path: root/examples
diff options
authorFriedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>2023-04-05 12:59:19 +0200
committerQt Cherry-pick Bot <cherrypick_bot@qt-project.org>2023-04-05 12:39:49 +0000
commit92c3ad8ba9bf721a4af01b2e3dcb94f795b85dde (patch)
tree975cde9cebca3739e85da78cac22e9b0adb6bc01 /examples
parent90ef530f99ea847e5fb0ac9090ad747296e29d77 (diff)
Remove the tabbed browser example
It has been superseded by a port of the simple browser example. Task-number: PYSIDE-2206 Change-Id: Iec04ddefc99d3dba02506ae8c2afe90b07539f63 Reviewed-by: Cristian Maureira-Fredes <cristian.maureira-fredes@qt.io> (cherry picked from commit f5fe9f9b043ed7f51e8085588dbeef190e81b0f8) Reviewed-by: Qt Cherry-pick Bot <cherrypick_bot@qt-project.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
-rw-r--r--examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/doc/tabbedbrowser.pngbin37147 -> 0 bytes
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1167 deletions
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/bookmarkwidget.py b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/bookmarkwidget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f9c8878a..000000000
--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/bookmarkwidget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-import json
-import os
-import warnings
-from PySide6 import QtCore
-from PySide6.QtCore import QDir, QFileInfo, QStandardPaths, Qt, QUrl
-from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon, QStandardItem, QStandardItemModel
-from PySide6.QtWidgets import QMenu, QMessageBox, QTreeView
-_url_role = Qt.UserRole + 1
-# Default bookmarks as an array of arrays which is the form
-# used to read from/write to a .json bookmarks file
-_default_bookmarks = [
- ['Tool Bar'],
- ['http://qt.io', 'Qt', ':/qt-project.org/qmessagebox/images/qtlogo-64.png'],
- ['https://download.qt.io/snapshots/ci/pyside/', 'Downloads'],
- ['https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/', 'Documentation'],
- ['https://bugreports.qt.io/projects/PYSIDE/', 'Bug Reports'],
- ['https://www.python.org/', 'Python', None],
- ['https://wiki.qt.io/PySide6', 'Qt for Python', None],
- ['Other Bookmarks']
-def _config_dir():
- location = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.ConfigLocation)
- return f'{location}/QtForPythonBrowser'
-_bookmark_file = 'bookmarks.json'
-def _create_folder_item(title):
- result = QStandardItem(title)
- result.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable)
- return result
-def _create_item(url, title, icon):
- result = QStandardItem(title)
- result.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable)
- result.setData(url, _url_role)
- if icon is not None:
- result.setIcon(icon)
- return result
-# Create the model from an array of arrays
-def _create_model(parent, serialized_bookmarks):
- result = QStandardItemModel(0, 1, parent)
- last_folder_item = None
- for entry in serialized_bookmarks:
- if len(entry) == 1:
- last_folder_item = _create_folder_item(entry[0])
- result.appendRow(last_folder_item)
- else:
- url = QUrl.fromUserInput(entry[0])
- title = entry[1]
- icon = QIcon(entry[2]) if len(entry) > 2 and entry[2] else None
- last_folder_item.appendRow(_create_item(url, title, icon))
- return result
-# Serialize model into an array of arrays, writing out the icons
-# into .png files under directory in the process
-def _serialize_model(model, directory):
- result = []
- folder_count = model.rowCount()
- for f in range(0, folder_count):
- folder_item = model.item(f)
- result.append([folder_item.text()])
- item_count = folder_item.rowCount()
- for i in range(0, item_count):
- item = folder_item.child(i)
- entry = [item.data(_url_role).toString(), item.text()]
- icon = item.icon()
- if not icon.isNull():
- icon_sizes = icon.availableSizes()
- largest_size = icon_sizes[len(icon_sizes) - 1]
- w = largest_size.width()
- icon_file_name = f'{directory}/icon{f:02}_{i:02}_{w}.png'
- icon.pixmap(largest_size).save(icon_file_name, 'PNG')
- entry.append(icon_file_name)
- result.append(entry)
- return result
-# Bookmarks as a tree view to be used in a dock widget with
-# functionality to persist and populate tool bars and menus.
-class BookmarkWidget(QTreeView):
- """Provides a tree view to manage the bookmarks."""
