diff options
authorRenato Araujo Oliveira Filho <renato.filho@openbossa.org>2010-11-19 14:30:22 -0300
committerHugo Parente Lima <hugo.pl@gmail.com>2012-03-08 16:08:59 -0300
commit00924f871f1ed0511078157b5c37072d15621b3a (patch)
parent7e98252ba8e0d2fc72fc569b3ceb82662297ac9d (diff)
Created private pointer for Shiboken Meta Type.
Renamed ObjectType to BaseType. Reviewer: Luciano Wolf <luciano.wolf@openbossa.org> Hugo Parente Lima <hugo.pl@gmail.com>
9 files changed, 515 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/generator/cppgenerator.cpp b/generator/cppgenerator.cpp
index 239bd753b..537c658fb 100644
--- a/generator/cppgenerator.cpp
+++ b/generator/cppgenerator.cpp
@@ -788,13 +788,13 @@ void CppGenerator::writeMetaObjectMethod(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass
Indentation indentation(INDENT);
s << INDENT << "SbkObject* pySelf = BindingManager::instance().retrieveWrapper(this);\n"
- << INDENT << "void* typeData = Shiboken::getTypeUserData(pySelf);" << endl
+ << INDENT << "void* typeData = Shiboken::Wrapper::getTypeUserData(pySelf);" << endl
<< INDENT << "if (!typeData) {" << endl;
Indentation indentation2(INDENT);
s << INDENT << "m_metaObject = PySide::DynamicQMetaObject::createBasedOn((PyObject*)pySelf, pySelf->ob_type, &"
<< metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << "::staticMetaObject);" << endl
- << INDENT << "Shiboken::setTypeUserData(pySelf, m_metaObject, &Shiboken::callCppDestructor<PySide::DynamicQMetaObject>);" << endl;
+ << INDENT << "Shiboken::Wrapper::setTypeUserData(pySelf, m_metaObject, PySide::deleteDynamicQMetaObject);" << endl;
s << INDENT << "} else {" << endl;
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeConstructorWrapper(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaFun
// Check if the right constructor was called.
if (!metaClass->hasPrivateDestructor()) {
- s << INDENT << "if (Shiboken::isUserType(self) && !Shiboken::canCallConstructor(self->ob_type, Shiboken::SbkType<" << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << " >()))" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "if (Shiboken::Wrapper::isUserType(self) && !Shiboken::BaseType::canCallConstructor(self->ob_type, Shiboken::SbkType<" << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << " >()))" << endl;
Indentation indent(INDENT);
s << INDENT << "return " << m_currentErrorCode << ';' << endl << endl;
@@ -866,8 +866,8 @@ void CppGenerator::writeConstructorWrapper(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaFun
s << INDENT << "SbkObject* sbkSelf = reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(self);" << endl;
if (metaClass->isAbstract() || metaClass->baseClassNames().size() > 1) {
- s << INDENT << "SbkObjectType* type = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(self->ob_type);" << endl;
- s << INDENT << "SbkObjectType* myType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(" << cpythonTypeNameExt(metaClass->typeEntry()) << ");" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "SbkBaseType* type = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(self->ob_type);" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "SbkBaseType* myType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(" << cpythonTypeNameExt(metaClass->typeEntry()) << ");" << endl;
if (metaClass->isAbstract()) {
@@ -891,9 +891,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeConstructorWrapper(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaFun
Indentation indentation(INDENT);
- s << INDENT << "type->mi_init = myType->mi_init;" << endl;
- s << INDENT << "type->mi_offsets = myType->mi_offsets;" << endl;
- s << INDENT << "type->mi_specialcast = myType->mi_specialcast;" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::copyMultimpleheritance(type, myType);" << endl;
if (!metaClass->isAbstract())
s << INDENT << '}' << endl << endl;
@@ -1175,7 +1173,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeMethodWrapper(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaFunction
s << INDENT << "if (!isReverse" << endl;
Indentation indent(INDENT);
- s << INDENT << "&& Shiboken::isShibokenType(arg)" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "&& Shiboken::Wrapper::checkType(arg)" << endl;
s << INDENT << "&& !PyObject_TypeCheck(arg, self->ob_type)" << endl;
s << INDENT << "&& PyObject_HasAttrString(arg, const_cast<char*>(\"" << revOpName << "\"))) {" << endl;
// This PyObject_CallMethod call will emit lots of warnings like
@@ -2046,7 +2044,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeMethodCall(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaFunction* f
virtualCall = virtualCall.replace("%CLASS_NAME", func->ownerClass()->qualifiedCppName());
normalCall = normalCall.replace("::%CLASS_NAME::", "");
methodCall = "";
- mc << "(Shiboken::isUserType(self) ? " << virtualCall << ":" << normalCall << ")";
+ mc << "(Shiboken::Wrapper::isUserType(self) ? " << virtualCall << ":" << normalCall << ")";
@@ -2154,7 +2152,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeMethodCall(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaFunction* f
- s << INDENT << "Shiboken::keepReference(reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(self), \"";
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::Wrapper::keepReference(reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(self), \"";
QString varName = arg_mod.referenceCounts.first().varName;
if (varName.isEmpty())
varName = func->minimalSignature() + QString().number(arg_mod.index);
@@ -2226,12 +2224,12 @@ void CppGenerator::writeMultipleInheritanceInitializerFunction(QTextStream& s, c
void CppGenerator::writeSpecialCastFunction(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass* metaClass)
QString className = metaClass->qualifiedCppName();
- s << "static void* " << cpythonSpecialCastFunctionName(metaClass) << "(void* obj, SbkObjectType* desiredType)\n";
+ s << "static void* " << cpythonSpecialCastFunctionName(metaClass) << "(void* obj, SbkBaseType* desiredType)\n";
s << "{\n";
s << INDENT << className << "* me = reinterpret_cast<" << className << "*>(obj);\n";
bool firstClass = true;
foreach (const AbstractMetaClass* baseClass, getAllAncestors(metaClass)) {
- s << INDENT << (!firstClass ? "else " : "") << "if (desiredType == reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(" << cpythonTypeNameExt(baseClass->typeEntry()) << "))\n";
+ s << INDENT << (!firstClass ? "else " : "") << "if (desiredType == reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(" << cpythonTypeNameExt(baseClass->typeEntry()) << "))\n";
Indentation indent(INDENT);
s << INDENT << "return static_cast<" << baseClass->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(me);\n";
firstClass = false;
@@ -2283,11 +2281,11 @@ void CppGenerator::writeExtendedToCppFunction(QTextStream& s, const TypeEntry* e
void CppGenerator::writeExtendedConverterInitialization(QTextStream& s, const TypeEntry* externalType, const QList<const AbstractMetaClass*>& conversions)
s << INDENT << "// Extended implicit conversions for " << externalType->targetLangPackage() << '.' << externalType->name() << endl;
- s << INDENT << "shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(";
+ s << INDENT << "shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(";
s << cppApiVariableName(externalType->targetLangPackage()) << '[';
s << getTypeIndexVariableName(externalType) << "]);" << endl;
- s << INDENT << "shiboType->ext_isconvertible = " << extendedIsConvertibleFunctionName(externalType) << ';' << endl;
- s << INDENT << "shiboType->ext_tocpp = " << extendedToCppFunctionName(externalType) << ';' << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::setExternalIsConvertibleFunction(shiboType, " << extendedIsConvertibleFunctionName(externalType) << ");" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::setExternalCppConversionFunction(shiboType, " << extendedToCppFunctionName(externalType) << ");" << endl;
QString CppGenerator::multipleInheritanceInitializerFunctionName(const AbstractMetaClass* metaClass)
@@ -2326,13 +2324,9 @@ void CppGenerator::writeClassDefinition(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass*
QString tp_init;
QString tp_new;
QString tp_dealloc;
- QString cpp_dtor('0');
QString tp_as_number('0');
QString tp_as_sequence('0');
QString tp_hash('0');
- QString mi_init('0');
- QString obj_copier('0');
- QString mi_specialcast('0');
QString cppClassName = metaClass->qualifiedCppName();
QString className = cpythonTypeName(metaClass).replace(QRegExp("_Type$"), "");
QString baseClassName('0');
@@ -2369,14 +2363,6 @@ void CppGenerator::writeClassDefinition(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass*
