path: root/tests/effects.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/effects.qml')
1 files changed, 722 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/effects.qml b/tests/effects.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a08528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/effects.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+import QtQuick 2.0
+Rectangle {
+ id: topLevel
+ width: 360
+ height: 540
+ color: "black"
+ Component {
+ id: whiteBorder
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: "transparent"
+ border.width: 2
+ border.color: "white"
+ radius: 10
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea1
+ x: 0
+ y: 0
+ width: parent.width / 3
+ height: parent.height / 6
+ item1
+ drag.axis: Drag.XandYAxis
+ drag.maximumX: topLevel.width -
+ drag.maximumY: topLevel.height -
+ function itemContains(item, point) {
+ var p = mapToItem(item, point.x, point.y)
+ return p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0 && p.x < item.width && p.y < item.height
+ }
+ onPressed: { = 1 }
+ onReleased: {
+ if (itemContains(effect1, mouse))
+ effect1.source = effectSource1
+ if (itemContains(effect2, mouse))
+ effect2.source = effectSource1
+ if (itemContains(effect3, mouse))
+ effect3.source = effectSource1
+ = x
+ = y
+ = 0
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item1
+ x: mouseArea1.x
+ y: mouseArea1.y
+ width: mouseArea1.width
+ height: mouseArea1.height
+ Loader { anchors.fill: parent; sourceComponent: whiteBorder }
+ Item {
+ id: sourceItem1
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: 10
+ gradient: Gradient {
+ GradientStop { position: 0; color: "blue" }
+ GradientStop { position: 1; color: "white" }
+ }
+ border.width: 4
+ border.color: "navy"
+ radius: 6
+ }
+ }
+ ShaderEffectSource {
+ id: effectSource1
+ sourceItem: sourceItem1
+ filtering: ShaderEffectSource.Linear
+ textureSize: Qt.size(effect1.width, effect1.height)
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea2
+ x: parent.width / 3
+ y: 0
+ width: parent.width / 3
+ height: parent.height / 6
+ item2
+ drag.axis: Drag.XandYAxis
+ drag.maximumX: topLevel.width -
+ drag.maximumY: topLevel.height -
+ function itemContains(item, point) {
+ var p = mapToItem(item, point.x, point.y)
+ return p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0 && p.x < item.width && p.y < item.height
+ }
+ onPressed: { = 1 }
+ onReleased: {
+ if (itemContains(effect1, mouse))
+ effect1.source = effectSource2
+ if (itemContains(effect2, mouse))
+ effect2.source = effectSource2
+ if (itemContains(effect3, mouse))
+ effect3.source = effectSource2
+ = x
+ = y
+ = 0
+ }
+ onClicked: { effectSource2.static = !effectSource2.static }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item2
+ x: mouseArea2.x
+ y: mouseArea2.y
+ width: mouseArea2.width
+ height: mouseArea2.height
+ Loader { anchors.fill: parent; sourceComponent: whiteBorder }
+ Item {
+ id: sourceItem2
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ radius: Math.min(parent.width, parent.height) * 0.4
+ width: 2 * radius
+ height: 2 * radius
+ color: "transparent"
+ border.width: 4
+ border.color: "white"
+ Repeater {
+ model: 4
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ width: 4
+ height: parent.height - 4
+ color: "white"
+ rotation: index * 45
+ }
+ }
+ NumberAnimation on rotation {
+ loops: Animation.Infinite
+ from: 0
+ to: 360
+ duration: 5000
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ShaderEffectSource {
+ id: effectSource2
+ sourceItem: sourceItem2
