path: root/src/libs/installer/packagemanagergui.cpp
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authorKatja Marttila <>2019-05-31 13:30:18 +0300
committerIikka Eklund <>2019-12-04 12:11:59 +0000
commit0842ea01554202b4552911c827417acb00a03cf1 (patch)
tree8633ef3e268a2f0064f0051755bd2e0d7ec6eb04 /src/libs/installer/packagemanagergui.cpp
parentf8ade64515482e2079fde805b93ee11e3dae44f5 (diff)
Install selected packages from CLI
Also move targetDirWarning() from targetdirectorypage to packagemanager and move target directory check to checkTargetDir() function so that those are accessible also without UI. Change-Id: Ia38cc7e66bb542e6a60fea2c39cc3b80735564ef Reviewed-by: Iikka Eklund <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/installer/packagemanagergui.cpp')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/installer/packagemanagergui.cpp b/src/libs/installer/packagemanagergui.cpp
index 934570ae1..a20290ef7 100644
--- a/src/libs/installer/packagemanagergui.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/installer/packagemanagergui.cpp
@@ -2145,15 +2145,7 @@ void TargetDirectoryPage::initializePage()
- Checks whether the target directory exists and has contents:
- \list
- \li Returns \c true if the directory exists and is empty.
- \li Returns \c false if the directory already exists and contains an installation.
- \li Returns \c false if the target is a file or a symbolic link.
- \li Returns \c true or \c false if the directory exists but is not empty, depending on the
- choice that the end users make in the displayed message box.
- \endlist
+ Checks whether the target directory exists and has correct content.
bool TargetDirectoryPage::validatePage()
@@ -2169,37 +2161,7 @@ bool TargetDirectoryPage::validatePage()
if (!QVariant(remove).toBool())
return true;
- const QString targetDir = this->targetDir();
- const QDir dir(targetDir);
- // the directory exists and is empty...
- if (dir.exists() && dir.entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot).isEmpty())
- return true;
- const QFileInfo fi(targetDir);
- if (fi.isDir()) {
- QString fileName = packageManagerCore()->settings().maintenanceToolName();
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
- if (QInstaller::isInBundle(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()))
- fileName += QLatin1String(".app/Contents/MacOS/") + fileName;
-#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
- fileName += QLatin1String(".exe");
- QFileInfo fi2(targetDir + QDir::separator() + fileName);
- if (fi2.exists()) {
- return failWithError(QLatin1String("TargetDirectoryInUse"), tr("The directory you selected already "
- "exists and contains an installation. Choose a different target for installation."));
- }
- return askQuestion(QLatin1String("OverwriteTargetDirectory"),
- tr("You have selected an existing, non-empty directory for installation.\nNote that it will be "
- "completely wiped on uninstallation of this application.\nIt is not advisable to install into "
- "this directory as installation might fail.\nDo you want to continue?"));
- } else if (fi.isFile() || fi.isSymLink()) {
- return failWithError(QLatin1String("WrongTargetDirectory"), tr("You have selected an existing file "
- "or symlink, please choose a different target for installation."));
- }
- return true;
+ return this->packageManagerCore()->checkTargetDir(targetDir());
@@ -2238,122 +2200,10 @@ void TargetDirectoryPage::dirRequested()
bool TargetDirectoryPage::isComplete() const
- m_warningLabel->setText(targetDirWarning());
+ m_warningLabel->setText(packageManagerCore()->targetDirWarning(targetDir()));
return m_warningLabel->text().isEmpty();
- Returns a warning if the path to the target directory is not set or if it
- is invalid. Installation can continue only after a valid target path is given.