deallocClassName = cppClassName;
tp_dealloc = "&SbkDeallocWrapper";
- QString dtorClassName = metaClass->qualifiedCppName();
- if (metaClass->hasProtectedDestructor())
- dtorClassName = wrapperName(metaClass);
- cpp_dtor = "&Shiboken::callCppDestructor<" + dtorClassName + " >";
tp_init = onlyPrivCtor ? "0" : cpythonFunctionName(ctors.first());
@@ -2417,25 +2403,19 @@ void CppGenerator::writeClassDefinition(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass*
// class or some ancestor has multiple inheritance
const AbstractMetaClass* miClass = getMultipleInheritingClass(metaClass);
if (miClass) {
- if (metaClass == miClass) {
- mi_init = multipleInheritanceInitializerFunctionName(miClass);
+ if (metaClass == miClass)
writeMultipleInheritanceInitializerFunction(s, metaClass);
- }
- mi_specialcast = '&'+cpythonSpecialCastFunctionName(metaClass);
writeSpecialCastFunction(s, metaClass);
s << endl;
- if (metaClass->typeEntry()->isValue() && shouldGenerateCppWrapper(metaClass))
- obj_copier = '&' + cpythonBaseName(metaClass) + "_ObjCopierFunc";
if (!metaClass->typeEntry()->hashFunction().isEmpty())
tp_hash = '&' + cpythonBaseName(metaClass) + "_HashFunc";
s << "// Class Definition -----------------------------------------------" << endl;
s << "extern \"C\" {" << endl;
- s << "static SbkObjectType " << className + "_Type" << " = { { {" << endl;
- s << INDENT << "PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&SbkObjectType_Type)" << endl;
+ s << "static SbkBaseType " << className + "_Type" << " = { { {" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&SbkBaseType_Type)" << endl;
s << INDENT << "/*ob_size*/ 0," << endl;
s << INDENT << "/*tp_name*/ \"" << metaClass->fullName() << "\"," << endl;
s << INDENT << "/*tp_basicsize*/ sizeof(SbkObject)," << endl;
@@ -2482,22 +2462,11 @@ void CppGenerator::writeClassDefinition(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass*
s << INDENT << "/*tp_subclasses*/ 0," << endl;
s << INDENT << "/*tp_weaklist*/ 0" << endl;
s << "}, }," << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*mi_offsets*/ 0," << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*mi_init*/ " << mi_init << ',' << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*mi_specialcast*/ " << mi_specialcast << ',' << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*type_discovery*/ 0," << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*obj_copier*/ " << obj_copier << ',' << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*ext_isconvertible*/ 0," << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*ext_tocpp*/ 0," << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*cpp_dtor*/ " << cpp_dtor << ',' << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*is_multicpp*/ 0," << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*is_user_type*/ 0," << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "/*priv_data*/ 0" << endl;
+ s << "};" << endl;
QString suffix;
if (metaClass->typeEntry()->isObject() || metaClass->typeEntry()->isQObject())
suffix = "*";
- s << INDENT << "/*original_name*/ \"" << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << suffix << "\"," << endl;
- s << INDENT << "/*user_data*/ 0" << endl;
- s << "};" << endl;
s << "} //extern" << endl;
@@ -2757,7 +2726,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeSetterFunction(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaField*
bool pythonWrapperRefCounting = metaField->type()->typeEntry()->isObject()
|| metaField->type()->isValuePointer();
if (pythonWrapperRefCounting) {
- s << INDENT << "Shiboken::keepReference(reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(self), \"";
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::Wrapper::keepReference(reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(self), \"";
s << metaField->name() << "\", value);" << endl;
//s << INDENT << "Py_XDECREF(oldvalue);" << endl;
s << endl;
@@ -3232,6 +3201,9 @@ void CppGenerator::writeClassRegister(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass* m
s << '{' << endl;
s << INDENT << cpythonTypeNameExt(metaClass->typeEntry()) << " = reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject*>(&" << cpythonTypeName(metaClass->typeEntry()) << ");" << endl << endl;
+ // alloc private data
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::initPrivateData(&" << cpythonTypeName(metaClass->typeEntry()) << ");" << endl;
// class inject-code target/beginning
if (!metaClass->typeEntry()->codeSnips().isEmpty()) {
writeCodeSnips(s, metaClass->typeEntry()->codeSnips(), CodeSnip::Beginning, TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, 0, 0, metaClass);
@@ -3240,6 +3212,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeClassRegister(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass* m
if (metaClass->baseClass())
s << INDENT << pyTypeName << ".super.ht_type.tp_base = " << cpythonTypeNameExt(metaClass->baseClass()->typeEntry()) << ';' << endl;
// Multiple inheritance
const AbstractMetaClassList baseClasses = getBaseClasses(metaClass);
if (metaClass->baseClassNames().size() > 1) {
@@ -3253,28 +3226,55 @@ void CppGenerator::writeClassRegister(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass* m
s << INDENT << bases.join(", ") << ");" << endl << endl;
- // Fill multiple inheritance init function, if needed.
+ // Fill multiple inheritance data, if needed.
const AbstractMetaClass* miClass = getMultipleInheritingClass(metaClass);
- if (miClass && miClass != metaClass) {
- s << INDENT << cpythonTypeName(metaClass) << ".mi_init = ";
- s << "reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(" + cpythonTypeNameExt(miClass->typeEntry()) + ")->mi_init;" << endl << endl;
+ if (miClass) {
+ s << INDENT << "MultipleInheritanceInitFunction func;" << endl;
+ if (miClass == metaClass)
+ s << INDENT << "func = " << multipleInheritanceInitializerFunctionName(miClass) << ";" << endl;
+ else
+ s << INDENT << "func = Shiboken::BaseType::getMultipleIheritanceFunction(reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(" << cpythonTypeNameExt(miClass->typeEntry()) << "));" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::setMultipleIheritanceFunction(&" << cpythonTypeName(metaClass) << ", func);" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::setCastFunction(&" << cpythonTypeName(metaClass) << ", &" << cpythonSpecialCastFunctionName(metaClass) << ");" << endl;
+ // Fill destrutor
+ QString dtorClassName = metaClass->qualifiedCppName();
+ if (!metaClass->isNamespace() && !metaClass->hasPrivateDestructor()) {
+ if (metaClass->hasProtectedDestructor())
+ dtorClassName = wrapperName(metaClass);
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::setDestructorFunction(&" << cpythonTypeName(metaClass) << ", &Shiboken::callCppDestructor<" << dtorClassName << " >);" << endl;
+ }
+ // Fill copy function
+ if (metaClass->typeEntry()->isValue() && shouldGenerateCppWrapper(metaClass))
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::setCopyFunction(&" << cpythonTypeName(metaClass) << ", &" << cpythonBaseName(metaClass) + "_ObjCopierFunc);" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "if (PyType_Ready((PyTypeObject*)&" << pyTypeName << ") < 0)" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << INDENT << "return;" << endl << endl;
// Set typediscovery struct or fill the struct of another one
if (metaClass->isPolymorphic()) {
s << INDENT << "// Fill type discovery information" << endl;
if (metaClass->baseClass()) {
- s << INDENT << cpythonTypeName(metaClass) << ".type_discovery = &" << cpythonBaseName(metaClass) << "_typeDiscovery;" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::setTypeDiscoveryFunction(&" << cpythonTypeName(metaClass) << ", &" << cpythonBaseName(metaClass) << "_typeDiscovery);" << endl;
s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BindingManager& bm = Shiboken::BindingManager::instance();" << endl;
foreach (const AbstractMetaClass* base, baseClasses) {
- s << INDENT << "bm.addClassInheritance(reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(" << cpythonTypeNameExt(base->typeEntry()) << "), &" << cpythonTypeName(metaClass) << ");" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "bm.addClassInheritance(reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(" << cpythonTypeNameExt(base->typeEntry()) << "), &" << cpythonTypeName(metaClass) << ");" << endl;
s << endl;
- s << INDENT << "if (PyType_Ready((PyTypeObject*)&" << pyTypeName << ") < 0)" << endl;
- s << INDENT << INDENT << "return;" << endl << endl;
+ // Set OriginalName
+ QByteArray suffix;