+ filtering: ShaderEffectSource.Linear
+ textureSize: Qt.size(effect1.width, effect1.height)
+ }
+ Text {
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ anchors.margins: 3
+ color: "red"
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text: effectSource2.static ? "Static" : "Dynamic"
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea3
+ x: parent.width * 2 / 3
+ y: 0
+ width: parent.width / 3
+ height: parent.height / 6
+ item3
+ drag.axis: Drag.XandYAxis
+ drag.maximumX: topLevel.width -
+ drag.maximumY: topLevel.height -
+ function itemContains(item, point) {
+ var p = mapToItem(item, point.x, point.y)
+ return p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0 && p.x < item.width && p.y < item.height
+ }
+ onPressed: { = 1 }
+ onReleased: {
+ if (itemContains(effect1, mouse))
+ effect1.source = effectSource3
+ if (itemContains(effect2, mouse))
+ effect2.source = effectSource3
+ if (itemContains(effect3, mouse))
+ effect3.source = effectSource3
+ = x
+ = y
+ = 0
+ }
+ onClicked: { effectSource3.static = !effectSource3.static }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item3
+ x: mouseArea3.x
+ y: mouseArea3.y
+ width: mouseArea3.width
+ height: mouseArea3.height
+ Loader { anchors.fill: parent; sourceComponent: whiteBorder }
+ Item {
+ id: sourceItem3
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Item {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: 6
+ Repeater {
+ model: 16
+ Rectangle {
+ x: (index % 4) * parent.width / 4
+ y: Math.floor(index / 4) * parent.height / 4
+ width: parent.width / 4
+ height: parent.height / 4
+ radius: Math.min(width, height) * 0.25
+ color: Qt.rgba(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), 1)
+ property int delay: (index % 4) + Math.floor(index / 4)
+ SequentialAnimation on scale {
+ loops: Animation.Infinite
+ PauseAnimation { duration: delay * 100 }
+ NumberAnimation { to: 0.5; duration: 500 }
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 8 * 100 }
+ NumberAnimation { to: 1; duration: 500 }
+ PauseAnimation { duration: (8 - delay) * 100 }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ShaderEffectSource {
+ id: effectSource3
+ sourceItem: sourceItem3
+ filtering: ShaderEffectSource.Linear
+ textureSize: Qt.size(effect1.width, effect1.height)
+ }
+ Text {
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ anchors.margins: 3
+ color: "red"
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text: effectSource3.static ? "Static" : "Dynamic"
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea4
+ x: 0
+ y: parent.height / 6
+ width: parent.width / 3
+ height: parent.height / 6
+ item4
+ drag.axis: Drag.XandYAxis
+ drag.maximumX: topLevel.width -
+ drag.maximumY: topLevel.height -
+ function itemContains(item, point) {
+ var p = mapToItem(item, point.x, point.y)
+ return p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0 && p.x < item.width && p.y < item.height
+ }
+ onPressed: { = 1 }
+ onReleased: {
+ if (itemContains(effect1, mouse))
+ effect1.source = effectSource4
+ if (itemContains(effect2, mouse))
+ effect2.source = effectSource4
+ if (itemContains(effect3, mouse))
+ effect3.source = effectSource4
+ = x
+ = y
+ = 0
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item4
+ x: mouseArea4.x
+ y: mouseArea4.y
+ width: mouseArea4.width
+ height: mouseArea4.height
+ Loader { anchors.fill: parent; sourceComponent: whiteBorder }
+ Image {
+ id: sourceItem4
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ source: "qt-logo.png"
+ smooth: true
+ visible: !
