path: root/doc/scripting.qdoc
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+ \contentspage{index.html}{InstallerFramework}
+ \page scripting.html
+ \title Component Scripting
+ \section1 Scripting abilities inside of components
+ Each component can specify one script, which is loaded and run by the
+ installer. The format has to be compatible to QScriptEngine.
+ \section1 Contruction
+ The script has to provide an object Component, which will be created by the
+ Installer when loading the script. Therefore the script must contains at
+ least a function Component(), which can do all the initialization needed,
+ like putting user interfaces in place or connecting signals/slots:
+ \code
+ function Component()
+ {
+ // let's assume we have a user interface ErrorPage - which should not be complete
+ installer.addWizardPage( component, "ErrorPage", QInstaller.ReadyForInstallation );
+ component.userInterface( "ErrorPage" ).complete = false;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The example above places the user interface "ErrorPage" (which is the class
+ name of the ui file loaded from errorpage.ui) in front of the installer
+ page "Ready for Installation" and sets his completeness to false. See the
+ documentation for addWizardPage and userInterface for details.
+ \section1 Installer Hooks
+ You can add several hook methods into your script:
+ \list
+ \o \bold{Component.prototype.retranslateUi} is called, whenever the language of the Installer changes.
+ \o \bold{Component.prototype.createOperations} - see QInstaller::Component::createOperations
+ \o \bold{Component.prototype.createOperationsForArchive} - see QInstaller::Component::createOperationsForArchive
+ \o \bold{Component.prototype.createOperationsForPath} - see QInstaller::Component::createOperationsForPath
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Global variables
+ The Installer puts the following symbols into the scripts space:
+ \list
+ \o \bold{installer} A reference to the component's Installer
+ \o \bold{component} A reference to the component's Component
+ \endlist
+ All methods marked with \a Q_INVOKABLE as well as all signals, slots and
+ properties can be used by the script.
+ \section1 Message boxes
+ You can show a QMessageBox from within the script by using:
+ \code
+ QMessageBox.critical
+ QMessageBox.information
+ QMessageBox.question
+ QMessageBox.warning
+ \endcode
+ For your convenience, the values for QMessageBox::StandardButton are made
+ available by using QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Open, ...
+ \section1 Adding operations to the component
+ In certain situations if it very useful to add custom operations after
+ extracting the content. Those include copying files as well as patching
+ content of files, etc.
+ Update operations can be created and added to the installation from within
+ a script using QInstaller::Component::addOperation.
+ Every operation has an unique key used for identification and up to five
+ parameters. Inside of the parameters, you can use variables as set in
+ QInstaller::Installer::setValue. See the list of
+ \l{Predefined variables}{predefined variables}.
+ Following a list of all available operations, which
+ can be added to a installation script.
+ \section2 Copy
+ \bold Syntax: "Copy" \a source \a target
+ Copies a file from \a source to \a target.
+ \section2 Move
+ \bold Syntax: "Move" \a source \a target
+ Moves a file from \a source to \a target.
+ \section2 Delete
+ \bold Syntax: "Delete" \a filename
+ Deletes the file specified by \a filename.
+ \section2 Mkdir
+ \bold Syntax: "Mkdir" \a path
+ Creates the directory path \a path.
+ \section2 Rmdir
+ \bold Syntax: "Rmdir" \a path
+ Removes the directory path \a path.
+ \section2 AppendFile
+ \bold Syntax: "AppendFile" \a filename \a text
+ Appends \a text to the file specified by \a filename. \a is threated as ASCII text.
+ \section2 PrependFile
+ \bold Syntax: "PrependFile" \a filename \a text
+ Prepends \a text to the file specified by \a filename. \a is threated as ASCII text.
+ \section2 Execute
+ \bold Syntax: "Execute" [{\a exitcodes}] \a command [\a parameter1 [\a parameter2 [\a parameter3 [\a parameter4]]]]
+ Executes the command specified by \a command. Up to four parameters can be passed.
+ Optionally, you can pass a comma separated list of numbers in {} as first argument, which defines the "valid" exit codes
+ of the process, i.e. the codes the execution is considered being successful. This defaults to "{0}".
+ \section2 CreateShortcut
+ \bold Syntax: "CreateShortcut" \a filename \a linkname [\a arguments]
+ Creates a shortcut from the file specified by \a filename to \a linkname.
+ On Windows, this will create a .lnk file which can have \a arguments, on Unix this will create a symobic link.
+ \section2 CreateDesktopEntry
+ \bold Syntax: "CreateDesktopEntry" \a filename \a "key=value[\nkey2=value2[\nkey3=value3]]]"
+ Creates an INI-file like .desktop file as specified by
+ If \a filename is absolute, the desktop entry is stored there. Otherwise it's stored in locations defined in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications
+ or $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications, including the default pathes for boths, as defined by
+ The key/value pairs are written in the file.