+ if (metaClass->typeEntry()->isObject() || metaClass->typeEntry()->isQObject())
+ suffix = "*";
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::BaseType::setOriginalName(&" << pyTypeName << ", \"" << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << suffix << "\");" << endl;
if (metaClass->enclosingClass() && (metaClass->enclosingClass()->typeEntry()->codeGeneration() != TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass) ) {
s << INDENT << "PyDict_SetItemString(module,"
@@ -3345,7 +3345,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeTypeDiscoveryFunction(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMeta
QString polymorphicExpr = metaClass->typeEntry()->polymorphicIdValue();
- s << "static SbkObjectType* " << cpythonBaseName(metaClass) << "_typeDiscovery(void* cptr, SbkObjectType* instanceType)\n{" << endl;
+ s << "static SbkBaseType* " << cpythonBaseName(metaClass) << "_typeDiscovery(void* cptr, SbkBaseType* instanceType)\n{" << endl;
if (!metaClass->baseClass()) {
s << INDENT << "TypeResolver* typeResolver = TypeResolver::get(typeid(*reinterpret_cast<"
@@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeTypeDiscoveryFunction(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMeta
s << INDENT << "if (typeResolver)" << endl;
Indentation indent(INDENT);
- s << INDENT << "return reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(typeResolver->pythonType());" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "return reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(typeResolver->pythonType());" << endl;
} else if (!polymorphicExpr.isEmpty()) {
polymorphicExpr = polymorphicExpr.replace("%1", " reinterpret_cast<"+metaClass->qualifiedCppName()+"*>(cptr)");
@@ -3368,7 +3368,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeTypeDiscoveryFunction(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMeta
if (ancestor->baseClass())
if (ancestor->isPolymorphic()) {
- s << INDENT << "if (instanceType == reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(Shiboken::SbkType<"
+ s << INDENT << "if (instanceType == reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(Shiboken::SbkType<"
<< ancestor->qualifiedCppName() << " >()) && dynamic_cast<" << metaClass->qualifiedCppName()
<< "*>(reinterpret_cast<"<< ancestor->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(cptr)))" << endl;
Indentation indent(INDENT);
@@ -3675,7 +3675,7 @@ void CppGenerator::finishGeneration()
s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
- s << INDENT << "Shiboken::initShiboken();" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "Shiboken::init();" << endl;
s << INDENT << "PyObject* module = Py_InitModule(\"" << moduleName() << "\", ";
s << moduleName() << "_methods);" << endl << endl;
@@ -3689,7 +3689,7 @@ void CppGenerator::finishGeneration()
if (!extendedConverters.isEmpty()) {
s << INDENT << "// Initialize extended Converters" << endl;
- s << INDENT << "SbkObjectType* shiboType;" << endl << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "SbkBaseType* shiboType;" << endl << endl;
foreach (const TypeEntry* externalType, extendedConverters.keys()) {
writeExtendedConverterInitialization(s, externalType, extendedConverters[externalType]);
diff --git a/generator/headergenerator.cpp b/generator/headergenerator.cpp
index d9560d2ab..590aea381 100644
--- a/generator/headergenerator.cpp
+++ b/generator/headergenerator.cpp
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ void HeaderGenerator::finishGeneration()
s << INDENT << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << "* value = const_cast<" << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << "* >(cppobj);" << endl;
s << INDENT << "if (!isExactType)" << endl;
s << INDENT << INDENT << "typeName = typeid(*value).name();" << endl;
- s << INDENT << "PyObject* pyObj = Shiboken::Wrapper::newObject(reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(SbkType<" << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << " >()),"
+ s << INDENT << "PyObject* pyObj = Shiboken::Wrapper::newObject(reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(SbkType<" << metaClass->qualifiedCppName() << " >()),"
<< "value, hasOwnership, isExactType, typeName);" << endl;
s << INDENT << "PySide::Signal::updateSourceObject(pyObj);" << endl;
s << INDENT << "return pyObj;" << endl;
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ void HeaderGenerator::writeTypeConverterImpl(QTextStream& s, const TypeEntry* ty
- s << INDENT << "SbkObjectType* shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(SbkType<";
+ s << INDENT << "SbkBaseType* shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(SbkType<";
s << type->name() << " >());" << endl;
s << INDENT << "return ";
bool isFirst = true;
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ void HeaderGenerator::writeTypeConverterImpl(QTextStream& s, const TypeEntry* ty
s << endl;
Indentation indent(INDENT);
- s << INDENT << " || (shiboType->ext_isconvertible && shiboType->ext_isconvertible(pyobj));" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << " || (BaseType::isExternalConvertible(shiboType, pyobj));" << endl;
s << '}' << endl << endl;
diff --git a/libshiboken/basewrapper.cpp b/libshiboken/basewrapper.cpp
index 37d1282a2..39c18c3e1 100644
--- a/libshiboken/basewrapper.cpp
+++ b/libshiboken/basewrapper.cpp
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@
extern "C"
-static void SbkObjectTypeDealloc(PyObject* pyObj);
-static PyObject* SbkObjectTypeTpNew(PyTypeObject* metatype, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
+static void SbkBaseTypeDealloc(PyObject* pyObj);
+static PyObject* SbkBaseTypeTpNew(PyTypeObject* metatype, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds);
-PyTypeObject SbkObjectType_Type = {
+PyTypeObject SbkBaseType_Type = {
/*ob_size*/ 0,
/*tp_name*/ "Shiboken.ObjectType",
- /*tp_basicsize*/ sizeof(SbkObjectType),
+ /*tp_basicsize*/ sizeof(SbkBaseType),
/*tp_itemsize*/ 0,
- /*tp_dealloc*/ SbkObjectTypeDealloc,
+ /*tp_dealloc*/ SbkBaseTypeDealloc,
/*tp_print*/ 0,
/*tp_getattr*/ 0,
/*tp_setattr*/ 0,
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ PyTypeObject SbkObjectType_Type = {
/*tp_dictoffset*/ 0,
/*tp_init*/ 0,
/*tp_alloc*/ 0,
- /*tp_new*/ SbkObjectTypeTpNew,
+ /*tp_new*/ SbkBaseTypeTpNew,
/*tp_free*/ 0,
/*tp_is_gc*/ 0,
/*tp_bases*/ 0,
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ static PyGetSetDef SbkObjectGetSetList[] = {
{0} // Sentinel
-SbkObjectType SbkObject_Type = { { {
- PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&SbkObjectType_Type)
+SbkBaseType SbkObject_Type = { { {
+ PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&SbkBaseType_Type)
/*ob_size*/ 0,
/*tp_name*/ "Shiboken.Object",
/*tp_basicsize*/ sizeof(SbkObject),
@@ -149,12 +149,7 @@ SbkObjectType SbkObject_Type = { { {
/*tp_subclasses*/ 0,
/*tp_weaklist*/ 0
}, },
- /*mi_offsets*/ 0,
- /*mi_init*/ 0,
- /*mi_specialcast*/ 0,
- /*type_name_func*/ 0,
- /*ext_isconvertible*/ 0,
- /*ext_tocpp*/ 0
+ /*priv_data*/ 0
@@ -166,12 +161,12 @@ void SbkDeallocWrapper(PyObject* pyObj)
// If I have ownership and is valid delete C++ pointer
if (sbkObj->d->hasOwnership && sbkObj->d->validCppObject) {
- SbkObjectType* sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(pyObj->ob_type);
- if (sbkType->is_multicpp) {
+ SbkBaseType* sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(pyObj->ob_type);
+ if (sbkType->d->is_multicpp) {
Shiboken::DtorCallerVisitor visitor(sbkObj);
Shiboken::walkThroughClassHierarchy(pyObj->ob_type, &visitor);
} else {
- sbkType->cpp_dtor(sbkObj->d->cptr[0]);
+ sbkType->d->cpp_dtor(sbkObj->d->cptr[0]);
@@ -188,54 +183,64 @@ void SbkDeallocWrapperWithPrivateDtor(PyObject* self)
-void SbkObjectTypeDealloc(PyObject* pyObj)
+void SbkBaseTypeDealloc(PyObject* pyObj)
- SbkObjectType *sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(pyObj->ob_type);
+ SbkBaseType *sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(pyObj->ob_type);
+ if (!sbkType->d)
+ return;
- if(sbkType->user_data && sbkType->d_func) {
- sbkType->d_func(sbkType->user_data);
- sbkType->user_data = 0;
+ if(sbkType->d->user_data && sbkType->d->d_func) {
+ sbkType->d->d_func(sbkType->d->user_data);
+ sbkType->d->user_data = 0;
+ free(sbkType->d->original_name);
+ sbkType->d->original_name = 0;
+ delete sbkType->d;
+ sbkType->d = 0;
-PyObject* SbkObjectTypeTpNew(PyTypeObject* metatype, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
+PyObject* SbkBaseTypeTpNew(PyTypeObject* metatype, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds)
// The meta type creates a new type when the Python programmer extends a wrapped C++ class.
