path: root/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/ b/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
index 1bb3da7a24..911edd8066 100644
--- a/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
+++ b/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
//===--- - Static Analyzer Checkers -===-----------------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ include ""
def Alpha : Package<"alpha">;
def Core : Package<"core">;
-def CoreBuiltin : Package<"builtin">, ParentPackage<Core>;
+def CoreBuiltin : Package<"builtin">, ParentPackage<Core>, Hidden;
def CoreUninitialized : Package<"uninitialized">, ParentPackage<Core>;
def CoreAlpha : Package<"core">, ParentPackage<Alpha>;
@@ -43,7 +42,17 @@ def OptIn : Package<"optin">;
// development, but unwanted for developers who target only a single platform.
def PortabilityOptIn : Package<"portability">, ParentPackage<OptIn>;
-def Nullability : Package<"nullability">;
+def Nullability : Package<"nullability">,
+ PackageOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "NoDiagnoseCallsToSystemHeaders",
+ "Suppresses warnings for violating nullability annotations "
+ "of system header functions. This is useful if you are "
+ "concerned with your custom nullability annotations more "
+ "than with following nullability specifications of system "
+ "header functions.",
+ "false">
+ ]>;
def Cplusplus : Package<"cplusplus">;
def CplusplusAlpha : Package<"cplusplus">, ParentPackage<Alpha>;
@@ -88,13 +97,15 @@ def LLVMAlpha : Package<"llvm">, ParentPackage<Alpha>;
// The APIModeling package is for checkers that model APIs and don't perform
// any diagnostics. These checkers are always turned on; this package is
// intended for API modeling that is not controlled by the target triple.
-def APIModeling : Package<"apiModeling">;
-def GoogleAPIModeling : Package<"google">, ParentPackage<APIModeling>;
+def APIModeling : Package<"apiModeling">, Hidden;
+def GoogleAPIModeling : Package<"google">, ParentPackage<APIModeling>, Hidden;
-def Debug : Package<"debug">;
+def Debug : Package<"debug">, Hidden;
def CloneDetectionAlpha : Package<"clone">, ParentPackage<Alpha>;
+def NonDeterminismAlpha : Package<"nondeterminism">, ParentPackage<Alpha>;
// Core Checkers.
@@ -128,8 +139,14 @@ def UndefResultChecker : Checker<"UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult">,
HelpText<"Check for undefined results of binary operators">,
+def StackAddrEscapeBase : Checker<"StackAddrEscapeBase">,
+ HelpText<"Generate information about stack address escapes.">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
def StackAddrEscapeChecker : Checker<"StackAddressEscape">,
HelpText<"Check that addresses to stack memory do not escape the function">,
+ Dependencies<[StackAddrEscapeBase]>,
def DynamicTypePropagation : Checker<"DynamicTypePropagation">,
@@ -138,7 +155,8 @@ def DynamicTypePropagation : Checker<"DynamicTypePropagation">,
def NonnullGlobalConstantsChecker: Checker<"NonnilStringConstants">,
HelpText<"Assume that const string-like globals are non-null">,
- Documentation<NotDocumented>;
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
} // end "core"
@@ -187,6 +205,7 @@ def CallAndMessageUnInitRefArg : Checker<"CallAndMessageUnInitRefArg">,
HelpText<"Check for logical errors for function calls and Objective-C "
"message expressions (e.g., uninitialized arguments, null function "
"pointers, and pointer to undefined variables)">,
+ Dependencies<[CallAndMessageChecker]>,
def TestAfterDivZeroChecker : Checker<"TestAfterDivZero">,
@@ -201,38 +220,57 @@ def DynamicTypeChecker : Checker<"DynamicTypeChecker">,
def StackAddrAsyncEscapeChecker : Checker<"StackAddressAsyncEscape">,
HelpText<"Check that addresses to stack memory do not escape the function">,
+ Dependencies<[StackAddrEscapeBase]>,
} // end "alpha.core"
+// Nullability checkers.
