_Error)
+ {
+ throw Lookup_Error("PK algo " + algo_name() + " has no defined OIDs");
+ }
+ }
+* Run checks on a loaded public key
+void Public_Key::load_check(RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + ": Invalid public key");
+ }
+* Run checks on a loaded private key
+void Private_Key::load_check(RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + ": Invalid private key");
+ }
+* Run checks on a generated private key
+void Private_Key::gen_check(RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ throw Self_Test_Failure(algo_name() + " private key generation failed");
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_keys.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_keys.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b61257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pk_keys.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+* PK Key Types
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_PK_KEYS_H__
+#define BOTAN_PK_KEYS_H__
+#include <botan/secmem.h>
+#include <botan/asn1_oid.h>
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Public Key Base Class.
+class BOTAN_DLL Public_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Get the name of the underlying public key scheme.
+ * @return the name of the public key scheme
+ */
+ virtual std::string algo_name() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get the OID of the underlying public key scheme.
+ * @return the OID of the public key scheme
+ */
+ virtual OID get_oid() const;
+ /**
+ * Test the key values for consistency.
+ * @param rng rng to use
+ * @param strong whether to perform strong and lengthy version
+ * of the test
+ * @return true if the test is passed
+ */
+ virtual bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator&, bool) const
+ { return true; }
+ /**
+ * Find out the number of message parts supported by this scheme.
+ * @return the number of message parts
+ */
+ virtual u32bit message_parts() const { return 1; }
+ /**
+ * Find out the message part size supported by this scheme/key.
+ * @return the size of the message parts
+ */
+ virtual u32bit message_part_size() const { return 0; }
+ /**
+ * Get the maximum message size in bits supported by this public key.
+ * @return the maximum message in bits
+ */
+ virtual u32bit max_input_bits() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get an X509 encoder that can be used to encode this key in X509 format.
+ * @return an X509 encoder for this key
+ */
+ virtual class X509_Encoder* x509_encoder() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get an X509 decoder that can be used to set the values of this
+ * key based on an X509 encoded key object.
+ * @return an X509 decoder for this key
+ */
+ virtual class X509_Decoder* x509_decoder() = 0;
+ virtual ~Public_Key() {}
+ protected:
+ virtual void load_check(RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
+ };
+* Private Key Base Class
+class BOTAN_DLL Private_Key : public virtual Public_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Get a PKCS#8 encoder that can be used to encode this key in
+ * PKCS#8 format.
+ * @return an PKCS#8 encoder for this key
+ */
+ virtual class PKCS8_Encoder* pkcs8_encoder() const
+ { return 0; }
+ /**
+ * Get an PKCS#8 decoder that can be used to set the values of this key
+ * based on an PKCS#8 encoded key object.
+ * @return an PKCS#8 decoder for this key
+ */
+ virtual class PKCS8_Decoder* pkcs8_decoder(RandomNumberGenerator&)
+ { return 0; }
+ protected:
+ void load_check(RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
+ void gen_check(RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
+ };
+* PK Encrypting Key.
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Encrypting_Key : public virtual Public_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) const = 0;
+ virtual ~PK_Encrypting_Key() {}
+ };
+* PK Decrypting Key
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Decrypting_Key : public virtual Private_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const byte[], u32bit) const = 0;
+ virtual ~PK_Decrypting_Key() {}
+ };
+* PK Signing Key
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Signing_Key : public virtual Private_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const = 0;
+ virtual ~PK_Signing_Key() {}
+ };
+* PK Verifying Key, Message Recovery Version
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key : public virtual Public_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> verify(const byte[], u32bit) const = 0;
+ virtual ~PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key() {}
+ };
+* PK Verifying Key, No Message Recovery Version
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key : public virtual Public_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual bool verify(const byte[], u32bit,
+ const byte[], u32bit) const = 0;
+ virtual ~PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key() {}
+ };
+* PK Secret Value Derivation Key
