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1 files changed, 91 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/installer/qtpatchoperation.cpp b/src/libs/installer/qtpatchoperation.cpp
index 822d5e3a4..e9fbb65c5 100644
--- a/src/libs/installer/qtpatchoperation.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/installer/qtpatchoperation.cpp
@@ -254,19 +254,97 @@ bool QtPatchOperation::performOperation()
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
- // just try to patch here at the beginning to keep the unpatched qmake if mac install_names_tool fails
- MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation operation;
- operation.setArguments(QStringList()
- //can not use the old path which is wrong in the webkit case
- //<< QString::fromUtf8(oldQtPath)
- << QLatin1String("/lib/Qt") // search string
- << newQtPathStr + QLatin1String("/lib/Qt") //replace string
- << newQtPathStr //where
- );
- if (!operation.performOperation()) {
- setError(operation.error());
- setErrorString(operation.errorString());
- return false;
+ // looking for /lib/Qt wasn't enough for all libs and frameworks,
+ // at the Qt4 case we had for example: /lib/libQtCLucene* and /lib/phonon*
+ // so now we find every possible replace string inside dynlib dependencies
+ // and we reduce it to few as possible search strings
+ QStringList possibleSearchStringList;
+ QDirIterator dirIterator(newQtPathStr + QLatin1String("/lib/"));
+ while (dirIterator.hasNext()) {
+ const QString possibleSearchString = QString(;
+ const QFileInfo fileInfo = dirIterator.fileInfo();
+ if (fileInfo.isSymLink())
+ continue;
+ if (fileInfo.isDir()) {
+ if (possibleSearchString.endsWith(QLatin1String(".framework")))
+ possibleSearchStringList.append(possibleSearchString);
+ else
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (possibleSearchString.endsWith(QLatin1String(".dylib")))
+ possibleSearchStringList.append(possibleSearchString);
+ }
+ // now we have this in possibleSearchStringList at Qt 4.8.6
+// "/lib/libQtCLucene.4.8.6.dylib"
+// "/lib/libQtCLucene_debug.4.8.6.dylib"
+// "/lib/phonon.framework"
+// "/lib/QtCore.framework"
+// "/lib/QtDeclarative.framework"
+// "/lib/QtDesigner.framework"
+// "/lib/QtDesignerComponents.framework"
+// "/lib/QtGui.framework"
+// "/lib/QtHelp.framework"
+// "/lib/QtMultimedia.framework"
+// "/lib/QtNetwork.framework"
+// "/lib/QtOpenGL.framework"
+// "/lib/QtScript.framework"
+// "/lib/QtScriptTools.framework"
+// "/lib/QtSql.framework"
+// "/lib/QtSvg.framework"
+// "/lib/QtTest.framework"
+// "/lib/QtWebKit.framework"
+// "/lib/QtXml.framework"
+// "/lib/QtXmlPatterns.framework"
+ // so then we reduce the possible filter strings as much as possible
+ QStringList searchStringList;
+ // as the minimal search string use the subdirector lib + one letter from the name
+ int minFilterLength = QString(QLatin1String("/lib/")).length() + 1;
+ while (!possibleSearchStringList.isEmpty()) {
+ QString firstSearchString = possibleSearchStringList.first();
+ int filterLength = minFilterLength;
+ int lastFilterCount = 0;
+ QString lastFilterString;
+ // now filter as long as we find something more then 1
+ for (; filterLength < firstSearchString.length(); ++filterLength) {
+ QString filterString(firstSearchString.left(filterLength));
+ QStringList filteredStringList(possibleSearchStringList.filter(filterString));
+ // found a valid filter
+ if (lastFilterCount > filteredStringList.count()) {
+ possibleSearchStringList = QList<QString>::fromSet(possibleSearchStringList.toSet() -
+ possibleSearchStringList.filter(lastFilterString).toSet());
+ searchStringList.append(lastFilterString);
+ break;
+ } else if (lastFilterCount == 1){ //in case there is only one we can use the complete name
+ possibleSearchStringList = QList<QString>::fromSet(possibleSearchStringList.toSet() -
+ possibleSearchStringList.filter(firstSearchString).toSet());
+ searchStringList.append(firstSearchString);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ lastFilterCount = possibleSearchStringList.filter(filterString).count();
+ lastFilterString = filterString;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // in the tested Qt 4.8.6 case we have searchStringList ("/lib/libQtCLucene", "/lib/Qt", "/lib/phonon")
+ foreach (const QString &searchString, searchStringList) {
+ MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation operation;
+ operation.setArguments(QStringList()
+ //can not use the old path which is wrong in the webkit case
+ //<< QString::fromUtf8(oldQtPath)
+ << searchString
+ << newQtPathStr + searchString //replace string
+ << newQtPathStr //where
+ );
+ if (!operation.performOperation()) {
+ setError(operation.error());
+ setErrorString(operation.errorString());
+ return false;
+ }