-QString TargetDirectoryPage::targetDirWarning() const
- if (targetDir().isEmpty())
- return tr("The installation path cannot be empty, please specify a valid directory.");
- QDir target(targetDir());
- if (target.isRelative())
- return tr("The installation path cannot be relative, please specify an absolute path.");
- QString nativeTargetDir = QDir::toNativeSeparators(target.absolutePath());
- if (!packageManagerCore()->settings().allowNonAsciiCharacters()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < nativeTargetDir.length(); ++i) {
- if ( & 0xff80) {
- return tr("The path or installation directory contains non ASCII characters. This "
- "is currently not supported! Please choose a different path or installation "
- "directory.");
- }
- }
- }
- target = target.canonicalPath();
- if (!target.isEmpty() && (target == QDir::root() || target == QDir::home())) {
- return tr("As the install directory is completely deleted, installing in %1 is forbidden.")
- .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(target.path()));
- }
-#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- // folder length (set by user) + maintenance tool name length (no extension) + extra padding
- if ((nativeTargetDir.length()
- + packageManagerCore()->settings().maintenanceToolName().length() + 20) >= MAX_PATH) {
- return tr("The path you have entered is too long, please make sure to "
- "specify a valid path.");
- }
- static QRegularExpression reg(QLatin1String(
- "^(?<drive>[a-zA-Z]:\\\\)|"
- "^(\\\\\\\\(?<path>\\w+)\\\\)|"
- "^(\\\\\\\\(?<ip>\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3})\\\\)"));
- const QRegularExpressionMatch regMatch = reg.match(nativeTargetDir);
- const QString ipMatch = regMatch.captured(QLatin1String("ip"));
- const QString pathMatch = regMatch.captured(QLatin1String("path"));
- const QString driveMatch = regMatch.captured(QLatin1String("drive"));
- if (ipMatch.isEmpty() && pathMatch.isEmpty() && driveMatch.isEmpty()) {
- return tr("The path you have entered is not valid, please make sure to "
- "specify a valid target.");
- }
- if (!driveMatch.isEmpty()) {
- bool validDrive = false;
- const QFileInfo drive(driveMatch);
- foreach (const QFileInfo &driveInfo, QDir::drives()) {
- if (drive == driveInfo) {
- validDrive = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!validDrive) { // right now we can only verify local drives
- return tr("The path you have entered is not valid, please make sure to "
- "specify a valid drive.");
- }
- nativeTargetDir = nativeTargetDir.mid(2);
- }
- if (nativeTargetDir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('.')))
- return tr("The installation path must not end with '.', please specify a valid directory.");
- QString ambiguousChars = QLatin1String("[\"~<>|?*!@#$%^&:,; ]"
- "|(\\\\CON)(\\\\|$)|(\\\\PRN)(\\\\|$)|(\\\\AUX)(\\\\|$)|(\\\\NUL)(\\\\|$)|(\\\\COM\\d)(\\\\|$)|(\\\\LPT\\d)(\\\\|$)");
-#else // Q_OS_WIN
- QString ambiguousChars = QStringLiteral("[~<>|?*!@#$%^&:,; \\\\]");
-#endif // Q_OS_WIN
- if (packageManagerCore()->settings().allowSpaceInPath())
- ambiguousChars.remove(QLatin1Char(' '));
- static QRegularExpression ambCharRegEx(ambiguousChars, QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption);
- // check if there are not allowed characters in the target path
- QRegularExpressionMatch match = ambCharRegEx.match(nativeTargetDir);
- if (match.hasMatch()) {
- return tr("The installation path must not contain \"%1\", "
- "please specify a valid directory.").arg(match.captured(0));
- }
- return QString();
- Returns \c true if a warning message specified by \a message with the
- identifier \a identifier is presented to end users for acknowledgment.
-bool TargetDirectoryPage::askQuestion(const QString &identifier, const QString &message)
- QMessageBox::StandardButton bt =
- MessageBoxHandler::warning(MessageBoxHandler::currentBestSuitParent(), identifier,
- tr("Warning"), message, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
- return bt == QMessageBox::Yes;
-bool TargetDirectoryPage::failWithError(const QString &identifier, const QString &message)
- MessageBoxHandler::critical(MessageBoxHandler::currentBestSuitParent(), identifier,
- tr("Error"), message);
- return false;
// -- StartMenuDirectoryPage