+ }
+ ShaderEffectSource {
+ id: effectSource4
+ sourceImage: sourceItem4.source
+ filtering: ShaderEffectSource.Linear
+ textureSize: Qt.size(effect1.width, effect1.height)
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea5
+ x: parent.width / 3
+ y: parent.height / 6
+ width: parent.width / 3
+ height: parent.height / 6
+ item5
+ drag.axis: Drag.XandYAxis
+ drag.maximumX: topLevel.width -
+ drag.maximumY: topLevel.height -
+ function itemContains(item, point) {
+ var p = mapToItem(item, point.x, point.y)
+ return p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0 && p.x < item.width && p.y < item.height
+ }
+ onPressed: { = 1 }
+ onReleased: {
+ if (itemContains(effect1, mouse))
+ effect1.source = effectSource5
+ if (itemContains(effect2, mouse))
+ effect2.source = effectSource5
+ if (itemContains(effect3, mouse))
+ effect3.source = effectSource5
+ = x
+ = y
+ = 0
+ }
+ onClicked: { effectSource5.static = !effectSource5.static }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item5
+ x: mouseArea5.x
+ y: mouseArea5.y
+ width: mouseArea5.width
+ height: mouseArea5.height
+ Loader { anchors.fill: parent; sourceComponent: whiteBorder }
+ Item {
+ id: sourceItem5
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Image {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ source: "qt-logo.png"
+ smooth: true
+ transformOrigin: Item.Top
+ scale: 0
+ SequentialAnimation on scale {
+ loops: Animation.Infinite
+ NumberAnimation { to: 1; duration: 1500; easing.type: Easing.OutBounce }
+ NumberAnimation { to: 0; duration: 1500; easing.type: Easing.OutBounce }
+ }
+ }
+ Image {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ source: "face-smile.png"
+ smooth: true
+ transformOrigin: Item.Bottom
+ SequentialAnimation on scale {
+ loops: Animation.Infinite
+ NumberAnimation { to: 0; duration: 1500; easing.type: Easing.OutBounce }
+ NumberAnimation { to: 1; duration: 1500; easing.type: Easing.OutBounce }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ShaderEffectSource {
+ id: effectSource5
+ sourceItem: sourceItem5
+ filtering: ShaderEffectSource.Linear
+ textureSize: Qt.size(effect1.width, effect1.height)
+ }
+ Text {
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ anchors.margins: 3
+ color: "red"
+ font.pixelSize: 12
+ text: effectSource5.static ? "Static" : "Dynamic"
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea6
+ x: parent.width * 2 / 3
+ y: parent.height / 6
+ width: parent.width / 3
+ height: parent.height / 6
+ item6
+ drag.axis: Drag.XandYAxis
+ drag.maximumX: topLevel.width -
+ drag.maximumY: topLevel.height -
+ function itemContains(item, point) {
+ var p = mapToItem(item, point.x, point.y)
+ return p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0 && p.x < item.width && p.y < item.height
+ }
+ onPressed: { = 1 }
+ onReleased: {
+ if (itemContains(effect1, mouse))
+ effect1.source = effectSource6
+ if (itemContains(effect2, mouse))
+ effect2.source = effectSource6
+ if (itemContains(effect3, mouse))
+ effect3.source = effectSource6
+ = x
+ = y
+ = 0
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item6
+ x: mouseArea6.x
+ y: mouseArea6.y
+ width: mouseArea6.width
+ height: mouseArea6.height
+ Loader { anchors.fill: parent; sourceComponent: whiteBorder }
+ Image {
+ id: sourceItem6
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ source: "face-smile.png"
+ smooth: true
+ visible: !
+ }
+ ShaderEffectSource {
+ id: effectSource6
+ sourceImage: sourceItem6.source
+ filtering: ShaderEffectSource.Linear
+ textureSize: Qt.size(effect1.width, effect1.height)
+ }
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: colorSample
+ width: 32
+ height: 32
+ border.width: 2
+ border.color: "white"
+ radius: width / 2
+ visible: false
+ z: 1
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: gradient
+ x: 0
+ y: parent.height / 3
