diff options
authorMarcelo Lira <marcelo.lira@openbossa.org>2011-07-21 15:32:19 -0300
committerMarcelo Lira <marcelo.lira@openbossa.org>2011-07-28 17:40:58 -0300
commit43cb18d6e9367933c1b8c7c17a461ebd45d7d645 (patch)
parent652f60b9e0850505696fa43a45ea312a619244e7 (diff)
Added a method to find the minimal constructor for types, plus some convenience methods.
The minimal constructor method tries to build the minimal constructor possible for a given type or class. Checking if a type is an Object Type is a very common task, as is asking if an AbstractMetaType is a pointer to another type. So I added these convenience methods.
2 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/generator.cpp b/generator.cpp
index 737f59655..cafbecc0e 100644
--- a/generator.cpp
+++ b/generator.cpp
@@ -277,6 +277,192 @@ AbstractMetaFunctionList Generator::implicitConversions(const AbstractMetaType*
return implicitConversions(metaType->typeEntry());
+bool Generator::isObjectType(const TypeEntry* type)
+ if (type->isComplex())
+ return Generator::isObjectType((const ComplexTypeEntry*)type);
+ return type->isObject();
+bool Generator::isObjectType(const ComplexTypeEntry* type)
+ return type->isObject() || type->isQObject();
+bool Generator::isObjectType(const AbstractMetaClass* metaClass)
+ return Generator::isObjectType(metaClass->typeEntry());
+bool Generator::isObjectType(const AbstractMetaType* metaType)
+ return metaType->isObject() || metaType->isQObject();
+bool Generator::isPointer(const AbstractMetaType* type)
+ return type->indirections() > 0
+ || type->isNativePointer()
+ || type->isValuePointer();
+QString Generator::minimalConstructor(const AbstractMetaType* type) const
+ if (!type || (type->isReference() && Generator::isObjectType(type)))
+ return QString();
+ if (type->isContainer()) {
+ QString ctor = type->cppSignature();
+ if (ctor.endsWith("*"))
+ return QString("0");
+ if (ctor.startsWith("const "))
+ ctor.remove(0, sizeof("const ") / sizeof(char) - 1);
+ if (ctor.endsWith("&")) {
+ ctor.chop(1);
+ ctor = ctor.trimmed();
+ }
+ return QString("::%1()").arg(ctor);
+ }
+ if (type->isNativePointer())
+ return QString("((%1*)0)").arg(type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName());
+ if (Generator::isPointer(type))
+ return QString("((::%1*)0)").arg(type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName());
+ if (type->typeEntry()->isComplex()) {
+ const ComplexTypeEntry* cType = reinterpret_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry*>(type->typeEntry());
+ QString ctor = cType->defaultConstructor();
+ return (ctor.isEmpty()) ? minimalConstructor(classes().findClass(cType)) : ctor;
+ }
+ return minimalConstructor(type->typeEntry());
+QString Generator::minimalConstructor(const TypeEntry* type) const
+ if (!type)
+ return QString();
+ if (type->isCppPrimitive())
+ return QString("((%1)0)").arg(type->qualifiedCppName());
+ if (type->isEnum() || type->isFlags())
+ return QString("((::%1)0)").arg(type->qualifiedCppName());
+ if (type->isPrimitive()) {
+ QString ctor = reinterpret_cast<const PrimitiveTypeEntry*>(type)->defaultConstructor();
+ // If a non-C++ (i.e. defined by the user) primitive type does not have
+ // a default constructor defined by the user, the empty constructor is
+ // heuristically returned. If this is wrong the build of the generated
+ // bindings will tell.