let ParentPackage = Nullability in {
+def NullabilityBase : Checker<"NullabilityBase">,
+ HelpText<"Stores information during the analysis about nullability.">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
def NullPassedToNonnullChecker : Checker<"NullPassedToNonnull">,
HelpText<"Warns when a null pointer is passed to a pointer which has a "
"_Nonnull type.">,
+ Dependencies<[NullabilityBase]>,
def NullReturnedFromNonnullChecker : Checker<"NullReturnedFromNonnull">,
HelpText<"Warns when a null pointer is returned from a function that has "
"_Nonnull return type.">,
+ Dependencies<[NullabilityBase]>,
def NullableDereferencedChecker : Checker<"NullableDereferenced">,
HelpText<"Warns when a nullable pointer is dereferenced.">,
+ Dependencies<[NullabilityBase]>,
def NullablePassedToNonnullChecker : Checker<"NullablePassedToNonnull">,
HelpText<"Warns when a nullable pointer is passed to a pointer which has a "
"_Nonnull type.">,
+ Dependencies<[NullabilityBase]>,
def NullableReturnedFromNonnullChecker : Checker<"NullableReturnedFromNonnull">,
HelpText<"Warns when a nullable pointer is returned from a function that has "
"_Nonnull return type.">,
+ Dependencies<[NullabilityBase]>,
} // end "nullability"
+// APIModeling.
let ParentPackage = APIModeling in {
def StdCLibraryFunctionsChecker : Checker<"StdCLibraryFunctions">,
@@ -292,6 +330,119 @@ def ReturnUndefChecker : Checker<"UndefReturn">,
} // end "core.uninitialized"
+// Unix API checkers.
+let ParentPackage = CString in {
+def CStringModeling : Checker<"CStringModeling">,
+ HelpText<"The base of several CString related checkers. On it's own it emits "
+ "no reports, but adds valuable information to the analysis when "
+ "enabled.">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
+def CStringNullArg : Checker<"NullArg">,
+ HelpText<"Check for null pointers being passed as arguments to C string "
+ "functions">,
+ Dependencies<[CStringModeling]>,
+ Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
+def CStringSyntaxChecker : Checker<"BadSizeArg">,
+ HelpText<"Check the size argument passed into C string functions for common "
+ "erroneous patterns">,
+ Dependencies<[CStringModeling]>,
+ Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
+} // end "unix.cstring"
+let ParentPackage = CStringAlpha in {
+def CStringOutOfBounds : Checker<"OutOfBounds">,
+ HelpText<"Check for out-of-bounds access in string functions">,
+ Dependencies<[CStringModeling]>,
+ Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
+def CStringBufferOverlap : Checker<"BufferOverlap">,
+ HelpText<"Checks for overlap in two buffer arguments">,
+ Dependencies<[CStringModeling]>,
+ Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
+def CStringNotNullTerm : Checker<"NotNullTerminated">,
+ HelpText<"Check for arguments which are not null-terminating strings">,
+ Dependencies<[CStringModeling]>,
+ Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
+} // end "alpha.unix.cstring"
+let ParentPackage = Unix in {
+def UnixAPIMisuseChecker : Checker<"API">,
+ HelpText<"Check calls to various UNIX/Posix functions">,
+ Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
+def DynamicMemoryModeling: Checker<"DynamicMemoryModeling">,
+ HelpText<"The base of several malloc() related checkers. On it's own it "
+ "emits no reports, but adds valuable information to the analysis "
+ "when enabled.">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "Optimistic",
+ "If set to true, the checker assumes that all the "
+ "allocating and deallocating functions are annotated with "
+ "ownership_holds, ownership_takes and ownership_returns.",
+ "false">
+ ]>,
+ Dependencies<[CStringModeling]>,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
+def MallocChecker: Checker<"Malloc">,
+ HelpText<"Check for memory leaks, double free, and use-after-free problems. "
+ "Traces memory managed by malloc()/free().">,
+ Dependencies<[DynamicMemoryModeling]>,
+ Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
+def MallocSizeofChecker : Checker<"MallocSizeof">,
+ HelpText<"Check for dubious malloc arguments involving sizeof">,
+ Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
+def MismatchedDeallocatorChecker : Checker<"MismatchedDeallocator">,
+ HelpText<"Check for mismatched deallocators.">,
+ Dependencies<[DynamicMemoryModeling]>,
+ Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
+def VforkChecker : Checker<"Vfork">,
+ HelpText<"Check for proper usage of vfork">,
+ Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
+} // end "unix"
+let ParentPackage = UnixAlpha in {
+def ChrootChecker : Checker<"Chroot">,
+ HelpText<"Check improper use of chroot">,
+ Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
+def PthreadLockChecker : Checker<"PthreadLock">,
+ HelpText<"Simple lock -> unlock checker">,
+ Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
+def StreamChecker : Checker<"Stream">,
+ HelpText<"Check stream handling functions">,
+ Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
+def SimpleStreamChecker : Checker<"SimpleStream">,
+ HelpText<"Check for misuses of stream APIs">,
+ Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
+def BlockInCriticalSectionChecker : Checker<"BlockInCriticalSection">,
+ HelpText<"Check for calls to blocking functions inside a critical section">,
+ Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
+} // end "alpha.unix"
// C++ checkers.