- SbkObjectType* newType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(PyType_Type.tp_new(metatype, args, kwds));
+ SbkBaseType* newType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(PyType_Type.tp_new(metatype, args, kwds));
if (!newType)
return 0;
- std::list<SbkObjectType*> bases = Shiboken::getCppBaseClasses(reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject*>(newType));
+ SbkBaseTypePrivate* d = new SbkBaseTypePrivate;
+ memset(d, 0, sizeof(SbkBaseTypePrivate));
+ std::list<SbkBaseType*> bases = Shiboken::getCppBaseClasses(reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject*>(newType));
if (bases.size() == 1) {
- SbkObjectType* parentType = bases.front();
- newType->mi_offsets = parentType->mi_offsets;
- newType->mi_init = parentType->mi_init;
- newType->mi_specialcast = parentType->mi_specialcast;
- newType->ext_isconvertible = parentType->ext_isconvertible;
- newType->ext_tocpp = parentType->ext_tocpp;
- newType->type_discovery = parentType->type_discovery;
- newType->obj_copier = parentType->obj_copier;
- newType->cpp_dtor = parentType->cpp_dtor;
- newType->is_multicpp = 0;
+ SbkBaseTypePrivate* parentType = bases.front()->d;
+ d->mi_offsets = parentType->mi_offsets;
+ d->mi_init = parentType->mi_init;
+ d->mi_specialcast = parentType->mi_specialcast;
+ d->ext_isconvertible = parentType->ext_isconvertible;
+ d->ext_tocpp = parentType->ext_tocpp;
+ d->type_discovery = parentType->type_discovery;
+ d->obj_copier = parentType->obj_copier;
+ d->cpp_dtor = parentType->cpp_dtor;
+ d->is_multicpp = 0;
} else {
- newType->mi_offsets = 0;
- newType->mi_init = 0;
- newType->mi_specialcast = 0;
- newType->ext_isconvertible = 0;
- newType->ext_tocpp = 0;
- newType->type_discovery = 0;
- newType->obj_copier = 0;
- newType->cpp_dtor = 0;
- newType->is_multicpp = 1;
+ d->mi_offsets = 0;
+ d->mi_init = 0;
+ d->mi_specialcast = 0;
+ d->ext_isconvertible = 0;
+ d->ext_tocpp = 0;
+ d->type_discovery = 0;
+ d->obj_copier = 0;
+ d->cpp_dtor = 0;
+ d->is_multicpp = 1;
if (bases.size() == 1)
- newType->original_name = bases.front()->original_name;
+ d->original_name = strdup(bases.front()->d->original_name);
- newType->original_name = "object";
- newType->user_data = 0;
- newType->d_func = 0;
- newType->is_user_type = 1;
+ d->original_name = strdup("object");
+ d->user_data = 0;
+ d->d_func = 0;
+ d->is_user_type = 1;
+ newType->d = d;
return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(newType);
@@ -244,8 +249,8 @@ PyObject* SbkObjectTpNew(PyTypeObject* subtype, PyObject*, PyObject*)
SbkObject* self = reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(subtype->tp_alloc(subtype, 0));
self->d = new SbkObjectPrivate;
- SbkObjectType* sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(subtype);
- int numBases = sbkType->is_multicpp ? Shiboken::getNumberOfCppBaseClasses(subtype) : 1;
+ SbkBaseType* sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(subtype);
+ int numBases = ((sbkType->d && sbkType->d->is_multicpp) ? Shiboken::getNumberOfCppBaseClasses(subtype) : 1);
self->d->cptr = new void*[numBases];
std::memset(self->d->cptr, 0, sizeof(void*)*numBases);
self->d->hasOwnership = 1;
@@ -274,11 +279,11 @@ void walkThroughClassHierarchy(PyTypeObject* currentType, HierarchyVisitor* visi
for (int i = 0; i < numBases; ++i) {
PyTypeObject* type = reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject*>(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(bases, i));
- if (type->ob_type != &SbkObjectType_Type) {
+ if (type->ob_type != &SbkBaseType_Type) {
} else {
- SbkObjectType* sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(type);
- if (sbkType->is_user_type)
+ SbkBaseType* sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(type);
+ if (sbkType->d->is_user_type)
walkThroughClassHierarchy(type, visitor);
@@ -288,61 +293,6 @@ void walkThroughClassHierarchy(PyTypeObject* currentType, HierarchyVisitor* visi
-void setTypeUserData(SbkObject* wrapper, void *user_data, DeleteUserDataFunc d_func)
- SbkObjectType* ob_type = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(wrapper->ob_type);
- if (ob_type->user_data)
- ob_type->d_func(ob_type->user_data);
- ob_type->d_func = d_func;
- ob_type->user_data = user_data;
-void* getTypeUserData(SbkObject* wrapper)
- return reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(wrapper->ob_type)->user_data;
-void keepReference(SbkObject* self, const char* key, PyObject* referredObject, bool append)
- bool isNone = (!referredObject || (referredObject == Py_None));
- if (!self->d->referredObjects)
- self->d->referredObjects = new Shiboken::RefCountMap;
- RefCountMap& refCountMap = *(self->d->referredObjects);
- if (!isNone)
- incRefPyObject(referredObject);
- RefCountMap::iterator iter = refCountMap.find(key);
- if (!append && (iter != refCountMap.end())) {
- decRefPyObjectList(iter->second);
- refCountMap.erase(iter);
- }
- if (!isNone) {
- std::list<SbkObject*> values = splitPyObject(referredObject);
- if (append && (iter != refCountMap.end()))
- refCountMap[key].insert(refCountMap[key].end(), values.begin(), values.end());
- else
- refCountMap[key] = values;
- }
-void clearReferences(SbkObject* self)
- if (!self->d->referredObjects)
- return;
- RefCountMap& refCountMap = *(self->d->referredObjects);
- RefCountMap::iterator iter;
- for (iter = refCountMap.begin(); iter != refCountMap.end(); ++iter)
- decRefPyObjectList(iter->second);
- delete self->d->referredObjects;
- self->d->referredObjects = 0;
bool importModule(const char* moduleName, PyTypeObject*** cppApiPtr)
Shiboken::AutoDecRef module(PyImport_ImportModule(moduleName));
@@ -361,13 +311,13 @@ bool importModule(const char* moduleName, PyTypeObject*** cppApiPtr)
// Wrapper metatype and base type ----------------------------------------------------------
-void DtorCallerVisitor::visit(SbkObjectType* node)
+void DtorCallerVisitor::visit(SbkBaseType* node)
- node->cpp_dtor(m_pyObj->d->cptr[m_count]);
+ node->d->cpp_dtor(m_pyObj->d->cptr[m_count]);
-void initShiboken()
+void init()
static bool shibokenAlreadInitialised = false;
if (shibokenAlreadInitialised)
@@ -381,7 +331,7 @@ void initShiboken()
if (PyType_Ready(&SbkEnumType_Type) < 0)
Py_FatalError("[libshiboken] Failed to initialise Shiboken.SbkEnumType metatype.");
- if (PyType_Ready(&SbkObjectType_Type) < 0)
+ if (PyType_Ready(&SbkBaseType_Type) < 0)
Py_FatalError("[libshiboken] Failed to initialise Shiboken.BaseWrapperType metatype.");
if (PyType_Ready((PyTypeObject *)&SbkObject_Type) < 0)
@@ -435,7 +385,7 @@ class FindBaseTypeVisitor : public HierarchyVisitor
FindBaseTypeVisitor(PyTypeObject* typeToFind) : m_found(false), m_typeToFind(typeToFind) {}
- virtual void visit(SbkObjectType* node)
+ virtual void visit(SbkBaseType* node)
if (reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject*>(node) == m_typeToFind) {
m_found = true;
@@ -449,17 +399,6 @@ class FindBaseTypeVisitor : public HierarchyVisitor
PyTypeObject* m_typeToFind;
-bool canCallConstructor(PyTypeObject* myType, PyTypeObject* ctorType)
- FindBaseTypeVisitor visitor(ctorType);
- walkThroughClassHierarchy(myType, &visitor);
- if (!visitor.found()) {
- PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s isn't a direct base class of %s", ctorType->tp_name, myType->tp_name);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
std::list<SbkObject*> splitPyObject(PyObject* pyObj)
std::list<SbkObject*> result;
@@ -468,7 +407,7 @@ std::list<SbkObject*> splitPyObject(PyObject* pyObj)
if (!lst.isNull()) {
for(int i = 0, i_max = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(lst.object()); i < i_max; i++) {
PyObject* item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(lst.object(), i);
- if (isShibokenType(item))
+ if (Wrapper::checkType(item))
@@ -498,9 +437,145 @@ static void decRefPyObjectList(const std::list<SbkObject*>& lst)
+namespace BaseType
+bool checkType(PyTypeObject* type)
+ return type->ob_type == &SbkBaseType_Type;