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Key_Agreement_Key : public virtual Private_Key
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> derive_key(const byte[], u32bit) const = 0;
+ virtual MemoryVector<byte> public_value() const = 0;
+ virtual ~PK_Key_Agreement_Key() {}
+ };
+* Typedefs
+typedef PK_Key_Agreement_Key PK_KA_Key;
+typedef Public_Key X509_PublicKey;
+typedef Private_Key PKCS8_PrivateKey;
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ddaa6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+* Public Key Base
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/pubkey.h>
+#include <botan/der_enc.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+#include <botan/bigint.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <botan/bit_ops.h>
+#include <memory>
+namespace Botan {
+* Encrypt a message
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Encryptor::encrypt(const byte in[], u32bit len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ return enc(in, len, rng);
+ }
+* Encrypt a message
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Encryptor::encrypt(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ return enc(in.begin(), in.size(), rng);
+ }
+* Decrypt a message
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Decryptor::decrypt(const byte in[], u32bit len) const
+ {
+ return dec(in, len);
+ }
+* Decrypt a message
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Decryptor::decrypt(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in) const
+ {
+ return dec(in.begin(), in.size());
+ }
+* PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME Constructor
+PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME::PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME(const PK_Encrypting_Key& k,
+ EME* eme_obj) :
+ key(k), encoder(eme_obj)
+ {
+ }
+* Encrypt a message
+PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME::enc(const byte msg[],
+ u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> message;
+ if(encoder)
+ message = encoder->encode(msg, length, key.max_input_bits(), rng);
+ else
+ message.set(msg, length);
+ if(8*(message.size() - 1) + high_bit(message[0]) > key.max_input_bits())
+ throw Exception("PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME: Input is too large");
+ return key.encrypt(message, message.size(), rng);
+ }
+* Return the max size, in bytes, of a message
+u32bit PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME::maximum_input_size() const
+ {
+ if(!encoder)
+ return (key.max_input_bits() / 8);
+ else
+ return encoder->maximum_input_size(key.max_input_bits());
+ }
+* PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME Constructor
+PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME::PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME(const PK_Decrypting_Key& k,
+ EME* eme_obj) :
+ key(k), encoder(eme_obj)
+ {
+ }
+* Decrypt a message
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME::dec(const byte msg[],
+ u32bit length) const
+ {
+ try {
+ SecureVector<byte> decrypted = key.decrypt(msg, length);
+ if(encoder)
+ return encoder->decode(decrypted, key.max_input_bits());
+ else
+ return decrypted;
+ }
+ catch(Invalid_Argument)
+ {
+ throw Exception("PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME: Input is invalid");
+ }
+ catch(Decoding_Error)
+ {
+ throw Exception("PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME: Input is invalid");
+ }
+ }
+* PK_Signer Constructor
+PK_Signer::PK_Signer(const PK_Signing_Key& k, EMSA* emsa_obj) :
+ key(k), emsa(emsa_obj)
+ {
+ sig_format = IEEE_1363;
+ }
+* Set the signature format
+void PK_Signer::set_output_format(Signature_Format format)
+ {
+ if(key.message_parts() == 1 && format != IEEE_1363)
+ throw Invalid_State("PK_Signer: Cannot set the output format for " +
+ key.algo_name() + " keys");
+ sig_format = format;
+ }
+* Sign a message
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Signer::sign_message(const byte msg[], u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ update(msg, length);
+ return signature(rng);
+ }
+* Sign a message
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Signer::sign_message(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ return sign_message(msg, msg.size(), rng);
+ }
+* Add more to the message to be signed
+void PK_Signer::update(const byte in[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ emsa->update(in, length);
+ }
+* Add more to the message to be signed
+void PK_Signer::update(byte in)
+ {
+ update(&in, 1);
+ }
+* Add more to the message to be signed
+void PK_Signer::update(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in)
+ {
+ update(in, in.size());
+ }
+* Create a signature
+SecureVector<byte> PK_Signer::signature(RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> encoded = emsa->encoding_of(emsa->raw_data(),
+ key.max_input_bits(),
+ rng);
+ SecureVector<byte> plain_sig = key.sign(encoded, encoded.size(), rng);
+ if(key.message_parts() == 1 || sig_format == IEEE_1363)