@@ -300,31 +451,104 @@ let ParentPackage = Cplusplus in {
def InnerPointerChecker : Checker<"InnerPointer">,
HelpText<"Check for inner pointers of C++ containers used after "
+ Dependencies<[DynamicMemoryModeling]>,
def NewDeleteChecker : Checker<"NewDelete">,
HelpText<"Check for double-free and use-after-free problems. Traces memory "
"managed by new/delete.">,
+ Dependencies<[DynamicMemoryModeling]>,
def NewDeleteLeaksChecker : Checker<"NewDeleteLeaks">,
HelpText<"Check for memory leaks. Traces memory managed by new/delete.">,
+ Dependencies<[NewDeleteChecker]>,
def CXXSelfAssignmentChecker : Checker<"SelfAssignment">,
HelpText<"Checks C++ copy and move assignment operators for self assignment">,
- Documentation<NotDocumented>;
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
+def SmartPtrModeling: Checker<"SmartPtr">,
+ HelpText<"Model behavior of C++ smart pointers">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
def MoveChecker: Checker<"Move">,
- HelpText<"Find use-after-move bugs in C++">,
+ HelpText<"Find use-after-move bugs in C++">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<String,
+ "WarnOn",
+ "In non-aggressive mode, only warn on use-after-move of "
+ "local variables (or local rvalue references) and of STL "
+ "objects. The former is possible because local variables (or "
+ "local rvalue references) are not tempting their user to "
+ "re-use the storage. The latter is possible because STL "
+ "objects are known to end up in a valid but unspecified "
+ "state after the move and their state-reset methods are also "
+ "known, which allows us to predict precisely when "
+ "use-after-move is invalid. Some STL objects are known to "
+ "conform to additional contracts after move, so they are not "
+ "tracked. However, smart pointers specifically are tracked "
+ "because we can perform extra checking over them. In "
+ "aggressive mode, warn on any use-after-move because the "
+ "user has intentionally asked us to completely eliminate "
+ "use-after-move in his code. Values: \"KnownsOnly\", "
+ "\"KnownsAndLocals\", \"All\".",
+ "KnownsAndLocals">
+ ]>,
} // end: "cplusplus"
let ParentPackage = CplusplusOptIn in {
+def UninitializedObjectChecker: Checker<"UninitializedObject">,
+ HelpText<"Reports uninitialized fields after object construction">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "Pedantic",
+ "If set to false, the checker won't emit warnings "
+ "for objects that don't have at least one initialized "
+ "field.",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "NotesAsWarnings",
+ "If set to true, the checker will emit a warning "
+ "for each uninitalized field, as opposed to emitting one "
+ "warning per constructor call, and listing the uninitialized "
+ "fields that belongs to it in notes.",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "CheckPointeeInitialization",
+ "If set to false, the checker will not analyze "
+ "the pointee of pointer/reference fields, and will only "
+ "check whether the object itself is initialized.",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<String,
+ "IgnoreRecordsWithField",
+ "If supplied, the checker will not analyze "
+ "structures that have a field with a name or type name that "
+ "matches the given pattern.",
+ "\"\"">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "IgnoreGuardedFields",
+ "If set to true, the checker will analyze _syntactically_ "
+ "whether the found uninitialized object is used without a "
+ "preceding assert call. Defaults to false.",
+ "false">
+ ]>,
+ Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
def VirtualCallChecker : Checker<"VirtualCall">,
HelpText<"Check virtual function calls during construction or destruction">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PureOnly",
+ "Whether to only report calls to pure virtual methods.",
+ "false">
+ ]>,
} // end: "optin.cplusplus"
@@ -340,21 +564,25 @@ def EnumCastOutOfRangeChecker : Checker<"EnumCastOutOfRange">,
HelpText<"Check integer to enumeration casts for out of range values">,
+def IteratorModeling : Checker<"IteratorModeling">,
+ HelpText<"Models iterators of C++ containers">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
def InvalidatedIteratorChecker : Checker<"InvalidatedIterator">,
HelpText<"Check for use of invalidated iterators">,
+ Dependencies<[IteratorModeling]>,
def IteratorRangeChecker : Checker<"IteratorRange">,
HelpText<"Check for iterators used outside their valid ranges">,
+ Dependencies<[IteratorModeling]>,