+bool isUserType(PyTypeObject* type)
+ return BaseType::checkType(type) && reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(type)->d->is_user_type;
+bool canCallConstructor(PyTypeObject* myType, PyTypeObject* ctorType)
+ FindBaseTypeVisitor visitor(ctorType);
+ walkThroughClassHierarchy(myType, &visitor);
+ if (!visitor.found()) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s isn't a direct base class of %s", ctorType->tp_name, myType->tp_name);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void* copy(SbkBaseType* self, const void* obj)
+ return self->d->obj_copier(obj);
+void setCopyFunction(SbkBaseType* self, ObjectCopierFunction func)
+ self->d->obj_copier = func;
+bool hasExternalCppConversions(SbkBaseType* self)
+ return self->d->ext_tocpp;
+void* callExternalCppConversion(SbkBaseType* self, PyObject* obj)
+ return self->d->ext_tocpp(obj);
+void setExternalCppConversionFunction(SbkBaseType* self, ExtendedToCppFunc func)
+ self->d->ext_tocpp = func;
+void setExternalIsConvertibleFunction(SbkBaseType* self, ExtendedIsConvertibleFunc func)
+ self->d->ext_isconvertible = func;
+bool isExternalConvertible(SbkBaseType* self, PyObject* obj)
+ return self->d->ext_isconvertible && self->d->ext_isconvertible(obj);
+bool hasCast(SbkBaseType* self)
+ return self->d->mi_specialcast;
+void* cast(SbkBaseType* self, SbkObject* obj, PyTypeObject *target)
+ return self->d->mi_specialcast(Wrapper::cppPointer(obj, target), reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(target));
+void setCastFunction(SbkBaseType* self, SpecialCastFunction func)
+ self->d->mi_specialcast = func;
+void setOriginalName(SbkBaseType* self, const char* name)
+ if (self->d->original_name)
+ free(self->d->original_name);
+ self->d->original_name = strdup(name);
+const char* getOriginalName(SbkBaseType* self)
+ return self->d->original_name;
+void setTypeDiscoveryFunction(SbkBaseType* self, TypeDiscoveryFunc func)
+ self->d->type_discovery = func;
+TypeDiscoveryFunc getTypeDiscoveryFunction(SbkBaseType* self)
+ return self->d->type_discovery;
+void copyMultimpleheritance(SbkBaseType* self, SbkBaseType* other)
+ self->d->mi_init = other->d->mi_init;
+ self->d->mi_offsets = other->d->mi_offsets;
+ self->d->mi_specialcast = other->d->mi_specialcast;
+void setMultipleIheritanceFunction(SbkBaseType* self, MultipleInheritanceInitFunction function)
+ self->d->mi_init = function;
+MultipleInheritanceInitFunction getMultipleIheritanceFunction(SbkBaseType* self)
+ return self->d->mi_init;
+void setDestructorFunction(SbkBaseType* self, ObjectDestructor func)
+ self->d->cpp_dtor = func;
+void initPrivateData(SbkBaseType* self)
+ self->d = new SbkBaseTypePrivate;
+ memset(self->d, 0, sizeof(SbkBaseTypePrivate));
+} // namespace BaseType
namespace Wrapper
+bool checkType(PyObject* pyObj)
+ return BaseType::checkType(pyObj->ob_type);
+bool isUserType(PyObject* pyObj)
+ return BaseType::isUserType(pyObj->ob_type);
static void setSequenceOwnership(PyObject* pyObj, bool owner)
if (PySequence_Check(pyObj)) {
@@ -512,7 +587,7 @@ static void setSequenceOwnership(PyObject* pyObj, bool owner)
- } else if (isShibokenType(pyObj)) {
+ } else if (Wrapper::checkType(pyObj)) {
if (owner)
@@ -665,7 +740,7 @@ void* cppPointer(SbkObject* pyObj, PyTypeObject* desiredType)
PyTypeObject* type = pyObj->ob_type;
int idx = 0;
- if (reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(type)->is_multicpp)
+ if (reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(type)->d->is_multicpp)
idx = getTypeIndexOnHierarchy(type, desiredType);
return pyObj->d->cptr[idx];
@@ -673,7 +748,7 @@ void* cppPointer(SbkObject* pyObj, PyTypeObject* desiredType)
bool setCppPointer(SbkObject* sbkObj, PyTypeObject* desiredType, void* cptr)
int idx = 0;
- if (reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(sbkObj->ob_type)->is_multicpp)
+ if (reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(sbkObj->ob_type)->d->is_multicpp)
idx = getTypeIndexOnHierarchy(sbkObj->ob_type, desiredType);
bool alreadyInitialized = sbkObj->d->cptr[idx];
@@ -688,7 +763,7 @@ bool setCppPointer(SbkObject* sbkObj, PyTypeObject* desiredType, void* cptr)
bool isValid(PyObject* pyObj)
if (!pyObj || pyObj == Py_None
- || pyObj->ob_type->ob_type != &SbkObjectType_Type
+ || pyObj->ob_type->ob_type != &SbkBaseType_Type
|| ((SbkObject*)pyObj)->d->validCppObject) {
return true;
@@ -696,7 +771,7 @@ bool isValid(PyObject* pyObj)
return false;
-PyObject* newObject(SbkObjectType* instanceType,
+PyObject* newObject(SbkBaseType* instanceType,
void* cptr,
bool hasOwnership,
bool isExactType,
@@ -708,7 +783,7 @@ PyObject* newObject(SbkObjectType* instanceType,
if (typeName) {
tr = TypeResolver::get(typeName);
if (tr)
- instanceType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(tr->pythonType());
+ instanceType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(tr->pythonType());
if (!tr)
instanceType = BindingManager::instance().resolveType(cptr, instanceType);
@@ -802,7 +877,7 @@ void setParent(PyObject* parent, PyObject* child)
* so if you pass this class to someone that takes the ownership, we CAN'T enter in this if, but hey! QString
* follows the sequence protocol.
- if (PySequence_Check(child) && !isShibokenType(child)) {
+ if (PySequence_Check(child) && !Wrapper::checkType(child)) {
Shiboken::AutoDecRef seq(PySequence_Fast(child, 0));
for (int i = 0, max = PySequence_Size(seq); i < max; ++i)
setParent(parent, PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(seq.object(), i));
@@ -874,6 +949,61 @@ void deallocData(SbkObject* self)
+void setTypeUserData(SbkObject* wrapper, void *user_data, DeleteUserDataFunc d_func)
+ SbkBaseType* ob_type = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(wrapper->ob_type);
+ if (ob_type->d->user_data)
+ ob_type->d->d_func(ob_type->d->user_data);
+ ob_type->d->d_func = d_func;
+ ob_type->d->user_data = user_data;
+void* getTypeUserData(SbkObject* wrapper)
+ return reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(wrapper->ob_type)->d->user_data;
+void keepReference(SbkObject* self, const char* key, PyObject* referredObject, bool append)
+ bool isNone = (!referredObject || (referredObject == Py_None));
+ if (!self->d->referredObjects)
+ self->d->referredObjects = new Shiboken::RefCountMap;
+ RefCountMap& refCountMap = *(self->d->referredObjects);
+ if (!isNone)
+ incRefPyObject(referredObject);
+ RefCountMap::iterator iter = refCountMap.find(key);
+ if (!append && (iter != refCountMap.end())) {
+ decRefPyObjectList(iter->second);
+ refCountMap.erase(iter);
+ }
+ if (!isNone) {
+ std::list<SbkObject*> values = splitPyObject(referredObject);
+ if (append && (iter != refCountMap.end()))
+ refCountMap[key].insert(refCountMap[key].end(), values.begin(), values.end());
+ else
+ refCountMap[key] = values;
+ }
+void clearReferences(SbkObject* self)
+ if (!self->d->referredObjects)
+ return;
+ RefCountMap& refCountMap = *(self->d->referredObjects);
+ RefCountMap::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = refCountMap.begin(); iter != refCountMap.end(); ++iter)
+ decRefPyObjectList(iter->second);
+ delete self->d->referredObjects;
+ self->d->referredObjects = 0;
} // namespace Wrapper
} // namespace Shiboken
diff --git a/libshiboken/basewrapper.h b/libshiboken/basewrapper.h
index f723a7a9b..aa1301dff 100644
--- a/libshiboken/basewrapper.h
+++ b/libshiboken/basewrapper.h
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObject
LIBSHIBOKEN_API void SbkDeallocWrapper(PyObject* pyObj);
LIBSHIBOKEN_API void SbkDeallocWrapperWithPrivateDtor(PyObject* self);
-struct SbkObjectType;
+struct SbkBaseType;
/// Function signature for the multiple inheritance information initializers that should be provided by classes with multiple inheritance.
typedef int* (*MultipleInheritanceInitFunction)(const void*);
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ typedef int* (*MultipleInheritanceInitFunction)(const void*);
* part of a multiple inheritance hierarchy.