+ The file is set to a encoding of UTF-8.
+ \section2 InstallIcons
+ \bold Syntax: "InstallIcons" \a directory
+ Installs the contents of \a directory into a location as specified by, i.e. in any of $XDG_DATA_DIRS/icons or /usr/share/icons
+ or $HOME/.icons. The files are removed from their initial location. Make sure to add this operation after the operation extracting them form the archive.
+ \section2 Extract
+ \bold Syntax: "Extract" \a archive \a targetdirectory
+ Extracts \a archive to \a targetdirectory
+ \section2 GlobalConfig
+ \bold Syntax: "GlobalConfig" \a company \a application \a key \a value <br>
+ \a or <br>
+ \bold Syntax: "GlobalConfig" \a filename \a key \a value
+ Stores \a value for \a key in a configuration file. The configuration file is either
+ specified by \a filename (using QSettings::NativeFormat, which might be the Windows registry)
+ or via the \a application and the \a company name.
+ \section2 EnvironmentVariable
+ \bold Syntax: "EnvironmentVariable" \a key \a value [[\a persistent] \a system]
+ Sets the envirnoment variable \a key to a \a value. If \a persistent is set to true, the variable
+ will be set persistently. This is currently only supported on Windows. If \a system is set to true, the
+ persistent variable will be set system wide, not only for the current user.
+ \section2 RegisterFileType
+ \bold Syntax: "RegisterFileType" \a extension \a command [\a description [\a contentType [\a icon]]].
+ Registers the file type with \a extension to be opened via \a command. Optionally, you can specify
+ a \a description, a \a contentType and an \a icon. This is currently only supported on Windows.
+ \section1 Custom Operations
+ It is possible to register custom installation operations in the Installer. This works by deriving KDUpdater::UpdateOperation.
+ See the following code to know which methods must be implemented:
+ \code
+ #include <KDUpdater/UpdateOperation>
+ class CustomOperation : public KDUpdater::UpdateOperation
+ {
+ public:
+ CustomOperation()
+ {
+ setName( "CustomOperation" );
+ }
+ void backup()
+ {
+ // do whatever is needed to restore the state in undoOperation()
+ }
+ bool performOperation()
+ {
+ const QStringList args = arguments();
+ // do whatever is needed to do for the given arguments
+ bool success = ...;
+ return success;
+ }
+ void undoOperation()
+ {
+ // restore the previous state, as saved in backup()
+ }
+ bool testOperation()
+ {
+ // currently unused
+ return true;
+ }
+ CustomOperation* clone() const
+ {
+ return new CustomOperation;
+ }
+ QDomDocument toXml()
+ {
+ // automatically adds the operation's arguments and everything set via setValue
+ QDomDocument doc = KDUpdater::UpdateOperation::toXml();
+ // if you need any information to undo the operation you did,
+ // add them to the doc here
+ return doc;
+ }
+ bool fromXml( const QDomDocument& doc )
+ {
+ // automatically loads the operation's arguments and everything set via setValue
+ if( !KDUpdater::UpdateOperation::fromXml( doc ) )
+ return false;
+ // if you need any information to undo the operation you did,
+ // read them from the doc here
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ \endcode
+ Finally, you need to register your custom operation class:
+ \code
+ #include <KDupdater/UpdateOperationFactory>
+ KDUpdater::UpdateOperationFactory::instance().registerUpdateOperation< CustomOperation >( "CustomOperation" );
+ \endcode
+ Now you can use your operation in the installer like every other of the predefined operations.
+ \section1 Predefined variables
+ Inside scripts you can use predefined variables to ease directory access. Those variables are
+ \list
+ \o \bold ProductName The name of the product to be installed as defined in config.xml
+ \o \bold ProductVersion The version of the product to be installed as defined in config.xml
+ \o \bold Title The title of the installation program as defined in config.xml
+ \o \bold Publisher The publisher of the installation program as defined in config.xml
+ \o \bold Url Product URL as defined in config.xml
+ \o \bold StartMenuDir Start menu group as defined in config.xml. Applies only to Microsoft Windows
+ \o \bold LicenseFile File name of the program license as defined in config.xml
+ \o \bold TargetDir Target directory for installation as selected by the user.
+ \o \bold DesktopDir Directory containing the user's desktop.
+ \o \bold os The current platform, might be "x11", "win" or "mac"
+ \endlist
+ \note You can use these variables inside of the parameter list for
+ installation operations. \a{"{TargetDir}/settings.xml"} might be expanded
+ to \a{"C:/Program Files/My Program/settings.xml"}.