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height / 6
+ ShaderEffectItem {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ fragmentShader:
+ "uniform highp float qt_Opacity; \n" +
+ "varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord; \n" +
+ "void main() { \n" +
+ " highp float x = 6. * qt_TexCoord.x; \n" +
+ " highp float r = max(2. - x, x - 4.); \n" +
+ " highp float g = min(x, 4. - x); \n" +
+ " highp float b = min(x - 2., 6. - x); \n" +
+ " gl_FragColor = qt_Opacity * vec4(r, g, b, 1.); \n" +
+ "}"
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ function clamp(x, lo, hi) {
+ return Math.max(lo, Math.min(hi, x));
+ }
+ function hueToRgb(x) {
+ var t = 6 * x;
+ var r = clamp(Math.max(2 - t, t - 4), 0, 1);
+ var g = clamp(Math.min(t, 4 - t), 0, 1);
+ var b = clamp(Math.min(t - 2, 6 - t), 0, 1);
+ return Qt.rgba(r, g, b, 1);
+ }
+ function itemContains(item, point) {
+ var p = mapToItem(item, point.x, point.y);
+ return p.x >= 0 && p.y >= 0 && p.x < item.width && p.y < item.height;
+ }
+ anchors.fill: gradient
+ colorSample
+ drag.axis: Drag.XandYAxis
+ drag.minimumX: 0
+ drag.maximumX: topLevel.width - colorSample.width
+ drag.minimumY: 0
+ drag.maximumY: topLevel.height - colorSample.height
+ onPressed: {
+ colorSample.visible = true
+ colorSample.x = mapToItem(colorSample.parent, mouse.x, mouse.y).x - colorSample.width / 2
+ colorSample.y = mapToItem(colorSample.parent, mouse.x, mouse.y).y - colorSample.height / 2
+ colorSample.color = hueToRgb(mouse.x / width)
+ }
+ onReleased: {
+ colorSample.visible = false
+ if (itemContains(effect1, mouse))
+ effect1.color = colorSample.color
+ if (itemContains(effect2, mouse))
+ effect2.color = colorSample.color
+ if (itemContains(effect3, mouse))
+ effect3.color = colorSample.color
+ }
+ }
+ ShaderEffectSource {
+ id: defaultSource
+ sourceItem: Item {
+ width: topLevel.width / 2
+ height: topLevel.height / 4
+ Text {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ color: "white"
+ text: "Drag item and\ncolor here"
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 20
+ }
+ }
+ filtering: ShaderEffectSource.Linear
+ textureSize: Qt.size(effect1.width, effect1.height)
+ }
+ ShaderEffectItem {
+ id: effect1
+ x: 0
+ y: parent.height / 2
+ width: parent.width / 2
+ height: parent.height / 4
+ property color color: "red"
+ property variant source: defaultSource
+ property real intensity
+ fragmentShader:
+ "varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp sampler2D source; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp vec4 color; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp float intensity; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp float qt_Opacity; \n" +
+ "void main() { \n" +
+ " lowp vec4 pix = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord); \n" +
+ " lowp float gray = dot(, vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); \n" +
+ " gl_FragColor = qt_Opacity * mix(pix, vec4( * gray, pix.w), intensity); \n" +
+ "}"
+ SequentialAnimation on intensity {
+ loops: Animation.Infinite
+ NumberAnimation { to: 1; duration: 2000 }
+ NumberAnimation { to: 0; duration: 2000 }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: { = ! }
+ }
+ Text {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ color: "white"
+ font.pixelSize: 20
+ text: "Inactive\nClick to activate"
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ visible: !
+ }
+ }
+ ShaderEffectItem {
+ id: effect2
+ x: parent.width / 2
+ y: parent.height / 2
+ width: parent.width / 2
+ height: parent.height / 4
+ property color color: "green"
+ property alias source: innerInnerEffect2._source
+ property real radius: 8
+ property variant direction: Qt.point(0, 1 / _source.height)
+ property real intensity: 1
+ property variant _w: [
+ 0.5, // sampled twice, so each sample should weigh half the original weight.
