path: root/src/libs/7zip/win/CPP/7zip/Archive/IArchive.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/7zip/win/CPP/7zip/Archive/IArchive.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 476 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/7zip/win/CPP/7zip/Archive/IArchive.h b/src/libs/7zip/win/CPP/7zip/Archive/IArchive.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a15a97f16..000000000
--- a/src/libs/7zip/win/CPP/7zip/Archive/IArchive.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-// IArchive.h
-#ifndef __IARCHIVE_H
-#define __IARCHIVE_H
-#include "../IProgress.h"
-#include "../IStream.h"
-#include "../PropID.h"
-#define ARCHIVE_INTERFACE_SUB(i, base, x) DECL_INTERFACE_SUB(i, base, 6, x)
-namespace NFileTimeType
- enum EEnum
- {
- kWindows,
- kUnix,
- kDOS
- };
-namespace NArcInfoFlags
- const UInt32 kKeepName = 1 << 0; // keep name of file in archive name
- const UInt32 kAltStreams = 1 << 1; // the handler supports alt streams
- const UInt32 kNtSecure = 1 << 2; // the handler supports NT security
- const UInt32 kFindSignature = 1 << 3; // the handler can find start of archive
- const UInt32 kMultiSignature = 1 << 4; // there are several signatures
- const UInt32 kUseGlobalOffset = 1 << 5; // the seek position of stream must be set as global offset
- const UInt32 kStartOpen = 1 << 6; // call handler for each start position
- const UInt32 kPureStartOpen = 1 << 7; // call handler only for start of file
- const UInt32 kBackwardOpen = 1 << 8; // archive can be open backward
- const UInt32 kPreArc = 1 << 9; // such archive can be stored before real archive (like SFX stub)
- const UInt32 kSymLinks = 1 << 10; // the handler supports symbolic links
- const UInt32 kHardLinks = 1 << 11; // the handler supports hard links
-namespace NArchive
- namespace NHandlerPropID
- {
- enum
- {
- kName = 0, // VT_BSTR
- kClassID, // binary GUID in VT_BSTR
- kExtension, // VT_BSTR
- kAddExtension, // VT_BSTR
- kUpdate, // VT_BOOL
- kKeepName, // VT_BOOL
- kSignature, // binary in VT_BSTR
- kMultiSignature, // binary in VT_BSTR
- kSignatureOffset, // VT_UI4
- kAltStreams, // VT_BOOL
- kNtSecure, // VT_BOOL
- kFlags // VT_UI4
- // kVersion // VT_UI4 ((VER_MAJOR << 8) | VER_MINOR)
- };
- }
- namespace NExtract
- {
- namespace NAskMode
- {
- enum
- {
- kExtract = 0,
- kTest,
- kSkip
- };
- }
- namespace NOperationResult
- {
- enum
- {
- kOK = 0,
- kUnsupportedMethod,
- kDataError,
- kCRCError,
- kUnavailable,
- kUnexpectedEnd,
- kDataAfterEnd,
- kIsNotArc,
- kHeadersError
- };
- }
- }
- namespace NUpdate
- {
- namespace NOperationResult
- {
- enum
- {
- kOK = 0
- , // kError
- };
- }
- }
-#define INTERFACE_IArchiveOpenCallback(x) \
- STDMETHOD(SetTotal)(const UInt64 *files, const UInt64 *bytes) x; \
- STDMETHOD(SetCompleted)(const UInt64 *files, const UInt64 *bytes) x; \
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IArchiveOpenCallback, 0x10)
- INTERFACE_IArchiveOpenCallback(PURE);
- Result:
- (*inStream == NULL) - for directories
- (*inStream == NULL) - if link (hard link or symbolic link) was created
-#define INTERFACE_IArchiveExtractCallback(x) \
- INTERFACE_IProgress(x) \
- STDMETHOD(GetStream)(UInt32 index, ISequentialOutStream **outStream, Int32 askExtractMode) x; \
- STDMETHOD(PrepareOperation)(Int32 askExtractMode) x; \
- STDMETHOD(SetOperationResult)(Int32 resultEOperationResult) x; \
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE_SUB(IArchiveExtractCallback, IProgress, 0x20)
- INTERFACE_IArchiveExtractCallback(PURE)
-#define INTERFACE_IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback(x) \
- STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value) x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetStream)(const wchar_t *name, IInStream **inStream) x; \
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback, 0x30)
- INTERFACE_IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback(PURE);
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IInArchiveGetStream, 0x40)
- STDMETHOD(GetStream)(UInt32 index, ISequentialInStream **stream) PURE;
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IArchiveOpenSetSubArchiveName, 0x50)
- STDMETHOD(SetSubArchiveName)(const wchar_t *name) PURE;
- stream
- if (kUseGlobalOffset), stream current position can be non 0.