+ return plain_sig;
+ if(sig_format == DER_SEQUENCE)
+ {
+ if(plain_sig.size() % key.message_parts())
+ throw Encoding_Error("PK_Signer: strange signature size found");
+ const u32bit SIZE_OF_PART = plain_sig.size() / key.message_parts();
+ std::vector<BigInt> sig_parts(key.message_parts());
+ for(u32bit j = 0; j != sig_parts.size(); ++j)
+ sig_parts[j].binary_decode(plain_sig + SIZE_OF_PART*j, SIZE_OF_PART);
+ return DER_Encoder()
+ .start_cons(SEQUENCE)
+ .encode_list(sig_parts)
+ .end_cons()
+ .get_contents();
+ }
+ else
+ throw Encoding_Error("PK_Signer: Unknown signature format " +
+ to_string(sig_format));
+ }
+* PK_Verifier Constructor
+PK_Verifier::PK_Verifier(EMSA* emsa_obj)
+ {
+ emsa = emsa_obj;
+ sig_format = IEEE_1363;
+ }
+* PK_Verifier Destructor
+ {
+ delete emsa;
+ }
+* Set the signature format
+void PK_Verifier::set_input_format(Signature_Format format)
+ {
+ if(key_message_parts() == 1 && format != IEEE_1363)
+ throw Invalid_State("PK_Verifier: This algorithm always uses IEEE 1363");
+ sig_format = format;
+ }
+* Verify a message
+bool PK_Verifier::verify_message(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
+ const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig)
+ {
+ return verify_message(msg, msg.size(), sig, sig.size());
+ }
+* Verify a message
+bool PK_Verifier::verify_message(const byte msg[], u32bit msg_length,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_length)
+ {
+ update(msg, msg_length);
+ return check_signature(sig, sig_length);
+ }
+* Append to the message
+void PK_Verifier::update(const byte in[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ emsa->update(in, length);
+ }
+* Append to the message
+void PK_Verifier::update(byte in)
+ {
+ update(&in, 1);
+ }
+* Append to the message
+void PK_Verifier::update(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in)
+ {
+ update(in, in.size());
+ }
+* Check a signature
+bool PK_Verifier::check_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig)
+ {
+ return check_signature(sig, sig.size());
+ }
+* Check a signature
+bool PK_Verifier::check_signature(const byte sig[], u32bit length)
+ {
+ try {
+ if(sig_format == IEEE_1363)
+ return validate_signature(emsa->raw_data(), sig, length);
+ else if(sig_format == DER_SEQUENCE)
+ {
+ BER_Decoder decoder(sig, length);
+ BER_Decoder ber_sig = decoder.start_cons(SEQUENCE);
+ u32bit count = 0;
+ SecureVector<byte> real_sig;
+ while(ber_sig.more_items())
+ {
+ BigInt sig_part;
+ ber_sig.decode(sig_part);
+ real_sig.append(BigInt::encode_1363(sig_part,
+ key_message_part_size()));
+ ++count;
+ }
+ if(count != key_message_parts())
+ throw Decoding_Error("PK_Verifier: signature size invalid");
+ return validate_signature(emsa->raw_data(),
+ real_sig, real_sig.size());
+ }
+ else
+ throw Decoding_Error("PK_Verifier: Unknown signature format " +
+ to_string(sig_format));
+ }
+ catch(Invalid_Argument) { return false; }
+ catch(Decoding_Error) { return false; }
+ }
+* Verify a signature
+bool PK_Verifier_with_MR::validate_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_len)
+ {
+ SecureVector<byte> output_of_key = key.verify(sig, sig_len);
+ return emsa->verify(output_of_key, msg, key.max_input_bits());
+ }
+* Verify a signature
+bool PK_Verifier_wo_MR::validate_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_len)
+ {
+ Null_RNG rng;
+ SecureVector<byte> encoded =
+ emsa->encoding_of(msg, key.max_input_bits(), rng);
+ return key.verify(encoded, encoded.size(), sig, sig_len);
+ }
+* PK_Key_Agreement Constructor
+PK_Key_Agreement::PK_Key_Agreement(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& k,
+ KDF* kdf_obj) :
+ key(k), kdf(kdf_obj)
+ {
+ }
+* Perform Key Agreement Operation
+SymmetricKey PK_Key_Agreement::derive_key(u32bit key_len,
+ const byte in[], u32bit in_len,
+ const std::string& params) const
+ {
+ return derive_key(key_len, in, in_len,
+ reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(,
+ params.length());
+ }
+* Perform Key Agreement Operation
+SymmetricKey PK_Key_Agreement::derive_key(u32bit key_len, const byte in[],
+ u32bit in_len, const byte params[],
+ u32bit params_len) const
+ {
+ OctetString z = key.derive_key(in, in_len);
+ if(!kdf)
+ return z;
+ return kdf->derive_key(key_len, z.bits_of(), params, params_len);
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c73a54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey.h
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+* Public Key Interface
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_PUBKEY_H__
+#define BOTAN_PUBKEY_H__
+#include <botan/pk_keys.h>
+#include <botan/symkey.h>
+#include <botan/rng.h>
+#include <botan/eme.h>
+#include <botan/emsa.h>
+#include <botan/kdf.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* The two types of signature format supported by Botan.
+enum Signature_Format { IEEE_1363, DER_SEQUENCE };
+* Public Key Encryptor
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Encryptor
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Encrypt a message.