- open_bookmark = QtCore.Signal(QUrl)
- open_bookmark_in_new_tab = QtCore.Signal(QUrl)
- changed = QtCore.Signal()
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.setRootIsDecorated(False)
- self.setUniformRowHeights(True)
- self.setHeaderHidden(True)
- self._model = _create_model(self, self._read_bookmarks())
- self.setModel(self._model)
- self.expandAll()
- self.activated.connect(self._activated)
- self._model.rowsInserted.connect(self._changed)
- self._model.rowsRemoved.connect(self._changed)
- self._model.dataChanged.connect(self._changed)
- self._modified = False
- def _changed(self):
- self._modified = True
- self.changed.emit()
- def _activated(self, index):
- item = self._model.itemFromIndex(index)
- self.open_bookmark.emit(item.data(_url_role))
- def _action_activated(self, index):
- action = self.sender()
- self.open_bookmark.emit(action.data())
- def _tool_bar_item(self):
- return self._model.item(0, 0)
- def _other_item(self):
- return self._model.item(1, 0)
- def add_bookmark(self, url, title, icon):
- self._other_item().appendRow(_create_item(url, title, icon))
- def add_tool_bar_bookmark(self, url, title, icon):
- self._tool_bar_item().appendRow(_create_item(url, title, icon))
- # Synchronize the bookmarks under parent_item to a target_object
- # like QMenu/QToolBar, which has a list of actions. Update
- # the existing actions, append new ones if needed or hide
- # superfluous ones
- def _populate_actions(self, parent_item, target_object, first_action):
- existing_actions = target_object.actions()
- existing_action_count = len(existing_actions)
- a = first_action
- row_count = parent_item.rowCount()
- for r in range(0, row_count):
- item = parent_item.child(r)
- title = item.text()
- icon = item.icon()
- url = item.data(_url_role)
- if a < existing_action_count:
- action = existing_actions[a]
- if (title != action.toolTip()):
- action.setText(BookmarkWidget.short_title(title))
- action.setIcon(icon)
- action.setToolTip(title)
- action.setData(url)
- action.setVisible(True)
- else:
- short_title = BookmarkWidget.short_title(title)
- action = target_object.addAction(icon, short_title)
- action.setToolTip(title)
- action.setData(url)
- action.triggered.connect(self._action_activated)
- a = a + 1
- while a < existing_action_count:
- existing_actions[a].setVisible(False)
- a = a + 1
- def populate_tool_bar(self, tool_bar):
- self._populate_actions(self._tool_bar_item(), tool_bar, 0)
- def populate_other(self, menu, first_action):
- self._populate_actions(self._other_item(), menu, first_action)
- def _current_item(self):
- index = self.currentIndex()
- if index.isValid():
- item = self._model.itemFromIndex(index)
- if item.parent(): # exclude top level items
- return item
- return None
- def context_menu_event(self, event):
- context_menu = QMenu()
- open_in_new_tab_action = context_menu.addAction("Open in New Tab")
- remove_action = context_menu.addAction("Remove...")
- current_item = self._current_item()
- open_in_new_tab_action.setEnabled(current_item is not None)
- remove_action.setEnabled(current_item is not None)
- chosen_action = context_menu.exec(event.globalPos())
- if chosen_action == open_in_new_tab_action:
- self.open_bookmarkInNewTab.emit(current_item.data(_url_role))
- elif chosen_action == remove_action:
- self._remove_item(current_item)
- def _remove_item(self, item):
- message = f"Would you like to remove \"{item.text()}\"?"
- button = QMessageBox.question(self, "Remove", message,
- QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No)
- if button == QMessageBox.Yes:
- item.parent().removeRow(item.row())
- def write_bookmarks(self):
- if not self._modified:
- return
- dir_path = _config_dir()
- native_dir_path = QDir.toNativeSeparators(dir_path)
- directory = QFileInfo(dir_path)
- if not directory.isDir():
- print(f'Creating {native_dir_path}...')
- if not QDir(directory.absolutePath()).mkpath(directory.fileName()):
- warnings.warn(f'Cannot create {native_dir_path}.',
- RuntimeWarning)
- return
- serialized_model = _serialize_model(self._model, dir_path)
- bookmark_file_name = os.path.join(native_dir_path, _bookmark_file)
- print(f'Writing {bookmark_file_name}...')
- with open(bookmark_file_name, 'w') as bookmark_file:
- json.dump(serialized_model, bookmark_file, indent=4)
- def _read_bookmarks(self):
- bookmark_file_name = os.path.join(QDir.toNativeSeparators(_config_dir()),
- _bookmark_file)
- if os.path.exists(bookmark_file_name):
- print(f'Reading {bookmark_file_name}...')
- return json.load(open(bookmark_file_name))
- return _default_bookmarks
- # Return a short title for a bookmark action,
- # "Qt | Cross Platform.." -> "Qt"
- @staticmethod
- def short_title(t):
- i = t.find(' | ')
- if i == -1:
- i = t.find(' - ')
- return t[0:i] if i != -1 else t
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/browsertabwidget.py b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/browsertabwidget.py
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/browsertabwidget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-from functools import partial
-from bookmarkwidget import BookmarkWidget
-from webengineview import WebEngineView
-from historywindow import HistoryWindow
-from PySide6.QtCore import Qt, QUrl, Signal, Slot
-from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon
-from PySide6.QtWidgets import QMenu, QTabBar, QTabWidget
-from PySide6.QtWebEngineCore import QWebEngineDownloadRequest, QWebEnginePage
-class BrowserTabWidget(QTabWidget):
- """Enables having several tabs with QWebEngineView."""