def MismatchedIteratorChecker : Checker<"MismatchedIterator">,
HelpText<"Check for use of iterators of different containers where iterators "
"of the same container are expected">,
- Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
-def UninitializedObjectChecker: Checker<"UninitializedObject">,
- HelpText<"Reports uninitialized fields after object construction">,
+ Dependencies<[IteratorModeling]>,
} // end: "alpha.cplusplus"
@@ -366,16 +594,24 @@ def UninitializedObjectChecker: Checker<"UninitializedObject">,
let ParentPackage = Valist in {
+def ValistBase : Checker<"ValistBase">,
+ HelpText<"Gathers information about va_lists.">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
def UninitializedChecker : Checker<"Uninitialized">,
HelpText<"Check for usages of uninitialized (or already released) va_lists.">,
+ Dependencies<[ValistBase]>,
def UnterminatedChecker : Checker<"Unterminated">,
HelpText<"Check for va_lists which are not released by a va_end call.">,
+ Dependencies<[ValistBase]>,
def CopyToSelfChecker : Checker<"CopyToSelf">,
HelpText<"Check for va_lists which are copied onto itself.">,
+ Dependencies<[ValistBase]>,
} // end : "valist"
@@ -409,6 +645,13 @@ let ParentPackage = Performance in {
def PaddingChecker : Checker<"Padding">,
HelpText<"Check for excessively padded structs.">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Integer,
+ "AllowedPad",
+ "Reports are only generated if the excessive padding exceeds "
+ "'AllowedPad' in bytes.",
+ "24">
+ ]>,
} // end: "padding"
@@ -419,40 +662,73 @@ def PaddingChecker : Checker<"Padding">,
let ParentPackage = InsecureAPI in {
+def SecuritySyntaxChecker : Checker<"SecuritySyntaxChecker">,
+ HelpText<"Base of various security function related checkers">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
def bcmp : Checker<"bcmp">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of the 'bcmp' function">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def bcopy : Checker<"bcopy">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of the 'bcopy' function">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def bzero : Checker<"bzero">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of the 'bzero' function">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def gets : Checker<"gets">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of the 'gets' function">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def getpw : Checker<"getpw">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of the 'getpw' function">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def mktemp : Checker<"mktemp">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of the 'mktemp' function">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def mkstemp : Checker<"mkstemp">,
HelpText<"Warn when 'mkstemp' is passed fewer than 6 X's in the format "
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def rand : Checker<"rand">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of the 'rand', 'random', and related functions">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def strcpy : Checker<"strcpy">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of the 'strcpy' and 'strcat' functions">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def vfork : Checker<"vfork">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of the 'vfork' function">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
def UncheckedReturn : Checker<"UncheckedReturn">,
HelpText<"Warn on uses of functions whose return values must be always "
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
+ Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
+def DeprecatedOrUnsafeBufferHandling :
+ Checker<"DeprecatedOrUnsafeBufferHandling">,
+ HelpText<"Warn on uses of unsecure or deprecated buffer manipulating "
+ "functions">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
} // end "security.insecureAPI"
@@ -462,6 +738,7 @@ let ParentPackage = Security in {
def FloatLoopCounter : Checker<"FloatLoopCounter">,
HelpText<"Warn on using a floating point value as a loop counter (CERT: "
"FLP30-C, FLP30-CPP)">,
+ Dependencies<[SecuritySyntaxChecker]>,
} // end "security"
@@ -484,11 +761,18 @@ def MallocOverflowSecurityChecker : Checker<"MallocOverflow">,
HelpText<"Check for overflows in the arguments to malloc()">,
-// Operating systems specific PROT_READ/PROT_WRITE values is not implemented,
-// the defaults are correct for several common operating systems though,
-// but may need to be overridden via the related analyzer-config flags.