+ * @param in the message as a byte array
+ * @param length the length of the above byte array
+ * @param rng the random number source to use
+ * @return the encrypted message
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ /**
+ * Encrypt a message.
+ * @param in the message
+ * @param rng the random number source to use
+ * @return the encrypted message
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ /**
+ * Return the maximum allowed message size in bytes.
+ * @return the maximum message size in bytes
+ */
+ virtual u32bit maximum_input_size() const = 0;
+ virtual ~PK_Encryptor() {}
+ private:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> enc(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) const = 0;
+ };
+* Public Key Decryptor
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Decryptor
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Decrypt a ciphertext.
+ * @param in the ciphertext as a byte array
+ * @param length the length of the above byte array
+ * @return the decrypted message
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const byte in[], u32bit length) const;
+ /**
+ * Decrypt a ciphertext.
+ * @param in the ciphertext
+ * @return the decrypted message
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in) const;
+ virtual ~PK_Decryptor() {}
+ private:
+ virtual SecureVector<byte> dec(const byte[], u32bit) const = 0;
+ };
+* Public Key Signer. Use the sign_message() functions for small
+* messages. Use multiple calls update() to process large messages and
+* generate the signature by finally calling signature().
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Signer
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Sign a message.
+ * @param in the message to sign as a byte array
+ * @param length the length of the above byte array
+ * @param rng the rng to use
+ * @return the signature
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> sign_message(const byte in[], u32bit length,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
+ /**
+ * Sign a message.
+ * @param in the message to sign
+ * @param rng the rng to use
+ * @return the signature
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> sign_message(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
+ /**
+ * Add a message part (single byte).
+ * @param the byte to add
+ */
+ void update(byte in);
+ /**
+ * Add a message part.
+ * @param in the message part to add as a byte array
+ * @param length the length of the above byte array
+ */
+ void update(const byte in[], u32bit length);
+ /**
+ * Add a message part.
+ * @param in the message part to add
+ */
+ void update(const MemoryRegion<byte>& in);
+ /**
+ * Get the signature of the so far processed message (provided by the
+ * calls to update()).
+ * @param rng the rng to use
+ * @return the signature of the total message
+ */
+ SecureVector<byte> signature(RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
+ /**
+ * Set the output format of the signature.
+ * @param format the signature format to use
+ */
+ void set_output_format(Signature_Format format);
+ /**
+ * Construct a PK Signer.
+ * @param key the key to use inside this signer
+ * @param emsa the EMSA to use
+ * An example would be "EMSA1(SHA-224)".
+ */
+ PK_Signer(const PK_Signing_Key& key, EMSA* emsa);
+ ~PK_Signer() { delete emsa; }
+ private:
+ PK_Signer(const PK_Signer&);
+ PK_Signer& operator=(const PK_Signer&);
+ const PK_Signing_Key& key;
+ Signature_Format sig_format;
+ EMSA* emsa;
+ };
+* Public Key Verifier. Use the verify_message() functions for small
+* messages. Use multiple calls update() to process large messages and
+* verify the signature by finally calling check_signature().
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Verifier
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Verify a signature.
+ * @param msg the message that the signature belongs to, as a byte array
+ * @param msg_length the length of the above byte array msg
+ * @param sig the signature as a byte array
+ * @param sig_length the length of the above byte array sig
+ * @return true if the signature is valid
+ */
+ bool verify_message(const byte msg[], u32bit msg_length,
+ const byte sig[], u32bit sig_length);
+ /**
+ * Verify a signature.
+ * @param msg the message that the signature belongs to
+ * @param sig the signature
+ * @return true if the signature is valid
+ */
+ bool verify_message(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg,
+ const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig);
+ /**
+ * Add a message part (single byte) of the message corresponding to the
+ * signature to be verified.
+ * @param msg_part the byte to add
+ */
+ void update(byte msg_part);
+ /**
+ * Add a message part of the message corresponding to the
+ * signature to be verified.
+ * @param msg_part the new message part as a byte array
+ * @param length the length of the above byte array
+ */
+ void update(const byte msg_part[], u32bit length);
+ /**
+ * Add a message part of the message corresponding to the
+ * signature to be verified.
+ * @param msg_part the new message part
+ */
+ void update(const MemoryRegion<byte>& msg_part);
+ /**
+ * Check the signature of the buffered message, i.e. the one build
+ * by successive calls to update.