- url_changed = Signal(QUrl)
- enabled_changed = Signal(QWebEnginePage.WebAction, bool)
- download_requested = Signal(QWebEngineDownloadRequest)
- def __init__(self, window_factory_function):
- super().__init__()
- self.setTabsClosable(True)
- self._window_factory_function = window_factory_function
- self._webengineviews = []
- self._history_windows = {} # map WebengineView to HistoryWindow
- self.currentChanged.connect(self._current_changed)
- self.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.handle_tab_close_request)
- self._actions_enabled = {}
- for web_action in WebEngineView.web_actions():
- self._actions_enabled[web_action] = False
- tab_bar = self.tabBar()
- tab_bar.setSelectionBehaviorOnRemove(QTabBar.SelectPreviousTab)
- tab_bar.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu)
- tab_bar.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self._handle_tab_context_menu)
- def add_browser_tab(self):
- factory_func = partial(BrowserTabWidget.add_browser_tab, self)
- web_engine_view = WebEngineView(factory_func,
- self._window_factory_function)
- index = self.count()
- self._webengineviews.append(web_engine_view)
- title = f'Tab {index + 1}'
- self.addTab(web_engine_view, title)
- page = web_engine_view.page()
- page.titleChanged.connect(self._title_changed)
- page.iconChanged.connect(self._icon_changed)
- page.profile().downloadRequested.connect(self._download_requested)
- web_engine_view.urlChanged.connect(self._url_changed)
- web_engine_view.enabled_changed.connect(self._enabled_changed)
- self.setCurrentIndex(index)
- return web_engine_view
- def load(self, url):
- index = self.currentIndex()
- if index >= 0 and url.isValid():
- self._webengineviews[index].setUrl(url)
- def find(self, needle, flags):
- index = self.currentIndex()
- if index >= 0:
- self._webengineviews[index].page().findText(needle, flags)
- def url(self):
- index = self.currentIndex()
- return self._webengineviews[index].url() if index >= 0 else QUrl()
- @Slot(QUrl)
- def _url_changed(self, url):
- index = self.currentIndex()
- if index >= 0 and self._webengineviews[index] == self.sender():
- self.url_changed.emit(url)
- @Slot(str)
- def _title_changed(self, title):
- index = self._index_of_page(self.sender())
- if (index >= 0):
- self.setTabText(index, BookmarkWidget.short_title(title))
- @Slot(QIcon)
- def _icon_changed(self, icon):
- index = self._index_of_page(self.sender())
- if (index >= 0):
- self.setTabIcon(index, icon)
- @Slot(object,bool)
- def _enabled_changed(self, web_action, enabled):
- index = self.currentIndex()
- if index >= 0 and self._webengineviews[index] == self.sender():
- self._check_emit_enabled_changed(web_action, enabled)
- def _check_emit_enabled_changed(self, web_action, enabled):
- if enabled != self._actions_enabled[web_action]:
- self._actions_enabled[web_action] = enabled
- self.enabled_changed.emit(web_action, enabled)
- def _current_changed(self, index):
- self._update_actions(index)
- self.url_changed.emit(self.url())
- def _update_actions(self, index):
- if index >= 0 and index < len(self._webengineviews):
- view = self._webengineviews[index]
- for web_action in WebEngineView.web_actions():
- enabled = view.is_web_action_enabled(web_action)
- self._check_emit_enabled_changed(web_action, enabled)
- def back(self):
- self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Back)
- def forward(self):
- self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Forward)
- def reload(self):
- self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Reload)
- def undo(self):
- self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Undo)
- def redo(self):
- self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Redo)
- def cut(self):
- self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Cut)
- def copy(self):
- self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Copy)
- def paste(self):
- self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Paste)
- def select_all(self):
- self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.SelectAll)
- def show_history(self):
- index = self.currentIndex()
- if index >= 0:
- webengineview = self._webengineviews[index]
- history_window = self._history_windows.get(webengineview)
- if not history_window:
- history = webengineview.page().history()
- history_window = HistoryWindow(history, self)
- history_window.open_url.connect(self.load)
- history_window.setWindowFlags(history_window.windowFlags()
- | Qt.Window)
- history_window.setWindowTitle('History')
- self._history_windows[webengineview] = history_window
- else:
- history_window.refresh()
- history_window.show()
- history_window.raise_()
- def zoom_factor(self):
- return self._webengineviews[0].zoomFactor() if self._webengineviews else 1.0
- def set_zoom_factor(self, z):
- for w in self._webengineviews:
- w.setZoomFactor(z)
- def _handle_tab_context_menu(self, point):
- index = self.tabBar().tabAt(point)
- if index < 0:
- return
- tab_count = len(self._webengineviews)
- context_menu = QMenu()
- duplicate_tab_action = context_menu.addAction("Duplicate Tab")
- close_other_tabs_action = context_menu.addAction("Close Other Tabs")
- close_other_tabs_action.setEnabled(tab_count > 1)
- close_tabs_to_the_right_action = context_menu.addAction("Close Tabs to the Right")