- if (!kUseGlobalOffset), stream current position is 0.
- if (maxCheckStartPosition == NULL), the handler can try to search archive start in stream
- if (*maxCheckStartPosition == 0), the handler must check only current position as archive start
- indices must be sorted
- numItems = (UInt32)(Int32)-1 = 0xFFFFFFFF means "all files"
- testMode != 0 means "test files without writing to outStream"
- kpidOffset - start offset of archive.
- VT_EMPTY : means offset = 0.
- VT_UI4, VT_UI8, VT_I8 : result offset; negative values is allowed
- kpidPhySize - size of archive. VT_EMPTY means unknown size.
- kpidPhySize is allowed to be larger than file size. In that case it must show
- supposed size.
- kpidIsDeleted:
- kpidIsAltStream:
- kpidIsAux:
- kpidINode:
- must return VARIANT_TRUE (VT_BOOL), if archive can support that property in GetProperty.
- Don't call IInArchive functions for same IInArchive object from different threads simultaneously.
- Some IInArchive handlers will work incorrectly in that case.
-/* MSVC allows the code where there is throw() in declaration of function,
- but there is no throw() in definition of function. */
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
- #define MY_NO_THROW_DECL_ONLY throw()
-#define INTERFACE_IInArchive(x) \
- STDMETHOD(Open)(IInStream *stream, const UInt64 *maxCheckStartPosition, IArchiveOpenCallback *openCallback) MY_NO_THROW_DECL_ONLY x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetNumberOfItems)(UInt32 *numItems) MY_NO_THROW_DECL_ONLY x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value) MY_NO_THROW_DECL_ONLY x; \
- STDMETHOD(Extract)(const UInt32* indices, UInt32 numItems, Int32 testMode, IArchiveExtractCallback *extractCallback) MY_NO_THROW_DECL_ONLY x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetNumberOfProperties)(UInt32 *numProps) MY_NO_THROW_DECL_ONLY x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetPropertyInfo)(UInt32 index, BSTR *name, PROPID *propID, VARTYPE *varType) MY_NO_THROW_DECL_ONLY x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetNumberOfArchiveProperties)(UInt32 *numProps) MY_NO_THROW_DECL_ONLY x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetArchivePropertyInfo)(UInt32 index, BSTR *name, PROPID *propID, VARTYPE *varType) MY_NO_THROW_DECL_ONLY x;
-namespace NParentType
- enum
- {
- kDir = 0,
- kAltStream
- };
-namespace NPropDataType
- const UInt32 kMask_ZeroEnd = 1 << 4;
- // const UInt32 kMask_BigEndian = 1 << 5;
- const UInt32 kMask_Utf = 1 << 6;
- // const UInt32 kMask_Utf8 = kMask_Utf | 0;
- const UInt32 kMask_Utf16 = kMask_Utf | 1;
- // const UInt32 kMask_Utf32 = kMask_Utf | 2;
- const UInt32 kNotDefined = 0;
- const UInt32 kRaw = 1;
- const UInt32 kUtf16z = kMask_Utf16 | kMask_ZeroEnd;
-// UTF string (pointer to wchar_t) with zero end and little-endian.