+ * @param sig the signature to be verified as a byte array
+ * @param length the length of the above byte array
+ * @return true if the signature is valid, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool check_signature(const byte sig[], u32bit length);
+ /**
+ * Check the signature of the buffered message, i.e. the one build
+ * by successive calls to update.
+ * @param sig the signature to be verified
+ * @return true if the signature is valid, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool check_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>& sig);
+ /**
+ * Set the format of the signatures fed to this verifier.
+ * @param format the signature format to use
+ */
+ void set_input_format(Signature_Format format);
+ /**
+ * Construct a PK Verifier.
+ * @param emsa the EMSA to use
+ * An example would be new EMSA1(new SHA_224)
+ */
+ PK_Verifier(EMSA* emsa);
+ virtual ~PK_Verifier();
+ protected:
+ virtual bool validate_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>&,
+ const byte[], u32bit) = 0;
+ virtual u32bit key_message_parts() const = 0;
+ virtual u32bit key_message_part_size() const = 0;
+ Signature_Format sig_format;
+ EMSA* emsa;
+ private:
+ PK_Verifier(const PK_Verifier&);
+ PK_Verifier& operator=(const PK_Verifier&);
+ };
+* Key Agreement
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Key_Agreement
+ {
+ public:
+ SymmetricKey derive_key(u32bit, const byte[], u32bit,
+ const std::string& = "") const;
+ SymmetricKey derive_key(u32bit, const byte[], u32bit,
+ const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ /**
+ * Construct a PK Key Agreement.
+ * @param key the key to use
+ * @param kdf the KDF to use
+ */
+ PK_Key_Agreement(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& key, KDF* kdf);
+ ~PK_Key_Agreement() { delete kdf; }
+ private:
+ PK_Key_Agreement(const PK_Key_Agreement_Key&);
+ PK_Key_Agreement& operator=(const PK_Key_Agreement&);
+ const PK_Key_Agreement_Key& key;
+ KDF* kdf;
+ };
+* Encryption with an MR algorithm and an EME.
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME : public PK_Encryptor
+ {
+ public:
+ u32bit maximum_input_size() const;
+ /**
+ * Construct an instance.
+ * @param key the key to use inside the decryptor
+ * @param eme the EME to use
+ */
+ PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME(const PK_Encrypting_Key& key,
+ EME* eme);
+ ~PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME() { delete encoder; }
+ private:
+ PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME(const PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME&);
+ PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME& operator=(const PK_Encryptor_MR_with_EME&);
+ SecureVector<byte> enc(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ const PK_Encrypting_Key& key;
+ const EME* encoder;
+ };
+* Decryption with an MR algorithm and an EME.
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME : public PK_Decryptor
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Construct an instance.
+ * @param key the key to use inside the encryptor
+ * @param eme the EME to use
+ */
+ PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME(const PK_Decrypting_Key& key,
+ EME* eme);
+ ~PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME() { delete encoder; }
+ private:
+ PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME(const PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME&);
+ PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME& operator=(const PK_Decryptor_MR_with_EME&);
+ SecureVector<byte> dec(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ const PK_Decrypting_Key& key;
+ const EME* encoder;
+ };
+* Public Key Verifier with Message Recovery.
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Verifier_with_MR : public PK_Verifier
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Construct an instance.
+ * @param key the key to use inside the verifier
+ * @param emsa_name the name of the EMSA to use
+ */
+ PK_Verifier_with_MR(const PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key& k,
+ EMSA* emsa_obj) : PK_Verifier(emsa_obj), key(k) {}
+ private:
+ PK_Verifier_with_MR(const PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key&);
+ PK_Verifier_with_MR& operator=(const PK_Verifier_with_MR&);
+ bool validate_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, const byte[], u32bit);
+ u32bit key_message_parts() const { return key.message_parts(); }
+ u32bit key_message_part_size() const { return key.message_part_size(); }
+ const PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key& key;
+ };
+* Public Key Verifier without Message Recovery
+class BOTAN_DLL PK_Verifier_wo_MR : public PK_Verifier
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Construct an instance.