- close_tabs_to_the_right_action.setEnabled(index < tab_count - 1)
- close_tab_action = context_menu.addAction("&Close Tab")
- chosen_action = context_menu.exec(self.tabBar().mapToGlobal(point))
- if chosen_action == duplicate_tab_action:
- current_url = self.url()
- self.add_browser_tab().load(current_url)
- elif chosen_action == close_other_tabs_action:
- for t in range(tab_count - 1, -1, -1):
- if t != index:
- self.handle_tab_close_request(t)
- elif chosen_action == close_tabs_to_the_right_action:
- for t in range(tab_count - 1, index, -1):
- self.handle_tab_close_request(t)
- elif chosen_action == close_tab_action:
- self.handle_tab_close_request(index)
- def handle_tab_close_request(self, index):
- if (index >= 0 and self.count() > 1):
- webengineview = self._webengineviews[index]
- if self._history_windows.get(webengineview):
- del self._history_windows[webengineview]
- self._webengineviews.remove(webengineview)
- self.removeTab(index)
- def close_current_tab(self):
- self.handle_tab_close_request(self.currentIndex())
- def _trigger_action(self, action):
- index = self.currentIndex()
- if index >= 0:
- self._webengineviews[index].page().triggerAction(action)
- def _index_of_page(self, web_page):
- for p in range(0, len(self._webengineviews)):
- if (self._webengineviews[p].page() == web_page):
- return p
- return -1
- @Slot(QWebEngineDownloadRequest)
- def _download_requested(self, item):
- self.download_requested.emit(item)
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/doc/tabbedbrowser.png b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/doc/tabbedbrowser.png
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/doc/tabbedbrowser.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/doc/tabbedbrowser.rst b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/doc/tabbedbrowser.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d8f5deb8d..000000000
--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/doc/tabbedbrowser.rst
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@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-Web Browser Example
-The example demonstrates the power and simplicity offered by |project| to developers.
-It uses several |pymodname| submodules to offer a fluid and modern-looking UI that
-is apt for a web browser. The application offers the following features:
- * Tab-based browsing experience using QTabWidget.
- * Download manager using a QProgressBar and QWebEngineDownloadItem.
- * Bookmark manager using QTreeView.
-.. image:: tabbedbrowser.png
-The application's code is organized in several parts for ease of maintenance. For example,
-:code:`DownloadWidget` provides a widget to track progress of a download item. In the following
-sections, these different parts are discussed briefly to help you understand the Python code behind
-them a little better.
-BookmarkWidget or :code:`bookmarkwidget.py`
-This widget docks to the left of the main window by default. It inherits QTreeView and
-loads a default set of bookmarks using a QStandardItemModel. The model is populated at startup
-from a JSON file, which is updated when you add or remove bookmarks from the tree view.
-.. automodule:: bookmarkwidget
- :members:
-DownloadWidget or :code:`downloadwidget.py`
-The widget tracks progress of the download item. It inherits QProgressBar to display
-progress of the QWebEngineDownloadItem instance, and offers a context-menu with actions such as Launch,
-Show in folder, Cancel, and Remove.
-.. automodule:: downloadwidget
- :members:
-BrowserTabWidget or :code:`browsertabwidget.py`
-The widget includes a QWebEngineView to enable viewing web content. It docks to the right
-of BookmarkWidget in the main window.
-.. automodule:: browsertabwidget
- :members:
-MainWindow or :code:`main.py`
-This is the parent window that collates all the other widgets together to offer the complete package.
-.. automodule:: main
- :members:
-Try running the example to explore it further.
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/downloadwidget.py b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/downloadwidget.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a48b75a5..000000000
--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/downloadwidget.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-import sys
-from PySide6 import QtCore
-from PySide6.QtCore import QDir, QFileInfo, QStandardPaths, Qt, QUrl
-from PySide6.QtGui import QDesktopServices
-from PySide6.QtWidgets import QMenu, QProgressBar, QStyleFactory
-from PySide6.QtWebEngineCore import QWebEngineDownloadRequest
-# A QProgressBar with context menu for displaying downloads in a QStatusBar.
-class DownloadWidget(QProgressBar):
- """Lets you track progress of a QWebEngineDownloadRequest."""
- finished = QtCore.Signal()
- remove_requested = QtCore.Signal()
- def __init__(self, download_item):
- super().__init__()
- self._download_item = download_item
- download_item.finished.connect(self._finished)
- download_item.downloadProgress.connect(self._download_progress)
- download_item.stateChanged.connect(self._update_tool_tip())
- path = download_item.path()
- self.setMaximumWidth(300)
- # Shorten 'PySide6-5.11.0a1-5.11.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl'...