* The implementation of this function is auto generated by the generator and you don't need to care about it.
-typedef void* (*SpecialCastFunction)(void*, SbkObjectType*);
+typedef void* (*SpecialCastFunction)(void*, SbkBaseType*);
typedef void* (*ObjectCopierFunction)(const void*);
-typedef SbkObjectType* (*TypeDiscoveryFunc)(void*, SbkObjectType*);
+typedef SbkBaseType* (*TypeDiscoveryFunc)(void*, SbkBaseType*);
typedef void* (*ExtendedToCppFunc)(PyObject*);
typedef bool (*ExtendedIsConvertibleFunc)(PyObject*);
@@ -71,34 +71,18 @@ typedef bool (*ExtendedIsConvertibleFunc)(PyObject*);
// Used in userdata dealloc function
typedef void (*DeleteUserDataFunc)(void*);
-extern LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyTypeObject SbkObjectType_Type;
-extern LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObjectType SbkObject_Type;
+typedef void (*ObjectDestructor)(void*);
+extern LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyTypeObject SbkBaseType_Type;
+extern LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkBaseType SbkObject_Type;
+struct SbkBaseTypePrivate;
/// PyTypeObject extended with C++ multiple inheritance information.
-struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObjectType
+struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkBaseType
PyHeapTypeObject super;
- int* mi_offsets;
- MultipleInheritanceInitFunction mi_init;
- /// Special cast function, null if this class doesn't have multiple inheritance.
- SpecialCastFunction mi_specialcast;
- TypeDiscoveryFunc type_discovery;
- ObjectCopierFunction obj_copier;
- /// Extended "isConvertible" function to be used when a conversion operator is defined in another module.
- ExtendedIsConvertibleFunc ext_isconvertible;
- /// Extended "toCpp" function to be used when a conversion operator is defined in another module.
- ExtendedToCppFunc ext_tocpp;
- /// Pointer to a function responsible for deletetion of the C++ instance calling the proper destructor.
- void (*cpp_dtor)(void*);
- /// True if this type holds two or more C++ instances, e.g.: a Python class which inherits from two C++ classes.
- int is_multicpp:1;
- /// True if this type was definied by the user.
- int is_user_type:1;
- /// C++ name
- const char* original_name;
- /// Type user data
- void *user_data;
- DeleteUserDataFunc d_func;
+ SbkBaseTypePrivate* d;
LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject* SbkObjectTpNew(PyTypeObject* subtype, PyObject*, PyObject*);
@@ -111,94 +95,109 @@ namespace Shiboken
* Init shiboken library.
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void initShiboken();
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void init();
-* Returns true if the object is an instance of a type created by the Shiboken generator.
-inline bool isShibokenType(PyObject*& pyObj)
+/// Delete the class T allocated on \p cptr.
+template<typename T>
+void callCppDestructor(void* cptr)
- return pyObj->ob_type->ob_type == &SbkObjectType_Type;
+ delete reinterpret_cast<T*>(cptr);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool importModule(const char* moduleName, PyTypeObject*** cppApiPtr);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setErrorAboutWrongArguments(PyObject* args, const char* funcName, const char** cppOverloads);
+namespace BaseType {
-* Returns true if this object is an instance of an user defined type derived from an Shiboken type.
+* Returns true if the object is an instance of a type created by the Shiboken generator.
-inline bool isUserType(PyObject*& pyObj)
- return isShibokenType(pyObj) && reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(pyObj->ob_type)->is_user_type;
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool checkType(PyTypeObject* pyObj);
- * Get/Set Userdata in type class
- */
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setTypeUserData(SbkObject* wrapper, void* user_data, DeleteUserDataFunc d_func);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void* getTypeUserData(SbkObject* wrapper);
+* Returns true if this object is an instance of an user defined type derived from an Shiboken type.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isUserType(PyTypeObject* pyObj);
* Returns true if the constructor of \p ctorType can be called for a instance of type \p myType.
* \note This function set a python error when returning false.
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool canCallConstructor(PyTypeObject* myType, PyTypeObject* ctorType);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool canCallConstructor(PyTypeObject* myType, PyTypeObject* ctorType);
- * Increments the reference count of the referred Python object.
- * A previous Python object in the same position identified by the 'key' parameter
- * will have its reference counter decremented automatically when replaced.
- * All the kept references should be decremented when the Python wrapper indicated by
- * 'self' dies.
- * No checking is done for any of the passed arguments, since it is meant to be used
- * by generated code it is supposed that the generator is correct.
- * \param self the wrapper instance that keeps references to other objects.
- * \param key a key that identifies the C++ method signature and argument where the referredObject came from.
- * \parem referredObject the object whose reference is used by the self object.
- */
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void keepReference(SbkObject* self, const char* key, PyObject* referredObject, bool append=false);
+ * Call copy function for the object type
+ **/
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void* copy(SbkBaseType* self, const void *obj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setCopyFunction(SbkBaseType* self, ObjectCopierFunction func);
-/// Delete the class T allocated on \p cptr.
-template<typename T>
-void callCppDestructor(void* cptr)
- delete reinterpret_cast<T*>(cptr);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setExternalCppConversionFunction(SbkBaseType* self, ExtendedToCppFunc func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setExternalIsConvertibleFunction(SbkBaseType* self, ExtendedIsConvertibleFunc func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasExternalCppConversions(SbkBaseType* self);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isExternalConvertible(SbkBaseType* self, PyObject* obj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void* callExternalCppConversion(SbkBaseType* self, PyObject* obj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasCast(SbkBaseType* self);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void* cast(SbkBaseType* self, SbkObject* obj, PyTypeObject* target);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setCastFunction(SbkBaseType* self, SpecialCastFunction func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setOriginalName(SbkBaseType* self, const char* name);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API const char* getOriginalName(SbkBaseType* self);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setTypeDiscoveryFunction(SbkBaseType* self, TypeDiscoveryFunc func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API TypeDiscoveryFunc getTypeDiscoveryFunction(SbkBaseType* self);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void copyMultimpleheritance(SbkBaseType* self, SbkBaseType* other);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setMultipleIheritanceFunction(SbkBaseType* self, MultipleInheritanceInitFunction func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API MultipleInheritanceInitFunction getMultipleIheritanceFunction(SbkBaseType* self);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool importModule(const char* moduleName, PyTypeObject*** cppApiPtr);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setErrorAboutWrongArguments(PyObject* args, const char* funcName, const char** cppOverloads);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setDestructorFunction(SbkBaseType* self, ObjectDestructor func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void initPrivateData(SbkBaseType* self);
namespace Wrapper {
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject* newObject(SbkObjectType* instanceType,
- void* cptr,
- bool hasOwnership = true,
- bool isExactType = false,
- const char* typeName = 0);
+* Returns true if the object is an instance of a type created by the Shiboken generator.
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool checkType(PyObject* pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isUserType(PyObject* pyObj);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setValidCpp(SbkObject* pyObj, bool value);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setHasCppWrapper(SbkObject* pyObj, bool value);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasCppWrapper(SbkObject* pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API PyObject* newObject(SbkBaseType* instanceType,
+ void* cptr,
+ bool hasOwnership = true,
+ bool isExactType = false,
+ const char* typeName = 0);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasOwnership(SbkObject* pyObj);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void getOwnership(PyObject* pyObj);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void getOwnership(SbkObject* pyObj);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void releaseOwnership(PyObject* pyObj);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void releaseOwnership(SbkObject* pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setValidCpp(SbkObject* pyObj, bool value);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setHasCppWrapper(SbkObject* pyObj, bool value);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasCppWrapper(SbkObject* pyObj);
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasParentInfo(SbkObject* pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasOwnership(SbkObject* pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void getOwnership(PyObject* pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void getOwnership(SbkObject* pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void releaseOwnership(PyObject* pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void releaseOwnership(SbkObject* pyObj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool hasParentInfo(SbkObject* pyObj);
* Get the C++ pointer of type \p desiredType from a Python object.
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void* cppPointer(SbkObject* pyObj, PyTypeObject* desiredType);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void* cppPointer(SbkObject* pyObj, PyTypeObject* desiredType);
* Set the C++ pointer of type \p desiredType of a Python object.