+ * @param key the key to use inside the verifier
+ * @param emsa_name the name of the EMSA to use
+ */
+ PK_Verifier_wo_MR(const PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key& k,
+ EMSA* emsa_obj) : PK_Verifier(emsa_obj), key(k) {}
+ private:
+ PK_Verifier_wo_MR(const PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key&);
+ PK_Verifier_wo_MR& operator=(const PK_Verifier_wo_MR&);
+ bool validate_signature(const MemoryRegion<byte>&, const byte[], u32bit);
+ u32bit key_message_parts() const { return key.message_parts(); }
+ u32bit key_message_part_size() const { return key.message_part_size(); }
+ const PK_Verifying_wo_MR_Key& key;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey_enums.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey_enums.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327107d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey_enums.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+* KeyUsage
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/pubkey_enums.h>
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+namespace Botan {
+namespace BER {
+* Decode a BER encoded KeyUsage
+void decode(BER_Decoder& source, Key_Constraints& key_usage)
+ {
+ BER_Object obj = source.get_next_object();
+ if(obj.type_tag != BIT_STRING || obj.class_tag != UNIVERSAL)
+ throw BER_Bad_Tag("Bad tag for usage constraint",
+ obj.type_tag, obj.class_tag);
+ if(obj.value.size() != 2 && obj.value.size() != 3)
+ throw BER_Decoding_Error("Bad size for BITSTRING in usage constraint");
+ if(obj.value[0] >= 8)
+ throw BER_Decoding_Error("Invalid unused bits in usage constraint");
+ const byte mask = (0xFF << obj.value[0]);
+ obj.value[obj.value.size()-1] &= mask;
+ u16bit usage = 0;
+ for(u32bit j = 1; j != obj.value.size(); ++j)
+ usage = (obj.value[j] << 8) | usage;
+ key_usage = Key_Constraints(usage);
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey_enums.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey_enums.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53e319f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/pubkey_enums.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+* Enumerations
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_ENUMS_H__
+#define BOTAN_ENUMS_H__
+#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* X.509v3 Key Constraints.
+enum Key_Constraints {
+ KEY_CERT_SIGN = 1024,
+ CRL_SIGN = 512,
+* BER Decoding Function for key constraints
+namespace BER {
+void BOTAN_DLL decode(BER_Decoder&, Key_Constraints&);
+* X.509v2 CRL Reason Code.
+enum CRL_Code {
+ OCSP_GOOD = 0xFF01,
+* Various Other Enumerations
+* The two types of X509 encoding supported by Botan.
+enum X509_Encoding { RAW_BER, PEM };
+* Value to encode in case of no path limit in the X509
+* BasicConstraints extension.
+static const u32bit NO_CERT_PATH_LIMIT = 0xFFFFFFF0;
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/rsa/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rsa/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7729fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rsa/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+realname "RSA"
+define RSA
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83e6e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+* RSA
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/rsa.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/keypair.h>
+#include <botan/look_pk.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* RSA_PublicKey Constructor
+RSA_PublicKey::RSA_PublicKey(const BigInt& mod, const BigInt& exp)
+ {
+ n = mod;
+ e = exp;
+ X509_load_hook();
+ }
+* RSA Public Operation
+BigInt RSA_PublicKey::public_op(const BigInt& i) const
+ {
+ if(i >= n)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + "::public_op: input is too large");
+ return core.public_op(i);
+ }
+* RSA Encryption Function
+SecureVector<byte> RSA_PublicKey::encrypt(const byte in[], u32bit len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) const
+ {
+ BigInt i(in, len);
+ return BigInt::encode_1363(public_op(i), n.bytes());
+ }
+* RSA Verification Function
+SecureVector<byte> RSA_PublicKey::verify(const byte in[], u32bit len) const
+ {
+ BigInt i(in, len);
+ return BigInt::encode(public_op(i));
+ }
+* Create a RSA private key