- description = QFileInfo(path).fileName()
- description_length = len(description)
- if description_length > 30:
- description_ini = description[0:10]
- description_end = description[description_length - 10:]
- description = f'{description_ini}...{description_end}'
- self.setFormat(f'{description} %p%')
- self.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal)
- self.setMinimum(0)
- self.setValue(0)
- self.setMaximum(100)
- self._update_tool_tip()
- # Force progress bar text to be shown on macoS by using 'fusion' style
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- self.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create('fusion'))
- @staticmethod
- def open_file(file):
- QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl.fromLocalFile(file))
- @staticmethod
- def open_download_directory():
- path = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.DownloadLocation)
- DownloadWidget.open_file(path)
- def state(self):
- return self._download_item.state()
- def _update_tool_tip(self):
- path = self._download_item.path()
- url_str = self._download_item.url().toString()
- native_sep = QDir.toNativeSeparators(path)
- tool_tip = f"{url_str}\n{native_sep}"
- total_bytes = self._download_item.totalBytes()
- if total_bytes > 0:
- tool_tip += f"\n{total_bytes / 1024}K"
- state = self.state()
- if state == QWebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadRequested:
- tool_tip += "\n(requested)"
- elif state == QWebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadInProgress:
- tool_tip += "\n(downloading)"
- elif state == QWebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadCompleted:
- tool_tip += "\n(completed)"
- elif state == QWebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadCancelled:
- tool_tip += "\n(cancelled)"
- else:
- tool_tip += "\n(interrupted)"
- self.setToolTip(tool_tip)
- def _download_progress(self, bytes_received, bytes_total):
- self.setValue(int(100 * bytes_received / bytes_total))
- def _finished(self):
- self._update_tool_tip()
- self.finished.emit()
- def _launch(self):
- DownloadWidget.open_file(self._download_item.path())
- def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
- if self.state() == QWebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadCompleted:
- self._launch()
- def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
- state = self.state()
- context_menu = QMenu()
- launch_action = context_menu.addAction("Launch")
- launch_action.setEnabled(state == QWebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadCompleted)
- show_in_folder_action = context_menu.addAction("Show in Folder")
- show_in_folder_action.setEnabled(state == QWebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadCompleted)
- cancel_action = context_menu.addAction("Cancel")
- cancel_action.setEnabled(state == QWebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadInProgress)
- remove_action = context_menu.addAction("Remove")
- remove_action.setEnabled(state != QWebEngineDownloadRequest.DownloadInProgress)
- chosen_action = context_menu.exec(event.globalPos())
- if chosen_action == launch_action:
- self._launch()
- elif chosen_action == show_in_folder_action:
- path = QFileInfo(self._download_item.path()).absolutePath()
- DownloadWidget.open_file(path)
- elif chosen_action == cancel_action:
- self._download_item.cancel()
- elif chosen_action == remove_action:
- self.remove_requested.emit()
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/findtoolbar.py b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/findtoolbar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d2d5afb..000000000
--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/findtoolbar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-from PySide6 import QtCore
-from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
-from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon, QKeySequence
-from PySide6.QtWidgets import QCheckBox, QLineEdit, QToolBar, QToolButton
-from PySide6.QtWebEngineCore import QWebEnginePage
-# A Find tool bar (bottom area)
-class FindToolBar(QToolBar):
- find = QtCore.Signal(str, QWebEnginePage.FindFlag)
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self._line_edit = QLineEdit()
- self._line_edit.setClearButtonEnabled(True)
- self._line_edit.setPlaceholderText("Find...")
- self._line_edit.setMaximumWidth(300)
- self._line_edit.returnPressed.connect(self._find_next)
- self.addWidget(self._line_edit)
- self._previous_button = QToolButton()
- style_icons = ':/qt-project.org/styles/commonstyle/images/'
- self._previous_button.setIcon(QIcon(style_icons + 'up-32.png'))
- self._previous_button.clicked.connect(self._find_previous)
- self.addWidget(self._previous_button)
- self._next_button = QToolButton()
- self._next_button.setIcon(QIcon(style_icons + 'down-32.png'))
- self._next_button.clicked.connect(self._find_next)
- self.addWidget(self._next_button)
- self._case_sensitive_checkbox = QCheckBox('Case Sensitive')
- self.addWidget(self._case_sensitive_checkbox)
- self._hideButton = QToolButton()
- self._hideButton.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_Escape))
- self._hideButton.setIcon(QIcon(style_icons + 'closedock-16.png'))
- self._hideButton.clicked.connect(self.hide)
- self.addWidget(self._hideButton)
- def focus_find(self):
- self._line_edit.setFocus()
- def _emit_find(self, backward):
- needle = self._line_edit.text().strip()
- if needle:
- flags = QWebEnginePage.FindFlag(0)
- if self._case_sensitive_checkbox.isChecked():
- flags |= QWebEnginePage.FindCaseSensitively
- if backward:
- flags |= QWebEnginePage.FindBackward
- self.find.emit(needle, flags)
- def _find_next(self):
- self._emit_find(False)
- def _find_previous(self):
- self._emit_find(True)
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/historywindow.py b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/historywindow.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cf539afa..000000000
--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/historywindow.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QTreeView
-from PySide6.QtCore import Signal, QAbstractTableModel, QModelIndex, Qt, QUrl
-class HistoryModel(QAbstractTableModel):
- def __init__(self, history, parent=None):
- super().__init__(parent)
- self._history = history
- def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- return 'Title' if section == 0 else 'Url'
- return None
- def rowCount(self, index=QModelIndex()):
- return self._history.count()
- def columnCount(self, index=QModelIndex()):
- return 2
- def item_at(self, model_index):
- return self._history.itemAt(model_index.row())
- def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- item = self.item_at(index)
- column = index.column()
- if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- return item.title() if column == 0 else item.url().toString()
- return None
- def refresh(self):
- self.beginResetModel()
- self.endResetModel()
-class HistoryWindow(QTreeView):
- open_url = Signal(QUrl)
- def __init__(self, history, parent):
- super().__init__(parent)
- self._model = HistoryModel(history, self)
- self.setModel(self._model)
- self.activated.connect(self._activated)
- screen = QApplication.desktop().screenGeometry(parent)
- self.resize(screen.width() / 3, screen.height() / 3)
- self._adjustSize()
- def refresh(self):
- self._model.refresh()
- self._adjustSize()
- def _adjustSize(self):
- if (self._model.rowCount() > 0):
- self.resizeColumnToContents(0)
- def _activated(self, index):
- item = self._model.item_at(index)
- self.open_url.emit(item.url())
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/main.py b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/main.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ec7f13f7..000000000
--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/main.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-"""PySide6 WebEngineWidgets Example"""
-import sys
-from bookmarkwidget import BookmarkWidget
-from browsertabwidget import BrowserTabWidget
-from downloadwidget import DownloadWidget
-from findtoolbar import FindToolBar
-from webengineview import WebEngineView
-from PySide6 import QtCore
-from PySide6.QtCore import Qt, QUrl
-from PySide6.QtGui import QAction, QKeySequence, QIcon
-from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QDockWidget, QLabel,
- QLineEdit, QMainWindow, QToolBar)
-from PySide6.QtWebEngineCore import QWebEngineDownloadRequest, QWebEnginePage
-main_windows = []
-def create_main_window():
- """Creates a MainWindow using 75% of the available screen resolution."""
- main_win = MainWindow()
- main_windows.append(main_win)
- available_geometry = main_win.screen().availableGeometry()
- main_win.resize(available_geometry.width() * 2 / 3,
- available_geometry.height() * 2 / 3)
- return main_win
-def create_main_window_with_browser():
- """Creates a MainWindow with a BrowserTabWidget."""
- main_win = create_main_window()
- main_win.show()
- return main_win.add_browser_tab()
-class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
- """Provides the parent window that includes the BookmarkWidget,
- BrowserTabWidget, and a DownloadWidget, to offer the complete
- web browsing experience."""
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.setWindowTitle('PySide6 tabbed browser Example')
- self._tab_widget = BrowserTabWidget(create_main_window_with_browser)
- self._tab_widget.enabled_changed.connect(self._enabled_changed)
- self._tab_widget.download_requested.connect(self._download_requested)
- self.setCentralWidget(self._tab_widget)
- self.connect(self._tab_widget, QtCore.SIGNAL("url_changed(QUrl)"),
- self.url_changed)
- self._bookmark_dock = QDockWidget()
- self._bookmark_dock.setWindowTitle('Bookmarks')
- self._bookmark_widget = BookmarkWidget()
- self._bookmark_widget.open_bookmark.connect(self.load_url)
- self._bookmark_widget.open_bookmark_in_new_tab.connect(self.load_url_in_new_tab)
- self._bookmark_dock.setWidget(self._bookmark_widget)
- self.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self._bookmark_dock)
- self._find_tool_bar = None
- self._actions = {}
- self._create_menu()
- self._tool_bar = QToolBar()
- self.addToolBar(self._tool_bar)
- for action in self._actions.values():
- if not action.icon().isNull():
- self._tool_bar.addAction(action)
- self._addres_line_edit = QLineEdit()
- self._addres_line_edit.setClearButtonEnabled(True)
- self._addres_line_edit.returnPressed.connect(self.load)
- self._tool_bar.addWidget(self._addres_line_edit)
- self._zoom_label = QLabel()
- self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(self._zoom_label)
- self._update_zoom_label()
- self._bookmarksToolBar = QToolBar()
- self.addToolBar(Qt.TopToolBarArea, self._bookmarksToolBar)
- self.insertToolBarBreak(self._bookmarksToolBar)
- self._bookmark_widget.changed.connect(self._update_bookmarks)
- self._update_bookmarks()
- def _update_bookmarks(self):
- self._bookmark_widget.populate_tool_bar(self._bookmarksToolBar)
- self._bookmark_widget.populate_other(self._bookmark_menu, 3)
- def _create_menu(self):
- file_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&File")