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool setCppPointer(SbkObject* sbkObj, PyTypeObject* desiredType, void* cptr);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool setCppPointer(SbkObject* sbkObj, PyTypeObject* desiredType, void* cptr);
* Returns false and sets a Python RuntimeError if the Python wrapper is not marked as valid.
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isValid(PyObject* wrapper);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isValid(PyObject* wrapper);
* Set the parent of \p child to \p parent.
@@ -206,39 +205,59 @@ LIBSHIBOKEN_API bool isValid(PyObject* wrapper);
* \param parent the parent object, if null, the child will have no parents.
* \param child the child.
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setParent(PyObject* parent, PyObject* child);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setParent(PyObject* parent, PyObject* child);
* Remove this child from their parent, if any.
* \param child the child.
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void removeParent(SbkObject* child, bool giveOwnershipBack = true, bool keepReferenc = false);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void removeParent(SbkObject* child, bool giveOwnershipBack = true, bool keepReferenc = false);
* \internal This is an internal function called by SbkBaseWrapper_Dealloc, it's exported just for techinical reasons.
* \note Do not call this function inside your bindings.
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void destroyParentInfo(SbkObject* obj, bool removeFromParent = true);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void destroyParentInfo(SbkObject* obj, bool removeFromParent = true);
* Mark the object as invalid
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void invalidate(SbkObject* self);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void invalidate(SbkObject* self);
* Help function can be used to invalida a sequence of object
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void invalidate(PyObject* pyobj);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void invalidate(PyObject* pyobj);
* Make the object valid again
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void makeValid(SbkObject* self);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void makeValid(SbkObject* self);
* Destroy any data in Shiboken structure and c++ pointer if the pyboject has the ownership
-LIBSHIBOKEN_API void destroy(SbkObject* self);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void destroy(SbkObject* self);
+ * Get/Set Userdata in type class
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void setTypeUserData(SbkObject* wrapper, void* user_data, DeleteUserDataFunc d_func);
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void* getTypeUserData(SbkObject* wrapper);
+ * Increments the reference count of the referred Python object.
+ * A previous Python object in the same position identified by the 'key' parameter
+ * will have its reference counter decremented automatically when replaced.
+ * All the kept references should be decremented when the Python wrapper indicated by
+ * 'self' dies.
+ * No checking is done for any of the passed arguments, since it is meant to be used
+ * by generated code it is supposed that the generator is correct.
+ * \param self the wrapper instance that keeps references to other objects.
+ * \param key a key that identifies the C++ method signature and argument where the referredObject came from.
+ * \parem referredObject the object whose reference is used by the self object.
+ */
+LIBSHIBOKEN_API void keepReference(SbkObject* self, const char* key, PyObject* referredObject, bool append=false);
} // namespace Wrapper
diff --git a/libshiboken/basewrapper_p.h b/libshiboken/basewrapper_p.h
index 748ce2dca..702fdbd07 100644
--- a/libshiboken/basewrapper_p.h
+++ b/libshiboken/basewrapper_p.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include <map>
struct SbkObject;
-struct SbkObjectType;
+struct SbkBaseType;
namespace Shiboken
@@ -80,6 +80,34 @@ struct SbkObjectPrivate
Shiboken::RefCountMap* referredObjects;
+struct SbkBaseTypePrivate
+ int* mi_offsets;
+ MultipleInheritanceInitFunction mi_init;
+ /// Special cast function, null if this class doesn't have multiple inheritance.
+ SpecialCastFunction mi_specialcast;
+ TypeDiscoveryFunc type_discovery;
+ ObjectCopierFunction obj_copier;
+ /// Extended "isConvertible" function to be used when a conversion operator is defined in another module.
+ ExtendedIsConvertibleFunc ext_isconvertible;
+ /// Extended "toCpp" function to be used when a conversion operator is defined in another module.
+ ExtendedToCppFunc ext_tocpp;
+ /// Pointer to a function responsible for deletetion of the C++ instance calling the proper destructor.
+ ObjectDestructor cpp_dtor;
+ /// True if this type holds two or more C++ instances, e.g.: a Python class which inherits from two C++ classes.
+ int is_multicpp:1;
+ /// True if this type was definied by the user.
+ int is_user_type:1;
+ /// C++ name
+ char* original_name;
+ /// Type user data
+ void *user_data;
+ DeleteUserDataFunc d_func;
} // extern "C"
namespace Shiboken
@@ -97,7 +125,7 @@ class HierarchyVisitor
HierarchyVisitor() : m_wasFinished(false) {}
virtual ~HierarchyVisitor() {}
- virtual void visit(SbkObjectType* node) = 0;
+ virtual void visit(SbkBaseType* node) = 0;
void finish() { m_wasFinished = true; };
bool wasFinished() const { return m_wasFinished; }
@@ -109,7 +137,7 @@ class BaseCountVisitor : public HierarchyVisitor
BaseCountVisitor() : m_count(0) {}
- void visit(SbkObjectType*)
+ void visit(SbkBaseType*)
@@ -124,21 +152,21 @@ class BaseAccumulatorVisitor : public HierarchyVisitor
BaseAccumulatorVisitor() {}
- void visit(SbkObjectType* node)
+ void visit(SbkBaseType* node)
- std::list<SbkObjectType*> bases() const { return m_bases; }
+ std::list<SbkBaseType*> bases() const { return m_bases; }
- std::list<SbkObjectType*> m_bases;
+ std::list<SbkBaseType*> m_bases;
class GetIndexVisitor : public HierarchyVisitor
GetIndexVisitor(PyTypeObject* desiredType) : m_index(-1), m_desiredType(desiredType) {}
- virtual void visit(SbkObjectType* node)
+ virtual void visit(SbkBaseType* node)
if (PyType_IsSubtype(reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject*>(node), m_desiredType))
@@ -155,7 +183,7 @@ class DtorCallerVisitor : public HierarchyVisitor
DtorCallerVisitor(SbkObject* pyObj) : m_count(0), m_pyObj(pyObj) {}
- void visit(SbkObjectType* node);
+ void visit(SbkBaseType* node);
int m_count;
SbkObject* m_pyObj;
@@ -183,21 +211,21 @@ inline int getNumberOfCppBaseClasses(PyTypeObject* baseType)
return visitor.count();
-inline std::list<SbkObjectType*> getCppBaseClasses(PyTypeObject* baseType)
+inline std::list<SbkBaseType*> getCppBaseClasses(PyTypeObject* baseType)
BaseAccumulatorVisitor visitor;
walkThroughClassHierarchy(baseType, &visitor);
return visitor.bases();
+namespace Wrapper
* Decrements the reference counters of every object referred by self.
* \param self the wrapper instance that keeps references to other objects.
