path: root/Qt/examples/declarative/pincharea/sys_pincharea/sys_pincharea.qtt
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Diffstat (limited to 'Qt/examples/declarative/pincharea/sys_pincharea/sys_pincharea.qtt')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Qt/examples/declarative/pincharea/sys_pincharea/sys_pincharea.qtt b/Qt/examples/declarative/pincharea/sys_pincharea/sys_pincharea.qtt
index 2643689..a57caf6 100644
--- a/Qt/examples/declarative/pincharea/sys_pincharea/sys_pincharea.qtt
+++ b/Qt/examples/declarative/pincharea/sys_pincharea/sys_pincharea.qtt
@@ -39,18 +39,37 @@
testcase = {
- pincharea: function()
+ pincharea_resize: function()
- prompt(twiki('---+++ QTQMLBAT9202 - PinchArea example
+ prompt(twiki('Scaling
| *Step* | *Verification* |
-| Execute examples/declarative/touchinteraction/pincharea/flickresize.qml | |
-| Place two fingers apart on any place in the display, and bring them together | Verify that the qt logo is scaled down (becomes smaller) |
-| Place two fingers close together on any place in the display, and push them apart | Verify that the qt logo is scaled up (becomes larger) |
+| Execute SystemTests/Qt/examples/declarative/pincharea/pincharea.qml | |
+| Press Enable | Enabler button turns green |
+| Place two fingers apart on any place in the display, and bring them together | Verify that the qt logo is scaled down (becomes smaller), no less than 50% |
+| Place two fingers close together on any place in the display, and push them apart | Verify that the qt logo is scaled up (becomes larger), no more than 200% |
| Place two fingers apart on any place in the display, and bring them together, then push them apart | Verify that the qt logo is scaled down, then up |
| Evaluate | All scaling of the logo should be done in sync with the movement of the fingers |'));
+ },
+ pincharea_rotate: function()
+ {
+ prompt(twiki('Rotation - If the target device is an N8, expect odd behavior when executing this test. The device does not have a multiple touch screen.
+| *Step* | *Verification* |
+| Execute SystemTests/Qt/examples/declarative/pincharea/pincharea.qml | |
+| Press Enable | Enabler button turns green |
+| Place two fingers apart on any place in the display, and turn them in a clockwise circle | The logo rotates with the movement of the fingers |
+| Rotate the logo beyond 180 degrees | The logo stops at 150 degrees and does not invert to -150 degrees |'));
+ },
+ pincharea_drag: function()
+ {
+ prompt(twiki('Dragging - If the target device is an N8, expect odd behavior when executing this test. The device does not have a multiple touch screen.
+| Execute SystemTests/Qt/examples/declarative/pincharea/pincharea.qml | |
+| Press Enable | Enabler button turns green |
+| Place two fingers on the display, and drag around the screen | |
+| | The logo moves in sync with the gesture. The logo does not move its center beyond the bounds of the rectangle |'));