- exit_action = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme("application-exit"), "E&xit",
- self, shortcut="Ctrl+Q", triggered=qApp.quit)
- file_menu.addAction(exit_action)
- navigation_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Navigation")
- style_icons = ':/qt-project.org/styles/commonstyle/images/'
- back_action = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme("go-previous",
- QIcon(style_icons + 'left-32.png')),
- "Back", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Back),
- triggered=self._tab_widget.back)
- self._actions[QWebEnginePage.Back] = back_action
- back_action.setEnabled(False)
- navigation_menu.addAction(back_action)
- forward_action = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme("go-next",
- QIcon(style_icons + 'right-32.png')),
- "Forward", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Forward),
- triggered=self._tab_widget.forward)
- forward_action.setEnabled(False)
- self._actions[QWebEnginePage.Forward] = forward_action
- navigation_menu.addAction(forward_action)
- reload_action = QAction(QIcon(style_icons + 'refresh-32.png'),
- "Reload", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Refresh),
- triggered=self._tab_widget.reload)
- self._actions[QWebEnginePage.Reload] = reload_action
- reload_action.setEnabled(False)
- navigation_menu.addAction(reload_action)
- navigation_menu.addSeparator()
- new_tab_action = QAction("New Tab", self,
- shortcut='Ctrl+T',
- triggered=self.add_browser_tab)
- navigation_menu.addAction(new_tab_action)
- close_tab_action = QAction("Close Current Tab", self,
- shortcut="Ctrl+W",
- triggered=self._close_current_tab)
- navigation_menu.addAction(close_tab_action)
- navigation_menu.addSeparator()
- history_action = QAction("History...", self,
- triggered=self._tab_widget.show_history)
- navigation_menu.addAction(history_action)
- edit_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Edit")
- find_action = QAction("Find", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Find),
- triggered=self._show_find)
- edit_menu.addAction(find_action)
- edit_menu.addSeparator()
- undo_action = QAction("Undo", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Undo),
- triggered=self._tab_widget.undo)
- self._actions[QWebEnginePage.Undo] = undo_action
- undo_action.setEnabled(False)
- edit_menu.addAction(undo_action)
- redo_action = QAction("Redo", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Redo),
- triggered=self._tab_widget.redo)
- self._actions[QWebEnginePage.Redo] = redo_action
- redo_action.setEnabled(False)
- edit_menu.addAction(redo_action)
- edit_menu.addSeparator()
- cut_action = QAction("Cut", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Cut),
- triggered=self._tab_widget.cut)
- self._actions[QWebEnginePage.Cut] = cut_action
- cut_action.setEnabled(False)
- edit_menu.addAction(cut_action)
- copy_action = QAction("Copy", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Copy),
- triggered=self._tab_widget.copy)
- self._actions[QWebEnginePage.Copy] = copy_action
- copy_action.setEnabled(False)
- edit_menu.addAction(copy_action)
- paste_action = QAction("Paste", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.Paste),
- triggered=self._tab_widget.paste)
- self._actions[QWebEnginePage.Paste] = paste_action
- paste_action.setEnabled(False)
- edit_menu.addAction(paste_action)
- edit_menu.addSeparator()
- select_all_action = QAction("Select All", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.SelectAll),
- triggered=self._tab_widget.select_all)
- self._actions[QWebEnginePage.SelectAll] = select_all_action
- select_all_action.setEnabled(False)
- edit_menu.addAction(select_all_action)
- self._bookmark_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Bookmarks")
- add_bookmark_action = QAction("&Add Bookmark", self,
- triggered=self._add_bookmark)
- self._bookmark_menu.addAction(add_bookmark_action)
- add_tool_bar_bookmark_action = QAction("&Add Bookmark to Tool Bar", self,
- triggered=self._add_tool_bar_bookmark)
- self._bookmark_menu.addAction(add_tool_bar_bookmark_action)
- self._bookmark_menu.addSeparator()
- tools_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Tools")
- download_action = QAction("Open Downloads", self,
- triggered=DownloadWidget.open_download_directory)
- tools_menu.addAction(download_action)
- window_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Window")
- window_menu.addAction(self._bookmark_dock.toggleViewAction())
- window_menu.addSeparator()
- zoom_in_action = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme("zoom-in"),
- "Zoom In", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.ZoomIn),
- triggered=self._zoom_in)
- window_menu.addAction(zoom_in_action)
- zoom_out_action = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme("zoom-out"),
- "Zoom Out", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.ZoomOut),
- triggered=self._zoom_out)
- window_menu.addAction(zoom_out_action)
- reset_zoom_action = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme("zoom-original"),
- "Reset Zoom", self,
- shortcut="Ctrl+0",
- triggered=self._reset_zoom)
- window_menu.addAction(reset_zoom_action)
- about_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&About")
- about_action = QAction("About Qt", self,
- shortcut=QKeySequence(QKeySequence.HelpContents),
- triggered=qApp.aboutQt)
- about_menu.addAction(about_action)
- def add_browser_tab(self):
- return self._tab_widget.add_browser_tab()
- def _close_current_tab(self):
- if self._tab_widget.count() > 1:
- self._tab_widget.close_current_tab()
- else:
- self.close()