+ Math.exp(-1 / (radius * radius)),
+ Math.exp(-4 / (radius * radius)),
+ Math.exp(-9 / (radius * radius)),
+ Math.exp(-16 / (radius * radius)),
+ Math.exp(-25 / (radius * radius)),
+ Math.exp(-36 / (radius * radius)),
+ Math.exp(-49 / (radius * radius))
+ ]
+ property variant _w2: [_w[0] + _w[1], _w[2] + _w[3], _w[4] + _w[5], _w[6] + _w[7]]
+ property variant offsets: Qt.rect(_w[1] / _w2[0], 2 + _w[3] / _w2[1], 4 + _w[5] / _w2[2], 6 + _w[7] / _w2[3])
+ property real _s: .5 / (_w2[0] + _w2[1] + _w2[2] + _w2[3])
+ property variant weights: Qt.rect(_w2[0] * _s, _w2[1] * _s, _w2[2] * _s, _w2[3] * _s)
+ property variant _source: ShaderEffectSource {
+ sourceItem: innerEffect2
+ filtering: ShaderEffectSource.Linear
+ }
+ SequentialAnimation on intensity {
+ loops: Animation.Infinite
+ NumberAnimation { to: 1; duration: 2000 }
+ NumberAnimation { to: 0; duration: 2000 }
+ }
+ property string blurShader:
+ "varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp sampler2D _source; \n" +
+ "uniform highp vec4 offsets; \n" +
+ "uniform highp vec4 weights; \n" +
+ "uniform highp vec2 direction; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp float qt_Opacity; \n" +
+ "void main() { \n" +
+ " highp vec4 sum = vec4(0.); \n" +
+ " sum += texture2D(_source, qt_TexCoord - direction * offsets.x) * weights.x; \n" +
+ " sum += texture2D(_source, qt_TexCoord - direction * offsets.y) * weights.y; \n" +
+ " sum += texture2D(_source, qt_TexCoord - direction * offsets.z) * weights.z; \n" +
+ " sum += texture2D(_source, qt_TexCoord - direction * offsets.w) * weights.w; \n" +
+ " sum += texture2D(_source, qt_TexCoord + direction * offsets.x) * weights.x; \n" +
+ " sum += texture2D(_source, qt_TexCoord + direction * offsets.y) * weights.y; \n" +
+ " sum += texture2D(_source, qt_TexCoord + direction * offsets.z) * weights.z; \n" +
+ " sum += texture2D(_source, qt_TexCoord + direction * offsets.w) * weights.w; \n" +
+ " gl_FragColor = qt_Opacity * sum; \n" +
+ "}"
+ fragmentShader:
+ "varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp sampler2D _source; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp sampler2D source; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp vec4 color; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp float intensity; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp float qt_Opacity; \n" +
+ "void main() { \n" +
+ " lowp vec4 pix = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord); \n" +
+ " lowp vec4 glow = texture2D(_source, qt_TexCoord); \n" +
+ " lowp float gray = dot(, vec3(intensity)); \n" +
+ " gl_FragColor = qt_Opacity * vec4( + * gray, pix.w); \n" +
+ "}"
+ ShaderEffectItem {
+ id: innerEffect2
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ fragmentShader: parent.blurShader
+ property variant direction: Qt.point(1 / _source.width, 0)
+ property alias offsets: effect2.offsets
+ property alias weights: effect2.weights
+ property variant _source: ShaderEffectSource {
+ sourceItem: innerInnerEffect2
+ filtering: ShaderEffectSource.Linear
+ }
+ active:
+ }
+ ShaderEffectItem {
+ id: innerInnerEffect2
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ fragmentShader: parent.blurShader
+ property variant direction: Qt.point(0, 1 / _source.height)
+ property variant _source: defaultSource
+ property alias offsets: effect2.offsets
+ property alias weights: effect2.weights
+ active:
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: { = ! }
+ }
+ Text {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ color: "white"
+ font.pixelSize: 20
+ text: "Inactive\nClick to activate"
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ visible: !
+ }
+ }
+ ShaderEffectItem {
+ id: effect3
+ x: parent.width / 4
+ y: parent.height * 3 / 4
+ width: parent.width / 2
+ height: parent.height / 4
+ property color color: "blue"
+ property variant source: defaultSource
+ property real intensity
+ fragmentShader:
+ "varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp sampler2D source; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp vec4 color; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp float intensity; \n" +
+ "uniform lowp float qt_Opacity; \n" +
+ "float minc(vec3 v) { return min(v.x, min(v.y, v.z)); } \n" +
+ "float maxc(vec3 v) { return max(v.x, max(v.y, v.z)); } \n" +
+ "void main() { \n" +
+ " lowp vec4 pix = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord); \n" +
+ " highp float lo = minc(; \n" +
+ " highp float hi = maxc(; \n" +
+ " gl_FragColor = qt_Opacity * mix(pix, vec4( * (hi - lo) + lo, color.w), intensity); \n" +
+ "}"
+ SequentialAnimation on intensity {
+ loops: Animation.Infinite
+ NumberAnimation { to: 1; duration: 2000 }
+ NumberAnimation { to: 0; duration: 2000 }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: { = ! }
+ }
+ Text {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ color: "white"
+ font.pixelSize: 20
+ text: "Inactive\nClick to activate"
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ visible: !
+ }
+ }