+RSA_PrivateKey::RSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ u32bit bits, u32bit exp)
+ {
+ if(bits < 512)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + ": Can't make a key that is only " +
+ to_string(bits) + " bits long");
+ if(exp < 3 || exp % 2 == 0)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + ": Invalid encryption exponent");
+ e = exp;
+ p = random_prime(rng, (bits + 1) / 2, e);
+ q = random_prime(rng, bits - p.bits(), e);
+ d = inverse_mod(e, lcm(p - 1, q - 1));
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, true);
+ if(n.bits() != bits)
+ throw Self_Test_Failure(algo_name() + " private key generation failed");
+ }
+* RSA_PrivateKey Constructor
+RSA_PrivateKey::RSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const BigInt& prime1, const BigInt& prime2,
+ const BigInt& exp, const BigInt& d_exp,
+ const BigInt& mod)
+ {
+ p = prime1;
+ q = prime2;
+ e = exp;
+ d = d_exp;
+ n = mod;
+ if(d == 0)
+ d = inverse_mod(e, lcm(p - 1, q - 1));
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng);
+ }
+* RSA Private Operation
+BigInt RSA_PrivateKey::private_op(const byte in[], u32bit length) const
+ {
+ BigInt i(in, length);
+ if(i >= n)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + "::private_op: input is too large");
+ BigInt r = core.private_op(i);
+ if(i != public_op(r))
+ throw Self_Test_Failure(algo_name() + " private operation check failed");
+ return r;
+ }
+* RSA Decryption Operation
+SecureVector<byte> RSA_PrivateKey::decrypt(const byte in[], u32bit len) const
+ {
+ return BigInt::encode(private_op(in, len));
+ }
+* RSA Signature Operation
+SecureVector<byte> RSA_PrivateKey::sign(const byte in[], u32bit len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) const
+ {
+ return BigInt::encode_1363(private_op(in, len), n.bytes());
+ }
+* Check Private RSA Parameters
+bool RSA_PrivateKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong) const
+ {
+ if(!IF_Scheme_PrivateKey::check_key(rng, strong))
+ return false;
+ if(!strong)
+ return true;
+ if((e * d) % lcm(p - 1, q - 1) != 1)
+ return false;
+ try
+ {
+ KeyPair::check_key(rng,
+ get_pk_encryptor(*this, "EME1(SHA-1)"),
+ get_pk_decryptor(*this, "EME1(SHA-1)")
+ );
+ KeyPair::check_key(rng,
+ get_pk_signer(*this, "EMSA4(SHA-1)"),
+ get_pk_verifier(*this, "EMSA4(SHA-1)")
+ );
+ }
+ catch(Self_Test_Failure)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/rsa/rsa.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rsa/rsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f07533a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rsa/rsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+* RSA
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_RSA_H__
+#define BOTAN_RSA_H__
+#include <botan/if_algo.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* RSA Public Key
+class BOTAN_DLL RSA_PublicKey : public PK_Encrypting_Key,
+ public PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key,
+ public virtual IF_Scheme_PublicKey
+ {
+ public:
+ std::string algo_name() const { return "RSA"; }
+ SecureVector<byte> encrypt(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> verify(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ RSA_PublicKey() {}
+ RSA_PublicKey(const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ protected:
+ BigInt public_op(const BigInt&) const;
+ };
+* RSA Private Key class.
+class BOTAN_DLL RSA_PrivateKey : public RSA_PublicKey,
+ public PK_Decrypting_Key,
+ public PK_Signing_Key,
+ public IF_Scheme_PrivateKey
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) const;
+ SecureVector<byte> decrypt(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
+ /**
+ * Default constructor, does not set any internal values. Use this
+ * constructor if you wish to decode a DER or PEM encoded key.
+ */
+ RSA_PrivateKey() {}
+ /**
+ * Construct a private key from the specified parameters.
+ * @param rng the random number generator to use
+ * @param prime1 the first prime
+ * @param prime2 the second prime
+ * @param exp the exponent
+ * @param d_exp if specified, this has to be d with
+ * exp * d = 1 mod (p - 1, q - 1). Leave it as 0 if you wish to
+ * the constructor to calculate it.
+ * @param n if specified, this must be n = p * q. Leave it as 0
+ * if you wish to the constructor to calculate it.