- def close_event(self, event):
- main_windows.remove(self)
- event.accept()
- def load(self):
- url_string = self._addres_line_edit.text().strip()
- if url_string:
- self.load_url_string(url_string)
- def load_url_string(self, url_s):
- url = QUrl.fromUserInput(url_s)
- if (url.isValid()):
- self.load_url(url)
- def load_url(self, url):
- self._tab_widget.load(url)
- def load_url_in_new_tab(self, url):
- self.add_browser_tab().load(url)
- def url_changed(self, url):
- self._addres_line_edit.setText(url.toString())
- def _enabled_changed(self, web_action, enabled):
- action = self._actions[web_action]
- if action:
- action.setEnabled(enabled)
- def _add_bookmark(self):
- index = self._tab_widget.currentIndex()
- if index >= 0:
- url = self._tab_widget.url()
- title = self._tab_widget.tabText(index)
- icon = self._tab_widget.tabIcon(index)
- self._bookmark_widget.add_bookmark(url, title, icon)
- def _add_tool_bar_bookmark(self):
- index = self._tab_widget.currentIndex()
- if index >= 0:
- url = self._tab_widget.url()
- title = self._tab_widget.tabText(index)
- icon = self._tab_widget.tabIcon(index)
- self._bookmark_widget.add_tool_bar_bookmark(url, title, icon)
- def _zoom_in(self):
- new_zoom = self._tab_widget.zoom_factor() * 1.5
- if (new_zoom <= WebEngineView.maximum_zoom_factor()):
- self._tab_widget.set_zoom_factor(new_zoom)
- self._update_zoom_label()
- def _zoom_out(self):
- new_zoom = self._tab_widget.zoom_factor() / 1.5
- if (new_zoom >= WebEngineView.minimum_zoom_factor()):
- self._tab_widget.set_zoom_factor(new_zoom)
- self._update_zoom_label()
- def _reset_zoom(self):
- self._tab_widget.set_zoom_factor(1)
- self._update_zoom_label()
- def _update_zoom_label(self):
- percent = int(self._tab_widget.zoom_factor() * 100)
- self._zoom_label.setText(f"{percent}%")
- def _download_requested(self, item):
- # Remove old downloads before opening a new one
- for old_download in self.statusBar().children():
- if (type(old_download).__name__ == 'DownloadWidget' and
- old_download.state() != QWebEngineDownloadItem.DownloadInProgress):
- self.statusBar().removeWidget(old_download)
- del old_download
- item.accept()
- download_widget = DownloadWidget(item)
- download_widget.remove_requested.connect(self._remove_download_requested,
- Qt.QueuedConnection)
- self.statusBar().addWidget(download_widget)
- def _remove_download_requested(self):
- download_widget = self.sender()
- self.statusBar().removeWidget(download_widget)
- del download_widget
- def _show_find(self):
- if self._find_tool_bar is None:
- self._find_tool_bar = FindToolBar()
- self._find_tool_bar.find.connect(self._tab_widget.find)
- self.addToolBar(Qt.BottomToolBarArea, self._find_tool_bar)
- else:
- self._find_tool_bar.show()
- self._find_tool_bar.focus_find()
- def write_bookmarks(self):
- self._bookmark_widget.write_bookmarks()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = QApplication(sys.argv)
- main_win = create_main_window()
- initial_urls = sys.argv[1:]
- if not initial_urls:
- initial_urls.append('http://qt.io')
- for url in initial_urls:
- main_win.load_url_in_new_tab(QUrl.fromUserInput(url))
- main_win.show()
- exit_code = app.exec()
- main_win.write_bookmarks()
- sys.exit(exit_code)
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/tabbedbrowser.pyproject b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/tabbedbrowser.pyproject
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d26848b0..000000000
--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/tabbedbrowser.pyproject
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "files": ["main.py", "bookmarkwidget.py", "browsertabwidget.py",
- "downloadwidget.py", "findtoolbar.py", "historywindow.py",
- "webengineview.py"]
diff --git a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/webengineview.py b/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/webengineview.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 95eb01f14..000000000
--- a/examples/webenginewidgets/tabbedbrowser/webengineview.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-from PySide6.QtWebEngineCore import QWebEnginePage
-from PySide6.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView
-from PySide6.QtCore import Signal, Slot
-_web_actions = [QWebEnginePage.Back, QWebEnginePage.Forward,
- QWebEnginePage.Reload,
- QWebEnginePage.Undo, QWebEnginePage.Redo,
- QWebEnginePage.Cut, QWebEnginePage.Copy,
- QWebEnginePage.Paste, QWebEnginePage.SelectAll]
-class WebEngineView(QWebEngineView):
- enabled_changed = Signal(QWebEnginePage.WebAction, bool)
- @staticmethod
- def web_actions():
- return _web_actions
- @staticmethod
- def minimum_zoom_factor():
- return 0.25
- @staticmethod
- def maximum_zoom_factor():
- return 5
- def __init__(self, tab_factory_func, window_factory_func):
- super().__init__()
- self._tab_factory_func = tab_factory_func
- self._window_factory_func = window_factory_func
- page = self.page()
- self._actions = {}
- for web_action in WebEngineView.web_actions():
- action = page.action(web_action)
- action.changed.connect(self._enabled_changed)
- self._actions[action] = web_action
- def is_web_action_enabled(self, web_action):
- return self.page().action(web_action).isEnabled()
- def createWindow(self, window_type):
- if (window_type == QWebEnginePage.WebBrowserTab or
- window_type == QWebEnginePage.WebBrowserBackgroundTab):
- return self._tab_factory_func()
- return self._window_factory_func()
- @Slot()
- def _enabled_changed(self):
- action = self.sender()
- web_action = self._actions[action]
- self.enabled_changed.emit(web_action, action.isEnabled())