def MmapWriteExecChecker : Checker<"MmapWriteExec">,
HelpText<"Warn on mmap() calls that are both writable and executable">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Integer,
+ "MmapProtExec",
+ "Specifies the value of PROT_EXEC",
+ "0x04">,
+ CmdLineOption<Integer,
+ "MmapProtRead",
+ "Specifies the value of PROT_READ",
+ "0x01">
+ ]>,
} // end ""
@@ -506,97 +790,36 @@ def GenericTaintChecker : Checker<"TaintPropagation">,
} // end ""
-// Unix API checkers.
+// Mac OS X, Cocoa, and Core Foundation checkers.
-let ParentPackage = Unix in {
-def UnixAPIMisuseChecker : Checker<"API">,
- HelpText<"Check calls to various UNIX/Posix functions">,
- Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
-def MallocChecker: Checker<"Malloc">,
- HelpText<"Check for memory leaks, double free, and use-after-free problems. "
- "Traces memory managed by malloc()/free().">,
- Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
-def MallocSizeofChecker : Checker<"MallocSizeof">,
- HelpText<"Check for dubious malloc arguments involving sizeof">,
- Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
-def MismatchedDeallocatorChecker : Checker<"MismatchedDeallocator">,
- HelpText<"Check for mismatched deallocators.">,
- Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
-def VforkChecker : Checker<"Vfork">,
- HelpText<"Check for proper usage of vfork">,
- Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
-} // end "unix"
-let ParentPackage = UnixAlpha in {
-def ChrootChecker : Checker<"Chroot">,
- HelpText<"Check improper use of chroot">,
- Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
-def PthreadLockChecker : Checker<"PthreadLock">,
- HelpText<"Simple lock -> unlock checker">,
- Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
-def StreamChecker : Checker<"Stream">,
- HelpText<"Check stream handling functions">,
- Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
-def SimpleStreamChecker : Checker<"SimpleStream">,
- HelpText<"Check for misuses of stream APIs">,
- Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
-def BlockInCriticalSectionChecker : Checker<"BlockInCriticalSection">,
- HelpText<"Check for calls to blocking functions inside a critical section">,
- Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
-} // end "alpha.unix"
-let ParentPackage = CString in {
-def CStringNullArg : Checker<"NullArg">,
- HelpText<"Check for null pointers being passed as arguments to C string "
- "functions">,
- Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
-def CStringSyntaxChecker : Checker<"BadSizeArg">,
- HelpText<"Check the size argument passed into C string functions for common "
- "erroneous patterns">,
- Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
-} // end "unix.cstring"
-let ParentPackage = CStringAlpha in {
-def CStringOutOfBounds : Checker<"OutOfBounds">,
- HelpText<"Check for out-of-bounds access in string functions">,
- Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
-def CStringBufferOverlap : Checker<"BufferOverlap">,
- HelpText<"Checks for overlap in two buffer arguments">,
- Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
-def CStringNotNullTerm : Checker<"NotNullTerminated">,
- HelpText<"Check for arguments which are not null-terminating strings">,
- Documentation<HasAlphaDocumentation>;
+let ParentPackage = Cocoa in {
-} // end "alpha.unix.cstring"
+def RetainCountBase : Checker<"RetainCountBase">,
+ HelpText<"Common base of various retain count related checkers">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
-// Mac OS X, Cocoa, and Core Foundation checkers.