void clearReferences(SbkObject* self);
-namespace Wrapper
* Destroy internal data
diff --git a/libshiboken/bindingmanager.cpp b/libshiboken/bindingmanager.cpp
index b56cceed4..3742f6fe7 100644
--- a/libshiboken/bindingmanager.cpp
+++ b/libshiboken/bindingmanager.cpp
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ typedef google::dense_hash_map<const void*, SbkObject*> WrapperMap;
class Graph
- typedef std::list<SbkObjectType*> NodeList;
- typedef google::dense_hash_map<SbkObjectType*, NodeList> Edges;
+ typedef std::list<SbkBaseType*> NodeList;
+ typedef google::dense_hash_map<SbkBaseType*, NodeList> Edges;
Edges m_edges;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public:
- void addEdge(SbkObjectType* from, SbkObjectType* to)
+ void addEdge(SbkBaseType* from, SbkBaseType* to)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public:
Edges::const_iterator i = m_edges.begin();
for (; i != m_edges.end(); ++i) {
- SbkObjectType* node1 = i->first;
+ SbkBaseType* node1 = i->first;
const NodeList& nodeList = i->second;
NodeList::const_iterator j = nodeList.begin();
for (; j != nodeList.end(); ++j)
@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ public:
- SbkObjectType* identifyType(void* cptr, SbkObjectType* type, SbkObjectType* baseType) const
+ SbkBaseType* identifyType(void* cptr, SbkBaseType* type, SbkBaseType* baseType) const
Edges::const_iterator edgesIt = m_edges.find(type);
if (edgesIt != m_edges.end()) {
const NodeList& adjNodes = m_edges.find(type)->second;
NodeList::const_iterator i = adjNodes.begin();
for (; i != adjNodes.end(); ++i) {
- SbkObjectType* newType = identifyType(cptr, *i, baseType);
+ SbkBaseType* newType = identifyType(cptr, *i, baseType);
if (newType)
return newType;
- return type->type_discovery ? type->type_discovery(cptr, baseType) : 0;
+ return ((type->d && type->d->type_discovery) ? type->d->type_discovery(cptr, baseType) : 0);
@@ -166,13 +166,17 @@ bool BindingManager::hasWrapper(const void* cptr)
void BindingManager::registerWrapper(SbkObject* pyObj, void* cptr)
- SbkObjectType* instanceType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(pyObj->ob_type);
+ SbkBaseType* instanceType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(pyObj->ob_type);
+ SbkBaseTypePrivate* d = instanceType->d;
- if (instanceType->mi_init && !instanceType->mi_offsets)
- instanceType->mi_offsets = instanceType->mi_init(cptr);
+ if (!d)
+ return;
+ if (d->mi_init && !d->mi_offsets)
+ d->mi_offsets = d->mi_init(cptr);
m_d->assignWrapper(pyObj, cptr);
- if (instanceType->mi_offsets) {
- int* offset = instanceType->mi_offsets;
+ if (d->mi_offsets) {
+ int* offset = d->mi_offsets;
while (*offset != -1) {
if (*offset > 0)
m_d->assignWrapper(pyObj, reinterpret_cast<void*>((std::size_t) cptr + (*offset)));
@@ -183,15 +187,16 @@ void BindingManager::registerWrapper(SbkObject* pyObj, void* cptr)
void BindingManager::releaseWrapper(SbkObject* sbkObj)
- SbkObjectType* sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(sbkObj->ob_type);
- int numBases = sbkType->is_multicpp ? getNumberOfCppBaseClasses(sbkObj->ob_type) : 1;
+ SbkBaseType* sbkType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(sbkObj->ob_type);
+ SbkBaseTypePrivate* d = sbkType->d;
+ int numBases = ((d && d->is_multicpp) ? getNumberOfCppBaseClasses(sbkObj->ob_type) : 1);
void** cptrs = reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(sbkObj)->d->cptr;
for (int i = 0; i < numBases; ++i) {
void* cptr = cptrs[i];
- if (sbkType->mi_offsets) {
- int* offset = sbkType->mi_offsets;
+ if (d && d->mi_offsets) {
+ int* offset = d->mi_offsets;
while (*offset != -1) {
if (*offset > 0)
m_d->releaseWrapper((void*) ((std::size_t) cptr + (*offset)));
@@ -250,14 +255,14 @@ PyObject* BindingManager::getOverride(const void* cptr, const char* methodName)
return 0;
-void BindingManager::addClassInheritance(SbkObjectType* parent, SbkObjectType* child)
+void BindingManager::addClassInheritance(SbkBaseType* parent, SbkBaseType* child)
m_d->classHierarchy.addEdge(parent, child);
-SbkObjectType* BindingManager::resolveType(void* cptr, SbkObjectType* type)
+SbkBaseType* BindingManager::resolveType(void* cptr, SbkBaseType* type)
- SbkObjectType* identifiedType = m_d->classHierarchy.identifyType(cptr, type, type);
+ SbkBaseType* identifiedType = m_d->classHierarchy.identifyType(cptr, type, type);
return identifiedType ? identifiedType : type;
diff --git a/libshiboken/bindingmanager.h b/libshiboken/bindingmanager.h
index b6d4ac42b..2ead23510 100644
--- a/libshiboken/bindingmanager.h
+++ b/libshiboken/bindingmanager.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include "shibokenmacros.h"
struct SbkObject;
-struct SbkObjectType;
+struct SbkBaseType;
namespace Shiboken
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ public:
SbkObject* retrieveWrapper(const void* cptr);
PyObject* getOverride(const void* cptr, const char* methodName);
- void addClassInheritance(SbkObjectType* parent, SbkObjectType* child);
- SbkObjectType* resolveType(void* cptr, SbkObjectType* type);
+ void addClassInheritance(SbkBaseType* parent, SbkBaseType* child);
+ SbkBaseType* resolveType(void* cptr, SbkBaseType* type);
std::set<SbkObject*> getAllPyObjects();
diff --git a/libshiboken/conversions.h b/libshiboken/conversions.h
index 4d55ef0fe..d6a3dd5ee 100644
--- a/libshiboken/conversions.h
+++ b/libshiboken/conversions.h
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ struct CppObjectCopier<T, true>
static inline T* copy(const T& obj)
- return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(SbkType<T>())->obj_copier(&obj));
+ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(BaseType::copy(reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(SbkType<T>()), &obj));
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ inline PyObject* createWrapper(const T* cppobj, bool hasOwnership = false, bool
const char* typeName = 0;
if (!isExactType)
typeName = typeid(*const_cast<T*>(cppobj)).name();
- return Wrapper::newObject(reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(SbkType<T>()),
+ return Wrapper::newObject(reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(SbkType<T>()),
const_cast<T*>(cppobj), hasOwnership, isExactType, typeName);
@@ -213,10 +213,8 @@ struct ValueTypeConverter
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(pyobj, SbkType<T>()))
return true;
- SbkObjectType* shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(SbkType<T>());
- if (shiboType->ext_isconvertible)
- return shiboType->ext_isconvertible(pyobj);
- return false;
+ SbkBaseType* shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(SbkType<T>());
+ return BaseType::isExternalConvertible(shiboType, pyobj);
static inline PyObject* toPython(void* cppobj) { return toPython(*reinterpret_cast<T*>(cppobj)); }
static inline PyObject* toPython(const T& cppobj)
@@ -233,9 +231,9 @@ struct ValueTypeConverter
static inline T toCpp(PyObject* pyobj)
if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(pyobj, SbkType<T>())) {
- SbkObjectType* shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(SbkType<T>());
- if (shiboType->ext_tocpp && isConvertible(pyobj)) {
- T* cptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(shiboType->ext_tocpp(pyobj));
+ SbkBaseType* shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(SbkType<T>());
+ if (BaseType::hasExternalCppConversions(shiboType) && isConvertible(pyobj)) {
+ T* cptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(BaseType::callExternalCppConversion(shiboType, pyobj));
std::auto_ptr<T> cptr_auto_ptr(cptr);
return *cptr;
@@ -273,11 +271,9 @@ struct ObjectTypeConverter
if (pyobj == Py_None)
return 0;
- SbkObjectType* shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(pyobj->ob_type);
- if (shiboType->mi_specialcast)
- return (T*) shiboType->mi_specialcast(
- Wrapper::cppPointer(reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(pyobj), SbkType<T>()),
- reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType*>(SbkType<T>()));
+ SbkBaseType* shiboType = reinterpret_cast<SbkBaseType*>(pyobj->ob_type);
+ if (BaseType::hasCast(shiboType))
+ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(BaseType::cast(shiboType, reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(pyobj), SbkType<T>()));
return (T*) Wrapper::cppPointer(reinterpret_cast<SbkObject*>(pyobj), SbkType<T>());
@@ -564,7 +560,7 @@ struct StdListConverter
// binded types implementing sequence protocol, otherwise this will
// cause a mess like QBitArray being accepted by someone expecting a
// QStringList.
- if ((SbkType<StdList>() && isShibokenType(pyObj)) || !PySequence_Check(pyObj))
+ if ((SbkType<StdList>() && Wrapper::checkType(pyObj)) || !PySequence_Check(pyObj))
return false;
for (int i = 0, max = PySequence_Length(pyObj); i < max; ++i) {
AutoDecRef item(PySequence_GetItem(pyObj, i));
@@ -610,7 +606,7 @@ struct StdPairConverter
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(pyObj, SbkType<StdPair>()))
return true;
- if ((SbkType<StdPair>() && isShibokenType(pyObj)) || !PySequence_Check(pyObj) || PySequence_Length(pyObj) != 2)
+ if ((SbkType<StdPair>() && Wrapper::checkType(pyObj)) || !PySequence_Check(pyObj) || PySequence_Length(pyObj) != 2)
return false;
AutoDecRef item1(PySequence_GetItem(pyObj, 0));
@@ -655,7 +651,7 @@ struct StdMapConverter
if (PyObject_TypeCheck(pyObj, SbkType<StdMap>()))
return true;
- if ((SbkType<StdMap>() && isShibokenType(pyObj)) || !PyDict_Check(pyObj))
+ if ((SbkType<StdMap>() && Wrapper::checkType(pyObj)) || !PyDict_Check(pyObj))
return false;
PyObject* key;
diff --git a/libshiboken/typeresolver.h b/libshiboken/typeresolver.h
index bec990909..f959010fd 100644
--- a/libshiboken/typeresolver.h
+++ b/libshiboken/typeresolver.h
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
#include "shibokenmacros.h"
#include "conversions.h"
-class SbkObjectType;
namespace Shiboken