+ */
+ RSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q, const BigInt& e,
+ const BigInt& d = 0, const BigInt& n = 0);
+ /**
+ * Create a new private key with the specified bit length
+ * @param rng the random number generator to use
+ * @param bits the desired bit length of the private key
+ * @param exp the public exponent to be used
+ */
+ RSA_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ u32bit bits, u32bit exp = 65537);
+ private:
+ BigInt private_op(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ };
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/rw/info.txt b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rw/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ada6c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rw/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+realname "Rabin-Williams"
+define RW
+load_on auto
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/rw/rw.cpp b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rw/rw.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..def0ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rw/rw.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+* Rabin-Williams
+* (C) 1999-2008 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#include <botan/rw.h>
+#include <botan/numthry.h>
+#include <botan/keypair.h>
+#include <botan/look_pk.h>
+#include <botan/parsing.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Botan {
+* RW_PublicKey Constructor
+RW_PublicKey::RW_PublicKey(const BigInt& mod, const BigInt& exp)
+ {
+ n = mod;
+ e = exp;
+ X509_load_hook();
+ }
+* Rabin-Williams Public Operation
+BigInt RW_PublicKey::public_op(const BigInt& i) const
+ {
+ if((i > (n >> 1)) || i.is_negative())
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + "::public_op: i > n / 2 || i < 0");
+ BigInt r = core.public_op(i);
+ if(r % 16 == 12) return r;
+ if(r % 8 == 6) return 2*r;
+ r = n - r;
+ if(r % 16 == 12) return r;
+ if(r % 8 == 6) return 2*r;
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + "::public_op: Invalid input");
+ }
+* Rabin-Williams Verification Function
+SecureVector<byte> RW_PublicKey::verify(const byte in[], u32bit len) const
+ {
+ BigInt i(in, len);
+ return BigInt::encode(public_op(i));
+ }
+* Create a Rabin-Williams private key
+RW_PrivateKey::RW_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ u32bit bits, u32bit exp)
+ {
+ if(bits < 512)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + ": Can't make a key that is only " +
+ to_string(bits) + " bits long");
+ if(exp < 2 || exp % 2 == 1)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + ": Invalid encryption exponent");
+ e = exp;
+ p = random_prime(rng, (bits + 1) / 2, e / 2, 3, 4);
+ q = random_prime(rng, bits - p.bits(), e / 2, ((p % 8 == 3) ? 7 : 3), 8);
+ d = inverse_mod(e, lcm(p - 1, q - 1) >> 1);
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng, true);
+ if(n.bits() != bits)
+ throw Self_Test_Failure(algo_name() + " private key generation failed");
+ }
+* RW_PrivateKey Constructor
+RW_PrivateKey::RW_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
+ const BigInt& prime1, const BigInt& prime2,
+ const BigInt& exp, const BigInt& d_exp,
+ const BigInt& mod)
+ {
+ p = prime1;
+ q = prime2;
+ e = exp;
+ d = d_exp;
+ n = mod;
+ if(d == 0)
+ d = inverse_mod(e, lcm(p - 1, q - 1) >> 1);
+ PKCS8_load_hook(rng);
+ }
+* Rabin-Williams Signature Operation
+SecureVector<byte> RW_PrivateKey::sign(const byte in[], u32bit len,
+ RandomNumberGenerator&) const
+ {
+ BigInt i(in, len);
+ if(i >= n || i % 16 != 12)
+ throw Invalid_Argument(algo_name() + "::sign: Invalid input");
+ BigInt r;
+ if(jacobi(i, n) == 1) r = core.private_op(i);
+ else r = core.private_op(i >> 1);
+ r = std::min(r, n - r);
+ if(i != public_op(r))
+ throw Self_Test_Failure(algo_name() + " private operation check failed");
+ return BigInt::encode_1363(r, n.bytes());
+ }
+* Check Private Rabin-Williams Parameters
+bool RW_PrivateKey::check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong) const
+ {
+ if(!IF_Scheme_PrivateKey::check_key(rng, strong))
+ return false;
+ if(!strong)
+ return true;
+ if((e * d) % (lcm(p - 1, q - 1) / 2) != 1)
+ return false;
+ try
+ {
+ KeyPair::check_key(rng,
+ get_pk_signer(*this, "EMSA2(SHA-1)"),
+ get_pk_verifier(*this, "EMSA2(SHA-1)")
+ );
+ }
+ catch(Self_Test_Failure)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/old/botan/src/pubkey/rw/rw.h b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rw/rw.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..900e5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/botan/src/pubkey/rw/rw.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* Rabin-Williams
+* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
+* Distributed under the terms of the Botan license
+#ifndef BOTAN_RW_H__
+#define BOTAN_RW_H__
+#include <botan/if_algo.h>
+namespace Botan {
+* Rabin-Williams Public Key
+class BOTAN_DLL RW_PublicKey : public PK_Verifying_with_MR_Key,
+ public virtual IF_Scheme_PublicKey
+ {
+ public:
+ std::string algo_name() const { return "RW"; }
+ SecureVector<byte> verify(const byte[], u32bit) const;
+ RW_PublicKey() {}
+ RW_PublicKey(const BigInt&, const BigInt&);
+ protected:
+ BigInt public_op(const BigInt&) const;
+ };
+* Rabin-Williams Private Key
+class BOTAN_DLL RW_PrivateKey : public RW_PublicKey,
+ public PK_Signing_Key,
+ public IF_Scheme_PrivateKey
+ {
+ public:
+ SecureVector<byte> sign(const byte[], u32bit,
+ RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
+ bool check_key(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool) const;
+ RW_PrivateKey() {}
+ RW_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator&,
+ const BigInt&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&,
+ const BigInt& = 0, const BigInt& = 0);
+ RW_PrivateKey(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, u32bit bits, u32bit = 2);
+ };