+} // end "osx.cocoa"
let ParentPackage = OSX in {
+def NSOrCFErrorDerefChecker : Checker<"NSOrCFErrorDerefChecker">,
+ HelpText<"Implementation checker for NSErrorChecker and CFErrorChecker">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
def NumberObjectConversionChecker : Checker<"NumberObjectConversion">,
HelpText<"Check for erroneous conversions of objects representing numbers "
"into numbers">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "Pedantic",
+ "Enables detection of more conversion patterns (which are "
+ "most likely more harmless, and therefore are more likely to "
+ "produce false positives).",
+ "false">
+ ]>,
def MacOSXAPIChecker : Checker<"API">,
@@ -607,12 +830,19 @@ def MacOSKeychainAPIChecker : Checker<"SecKeychainAPI">,
HelpText<"Check for proper uses of Secure Keychain APIs">,
+def MIGChecker : Checker<"MIG">,
+ HelpText<"Find violations of the Mach Interface Generator "
+ "calling convention">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>;
def ObjCPropertyChecker : Checker<"ObjCProperty">,
HelpText<"Check for proper uses of Objective-C properties">,
def OSObjectRetainCountChecker : Checker<"OSObjectRetainCount">,
- HelpText<"Check for leaks and improper reference count management for OSObject">,
+ HelpText<"Check for leaks and improper reference count management for "
+ "OSObject">,
+ Dependencies<[RetainCountBase]>,
} // end "osx"
@@ -676,14 +906,34 @@ def ObjCSuperCallChecker : Checker<"MissingSuperCall">,
def NSErrorChecker : Checker<"NSError">,
HelpText<"Check usage of NSError** parameters">,
+ Dependencies<[NSOrCFErrorDerefChecker]>,
def RetainCountChecker : Checker<"RetainCount">,
HelpText<"Check for leaks and improper reference count management">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "CheckOSObject",
+ "Find violations of retain-release rules applied to XNU "
+ "OSObject instances. By default, the checker only checks "
+ "retain-release rules for Objective-C NSObject instances "
+ "and CoreFoundation objects.",
+ "true">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "TrackNSCFStartParam",
+ "Check not only that the code follows retain-release rules "
+ "with respect to objects it allocates or borrows from "
+ "elsewhere, but also that it fulfills its own retain count "
+ "specification with respect to objects that it receives as "
+ "arguments.",
+ "false">
+ ]>,
+ Dependencies<[RetainCountBase]>,
def ObjCGenericsChecker : Checker<"ObjCGenerics">,
HelpText<"Check for type errors when using Objective-C generics">,
+ Dependencies<[DynamicTypePropagation]>,
def ObjCDeallocChecker : Checker<"Dealloc">,
@@ -710,16 +960,33 @@ def GCDAntipattern : Checker<"GCDAntipattern">,
} // end "optin.performance"
+let ParentPackage = OSXOptIn in {
+def OSObjectCStyleCast : Checker<"OSObjectCStyleCast">,
+ HelpText<"Checker for C-style casts of OSObjects">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>;
+} // end "optin.osx"
let ParentPackage = CocoaAlpha in {
+def IvarInvalidationModeling : Checker<"IvarInvalidationModeling">,
+ HelpText<"Gathers information for annotation driven invalidation checking "
+ "for classes that contains a method annotated with "
+ "'objc_instance_variable_invalidator'">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>,
+ Hidden;
def InstanceVariableInvalidation : Checker<"InstanceVariableInvalidation">,
HelpText<"Check that the invalidatable instance variables are invalidated in "
"the methods annotated with objc_instance_variable_invalidator">,
+ Dependencies<[IvarInvalidationModeling]>,
def MissingInvalidationMethod : Checker<"MissingInvalidationMethod">,
HelpText<"Check that the invalidation methods are present in classes that "
"contain invalidatable instance variables">,
+ Dependencies<[IvarInvalidationModeling]>,
def DirectIvarAssignment : Checker<"DirectIvarAssignment">,
@@ -730,6 +997,7 @@ def DirectIvarAssignmentForAnnotatedFunctions :
HelpText<"Check for direct assignments to instance variables in the methods "