-#define PROP_DATA_TYPE_wchar_t_PTR_Z_LE ((NPropDataType::kMask_Utf | NPropDataType::kMask_ZeroEnd) + (sizeof(wchar_t) >> 1))
- Result:
- S_OK - even if property is not set
-#define INTERFACE_IArchiveGetRawProps(x) \
- STDMETHOD(GetParent)(UInt32 index, UInt32 *parent, UInt32 *parentType) x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetRawProp)(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, const void **data, UInt32 *dataSize, UInt32 *propType) x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetNumRawProps)(UInt32 *numProps) x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetRawPropInfo)(UInt32 index, BSTR *name, PROPID *propID) x;
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IArchiveGetRawProps, 0x70)
- INTERFACE_IArchiveGetRawProps(PURE)
-#define INTERFACE_IArchiveGetRootProps(x) \
- STDMETHOD(GetRootProp)(PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value) x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetRootRawProp)(PROPID propID, const void **data, UInt32 *dataSize, UInt32 *propType) x; \
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IArchiveGetRootProps, 0x71)
- INTERFACE_IArchiveGetRootProps(PURE)
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IArchiveOpenSeq, 0x61)
- STDMETHOD(OpenSeq)(ISequentialInStream *stream) PURE;
- OpenForSize
- Result:
- S_FALSE - is not archive
- ? - DATA error
-const UInt32 kOpenFlags_RealPhySize = 1 << 0;
-const UInt32 kOpenFlags_NoSeek = 1 << 1;
-// const UInt32 kOpenFlags_BeforeExtract = 1 << 2;
- 0 - opens archive with IInStream, if IInStream interface is supported
- - if phySize is not available, it doesn't try to make full parse to get phySize
- kOpenFlags_NoSeek - ArcOpen2 function doesn't use IInStream interface, even if it's available
- kOpenFlags_RealPhySize - the handler will try to get PhySize, even if it requires full decompression for file
- if handler is not allowed to use IInStream and the flag kOpenFlags_RealPhySize is not specified,
- the handler can return S_OK, but it doesn't check even Signature.
- So next Extract can be called for that sequential stream.
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IArchiveOpen2, 0x62)
- STDMETHOD(ArcOpen2)(ISequentialInStream *stream, UInt32 flags, IArchiveOpenCallback *openCallback) PURE;
-// ---------- UPDATE ----------
-GetUpdateItemInfo outs:
-*newData *newProps
- 0 0 - Copy data and properties from archive
- 0 1 - Copy data from archive, request new properties
- 1 0 - that combination is unused now
- 1 1 - Request new data and new properties. It can be used even for folders
- indexInArchive = -1 if there is no item in archive, or if it doesn't matter.
-GetStream out:
- Result:
- S_OK:
- (*inStream == NULL) - only for directories
- - the bug was fixed in 9.33: (*Stream == NULL) was in case of anti-file
- (*inStream != NULL) - for any file, even for empty file or anti-file
- S_FALSE - skip that file (don't add item to archive) - (client code can't open stream of that file by some reason)
- (*inStream == NULL)
-The order of calling for hard links:
- - GetStream()
- - GetProperty(kpidHardLink)
-#define INTERFACE_IArchiveUpdateCallback(x) \
- INTERFACE_IProgress(x); \
- STDMETHOD(GetUpdateItemInfo)(UInt32 index, Int32 *newData, Int32 *newProps, UInt32 *indexInArchive) x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value) x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetStream)(UInt32 index, ISequentialInStream **inStream) x; \
- STDMETHOD(SetOperationResult)(Int32 operationResult) x; \
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE_SUB(IArchiveUpdateCallback, IProgress, 0x80)
- INTERFACE_IArchiveUpdateCallback(PURE);
-#define INTERFACE_IArchiveUpdateCallback2(x) \
- INTERFACE_IArchiveUpdateCallback(x) \
- STDMETHOD(GetVolumeSize)(UInt32 index, UInt64 *size) x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetVolumeStream)(UInt32 index, ISequentialOutStream **volumeStream) x; \
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE_SUB(IArchiveUpdateCallback2, IArchiveUpdateCallback, 0x82)
- INTERFACE_IArchiveUpdateCallback2(PURE);
- outStream: output stream. (the handler) MUST support the case when
- Seek position in outStream is not ZERO.
- but the caller calls with empty outStream and seek position is ZERO??
- archives with stub:
- If archive is open and the handler and (Offset > 0), then the handler
- knows about stub size.
- UpdateItems():
- 1) the handler MUST copy that stub to outStream
- 2) the caller MUST NOT copy the stub to outStream, if
- "rsfx" property is set with SetProperties
- the handler must support the case where
- ISequentialOutStream *outStream
-#define INTERFACE_IOutArchive(x) \
- STDMETHOD(UpdateItems)(ISequentialOutStream *outStream, UInt32 numItems, IArchiveUpdateCallback *updateCallback) x; \
- STDMETHOD(GetFileTimeType)(UInt32 *type) x;
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(ISetProperties, 0x03)
- STDMETHOD(SetProperties)(const wchar_t **names, const PROPVARIANT *values, UInt32 numProps) PURE;
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IArchiveKeepModeForNextOpen, 0x04)
- STDMETHOD(KeepModeForNextOpen)() PURE;
-/* Exe handler: the handler for executable format (PE, ELF, Mach-O).