+ return (ctor.isEmpty()) ? QString("::%1()").arg(type->qualifiedCppName()) : ctor;
+ }
+ return QString();
+QString Generator::minimalConstructor(const AbstractMetaClass* metaClass) const
+ if (!metaClass)
+ return QString();
+ const ComplexTypeEntry* cType = reinterpret_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry*>(metaClass->typeEntry());
+ if (cType->hasDefaultConstructor())
+ return cType->defaultConstructor();
+ AbstractMetaFunctionList constructors = metaClass->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Constructors);
+ int maxArgs = 0;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction* ctor, constructors) {
+ if (ctor->isUserAdded() || ctor->isPrivate() || ctor->isCopyConstructor())
+ continue;
+ int numArgs = ctor->arguments().size();
+ if (numArgs == 0) {
+ maxArgs = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (numArgs > maxArgs)
+ maxArgs = numArgs;
+ }
+ // Empty constructor.
+ if (maxArgs == 0)
+ return QString("::%1()").arg(metaClass->qualifiedCppName());
+ QList<const AbstractMetaFunction*> candidates;
+ // Constructors with C++ primitive types, enums or pointers only.
+ // Start with the ones with fewer arguments.
+ for (int i = 1; i <= maxArgs; ++i) {
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction* ctor, constructors) {
+ if (ctor->isUserAdded() || ctor->isPrivate() || ctor->isCopyConstructor())
+ continue;
+ AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = ctor->arguments();
+ if (arguments.size() != i)
+ continue;
+ QStringList args;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument* arg, arguments) {
+ const TypeEntry* type = arg->type()->typeEntry();
+ if (type == metaClass->typeEntry()) {
+ args.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!arg->originalDefaultValueExpression().isEmpty()) {
+ if (!arg->defaultValueExpression().isEmpty()
+ && arg->defaultValueExpression() != arg->originalDefaultValueExpression()) {
+ args << arg->defaultValueExpression();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (type->isCppPrimitive() || type->isEnum() || isPointer(arg->type())) {
+ QString argValue = minimalConstructor(arg->type());
+ if (argValue.isEmpty()) {
+ args.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ args << argValue;
+ } else {
+ args.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!args.isEmpty()) {
+ return QString("::%1(%2)").arg(metaClass->qualifiedCppName())
+ .arg(args.join(", "));
+ }
+ candidates << ctor;
+ }
+ }
+ // Constructors with C++ primitive types, enums, pointers, value types,
+ // and user defined primitive types.
+ // Builds the minimal constructor recursively.
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction* ctor, candidates) {
+ QStringList args;
+ foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument* arg, ctor->arguments()) {
+ if (arg->type()->typeEntry() == metaClass->typeEntry()) {
+ args.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ QString argValue = minimalConstructor(arg->type());
+ if (argValue.isEmpty()) {
+ args.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ args << argValue;
+ }
+ if (!args.isEmpty()) {
+ return QString("::%1(%2)").arg(metaClass->qualifiedCppName())
+ .arg(args.join(", "));
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
QString Generator::translateType(const AbstractMetaType *cType,
const AbstractMetaClass *context,
Options options) const
diff --git a/generator.h b/generator.h
index 0ebe1b55b..d74839779 100644
--- a/generator.h
+++ b/generator.h
@@ -225,6 +225,23 @@ public:
/// Convenience function for implicitConversions(const TypeEntry* type).
AbstractMetaFunctionList implicitConversions(const AbstractMetaType* metaType) const;
+ /// Check if type is a pointer.
+ static bool isPointer(const AbstractMetaType* type);
+ /// Tells if the type or class is an Object (or QObject) Type.
+ static bool isObjectType(const TypeEntry* type);
+ static bool isObjectType(const ComplexTypeEntry* type);
+ static bool isObjectType(const AbstractMetaType* metaType);
+ static bool isObjectType(const AbstractMetaClass* metaClass);
+ /**
+ * Tries to build a minimal constructor for the type.
+ * It will check first for a user defined default constructor.
+ * Returns a null string if it fails.
+ */
+ QString minimalConstructor(const TypeEntry* type) const;
+ QString minimalConstructor(const AbstractMetaType* type) const;
+ QString minimalConstructor(const AbstractMetaClass* metaClass) const;
* Returns the file name used to write the binding code of an AbstractMetaClass.