"annotated with objc_no_direct_instance_variable_assignment">,
+ Dependencies<[DirectIvarAssignment]>,
} // end "alpha.osx.cocoa"
@@ -746,6 +1014,7 @@ def CFRetainReleaseChecker : Checker<"CFRetainRelease">,
def CFErrorChecker : Checker<"CFError">,
HelpText<"Check usage of CFErrorRef* parameters">,
+ Dependencies<[NSOrCFErrorDerefChecker]>,
} // end "osx.coreFoundation"
@@ -768,6 +1037,17 @@ let ParentPackage = LocalizabilityOptIn in {
def NonLocalizedStringChecker : Checker<"NonLocalizedStringChecker">,
HelpText<"Warns about uses of non-localized NSStrings passed to UI methods "
"expecting localized NSStrings">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "AggressiveReport",
+ "Marks a string being returned by any call as localized if "
+ "it is in LocStringFunctions (LSF) or the function is "
+ "annotated. Otherwise, we mark it as NonLocalized "
+ "(Aggressive) or NonLocalized only if it is not backed by a "
+ "SymRegion (Non-Aggressive), basically leaving only string "
+ "literals as NonLocalized.",
+ "false">
+ ]>,
def EmptyLocalizationContextChecker :
@@ -826,6 +1106,72 @@ let ParentPackage = Debug in {
def AnalysisOrderChecker : Checker<"AnalysisOrder">,
HelpText<"Print callbacks that are called during analysis in order">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PreStmtCastExpr",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PostStmtCastExpr",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PreStmtArraySubscriptExpr",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PostStmtArraySubscriptExpr",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PreStmtCXXNewExpr",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PostStmtCXXNewExpr",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PreStmtOffsetOfExpr",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PostStmtOffsetOfExpr",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PreCall",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "PostCall",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "EndFunction",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "NewAllocator",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "Bind",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "LiveSymbols",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "RegionChanges",
+ "",
+ "false">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "*",
+ "Enables all callbacks.",
+ "false">
+ ]>,
def DominatorsTreeDumper : Checker<"DumpDominators">,
@@ -884,6 +1230,10 @@ def ExplodedGraphViewer : Checker<"ViewExplodedGraph">,
HelpText<"View Exploded Graphs using GraphViz">,
+def ReportStmts : Checker<"ReportStmts">,
+ HelpText<"Emits a warning for every statement.">,
+ Documentation<NotDocumented>;
} // end "debug"
@@ -895,6 +1245,25 @@ let ParentPackage = CloneDetectionAlpha in {
def CloneChecker : Checker<"CloneChecker">,
HelpText<"Reports similar pieces of code.">,
+ CheckerOptions<[
+ CmdLineOption<Integer,
+ "MinimumCloneComplexity",
+ "Ensures that every clone has at least the given complexity. "
+ "Complexity is here defined as the total amount of children "
+ "of a statement. This constraint assumes the first statement "
+ "in the group is representative for all other statements in "
+ "the group in terms of complexity.",
+ "50">,
+ CmdLineOption<Boolean,
+ "ReportNormalClones",
+ "Report all clones, even less suspicious ones.",
+ "true">,
+ CmdLineOption<String,
+ "IgnoredFilesPattern",
+ "If supplied, the checker wont analyze files with a filename "
+ "that matches the given pattern.",
+ "\"\"">
+ ]>,
} // end "clone"
@@ -910,3 +1279,15 @@ def UnixAPIPortabilityChecker : Checker<"UnixAPI">,
} // end optin.portability
+// NonDeterminism checkers.
+let ParentPackage = NonDeterminismAlpha in {
+def PointerSortingChecker : Checker<"PointerSorting">,
+ HelpText<"Check for non-determinism caused by sorting of pointers">,
+ Documentation<HasDocumentation>;
+} // end alpha.nondeterminism