- SFX archive: executable stub + some tail data.
- before 9.31: exe handler didn't parse SFX archives as executable format.
- for 9.31+: exe handler parses SFX archives as executable format, only if AllowTail(1) was called */
-ARCHIVE_INTERFACE(IArchiveAllowTail, 0x05)
- STDMETHOD(AllowTail)(Int32 allowTail) PURE;
-#define IMP_IInArchive_GetProp(k) \
- (UInt32 index, BSTR *name, PROPID *propID, VARTYPE *varType) \
- { if (index >= ARRAY_SIZE(k)) return E_INVALIDARG; \
- *propID = k[index]; *varType = k7z_PROPID_To_VARTYPE[(unsigned)*propID]; *name = 0; return S_OK; } \
-#define IMP_IInArchive_GetProp_WITH_NAME(k) \
- (UInt32 index, BSTR *name, PROPID *propID, VARTYPE *varType) \
- { if (index >= ARRAY_SIZE(k)) return E_INVALIDARG; \
- const STATPROPSTG &srcItem = k[index]; \
- *propID = srcItem.propid; *varType = srcItem.vt; \
- if (srcItem.lpwstrName == 0) *name = 0; else *name = ::SysAllocString(srcItem.lpwstrName); return S_OK; } \
-#define IMP_IInArchive_Props \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetNumberOfProperties(UInt32 *numProps) \
- { *numProps = ARRAY_SIZE(kProps); return S_OK; } \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetPropertyInfo IMP_IInArchive_GetProp(kProps)
-#define IMP_IInArchive_Props_WITH_NAME \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetNumberOfProperties(UInt32 *numProps) \
- { *numProps = ARRAY_SIZE(kProps); return S_OK; } \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetPropertyInfo IMP_IInArchive_GetProp_WITH_NAME(kProps)
-#define IMP_IInArchive_ArcProps \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetNumberOfArchiveProperties(UInt32 *numProps) \
- { *numProps = ARRAY_SIZE(kArcProps); return S_OK; } \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetArchivePropertyInfo IMP_IInArchive_GetProp(kArcProps)
-#define IMP_IInArchive_ArcProps_WITH_NAME \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetNumberOfArchiveProperties(UInt32 *numProps) \
- { *numProps = ARRAY_SIZE(kArcProps); return S_OK; } \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetArchivePropertyInfo IMP_IInArchive_GetProp_WITH_NAME(kArcProps)
-#define IMP_IInArchive_ArcProps_NO_Table \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetNumberOfArchiveProperties(UInt32 *numProps) \
- { *numProps = 0; return S_OK; } \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetArchivePropertyInfo(UInt32, BSTR *, PROPID *, VARTYPE *) \
- { return E_NOTIMPL; } \
-#define IMP_IInArchive_ArcProps_NO \
- IMP_IInArchive_ArcProps_NO_Table \
- STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetArchiveProperty(PROPID, PROPVARIANT *value) \
- { value->vt = VT_EMPTY; return S_OK; }
-#define k_IsArc_Res_NO 0
-#define k_IsArc_Res_YES 1
-#define k_IsArc_Res_NEED_MORE 2
-// #define k_IsArc_Res_YES_LOW_PROB 3
-#define API_FUNC_static_IsArc extern "C" { static UInt32 WINAPI
-extern "C"
- typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_CreateObject)(const GUID *clsID, const GUID *iid, void **outObject);
- typedef UInt32 (WINAPI *Func_IsArc)(const Byte *p, size_t size);
- typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_GetIsArc)(UInt32 formatIndex, Func_IsArc *isArc);
- typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_GetNumberOfFormats)(UInt32 *numFormats);
- typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_GetHandlerProperty)(PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value);
- typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_GetHandlerProperty2)(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value);
- typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_SetCaseSensitive)(Int32 caseSensitive);
- typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Func_SetLargePageMode)();
- typedef IOutArchive * (*Func_CreateOutArchive)();
- typedef IInArchive * (*Func_CreateInArchive)();